Our good friends in Atlanta identified Matthew Thomas Bukaty of Port St. Lucie, Florida as one of the fascist fuckheads of the "Goyim Defense League" (GDL) who intimidated and harassed Jewish community centers around Atlanta this past summer. Bukaty fancies himself as something of a DJ and has used the aliases "DJ Boomer Tech" and "The Funky Side of Fash." Since one of our favourite hobbies is to put on blast these neo-Nazi nitwits who use music to promote their hate and bigotry, we thought it would be fitting to help spread his ugly mug over the interwebz.
Matthew Thomas Bukaty: "The Funky Side of Fash"
For most men, a mid-life crisis involves pickleball and a sports car, but 47-year-old divorced dad Matthew Thomas Bukaty (aka "DJ Boomer Tech," "Funky Side of Fash," "The Dark Traveler," "Dpuble Helix") from Port St. Lucie, Florida has set a new standard for being an embarrassment to his children.

In June, the neo-Nazi "Goyim Defense League" harassed and terrorized two synagogues in Georgia with swastika flags and bullhorns. Our eagle-eyed comrades Atlanta Antifascists (@afainatl) spotted Bukaty in attendance acting as cameraman. The middle-aged neo-Nazi weirdo Matthew Bukaty traveled all the way from Florida to Georgia to spread antisemitic hate and terrorize a community. What a hobby.

Nazi shitbird Matthew Thomas Bukaty was previously known to us as "DJ Boomer Tech." He was part of a resurgent neo-Nazi music scene being promoted by the White Art Collective, the Goyim Defense League and other white supremacist groups. Bukaty previously tried to establish himself as an electronic music DJ under a variety of names including "DJ Double Helix" and "The Dark Traveler."

He is currently responsible for a streaming music show called "The Funky Side of Fash" on the Goyim Defense League's GoyimTV website. He also works closely with NSAttacke!, an explicitly Nazi group that also streams their content on GoyimTV.

Matthew Thomas Bukaty, born March 3, 1976, is 47-years-old, so is not technically a boomer. However, he is clearly a grown-ass middle-aged man who definitely should know better.

Bukaty recently got caught up in the security lapse at Nazi friendly social media site Poa.st. His leaked email matched an email address he had previously publicized using the identity "The Dark Traveler."
According to his resumé Matthew Bukaty was an IT professional. He claims to be "retired" at 47, but we aren't buying it. This dude checks all the boxes for middle-aged Nazi weirdos: failed marriage, failed music career, failed regular career, spiraling ever downward, until we get to the place he is today. And of course he blames Jewish people for this.

This Florida sad sack Nazi loser has been associating himself with the Goyim Defense League for several years. He frequently boasts of his close friendship with GDL leader Jon Minadeo aka "Handsome Truth." Bukaty also claims militant Nazi leader Christopher Polhaus, aka "Hammer" is one of his "closest friends." Polhaus formed the GDL splinter group "Blood Tribe" and has led a series of bizarre public events with masked goons waving Nazi swastika flags and chanting.

Matthew Bukaty claims he was "black listed from the music industry." Is it hard to imagine why?
"We Don't Need This Fascist Groove Thang!"
We have reported in the past on Joseph Shellabarger, aka "Boxkhar," another lowlife denizens of the neo-Nazi electronica scene, and violent Unite the Right neo-Nazi marcher Zachary Hudson Fisher, who attempted to reinvent himself as a rave DJ. At the risk of repeating ourselves, the cognitive dissonance of these Nazi DJ dumb asses spinning Detroit techno and house music is remarkable.
Florida Nazi Matthew Bukaty is an active member of the Goyim Defense League, a total dirtbag and so are his friends. Be on the look out, friends!
Check out our friends Atlanta Antifascists at https://atlantaantifa.org and follow on the Site-Formerly-Known-As-Twitter at @afainatl!