The Ohio headquarters of the National Justice Party recently went on the market for $125,000 and, TBH, it's kind of a dump. The Nazi hovel is located in the Dayton, Ohio suburb of Fairborn, best known as the home of Wright-Patterson Air Force Base and a massive disaster training facility known coloquially as Calamityville.  Compared to the lavish rural four-bedroom, four-bath 4,375 square-foot compound on 5.2 acres purchased a year earlier by their affiliated company Antelope Hill Publishing, this tiny, shabby shack is a real strategic head scratcher. Calamityville, indeed.

FOR SALE: Former neo-Nazi meeting space.

The property was purchased on April 20, 2023 for $120,000 under the name National Justice LLC. Commercial real estate loans are notoriously difficult to secure without a personal guarantee and it is hard to imagine any of the clowns running this shitshow having the resources to pick up a bar tab much less offer six figures in collateral. As there does not appear to be a mortgage recorded, the obvious implication is that the NJP paid cash for the property.  This begs the question of WHY?

Greene County, Ohio property records.

$120,000 in cash is an extremely weird allocation of resources for a struggling company. We know the National Justice Party was floundering financially as well as fracturing internally at the time. Within a few months of this purchase NJP would disband entirely. These facts again raise questions as to the purpose of this purchase?

From a business perspective the transaction is truly baffling. Commercial real estate cratered during the pandemic, they paid top dollar, and this shithole is unlikely to increase in value. Renting would seem immeasurably wiser under the circumstances. The whole thing seems colossally dumb, even for the braintrust behind the National Justice Party.  Perhaps the transaction had some other purpose like possible money laundering or cryptowashing? Inquiring minds would like to know and our inbox is always open for additional insider dirt!