Don't think we have forgotten about the White Art Collective! We have been sitting on this identification for a bit because there are only so many hours in a day. So many Nazis, so little time…
In our continuing exposés of the White Art Collective (also known as "WAC"), we present to you today the WAC's premiere "poet" of the bunch who calls himself "Nullus." Nullus has been posting white nationalist poetry and ultra-pretentious treatises on "white arts" for years, in addition to spoken word performances of his work and musical collaborations with other WAC performers. He uses the image of the Hungarian statue of Anonymus Bele regis notarius (the "Anonymous Notary of King Bela") to represent himself online, so you have to figure this ostentatious orator of longiloquent literature has to be pretty confident about his own anonymity. Indeed, he is– until today! Time to put a name and face to "Nullus."
Nullus Abnormocracy

The earliest instance we found of Nullus in the white nationalist scene was his web site,, on which he posted pretentious essays about nationalism and equally pretentious poetry. One example of Nullus' poetry that makes clear his white nationalist and anti-immigration positions was a poem called "Bend the Knee." In this poem he wrote:
An amalgamation of wandering ethnicity,
Arriving on the shores of your beloved native soil,
Covetous aliens demand prompt inclusivity,
As the element of your essence begins to recoil.Caricatures of extraordinary chronicles,
Bizarre concoctions created to replace your decay,
Pretentious conceits designed to change every particle,
On day zero, the aura of your past is wiped away.Stolen images replaced with vulgar imitations,
Standing in shock while your sons and daughters applaud and cheer,
Their very presence always testing your limitations,
Frenzied crowds of interlopers scream: “We were always here!”Contrived assumptions that register false reality,
Illusions created by a deconstructive merchant,
You and all your kindred are expected to bend the knee,
Zealously demanding that you bow before the serpent.Crowds kneel before a malevolent humiliation,
These savages take your spirit while gloating in your face,
The serpent won't rest until it has your full submission,
Traitorous zealots seeking to eradicate your grace.An amalgamation of wandering ethnicity,
Threatens the existence of your family and your clan,
Covetous aliens demand prompt inclusivity,
Resolute righteous convictions will kneel before no man.
Nullus consistently used images of the Hungarian statue Anonymus Bele regis notarius (the "Anonymous Notary of King Bela") to represent himself across the internet. Despite the sentiments about immigration he expressed in the poem above, he often spoke and wrote about being of Hungarian ancestry. In an interview on a white nationalist podcast Slavosphere (still available for listening at Nullus stated that he was born in the United States to Hungarian immigrant parents.

Nullus eventually branched out from his dumb little web site and became a fixture in the White Art Collective, which was created by the failed filmmaker Ben Arvin (using the moniker "Jeff Winston"). Nullus often promoted others in this group of white nationalist performers on various social media platforms. He also frequently joins the white nationalist illustrator and fellow New Yorker Donald Jackson (who still uses the alias "Donald Kent" despite the fact we exposed him in an earlier piece) in WAC podcasts.

Much of Nullus' material can be found on his Youtube channel, on which he posts videos featuring his spoken word material, collaborations with white nationalist musicians and his live stream "Conversations with the Wind." Nullus displayed his proficiency in the Hungarian language by translating Hungarian nationalist poems, which he posted performances of on his Youtube channel. In one Youtube video, Nullus dedicated a poem to the right-wing Hungarian activist György Budaházy, who was convicted of terrorism but pardoned in April of this year. Budaházy's group assaulted and nearly killed a media personality, bombed LGBTQ clubs in Budapest and attacked the homes of liberal politicians.

Nullus defended this Hungarian fascist in a Substack piece entitled "Budaházy: A National Hero's Glorious Tragedy." In it he wrote:
I consider György Budaházy a true Hungarian hero in the best sense of the word. He’s a son, brother, husband, father of three, and someone I'm honored to call a friend.
Budaházy is the best of us! He's a hero to us all!
Nullus' white nationalist sentiment and right-wing politics are abhorrent enough, but the poetry and spoken word pieces this pompous ass writes are equally repellent. Get a load of this corny poem he posted in a WAC Telegram chat entitled "Pure Will," along with audio of his reading:
Bad poetry, overly dramatic delivery and abuse of exclamation marks are not crimes, but if they were Nullus would be Poetic Enemy #1. The theme of "Pure Will" is in line with a piece he wrote on Substack called "Manifesto of the Actionary Artist" which is a call-to-arms of sorts for white nationalist artists. In this piece he wrote:
Before we annihilate the arrogance of sanctimonious Liberal and Leftist saboteurs, we must first recalibrate our respective identities and seek heroic virtues in the biological reality of our ancestral cultural gardens.
Parsing through this ostentatious drivel, we think he means that white nationalists should be…more racist…? Or something. We're not sure and it doesn't matter. Nullus is the intellectual smarty-pants of the White Art Collective but sets a very low bar.
Pseudointellectual hokeyness aside, Nullus was not afraid to dip his toes into the waters of popular music, rewriting lyrics to well-known songs like Bob Dylan's "The Times They Are A Changin'", which Nullus retitled "For These Times They Are A-coming":
Warriors and poets
Hone your axes and swords
Burnish your visor
One chance to stop the hordes
And don’t draw too soon
For the list has been made
It’s now telling us who
That it’s blamin’
For they will lose now
Feel the wrath of our blade
For these times they are a-coming

Telegram is a choice platform for Nullus. In one post on his Telegram channels he urged his followers to "Stay racist meine Kameraden!" along with an image of Adolf Hitler:

In another post, Nullus celebrated Father's Day by posting a "Father's Day flag" that resembled a Nazi flag to his Telegram channel.

Although many of his posts are hard to stomach due to both to their bigotry and pretentious wordiness, Nullus does manage to make his racism and antisemitism straight to the point at times, like when he makes use of the term "Jewish parasites" or writes "These rootless cosmopolitan Jews have no home."
In another post he ruminated on IQ scores and wrote: "First, the IQ argument perpetuates the myth (I stress myth) that Ashkenazi Jews and East Asians have the highest average IQ of any ethnic or racial group. I'm not sure how many Jews or East Asians you've met in your lives, but I can assure you that most of them are as incredibly dumb as nails."

Nullus revealed very little personally identifying information on his social media accounts, but was more free with generalized information about his background. In a post on the White Art Collective Telegram messenger chat, he wrote:
I grew up in a blue collar family and was surrounded by working men throughout my formative years. Later on, I went to reputable academic institutions where I worked my way through college, paid off massive amounts of debt, and mingled with people of all backgrounds.
I worked with my hands and I worked in the corporate world with extremely wealthy people. I've been a personal guest of high aristocrats as well as salt of the earth relatives who still tilled the earth in the old country. I was born and raised in the US but lived in Europe for 11 years. I know both continents quite well.
I've seen it all in a nutshell.

In another post he wrote more about his background as a US/Hungarian citizen:
My parents fled Hungary after the Hungarian Uprising of 1956. They left separately but met in the US, married, and established a family […]
Since my parents were young when they arrived in the US, they could seamlessly adapt to the New World. […] My parents wanted my siblings and I to immerse ourselves in our Hungarian culture and decided to send us to a Hungarian school in Europe. […]
I spent a little over a decade in West Germany before I returned to the US to complete my studies. As a result, I was at home in American, German, and Hungarian cultural milieus. After the fall of the Iron Curtain, our family often talked about returning, and I had made numerous attempts to find work and settle in Hungary. But my goals unfortunately never materialized as I had hoped. In the meantime, my life had to move forward.
Aside from this vague background information, there was little to be found online to point to his real identity until we started poking into the domain records of his old website. Though looking up the current WHOIS domain information of Nullus' website reveals only that it is a privacy-protected domain, this was not always the case. Looking up this domain in historical WHOIS records was much more revealing.

Before this domain was privacy-protected, the domain records listed the administrative email and contact information for the registrant of this domain. The email address it was registered to was joseph.koerbl@[REDACTED].com, a 718 area code phone number and a Glendale (Queens) New York street address.
"Nullus" revealed: Joseph Sandor Korbl
Joseph Sandor Korbl (alternately spelled "Koerbl" or "Körbl") was born on August 6, 1967. Public records place him in Queens, New York. Just as he had expressed as "Nullus," he does have a Hungarian background as well as a background in finance.

In LinkedIn profile he described himself as a "Versatile senior professional with extensive experience in international commercial banking operations, management reporting, real estate loan portfolio asset management [and] private equity investment targets." He noted that he was fluent in English, German and Hungarian and is a dual US/Hungarian citizen. His past work history listed him as a Vice President at Eurohypo AG and HSH Nordbank.

His most recent work history listed on LinkedIn was as a Director at Turan Advisors, LLC in the New York City area. At the time of writing, "Joseph (Joe) Koerbl" is listed as a member of their team.

Turan Advisors describes themselves on their website as providing "highly specialized investment and M&A advisory services focusing on alternative investments (private equity, special situations and growth capital)." Korbl is described on their web site:
Joe has 25 years of experience in inter-national commercial finance, commercial real estate banking, and risk management. He managed a $9 Billion credit portfolio and was Chief of Staff at HSH Nordbank (NY). Joseph managed a $3 Billion commercial real estate portofolio for Eurohypo, AG (NY) and was a banker at Bayerische Vereinsbank, AG (NY). He has extensive experience in asset management, banking operations management, commercial loan portfolio management, loan servicing operations, surveillance of performance metrics, covenant analysis, trend analysis, credit administration, post-closing re-underwriting, sales analysis and market research. Joseph is fluent in English and German, with a Master’s Degree in International Affairs from Columbia University and Bachelors in Economics from Fordham University.
Aside from these professional references and the Google account image, there is very little online presence regarding Korbl's personal life. This is probably because he doesn't have a life, aside from work and his white nationalist writing and podcasting. It's almost pitiable, a fifty-something-year-old in high finance writing white nationalist doggerel and podcasting in his spare time. Almost, but not quite!
Further confirming our identification is the fact that Korbl, as "Nullus Abnormocracy," posted a message on Telegram on the occasion of his uncle's passing, a fact that we verified though public information.

This former bank vice president and Fordham and Columbia graduate spends much of his spare time online. One of the social media platforms he used is the racism-encouraging social media site, which recently experienced a massive security breach, leading to the exposure of thousands of user accounts. The breached files were subsequently leaked to multiple file sharing sites for public download. Although Korbl was not as invested in using as he was using other platforms, reading his leaked direct messages from provides a look into his connections with other racists in the scene. In a back-and-forth with another user who masquerades as an Asian racist caricature, Korbl revealed his participation in racist group chats and they discussed the state of white nationalists being deplatformed from social media:
<2022-04-26T15:11:58.000Z> mao_yat: i am happy you and Kent continue to collaborate: best writer with best artist!
<2022-04-26T15:13:58.000Z> mao_yat: i still feel angry at how the left took away Kent’s livlihood when they doxxed him. We gotta avoid all dox traces. Claremont Group Chat taught us all that, via BAP. Miss you, Nullus!
<2022-04-27T00:58:40.000Z> Nullus: Thank you! We will still have to watch out even though Elon bought Twitter.
The user "mao_yat," of course, is referring to our piece exposing Donald Jackson as "Donald Kent." Happily, now Donald Jackson doesn't have to feel so alone since his best buddy Joseph Korbl is now exposed.
In honor of this occasion we dedicate the following poem to Joseph Sandor Korbl, aka "Nullus":
Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
WAC got exposed,
And now Nullus is, too.
— Anonymus Comradus Collectivus