Continuing our coverage of the 'Nationalist Coalition'
SEVERE CONTENT WARNING: This post contains disturbing content including RACISM, ANTISEMITISM, MISOGYNY, and DOMESTIC VIOLENCE.
Savannah, TN: Meet 42-year-old Micheal Anthony George aka 'Great Ape Niggy' (note the unusual first name spelling). The Tennessee native has used numerous aliases including 'George Arthur,' 'Great Ape Nifty,' 'NiggyVandal, 'Real Sven Laden,' 'Atomic Liberty' and others and is a longstanding Nazi troll and absolute creep.

Micheal Anthony George, aka 'Great Ape Niggy,' is best known for his role as a founder of the notorious Reddit board 'Coontown.' At its peak, the racist subreddit had more than 20,000 members and was allegedly pulling in millions of unique monthly visitors.

A 2017 archived version of Micheal Anthony George's 'Great Ape Niggy' Reddit profile showed him as the moderator of over 90 different sub-reddits, including the neo-Nazi propaganda oriented /r/AltRight, /r/WhiteBeauty, /r/NationalSocialism, /r/RaceWarPreppers, and /r/DebateAltRight as well as a bunch of purely racist, misogynistic, and antisemitic troll ones like /r/CoonTown, /r/FeministHate, /r/KikeTown, including dozens more titled with variations on racial slurs.
His Reddit stats credit him with 10,704 posts and 32,082 comments. Quick math suggests this Nazi goon spent a truly brain melting amount of time spreading hate online.

The 'Coontown' sub-reddit made national headlines as a focus point in an intense internal struggle within Reddit to balance a commitment to free speech with the vast proliferation of racist, antisemitic, and extremist content flooding the site. The ugly fracas led to the resignation of CEO Ellen Pao and to significant changes to Reddit's content moderation policies.
When Coontown was finally banned from Reddit in 2016, alternative forums sprang up on sites like VOAT but they were unable to sustain the momentum and soon withered away. Additionally, there was friction amongst the original 'Coontown' founders with the ousted 'Eugene Nix' publicly stating that he opposed Great Ape Niggy's increased bundling of National Socialist ideology into the forum. We will do a deep dive on the identity of Nebraska native 'Eugene Nix' and his long history as a far-right troll in the near future.
Another of the 'Coontown' founders and moderators was 20-year-old Joshua Goldberg, aka 'Europe88. ' Goldberg, who is actually Jewish, also used the alias 'Michael Slay' to insert himself into the neo-Nazi Daily Stormer website where he published multiple articles (which were quickly deleted upon his exposure). Using a variety of aliases, and allegedly spending up to 20 hours per day trolling, Goldberg wreaked havoc in various online communities. But it was Goldberg's troll persona as an Australian Islamic extremist and Jihadist the caused the biggest stir and landed him a ten year jail sentence for various terrorism related charges.
Micheal Anthony George took this experience with online racist community building and threw himself into the burgeoning Alt-Right movement, supporting Donald Trump in the run-up to the 2016 election. He became a regular on the Nazi podcast circuit with appearances on a variety of shows including Fash the Nation, The Daily Shoah, TheWar Room, Hate House, Paranormies, and Full-Haus. He briefly co-hosted a podcast called Hail Victory on the TRS network along with longtime Nazi gadfly John Ramondetta, aka 'Johnny Monoxide.' The two can even be seen committing felonies together by carrying torches during the violent 'Unite The Right' rally in August 2017.

In February 2017, Micheal Anthony George traveled to Houston, TX for TRSLMania, a gathering of TRS podcast hosts and listeners . The drunken opening night festivities featured a livestream of the 'right wing veterans' podcast War Room. The show's host was Scott Christopher Wurgler, a former Marine and Alt-Right activist who legally changed his name to Sacco Vandal. Other military participants included Navy men John Ramondetta aka Johnny Monoxide and the pseudonymous Jeffrey Fairwater. Micheal George was introduced to the crowd as '…representing the Army, Great Ape Niggy!'
Amidst a constant crowd refrain of 'Sieg Heil', Micheal Anthony George took to the mic to announce plans to 'take White Sharia to the next level' elaborating:
'When we are done raping these THOTs, we are going to ensure that they do not experience pleasure. We are introducing female genital mutilation.'
The term 'White Sharia' draws upon stereotypes of the most radical Islamist ideologies and was a push to adopt formal subjugation of women into Alt-Right policy. Elements of the concept were certainly originally intended as trolling and the concept was not without criticism from other members of the white nationalist movement, but it is undeniable that misogyny and anti-feminism were key tenets of Alt-Right dogma. Whether intended as 'jokes' or, in many cases, not, the 'White Sharia' meme gave voice to the most extreme and vicious views of women. This live monthly podcast hosted by Micheal Anthony George under his pseudonym featured constant misogynistic content, describing rape and genital mutilation with bayonets, punctuated with non-stop chants of 'Sieg Heil' from the drunken crowd. It is chilling to hear.
Micheal Anthony George was also active on Facebook, juggling multiple accounts at a time. Using the thin disguise of 'George Anthony', he was a member of numerous Confederate and Alt-Right groups including the southern-fried neo-Nazi group Identity Dixie. He was very involved with 'vetting' regional recruits for Identity Dixie and the TRS 'Pool Parties.'

Micheal Anthony George attended the violent neo-Nazi 'Unite the Right' rally in August 2017. He can be seen in photos amongst the crowd chanting 'Jews will not replace us' at the illegal night time torch march and sporting a bicycle helmet during the violent fracas the following day.

Micheal Anthony George is currently very active as a recruiter and propagandist in his home state of Tennessee. He is the owner of the 'Tennessee Nationalists' Telegram channel where he coordinates harassment campaigns against local politicians, businesses, and journalists. He is also a frequent contributor to the 'Tennessee Neighbors for Liberty' chat where he attempts to push the discussions into more extreme directions.

In January, 2023, Micheal Anthony George used his 'Tennessee Nationalists' Telegram channel to organize a mob comprised of members of a variety of armed neo-Nazi groups like the National Justice Party, Patriot Front, Tennessee Active Club, and Vinland Rebels to protest a drag performance at a small Cookeville, TN brewery. Although he wore a mask and attempted to keep to the back of the crowd, his prodigious girth rendered him instantly recognizable amongst the Nazi salutes and flags.

Micheal Anthony George worked very closely with TRS and the now-defunct National Justice Party, boosting them online and recruiting and vetting prospective members.

Micheal Anthony George has posted extensively about his wife's job as a high school math teacher. He boasted online that she shares his bigotry, writing, 'She wasn't racist before. She is now.' Other than his assertions, we do not know to what extent she shares his beliefs but they have been married since 2008 and the scale and duration of his activities make it impossible to believe that she is wholly ignorant of them. Numerous Reddit posts by Micheal Anthony George about his wife's teaching work used racial slurs to refer to her students and offered personal details about their lives which he used to support his racist ideology. Questions should certainly be asked.

In reflective moments, Nazi propagandist Micheal Anthony George, aka 'Great Ape Niggy,' acknowledged the reputational peril his obsessive racist and antisemitic activities present. He apparently hopes his exterior as a jolly neighbor will eclipse his vile and violent double life as an extremist neo-Nazi leader, writing:
'And when the day comes that I get doxed, they won't know me as the weird shut in. I'm the family man with a wife and kids and a Golden Retriever that always has a friendly wave and will help however I can.'
While Micheal Anthony George would like to be remembered as a friendly 'family man,' this is not his first 'family' and there is a dark history which must be considered. A bizarre comment on an autism support blog from August 11, 2007 from user 'Micheal' appealed for information providing a response email address belonging to Micheal Anthony George. The comment alleged that his 'ex' is 'faking' their child's autism and that he has 'not been a part of their lives for the past year and a half through no fault of my own.'
Micheal Anthony George's self-serving claim of his family separation being 'no fault of my own' seems disingenuous when contrasted with a series of violent felony arrests in Texas. The first arrest was on September 27, 2005 when he was charged under section Sec. 36.06. of the Texas penal code for 'Obstruction or Retaliation,' a third degree felony. The second arrest on April 7, 2006 was for 'Aggravated Kidnapping' and 'Family Violence' both first degree felonies.

Micheal Anthony George ultimately pleaded guilty to a slightly reduced charge of 'Assault Causing Bodily Injury' and the obstruction charge was dismissed. He was sentenced to two years in prison and 80 hours community service. The sentenced was then reduced to one year imprisonment with credit for 39 days served. His bigotry and misogyny are well documented but Micheal Anthony George has shown that he has the capacity for actual violence as well.
Micheal Anthony George communicated a desire for violence repeatedly in his social media posts where he posted images of swastikas with menacing statements like 'We grow everyday. We know you are afraid. You should be.'

Micheal Anthony George boasted of 'lists' of those who will be subject to reprisal under his desired fascist regime. He wrote:
'We're compiling lists of names. People such as yourself and more. Because yes. We're everything you fear about the far right and more. The future is going to be fun.'
On his 'Tennessee Nationalists' Telegram channel, Micheal Anthony George advocated for open hostility against people of colour:
Our willingness to be accepting and polite is our biggest weakness. While the business can’t legally deny blacks entry, that doesn’t mean the general public has to be friendly to them. Create the kind of community these animals know they shouldn’t be caught alone in. Create the kind of community they won’t even stop for gas at.
A recurring theme he uses is the need to drive those he perceives as undesirable away by aggressive antisocial measures:
If you want Tennessee to be an unfriendly state for illegals, diversity, and random leftist interlopers moving to the state, you’re going to actually have to start BEING unfriendly to them. Make the state so hostile they can’t wait to get back to whatever shithole they’re from.
Micheal Anthony George defined members and supporters of the LGBTQ+ community as literal targets, warning that they should, 'Just make it easier on yourself and leave.':
If you’re gay and live in Tennessee you should simply move. You’re not going to win this fight. Just make it easier on yourself and leave. We won’t accept your bullshit. We won’t tolerate you in the slightest. Even a pride bumper sticker makes you a target. Leave. And never come back.
He often used military terminology like 'regain territory' while describing his plans to cleanse society of his long list of undesirable elements:
We must all stand up and shout “Not in my town.” Only then can we begin to regain territory and push the degenerates out of our society.
Micheal Anthony George advocated for the criminalization of homosexuality and supports vigilante violence against so-called 'degenerates' in explicit terms, 'We need people who believe in and are willing to use righteousness violence.'

'Degeneracy' is a constant refrain in Micheal Anthony George's online screeds. This adheres to recurring themes in the modern far right of a psychopathically prudish approach to sex, gender, and sexuality and manifested in misogynistic and sexist views of women, baseless allegations of pedophilia and grooming, and vicious intolerance for differing lifestyles. His puritanical grandstanding was often bolstered with implied and actual threats of violence.
Micheal Anthony George wants to see the death penalty imposed in relation to all aspects of abortion, writing, 'Doctors, women who get abortion, and advocates for abortion will all be charged, tried, and convicted. Punishments will be quick and severe as gallows will be erected on the courthouse steps.'

In January 2022, a far-right extremist burned down a Planned Parenthood clinic in Knoxville, TN. Micheal Anthony George was delighted, writing that the fire was 'more effective than any amount of anti-abortion marches, protests, fliers, websites, podcasts, videos, donations, etc.'
Micheal Anthony George thinks that migrants and refugees that cannot be deported should be executed:

His social media posts are full of rants about societal breakdown caused by 'whores,' 'thots,' 'degeneracy,' contraceptives, abortion rights, and no-fault divorce. He thinks birth control should be illegal and blames the 'fall of America' on the 'women's rights movement and supposed sexual liberation.'

Given his overwrought and feverish bloviating on other people's sexualities and lifestyles, colour us not at all surprised to find in our ACC research collection multiple email addresses belonging to Micheal Anthony George in past data breaches from adult and pornographic websites, including the extramarital affair facilitation site Ashley Madison, sex hook-up dating sites AdultFriendFinder, Fling, and something called *ehem*

This is not just about looking at nudie pics, several of these sites are designed to serve as real life sexual meet-up networks. For example, AdultFriendFinder advertises itself as 'The World's Largest Sex Dating & Hookup Community for Casual Fun' and Micheal Anthony George registered at least four different accounts on that one site alone. The accounts are all apparently now deleted, so we are thankfully spared the sight of the Great Ape's banana, but there are some clues as to the sort of naughtiness this hypocritical Nazi horny toad was up to. Two of the user names registered with his emails, 'LynnvilleGuy' and 'AtomicLiberty,' are admittedly nondescript and offer little insight into his secret sexual proclivities. But three other account usernames that were registered using his email addresses, 'TN_curious_cpl,' 'MidTN_Couple,' and 'TN_wild_cpl' suggest a pretty specific area of erotic interests.

The rank hypocrisy of neo-Nazi thug Micheal Anthony George is truly galling. He constantly decries 'degeneracy,' routinely calls women 'thots' and 'whores,' harasses and threatens the LGBTQ+ community, and advocates for the criminalization of homosexuality, birth control and abortion. Yet in his private life Micheal Anthony George is an avid consumer of pornography, apparently seeks out 'wife-swapping' or, perhaps, cuckolding type arrangements, and has a criminal history of domestic violence. Considering his penchant for violence and extreme misogyny coupled with a secret proclivity for unconventional sexual relations, Micheal Anthony George is a clear and present community danger.
While much of Micheal Anthony George's bigotry is in-line with modern conservatism and Republican party positions, it is important to stress that he is, by his own admission an actual Nazi. He was an admin of the National Socialism Reddit board and openly refers to himself as a National Socialist and a Nazi.
In this post, Micheal Anthony George criticized the GOP for being ineffective while praising the Nazis for their extermination campaign against the LGBTQ+ community:
The National Socialists were the only people to ever fight back against the degenerates and do what needed to be done.

On repeated occasions, Micheal Anthony George stated that the Nazis and Hitler were the 'good guys.'

Michael Anthony George is an advocate of an all-white ethnostate. This concept is genocidal in nature and would require mass scale violence and murder to enact.

So How was the Great Ape Captured?
Micheal Anthony George's appearance in the leaked founding membership rolls of the new Nationalist Coalition served as iron-clad confirmation of an exposé that had been in the works for several years. The use of the alias 'George Anthony' is an obvious and laughable lapse in operational security but is only one breadcrumb in a HUGE dataset.
Micheal Anthony George aka Great Ape Niggy / George Arthur, has been terminally online for over a decade and has a really big mouth. As a result, the confirmed data points have been stacking up. For example, he has told us his general location in Tennessee, his marital status and wedding year, his branch of military service, his education, and many other details that helped confirm his identity. His physical appearance has been repeatedly commented on in back-channel Nazi chatter so we knew we were looking for a very large man in Tennessee, ex-Army, a homeowner, married to a high school math teacher since 2008, with a degree in electrical engineering.

We were able to link several different email accounts to Micheal Anthony George including a Gmail account that was part of a data breach of Twitter users. This email was used to set up the 'AtomicLiberty' Twitter account with the username 'Micheal George.' The account is still active and the current bio features a US Army logo and the name 'Just George.' In one Tweet, Micheal Anthony George actually confirmed that he is using his real name. Numerous other posts indicated the owner was located in Tennessee and a full-fledged Nazi. The account has recently switched to 'private' mode in the wake of the Nationalist Coalition exposé.

Micheal Anthony George does have a degree in electrical engineering from University of Tennessee at Martin and is presumably working in a related field. However, on an episode of the Nazi podcast Full-Haus, using his pseudonym 'Great Ape Nifty' discussed strategies for buying distressed properties to either convert to rentals or flip for profit. Micheal Anthony George and his wife currently own at least three homes in the Savannah, TN area, including the one they live in. Micheal Anthony George has bragged about being a landlord and given his extreme racism, homophobia, and antisemitism, it is worth looking into his compliance with the Fair Housing Act.

Neo-Nazi and white nationalist organizations inevitably collapse under the weight of severe dysfunction. The vile ideology itself is certainly a factor but one must equally weigh the fact that this ideology mostly appeals to people who are, at best, struggling with in their real lives, and, at worst, weirdos and absolute shitheels. The Nationalist Coalition folded like a cheap tent when their membership list was leaked, revealing domestic abusers and multiple miscreants amongst their founders.
This is a feature not a bug. Scratch a white nationalist and/or neo-Nazi organization and the membership will inevitably start revealing histories of domestic abuse, registered sex offenders, addicts, violent criminals, and generally troubled people. For the most part, these are people whom you would not entrust with watering your houseplants, much less wish to share an 'ethnostate' with.
Micheal Anthony George is a textbook case, a violent convicted domestic abuser who postures as a moralist. His 90+ racist and antisemitic Subreddits imply a obsessive personality that crosses over into actual harassment and threats of violence. His constant drumbeat of 'degeneracy' whilst secretly maintaining multiple accounts at pornography and sex meet-up sites suggests a troubled psyche at war with its true nature. Although wife-swapping is certainly preferable to wife-beating, Micheal Anthony George's track record of actual criminal domestic violence alongside his online misogyny and advocacy for 'white sharia' and rape seems linked to the latter and calls into question the truly consensual nature of the former. Girl, run…as fast as you can.

Micheal Anthony George, aka 'Great Ape Niggy,' is a racist, antisemitic, and misogynistic dirtbag who poses as a jolly neighbor and sports-dad. His child's soccer league appears a very much multi-racial and ethnic group and his fellow sports parents would be no doubt horrified at the violence and misery Micheal Anthony George publicly wishes upon people of colour, the LGBTQ+ community, and immigrants.

Micheal Anthony George aka Great Ape Niggy is a Nazi propagandist and hate group leader posing as an upstanding member of the Savannah, Tennessee community. Do not be fooled.