In our last installment, we exposed a network of neo-Nazi home schoolers called the "Dissident Homeschool," led by Upper Sandusky, Ohio couple Logan and Katja Lawrence, who used the aliases "Mr. and Mrs. Saxon." The Lawrences were good friends with "Gordon Kahl," host of the neo-Nazi podcast Achtung! Amerikaner and leader of a network of neo-Nazi podcasts under that umbrella. In fact, a significant portion of the information that led to the identity of Logan and Katja Lawrence was gleaned from their guest appearances on the Achtung! Amerikaner podcast. Since "The Saxons" got exposed, we thought that ol' Gordon might be feeling a little left out on all the fun. Far be it from the Anonymous Comrades Collective to deny a Nazi a chance to be exposed! Today we introduce to you Riggin Lynn Scheer of Brookings, South Dakota, otherwise known as "Gordon Kahl" of Achtung! Amerikaner.
The Neo-Nazi Coordinator "Gordon Kahl"
Gordon Kahl is the the pseudonym for the administrator of, a website that serves as the home for the podcast Achtung! Amerikaner, as well as a number of other podcasts popular with white supremacists like Full Haus, The Godcast, Hate House and The Eagle's Nest, among others. While facilitating coordination between various neo-Nazi groups across regions, Gordon Kahl has been quietly building a rival platform to the largest network of white nationalist podcasts, The Right Stuff (TRS), led by Michael Peinovich, aka "Mike Enoch." Though still the largest of the neo-Nazi podcasting networks, TRS has of late been experiencing attrition due to allegations of "secret" Jewish heritage and to the fact Peinovich and TRS have been seen by other white nationalists as using their platform to milk cash from their listeners and from members of the affiliated "National Justice Party" (NJP), which Peinovich also runs.

As such, TRS/NJP have alienated huge segments of their "movement," which is fine by us. We love to see Nazis not play nice amongst themselves. The most recent scuff-up in this Nazi soap opera has been the revelation that neo-Nazi small press Antelope Hill Publishing, which we have reported on numerous times, has been exploiting their employees, while at the same time earning big bucks, enough to purchase a luxurious $750,000 house in Harleysville, Pennsylvania to use as their "headquarters." Further fueling the critics, Antelope Hill Publishing's editor-in-chief Sarah Cucchiara, wife of the boss Vincent Cucchiara, has been accused of having (*gasp*) Jewish ancestry. "Gordon Kahl" has expressed his criticism of this alleged Jewish ancestry, invoking the "one drop rule" (as in "one drop" of "Jewish blood" makes one Jewish), declaring himself staunchly in opposition to the National Justice Party and Antelope Hill Publishing.
Gordon Kahl was at one time, however, affiliated with TRS/NJP, being a "life guard" at their "pool parties." "Pool party" is code for small local gatherings that require vetting of its participants to prevent infiltration, and "life guards" is code for organisers of these get-togethers (yeah, these code words are dumb; bear with us). But this past summer Gordon Kahl was fired by TRS leaders, stripped of his responsibility in the midst of a TRS money grab, which brings us to his current situation.

…Riggin Lynn Scheer of Brookings, South Dakota
"Gordon Kahl," like most Nazi dimwits, screwed up, and all it took was a careful look at the history of a now-suspended Twitter account he once operated. When the account was suspended by Twitter it was using the Twitter handle "@kahlgordon." However, previously this same account had used the handles "@DakotaFash" and "@BigRigScheer," verifiable by viewing the unique identification number of the account.

"Gordon Kahl" may have wished to hide his true identity, but Riggin Lynn Scheer, born April 11, 1993, of Brookings, South Dakota wasn't exactly hiding from the internet. We let our fingers do the walking and perused a South Dakota phone directory, easily finding this uncommon name.

As indicated by Riggin Scheer's online profiles on numerous tabletop role-playing game (RPG) web sites under his real name, he was an enthusiast of Dungeons & Dragons and the like. Scheer was such an enthusiast that he wrote his own home-brew racist RPG under the pseudonym "Gordon Kahl" entitled RAHOWA: The Meme Wars and posted it to the document-sharing website Scribd.

"RaHoWa" is a commonly used term by white supremacists meaning "racial holy war." Here is the premise of the game, as stated by the author:
Whites are a Minority, living in a hellscape of diversity and gay shit. We’ve passed Piss Earth, we shot past Septic Earth, we’re in Radioactive AIDs Earth. Jews run the world in the open, their hordes of colored slaves hunt the few remaining Aryans like Morlocks hunted Eloi, and many whites serve willingly as slaves to their semitic overlords.
The Players are part of an Aryan Warband – a band of brothers who have decided it is time to make a valiant stand against the forces of darkness. With Honor, strength of arms, and maybe some luck, they might finally get their chance to stop this madness once and for all.
In this RPG the protagonists of the game battle against enemies like "Negroids, "Beaners," "Thai Ladyboys," "Shitlibs" and "ZOG-Bots." One enemy, the "Giga-Nigga" has a special ability to "Chimp-out" and deal extra damage points to the players in gameplay combat.
But for this neo-Nazi D&D dummkopf, no amount of successful "saving throws" or "+5 Vorpal Swords" will save Riggin Scheer from being exposed. This so-called RPG is credited to "Gordon Kahl," but the metadata in the PDF file clearly tagged Riggin Scheer as the document's author.

Besides designing really offensive and cringey racist role-playing games, Riggin Scheer has also been known to pen lurid erotic anime fanfiction:
"I said take them off, Naruto-kun. This is serious."
The blonde hesitated for another moment, but finally conceded, pulling off his orange underwear, leaving his member in full view. Shizune struggled with trying not to drool.
'Kami-sama, he must be nine inches, maybe more! And it's so thick… I definitely made the right decision!'
Naruto blushed as he felt himself harden under Shizune's gaze.
"Uh, gomen, Shizune-chan, I-"
Shizune gave him a reassuring smile, careful not to show even the smallest hint of glee. She already felt moistness between her legs, and her nipples strained against the fabric of her kimono.
"Its okay, Naruto-kun; It's just a natural reaction. I've dealt with this kind of thing many times before. None of them were as big as you, but…"
![Riggin Scheer of South Dakota. Huzzah! [archive]](
It's hard to imagine that Riggin Scheer, aka "Gordon Kahl," has a very developed view on romantic relationships, though, since he described himself as "a guy who has fairly low standards when it comes to women and has no success with them." He was absolutely correct, however, when he wrote that he has low standards when it comes to women. Writing on Twitter he called the Pikeville, Kentucky neo-Nazi Audrey Skeens his "ideal waifu."

"Scheer" Racism
Riggin Scheer may portray himself with an "aww-shucks-Mister-Nice-Guy" kind of demeanor, but his efforts at organizing and uniting various neo-Nazi groups presents a clear danger to communities all over. While he attempts to curry favor with these groups and strengthen his own Amerikaner network, the outcome of the strife between them, the National Justice Party and related groups is yet to be determined. One thing, however, is certain: "Gordon Kahl" won't be doing this work, just 29-year-old Riggin Scheer of Brookings, South Dakota..