On November 17, 2020 we reported our discovery that North Carolina State University employee Chadwick Jason Seagraves was behind a massive dox of individuals whom he alleged were "antifa" or "anarchists" and members of the LGBTQ communities. Seagraves had collected personal information on dozens of individuals and distributed this collection of files on the message board 4chan, where it was subsequently downloaded and spread across the internet. We identified Seagraves by the metadata he had left in the files he distributed.
Furthermore, we uncovered that Seagraves was the operator of a Twitter account named "roostersghost," where he promoted the neo-fascist extremist gang "The Proud Boys" and claimed to be its North Carolina chapter president. On this Twitter account, Seagraves also stalked and harassed alleged activists, to include minors and even a student at his own university.

Despite clear evidence that Seagraves is the perpetrator of these acts, NCSU announced on January 11 that they would not be bringing disciplinary actions against Seagraves. NC State spokesperson Mick Kulikowski stated:
NC State has completed a thorough review of the anonymous and public allegations of misconduct accusing an employee of malicious online activities. This follows the same process we use for any allegation.
The rigorous review did not substantiate any significant allegations.
The fact that NCSU spent nearly two months conducting an "investigation" into the racist, homophobic and transphobic behavior of one of their employees whose involvement cannot be credibly denied is proof that NCSU administration is simply hoping for this issue to disappear.
We have shown in our previous articles that metadata identifying Seagraves was attached to a majority of the files in the collection of dox material.

Due to the fact that this metadata is tagged with a first, middle and last name, we find it likely that Seagraves was using a work computer while he was stalking online. An examination of the file creation timestamps supports this conclusion.
We have also made a clear connection between this collection of dox material and the "roostersghost" Twitter account. Screenshots of this Twitter account was included in the collection of dox material. To wit, Seagraves had, in fact, made screen shots of his own Twitter account as he doxed activists and minors.

Statements made on the "roostersghost" Twitter account by Seagraves himself provide verifiable connections between this account and his real identity.

It is significant that in public statements Seagraves does not deny that he is behind these actions or his association with the Proud Boys (although he denies current membership), but instead chooses to deflect to issues about "free speech" and "political expression."
It is extremely difficult to deny association with the Proud Boys, however, when one is pictured with them, wearing a "Proud Boys" t-shirt.

North Carolina State University's failure to act on an employee who has clear connections to an extremist neo-fascist gang and who has used university time and resources to stalk and harass activists and students is indicative of where the administration's priorities lie. We feel this is unacceptable.
Take action!
Please help take action by signing this petition at The Action Network to have Chadwick Jason Seagraves removed from his position.

Further NCSU contact information:
Randy Woodson, Office of the Chancellor
Campus Box 7001, A Holladay Hall
Raleigh, NC, 27695-7001
P: (919) 515-2191
Twitter: @NCState