Some fascists, like neo-Nazi Perry Maholland Jr whom we reported on in our last article, openly spew their bile and are happy to associate their real names with their neo-Nazi activities. Most, however, realize that their ideology is repellent to the general public and detrimental to maintaining gainful employment and social relations. They hide behind aliases and false identities. The internet makes accomplishing this an almost trivial task. An alternate email address here, a secret Twitter account there– pretending to be someone else on the internet is easy to do. But eventually they slip up. Whether it's through carelessness, ignorance or hubris, sooner or later they always leave a thread hanging. And we will pull that thread.
Today's report is about such a person: a racist, a fascist and a freelance writer who has (dis)graced the pages of some very well-known publications while at the same time being enrolled in a doctoral program at a prestigious university. Thus far, this person has successfully protected his everyday life from his hidden life, but today we will remove the mask of "The Spooky Nationalist."

A "Spooky Nationalist"
"The Spooky Nationalist" was a relatively minor Twitter account, recently created (August 2020) and having fewer than 200 followers at the time of writing. At first glance it differed little from the many other racist, right-wing accounts that are unfortunately far too common on Twitter. Using the image of the Scooby-Doo cartoon character "Elias Kingston" as his profile image, "The Spooky Nationalist" used typical alt-right jargon and carefully worded posts to evade Twitter policy violations on hate speech, often resorting to a twisted historical perspective for his belief that America belongs to people of white, European descent.

In one tweet he wrote, "For America to return to greatness, we must re-embrace our 'romanitas.' This requires defunding critical race theory, RICO act for BLM/Antifa, destroying the legacy media, & privileging service over BS 'rights'"
I do not say this to be provocative. I am merely being honest, and I think a growing number of Americans are with me when I say:
Being a minor Twitter account and only one of the many white nationalist accounts that unfortunately exist on Twitter, "The Spooky Nationalist" likely would have flown under our radar except for the fact that "The Spooky Nationalist" was one out of only eighteen accounts that Antelope Hill Publishing follows on Twitter. Furthermore, out of the eighteen Twitter accounts that Antelope Hill Publishing follows, most of which are generic or public-figure accounts, "The Spooky Nationalist" was the second.

Antelope Hill Publishing claims they are "Preserving and translating censored and lost works for the modern American reader," but in fact their intent is to publish original and translated works that promote fascist and nationalist ideology. Some of their titles include The Wehrmacht Fitness Manual, a Nazi-era German army exercise guide and a translation of Burning Souls, a memoir by Belgian Nazi collaborator Léon Joseph Degrelle. While Antelope Hill Publishing attempts to give the impression that they are preserving obscure literary works their main intent is to spread a broad spectrum of fascist propaganda.
We examined the Twitter account of "The Spooky Nationalist" more closely and learned that he fancied himself to be a bit of a writer. In various Twitter posts "The Spooky Nationalist" mentioned that he was writing a book entitled Esoteric Trumpism.

This being the case, he was often more open with his speech. In one post he wrote: "Black culture is really just a bastardization of Scots-Irish customs and hoodoo idiocy."
Who is Ben Welton?
While we struggled to comprehend this sloppiness regarding his covert pen name, we are not ones to look a gift horse in the mouth. Researching the name provided plentiful results. We found the byline "Ben Welton" or "Benjamin Welton" spread across a number of blogs, magazines and review sites, including:
We found it in mainstream journalistic outlets as well, to include:

We also found the byline on "fringe" platforms like:
In a biographical profile found at The New York Journal of Books we learned:
Benjamin Welton is a product of northern West Virginia’s identity complex. Born in the coal town of Fairmont but raised in the college town of Morgantown, he graduated from West Virginia University with a B.A. in History and English. He then went on to teach at the University of Vermont, where he also received a Master’s degree in English.
Currently, Mr. Welton is pursuing a Ph.D in History at Boston University. He has been everything from a driving range gopher, a law librarian, a fast wood worker, a military policeman, a QA tester, and an office manager.
Mr. Welton is also a freelance journalist, with numerous articles in The Atlantic, The Weekly Standard, VICE, Metal Injection, Listverse, and The Smart Set to his credit. He is the author of two ebooks: Hands Dabbled in Blood and Doomsters at the Drive-In.
We found that statements made on the "Spooky Nationalist" Twitter account and elsewhere corroborated much of what was in the bio. "The Spooky Nationalist" claimed to be from West Virginia, as does Benjamin Welton.

Interestingly, we found a review of him on the website Docsity from 2012 while he was teaching at the University of Vermont. It seems even back then his views were controversial. The reviewer wrote:
"A teacher with too many personal opinions and present them as facts. Full of himself and misogynistic. A very unpleasant person overall. His lectures are filled with irrelevant anecdotes. He can't help himself from spewing his: Proto-Fascist, Libertarian, Anti-Feminist and Neo-Conservative propaganda in front of the class. One of the weirdest teacher I ever had. I am convinced that the only positive comment found on this site was written by Ben Welton himself. Benjamin Welton is arrogant and his egocentrism makes him treat his students merely as objects (especially us girls) to enhance his pride. Karma's gonna get you Ben Welton.Great textbook. Narcissistic and misogynistic teacher. "
In addition to teaching in college classrooms, we were alarmed to find that Benjamin Welton is also shaping young minds while teaching at Star Academy, a private school in Boston for gifted and talented children.

A current public LinkedIn page for Benjamin Welton corroborated what we found about his educational and employment history. [Update: this profile has been deleted; more on this below] Although we can't know if Welton has kept his profile updated, it states that he is currently employed full-time by Star Academy and works part-time for Palladion Services as a security guard at the Broad Laboratory in Cambridge.

Benjamin Miller Welton: Spooky? No. Nationalist? Yes.

Welton derailed his own attempts to obfuscate his true identity by associating his real name with a pen name, but there are other instances in which Welton used his real name to promote extreme right-wing ideas. In 2015 Welton wrote a piece entitled "What, Exactly, is the 'Alternative Right?'" under his real name in which he portrayed the alt-right in a sympathetic light, ignoring the blatant racism, antisemitism and sexism that form its core values.
While he was writing pieces under his own name, Welton continued to write under the name "Jake Bowyer" for VDARE, as well as prolifically writing for the white-supremacist website and magazine American Renaissance as "Sinclair Jenkins," noted earlier in this report to be one of Welton's various pen names. Welton's first article as "Sinclair Jenkins" for American Renaissance, the 2017 "From Wide-Eyed Liberal to Race Realist," is illuminating regarding Welton's extreme-right worldview, outlining a transition from "cuck-servatism" to "race realism" (in his terms). In it he mentions the Korean-American English professor that he also disparaged in a social media post cited earlier in this report.
I am not a fan of the Right’s habit of useless infighting and don’t care about labels such as “alt-right” and “neo-reactionary,” but I now support the un-cucked movement as the only legitimate counterrevolution. Thanks to American Renaissance videos (a personal favorite is “You Stole America from the Indians”), I now try to inject race realism into my working life. When I teach my students or write papers, I refuse to engage in cultural Marxism or in anti-white rhetoric. My research is similarly oriented towards supporting, not decrying the 1924 Immigration Act.
Despite maintaining these various pen names to hide his distasteful points of view, Welton opted to use his real name when making an appearance on an April, 1 2021 "Terror House Radio" podcast/livestream with the racist and misogynist Matt Forney. "Terror House Radio" is the official podcast of Terror House Press, an independent publishing house run by Forney and neo-Nazi "comedian" Bryden Proctor.

Evidently, he enjoyed bantering with Forney so much that he appeared on yet another episode of the show to promote a new title of his published by Terror House Press.

Welton has published works with Terror House Press under his real name, but has also recently contributed to a Donald Trump-themed anthology entitled Ending Bigly under the pseudonym "Elias Kingston."

One Twitter user remarked, "The Jenkins book will definitely be one of the most, if not *the* most, controversial book you've put out so far."

We don't know about that, but at least now everyone knows who really wrote it. While we don't wish to give his book any publicity, we are happy to publicize that "Sinclair Jenkins" is in fact Benjamin Miller Welton.
An Advocate of Violent Insurrection
While being a racist author who condones and promotes fascism is quite bad enough, what is even more concerning are Welton's calls for organized violent action against what he perceives to be an increasingly leftist United States. We have noted already Welton's comments on Twitter following the 2020 United States presidential election in which Donald Trump was not re-elected to office. Posts on social media by Welton following the inauguration of Joe Biden as president seem to indicate an escalation in violent rhetoric.
Welton had served in the US Navy Reserves previously, but has expressed a desire to broaden his military experience. On social media he had indicated that he was sincere in wanting to join the French Foreign Legion, which seems to us to be a bit of a preposterous notion.
Nevertheless, other social media posts show that Welton has other violent ideas regarding armed insurrection closer to home. In one post he listed the tenets of what he termed "Spooky Nationalism." The items he listed are alarming:
My basic Spooky rules:
1. The occupied government of the US is married to the meme of anti-fascism, therefore will see any challenge to it as fascism. Don’t parrot the regime by labeling OUR ENEMIES as fascist.
2. Anything that delegitimizes the state is good. Whether you believe it or not (and I do), the 2020 election was stolen and you should act accordingly.
3. Being a white nationalist does not mean that all white men are your allies. Liberalism/Marxism/Enlightenment are mind parasites that mostly rot whites.
4. Democracy is only possible with a central ethnic and polis. Mass democracy is mass oligarchy with a racial caste system.
5. Give up on the Constitution. Until we are in power, it is a plaything of Bolshevik legalese
6. No mercy for our enemies. Do not weep, for they are not human. Treat those who want to abolish “whiteness” with the same venom if not more. They deserve medieval punishments.
7. Infighting is counter-productive.
8. Retreating and creating white ethnostates is surrender. The Indo-European soul is called to conquer and reach greatness. Imperialism for our people is a great thing.
9. There is no end until Rapture. This means the fight against our political enemies will never end.
10. Remember: our loyalty is to a secret country—an occult empire that exists beyond borders but is bonded by blood, time, and vision.
11. Strike everywhere and will all allies. Mock Q, but it is better to use the more disenchanted element that is boiling mad about the elite class.
12. Master your body and impulses before you become a political soldier.
13. Operating in the darkness is preferable, but a front-facing and visible presence is necessary to make dark work truly impactful.
![[archive link]](
He posted a photo in another post in which is pictured a copy of the book On Resistance to Evil by Force by Ivan Alexandrovich Ilyin alongside an empty pistol holster, the symbolism of which is obvious.
From "Spooky Nationalist" to "Spooked Nationalist"
It is with some amusement that we found Benjamin Welton wondering: "Why don’t we have open source intelligence workers like the Left does? Just a thought. Maybe we should expose them"

We don't have the answer to this question but are happy to have provided the inspiration for it.
Recently Welton was contacted by members of the press regarding his covert activities promoting racism and violent insurrection. The "Spooky Nationalist" then became himself spooked. His social media accounts and blogs quickly disappeared from the internet as he attempted to cover his tracks.

But considering his prodigious output, Welton will find it difficult to erase everything. Many of his archived tweets may be found on the Wayback Machine and other writings of his have been archived as demonstrated here, such as this essay written under his real name, "Hawthorne and Lovecraft: Two Who Rode the Tiger," and posted on the website "Affirmative Right" comparing Nathaniel Hawthorne and H.P. Lovecraft to fascist writer Julius Evola. If Benjamin Welton still has literary ambitions from now on he will have to do it under his own name.
Benjamin Welton is no longer teaching kids at Star Academy. He has been fired.
Further reporting on Benjamin Welton:
"An Elementary School Teacher’s Secret Life As A White Nationalist Writer," Christopher Mathias, Huffington Post
Benjamin Miller Welton
From Morgantown, WV
Last known location, Brighton area of Boston, MA
Freelance writer. Known aliases:
- The Spooky Nationalist
- Elias Kingston
- Sinclair Jenkins
- Jake Bowyer
Instructor at Star Academy Boston.
Part-time security guard at Palladion Services in Boston.
Doctoral candidate in the Boston University history program.

Archived controversial statements: profile:
I write as Elias Kingston (see:Ending Bigly)
I write as Sinclair Jenkins (AmRen/book out soon from Antelope Hill)
I write as Jake Bowyer (VDare) future problem: Asians in the U.S. are the least patriotic non-white group and have deep attachments to foreign nations. was once in an English grad school program. Illiteracy is strongest among that group. Ditto to the History grad program students. used to be suicidal. A veritable incel. An ex stabbed me. Mom died. Life sucked until I found this mob.
Now, in my 30s, Iâm writing novels, non-fic books, and training for the Foreign Legion.
Weâre all going to reach glory, dudes is an unnecessary disclaimer, but as a Navy vet, no self-respecting white man should join the US military. I think a prolonged âwhite strikeâ could teach this regime to be humble.“Imagine America without black culture”!
No, imagine America without rednecks and hillbillies. Black culture is really just a bastardization of Scots-Irish customs and hoodoo idiocy. a great time to remind everyone:
No self-respecting white man should join the US military. Those still in need to cross several mental Rubicons and realize our brethren in Argentina and Brazil has some excellent ideas. like it’s vitally important for our people to get military skills, but the US Army does not exist to win wars anymore. Therefore we need alt methods.
Personally, being a mixture of Scots-Irish, Swiss German, and Norman, I am hardwired for sturm und drang. Others on here are too. And our mob needs ways to prepare for the physical conquest of future space (Murros’s base areas), plus maintain the spiritual war. bugman day:
shit, fart, coom, watch Gordon Ramsey YouTube, obsess over “POC food.” black retards commit more crime than white retards? What’s the interracial crime stats for darkies with downs?[this post references a true-crime case Welton wrote about previously under his own name]
Gentlemen: I present to you a gay serial killer who was also a basketballer one white pill I got in English grad school (I know I’m a fag) was watching a room full of dem-soc and white guilt liberals admit that all the pre-1960s detective novels were read were way more entertaining than the multi-culti crap. I still smile remembering the unattractive Korean liberal professor get angry that we are preferred Charlie Chan are awful My book, Empire Eternal, written under Sinclair Jenkins byline, will be coming out April 22nd from Antelope Hill
2. 8-10 books coming out this year, including Spooky Nationalist Manifesto
3. Sent early copy of new book to Imperium Press
4. Made contact with Executive Outcomes and one PMC in South Africa
5. Sent applications to armed forces of Singapore and Australia Internet has never matched the aesthetics of that sheboon on Murray talking about chicken tetrazzini did lots of things I regret from my Baudelaire phase (was never left-wing or degenerate, but more feral), but bedding that Mongolian was a high point. She was really into Ungern-Sternberg too’s hard to care about knee-grow boglims in a shithole city when my ass is this chafed[photo of book _On Resistance to Evil by Force_ by Ivan Alexandrovich Ilyin and and empty pistol holster] hereby trademark: cigar niggar, just got back from training, seems like Chicago is quiet because the smoked yokel wasn’t a knicker Gab:
Blackpilled? Funny way of saying faggot.
If you’re a white man, take heart in the fact your people conquered the world, fought incredible battles, and invented so much.
Stop being blackpilled. Seek glory is Spooky Nationalism?
It is a belief in the mystical, the mysterious, and unknown. We accept God’s manifold creations and reject the crass materialism of Marxism, liberalism, and managerialism.
Spooky Nationalists believe in working in darkness to fool the enemy. We also believe in working towards monarchy, hierarchy, and a new state in order achieve cozy, which is the ideal state of being.
Cozy cannot exist in a democracy or left-wing state Blog is called Deep America/Secret America because my loyalty is to Deep America (old stock Americans) and my citizenship is with a secret country that is oppressed and/or has yet to form. In this way I bear deeper allegiance to a Boer or an Anglo-Canadian than my neighbor.
My forthcoming book is called “Esoteric Trumpism” because we need to take the energy and lessons of Trumpism and go much, much further. In many ways, the Trumpism of Trump himself is no longer reactionary, conservative, or, dare I say it, violent enough for what we need Twitter:
Held off from Tw*tter for a long time. Like my privacy. Believe in OPSEC. But now just want frens @onewalleee
@that_groyper want my frens @onewalleee
@NotRealBabby @KaiserGroyper @standardorder
to realize the potential of cozy mysteries. It's perfect for us. Should I write one for all the frens? working on new book—Esoteric Trumpism. 30 pages in cannot emphasize this enough: DO NOT WEAR UNIFORMS.
I understand the desire to go to DC and show the flag, but this is counterinsurgency warfare. Do not wear your gear, travel in armed packs, and be prepared to infiltrate the enemy using tricks.’m a normal dude. I’m all about cozy and peace. I’m not full of hatred.
I’ve learned hard anger this year. I’ve replenished my gear. I don’t give a fig about democracy or norms. I fall asleep to Art Bell and dreams of a March on Washington.
Am I alone? Probably not Donald Trump is related to Icelandic, Norwegian, and Danish royalty thanks to his maternal Norse-Gael ancestry black pills. Remember that the Commie/socialist/bioleninist/anti-white maniac thinks like the diabolic. Diabolical forces are, at root, cowards incapable of love or real strength. you are not white pilled after tonight, with 100K-plus in the belly of the beast pledging loyalty to Stadtholder Trump (and not the GOP) and a successful counter-offensive by yhe Proud Boys, then you are hopeless America to return to greatness, we must re-embrace our "romanitas." This requires defunding critical race theory, RICO act for BLM/Antifa, destroying the legacy media, & privileging service over BS "rights"