August 11 was the five-year anniversary for the 2017 "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville, Virginia. Going through our files, we realized we never made a blog post for neo-Nazi dirtbag Ryan Michael Slingerland, reported on last year in a Twitter thread by Anonymous Comrade. Our sincerest apologies! But what better way to commemorate the anniversary of that sad event than to revisit this chud and memorialize his dirtbaggery in a blog post. Better late than never!
Ryan Michael Slingerland of Whitehall and Schenectady, NY
Ryan Michael Slingerland, of Whitehall and Schenectady, NY, is a racist and antisemite who marched in the deadly 2017 neo-Nazi "Unite The Right" rally. Lest anyone suggest marching in a Nazi rally is a youthful indiscretion, Slingerland, born September 9, 1983, was a 33-year-old grown-ass man as he made plans to attend the rally. Under his frequently-used alias "Sharia LaBeouf" he posted pictures on Twitter of his protective headgear decorated with the Alt-Right logo, “Equality is a False God,” and other cringey white nationalist sayings.
Ryan Michael Slingerland at the Unite the Right rally.
While he claimed to not be "fully" National Socialist, leaked Discord chats show that Slingerland arranged to share a room with a member of Vanguard America, an explicitly neo-Nazi group. In these Discord chats he discussed the “Jewish Question” with numerous verifiable Nazis and posted pictures of neo-Nazi George Lincoln Rockwell. What do you call a racist and antisemite who hangs out with Nazis? A Nazi.
In the video below Slingerland appears receiving his marching orders from neo-Nazi Elliot Kline (aka "Eli Mosley") at the start of the "tiki torch march" on the evening of August 11, 2017. Kline, one of the leaders of the rally, directs the positioning of his followers at the event and Slingerland is clearly visible and heard at this meeting. Also present in this video is Zachary Hudson Fisher, whom we have reported on in the past.
The Occupy Wall Street to Alt-Right pipeline is a sad reality. In 2011 Slingerland was ostensibly a leftist and active in the "Occupy Denver" movement in Colorado. This dingbat quickly went from Occupy Wall Street atheist to Alt-Right Nazi to Groyper Christofascist. Ryan Slingerland's twitter history shows him morphing into an increasingly obnoxious internet troll before getting swept up in the neo-Nazi Alt-Right movement in early 2017 and taking the alias "Sharia LaBeouf."
Various incarnations of Slingerland's "Sharia LaBeouf" persona on Twitter.
A few examples of Slingerland's many bigoted Twitter posts.
The "Sharia LaBeouf" alias was based on the actor Shia LeBeouf who became a target of the Alt-Right as a result of his anti-Trump public performance piece entitled "He Will Not Divide Us" or "HWNDU." Slingerland as "Sharia LaBeouf" has been repeatedly suspended from Twitter and other social media for racist, sexist, antisemitic and abusive posting. By his own count, Slingerland has been suspended from Twitter over 60 times. A conservative estimate shows him responsible for tens of thousands of bigoted tweets.
Identifying him was dependent on two factors: being a neo-Nazi and being a dumb-ass – and that is a bad combo. Slingerland posted numerous identifying photos and gave out lots of unique personal details, but ultimately his undoing came about due to sloppiness. Slingerland tweeted for years under his own name but, with at least 60 deleted twitter accounts, it was inevitable that he would reuse one that linked back to his original account. Examination of the unique Twitter account number in a reply showed that he renamed his former "@ryanslingerland" handle to "@ShyriaLaBeouf"
[Note: the current "@RyanSlingerland" Twitter account is just some dude from MA and is unrelated.]
His last known Twitter handle was "@FishinFren"
Ryan Michael Slingerland is very online. Even after marrying and having twin children, this "father of the year" candidate seemed to have plenty of spare time to be an obnoxious bigot on multiple platforms.
In the wake of the violent disaster that was Unite the Right, some neo-Nazi groups rebranded themselves with more benign, "patriotic" sounding names. Vanguard America turned into Patriot Front, Identity Evropa turned into American Identity Movement, and so on. Like rats fleeing a sinking Nazi ship, wanna-be far right “influencers” frantically disassociated themselves from the Alt-Right brand. Nick Fuentes was a minor player pre-UTR but he ruthlessly capitalized on the subsequent power vacuum to build his own America First “Groyper” movement. Slingerland fell under the much younger man's spell and became a devoted Groyper. In a post where Slingerland fawned over his “good friend” Nick Fuentes, UTR was referred to as the “cringe march” in "Cringeville."
Slingerland and Fuentes bro-ing it up together.
The Groyper disavowals of the Alt-Right are disingenuous. Antisemitism, Holocaust denial, racism, and misogyny are canon to both groups. The only real notable difference between the two groups is that the Groypers wear Hawaiian shirts and have even weirder sex hang ups. Slingerland wrote on Twitter that he wanted to lock up consenting adults for liking BDSM and/or being Democrats and/or Antifa.
As "Sharia LaBeouf," Ryan Slingerland became an insider in Nick Fuentes’ America First movement as a podcast and streaming regular and at in-person events. In the photo below Ryan Slingerland is pictured at fellow Groyper and UTR marcher Simon Dickerman’s wedding to his child bride.
Ryan Slingerland (3rd from right), Nicholas Fuentes (6th from right), Simon Dickerman (5th from left).
Slingerland (left), Fuentes (2nd from left)
Slingerland also hung out with other white nationalist notables. In the photo below he is seen palling around with ex-Identity Evropa Nazi sad-sack Shawn McCaffrey aka "Prince Hubris."
Ryan Slingerland (left) with neo-Nazi Shawn McCaffrey (right).
Slingerland was a devoted fan and financial patron of the America First "Groyper" movement but fell out with the notoriously mercurial and disloyal Fuentes after a squabble about whether Anthime Joseph "Tim" Gionet, aka "Baked Alaska," is or is not a "lolcow," internet troll jargon for "someone worthy of ridicule." (He most definitely is.) After this bit of neo-Nazi pettiness Slingerland became critical of his old Alt-Right and Groyper pals, accusing the cast and crew of the neo-Nazi podcast "The Right Stuff" of being feds and informants.
Oddly enough, these days Slingerland mostly seems to hang out with doughy manosphere sex pest Matt Forney – whom Slingerland had previously called "repulsive" and advocated to be killed – and the world’s least funny Nazi comedian, Bryden Proctor. It’s a veritable island of misfit toys for Alt-Right wash-outs.
Matt ForneyBryden Proctor
Slingerland is a vicious antisemite. On a live stream video he talked about “the struggle for the west” ultimately being between “whites and Jews.” His video streams feature lots of racist pseudo-science about IQ and genetics. He said, “These fucking kikes are not as smart as everybody likes to pretend they are” and joked about "the number 6 million," referring to the murder toll of the Holocaust.
Slingerland is very misogynistic but technically not an actual "incel" because he is married. I wonder if he quotes this same bible passage to his wife?
Misogynistic Twitter posts by Slingerland.
This racist goon who marched in the 2017 Nazi rally in Charlottesville freaked out about BLM protests, despite the fact that he lived in a town with a 0.31% Black population. He wrote on Twitter about being "well stocked on ammo" and posted a photo of himself with a rifle and a baseball bat. Clearly, Slingerland is an unhinged nutjob of a Nazi.
Ryan Slingerland created a helpful graphic showing how his hatred of LGBTQ people has recently surpassed his already abundant racism. Slingerland really hates LGBTQ people. He is also a Holocaust-denying Nazi weirdo who thinks "demons" want to "get their hands" on his twin sons' foreskins(!!!).
But Ryan Slingerland is more than just a keyboard warrior. He has attended numerous in-person events besides UTR, like the white nationalist American Rennaissance meeting in 2018, AFPAC, and various Trump-related events.
Slingerland openly celebrates "fascism, racism, and bigotry" and thinks racism is "natural and healthy." He also thinks women who get abortions as well as doctors who provide them should be murdered, and that aborted fetuses are used in "blood sacrifices" by "tribal demon worshippers."
The now-38 year old fascist fool Ryan Michael Slingerland has awful opinions about Indigenous people, Black people, and Asians. The guy is a real piece of shit.
White nationalist Ryan Michael Slingerland believes he has survived years in “The Movement” relatively unscathed, limiting only his chances of running for office or a career as a "mass market" social influencer. When we first reported on him in August 2022, his LinkedIn profile stated that he worked for LodgeLink, a company with a "commitment to diversity and stopping bullying." Slingerland, however, referred to his non-white coworkers as "browns" who are "apoplectic & seething."
Ryan Slingerland's LinkedIn profile from August 2022.LodgeLink: "Be inclusive, be tolerant, be kind!"Slingerland as "@fishinfren" posting about his workplace on Twitter.Slingerland posting on Twitter that he "managed to escape pretty much unscathed…" We feel this statement was a little premature.
When we last reported on him, Slingerland was looking for a new job. He posted a video interview for FlowCode on YouTube, which has now been removed. Fortunately, we saved it and you can see a portion of it here. We wonder if he got the job.
38 year-old Ryan Michael Slingerland aka "Sharia Labeouf" of Whitehall, NY is a white nationalist, racist, antisemite and all-around bigot who is also an avid fisherman. Now he is truly up shit creek.