In a previous article, we explored the 'Pool Party' and 'Supporter Group' systems within the neo-Nazi podcast network The Right Stuff and its now-defunct fake political organization The National Justice Party. These real life neo-Nazi networking groups were intended to be highly exclusive, with vigorous vetting procedures intended to weed out 'Antifa' infiltrators, federal agents, and those deemed undesirable for various reasons. The vetting process for the original Pool Parties was notoriously erratic but the transition to the National Justice Party Supporter Groups saw memberships grind to a halt under astonishingly inefficient bureaucratic blundering. Prospective members publicly complained about waiting months and even years for responses to their applications. Those who actually managed to get screened were subject to arbitrary rejections based upon a sliding scale of disqualifiers, which often included misdemeanor criminal offenses. Despite the alleged vetting rigour, the TRS Pool Parties and the NJP membership and Supporter Group networks were rife with criminals, creeps, weirdos, and even convicted pedophile sex offenders.
TRS established a complex series of vetting procedures intended to screen out 'infiltrators' and 'people who are mentally-unbalanced, can’t control their behavior, or like to siege-post.' A 2019 'Vetting and Rules' document in the Anonymous Comrades Collective archives broke down the process for vetting in the pre-NJP era Pool Parties. The document was written by an as-of-yet unidentified New York TRS associate and podcaster who uses the alias 'D'Marcus Liebowitz.' The authour wished to keep his role on the down-low, asking readers to 'Remember not to mention to anyone that I am the one who has taken up the role of organizing the pool parties and helping to get new pool parties on their feet.' [Emphasis original]
Multiple people who have left the white nationalist movement generally, and the TRS/NJP networks specifically, use the term 'cult' to describe the experience. While there is legitimate academic disagreement over the use of the term 'cult,' much of the activity surrounding TRS/NJP falls squarely into the type of tactics applied by both cults and multi-level marketing schemes.
Generally accepted cult characteristics include encouraged secrecy, isolation, socialisation restrictions, rigid established dogma, coercive persuasion, material, economic, and physical exploitation, and assigned recruitment goal requirements. Previous leaked National Justice Party documents show members being strongly urged to bring in new members from their friends and family circles.
The accumulating series of leaked documents also reveals a series of membership requirements that seek to bind the members to the organisation at the expense of those same real life relationships. One alarming instruction requires members to communicate exclusively via the messaging app Threema or through the 'direct message' function of the TRS member forum. Members were forbidden from communicating with each other via phone or text and told to delete each other's real life contact information. This effectively ensures that any break from the main organisation will also sever ties to the associated social group and real life acquired friendships. If you leave, you lose all your friends.
We will no longer be allowed to text or call each other at all, under any circumstances. Delete each other's phone numbers if you have them in your address book, as well as any text conversations.
Departing and exiled members have described the effect as 'un-personing,' where remaining members are forbidden to interact with apostates to the extent that even their children's friendships made through Pool Party family gatherings were forcibly ended.
The original TRS Pool Party vetting instructions were very privacy intensive, advising against any video interviews and any visual documentation of group gatherings. Again, this takes real life relationships and makes their existence contingent on good standing within the organisation, no scrapbooking or commemorating fun times with friends…like normal people do.
We don’t take pictures, audio recordings, or video recordings of the group's hangouts or its members. Two goys may decide to take a picture together, but let's try to keep that to a minimum, and if you do happen to take a picture with another goy in the pool party make sure not to post it online or show it to other people. If you do so, you will be ejected from the group.
Members were even expected to maintain anonymity in person, even amongst real life friends and acquaintances.
Don't share your real ID with anyone in the group. Come up with a fake normal-sounding name for us all to use. Do not give each other your phone numbers; use Threema instead. No one needs to know your name or have your number – it only opens more potential holes. If you know someone’s real name, please use their pseudonym so that you’re not in the habit of dropping their name. If you see one of your fellow goys with normie friends, family, or coworkers, do not use their pseudonym if you want to say hello to them. Instead, say "hey man" or something to that effect.
Despite the admonition against 'siege-posters,' the vetting instructions are structured around a hypothetical recruit given the very fed-posty alias '@KikeSlammer88' and involve a multi-step process including several interviews and an ad-hoc and amateurish background check.
Recommendations, general information, etc.:
-There are people who responded in the general/informational pinned post in the vetting section before all the threads for local areas were created, so I tagged them in your local thread (note: @KikeSlammer88 has expressed interest in being vetted for this group, for example).
-If you have members that are not on the forums, or if you recruit people from outside the forum, we would appreciate it if you got them to sign up for the forums.
-Please encourage your online friends from other areas of the country to sign up for the forum and get vetted in their corresponding area.
-If you have a good vetting process with several steps, you’ll catch infiltrators easily, they’re red-pilling story won’t make sense most likely. The biggest concern is people who are mentally-unbalanced, can’t control their behavior, or like to siege-post. Your vetting process should help to weed them out, and be sure to trust your gut. Don’t be a nice guy and try to fix people; you want people who are fully ready to contribute.
-It is probably best not to do video calls with your members.
-It would probably be best if you and your members used tutanota or at least protonmail for your e-mail addresses
-I would recommend having one leader, instead of a council of equals. Delegating roles to lieutenants works well, but having a group of equals seems to end up slowing things down.
-Do not recruit anyone who is a minor or else we will not be able to associate with your group.
-You should keep out anyone who is anti-TRS because, although this isn’t a cult of personality, if people are going to be in a TRS pool party while having disdain for the higher-ups, that might cause problems.
-Be sure to let nearby pool parties know if you come across someone who is particularly problematic or unstable so that they don’t try to join their group after being rejected or kicked out by yours.
Prior to the formation of the National Justice Party, members of other neo-Nazi groups were welcome to join their local TRS Pool Party. This would change in subsequent iterations as the member controls and requirements were tightened around the National Justice Party dues based model.
-We don’t have an issue with pool party members joining other groups like Patriot Front, Stormer Bookclubs, or Identity Evropa.
The membership procedure is structured so as to make acceptance an elusive and mysterious process-driven goal:
-You may come across a group of guys on the forum that have been hanging out for some time. You should vet them one at a time and make them understand from the beginning that they might not all make it through the process and ask them to agree to that before proceeding.
-Even if someone is vouched for by someone you know or by someone with clout, you should still put them through the entire vetting process. This will inspire confidence in your goys.
Under a section entitled 'Rules,' we begin to see the authoritarian side of the internal structure. 'Proper respect' is required to be shown the undefined 'inner circle' and 'leadership,' who will 'handle' all decision making regarding membership and access.
1. The inner circle consists of: ______ under the leadership of _____. Show them the proper respect.
2. We will use forum DMs, and our Threema group to plan pool parties. For the day of the event we will use Threema as our primary method for keeping in touch. If you do not have a Threema account, make one. You can download the app for your phone and it's very user-friendly on mobile. Do NOT add anyone to the Threema group, or the Forum DM group, Let leadership handle that.
In addition to the previously quoted passages requiring aliases and prohibiting video and photography, the RULES under the heading of 'OPSEC,' an term meaning 'operational security,' demand members maintain secrecy and 'be loyal to the group.' The 'first rule of Fight Club…'-styled approach mirrors the isolation and alienation strategies of cult-like organisations.
We expect people to keep Op-Sec and be loyal to the group. That means not talking to your normie friends or family about the nature of our group. It also means not telling even other Alt-Right people too many specifics like: what counties particular members live in, what specific locations we hang out in, who is in the group, and other things of that nature. Use your better judgment if you are unsure, and lean towards saying nothing if anyone asks. If people inside or outside the group ask inappropriate questions, let the inner circle know. If you have too big of a mouth you will be ejected from the group
Other 'Op-Sec' rules include notifying 'leadership' if you plan on 'attending certain public events' or create 'Alt-Right content that shows your face.' Further stoking the 'us vs. them' isolating narrative, members were also advised to pay in cash at public outings lest the bartenders, waitstaff, or cashiers be 'committed leftists:'
Have some agency and take as much cash as you think you'll need for any given meet up. Using a credit card to pay a tab provides your name to a restaurant or bar and could potentially dox you if the staff there is on to our political ideas and are committed leftists.
Saying the loud part quietly seems to be a key objective of the Op-Sec rule ordering members to pretend to be something other than Nazis in public. This directive seems clearly responsive to the catastrophic series of public outings culminating in 2017's bloody Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, VA.
Don't make a scene. Don't make a fool of yourself. We don't need any unnecessary attention drawn to us. Do not Roman Salutes in public, don't say "racist" things within ear shot of strangers/normies. This is for the safety and well-being of our members, and in addition, there are great locales/venues that we will want to use again in the future.

The 'Camaraderie' heading masks several instructions which seem intended to break down the concept of self in favour of vaguely defined collective goals. Stasi-styled internal snitching, to the 'inner circle,' is encouraged against anyone 'breaking the rules.'
If you have a problem getting along with someone, if you see them breaking the rules, if you think they're asking inappropriate questions, or if you suspect anyone of being an infiltrator or being non-white or being Jewish, bring it to the attention of the inner circle and we'll take care of it.
Again, the suspension of self is urged on behalf of the common 'good of the pool party.'
Do not let your ego harm the group or the movement. Efforts made by members should be for the good of the pool party and white people in general, not solely for personal gain/achievement.
Another alarming cult-like directive urges members to delete 'normie' social media, further isolating them from real life friends and family and cementing their reliance on the strictly controlled Pool Party network.
It is recommended that you delete your normie social media accounts, or at least not use your real name on them.
Under the heading of 'Operations' we see the trademark opaqueness of cults and authoritarian groups with secret information only being shared on a 'need-to-know basis' and members sternly told to 'Keep that in mind.'
Information may be given on a need-to-know basis (flyering campaigns, protests, or discussions of other important or sensitive matters.) Keep that in mind.
Members are encouraged to infiltrate local political, civic, and fraternal organisations for future recruiting:
Members are encouraged to participate in local political groups or fraternal/civic orders and organizations. Organizations that would be beneficial for you to join: Homeowners associations (if you own property), Parent Teachers Associations or Boy/Girl Scouts (if you have children), Your local Chamber of Commerce (if you own a business), Conservative/Republican clubs on campus (if you’re in higher education), Knights of Columbus (if you're Catholic), VFW posts or the American Legion (if you're a veteran), Rotary clubs, Kiwanis, Free Masons, and so on.
In the interview process, marriage and child-rearing are celebrated as an aspirational and exalted state. Members are asked 'Do you have a wife and kids and if not, do you want to some day? (This is important. What’s the point of all of this if we don’t pass on our people’s genetic legacy?)'
Running contrary to this is the recommendation that single women be excluded from involvement because they have caused 'SERIOUS problems with IRL Alt-Right groups in the past.' Stating, 'This isn’t a dating service,' the directive clearly validates the intertwined relationship between neo-Nazism and white nationalism and 'incel' culture. There are many women active in neo-Nazi movement but there is still a huge gender imbalance and a very lopsided pool of dating prospects. The sexual control of members is another hallmark of cult activity and the further limiting access to the opposite sex and possible romantic relationships is a blatant tool to ensure that a percentage of the membership stays in the sheltered and miserable state conducive to joining in the first place.
The multi-part 'vetting' process is exhaustively detailed:
The vetting process I use consists of four parts. I would recommend telling them that you’ll get back in touch with them within two or three weeks after one of the stages. This way, if someone is impatient, or tries to bribe you, you can then learn that they may not have the mindset you’re looking for. 1) Do a skype interview with them and at the end of the interview ask them for all of their account names with a post history (Twitter, Gab, TRS Forums, etc.) 2) Check their post history to make sure they don’t promote violence, and make sure they mention the JQ (you can do a twitter search by typing in their url [ex: @kikesmash88 Jewish]), among other things. 3) If their skype interview goes well and their post-history checks out, have one of my lieutenants (it’s good to have a second mind assessing the potential recruit) meet them 1-on-1 IRL for a second interview with follow-up questions. 4) If that goes well, invite them to a pool party and have your goys chat them up. If that goes well, invite them to join your DM groups and voice chats and have them read the rules for your group.
Please re-word the questions if you’re going to use the ones I’ve shared with you. Feel free to add or subtract any questions you want. As I stated before, every pool party will have its own way of doing things, and we aren’t going to insist that everyone does things exactly the same, but you should have a fairly strict vetting process for the good of your members’ Op-Sec and well-being, and to promote good morale.
I would also suggest not allowing single women to join your group. I’d recommend only allowing women who are wives or long-term girlfriends of guys in the group, if that. Single women have caused SERIOUS problems with IRL Alt-Right groups in the past. This isn’t a dating service. If a woman wants to join your pool party, and her husband/boyfriend is redpilled, at the very least I would recommend vetting him first. Also be extra careful with people who are new to the forum or have a small post history. You might want to tell them to build up a post history first if you’re concerned about it. You should also do a user search on the forums to see if similar screen names pop up that have been banned and you can further inquire by asking them about it and asking me why they were banned and see if their story matches up.
The initial screening for membership is followed with a series of interviews, beginning on Skype and leading to eventual in-person meet-ups for successful candidates. A general recommended script is provided along with suggestions of possible red flags to look out for such as a weak handshake, dyed hair, piercings, or neck tattoos. The interrogatory vice gets tightened eventually with the directive to 'become more firm and look them directly in the eye' when asking 'crucial personal questions' such as:
-Do you have any Jewish ancestry?
-Are you or have you been involved with any left-wing activist groups, community groups, or campus groups?
-Do you have a criminal history?
-Are you gay or bisexual?
The overall vibe is a mix of pop psychology and ham-fisted b-movie Nazi bufoonery.
-In an ideal situation, would you say that Jews can stay, some can stay, or should they all have to leave? (They should answer that Jews should all have to leave)
The overall cringe factor is off the charts as demonstrated by this prompt on the willingness to submit to an imagined dictatorship. Given the quality and track record of the leadership this 'movement' has offered up thus far, 'hesitation' seems a poor euphemism for 'critical thinking.'
-Would you be willing to let go of Democracy if doing so meant that whites would not have to become a minority? (Virtually everyone will say yes, but look for hesitation. They should be able to say yes very quickly and not have to think about it much)
Here is the entire set of vetting instructions which were distributed to leaders in the TRS Pool Party network in 2019. Upcoming installments will feature additional documents leaking out of the collapsed National Justice Party. The evolution of the strategies CLOSE
Step 1: Skype Interview
Things to keep in mind for the interview: Look for an emotional connection to our ideas/beliefs. What is their personality type? Is this the kind of person you could see yourself hanging out with? Would you be alright with this guy potentially being around your family in the future? Try to make it seem more like a conversation than an interview. Perhaps say “I’m glad we can have this conversation” or something like that. If they act strange, don’t react; let them be themselves and don’t coach their answers. We don’t want to spoon feed them. Try to use inside jokes (the Alt-Right Lexicon) and see if they understand them. Trust your gut; if the person seems off or you have a bad feeling about them, take that into account. Don’t be afraid to be tough and exclude someone. If someone is too “extreme” or White Nationalist 1.0 then they’re probably not a fit for us. As you’re interviewing them, record their answers, and when you’re done, send the interview with the questions filled out to the other members of the inner circle.
“Just so you know, I have to confer with the other guys in the group before anyone can be approved. Just understand that it’s nothing personal, and that we’re not suspicious of anyone in particular, it’s just that we have to be strict about Operational Security for obvious reasons. This is for your own good as well because you don’t want to join a group that just lets people in willy nilly.”
-How did you find out about our pool party?
-Why do you want to join a pool party?
-Is there anyone in the movement who can vouch for you? (If there are any bad apples in your area that you know about, you should find out if this person associates with said unwanted people)
-Don’t give me a specific number, but how old are you, roughly (ex: early 20s, mid-30s)?
-What county do you live in?
-How did you get red-pilled? How did you find the Alt-Right? Please be in depth and chronological (look for them to begin with “When I was in college I saw that the black students weren’t capable” or “My parents were shitlibs but I had a friend who would make racist comments”, etc. Any potential infiltrator should have a tough time with this question) (Find out how long they’ve been fully red-pilled, what year they found such-and-such site)
-Do you have a job and/or are you in school (you might not want to let NEETs joining your group)?
-What’s your ethnic background?
-Do you have a wife and kids and if not, do you want to some day? (This is important. What’s the point of all of this if we don’t pass on our people’s genetic legacy?)
-Name some popular or notable figures that you would consider to be Alt-Right, as well as the websites that you frequent. (This is a good test, and will tend to trip up potential infiltrators):
-Are you a member of, or have you been a member of any political or alt-right organizations? (Casually mention College Republican groups, Patriot Front, Proud Boys, Traditional Workers Party, Stormer Book Club, Identity Evropa. If they’re a member of AtomWaffon or Iron march then that’s a no-go. Proud Boys may be a concern as well.)
-What are your thoughts on Christianity, Atheism, and Paganism? You can be brief. Two sentences on each should suffice.
-Are you willing to cooperate with pro-whites that have different religious or spiritual beliefs? (You don’t want people who will pick fights over religion joining your group)
-Do you think there are differences between the races as far as behavior and intelligence go? Please give an example of each (intelligence and behavior,) each comparing two different races.
-Is the Jewish question a priority? How would you describe the effect of Jews as a group on white countries? (Probe to see what they know about the media, Hollywood, Wall St., influence, etc.)
-In an ideal situation, would you say that Jews can stay, some can stay, or should they all have to leave? (They should answer that Jews should all have to leave)
-Are you into conspiracy theories, whether it’s 9/11 and the Holocaust, crisis actors, or illuminati?
-Do you think 9/11 or Holocaust conspiracy theories are useful in reaching out to ‘normies’ as a first attempt to red-pill (People who are into conspiracy theories are more likely to have psychological issues. It’s not necessarily a deal-breaker, but it’s something to consider)?
-You should tell them the following before parting: “There’s one more step in the vetting process; an in person interview. We’ll get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you for your time, I appreciate your patience”
-But first, ask them for the following contact info, so that you can look at their post history. You can search their twitter account at the bar on the top and type in a word like “Jew” to see if they’re red-pilled on the JQ, and you should be on the look out for spergy posts or violent rhetoric.)
-Twitter account:
-Gab account:
-TRS Forum account:
-Skype name:
-Stormer BBS:
-Other contact/posting info:
-Personality assessment:
Step 2: Check their post history
Check their post history (Gab, Twitter, TRS Forums, MPC, Stormer BBS, FaceBook, Disqus, etc.) to make sure they don’t promote violence, and make sure they mention the JQ (you can do a twitter search by typing in their url [ex: @kikesmasher88 Jewish]) at the top right of the page in the search box. Do your due diligence and be thorough. Some people might keep it to shit-posting online, and that shouldn’t be a deal-breaker, but it certainly helps if they seem to take things seriously (like talking about the genocide in South Africa, for example). Also do a google search of their e-mail address and see what it’s linked to. Finally, do a user search on the TRS forums and see if there were accounts with obviously similar names that were banned. It’s possible they caused a problem and snuck back in with a different account. I’d also advice being careful with someone who uses their real picture in their profile.
Step 3: In-Person Interview
Things to keep in mind for the interview: Look for an emotional connection to our ideas/beliefs. Do they feel normal socially? What is their personality type? Do they look you in the eye (you want to look them in the eyes when asking if they’re Jewish, or if they have a criminal history, etc.)? It may be useful to ask them the casual questions Is this the kind of person you could see yourself hanging out with? Would you be alright with this guy potentially being around your family? Be on the look out for them making strange statements or asking questions that involve illegal activity. If they act strange, don’t react; let them be them and don’t coach their answers. We don’t want to spoon feed them. Try to use inside jokes (the Alt-Right lexicon) and see if they understand them. Trust your gut; if the person seems off or you have a bad feeling about them, take that into account. Don’t be afraid to be tough and exclude someone. If someone is too “extreme” or White Nationalist 1.0 then they’re probably not a fit for a TRS pool party.
Shake their hand to see if they give you a firm handshake. See if they have dyed hair or piercings. If it is cold out and they’re heavily clothed, ask them if they have any tattoos on their hands or neck (this isn’t necessarily a deal-breaker, but it’d be good to know.)
-Follow up in more detail about the answers from the skype interview
-Tell me about yourself. Do you have any hobbies? How do you spend your time?
-Would you be willing to let go of Democracy if doing so meant that whites would not have to become a minority? (Virtually everyone will say yes, but look for hesitation. They should be able to say yes very quickly and not have to think about it much)
(at this point we begin asking crucial personal questions. You should be acting more casually prior to this point in the interview. Once you ask the following questions you should become more firm and look them directly in the eye)
-Do you have any Jewish ancestry?
-Are you or have you been involved with any left-wing activist groups, community groups, or campus groups?
-Do you have a criminal history?
-Are you gay or bisexual?
-Do you have a history of psychological issues? Do you any such medications?
-How often do you drink alcohol? Do you smoke pot, take mind-altering prescription pills, or do any hard drugs?
-Do you have a significant other or children who are non-white? Are any of your family members minorities or mixed-race (This would include sisters/brothers-in-law/cousins)? If yes, how does it make you feel? (It’s fine if their sibling married a non-white, what matters is how they feel about it, and if that affects their idealogy)
…At the end of the meeting, make it clear to them that we don’t organize violence, nor do we talk about organizing violence. Let them know that we’ll get back to them as soon as possible, and thank them for taking the time to meet you.
-Personality assessment:
Step 4: Invite them to a pool party
Pick a place that your pool party doesn’t frequent. Get a few drinks in them, and make sure your goys chat them up to see if they can socialize well and talk to them about whatever things may have been a concern or curiosity during the previous vetting stages (for example: if they understand the JQ, but didn’t seem too knowledgeable about racial differences in behavior and intelligence). If that meeting goes well, my inner circle and I (five guys total) vote on whether to allow the person to join. I require 4/5 up votes. If one person says no, he gets to make the case to the other four guys, and if he can flip any of the other four, then that’s 3/5, and we don’t allow the person to join. Obviously if you only have a few guys, or if you’re just starting out, you may want to not worry about that.
If the prospect is allowed to join the pool party, I then invite them to join your pool party’s DM groups on the forum and on Threema and have them read the rules. If someone comes out to meet the group at a pool party for the fourth stage of vetting, and you don’t think they’re a good fit, don’t be afraid to deny them entry into your pool party, and be sure to trust your gut. I usually say something like “You seem like a good guy, but I don’t think you and our pool party are a good fit for each other. We encourage you to join other groups like a Stormer Bookclub, Identity Evropa, or Patriot Front. Like I said, you seem like a good guy. Please understand that it’s nothing personal.” If the person that’s rejected tries to ask what they said or did wrong, be vague; you don’t want them making a new account and trying again or applying that information to trying to join another group if they’re a sperg or possibly even an infiltrator. Note that if you already have guys in your group that are members of one of these other organizations, you might not want to tell someone that you rejected to try and join that group.
In our next installment, we will show how these policies and procedures evolved with the formation of the National Justice Party.