The disingenuous grift that was the neo-Nazi National Justice Party (NJP) recently collapsed in a bitter heap of recriminations, backstabbing, skullduggery, and general ratfuckery. The internecine Nazi slapfest spilled out into the public square via drunken podcast appearances, bitter social media feuds, and insider leaks. As former friends trip over themselves to dox and discredit each other, insiders have been selectively leaking material which shines a harsh spotlight on the whole tawdry affair.
NJP's successor was the short-lived Nationalist Coalition which abruptly folded when their founding membership roster was leaked. Many of the exposed names could be easily tied to NJP but several had known ties to previous failed entities like Identity Evropa and the Traditionalist Workers Party, as well as ongoing concerns like Patriot Front.
The latest leak is a list of names and addresses of National Justice Party donors. The 'donor' designation is significant as these are not solely dues-paying members. The list includes women, senior citizens, and various boomer conspiracy theory types who would have likely been disqualified from membership despite the NJP's apparently haphazard and amateurish vetting processes. Some, but not all of the women listed, are spouses of donors and their inclusion on the list indicates that the donation was credited to them as a couple. As general policy, we usually exclude spouses and other family members from our reporting unless there is specific evidence of their active involvement, as there is in this case.
Lending to the list's veracity, many of the names on the list are already known to be NJP-adjacent or have confirmed white nationalist ties. Several of the listed donors can be verified as such via other means and nearly all of them are identifiable as white nationalists and neo-Nazis.
Although the dataset does not reveal actual donation amounts, several included names were signified as 'Large Donors.' As rank and file NJP membership dues ran $30 per month, it is likely that the 'Large Donor' designation would indicate donations of a significantly larger sum.
We are publishing the list as received, excluding street addresses, email addresses and phone numbers. Nevertheless, are a few interesting names that we will draw attention to.
Goon Squad…
The donors to the neo-Nazi National Justice Party come from all walks of life. There are lawyers, accountants, a clockmaker, a fire alarm mogul, and at least one school teacher. There are many familiar faces like Pennsylvania Nazi skinhead musician John Smaligo and Illinois goon Shane Duffy aka 'AltCelt.'
Also ponying up bucks to the NJP is North Carolina incel Nazi crackpot e-celeb Eli Harman whose still-extant YouTube channel serves up a bellyful of his ponderous rants on 'white genocide,' 'white sharia,' anti-feminism, and Christchurch massacre apologia, mostly filmed from inside his car, naturally.
Something Something 'Lawyers and Politicians'…
There were at least two members of the legal profession who appear on the list. 69-year-old Chicago attorney William Malan is allegedly one of the donors to the neo-Nazi National Justice Party and has himself run for office as Libertarian party candidate for Illinois Attorney General where his pathetic 1.5% electoral showing can be held up as better than anything actually accomplished by the NJP. Malan was called out way back in 2016 by Southside Chicago Anti-Racist Action for openly trafficking in white supremacy and his domain purchase history shows numerous racist websites registered in his name including 'BlackLiesMatter' and 'WhiteAdvocate.'
Another name on the list was 54-year-old Michigan lawyer David Leonard Wisz, who ran as a Republican for local office. He has had his law licence suspended multiple times and was involved in some seriously creepy stalker shit during his divorce where he sewed a recording device into his own child's clothing to spy on their therapy sessions. One of the many disciplinary rulings against Wisz stated that the attorney 'engaged in conduct that involved dishonesty, fraud, deceit, misrepresentation or violation of the criminal law, where such conduct reflected adversely on the lawyer’s honesty, trustworthiness, or fitness as a lawyer.' Now they can add that his name also appears on a list of alleged donors to a neo-Nazi organization.
But of the failed political candidates supporting the failed neo-Nazi pseudo-political party NJP, 42-year-old Flower Mound, Texas native Patrick Wynne's failed 2022 Reform Party bid for Texas Governor was truly next level, bringing a healthy dose of 'wtf?' to an already stacked field of wingnut candidates. His campaign website is an absolutely bat-shit exercise in how to NOT get elected for public office as illustrated by this excerpt from his 'About' page:
After this latest upheaval he embraced the goth culture. Dressing goth gave him the experience of being outside of acceptable culture and he began to be targeted by police. He was subjected to many random stops, told he was speeding or driving erratically when he wasn’t, and was even harassed by police at school. These experiences taught him firsthand, that profiling is real. He saw how appearance affects how police treat you. He understood that he was privileged to be able to merely change the way he dressed to escape persecution but that others are not as fortunate.
Around this time, Patrick also started experimenting with drugs, trying to self-medicate away the trauma of his young life. Experiences with MDMA, DMT, and Psilocybin mushrooms substituted for therapy and helped him to come to terms with his repressed emotions.
Oh there is more….
During his Navy enlistment, he also became part of rave culture. Among strangers and with friends, he experienced the cathartic release of pent-up emotions that MDMA enables. Although, not in a clinical setting with a professional therapist, the drug still had a positive effect of allowing him to come to terms with the things that had happened to him. He was able to let go of the anger that had simmered in him during his youth and started working to become a more balanced person. Unfortunately, the drug war reared its head here as well and he saw friends arrested and sent to jail for participating in raves. With convictions on their permanent records these friends’ future employability was irreparably harmed.
We really recommend reading the whole thing to get the full picture, it's a doozy.
To be fair, there was a lot to like in Patrick Wynne's stated policy positions about ending the war on drugs, expanding medicare and police reform. While the Anonymous Comrades Collective would normally be supportive of goths on drugs seeking HIGHER office, Patrick Wynne's name appearing on the list of donors to a neo-Nazi organization is not the only indication his true political agenda is actually white supremacy. It was recently announced that Patrick Wynne has become an 'apprentice Folkbuilder' within the Asatru Folk Assembly, a white supremacist organization operating under the pretense of being a religion that is designated as a 'Hate Group' by the Southern Poverty Law Center.
In other Lone Star state news, the list features 43-year-old Thomas Mor James McCarthy from Leonard, Texas, whom you might recall is a founding member of the comically failed NJP successor group the Nationalist Coalition. Thomas and his 38-year-old wife Rebecca Marie McCarthy are both designated on the 'Large Donor' section of the list. Thomas Mor McCarthy warrants a proper deep dive in the near future but, in short, he has been involved in all sorts of sorts of Nazi fuckery in Texas including forming a political 'Super Pac.' Another longtime Texas racist goober by the name of John Chonard Verdier appears on the list alongside his wife Leah Verdier. 47-year-old John Verdier committed a felony by carrying a torch during the 2017 Unite the Right Nazi march in Charlottesville, Virginia in 2017.
John Charles Stortstrom of Bel Air, Maryland also has a long history in white nationalism. In 2013, while working as a mechanical engineer for the Army at the Edgewood Chemical Biological Center, he was found to have ties to white nationalist groups. In 2019 he was outed as a member of the failed neo-Nazi group Identity Evropa.
Some Teachers Need to get Schooled…
The lone donor from Hawaii goes by the name Rory Walkinshaw, or alternately Jay Walkinshaw. He seems to use both names interchangeably and his byline can be found on all sorts of hawkish crackpot articles about everything from the supposed treachery of Barack Obama to the 'cruel' suppression of cigarette smoking. The only thing that makes him worthy of special attention is his LinkedIn page using the name Rory Walkinshaw which lists his occupation as a history teacher at the Hawaii Department of Education. This is backed up by a 2023 certification for Jay Walkinshaw as special education teacher for grades 6-12. Reasonable people can usually can agree that people who help fund neo-Nazi organizations should probably not be teaching young children. Maybe someone in Hawaii should look into this?
Ok, Boomer: Oldies but Baddies…
And now we come to the 'old man yells at cloud' part of our investigation. Every single person who has allegedly donated to this Nazi grift is old enough to know better. At least 50 of the donors classify as middle-aged and but some of these dipshits are REALLY fucking old. We did not do much research on Dean Luckey III from Arvada, Colorado or Ronald Clatus Dodd from Bruce Township, Michigan because at 85 and 82 years old respectively, they are running out the actuarial clock. One can only hope when the kids finally take away these Nazi geezer's car keys, they also unplug the wifi!
83-year-old Sidney S. Secular from Silver Springs, Maryland is very much a known quantity. This ancient racist codger is a retired meteorologist but is best known as a long-time director and secretary of the explicitly white supremacist Council of Conservative Citizens. The group played a major role in radicalising Dylann Roof who murdered nine Black persons in a Charleston, South Carolina church in 2015. Roof published a manifesto that referenced the Council of Conservative Citizens who, in turn, defended the murderer's so-called 'legitimate grievances.' The organisation's somewhat innocuous name is an intentional diversion intended to give the impression that the group falls within the scope of acceptable political discourse and, to a certain extent, the ruse worked as the group amassed a staggering array of powerful political contacts and allies.
A look at the history of Sidney Secular shows how deeply enmeshed the group is with the deepest depths of neo-Nazism and white supremacy. Secular was heavily involved with the American Friends of the British National Party. This American branch of the branch of the UK based Nazi BNP came under scrutiny in 2009 when it was linked to the murder of a guard at the Holocaust Museum in Washington, D.C. Secular was a frequent contributor to the BNP newsletter Heritage and History where his byline accompanies articles with titles like 'White Racial Salvation- What We Must Do.'
Secular's name and address appear in conjunction with various white supremacist schemes found in classified advertisements in Neo-Nazi/white nationalist newsletters going back decades. Sidney Secular placed ads in White Voice, a neo-Nazi newsletter published by Karl Hand, a now-dead but historically violent neo-Nazi who was an associate of Siege authour James Mason and David Duke. Karl Hand will always be remembered for being the lone attendee at his own Nazi sad rally in Buffalo, New York way back in 1981. This particular Sid Secular listing offered for sale a publication regarding the 'The Order of Teutonic Kenaz' and promised to contain 'WN and NS principles and values, tribalism and articles of faith as well as unifying messages. For Blood, Soil & Honor.'
Octogenarian hate-monger Sidney Secular has devoted his too long life to normalising neo-Nazi ideology and inspiring racist murderers. No one's going to miss him when he has his last pudding cup.
Other Nazi pensioner benefactors include 73-year-old Snow Hill, North Carolina resident Emerson Randolph Williams, a longstanding member of both the League of the South and the Sons of Confederate Veterans. This racist old coot is a retired teacher who makes Civil War revisionist propaganda videos for children as part of a white nationalist homeschooling network. He can be seen marching with the League of the South at the bloody neo-Nazi Unite the Right rally in 2017.
Septugenarian Ronald Cruder of Greensburg, Pennsylvania is also listed as a 'Large Donor.' Cruder's business, Advanced Fire Company, was recently acquired by Certasite and he is apparently spending his windfall by investing in neo-Nazi organizations like the National Justice Party. On the Advanced Fire Company Yelp page there are several photos showing Ron Cruder posing with a company-shirt-sporting employee by the name of Warren Balogh who is also a founding member of the National Justice Party 'Governing Council' and a second generation neo-Nazi. Balogh can be found all over social media extolling the merits of Adolf Hitler and National Socialism.
One of former Advanced Fire Company employees Warren Balogh's countless podcasts extolling the virtues of Adolf Hitler.
Another well known name is 65-year-old Dennis L. Hilligoss, currently of Caldwell, Idaho, whose decades of neo-Nazi bullshit includes a long stint with the murderous Aryan Nations.
73-year-old grandfather Chuck Stillman of Sasser, GA might seem like an everyday boomer conspiracy weirdo ranting about ancient aliens, floridation, tinfoil, and MRNA vaccines, but a closer look shows the dude is an actual Nazi. Shame on you grampa!
65-year-old Paula Ann Morin of Sandusky, Ohio, aka 'Feral Helen,' is a truly awful person, a long time Republican, neo-Nazi, and member of the League of the South. You can read all about her at Late Night AFA. Paula Morin was involved with the troubled NJP women's auxiliary Evergreen and a donor to the party itself. To her credit, Morin realized she was scammed by the NJP and was publicly vocal on the matter but that's about all we will give her. A Nazi scammed by Nazis is still a Nazi.
Fools And Their Money
They say you get what you pay for. Only this time, these Nazi boneheads are getting both more and less than they expected. The best part of the whole imbroglio is that the fact that the National Justice Party was organised as a for profit LLC instead of a legitimate political party means that these suckers donations are NOT tax deductable! The neo-Nazi organisation National Justice Party scammed the dummies that bought their spiel and we can't be mad at that. Let them fight. In the meantime, we are quite happy to release their list of alleged donors, presented below.
National Justice Party Donors
Kristin Lee Anderson, San Diego, CA
Mark J. Beckert, Hopatcong, NJ
Alec J. Beyer, Edwardsville, IL
Cory W. Brogan, Mcadoo, PA
Victor J. Caligiuri, Bohemia, NY
Christopher Nelson Carmichael, Evansville, IN
Dustin Cookson, Salt Lake City, UT
Collin Lee Crater, Arlington, TX
Ronald A. Cruder, Greensburg, PA (LARGE DONOR)
Jace M. Damron, Oklahoma City, OK
Matthew Philip Danielson, Frazee, MN
Thomas S. Diendorf, Apple Valley, CA
Harrison William Dimon, Fredericksburg, VA
Ronald Clatus Dodd, Bruce Township, MI
James Robert Douthit, Iron Station, NC
Shane P. Duffy, Oaklawn, IL
Lawrence M Forbes, Victoria, British Columbia, CN
Timothy E. Fry, Baltimore, MD
Eli J. Harman, Bear Creek, NC
Daniel H. Hemstreet, Harahan, LA
Dennis Lane Hilligoss, Caldwell, ID
Dean Luckey III, Arvada, CO
William Malan, Chicago, IL
Thomas Mor McCarthy, Leonard, TX (LARGE DONOR)
Rebecca Marie McCarthy, Leonard, TX (LARGE DONOR)
Timothy P. McCoy, Mansfield, MA
Dewi R. McCoy, Mansfield, MA
Christopher P. McGoff, Cincinatti, OH
Henry Herbert McKay III, Gilmer, TX
Paula A. Morin, Sandusky, OH
Bradley David Nelson, Anoka, MN
Matthew Jon Novak, Clear Lake, WI (LARGE DONOR)
Christine Marie Novak, Clear Lake, WI (LARGE DONOR)
Shaun Michael O’Neill, New MiddleTown, OH
Richard Ira Ogin III, Helotes,TX
Thomas Archer Osburn, Charlotte, NC
Evan W Plumlee, Oakford, PA
Jason William Riggs, Greeley, CO
Joseph Everett Rodgers, Woonsocket, RI
Jacob Ryan Runnels, Tallmadge, OH
Will L. Russell, Shrewsbury, PA
Peter Francis Rutledge, Roscommon, MI
Peter D Schiffke, Del Ray Beach, FL
David G. Schultz, Mount Gilead, OH (LARGE DONOR)
Aubrey E. Schultz, Mount Gilead, OH (LARGE DONOR)
Joshua R. Scott ,Whitehall, NY
Sidney S. Secular, Silver Spring, MD
Patrick Orion Sessions, Woodbury, MN
Tyler Patrick Shanahan, Bangor, ME
Sarah A. Simon, Colorado Springs, CO
John Matthew Smaligo North Versailles PA
Joshua Gene Smith, Mason City, IA
Chuck Joseph Stillman, Sasser, GA
Amos K. Stoltzfus, Christiana, PA
John Charles Stortstrom, Bell Air, MD
Eric W. Van Horn, Oklahoma City, OK (LARGE DONOR)
Christopher T. Vecchio, Henryville, PA
John Chonard Verdier, Weatherford, TX
Leah Anne Verdier, Weatherford, TX
Jonathon Lee Vinson, Syracuse, NY (LARGE DONOR)
Jay Rory Walkinshaw, Honolulu, HI
Richard W. Weiland, Pittsburgh PA
Austin Lee Welling, Orange CA
Emerson Randolph Williams, Snow Hill, NC
David Leonard Wisz, Birmingham, MI
Luke Woodyard, Springfield, IL
Katelyn Woodyard, Springfield, IL
Patrick Scott Wynne, Flower Mound, TX
Matthew Owen Yates, Raleigh, NC