Pool Party. The name evokes a wholesome suburban American tradition and seems innocuous enough, but the term was co-opted to mask the nature of a network of real life meet-ups consisting mostly of fans and supporters of The Right Stuff (TRS) neo-Nazi podcast network. Primarily described as 'drinking clubs,' some of the regional 'Pool Party' groups amassed significant numbers of participants and facilitated real life networking amongst disparate and often feuding white nationalist and neo-Nazi organizations

When TRS formed their 'political' wing (in reality, a for-profit registered Limited Liability Company) the National Justice Party (NJP), one of their first moves was to essentially disband the popular Pool Party networks and convert them into a dues paying membership based entity called 'Supporter Groups.' Many members of these ad-hoc groups bristled at the imposed changes, objecting to the mandatory NJP membership and dues, the insistence upon membership exclusivity, and the increasing emphasis upon real-life dox-inducing 'activism.' Existing Pool Party leaders were interviewed by NJP leaders and were required to pass re-vetting in order to assume their roles in the new structure.
NJP's 'Director of Executive Affairs' and Washington D.C. area Supporter Group Director Dmitri Loutsik, aka 'Maxim Valentin,' issued a series of internal communiqués in September 2022 detailing the new philosophy and structure that would govern NJP's intentions to 'grow and professionalize.' The overall mandate de-emphasised the longstanding social and friendship based history of the Pool Parties in favour of a growth and revenue driven business-like structure. Signaling an impending future full of 'directives' and 'expectations,' Loutsik passed along the demand that 'everyone needs to support the party.'
To clarify, the rule is "everyone needs to support the party". The obvious way to do it is financially, but non-financially does not just encompass what is traditionally seen as activism i.e. putting up stickers and flyers and whatnot.
As the head nigga in charge in your area, we are going to depend on you to decide what activism in your area should look like. Helping organize locally and participate in local activities, as long as the local activities are not exclusively social in nature (i.e. it isn't activism to go out drinking at a bar, but it is to meet at a pub to vet someone), as well as coming to NJP events, all fulfill the criteria of support. As we grow and professionalize, there will be directives that will come and change the scope of expectations placed on people, but at the current stage we are keeping it broad and relying on your discretion and judgement.

Dmitri Loutsik uses a particularly ponderous form of business-speak, describing the new National Justice Party structure as 'somewhat of a line-and-staff model, familiar to anyone who has worked in a company with branch offices and a corporate headquarters.' The Supporter Group Directors place in the org chart was explained thusly:
You guys will be 'line' leaders. Responsible for the activism, social life, and general control of your given geographic areas.
The National Staff (NS) will be like a corporate back-office. Rather than having work like legal, accounting, etc. spread out in each local group, it is centralized into a single structure and divided into functional directorates.
In the light of the absolute dumpster fire that the National Justice Party quickly became, one cannot help but guffaw at their breathless descriptions of their 'National Staff' and 'functional directorates.' Amidst the fascist logorrhea is the seriously eyebrow-raising revelation that, 'All participants in directorates outside of Marketing and Communications will require a vetting process including BACKGROUND CHECKS [emphasis added].' Don't worry Nazis, this is probably all just fine and normal and your personal data is in reliable hands!

In response to a query about the use of uninspiring terms like 'Human Resources' Dmitri Loutsik made it very clear that the popular racist 'drinking club' Pool Party networks were now part of a very much for-profit business declaring, 'We opted for corporate names and titles over revolutionary ones to get the people involved in the right mindset.'
On February 28th, 2023 'Party Chairman & Chairman of the Central Committee' Mike Peinovich, aka 'Mike Enoch,' made an official announcement about the 'new Supporter Group Network' which, while admitting 'missteps,' downplayed both the brutal internal revolt the changes provoked as well as the internal disfunction which plagued NJP since its inception. The memo made astonishingly implausible claims as to what the very near future would hold for the party faithful:
Our current goal is to acquire ballot access in at least two states by 2026, which, combined with an activism campaign, will materially affect the 2026 midterms and allow us to supplant the Libertarians and the Greens as “The” third party in America. This goal, while small in the grand scale of things, is something that will shake the foundations of American politics when it is achieved. All our effort and energy is being directed at creating an organization which will be able to achieve it through dedication and discipline, and not through luck.
Peinovich dismissed the old Pool Party networks as having 'no political goals' and having done little to 'advance the cause of our race and our struggle.' Defectors were tarred as 'disparate collections of individuals, many of whom were resistant to change and unwilling to move away from the casual association of the Pool Party towards being part of a structured collective organization that is oriented at a single goal: advocating for White Americans.' The memo laid out the goal of consolidating power and money in a structure that reeks of a Multi-Level Marketing scheme:
Lastly, I am personally asking each and every person reading this to bring in one additional Supporter this year from your existing social circles. We want to be doubling our numbers annually, and although this seems like a lofty goal, if everyone brings in just one additional person, we will meet it. We need to break through the media blackout of our Party, and the surest way to do that is for every one of you to approach someone you know in person, and bring them over to becoming a full-fledged Supporter. If we are not growing, we are dying, and now thanks to Supporters like you, for the first time ever, we have a solid foundation from which to grow.
The full memorandum follows and the original document can be downloaded here: Transition letter.
PO Box 291893
Dayton, OH 45429February 28th, 2023
MEMORANDUM FOR: All Supporter Group Participants
SUBJECT: The new Supporter Group Network
Since September 2022, we have been transitioning away from the old TRS Pool Party network into being an NJP Supporter Group network. This has been a slow and not altogether smooth process, but one that we are close to completing.
The old Pool Party network was a loose collection of both fans and nonfans of TRS, united by little more than geography. Pool Parties were largely politically inactive and could be described as drinking clubs. The largest events put on by the Pool Parties were the TRSlemania gatherings, which had no political goals and did little to advance the cause of our race and our struggle.
When the National Justice Party launched on August 12th, 2020, we had as our primary base of support these disparate collections of individuals, many of whom were resistant to change and unwilling to move away from the casual association of the Pool Party towards being part of a structured collective organization that is oriented at a single goal: advocating for White Americans
There are two things that any political movement needs to succeed: people and money. Scattered social clubs are not conducive to the rapid growth we need in order to achieve our political aims. Extending the hat for donations at mass meetings barely covered the cost of hosting events.
Change was needed, and to that end, at my direction, the Party initiated the Supporter program, and began the process of transitioning the Pool Parties to Supporter Groups.
We are moving forward and developing best practices and methodologies through trial and error just as much as through effective planning. We are aware that there are many things we can do better, and we are focused on making sure that we learn the lessons from our missteps, and improve going forward. Our current goal is to acquire ballot access in at least two states by 2026, which, combined with an activism campaign, will materially affect the 2026 midterms and allow us to supplant the Libertarians and the Greens as “The” third party in America. This goal, while small in the grand scale of things, is something that will shake the foundations of American politics when it is achieved. All our effort and energy is being directed at creating an organization which will be able to achieve it through dedication and discipline, and not through luck.
Our last event in Florida was a stunning success, with approximately 250 attendees. This was the first NJP meeting put on outside of Ohio and Pennsylvania, and it showed that our organizational and planning model can be exported to elsewhere in the country. The majority of attendees were Supporters, people who are supporting the Party not just morally, but with a material sacrifice. Our events are now being planned many months in advance by people who, at this point, have years of experience in doing so.
The focus for the remainder of this year is to create the infrastructure – in both people and institutions – that will allow us to organize semi-publicly in 2025, and publicly in 2026. As part of this process, there will be many more changes that will be communicated to you in the coming months.
The old Pool Party leaders have all met with representatives from the NJP, and those who passed re-vetting are now official Supporter Group Directors. These men are our eyes and ears on the ground in their respective areas, are dedicated to our mission, and are responsible for vetting in new people and organizing existing Supporters. For the few who were uninterested in our program moving forward, replacements have been selected, and the surge of new people applying for vetting guarantees that they will be busy as they build up their new Supporter Groups. At this point every state Supporter Group in the country has a backlog of people awaiting to be vetted, and more people apply every single day. Despite all the censorship, lies, smears, and general bad faith attacks upon us, we are experiencing our time in the sun. Doom prophets who have predicted our collapse and fall have been proved wrong at every turn. It is very true that we face many challenges as an organization, and that Supporters face risks as individuals. But these challenges can only be overcome through greater organization, greater discipline, and greater solidarity by us – and they will be.
Lastly, I am personally asking each and every person reading this to bring in one additional Supporter this year from your existing social circles. We want to be doubling our numbers annually, and although this seems like a lofty goal, if everyone brings in just one additional person, we will meet it. We need to break through the media blackout of our Party, and the surest way to do that is for every one of you to approach someone you know in person, and bring them over to becoming a full-fledged Supporter. If we are not growing, we are dying, and now thanks to Supporters like you, for the first time ever, we have a solid foundation from which to grow.
Mike Peinovich
Party Chairman &
Chairman of the Central Committee National Justice Party
Supporter Group Participants
Doodies In The Pool
The Pool Party to Supporter Group transition was messy and the fallout continues to reverberate long after the National Justice Party's ugly demise. Michael Peinovich's admonition that 'Scattered social clubs are not conducive to the rapid growth we need in order to achieve our political aims' led to disaster for many who made the change from the relatively anonymous private hangouts of the Pool Party network to real life activism and submitting to background checks on behalf of a fake political party. Numerous members of the National Justice Party Supporter Groups have and will be exposed as a result of Peinovich and Dmitri Loutsik's hubris.
Upcoming Anonymous Comrades Collective exposés will go into detail about notable Pool Party leaders and Supporter Group Directors. Stay Tuned!