White Art Collective Singer Olivia Banner Key of Live Oak, California

Continuing our exposure of the of the “White Art Collective,” a group of white supremacist musical performers, writers and graphic artists, we present to you Olivia Banner Key, of Live Oak, California, a long-time, prolific singer and collaborator with the White Art Collective. Olivia started participating with the White Art Collective using her real name …

Neo-Nazi White Art Collective Performer "Alma Lahar": Zachary Kaczmarek of Puyallup, Washington

In our continuing coverage of the "White Art Collective," a group of white supremacist musical performers, writers and graphic artists, we present to you in this report the racist WAC singer and musician "Alma Lahar," or as he is known in daily life, Zachary Roger Kaczmarek of Puyallup, Washington. He is considered one of the …