While the neo-Nazi organization "National Justice Party" has imploded from a mix of greed, scandal and petty drama, it doesn't mean they've stopped doing the Nazi thing and we hold all members accountable. One of the "rising stars" of the NJP's in-person activism/harassment campaigns was a megaphone-wielding megaclown who called himself "Carson Kilgrey." Under this moniker, Carson Kilgrey led NJP demonstrations in Tennessee, Ohio and other locations. Carson Kilgrey was also an active participant in the White Art Collective, a group of white nationalist musicians and artists.
It's easy to be a loudmouth Nazi who spews racism and LGBTQ-hate from a megaphone when you use a fake name. But what happens when you no longer have your fake name to hide behind and you have to face the music for being a neo-Nazi dirtbag? Carson Ford Brooks, aka "Carson Kilgrey" and his wife Bonnie Marie Carroll, aka "Marion Kilgrey" are about to find out for themselves.
Carson Ford Brooks, aka "Carson Kilgrey"

Carson Ford Brooks, born August 2, 1994, of Ashland City, Tennessee, writing under the alias "Carson Kilgrey" was one of the most vocal and active members, leading demonstrations and barking into a megaphone, but he first piqued our interest when he appeared in the Telegram chats of the White Art Collective, where he discussed music and white nationalism. Carson Brooks had some interesting takes on music even claiming to be a "jazz guy" while being a neo-Nazi racist. What caught our attention, however, were statements he made about his personal life, most notably that he came from a family of musicians and that his brother was a well-known professional musician. He wrote:
My brother is a musician too. He is signed to a major label, lives professionally off of the income, etc. We look and sound like brothers. Just something I worry about.
This interesting tidbit of information was something we kept tucked away for a rainy day. We also learned that he was a Tennesseean and very active with local neo-Nazi activism and NJP circles.

Carson Brooks soon became very visible in racist and anti-LGBTQ harassment campaigns under the Tennessee branch of the NJP. Initially, Brooks concealed his identity with a mask, as he did at a protest against a drag show in Cookeville, Tennessee on January 22, 2023. The protestors were mostly members of National Justice Party, Patriot Front, Tennessee Active Club, and Vinland Rebels. The turnout was modest but menacing as the white nationalist demonstrators displayed Nazi flags and were visibly armed with firearms.

In the following months, Brooks would be seen leading a series of racist and anti-LGBTQ+ protests in Knoxville, TN, Gastonia, NC, Nashville, and even at a rally outside the Ohio governor's mansion.

For later demonstrations in Chicago, Nashville and Rockville, Maryland Brooks appeared without a mask, but wore a visor cap, sunglasses and the occasional eye patch instead. On most occasions he wore gloves and long sleeves but on at least one occasion he had his sleeves rolled up, making visible tattoos on his left forearm and hand and a wedding band. These tattoos were consistent as of 2023.

In October 2023 the ever-opportunistic National Justice Party ghoulishly attempted to co-opt the Palestinian cause as faux-justification for an antisemitic rally in front of the White House. Brooks was once again on the bullhorn spewing hate.

The following is a National Justice Party propaganda video featuring Brooks front-and-center at a demonstration in Chicago on August 27, 2023. We have edited the video to remove a promotional web link and added contextual text. Otherwise, the obnoxiousness of Brooks and the dumb background music is all theirs.
As a rising neo-Nazi "star" Brooks began doing the white nationalist and neo-Nazi podcast circuit representing the NJP. He was rewarded for his efforts, quickly rising in the NJP ranks and given increasingly more important titles, being promoted from NJP "Volunteer Corps Organizer" to Tennessee "Support Group Director." Along with his growing role in the NJP, Brooks was involved at varying levels with a variety of other fascist groups including the Goyim Defense League, the Tennessee Active Club and Vinland Rebels.
On at least one occasion, Brooks trained at the infamous Nashville area Lewis Country Store where the owner, a self-described "actual literal Nazi," had converted the top floor into a fight training gym. The Lewis County Store has turned itself into a key hub in the regional neo-Nazi network.

On several occasions Carson Brooks sang the praises of the Goyim Defense League and their leader Jon Minadeo, aka "Handsome Truth," who was recently found guilty after distributing antisemitic material.

Curiously enough, Goyim Defense League fliers were distributed throughout Carson Brooks' current hometown of Ashland City. Since this, at the very least, likely violates local littering or dumping laws, it is ironic that Brooks led a group of Tennessee NJP members in a trash pick-up event. Events such as this are some of the ways the NJP used to ingratiate themselves into public acceptance while still espousing hateful rhetoric.

While Brooks is only a suspect in the GDL propaganda campaign, a National Justice Party promotional video showed what appeared to be Brooks placing white nationalist propaganda stickers reading "White Unity" on the Seigenthaler pedestrian bridge in downtown Nashville.

Returning to the point where he first caught our attention, Brooks, posting as "Carson Kilgrey," demonstrated in the White Art Collective Telegram chat that he was a very accomplished musician, coming from a family of musicians. He mentioned that his brother was a professional musician with a significant following.
This indeed proved to be the case and contributed to the identification of Carson Ford Brooks as "Carson Kilgrey." Brooks is the younger brother of Cody Brooks, a well known musician, singer, writer, producer and artist. To be clear, there is no indication that his brother Cody Brooks shares Carson Brooks' views. In a neo-Nazi podcast interview, Carson Brooks claims to have become "radicalized" while in college. This podcast episode has been archived at the Internet Archive and may be retrieved here: [link to Internet Archive item]
To Carson Brooks' credit, he is indeed a talented musician, which makes his life choices that mush more unfortunate. While Brooks may be a very skilled musician, he has learned nothing of the power of music to bring people together, instead investing his efforts into hate and division.

Brooks' physical appearance has varied widely over the years. He underwent a dramatic weight loss and while a student at Middle Tennessee State University was employed as a fitness trainer. He also advertised personal fitness training services on the internet.

It is noteworthy that Brooks' photo on his Simbi.com profile shows him wearing a tank top decorated with a white nationalist logo, sold by a white nationalist vendor.

While Carson Ford Brooks may be concerned about his relationship with his family, he has found good company in his wife, Bonnie Marie Carroll, who wholeheartedly shares his white nationalist views.
Bonnie Marie Carroll, aka "Marion Kilgrey"
Bonnie Marie Carroll, who uses the aliases "Marion Kilgrey," "Mary Smith" and "MaidMarionK," is an active supporter of the NJP and white nationalist movements in general. She appeared in an episode of "The Dreamweavers," a podcast hosted by neo-Nazi notables Emily Youcis, Allyson McKevitt, Christina Murgo and other white nationalist women. In this show Carroll was introduced as the wife of "NJP activist Carson Kilgrey."

Bonnie Carroll created a web business called "Fourteen Stitches Handmade Heirlooms" to sell craft goods at NJP functions. The name alludes to both the neo-Nazi slogan "Fourteen Words" as well as the common neo-Nazi code for "Heil Hitler." This is also commonly seen as "1488," where "88" corresponds to the eight letter of the English alphabet "H." The logo for Carroll's business was designed by Nazi graphic artist Jessica LaFlamme, aka "J LaDarc" and "Jeanne LaDarc," whom we have covered in a previous report.
In the podcast episode, Carroll noted that she owned kitchen towels with Adolf Hitler embroidered on them and would be willing to make "explicitly Nazi baby clothes" for anyone wanting them. Audio clips are below.
Although they have attempted to scrub the presence of this podcast from the internet, we provide an archive of this episode here: [Link to Internet Archive item]
The amateurish fancy work of Bonnie Marie Carroll and her business partner, who uses the alias "Birdie Hay," is a revolting melange of Nazi kitsch, some examples of which are below.

Carroll doesn't limit herself to lunatic cringe Nazi arts and crafts, however. She actively participates with in-person propaganda campaigns and other events with her husband. Her distinct eyebrow shape and association with "Carson Kilgrey" made for an easy identification.

Despite their concerns about remaining pseudonymous, neither Carson Ford Brooks nor Bonnie Marie Carroll could hide behind their aliases for long. So to all you kids out there hoping to goose-step your way to neo-Nazi fame, you can't hide. We will find you and we will expose you.

2024-02-15: Robert Bray was previously accidentally written as "Mark Bray." This is corrected.