In observance of the seventh anniversary of the 2017 'Unite the Right' rally during which scores of white supremacists, neo-Nazis and fascists descended upon Charlottesville, Virginia, we bring to you two more of these societal cancers, now unmasked! We can't, we won't, we don't stop!
Let’s meet married white nationalist power couple Alexander Michael Habighorst and Marjorie Louise Jeffrey from Spartanburg, South Carolina. Under their respective aliases 'Hannibal Bateman'/'PreppyFascism' and 'Cecilia Davenport'/'CWDaven,' they were prominent figures in the alt-right and neo-Nazi movements leading up to the deadly August 2017 Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia. The two participated in the infamous and illegal torchlight march which featured chants of 'Jews will not replace us' and ended with a violent attack on counter-protesters.

Alex Habighorst and Marjorie Jeffrey are both products of the heavily funded 'Conservatism Inc.' pipeline of far right organizations tasked with radicalizing high school and college students. Their case is illustrative of the deep links between traditional Republican and conservative politics and the extreme far right fringes where explicit racism, antisemitism, and bigotry are more openly celebrated. Both were rising stars in the world of conservative academia and youth activism while simultaneously courting celebrity via a parallel path through the dark world of white nationalism and neo-Nazism.
Alexander Habighorst, aka 'Hannibal Bateman'
33-year-old Alexander Habighorst hails from Carriere, Mississippi. His activism began early, with participation in his high school's student government and Junior ROTC program, and serving as a secretary and treasurer for Teenage Republicans of Picayune. He attended Mississippi State as a Stennis Scholar, a generous award given to political science majors with 'good character.'

Most teenage LiveJournals are insufferable, but Alex Habighorst's college-era 'Quixote Shrugged: being the scattered scribblings of a scholarly malcontent' is next level (also archived here). Amongst all the ten-dollar words are fairly standard teen musings on Dungeons & Dragons, Pokemon, fantasy novels and his college anime club. These sit alongside pretentious blather about Kierkegaard, Frank Chodorov, and general Libertarianism. As a budding reactionary, Habighorst displayed early signs of creeping boomer-tier paranoia with breathless pronouncements like:
I fear for the Republic in ways I haven't felt since the waning days of the Bush administration. I feel that the country I will live in in fifty years will be a much different, meaner and less civil nation. I fear that slowly the rights of the people are being eroded and a good bit of people seem to care less and less each day about it.
He also suspected that his 'Honor's[sic] Comp Gov teacher' was a 'communist.'
Not surprisingly, Alex Habighorst went all in on Ron Paul's campaigns. His membership in both Young Americans for Liberty and Students for Liberty shows a serious level of dedication to … um, Liberty?

Habighorst eventually moved to the DC area to attend George Mason University, where he was involved in various anti-union and anti-environmentalist libertarian 'think tanks' including the Koch brothers' Mercatus Center and the Competitive Enterprise Institute.
Amongst all the shady conservative-funded non-profit 'think tanks' radicalizing young people, the Alexandria, Virginia-based National Policy Institute (NPI) was most overt about its racist and antisemitic agenda. When Richard Spencer took over the organization in 2011, he turned it into a vehicle for the burgeoning alt-right movement. Alex Habighorst became Spencer's friend and de-facto right-hand man. Using the alias Hannibal Bateman and Twitter handle @preppyfascism, Habighorst was NPI's 'program manager' as well as Managing Editor of the affiliated Radix Journal, and a contributing writer at the nascent AltRight website. He also appeared on dozens of podcasts with Richard Spencer, and as a guest on shows like Fash the Nation.

Tucker Carlson was a founder and co-owner of the scandal-plagued far right 'news' website The Daily Caller. It is hard to keep track of all the links to white supremacists from Carson and The Daily Caller but just a few of their notable authors include geriatric racist Peter Brimelow of VDare, Unite the Right organiser Jason Kessler, prolific neo-Nazi propagandist Benjamin Welton aka 'Spooky Nationalist,' and well-connected white nationalist personality Scott Greer. Habighorst's Daily Caller author profile described him as a 'proud avant-garde conservative,' which is perhaps fitting for the cringe we are about to unleash upon our readers.

Alexander Habighorst authored an article for The Daily Caller in October 2016 entitled 'Conservative Dada' about what he called one of the 'most controversial art “happenings” since the 1960s.' The event in question was an embarrassingly cringe Donald Trump themed art exhibit entitled #DaddyWillSaveUs.
Habighorst gushed over what he characterised as the "pulsing punk rock feel' of the show which included a photo series of scantily clothed young men entitled 'Twinks for Trump' from the show's curator Lucian Wintrich and a performance piece featuring Milo Yiannopoulos in a bathtub filled with what was allegedly pig's blood. The hyperbolic Habighorst attached groan-worthy importance to th absurd fascist shitshow, 'the zeitgeist of the show was a radical attempt to shock the stale liberal orthodoxies of the art world in general' and 'radical conservative Dadaism that is hopefully the first shot of many against the boring cultural hegemony of the liberalism of ’68 that still stifles discourse in our country.'
The widely mocked exhibition serves as an irony-poisoned time capsule of the hipster racist opportunism embodying the pre-Trump presidency alt-right. The clownish corps d'elite of 'Artists' presenting work alongside Yiannopoulos included now-disgraced Project Veritas huckster James O'keefe, pharma-crook weirdo Martin Shkreli, and Proud Boy leader and Vice co-founder Gavin McInnes. Obscure fascist political operative Marcus Epstein, best remembered for his 2009 arrest for an unprovoked racist assault on a black woman, showcased images of George Washington sporting a MAGA hat which paired nicely with Alex Habighorst's own racist artistic contribution self-described thusly:
My own work was a collaboration with an artist friend of mine who wishes to remain anonymous, it was of an old McDonald’s placemat of Martin Luther King jr. that we affixed a Trump hat on. Its title was “Value Menu Morality” and was an attempt at shocking the boring corporate liberal consensus which such an advertisement represented.

Despite using his real name for this embarrassing public 'art' spectacle, Alex Habighorst went to great lengths attempting to keep his identities separate. In a 2016 Huffington Post article entitled 'My Journey to the Center of the Alt-Right,' journalist Luke O'Brien gave an account of his encounter with the pseudonymous 'Hannibal Bateman' showing just how delicate a veil separated Habighorst's normie and Nazi worlds.
However, most of these activists lurk in the shadows, like Hannibal Bateman. “When you get into a movement like ours, there’s a turtling,” Bateman told me. “A fear of losing jobs, friends, social status.” At the Java Shack, Bateman recoiled in fear when a man he knew from his normie life happened past on the sidewalk and greeted him. Bateman awkwardly avoided introductions, which might have blown his cover. Still, despite the cloak-and-dagger precautions, which alt-righters revel in, they make for sloppy spies. I was later able to piece together Bateman’s identity, and he was exactly what I’d imagined: an ardent young Mississippian who’d come to DC to sip bourbon, wear Brooks Brothers and make a difference, in his special racist way.
In a 2017 essay entitled Generation Alt-Right: From Atomization to Identity, Alex Habighorst gave a grandiose mission statement as to the white supremacist and imperialist governing principals of the 'political' movement he was then involved in building:
What we are now learning is that we do have an identity. It’s one that has been suppressed and mangled. An identity that dares not speak its name.
We Whites have been deconstructed down only to find what remains. Our essence is who we are. We are White Europeans, the descendants of conquerors and settlers who brought a civilization to entire continents. A people who survived in the savage wilds of the new world to one day step foot on worlds beyond.
For many of us, these realizations have only come in the last few months. Maybe it was the migrant crisis, maybe it was Donald Trump, or maybe it has just been that nagging search for what’s been wrong since as long as we can remember.
Despite his own deep ties to traditional Republican and conservative power structures, Habighorst closed his manifesto with menacing veiled threats aimed at the establishment:
We’re not a ghost from their past. We’re much worse than that. We are their worst nightmare from the future.
Generation Alt-Right is one with nothing to lose and everything to gain. It frightens them, let’s keep it up!
Alexander Habighorst is just another unexceptional example of the alt-right's attempts to put pseudo-intellectual lipstick on a racist pig. All the high falutin' talk of Heidegger and Austrian economics is just a superficial cover intended to rationalize and legitimized rank bigotry. Habighorst is just an inexplicably angry racist and antisemitic nerd who is not nearly as smart as he thinks he is.
Marjorie Jeffrey aka Cecilia Davenport

33-year-old Marjorie Louise Jeffrey, PhD, from Spartanburg, SC was literally groomed from birth to be a conservative activist. A child of two Political Science academics, she allegedly has been involved in Republican politics since early childhood. A 2004 article described the then 14-year-old Marjorie as eschewing normal teen fare like Buffy, the Vampire Slayer in favour of The Drudge Report and Fox News.
Marjorie Jeffrey has multiple degrees, including a doctorate from Baylor University, and has held teaching posts at Wofford College, Baylor University, and Clemson University. Her ties to the 'Conservatism, Inc.' world of far right 'think tanks' go deep and include stints with the Leadership Institute, Institute for Religion and Democracy (IRD) and The Center for American Greatness. Marjorie Jeffrey was a 'Publius Fellow' at the Claremont Institute and her profile on their website gives insight into her racist worldview. She wrote, 'the greatest political challenge specific to the United States is undoubtedly the consequences of the demographic revolution that has been taking place in our country since 1965. Dealing with the fallout from that revolution will likely shape American politics for the next century.'
Marjorie Jeffrey's prolific writing under her own name offers the barest politesse but is just as wildly xenophobic and racist as her alt-right
A particularly glaring example is a 2013 piece for the Catholic reactionary publication Crisis Magazine eulogizing a man named Dominique Venner who committed suicide inside Notre Dame Cathedral as a protest against gay marriage. Jeffrey's article is disingenuous and chilling: she describes Venner as a 'historian,' eliding his decades as a well-documented fascist militant. She castigates the 'mainstream American right' for their silence about the incident, writing, 'The image of this act ought to make us pause in awe.' Venner's own suicide note and explanatory writings are quoted extensively, referencing 'the great replacement' and Islamaphobic conspiracy theories. She gives credence to his paranoid rationale, framing his motivations as a principled stand against the imagined imminent imposition of Sharia Law in France, concluding that 'In the end, the suicide of Europe will result in conquest by Islam.'
Although Marjorie Jeffrey is a Catholic writing for a Catholic magazine, she glosses over the combined mortal sin of suicide and the sacrilege of desecrating Notre Dame in Venner's act, instead glorifying it as a 'cri-du-cœur against the modern age.' She speculates on the intended meaning and ultimate importance of his violent and shocking act:
It certainly will require new, spectacular, and symbolic gestures to stir our somnolence, shake our anesthetized consciousness, and awaken the memory of our origins. We are entering a time when words must be authenticated by deeds.
According to Marjorie Jeffrey, Dominique Venner's suicide was a valiant act intended to spark a 'new resistance to the collapse of European civilization.' She closes the article by valourizing Venner's fascist martyrdom: 'Whatever civilizational Christians think of his means, we ought to admire his end.'
A more balanced view of far-right extremist Dominique Venner can be found here.
2013 also marks the first appearance we could find of Jeffrey's 'Cecilia Davenport' alias, described in her author bio on white nationalist website VDare as 'a Southern academic living in exile. She despises fellow intellectuals, and goes as her Whimsy takes her.' Several VDare articles are credited to Davenport/Jeffrey and the first, from July 2, 2013, accuses the 'Establishment GOP' of having 'betrayed' its base over the 'National Question,' and evangelical leaders of having done the same by 'shilling' for changes to immigration policy, supposedly on behalf of George Soros.
The most interesting aspect of the article is that the primary source cited by the pseudonymous 'Cecilia Davenport' is none other than Marjorie Jeffrey. The article refers to Jeffrey in the third person and uses eight entire paragraphs from an article she wrote a month earlier for The Institute on Religion & Democracy's Juicy Ecumenicism blog. This shameless yet secret self-promotion is tacky and outrageous enough, but if it had been discovered that Marjorie Jeffrey was writing for an outlet like Vdare, it would likely have impacted her academic career.
'Cecilia Davenport' aka Marjorie Jeffery's intellectual double life had taken a very dark turn. As her star was rising in the world of academics and conservative activism, she concurrently developed a high profile as one of the most prominent women associated with the alt-right. Acting as a propagandist and de facto recruiter, she amassed thousands of Twitter followers. Marjorie Jeffrey's 'Cecilia Davenport' byline appeared on articles in a variety of outlets including Radix Journal, Affirmative Right, American Renaissance (AMREN,) and

One of Marjorie Jeffrey's closest associates at the time was Anna Vuckovic Gebert aka 'Wolfie James.' Anna's husband Matthew Gebert aka 'Coach Finstock' was a central figure in the DC area alt-right scene and worked for the US State Department until his neo-Nazi activities were exposed. Anna Gebert and Marjorie Jeffrey created a networking group on Twitter called @fashyfemmes which actively attempted to recruit women into the movement.

The following Twitter exchanges show how aggressively Marjorie Jeffrey and Anna Gebert would swarm when a potential 'red pill' target surfaced. In this particular case, both of the inquiries were from men seeking Nazi friends for their female romantic partners.

Marjorie Jeffrey and Anna Gebert teamed up for 'Alt-Right Advice/Ask Waifus,' a short-lived 'advice column' for the neo-Nazi podcast network The Right Stuff's website. In their introductory post they spelled out their mission to provide 'advice to both men and women navigating life issues in the alt-right,' including topics like
- How to interact with normies
- Finding partners with whom you can discourse on the topic of White Genocide
- Developing relationships based on the principles of the alt-right
- Raising kids in a sea of degeneracy
Jeffrey and Gebert provided a little biographical detail, showing their bona fides:
Who are we?Well, we’ve been given permission to do this by the patriarchs of the alt-right. What more do you really need to know? But since you asked, we’re both over-educated women who have been in this movement long enough to know a thing or two. Wolfie James (@GorillaMother) is in her 30’s, married with kids and secular; Cecilia Davenport (@CWDaven) is in her 20’s, unmarried, childless, and Christian. In this column we’ll aim to provide our own alternative perspectives depending on the question or the circumstances involved.
Ask your mom for cooking advice. Ask us about ovens…What are you waiting for? Drop us a line, Nazi. We literally can’t even wait.'
Let a solitary tear roll down your cheek as you fondly recall ye olde England with its polite conversation, hardy work ethic, proud steam engines, and rolling hillsides not crawling with street shitters and Muslim rapists. Unfortunately, this show can be profoundly boring, thus quickly losing your kid’s interest. And when the trains argue with one another over dumb crap like who gets a wash in the train yard first, you want to shake the shit out of them to remind them that their cultural and racial demise is swiftly approaching and they must work together to save England. Still, the majority of episodes are wholesome and pro-white, despite the producers recently caving to liberal demands that they diversify the trains. Seriously.

I was searching for an intellectual movement that genuinely challenged the status quo of liberal modernity, so when I encountered some of the thinkers who shaped the ideas of the alt-right early on, I was taken with this whole new world of ideas that opened up.
I don’t actually think there are “so few women” in the alt-right. Personally, I know of at least a few hundred. Think of it this way: just as the polls in England couldn’t encompass the Brexit vote, and just as the polls in America couldn’t pick up Trump voters, the usual methods for looking for women on the alt-right don’t work. I’m a bit unusual with my blogging, twitter presence, and conference attendance. You see alt-right women a lot more at private gatherings. Most women keep to the shadows a lot more, which is to be expected, I think. Married women especially want to shield their children from the harm that could befall them if their political views were known. Men are, by nature, more likely to take risks: and there are real risks involved in being active in this cause.

There is a saying that 'not all conservatives are Nazis, but all Nazis are conservatives.' So how does one make the distinction?
Pro-tip: April 20th (4/20) is a day where marijuana is celebrated by its enthusiasts. It is also Adolf Hitler's birthday. One surefire Nazi detection method is to check a person's social media feeds around this date. If they post Cheech and Chong memes, they are probably fine. However, use of the phrase 'Happy Birthday Uncle' to commemorate 4/20 is well known as a coded signal to the world that you are a FUCKING NAZI!!!!
On April 20th, 2017, Marjorie Jeffrey, as Cecilia Davenport @cwdaven, posted a Tweet with an image of Adolf Hitler with the hashtag #HappyBirthdayUncle and the caption 'End the Kali Yuga.' In Hindu mythology of world age cycles (Yugas,) the fourth is known as the Kali Yuga, a period of darkness, strife and ignorance. It is believed by many to represent modern times, and the concept has been appropriated into what is called Esoteric Nazism. This belief system, largely popularized by obscure Nazi philosopher Savitri Devi, imagines Adolf Hitler to be a deity put on earth to bring about the end of this dark period. While this is a very obscure reference except for those who study Eastern religions or have a deep knowledge of Nazi lore and sub-culture, the Kali Yuga appears in the location for her Twitter profile bios as both Cecilia Davenport and Marjorie Jeffrey.

Marjorie Jeffrey offered another nod to deep Nazi lore with a tweet saying that the 'obvious thing to do' after watching Trump's State of the Union address is to listen to William Luther Pierce's 'Our Cause.' William Luther Pierce was an American neo-Nazi leader whose philosophy and writings advocated for violent measures on behalf of white supremacy and are directly linked to numerous violent episodes including the Oklahoma City bombing in 1995 that killed 168 people.

'Our Cause' is a 1976 speech by William Luther Pierce in which he railed against 'racial mixing,' homosexuality, and Jews. The speech cast the white nationalist movement as a spiritual struggle which transcended conventional left/right political paradigms. Pierce dismissed many traditional political issues as 'not the things we are prepared to die for.' In his plan to address the 'problems confronting us as a people,' Pierce used the rhetoric of revolutionary violence:
'…we must tackle them with more determination, more tenacity, and more fanaticism than they have ever been tackled before. We must prepare ourselves mentally and spiritually for a very long, bloody, and agonizing struggle.'
Marjorie Jeffrey/'Cecilia Davenport' was a fervent propagandist of the alt-right and particularly Richard Spencer, and had her own authour page on the

In May 2017, there was an exclusive invitation-only gathering of white nationalists in Charlottesville, VA. This initial event is referred to as Unite the Right 1.0 and culminated in what was the first of a series of torch-lit marches designed to intimidate the community. Marjorie Jeffrey celebrated the event with the hashtag '#YouWillNotReplaceUs.'

In August of 2017, the same white nationalist and neo-Nazi groups returned to Charlottesville for the much larger Unite the Right 2.0. This time around the gathering dissolved into violence and chaos as hundreds of Nazis and white nationalists poured into the small city. Again there was a torch-lit procession, but this time it turned violent when the torch-wielding mob surrounded a small group of counter-protesters and attacked them. Marjory Jeffrey and her now-husband Alex Habighorst can be clearly seen carrying torches with the throngs who chanted 'Jews will not replace us,' and were part of the core group who encircled and then attacked the counter-protesters. In the photo below, the two are holding their torches just yards away from the worst of the violence.

Marjorie Jeffrey maintained a dual existence during this period. Her alt-Right writing, recruiting and Hitler tweets stand juxtaposed against her advanced academic pursuits and burnishing of her conservative bona fides. In 2017, the same year she carried a torch alongside other neo-Nazis in Charlottesville, Marjorie Jeffrey received her PhD from Baylor and became a Claremont Institute Publius Fellow.
In 2019, Marjorie Jeffrey, under the auspices of Clemson University's 'Institute for the Study of Capitalism,' taught a summer course for HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS called 'Leadership and the Case for Greatness.' The program's stated mandate is to examine the 'moral foundations of capitalism' by studying 'the moral, political and economic conditions of a free way of life.' Setting aside legitimate concerns over the underlying thesis, Clemson University tasking an active Nazi and fascist propagandist with moulding adolescent minds is a reckless bit of educational malpractice.
Mother Knows Best
In the strange case of mainstream conservative academic darling/neo-Nazi propagandist and alt-right recruiter Marjorie Jeffrey, aka 'Cecilia Davenport,' we have arrived at a question of 'nature vs nurture.' Her parents both hold PhDs in political science and her father, Robert Jeffrey, is currently a Professor of Government and International Affairs at Wofford College in South Carolina. Not surprisingly, he is an arch-conservative Trump enthusiast, but it is her absolutely batshit mother who really warrants a closer look. Christina K. Jeffrey (née Price) has held a number of university posts, including at Wofford College, and Kennesaw State University in Georgia. She has unsuccessfully run once for state legislator and twice as a Tea Party candidate for the United States Congress. Her election platforms were bog-standard right-wing fare including minimal gun control, harsh abortion restrictions, and opposition to equal rights legislation based on race, gender, sexuality, etc. Christina Jeffrey's totally normal campaign videos feature her cradling an AK-47 in front of the family home.
Based on her current and historic social media, Christina Jeffrey could be dismissed as just another bigoted boomer wingnut. She was all in on Trump, fervently supported pedophile Judge Roy Moore, and thinks that COVID was a government plot to thin the Social Security rolls. She is awful, but seemingly not extraordinary — until we zoom in.

When Newt Gingrich became Speaker of the House of Representatives in 1995, he set an ugly standard for partisanship in politics that has snowballed into the vicious rancour and dysfunction that has paralysed American politics today. In one controversial move, Gingrich fired the official U.S. House of Representatives Historian and, in early 1995, appointed the extreme ideologue Christina Jeffrey to the post. Her husband Robert Jeffrey would join her in an unpaid role as Gingrich's de facto biographer, 'chronicling the Speaker and doing for the Republicans what academics did for F.D.R.' After moving to the Washington, DC area for the job, a shocking incident from Christina Jeffrey's past surfaced and she was promptly fired.
During the Reagan years, the then-Christina Price was a consultant for the Department of Education, evaluating potential curriculum programs. In 1986, she served on a panel doing a grant review for a program called 'The Holocaust and Human Behavior.' Funding for the program was denied based on the panel's rejection, but Christina Price's comments drew particular scrutiny.
The report she filed consisted of an initial checklist wherein the 'expert' would provide responses to specific questions about the program's merits. Christina Price's responses to fairly straightforward and technical questions are totally fucking bizarre 'both sides' Nazi apologia.
Despite her PhD in Political Science, Christina Price Jeffrey seems to have missed the whole 'doomed to repeat it' aspect of historical study:
It is not true that you educate people by teaching them to deal with problems they do not face. The problems of today are sufficient for today.
Christina Price Jeffrey expressed her opinion that the Nazi point of view is woefully absent from Holocaust studies:
The project itself lacks balance; will former Nazis, etc., be asked to speak?
Christina Price Jeffrey described a Holocaust study program as 'intrusive and unbalanced’ with this completely incomprehensible rationale:
It is a paradoxical and strange aspect of this program [that] the method used to change the thinking of students is the same that Hitler and Goebbels used to propagandize the German people. This reeducation method was perfected by Chairmen Mao and now is being foisted on American children under the guise of 'understanding' history. It is demeaning to a free people.
Jeffrey closed with a summary of her three primary criticisms, the first being her characterisation of the program as 'mass reality avoidance.' She elaborated, 'We can't deal with today's problems, so let's solve yesterday's. We had rather focus on the shortcomings of Hitler and the Germans (emphasis added), than on our own.'
Her second objection was that the whole curriculum was a 'values clarification program.' Given that the contrary values would be the wholesale slaughter of Jews and other 'undesirables' in Nazi Germany, this is a curious stance.
In closing, Christina Price Jeffrey offered up an absolutely bonkers slice of whataboutism, writing, 'the program gives no evidence of balance or objectivity. The Nazi point of view, however unpopular, is still a point of view, and it is not presented (nor is that of the Klu Klux Klan.)'
Christina Jeffrey has fought back valiantly against what she calls her 'public calumniation,' offering a letter from the then-director of the Anti Defamation League, Abe Foxman, which states 'the ADL is satisfied that any characterization of you as anti-Semitic or sympathetic to Nazism is entirely unfounded and unfair.' While it is not clear how large a donation the ADL may have required to step into this morass, Foxman's letter still 'damns with faint praise,' calling the 'unfortunate controversy' a 'regrettable mistake' caused by Christina Jeffrey's 'ill-considered poorly chosen remarks.'
Given the ADL's recent willingness to modify the definition of antisemitism for political purposes, the exculpation of the politically well-connected Christina Jeffrey requires a grain of salt. However, it cannot be denied that her progeny Marjorie is an unambiguous white nationalist and neo-Nazi.
Amongst the many desperate attempts to clear her name, Christina Jeffrey made the curiously tone-deaf choice of publishing an self-pitying article on the website of the Abbeville Instititute, a neo-Confederate, pro-secessionist organization that spun off from the explicitly racist and antisemitic League of the South. (More about the League of the South here.)
Christina Jeffrey also earned an index entry in KKK leader David Duke's 1998 autobiography My Awakening. In a chapter entitled 'Jewish Supremacy,' Duke credited the firing of Christina Jeffrey as a contributing factor in the development of his antisemitic philosophy:
In both the entertainment and news media, the only permissible opinion is that Jews are always innocent victims persecuted by intolerant Christians and other 'anti-Semites.'…I realized I could not evaluate the issue fairly until I had read both sides.
Modern Republican conservatism is often ideologically indistinguishable from white nationalism. Wingnut boomer conservative Christina Jeffrey's social media is full of evidence of her interest in the furthest fringes of right wing extremism

and a blood-thirst for oppressing her ideological opponents.

Christina Jeffrey has numerous friendly social media interactions with notable extremists like white nationalist outlet VDare, InfoWars conspiracy monger Alex Jones, white nationalist Scott Greer, racist social scientist and The Bell Curve author Charles Murray, disgraced white supremacist senator Steve King, and even neo-Nazi/alt-right movement leader Richard Spencer.

Growing up under the tutelage of this deranged boomer bigot, it is no wonder that Marjorie Jeffrey turned into a Nazi. That being said, there is no excuse, Marjorie Jeffrey is a highly entitled, ridiculously educated, grown-ass adult who has had every opportunity to come to her senses. Plenty of people have emerged from the loins of a lousy racist Nazi apologist mother yet manage to reject bigotry in favour of decency and humanity. Despite her privilege and PhD, Marjorie Jeffrey chose to remain in a hateful abyss of ignorance and intolerance.
Bonded in Bigotry
Marjorie Jeffrey and Alex Habighorst seem to have possibly anticipated this unmasking. The pair have gone from Republican rising stars with an active online presence to digital phantoms. Their real-life social media accounts are all currently deleted including Twitter, Facebook, and Linkedin. Marjorie Jeffrey does not appear to be on any current academic rosters at any university. Other than being credited as an author and 'independent scholar' on a couple of minor articles in obscure academic journals, she seems to have mostly disappeared from public life. One notable appearance is as a contributor to a 2020 book entitled The Vanishing Tradition: Perspectives on American Conservatism published by Cornell University Press. The book is edited by geriatric 'paleoconservative' academic Paul Gottfried, who was closely affiliated with Richard Spencer and is credited as one of the intellectual progenitors of the alt-right and white nationalism.
The story of Marjorie Jeffrey aka Cecilia Davenport and Alex Habighorst aka Hannibal Bateman should serve as a deterrent example of the dangers of poisonous extremism. Their ideologies are toxic even when unspoken, but their public advocacy on behalf of bigotry, racism, and antisemitism will follow them for the rest of their lives. By stepping out publicly, torches in hand as part of an organized attempt to terrorize and intimidate a community, they have attached faces to their hate. Their secret identities were intended to mask their prominent roles as secret Nazi and white nationalist propagandists but now the whole world can see them for what they really are.