From “JazzHands McFeels” to Jazzhands Revealed: Robert Warren Gasiewicz of Stuart, Florida

One of the most prominent neo-Nazi internet personalities influencing the recent rise of online (and, hence, offline) fascism in the United States was a podcast host who used the alias “Jazzhands McFeels” on his podcast Fash the Nation. Through this medium, Jazzhands McFeels promoted fascist ideals like racism, antisemitism, Islamophobia, and LGBTQ+ bigotry under the …

NJP Bigmouth Carson Ford Brooks (aka “Carson Kilgrey”) and Wife Neo-Nazi Arts & Crafter Bonnie Marie Carroll (aka “Marion Kilgrey”)

While the neo-Nazi organization “National Justice Party” has imploded from a mix of greed, scandal and petty drama, it doesn’t mean they’ve stopped doing the Nazi thing and we hold all members accountable. One of the “rising stars” of the NJP’s in-person activism/harassment campaigns was a megaphone-wielding megaclown who called himself “Carson Kilgrey.” Under this …