Continuing our series on the 'Nationalist Coalition'
The short-lived 'Nationalist Coalition' has already imploded under the weight of the the internal membership list leak. The group was an attempt to recreate the recently failed National Justice Party, which also collapsed under leadership infighting, allegations of financial mismanagement, and tawdry sex scandals.
One prominent name in the Nationalist Coalition membership leak was that of the pseudonymous neo-Nazi propagandist 'James Karlsson' who heads up the White Papers Policy Institute (WPPI). The group's grandiose moniker is accompanied by an equally over-blown mission statement where they described themselves as 'a small professional team of White advocates centered around a single mission: bringing a White perspective to the analysis of both foreign and domestic policy.' Previously, the WPPI has been closely aligned with both the National Justice Party (NJP) and their affiliated trash 'news' site The Justice Report, but the WPPI mission is couched with a level of pseudo-intellectual navel-gazing that warrants more guffaws than gravitas.
This 'professional' analyst 'James Karlsson' is actually a 25-year old college student named James William Kreger. The address listed in the Nationalist Collective leak is his parents' house in Howell, Michigan but James Kreger is currently living and attending school in Lommo, Sweden, near Malmö. He often uses the fictional television character of Frasier Crane as his avatar which likely indicates that he watches too much television. James Kreger, aka 'James Karlsson,' was a member of the National Justice Party acting as the assistant director of the Michigan 'supporter network.' He also reported directly to the rich kid owner of neo-Nazi small press Antelope Hill Publishing Dmitri Loutsik as part of the NJP's 'Office of Executive Affairs.'

James Kreger presents himself as a big brain in the white nationalist movement producing an ever-flowing torrent of ponderous essays and podcasts on 'demographic decline,' falling birth rates, the 'great replacement,' and proposals for the 'large scale repatriation of our non-White populations.' The WPPI's content is stuffed with facts, figures, charts, and graphs which may pass as sophisticated to their largely uncritical audience but actually do little to support their racist, antisemitic, and xenophobic 'policy positions.' This cheapjack pop sociology relies on often outdated or misapplied source materials, inappropriate, disingenuous contextualization and mischaracterization of material, and the willful shoehorning of data to fit a predetermined bias.
'Repatriation' is a central component to James Kreger's White Paper Policy Institute:
Repatriation, the return of non-Whites to their respective homelands or perhaps third-party non-White states, is central to the survival of our nations. Most importantly, though, it is a practical policy which we must enact.
This nonsense is presented by Kreger as not only a reasonable and attainable policy goal but also somehow humane:
We are not heartless. Whites, even to our detriment, are some of the most welcoming and hospitable peoples on Earth. Repatriation must, therefore, happen in a dignified manner which respects the dignity of those being asked and incentivized to leave White Nations. Repatriation is not inhumane or disparaging of other races. It is simply meant to reestablish self-respect and security for Whites in our own countries.
The forcible deportation of tens of millions of people seems like a daunting task but, fear not, Nazi dipshit James Kreger (whose only documented job is as a McDonalds fry cook) has it ALL figured out:
This foreign-born population, comprising roughly 20 million people, could be removed by a variety of measures: cancelling work visas, revoking of citizenship from criminals, simple immigration enforcement for overstayers, and a broad administrative review of all citizenship applications since 1965.

Fast-food workers work hard for low pay under shitty conditions. The last thing they need is to be working alongside a secret Nazi with grandiose ambitions.
Sowing the Seeds of Hate
Falling birth rates and the resulting 'demographic decline' are a frequent topic of analysis by the White Papers Policy Institute. In an article entitled Fertility and Futility, legendary woman-understander James Kreger offered a dissertation addressing the 'serious deficit of comprehension' on the subject of fertility within the white nationalist 'movement.'
If we are going to arrest the fertility rate decline of White countries we must examine, and likely abolish, unwise policies such as: promoting the idea that women 'must' attend universities, pushing women into "careers", teaching young women in schools that having children will destroy their body and other such nonsense.
We cannot only stand in vague opposition to concepts such as "feminism" while thinking that throwing cash at a problem will solve it. We must develop family planning policies which see people marrying and procreating in the prime of their lives and with both social and state support networks which enable them to.
Fear not, James Kreger has a solution for declining birthrates as well. Using his middle name 'William' as an alias, Kreger launched a campaign to single-handedly perpetuate the master-race…as a sperm donor!!!!
Under his smiling photo on a 'fertility network' website, Kreger gave details as to the services he is offering:
I am a dual masters student in Malmö looking to help younger (36 and under) single women with N.I. or Al if necessary.
For those less conversant in the technical medical jargon, 'AI' stands for 'Artificial Insemination' and James Kreger is totally willing to go that route 'if necessary.' However, he would much prefer to utilise 'NI' or 'Natural Insemination' in his gallant quest to 'help younger (36 and under) single women' with their motherhood journeys. In other words, this Nazi turkey wants to do the basting himself. This is some real Boys from Brazil type shit. Shoot your shot, king!

When not soliciting single women for in-person sperm donations, neo-Nazi James William Kreger is trying to further white supremacy via a constant stream of so-called 'position papers.' The White Papers Policy Institute puts a genteel, 'normie friendly' sheen on the concept of a white ethno-state, generally abstaining from racial slurs and provocative language in a calculated attempt to mainstream their extremism. While they attempt to present their racist garbage with a degree of politesse and formality, the rhetoric and proposals are inherently violent in nature. The oft-vaunted 'Great Replacement' theory has directly inspired multiple mass murders and James Kreger's hare-brained schemes to 'repatriate' all non-whites from various countries is at its core genocidal.
While the White Papers Policy Institute is clearly attempting to position themselves as a serious poli-sci 'think tank,' James Kreger is deeply enmeshed in the world of bonafide neo-Nazis. White Papers was initially listed as an 'affiliate' of the openly neo-Nazi Hyphen-Report, where he wrote articles analysing and praising the platform of 'White Nationalist, Ethno-Nationalist and Pro-White political parties,' including the defunct pseudo-party NJP. His description of these Nazi grifters as a 'viable contemporary organization' should be sufficient to have this dweeb barred from any sort of political punditry for life. It hardly requires hindsight to wince at howlers like this one: 'As for the Black population: it is our opinion that they must have leadership willing to come to an accord with a future NJP administration.'
The NJP collapse was accompanied by lots of finger pointing, recriminations, allegations of fraud, and general rat-fuckery. One interesting bit of insider gossip revealed that the NJP 'chairman' Mike Peinovich (aka 'Mike Enoch') transferred $10,000 dollars from the NJP LLC business account to Kreger's White Papers account. Inquiring minds want to know, and the Anonymous Comrades are on the case.
James William Kreger is definitely ambitious and working hard at turning his Nazi propaganda hobby into a full time job. He has been joined in this endeavour by Cyan Rose Quinn, a long-time neo-Nazi activist who was revealed in 2019 to be a member of Identity Evropa. After her public exposure, she went to work for white nationalist organization V-Dare and is currently employed by the neo-Nazi publishing house and media network Counter-Currents as their 'Programming Manager.' Quinn is listed as the White Papers Policy Institute's 'Chief Operating Officer' and co-hosts their podcast. Kreger lauded Quinn's longstanding ties to white nationalism and neo-Nazism saying her 'network of friends, allies, and contacts is one of the most extensive in the movement.'
The White Papers Policy Institute has been ratcheting up the fundraising attempts as of late. The near constant shilling for money comes with ambitious announced plans which include a new website, extensive travel, networking with other white nationalist groups, meetings with policymakers and candidates, hosted dinners, and office space in Washington, D.C. They were also planning their first invitation-only 'Policy Summit' in advance of this year's elections. 'Make sure to be a contributor to be considered for the list of attendees,' they wrote. They will even accept well-concealed cash sent to their P.O. Box.
Kreger attempted to bolster his constant cadging with assurances of the White Papers Policy Institute's steadfast efforts to 'push and implement' their 'policy solutions.' There were vague claims of a growing access to genuine power brokers. Kreger even purported to be 'proudly providing consulting and research services' to not only 'nominees running for office' but also those 'already holding office and drafting policy.' The claim is, on its face, so ludicrous that it begs speculation as to whether James Kreger is delusional, a fabulist, or bald-faced grifter. Or all of the above?
James William Kreger's rapid ascendance, at the tender age of 25, to the heights of the white nationalist 'intellectual elite' is really extraordinary. Not long ago this dweeb was a lowly fry-cook at a Michigan McDonalds, but today thousands of Nazis and white nationalists seek his enlightened opinions on heady subjects like the imagined fascist references in Star Trek Discovery. Nazi nerd James Kreger clearly possesses the life experience and cultural insights required to help craft global policy.

James Kreger also hosted a podcast on the white nationalist podcast network The Right Stuff (TRS) entitled By the Numbers with neo-Nazi ex-EMT Alex McNabb co-hosting. Kreger appeared regularly as a guest on several TRS shows as well, including the network's flagship Daily Shoah.

Appearing as 'James Karlsson,' the National Justice Party apparatchik James William Kreger was a guest on the 'political party'-slash-grift0-op's podcast The NJP Weekly Report, where conversation topics included 'white replacement' and 'Jewish proxy wars.'
Kreger's opining on other matters is pretty much bog-standard racist pseudo-intellectual psycho-babble but even a cursory closer glance reveals him little more than a shitposting Nazi troll.
James William Kreger, aka 'James Karlsson,' may hide behind an alias to post his racist and antisemitic propaganda but his lack of personal character and integrity carries through to his real life friends and family. In this Telegram post, he recounted a 2023 Fourth of July barbecue in Michigan where he had to refrain from talking about 'race' because his '50 year old working-class rural' white host's 'fat daughter' had two adopted Black children. James Kreger's willingness to toss his loved ones and friends under a rhetorical bus to amuse his Nazi social media followers is perfect cause to leave him off the future invite lists.

The Nazi misogynist James Kreger mocks 'body positivity' and is constantly attacking women for being 'fat' and dressing like 'sluts,' as evident in the Telegram posts below:

James Kreger wants to be seen as a serious policy analyst but cannot refrain from sophomoric and nasty attacks based on physical appearance:
As the adage goes 'opinions are like arseholes – everybody has one, and they all stink.' James William Kreger is an absolute world class arsehole, the perfect embodiment of the slippery slope between blindly accepting mainstream political and media narratives and the elevation of wholly unqualified anonymous cranks into authoritative sources. The modern white nationalist movement has produced a bottomless array of 'thought leaders' like James Kreger who, when stripped of their anonymity, are revealed as absolute garbage people in real life. It's a never-ending clown show of losers, liars, addicts, sexual predators, domestic abusers, deadbeats, violent criminals, fabulists, grifters, weirdos, and worse. You would not trust these jokers with watering your lawn, much less establishing a viable ethnostate.
The 'White Papers Policy Institute' is created from whole cloth, a completely made-up and uncredentialed entity crafting racist 'Policy Papers' and 'policy solutions' while posturing that they are somehow qualified to be advising political candidates and heads of state. Stripped of his invented 'James Karlsson' persona, we find 25-year-old James Kreger, a neo-Nazi dork with limited life experience, an employment history consisting solely of part-time fast food restaurant work, and no real world qualifications that would support the 'expertise' he foists on the world. His murderous ideas are dumb and dangerous and of a scale that is truly genocidal. Narcissism and hubris fuels Kreger's ambitions. A self-appointed expert on the world's most complex social and political issues, Kreger wants to cut the line and skip the coffee fetching and envelope stuffing that awaits on the ground floor and play with the big boys.
But it is all make-believe and Kreger's ambition has already been thwarted by his immaturity, bad decision making, and his deep documented ties to actual neo-Nazis. This sort of pedigree insures that he will never work in any sort of legitimate political organization. Even a return to flipping burgers would likely butt up against human resource screenings and anti-discrimination policies. His best hope might be to seek out a sperm bank that forgoes background checks. The internet tells us you can pull in at least a hundred bucks per vial!