As the Anonymous Comrades Collective gathered in our secret lair to sip our morning cups of Nazi tears, we did a collective spit take over the realisation that Pennsylvania neo-Nazi publishing house Antelope Hill Publishing has recently purchased Indiana neo-Nazi company Above Time Coffee Roasters.


Actually, this news surprised literally nobody, as Antelope Hill Publishing had recently begun heavily promoting a 'partnership' with Above Time Coffee Roasters, whom they described as a 'pro-White boutique coffee roastery based in Pennsylvania.' Antelope Hill Publishing is a small press which specialises in white nationalist literature and was founded by Dmitri Loutsik, Freeman Matthews III and Vincent Cucchiara, along with Cucchiara's wife Sarah Cucchiara (née Nahrgang). The small press' Nazi inclination is apparent even by its name, deliberately created from the initials of Adolf Hitler. While not actually admitting taking ownership of the coffee company, a series of sloppy business filings have exposed the scheme.

The Nazi coffee company Above Time Coffee Roasters LLC in Indiana was officially dissolved on 11 April, 2024, after a series of filings changing the address and registered agent.

In March of 2024, a new LLC using the same name was registered with the Pennsylvania Secretary of State listing an address at a rental mail box in Allentown, Pennsylvania, using a paid registered agent to hide the names of the actual owners.

The first clue we noticed is that this same mail box in Allentown, PA is also the listed address for Antelope Hill Publishing.


Even more revealing is a 'Use and Occupancy' permit application for a 'coffee roasting' business filed on March 5, 2024 by Antelope Hill Publishing's co-owner Dmitri Anatolievich Loutsik in Upper Salford Township, Pennsylvania using an address in Harleysville, a town 27 miles from Allentown.

The Harleysville address is a sprawling four-bedroom/four-bath  4,375 square-foot luxury home on 5.2 acres which was purchased in late 2022 by Antelope Hill Publishing co-owners Dmitri Anatolievich Loutsik and Vincent Cucchiara with some of the 'proceeds' of their 'publishing' business.

Aerial shot of the lavish Harleysville, PA compound  purchased by neo-Nazi book publishing company Antelope Hill owners and NJP leaders Dmitri Loutsik and Vincent Cucchiara

Apologists for white nationalism often charitably characterise the movement in terms of class struggle, an organic grassroots eruption in reaction to imagined abuse and neglect of the white working class. 'White economic insecurity' is offered as an explanation for the rise of  the Alt-Right and, ultimately, the presidency of Donald Trump. While these sentiments are certainly a factor in some instances, it doesn't explain the embrace of extreme far right ideology amongst the middle, upper-middle, upper, and upper-upper classes. In reality, rank and file white nationalists serve mostly as a stalking horse designed to preserve and enhance existing power and wealth structures acting as human shields protecting lavish lifestyles they themselves have little hope of ever attaining. 

Antelope Hill Publishing and Above Time Coffee Roasters co-owner Dmitri Anatolievich Loutsik is the child of actual Russian oligarch émigrés and far, far removed from the struggles of the working classes. The Loutsik family home in Vienna, Virginia is a 3 million dollar, 6 bedroom, 8 bathroom 8,980 sq. ft. mansion with a wine cellar, movie theater, sauna, swimming pool, and outdoor fireplace!

Aerial view of neo-Nazi Dmitri Loutsik's family mansion in Vienna, Virginia.
Antelope Hill and Above Time Coffee Roasters co-owner Dmitri Anatolievich Loutsik's family home is an 6 bed/8 bath, 7,592 sq ft mansion in Vienna, Virginia
In this week's episode of 'Nazi Cribs' we bring you aspiring neo-nazi business mogul Dmitri Loutsik's childhood home, a  3 million dollar mansion in Vienna, VA.

He may have grown up in stately Wayne Manor, but Nazi grifter Dmitri Loutsik is more supercilious goon than super-hero, a rich kid LARP-ing in a dangerous world knowing that the silver spoon permanently stuck in his gob will mean he never goes hungry. His privilege and wealth insulates him from meaningful repercussions, while so many in his world will suffer eventual catastrophic life consequences as a result of their actions.

Dmitri Anatolievich Loutsik was a major player behind the scenes in the National Justice Party and, despite no outward facing role, sat very high in the failed neo-Nazi group's org chart with the lofty title of 'Director of Executive Affairs.' Although he has attempted to maintain a low public profile, using multiple aliases, avoiding podcasts, protests, and public speaking, Loutsik's distinctive diction and appearance renders true obscurity impossible. Loutsik, seen (and heard) below in a strange Fascist/Chairman Mao inspired get-up, dresses like a spy movie villain and has a very recognisable voice. The rhotacistic Russian's heavily accented lisp and awkward phrasing is uniquely identifiable, evoking equal parts Elmer Fudd and Boris Badenov. In his failed attempts to avoid scrutiny of his wealthy family, preserve future employment options, and to generally keep his hands clean, Dmitri Loutsik has self-relegated himself to hidden administrative and operational roles in his various neo-Nazi enterprises.

Dmitri Anatolievich Loutsik of the neo-Nazi National Justice Party, Antelope Hill Publishing, and Above Time Coffee Roasters modeling the latest in fascist fashion whilst promoting the Trump campaign in 2016.

Above Time Coffee Roasters

In July 2018,  21 year old Nolan Brewer and his then underage wife Kiyomi Brewer were arrested for vandalizing a synagogue in Carmel, Indiana. The incident was revealed to be part of a part of foiled larger plot which included homemade explosives and napalm. The two pleaded guilty and Brewer received a multi-year prison sentence. His underage wife was released with just probation. The couple were revealed as having been members of Identity Evropa, an now-defunct fascist group that couched their neo-Nazism under the more benign and media friendly sounding name of 'Identarianism.' Identity Evropa later rebranded as the American Identity Movement in an attempt to skirt their involvement and liability in the deadly 2017 Unite the Right Nazi rally in Charlottesville, Virginia. Any illusions as to the true nature of Identity Evropa are quickly dispelled by more recent social media posts by their founder and leader Nathan Damigo where is openly celebrates National Socialism and Adolf Hitler.

Identity Evropa founder Nathan Damigo wishing Adolf Hitler a happy birthday.
'Identarian' founder of Identity Evropa Nathan Damigo sure sounds like a Nazi these days.

The case of Nolan and Kiyomi Brewer is powerfully demonstrative of the effects of online radicalization.  Details revealed at trial showed how Nolan followed his apparently more militant  underage wife on an downward trajectory of radicalization that began with more mainstream sources like Fox NewsBreitbart, and extremist pundit Ben Shapiro before quickly making the leap to overt Nazi communities like Stormfront and ultimately Identity Evropa.

In Nolan Brewer's FBI interview he described an in-person meetup with 'Sarah' who used the alias 'Volkmom'  and her husband 'Douglas' who were also members of  Identity Evropa. Volkmom was quickly revealed to be a woman named Sarah Dye who alongside her husband Douglas Mackey ran the small Schooner Creek Farm in Nashville, Indiana.  (Note: Despite sharing a similar name, Douglas Mackey is not  Nazi known as 'Ricky Vaughn' whose first name is spelled Douglass.)

Doug Mackey and his wife, Sarah Dye, at a Grassroots Conservatives meeting in Ellettsville, Indiana, 2019.

Sarah Dye, aka Volkmom, Fascist at Schooner Creek Farms from Nashville, Indiana

When Dye's and Mackey's ties to neo-Nazism were exposed, there was a large community-based push to have them removed from a local farmer's market. The controversy raged for months and, in response to local protests, white nationalists and armed militia groups began to show up to support Schooner Creek Farms. Dye and Mackey eventually sued the city and lost big time.

After being shunned by their local community, the Nazi owners of Schooner Creek Farm closed the farming business and shifted their energies into a new coffee roasting business called Above Time Coffee Roasters.

An August 2022 social media post announced that their coffee roastery had just passed inspection and would soon be operational. A subsequent post revealed multiple health code violations showing one of their children with dirt bare feet rooting around in the merchandise. Anybody who actually bought any of this nasty-ass Nazi coffee deserves whatever dirt and disease came with it.

Nazis and multiple health code violations make for some truly jive java.
Sarah Dye portrays herself as wholesome and family oriented, but her social media posts are full of racist and antisemitic vitriol.

Above Time Coffee Roasters name borrows from Nazi esotericist weirdo Savitri Devi's concept of the 'man above time' and their logo was a barely concealed stylised swastika. The 'About Us' page on the company website spelled out the explicit white supremacist ideology behind the venture.

Above Time Coffee Roasters was launched because we saw a need for the creation of more pro-White businesses serving our people. We live in an age where we are constantly subjected to degrading advertising schemes in the name of unchecked capitalism, by “woke” companies that are the first to “take a knee” for those who wish to destroy our nations. The time has come to take our own side and build the infrastructure necessary to become independent of those who work against the interests of our nation and our people.

Above Time Coffee Roasters also claim to hold the following certifications 'Organic, Swiss Water Processed, Fair Trade, and/or Rainforest certified.' They also stress that their coffee is '#NKC Not Kosher Certified.' At first read, this might seem benign, plenty of companies do not have Kosher certification, but the distinction they are pointedly making is that their products are specifically certified to be 'Not Kosher' via an explicitly antisemitic app called Koshchertified. The story behind the app and the guy who owns it is very, very weird and well worth a read. Koschertified also used a known neo-Nazi artist from Georgia named Jessica LaFlamme aka Jeanne LaDarc who was associated with the White Art Collective to design their logo.

The logo for Above Time Coffee Rosters utilizes a thinly veiled swastika for its centrepiece.
Above Time Coffee Roasters works with an antisemitic group to show that they are explicitly not kosher certified.
The antisemitic Koshchertified app utilized the services of Georgia Nazi artist Jessica LaFlamme to design their logo.
Jessica LaFlamme, aka "J. LaDarc," whom we have reported on previously, provided graphic design for .

Above Time Coffee Roasters certification as 'Fair Trade' is equally problematic. The Fair Trade International website speaks to the organisation's role in working to 'dismantle systemic, global racism.' Above Time Coffee Roasters are not listed on the Fair Trade International website and may be lying about the certification. Or perhaps they are claiming it based on receiving product from a legitimate Fair Trade wholesaler who is (hopefully) unaware that the company is run by white supremacists and neo-Nazis.

The history of coffee is marred by colonialism, racism, slavery, exploitation, and child labour. Above Time Coffee Roasters' expressed support of equity is really just a reaffirmation of their commitment to white supremacy,  'In contrast to the worldview of globalist parasites, we support the idea that farmers should be able to make a living in their own homelands.' 

Above Time Coffee Roasters sells their coffee via mail order and in person at white nationalist events. They were a regular fixture at National Justice Party gatherings and their products were promoted by various neo-Nazi 'celebrities', like 'Jazzhands McFeels', whose real name is Robert Warren Gasiewicz.

Neo-Nazi podcast host Robert Gasiewicz aka 'Jazzhands McFeels' boosting Above TIme Coffee Rosters.
Identity Evropa founder and neo-Nazi Nathan Damigo shilling on behalf of a white supremacist coffee company.
Above Time Coffee Roasters were regular vendors on the neo-Nazi event circuit.

Public marketing and social media by Above Time Coffee Roasters is outlandishly and cartoonishly Nazi. With social media posts featuring Adolf Hitler feeding deer and 'White Wednesday' sales, it is hard to imagine that prospective customers wouldn't suspect the whole production might be a federal honeypot. Unfortunately, it is an actual business built on explicit white supremacist principles, although it cannot be said with 100% certainty that it is not infiltrated with feds.

One of many social media posts from Above Time Coffee Roasters celebrating Adolf Hitler.
Above Time Coffee Roasters markets their products exclusively to 'White' customers.

While reasonable people recognize April 20th as '4/20' and maybe smoke a little extra weed to celebrate, neo-Nazis celebrate the day as the birthday of Adolf Hitler. Nazis often commemorate the day with social media toasts wishing a happy birthday to their 'Uncle,' a coded reference to the dead Nazi leader. The Nazi weirdos at Above Time Coffee Roasters celebrated by having a multi-day sale to honor 'one of the greatest men in history':

Achtung!! SALE begins tonight!

On Thursday, April 20th, we will be remembering the birthday of one of the greatest men in history. Indeed, one of the MOST slandered and libeled men in history- a man who stood up to international Jewry, the usury, subversion and destruction of his people. Adolf Hitler was not the crazed, murderous war monger of which our enemies have told tall tales. Not only have they told tall tales, they have told us the biggest lie in history, a lie that continues to be used as a cudgel against ALL White people of the West today, who try to defend their folk or stand up against the same subversion and destruction that is happening in our nations right now.

To those who choose to remain ignorant of the truths behind what happened to our German ancestors during ww2, we would encourage you to do some research and ask the same questions we did- such as, "Why were we not educated about the full story", and "Why is it illegal (in some nations) and/or taboo to question the narrative of such an important historical event?" We would encourage all of you to learn the other side of the greatest story never told. There are countless documentaries and a mountain of information that is intentionally kept hidden.

One day is not enough, therefore, we are offering a sale this week starting tonight 4/17/2023 at 8pm EST and going through Friday 4/21/2023 8pm EST to give back to OUR PEOPLE.

ALL Orders will be entered into a GIVEAWAY to win coffee and gifts. We will be giving away three gift bundles by random drawing! By placing an order this week during the sale, you will automatically be entered to win. Gift bundle includes a bag of coffee, a bar of handmade coffee soap, and a T shirt!!!

Nazi grifters Above Time Coffee Roasters celebrate the birthday of Adolf Hitler by declaring him 'one of the greatest men in history.'
Putting the CAPITALISM in NATIONAL SOCIALISM! Mail order Nazi coffee company Above Time want your money and your personal data!

Not surprisingly, hyper-capitalist National Socialist grifter weirdos (and new Above Time Coffee Roasters owners) Antelope Hill Publishing also celebrate genocide with annual Hitler birthday sale events which have included special editions of Hitler speeches and books by Joseph Goebbels.

Nazi publisher Antelope Hill aren't even pretending to not be Nazis as they collect customer data and money.

Despite frequent social media posts about the success of Above Time Coffee Roasters, in February 2024, Sarah Dye announced that they were 'stepping back' from running the business and they had found new owners 'who share our original vision' and would carry on the company's 'legacy and mission.' The surprising announcement came hot on the heels of the recent collapse of the National Justice Party. Since the NJP in-person events were one of the main sales platforms for Above Time, it is  possible that this anticipated loss of revenue impacted the decision.

Indiana Nazi Sarah Dye announces she is stepping back from her Nazi coffee business. We wish her only the worst.

Sarah Dye has been notably absent from social media since selling the farm and business and may have relocated to Tennessee. She and her husband can be seen in several photos of events of the eastern Tennessee branch of the Asatru Folk Assembly, a whites only neo-pagan group that is designated a hate group by the SPLC.

Above Time Coffee Roasters roasting marshmallows with a bunch of goofy Nazis posing as a religion.


Sarah Dye and Douglas Mackey doing Nazi stuff in the Tennessee woods with the Asartu Folk Assembly.
Indiana Nazis Sarah Dye and Doug Mackey skipping around the Maypole with the Asartu Folk Assembly in Tennessee.

There have not been many visible changes in the marketing or products of Above Time since Antelope Hill took over but a recent post boasts that the company 'currently discretely supply a few small coffee shops in the United States with our roasts' and is actively seeking to 'grow our wholesale partners.'


Antelope Hill Publishing

The owners of the neo-Nazi publishing house Antelope Hill Publishing have shown themselves to be adherents of a particularly capitalistic form of National Socialism, leveraging their business income into valuable holdings which include a multi-million dollar real estate portfolio. While the company clearly has decent cash flow, book publishing is a generally low margin affair and Antelope Hill is not particularly profitable or likely sustainable in the long term. Nazi propaganda is a niche market with a defined ceiling for prospective future growth. Aside from their millions of dollars in real estate, the company has produced at least one other valuable asset which will outlive the enterprise: customer data.

The white nationalist/neo-Nazi world has been long obsessed with anonymity and secrecy, yet a series of intertwined businesses which include Antelope Hill Publishing, The Right Stuff nazi podcast network, the National Justice Party, and now Above Time Coffee roasters have managed to amass a massive worldwide database of political extremists and neo-Nazis. This data includes names, addresses, and financial data including credit cards, Venmo, Paypal, other payment processing service, and, importantly, identifiable crypto wallets. In addition to the large database comprised of actual customers, Antelope Hill Publishing gathers additional personal data via frequent open calls for curated writing and poetry competitions.

In the past few years, a series of massive data breaches have battered the online extremist safe spaces including Gab, Poast, The Heritage Foundation, The Post Millennial, and European Nazi music and merch company Midgaard.

Insider leaks are always a huge risk, as seen in the recent exposure and subsequent disbanding of the Nationalist Coalition (NATCO.) The group, which formed out of the wreckage of the collapsed National Justice Party had an insider leak which revealed their entire founding membership roster including names and addresses. This was followed by another insider leak revealing a significant numbers of donors to the National Justice Party.

Antelope Hill and their affiliated businesses have compiled a massive database that will have incredible value in the hands of journalists and Antifascist researchers when the inevitable data breach or insider leak happens. Evidence suggests the various groups may have been illegally sharing customer data, which greatly widens the range of potential vulnerability points.

What should be even more concerning to these groups members, donors, and customers should be the potential interest these names and other data (especially the crypto wallets) would have to organizations with powerful subpoena power, like federal investigative agencies.

A cursory glance at the operations of TRS/NJP and Antelope Hill Publishing suggest multiple possible avenues for  government interest and disquisitive action, including co-mingling of funds and self dealing, prohibited sharing of consumer data, questionable data retention practices, labour law/OSHA violations, and potential tax fraud and/or money laundering. This sort of shadiness has the potential to allow legal authorities to 'pierce the corporate veil' and strip away the protections inherent in a Limited Liability Corporation (LLC.)  This could expose the principals to possible civil or criminal liability. The interstate and international nature of these businesses' dealings opens up potential interesting avenues on a federal level. When the US Postal Service is utilized in the commission of crimes it can get REAL, real fast. Nazis should not sleep well, we may yet see the Feds holding an auction for lavish Pennsylvania real estate after they take possession of all the company servers and data.

The recent turmoil that has forced racist propaganda outlet VDare to shutter is based entirely in their incredibly sloppy and apparently illegal business practices. There are distinct differences, primarily in that VDare's status as a non-profit charity made them subject to more stringent government oversight than the privately held NJP and Antelope Hill entities. But the similarly flagrant disregard of laws and ethics could absolutely be used to force open the can of Nazi worms and allow in a whole bevy of federal acronym agencies including the FBI and IRS and worse.

The principal owners of Antelope Hill Publishing all had roles within National Justice Party.  Dmitri Loutsik went by several different aliases including 'Maxim,' 'Konstantin,' and 'Valentino Ferrante' and served as  NJP's 'Director of Executive Affairs.' Vincent Cucchiara used the alias 'Amerigo V' among others and bore the title 'Director of Information Technology, Supporter Group Director for Eastern Pennsylvania.' Rounding out the rich kid Nazi publishing company ownership trifecta is Freeman Matthews, the failson of a prominent Louisiana family, who goes by the alias of 'Louis' and hosts the TRS podcast 'National Institute of Gamer Review' (or 'NIGR,' in case the dumb winky racism not instantly obvious.)


Why is Nazi multi-millionaire Dmitri Loutsik laughing? Because he has all your personal and financial information! LOL
Antelope Hill co-owner Freeman Matthews aka 'Louis' also hosts a racist podcast called National Institute for Gamer Review (NIGR)
Millionaire failson Nazi Dmitiri Loutsik (on left) at at Trump event in 2016.
Nazi publishing company Antelope Hill co-owner and wannabe land baron Vincent Cucchiara unironically tips his fedora
Nazi rich kid Dmitri Loutsik was all-in on behalf of  the Trump campaign in 2016.

The Neo-Nazi Alternative Economy

The neo-Nazi strategy of creating networks for an alternate economy and marketplace for 'our people' has so far had only a handful of 'success' stories. The market for Nazi books, soap, arts and crafts, clothing, and coffee is, by its very nature, self-limiting. While a handful have managed to make a quick buck, the increasing competition will lead to ever diminishing collegiality and eventual economic cannibalisation.

Additionally, legitimate concerns over the security of customer data will likely lead to a significant drop off in users who are increasingly squeamish of entrusting their livelihoods and social standing to companies that are technologically insecure/incompetent and likely federal investigative targets. The eventual failure of Antelope Hill and Above Time Coffee Roasters will likely have limited impact on its millionaire owners Dmitri Loutsik, Freeman Matthews III, and Vincent Cucchiara, whose real estate portfolios and other diversified holdings may well survive the collapse. However, the thousands of hapless Nazis whose purchases and donations have funded this empire building will be constantly looking over their shoulders, dreading the inevitable data breach, business malfeasance or federal investigation that exposes them to the world.

All the coffee in the world won't wake you from that nightmare.