In our last article we reported on Benjamin Welton, a white nationalist who was a prolific freelance writer, PhD candidate and private school teacher and who recently had a pseudonymously published book by the white nationalist small press Antelope Hill Publishing. The subject of our report today also had a book title published by Antelope Hill Publishing, but also has a much higher profile and longer history in white nationalist circles.
Using the alias "Borzoi Boskovic," our subject today escaped exposure for years, building a strong following amongst neo-Nazis and white nationalists on internet social media as he produced widely-followed podcasts and authored scores of articles. But like many who attempt to maintain a secret neo-Nazi life, "Borzoi" overestimated his abilities and leaked information that would lead to his exposure. Perhaps he didn't even realize it, or perhaps he thought no one was watching, but we were.
"Borzoi Boskovic"

"Borzoi Boskovic"'s main claim to fame has been as a prolific white nationalist blogger and podcaster who since 2017 has hosted a number of shows as well as made guest appearances on countless others. Under the banner of Mike "Enoch" Peinovich's "The Right Stuff" media network, "Borzoi" hosted such shows as "The Third Rail" with exposed alt-right podcaster Norman Asa "Trey" Garrison III, aka "Spectre," "The People's Square" and "The Poz Button" with other well-known white nationalists like "Larry Ridgeway" and Joseph Jordan (aka "Eric Striker").

In "Borzoi"'s long-running podcast "The Poz Button" he and "Spectre" Garrison basically review movies, TV shows and other forms of popular entertainment media from an extreme right-wing perspective. In the October 13, 2018 episode "Borzoi" and Garrison mention The Man in the High Castle, a science fiction TV show that posits a dystopian future in which the Nazis won World War II, only they note that this future is not "dystopian" to them; this is the future they want.

What caused it to blow up was when Media Matters posted a clip from Third Rail. The person who did it must have checked my Twitter at one point or found a cache of it from the brief period I called myself Ed Chang, and printed my name as Ed "Borzoi" Chang, like it was my name
He concluded his explanation with:
People believe what they want to believe and I'm not averse to helping that along and throwing disinformation out there, so who really knows.
Disinformation would prove to be a common tactic in "Borzoi Boskovic"'s secret career as neo-Nazi podcaster, occasionally throwing out believable tidbits of information to throw off those speculating on his real identity. In one recent post on his personal blog, "Borzoi" explained how he was building an outdoor exercise area so he wouldn't have to go to a gym to get his workout in. He posted a photo of a man resting next to a weight bench set up.
This was just one example of how "Borzoi Boskovic" attempted to use disinformation to hide his real identity and continue his online racism undisturbed. However, as often is the case, what began as paranoia would eventually turn into arrogance and over-confidence, and "Borzoi" would make catastrophic errors in attempting to hide his secret.

Some of these errors took place on a new internet social network called "" that caters to neo-Nazis, white nationalists and other extreme-right wing users. "Borzoi" is a fan of because it allows and even encourages hate speech with no moderation. In one post he stated:
The best advice I gave to someone on opsec is nothing is irontight especially if you know any women but you'll know you're doing it right when your own friends are confused about what is and isn't true about you
"Claire Nightingale"
"Borzoi" once told the story on Twitter in great detail on how he met his wife, whom he referred to using the pseudonym "Claire Nightingale." As touching as his story may have been, what interested us was that he encouraged her to write a piece for the extreme right wing blog "The American Sun":
I ended up encouraging her to write to American Sun about her experiences as a nurse, so the three articles written under Claire Nightingale are her. It was an open secret among people who knew us, but no point in trying to hide it now.

Naturally, we went looking for this piece of writing. It turns out "Claire Nightingale" had written three pieces for "The American Sun." In addition to writing articles for this right wing blog, "Claire Nightingale" also appeared in white nationalist podcasts. In one of these podcasts, "Hyperpodcastism," she appeared with her husband "Borzoi" and neo-Nazi former paramedic (who regularly compared black patients to animals) and podcaster Alex McNabb.

"Claire Nightingale" was very aware of her husband's white nationalist activities and was (and is) a willing participant herself. In fact, "Borzoi" pointed out that she first reached out to him after reading his fear-mongering article "The Feasts of Shame" in which he (writing as "John Chapman") wrote:
…A fitting tribute to the conquering liberal and ethnic tribes who see what the vanquished value as forfeit to them.
They want your guns because you value them.
They want your kids to be transgender because you value them.
They want your families dying from drugs because you value them.
They want your kids sexually available to others to flex on you.
They want your daughters in pornography not for profit but so that they can be filmed as subjugated to a foreign tribe for the entire world to see.
Fortunately for us, "Claire Nightingale," like her husband, enjoyed talking.
We learned from her writings and appearances on various podcasts that she was an experienced registered nurse who had worked in intensive care, emergency room and surgical settings but most recently worked as a travel nurse. We learned that both of her parents were physicians and that she was from Tennessee. She had commonly used the screen name "cookingpots" across a variety of internet platforms and social media. We put together these disparate pieces of information to construct a profile, eventually leading us to a likely candidate for her true identity: Rachel Elizabeth Carter.

We verified that Rachel Elizabeth Carter had nursing credentials in several states. In some states she was licensed under a surname from a previous marriage, "Allen."

A recent nursing license for the state of Michigan (again, under a previous married surname) was granted on May 18, 2020, a few months into forming a relationship with "Borzoi."

One of the states in which Rachel Carter was licensed to be a nurse was New Hampshire. We were able to place Rachel Carter in New Hampshire when we found a libertarian podcast "Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock," in which she and her then-husband tell their story of moving to New Hampshire from California. We also found that she had marked herself as attending the 2016 PorcFest XIII on the website

"PorcFest" is the Porcupine Freedom Festival, an annual event held by the Free State Project, a libertarian organization that advocates for the relocation of libertarians to New Hampshire in order to make the state a stronghold for their movement. While Rachel Carter had previously identified as a conservative libertarian, her views grew more extreme. Getting together with the (right-wing internet) famous "Borzoi Boskovic" was just another step toward right-wing extremism.
We were confident that we had correctly identified "Borzoi"'s wife, but a major life event for both "Borzoi" and "Borzette" (a pet name "Borzoi" often uses for her) would verify our conclusion as well as lead us to the identity of "Borzoi Boskovic."
Borzoi's Bundle of Joy
Late in 2020 "Borzoi" had made a big announcement that he and his wife were expecting a new addition to the Boskovic family. The news was met with great enthusiasm among his neo-Nazi fan base. Even the Romanian neo-Nazi Diana "Pikachu" Brancoveanu (whom we reported on earlier) set up a GoFundMe campaign to raise money for the couple.

"Borzoi" wrote at length on the birth of their child on in a public post on While we won't go into the details of the post here, it is significant that he wrote the post on 15 April 2021. As it happens, we located a baby registry belonging to a "Rachel and Jesse Ogden." The projected arrival date was April 16, 2021.

It looked like we had found our dog.
Jesse Daniel Ogden
In an interview on the now-defunct right-wing blog The Republic Standard, "Borzoi Boskovic" stated "My background is in literature. I'm a writer at heart." Indeed, we found an old blog belonging to Jesse Ogden in which he stated that he intended to major in college in English with a creative writing emphasis and to minor in religious studies.

Jesse Ogden graduated from Hiram College in Ohio with an English degree and even worked as an editorial assistant on the

Judging by his blog, Ogden had both an interest in writing and a political awareness, although it seemed that his views at that time had not yet formed into the extreme right-wing fascist ideology of "Borzoi Boskovic." Even earlier, while in high school, Ogden was a frequent contributor to the anarcho-capitalist website

Ogden wrote of his dissatisfaction with modern society and government dependence early on, as evident in this 2003 article as he was beginning his senior year at Churchill High School in Livonia, Michigan:
What happens when you think that things in society need to be radically updated, that our entire culture needs to be changed, that traditional families are outdated and oppressive and need to be changed, that we can build a hip Garden of Eden on earth with the help of government? You get the largely problematic society we have, and the troubled and, for lack of a better word, screwed-up youths and youth culture I have grown up with these seventeen years.
After his graduation from Hiram College, Ogden spent some time teaching English in South Korea, as indicated by statements made by "Borzoi" and an online profile on the SignalHire website (now deleted). In one recent post on, Jesse "Borzoi" Ogden claimed that he had spent three years working in Korea.
While his political formative years leaned heavily towards free-market libertarianism, Ogden's politics would eventually turn much more extreme and so would his writings. Ogden frequently wrote under the pseudonym "John Chapman" on his own Race Borz blog as well as other extreme right-wing websites like The American Sun.

As "John Chapman," Ogden wrote a long-winded foreword for a version of Hitler by Wyndham Lewis published by the neo-Nazi small press Antelope Hill Publishing. In it he wrote:
Time Magazine has earned eternal enmity for once naming Adolf Hitler their Man of the Year. Their only error was in not naming him the Man of the Century.
Recently, Ogden has been heavily promoting a book he authored for Antelope Hill Publishing, again under the "John Chapman" pseudonym, entitled Cultured Grugs: Dispatches From America in Collapse. It is described thusly:
Cultured Grugs: Dispatches From America in Collapse is a selection of essays by John “Borzoi” Chapman written since 2018, including pieces published in The American Sun and on his blog, Race Borz, as well as several new essays. A prolific writer and podcaster, Chapman meticulously critiques the ills of the modern world in a fashion that is at once black-pilling and hopeful, sober and witty.
[Notably, Antelope Hill Publishing also published a title by the subject of our last report, Benjamin Welton. It seems that Antelope Hill Publishing has had some bad luck of late keeping the pen names of their authors under wraps.]

Despite having a secret identity as a white nationalist and ne0-Nazi, Jesse Ogden is very proud of his book. He is, in fact, so proud of it that he has multiple copies of it on his bookshelf. On "Borzoi" made a comment about an "ultra-liberal relative" asking about "all the Hitler books I wrote the foreword to on my shelf."

We found a post on Instagram made by a relative of Jesse Ogden in which the relative poses for a photo with the new addition to the family in front of a well-stocked book case. While we weren't able to confirm all the titles in the book case, multiple copies of the book Cultured Grugs are plainly visible.
![Instagram post made by relative of Jesse Ogden [redacted]. Multiple copies of "Chapman"/Ogden's book Cultured Grugs are visible in the center of the photo.](

Additionally, for the proverbial "icing on the cake," we found that Jesse Ogden had inadvertently identified himself on his own blog We found his name in the blog source code's HTML image metadata tags.

In the event Ogden decides to delete his blog to cover his tracks, this will still be viewable in the Wayback Machine archives, which also preserves the source code of the page.

Jesse "Borzoi" Ogden

Current information suggests that he is no longer working for this company. Being a long-time Michigan resident, Jesse Ogden is likely still in Michigan (likely around the Indian Village area of Detroit), where Rachel Elizabeth Ogden (aka Carter, Allen) maintains an active nursing license in Michigan. We expect that our neo-Nazi lovebirds remain in the Detroit area due in no small part to the fact that they recently joined Detroit's Old St. Mary's church, as indicated by the April 4, 2021 church newsletter (which has been removed, but we have preserved it here).

In the Dog House for Borzoi
Jesse Ogden has not found success as a writer under his own name. Under the pen name "John Chapman" and Antelope Hill Publishing's support, however, he is attempting to earn some literary legitimacy. It remains to be seen how far he takes it, now that "Borzoi Boskovic"'s identity is no longer a secret.