One of the most prominent neo-Nazi internet personalities influencing the recent rise of online (and, hence, offline) fascism in the United States was a podcast host who used the alias "Jazzhands McFeels" on his podcast Fash the Nation. Through this medium, Jazzhands McFeels promoted fascist ideals like racism, antisemitism, Islamophobia, and LGBTQ+ bigotry under the guise of "sophisticated" political analysis. The podcast became widely known in extreme-right circles and Jazzhands McFeels became one of the top e-celebs to ever host a neo-Nazi podcast.
There has been much speculation regarding the true identity of Jazzhands McFeels. He was known as a mysterious figure who was careful to avoid revealing any details about his personal life. A certain mystique developed around him, as he was rumored to be a political insider with access to the corridors of institutional power. Yet his identity remained a mystery.
But just as books are meant to be read, food is meant to be eaten and money is meant to be spent, mysteries are meant to be solved. And we have done so in this report where we reveal the true identity of the notorious "Jazzhands McFeels." We have a feeling that Robert Warren Gasiewicz of Stuart, Florida will have a lot of explaining to do. But first, a little background.
Fash the Nation

Beginning in 2015, Fash the Nation (FTN) has been one of the longest running of the neo-Nazi podcasts to have infected the internet since Donald Trump's emergence on the political scene. Hosted by "Jazzhands McFeels" and co-host "Marcus Halberstram," it began with the title Cuckservative Insider but changed to Fash the Nation with its second episode, playing on the title of the long-running political news show Face the Nation. The podcast went on to garner a large following among those in right-wing, white nationalist circles. In a January 14, 2023 Telegram post, Jazzhands McFeels bragged about the size of his podcast audience, writing,
In terms of all time downloads, I'm sure we're in excess of 10M. The weekly episodes from the 2016 era were consistently 100K per ep when we were on Soundcloud, which is why fascism/anti-semitism must be banned otherwise it is universally popular. Being able to achieve 8M+ in spite of being universally censored is confirmation of this.

With slick graphics for its website and somewhat professional production values, Fash the Nation developed an oversized reputation as a source for "sophisticated" political analysis and deep political dives. In reality, it was much the same as any other neo-Nazi podcast, but in fancy clothes. Closely associated with the National Justice Party's neo-Nazi podcast network The Right Stuff (TRS), it featured the same ideologically inconsistent bigoted blather as the rest of the TRS roster. But the smoother presentation and intellectual pretension of Jazzhands McFeels boosted the show to the top of what can only be characterized as a huge steaming pile of Nazi garbage.
Fash the Nation and its accompanying website primarily featured commentary on mainstream US politics, heavily leaning toward the Trump MAGA crowd with a distinct and explicit racist perspective in an effort to blend full-on fascism with mainstream conservatism. McFeels later became disillusioned with the Trump government, feeling that it was not effective enough in supporting white nationalist agendas. FTN has also been very supportive of the Russian authoritarian regime of Vladimir Putin in recent years.

Despite its attempt to appeal to mainstream conservatives, Fash the Nation was an explicitly neo-Nazi show. Veneration of the Nazi Third Reich and its ideals were recurring motifs throughout the series. Social media posts by Jazzhands McFeels also reflect his admiration for all things Nazi, some examples of which are pictured below.

Adding to the racism, antisemitism, xenophobia and anti-LGBTQ+ rhetoric, Jazzhands McFeels mixed in a little misogyny to this stew of toxic waste, particularly targeting women in politics. Responding to a news article about the increase in women political candidates, he wrote in a social media post, "Then it sounds like more that[sic] 11,000 thots are about to get patrolled," the word "thots" being a derogatory term for women and "patrolled" meaning "harassed."

In 2020 Fash the Nation moved from its previous domain to in collaboration with known Spokane-area neo-Nazi James Orien Allsup, who has since changed his legal name to James Walker Allsup. Despite the change of web domain, the content was a continuation of previous themes.
Jazzhands McFeels had gone to great lengths to protect his real identity and, according to some accounts, was terrified of being exposed. Despite this, he did the occasional interview with other white nationalist podcasts. We have archived a September 16, 2016 interview with the white nationalist podcast Red Ice at the Internet Archive. More recently, the white nationalist podcast Lögnarnas tempel posted an interview from February 21, 2022 in which Jazzhands McFeels speaks about his path to white nationalism and provides pseudo-intellectual hot takes on post-Trump American politics as it relates to white nationalism (archived here).
Jazzhands McFeels and Fash the Nation finally stepped away from the internet in the latter part of 2023. Some speculated this was due to internal disputes within The Right Stuff and the affiliated National Justice Party; others theorized that he was getting into position to more effectively benefit white nationalism through right-wing think tanks and the like. Still others guessed that it was simply out of fear of having his real identity exposed. Whatever the reason, Fash the Nation recorded its last episode on June 3, 2023, with NJP principals Mike "Enoch" Peinovich and Warren Balogh as co-hosts, but left open the possibility of a return.
FTN episodes are still widely listened to among white nationalists, and Jazzhands McFeels remains one of the top fascist e-celebs to have disgraced the internet. It isn't hyperbole to say that he has been one of the most significant radicalization vectors in the explosion of antisemitism and racism tied to the Alt-Right.
Getting a Feel for "Jazzhands McFeels"
As mentioned earlier, over the years there has been much speculation about the real identity of Jazzhands McFeels. While most of the speculation on internet message boards was based on questionable anecdotes or downright fabrications, Jazzhands himself has dropped numerous personal details about himself in his podcast as well as various internet posts. At one point a poster on 4chan claimed to have captured an image of his face during Fash the Nation's live-streamed coverage of the 2016 election primaries, but would not reveal it, instead posting a redacted image. A snapshot of the live-stream page was captured by The Internet Archive, but the video itself was not recorded.

McFeels has noted that he was formerly a "basic bitch Republican" and a veteran of various political campaigns. He also revealed that he had relocated to California in 2017, and was married in August of that year. Neo-Nazi gossip channels provided other tidbits: his real last name was allegedly Polish in origin, and his wife had an eastern European background.

Putting together these disparate pieces of information allowed us to separate the wheat from the chaff and begin to create a comprehensive profile of his life.
One event in his personal life that Jazzhands McFeels himself publicly documented with video was a trip to southern Italy, which he posted about in the Spring of 2023. In the video below, he recorded a car drive during which he rambled about politics and history. While he took great care not to show his face in the video, he was not quite careful enough. We immediately sent the video to our scientists at the Top Secret Undersea Anonymous Comrades Collective HQ for analysis, and the results were informative:
A valuable piece of intelligence, yet his true identity still eluded us. That is, until we cross-referenced it with the rest of the data points in the profile we had developed – but more on that later.
Jazzhands' McFace
At the 2010 Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) there was a public kerfuffle between now-deceased fascist bigshot Andrew Breitbart and Tankie authoritarian apologist Max Blumenthal. Blumenthal posted a video of this incident on his YouTube account, which is still viewable today. It was noted in online forums that Jazzhands McFeels claimed to have present at that incident, and to have recorded the commotion on his phone. Reviewing the footage, among the many who were capturing the event on their cameras we found one man taking video on his cellular telephone. Although his name tag could not be enhanced sufficiently to read, we determined that his last name contained nine characters.

Jazzhands was also allegedly present at a January 2017 altercation between neo-Nazi Richard Spencer and MAGA mama's boy Bill Mitchell at Shelly's Back Room cigar bar, a douchebag gathering spot in Washington, D.C. Video of this incident was posted on YouTube and is available for viewing at The Internet Archive. Coincidentally (or not), the same unnamed person who appeared in the 2010 CPAC video also appeared in this video.

Bearing in mind his proximity to Washington, D.C. and reputed connection to political campaigns, we found this same person tied to George Allen's failed 2012 senate campaign in Virginia. In 2010 he had worked as campaign media director for Republican Jay Patrick Murray, who was known for inflammatory posts on social media and for praising disgraced alt-right commentator Milo Yiannopoulos. These discoveries led us to a political operative with a nine-letter Polish last name: Gasiewicz.

Robert Warren Gasiewicz, or should we say "Jazz-iewicz?"

We investigated Robert Warren Gasiewicz who, by this point, matched numerous data selectors we had for Jazzhands: appearances at two specific events, proximity to Washington, D.C., a Polish surname and an association with Republican political campaigns.
In 2017 Gasiewicz was located in California, as evidenced by his career history and other records. He was married in August of that year, just as Jazzhands McFeels was. Neo-Nazi gossip channels had let slip that McFeels' wife was possibly of eastern European background. A public engagement announcement showed that this was true for Gasiewicz as well; his marriage-partner-to-be had a Romanian background. Although Gasiewicz became engaged in California, the wedding took place in Pennsylvania, his family's home state. (UPDATE: Some new information has surfaced regarding his marital status, presented at the end of this article.)

"Jazzhands McFeels" even noted on his Twitter timeline that he was getting married the week of August 15, 2017, the same week Gasiewicz married. During that week neo-Nazis Richard Spencer and Norman Asa "Trey" Garrison III filled in for Jazzhands on the podcast.

Other aspects of Gasiewicz's history also lined up with statements made by Jazzhands McFeels. In a Reddit AMA ("Ask Me Anything"), Jazzhands stated:
I grew up in a pretty based rural area in the Northeastern United States. Though it was a predominantly hhuuuuwite community, I was racially aware from a young age. I got involved in right-wing politics and never felt like anyone in the GOP was saying exactly what I felt was the right thing. Sure, being prosperous and self-reliant sounds nice to aspire to both as an individual and a country, but just HOW does one go about accomplishing it? It cannot be done w/o understanding race and the effect it has on governance. In short, I became convinced we can't have a nice country w/o first addressing the race question (which includes kayaks). Until that issue can be addressed, we're spinning our wheels. So nothing else is more important. That, in essence, is what drives me to do what I do.
Note his use of the word "kayaks" as a euphemism for "k*kes," a slur for Jewish people.
Like Jazzhands, Gasiewicz grew up in a rural northeastern area of the United States, specifically in Amish country in Pennsylvania. After graduating from high school there in 2001, Gasiewicz attended Xavier University and the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities from 2001 to around 2008, studying business. Some time thereafter, he relocated to Virginia, near Washington, D.C., where he did his political work for GOP candidates and was a member of the Alexandria Chamber of Commerce. Later he was employed by (among others) Accenture, Yudrio and Cisco, companies that have extensive contracts with the federal government.

In April 2023, about two months before the final FTN episode was recorded, Gasiewicz started a charter boat company in Stuart, Florida, "Warren Penn Charters, LLC," doing business as "Aqua Magic Charters." Public records for this company are available from Florida's Secretary of State. Social media posts from the @aquamagiccharters Instagram account show a slimmed-down Gasiewicz in a maritime setting. If we were to speculate, it would be logical to assume that the creation of this business venture was a contributing factor to Jazzhands McFeels' departure from podcasting.

Interestingly, Gasiewicz, like Jazzhands, had visited southern Italy in 2022. Gasiewicz did a #TBT ("Throw Back Thursday") Instagram post in September of 2023 featuring a video of Mt. Etna's 2022 volcanic activity. On May 7, 2023, Jazzhands McFeels had published a Fash the Nation episode entitled "FTN Presents: Jazz Steves Ascends Mt. Etna" ("Jazz Steves" being a reference to travel show host Rick Steves). This video was later removed and replaced with an audio-only version, but we were able to find a copy of the video version. We have provided the original video for viewing on the Internet Archive. (archived here)
A portion of the original FTN video footage posted by "Jazzhands" matched precisely the Instagram #TBT video, including the camera angle, landscape profile, smoke formations, and the shape and size of the lava trail on Mt. Etna. Photos in Google reviews posted by Robert Gasiewicz provide further evidence that he was in southern Italy during this time period.

Amazingly, in an Instagram post on the @aquamagiccharters account, Gasiewicz narrated a video in which he is operating a boat at night. The voice in the video is unmistakably that of "Jazzhands McFeels."
The following is another sample of Jazzhands McFeels' voice from a voice message in a Telegram chat:
Perhaps even more amazingly, in a video posted on Aqua Magic Charters' YouTube account, Gasiewicz can be seen wearing a T-shirt with a "Will2Rise" logo on the left left sleeve. This video is still visible at the time of writing. Will2Rise is a white nationalist clothing and lifestyle brand closely associated with the National Justice Party and the neo-Nazi Rise Above Movement.

Returning to Jazzhands McFeels' previously mentioned car tour video, it was removed from Odysee, YouTube and his own website, platforms where he had originally posted it. It is still available at the time of writing on his Telegram channel, which has been inactive since May 8, 2023. However, the Telegram version of the video was edited to remove the inadvertent face shots we found; there are noticeable jumps at the points where his face was caught by the rear-view mirror. We have preserved a copy of the original, unaltered video at the Internet Archive.
In the year that passed between the tour of Italy and the posting of the video, Gasiewicz lost a considerable amount of weight, but the images of his face were still strikingly similar. Notably, he appeared to be wearing the exact same pair of sunglasses in Italy as he does these days tooling around on his boats. At this point it's hard to imagine an argument disproving that Robert Warren Gasiewicz, born June 7, 1982, currently living in Stuart, Florida is "Jazzhands McFeels."

Armed with this knowledge, we used Gasiewicz's Achilles heel, his favorite pair of aviator sunglasses, to locate him at in-person white nationalist demonstrations. On November 27, 2021 a number of National Justice Party members, including Michael "Mike Enoch" Peinovich and Warren Balogh, held a white nationalist demonstration in Waukesha, Wisconsin. Balogh, a founding member of the NJP, made frequent appearances on Fash the Nation and was a close associate of Jazzhands McFeels. On Episode #459 of FTN, Jazzhands stated that he had personally attended the rally in Waukesha. The art on the TRS website for this paywalled episode showed a cartoon picture of Balogh standing next to a stylized representation of Jazzhands McFeels.

Examining photos of this event, we found a person standing next to Balogh who appeared to be the height and build of Gasiewicz in 2021 and who wore a very familiar pair of aviator-style sunglasses. At one point he lifted the glasses to reveal his eyes.

Robert "Jazzhands" Gasiewicz, besides hosting a neo-Nazi podcast for many years and writing far too many white nationalist articles on the internet, was also a very active participant in National Justice Party live-action events. In fact, as "Jazzhands McFeels," Gasiewicz has spoken and written about a number of in-person events he has attended. During the 2022 Labor Day weekend he wrote about the "8th National Justice Party meeting," and on February 23, 2023 published a podcast about his attendance at the NJP winter meeting in Orlando.
Livin' Large on Fash Cash
For all the white nationalist talk of "anti-white" victimization, Robert Warren Gasiewicz seems to have done rather well for himself. Insider leaks showed that Jazzhands had been receiving at least $120,000 per year from the now struggling The Right Stuff network. But TRS was clearly just a small part of Jazzhands' income. Gasiewicz regularly vacations in Europe and recently landed an $850,000 home in a posh gated community. Together with his fully-loaded Ford F-150 truck, a Porsche, various boats and a $700 espresso machine, it seems that Gasiewicz has somehow managed to make fascist propaganda profitable.

Gasiewicz's Google reviews/complaints provide an interesting glimpse into his life. For example, he gets really mad when he can't get his prescriptions filled. While we can't know what prescription he wanted filled, finding him in a 2016 data breach of Viagra users might lead one to wonder … but perhaps some things are better left not wondered about.

We have a feeling that Robert "Jazzhands" Gasiewicz was a pretty hot-to-trot hound dog in his personal life, so he may have needed it. We found an old profile Gasiewicz registered in 2008 on the sleazy dating website Adult Friend Finder, where he chose his mother's maiden name as his user name (which is … weird) and said he had recently gotten out of "a 2 year LTR that was nothing but boring vanilla sex with an equally boring person." He described himself as 6 ft 3 in tall, with an "athletic" body type; his occupation as "US Government"; and his "Male Endowment" as "Long/Thick," but declined to specify whether or not he was circumcised. He was open to meeting "Women, Groups, Couples (2 women)."

Jazzhands McF*cked Around and McFound Out
Here's the skinny:
"Jazzhands McFeels" is Robert Warren Gasiewicz, born June 7, 1982. Formerly a tech bro and political operative, he now owns and operates Warren Penn Charters, LLC doing business as Aqua Magic Charters out of Stuart, Florida.
Gasiewicz led a secret life, not only promoting fascism and bigotry but also shaping the internet presence of this noxious ideology. Being a product of white privilege, Gasiewicz strove to maintain this privilege and emboldened others who held the same ideals. For years, he spread Nazi ideology, and thought he could do so with impunity from behind a pseudonym. He was wrong. As the tired old cliché goes, the bigger they are, the harder they fall.
Many thanks to the other anonymous comrades out there who contributed to this piece!

Update, March 4, 2024:
We have learned that Mrs. Gasiewicz petitioned Robert Warren Gasiewicz for divorce in August 2023. Examining the publicly available court documents we have encountered a couple of unexplained discrepancies with our investigation. These discrepancies do not invalidate our investigation, but merely pose new questions.
For one, in the Request to Produce document, Gasiewicz is named as "ROBERT W. GASIEWICZ JR." which is inconsistent with our previous findings. Secondly, the petition cites their date of marriage as June 20, 2014. However, their wedding ceremony as documented in our investigation did not occur until 2017.
More importantly, the court documents require Gasiewicz to disclose assets, which provides us a view into his finances and the degree to which it may relate to his neo-Nazi activities. According to the court filings, Gasiewicz has not been forthcoming with providing the required documentation.
We have provided redacted versions of pertinent legal documents below. Although these are public filings, we have redacted some portions to respect the innocent and the service requirements of our host (click the image for a full-size view in a new browser tab).