Neo-Nazi Profile: Perry Maholland Jr of Levittown, Pennsylvania

In today’s report we would like to present this concise profile on a Pennsylvanian neo-Nazi who runs a fledgling social media website that caters to neo-Nazis, fascists, antisemites and admirers of Adolf Hitler. Allow us to introduce: Perry Maholland Jr. of Levittown, Pennsylvania Perry Maholland Jr’s adoration of Adolf Hitler and Nazis is hardly a …

The Strange Case of “Pikachu”: Romanian Neo-Nazi Podcaster Diana Brancoveanu, aka Simona Thrussell

The prevalence of neo-Nazi podcasts is something no one could have predicted. On the other hand, perhaps it should be no surprise that racists and white nationalists would embrace new forms of media to spread their hate. One of these such podcasts is “Red, White and Black Pill,” hosted and produced by a neo-Nazi Romanian …