Welcome to the latest instalment in our ongoing investigation of the now-defunct neo-Nazi organisations the National Justice Party (NJP) and the Nationalist Coalition (NATCO) and their affiliated podcast network The Right Stuff (TRS). Comprised of material gathered from a variety of publicly available sources as well as insider leaks and enrolment logs, we will be examining these groups from the leadership and donor level down to the rank and file members and podcast listeners.

The National Justice Party 'Governing Council'

Imagine a ‘political party’ comprised entirely of narcissists, charlatans, losers, weirdos, and grifters.

While it may sound like the makings of pretty much every other political organisation ever, the neo-Nazi National Justice Party (NJP) have managed to take the low expectations of party politics and swirl them even further down the proverbial toilet.

For starters, the National Justice Party was not even a legitimate political party. They were set up as a very much 'for-profit' limited liability company (LLC), never took any meaningful steps towards being a legitimate political entity, and never so much as put forth a single candidate for any sort of elected office. The only real resemblance they bore to conventional political parties is reflected in how much of their energy went towards fundraising. Between member dues and other donations, NJP raised well over a million dollars. However, basic arithmetic, using assumed headcount as well as likely operating expenses, suggests a Nazi house of cards buckling under a grim and unsustainable financial situation. Some of the raised cash got swallowed up in overhead and operating costs, but vast sums of donor and member monies have apparently gone unaccounted for.

The National Justice Party launched with bombast in 2020 with an event in a barn in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. The owner of the barn was Charles Bausman, an American citizen and active pro-Kremlin Russian propagandist who was behind the website Russia Insider.  His Pennsylvania farm also served as the official business address for the National Justice Party and Bausman allowed several prominent Nazi propagandists to live on the property including NJP founding member Greg Conte and the racist and antisemitic podcaster and writer Norman 'Trey' Garrison aka 'Spectre.'  Russia Insider  evolved over time from promoting pro-Russian and Syrian conspiracy theories to openly embracing white nationalist and neo-Nazi ideology, and Bausman helped funnel Russian money and material support into the American white nationalist movement. Charles Bausman fled the country after his participation in the January 6th insurrection was exposed and is currently living in Russia.

Russian Propagandist and White Nationalist Charles Bausman's lawyers would probably caution against calling himself a 'J6 refugee.' ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Nazi propagandist and Nazi weirdo Charles Bausman committing a felony on January 6th, 2021.

The National Justice Party’s public activism mostly consisted of sad looking gatherings of a half-dozen pathetic weirdos with megaphones harassing drag shows and trans people. Their other favourite gimmick was ghoulish street protests centered around tragic events. NJP sought out scenes of murder or other local tragedies looking for opportunities to promote their 'political party' on the backs of suffering people. They turned up for various tragedies in Wisconsin, North Dakota, and even the train derailment in East Palestine, Ohio.

A typically sad looking National Justice Party protest in Denton, TX.

The modest turn-outs were somewhat deliberate, members were often discouraged from attending 'protests' in favour of donating more money to fill party coffers!

As much as the National Justice Party tried to present themselves as 'champions' of downtrodden white people it must be stated without any exaggeration that it is a neo-Nazi organisation. A quick glance at the founding leadership should be sufficient to prove without question that they are, individually and collectively, Nazi wingnuts, as well as narcissists, charlatans, losers, weirdos, and grifters.

Michael Peinovich aka Mike Enoch

Can I get a 'Heil Hitler?' Nazi podcaster Michael Peinovich, aka 'Mike Enoch,' showing his true colours.

The NJP ‘chairman’ Michael Peinovich, aka 'Mike Enoch,' is best known as one of the founders of the The Right Stuff podcast network and host of the long-running antisemitic Daily Shoah podcast. The Right Stuff (TRS) has been long struggling with dwindling listenership and declining income but, at their peak, TRS was allegedly generating at least $60k per month in subscriber revenue.

As their popularity began to wane, TRS started savaging their stable of podcasts and 'talent' to lower overhead. Many of their podcast hosts were longtime friends and the ruthlessness and greed displayed in these strategic cullings has created a plethora of new enemies. They burned bridges with many of their original hosts including their most popular host Robert Gasiewicz, who used the alias 'Jazzhands McFeels,' and podcasts like The Paranormies, Exodus Americanus, Full Haus, Hate House, and The Godcast. They instigated beef with looming potential competitors like the Amerikaner podcast network and dismissed pretty much every other white nationalist group as duplicative, irrelevant, or feds.

An original and most popular host of 'The Right Stuff' podcast network was Robert Gasiewicz, who used the alias 'Jazzhanda McFeels.'  Gasiewicz was exposed earlier this year.

A Nazi business model which is largely reliant on membership dues and paywall content subscriptions has a built-in growth cap and cannot afford to alienate its content creators or patrons. The infighting, backbiting, and underlying greed quickly came home to roost as a huge drop in paid readership and it couldn't have happened to a shittier bunch of creeps. The truth of the matter is there are lots of Nazi podcasts, most of them available for free, and the TRS shtick is getting VERY tired. The ageing blowhards at TRS have been struggling with bringing in young listeners while inexplicably popular weirdo Nick Fuentes is absolutely dominating the zoomer Nazi market.

The TRS attempt to rebrand as edgy '100% Uncensored Talk Radio' was a craven attempt to lure in mainstream listeners, but the appeal of middle aged men still making racist song parodies and cackling over racial slurs shrinks as the minutes pass. The jokes aren't funny and the shlock jock hosts are not even vaguely personable. A rigid subject matter orthodoxy has taken hold and even the slightest deviation from dogma is suppressed. Varying opinions are not presented or respected and TRS has become an increasingly tedious echo chamber that is struggling to maintain even their shrinking base of die-hard listeners.

The TRS network's marketing is 200% Uncensored Cringe.

The strategic pivot from podcast to 'political party' seems equal parts greed and hubris. Michael Peinovich, by assuming the grandiose and pretentious title of 'Chairman,' emphasised the vainglorious underpinnings of the whole debacle. Would this be his great second act? Could Peinovich elevate himself from being a lowly Nazi shitposting podcaster into a respected political force?

This sort of quixotic and delusional ego-trip is the result of Peinovich huffing his own farts from within a bubble he created. The classic case of a guy who is not nearly as smart as he thinks he is, circling his own wagons so tightly that the informed cries of 'shut the fuck up already' cannot be heard.

Ok, this is kind of a sick burn.
For the low, low price of $500 you, too, can be Mike Peinovich's friend for a month.
Nazi podcaster and NJP 'Chairman' Mike Peinovich is laughing all the way to the bank, suckers.

This is not to suggest NJP was by any means a wholly altruistic folly. The possible additional revenue stream probably did look good on paper. While TRS listenership has been dwindling, it was still a fertile recruitment ground for an organisation. The conversion of even a modest percentage of TRS listeners would have given their fledgling political party a jump start. Instead, this host/parasite relationship between the two organisations ultimately seems to have degraded both. The two groups shared employees, with NJP personnel collecting paychecks from TRS as podcast hosts and vice versa. A paid TRS subscription came bundled with National Justice Party membership, kicking back ten dollars per head to the podcast network. The NJP membership numbers were disappointing and stalled at a few hundred, and the network likely lost more listeners than were gained.

Aggressive demands for member exclusivity and other bully-boy tactics regarding the longstanding 'Pool Party' groups alienated many long-time listeners who did not wish to join the NJP. The meltdown of the 'Pool Party' network warrants its own article which will come in a further instalment in this series.

Jesse Dunstan and Michael Peinovich taking the whole 'Pool Party' thing way too literally.
Michael Peinovich aka Mike Enoch bringing weapons to the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, VA in 2017. Persistent Nazi rumours suggest he sang like a canary to get dropped from that lawsuit but we don't know that for a fact.
Michael Peinovich aka Mike Enoch LARPING the 'Night of the the Long Knives'.

Michael Peinovich lives in the gated Pocono Mountain Lake Forest community in Dingmans Ferry, Pennsylvania (pop. 7,722.) It might sound posh but the community association is actually bankrupt and in utter disarray. The security gates are not functioning and are left permanently open, the community pool is completely filled with algae, the roads are perilously unpaved, and the HOA website is offline (archived version here).

Peinovich lives here with his wife Melissa Swope, aka 'Woke Jamie' and 'Great Mystery,' who runs a tawdry Holocaust revisionist website out of their modest house and handles production tasks for The Right Stuff network.


Tony Hovater

Longtime Nazi activist Tony Hovater's eyebrows throwing up a Roman salute at the Unite the Right Rally in Charlottesville, VA in 2017.

NJP 'Chief of Staff' Tony Hovater is a long-standing white nationalist and neo-Nazi who has been widely maligned as the key villain in the whole National Justice Party kerfuffle. The demonisation of Hovater within the organisation appears to be possibly a diversionary tactic to deflect uncomfortable questions like 'where did all the money go?' Regardless, he is a total creep who deserves only the worst. Let's get re-acquainted.

Tony Hovater does have some actual political experience, having once run for local office in Ohio. From his humble beginnings as a middling metalcore drummer, Hovater then cycled through a variety of failed white nationalist organisations.

Once an aspiring musician, Tony Hovaternow marches exclusively to a steady drumbeat of racism, antisemitism, and neo-Nazism.


Tony Hovater is best known for a 2017 New York Times profile  on him, which was widely criticised for downplaying the hatred, violence, and genocide which is at the heart of white nationalist ideology. Instead Hovater was portrayed as the nice guy next door who just happens to hold some spicy opinions. While the article was clearly not intending to lend support to neo-Nazism, it inadvertently did so by emphasising Hovater’s outward politeness and middle American normality. The 'nice guy Nazi' framing came at the expense of actual and intended victims of Nazi violence. It also hinted at broader acceptance of Nazi ideology as merely an offbeat and quirky eccentricity, something that could be overlooked as a reasonable concession to outward civility.

At the time, Hovater was a high-ranking member of the Traditional Workers Party (TWP), one of the most violent and confrontational groups to spawn from the then emerging Alt-Right. TWP was a thuggish presence at a series of increasingly violent public events leading up to the August 2017. debacle that was Unite the Right. TWP acted as self-appointed ‘security’ for numerous Nazi events but were in reality a modern ‘Freikorps’ styled goon squad willing to brawl in the streets at any opportunity.

Tony Hovater with the Traditionalist Worker's Party at a violent Nazi rally in Shelbyville, TN in 2017.

Despite the NY Times' kid glove handling, Tony Hovater and his wife Maria Harrison experienced some fallout, losing their jobs and being shunned in their community. Considerable funds were raised on their behalf by their fellow Nazis.

The Traditionalist Worker Party soon disintegrated. This was only partly due to the ramifications of their role in the planning and execution of the violent Nazi riot that broke out in Charlottesville, Virginia in 2017. Other pressures were internal, the organisation splintered in the wake of a comical contretemps involving marital infidelity and resultant fisticuffs between TWP leaders Matthew Heimbach and Matthew Parrott. The confusing incident, dubbed by wags as ‘the Night of the Wrong Wives’ led to Heimbach’s arrest and imprisonment and the dissolution of TWP.

Despite utterly and publicly wrecking his life, Tony Hovater stayed the Nazi course, resurfacing in 2020 as part of the newly formed National Justice Party.

A social media post by Tony Hovater celebrating 'your friend' Adolf Hitler.
In case any doubt remains as to whether Tony Hovater is a Nazi…


Tony Hovater would eventually be publicly fired from NJP with an announcement that actually misspelled his name. While his dismissal was partly due to desperate cost-cutting measures, the overriding motive seems to be the fact that nobody likes him or his truly sinister eyebrows. Accusations of fraud and theft flew in all directions, but, in parting, Hovater offered the most transparency regarding the organisation's structure, internal politics, and finances.

Tony Hovater and his dastardly eyebrows. Somewhere there is a damsel in distress tied to railroad tracks.
Announcement of Hovater's dismissal from the NJP. Note the misspelling of his name.
Tony Hovater spills the beans about the NJP payroll.
Hovater's response to the NJP's announcement.
Let them fight! Tony Hovater calling the rest of the NJP leadeship 'self-centered and cowardly' is the kind of tea we like seeing spilled.

In a stunning oversight, Ohio Nazi and NJP 'Human Resources Director' Collin Hosking had failed to preemptively secure various passwords and bank accounts before they cut Hovater loose. As a result, the former 'Chief of Staff' continued to spill sporadic tea from the NJP Telegram account which he still controls. Hovater is also allegedly involved in bitter litigation with the other principals over money matters.

NJP 'Human Resources Director' Collin Hosking from Lebanon, Ohio.
Nazi moron Jesse Dunstan is indeed 'surrounded by morons.'
More internal infighting and dysfunction from internal TRS/NJP chats.

The NY Times profile did not explore or address the role Tony Hovater's wife, Maria Harrison, plays in the white nationalist movement. She is quoted in the article as merely being 'pretty lined up' politically with her husband but she actually would come to be a key player in various NJP affiliated activities. Like her husband, Maria Harrison had once made a grab for the brass ring as a professional musician and failed. Under the stage name Raya, she marketed herself as a 'dream pop' artist, comparing herself to a bunch of musicians who would thoroughly reject everything this Nazi idiot stands for. By 2017, Maria Harrison was posting outright Nazi edgelord '1488' content on extremist social media site Gab.

Nazi wannabe pop star Maria Harrison / Hovater compares her music to artists who would reject everything she stands for.
Tony Hovater's wife Maria Harrison and her attempts at becoming a recording artist.
Maria Harrison/Hovater was far more successful as racist neo-Nazi shitposter
Racist Nazi dimwit Maria Harrison/Hovater apparently needs to be told she is a racist.

Maria Harrison/ Hovater was involved with the National Justice Party's women's organisation Evergreen and the racist and antisemitic podcast Dreamweavers. The podcast had a troubled past, two of their anonymous hosts, Christina Murgo, aka 'Joan Arden' and Rachel Carter, aka 'Borzette', were exposed and all of the show episodes were promptly deleted. Original host Emily Youcis returned for a second season but with new co-hosts Allyson McKevitt and Maria Hovater; all three women were founding members of Evergreen and married to members of the NJP Governing Council.

Season two of the neo-Nazi Dreamweavers podcast featuring Maria Hovater, Allyson McKevitt, and Emily Youcis.

Joseph Jordan aka 'Eric Striker'

Nazi hair hopper Joseph Jordan (aka Eric Striker) insistence on a pomade per diem ultimately bankrupted the National Justice Party.

Joseph Jordan, aka 'Eric Striker' has also churned through the dregs of white nationalism including a stint writing for the explicitly neo-Nazi Daily Stormer web site, membership in the failed Traditional Workers Party, and involvement in the short-lived US branch of the violent Greek fascist group The Golden Dawn. Sporting a Nazi 'Jimmy Neutron' pompadour, he could be seen wielding a megaphone at NJP's obnoxiously desperate attention seeking public events.

Joseph Jordan is currently residing in Pittsburgh where he allegedly cohabitates with his fiancee the former leftist academic Angela Nagle. Nagle authored Kill All Normies and her sharp intellectual turn to the far right seems due in part to her thin-skinned reaction to criticisms of her very flawed book. Her new stances on behalf of nationalism and against immigration are consistent with the 'anti-woke' faction of the left who lack the solid grounding in civil and human rights which would hopefully prevent their slide into fascist contrarianism. A thorough exploration into Nagle's succumbing to both the metaphorical 'Fascist Creep' and flesh and blood fascist creep Joseph 'Eric Striker' Jordan can be found here.

Former leftist turned right wing nationalist Angela Nagle in 2017.

Joseph 'Eric Striker' Jordan was one of the most popular of the TRS hosts and his firing caused a furor amongst the listenership. Jordan's reputation as a drunk and a diva certainly factored into his dismissal, but sources tell us that his firing was ultimately about 'the Benjamins.' The otherwise unemployable Jordan was insisting upon a raise from his sub-minimum wage salary and some of the sort of benefits that go with a normal job… like, maybe health insurance…

A bitter Jordan vents on Telegram.

Both parties initially claimed an amicable split, but it clearly was not. TRS founder Jesse Dunstan, who co-hosted a podcast with Jordan, was quick to start shovelling dirt on the parting as a 'dismissal,' grumbling that he was 'left high and dry,' In classic TRS bus-throwing-under fashion, Dunstan snarked that Jordan was 'maybe not as cool as you think.'

Dunstan on Jordan.

Other TRS 'talent' jumped at the opportunity to trash Striker and the NJP. Perpetual podcast neo-Nazi sidekick and former EMT Alex McNabb, desperately trying to guard his own deckchair on this sinking Nazi ship, went on the attack calling  Joseph Jordan a 'bloviating retard' incapable of running 'anything other than his mouth':


In response to this online trashing, Jordan whinged that NJP was 'my baby…I gave the party its name, I wrote the entire platform…' He revealed that there was an even an NJP non-disclosure agreement that key officers signed and that he planned on 'keeping true to mine':

In response to Striker's reference to NJP as his 'baby,'  Jesse Dunstan unleashed a drunken public rant against his former friend and cohost which gives much indication of how much these guys all hate each other in real life.

Eric Striker is the biggest parasite Mike has ever had. Because Eric Striker thinks that Mike is the parasite on him, and fuck that. Eric Striker, you are a faker. You're a Mexican, you're a Puerto Rican, and you're a fucking pretend national socialist. You're a fucking libertarian. You are an individualist. You are out for yourself in your – and your fucking opportunistic snipes at the fall of the NJP, which you said NJP is your baby Striker. And guess what happened to your baby? It's stillborn. Your baby fucking failed. You want to take credit for this? Fine NJP was your baby? It completely shat the bed. Your baby sucks dicks. Your fucking baby is a baby with a dick in its mouth, Striker. NJP fucking strangled at birth. Actually would have been better off strangled at birth. The problem was it was allowed to fucking live for three and a half years. Your baby lived to be three and a half and it died. Why? Because you were on it. Because you don't know what the fuck you're doing on any level of interpersonal fucking relationships with anybody. People you work with. That will support you. You're jack shit. You're a fucking e-celeb. You're the worst kind of e-celeb. Your the e-celeb that as soon as somebody fucking gets to know you. people realise 'Oh god, I'm involved with a giant fucking fraud.' So fuck you.


Michael McKevitt

National Justice Party founding member and Nazi horndog Michael McKevitt whips it out in a public bathroom.

National Justice Party founding member Michael McKevitt  is a former US Army helicopter mechanic turned Nazi podcaster. Under variations of the name 'Potato Smasher.' he has been a longtime troll spewing vicious racism and antisemitism via social media. His wife Allyson McKevitt is equally awful and led the National Justice Party's 'Evergreen' women's organisation before a shocking sex scandal led to the pair being ostracised.

Nazi Baby Got Back: National Justice Party 'Chairman' Michael Peinovich aka 'Mike Enoch' conducting a surprise inspection of NJP ladies auxiliary members.
Neo-Nazi women's organisation Evergreen social media profile.
National Justice Party women's auxiliary Evergreen drawing upon Joseph Goebbels for inspiration.

The beginnings of the collapse of the National Justice Party cannot be pinned on just one person. The unravelling actually seems to have started with three… a threesome, to be exact. Rumours had been circulating for some time about some shady sexual shenanigans regarding Michael McKevitt and his wife Allyson. Apparently the McKevitt’s used their influential positions within NJP and 'Evergreen' to facilitate threesomes with impressionable followers. Accusations of grooming flew but as far as we can tell this seems to involve a bunch of consenting Nazi adults. Given the previously high tolerance previously shown towards the sexual peccadilloes of key members like John Metz aka Jack McKraken and James Kreger/Karlsson, the selective outrage at the McKevitt's consensual ménage à trois was likely a ginned up pretext for lowering overhead:

The following communique is illustrative of the hilariously bureaucratic pearl clutching of this suddenly prudish organisation. A direct appeal was made to the 'Chairman' about the 'situation with Michael McKevitt' and the 'serious concerns about what this means for the state of the Party as a whole and for the Staff's ability to function under these circumstances.' It was signed 'Yours in Loyalty' by the members of the pseudonymous 'executive staff' listing their very officious sounding job titles.

Nazi book publisher Antelope Hill Publishing's co-owner Dmitri Loutsik listed himself as 'Valentino Ferrante, Director of Executive Affairs.' His business partner in the book company Vincent Cucchiara used the alias 'Amerigo V, Director of Information Technology. 'Supporter Group Director' for Eastern Pennsylvania, 'George Martin, Director of Human Resources' is actually Ohio Nazi dork Collin Hosking. 'Martin Smith, Director of Security and Counterintelligence; Supporter Group Director for Florida' answers by Dakotah Skye Chmiel in real life.

NJP Telegram messenger post.
Dmitri Loutsik (center with yellow necktie) was 'Valentino Ferrante' in the above Telegram post.
Vincent Cucchiara was 'Amerigo V' in the above post.

McKevitt, for his part, took this as an opportunity for some truly epic oversharing about his sex life, admitting to the threesome, but clarifying that it technically 'isn't adultery' and was an isolated incident.

There was no running through of Evergreen women. All but one of the women ever in Evergreen is married.

While salacious on the sex stuff, the real revelation in McKevitt's mea culpa was that the National Justice Party are a bunch of catty backstabbers who truly hate each other.

Michael McKevitt offering a masterclass in Nazi online oversharing.

McKevitt was also alleged to have borrowed a substantial amount of money from NJP that was not paid back. Unconfirmed back-channel Nazi gossip also had him involved with some sort of probably illegal interstate gun type stuff that spooked the other members of the 'governing council.' The Anonymous Comrades Collective inbox is always open for hot gossip and sweet tea.

We hear Michael McKevitt likes letting his freak flag fly as well. Hi there Vasily, we will get to you soon enough.

Greg Conte

Do you reckon that Gregory Conte might be a Nazi?

Greg Conte aka 'Greg Ritter' originally came into the public eye as a member of Richard Spencer's coterie in various ventures including the National Policy Institute and AltRight.Com. In 2017 Conte was exposed as a partner and Equal Employment Officer at a shady and likely fictitious 'technology recruitment firm.' His partner in that was Manjit Singh, a Sikh nationalist who can be found deeply immersed in the upper echelons of the American white nationalist movement over many years. Conte was very publicly fired from his job as a teacher and field hockey coach at a Catholic School when his identity was revealed and has been slowly spiraling downward since.

Nazi hooligan Greg Conte doing a perp-walk at Michigan State University in 2018.
Greg Conte's fascist friend Manjit Singh.

On paper, Conte was the actual owner of the National Justice Party legal entity but he left the group in a tizzy, producing a series of unhinged videos alleging financial improprieties and other malfeasance and releasing screenshots of NJP bank statements as corroboration.

A peek inside the NJP bank account.

We like to imagine the video below as a scene from 'National Justice Party Founding Council Member' Greg Conte's withering rebuke of his shady Nazi associates:

Since his departure Conte has taken a flamethrower to any sort of plausible deniability with respect to his Nazism. It is hard to imagine a happy ending for this Nazi clown.

Greg Conte makes our work easy.


Alan & Warren Balogh

Rounding out the Nazi grifter roster of the NJP Governing Council are the father and son team of Alan and Warren Balogh. 70-year-old Alan Balogh has also campaigned for actual political office multiple times including a 2016 run as a candidate for the West Virginia House of Delegates. But Balogh is best known as a member of the violent neo-Nazi group National Alliance who can be directly and indirectly linked to numerous crimes and murders, and the 1995 bombing of a federal building in Oklahoma by white nationalist Timothy McVeigh which killed 168 people.

Septuagenarian Nazi Alan Balogh addressing a gathering of the National Justice Party.
A young Alan Balogh holds the American flag during a Nazi rally in the '70s.
Young Alan Balogh (center).
Alan Balogh promoting a political run on Facebook.


Father and son Nazis Alan and Warren Balogh at the violent Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, VA in 2017. Fellow National Justice Party founder Joseph Jordan aka Eric Striker on left.

Nazi fail-son Warren Balogh has emerged from the NJP rubble as a somewhat hapless, pathetic figure who toiled away at a sub-minimum wage on behalf of the National Justice Party only to be kicked to the curb the minute things got lean. As NJP faltered, TRS co-owner Jesse Dunstan's epic drunken meltdown saw him blaming the group for the financial woes of TRS and calling Warren Balogh a 'fraud' and 'charity case.' Warren is married to long time neo-Nazi activist Emily Youcis and the two can often be found podcasting about the merits of Adolf Hitler.

Neo-nazi National Justice Party founding members Warren Balogh and Greg Conte at the violent Unite the Right rally in 2017.
Warren Balogh announcing a Adolf Hitler birthday commemorative  internet live stream.
Warren Balogh and his wife Emily Youcis promoting one of their many pro-Hitler podcasts

Jesse Dunstan, aka 'Svenpai'

While Michael Peinovich was the public face of the National Justice Party, behind the scenes TRS co-founder Jesse Dunstan, who often uses the alias 'Seventh Son' and 'Svenpai,' was very much involved. When things started going balls-up, the greasy Nazi éminence grise Dunstan denied any involvement, whinging that 'NJP ruined my life.'  Dunstan's claims he had 'done more for white people than anyone that comes to mind' and 'I deserve my paycheck' were the sort tone-deaf douchebaggery that has alienated so much of the TRS listenership.

Whomp, Whomp! How many lives has whinging racist garbage human Jesse Dunstan ruined with his Nazi podcasts?
Insufferable blubbering Nazi Jesse Dunstan should learn to code.

Looking through DMs that were leaked as a result of the massive security lapse at Nazi-friendly social media site Poast, we see a very different picture with Dunstan engaging with and advising prospective NJP members. He even had a NJP logo on his profile.

Allegedly uninvolved Jesse Dunstan uses the term 'we' with respect to the National Justice Party.
Jesse Dunstan coaching a prospective NJP recruit.
Jesse Dunstan claims he was 'not involved' with NJP? Maybe it depends on what the meaning of the word ‘was’ is?

Jesse Dunstan's reputation as thin-skinned and mercurial is well deserved. His open contempt for his listener base is a frequent subject of backchannel grumbling.  Jesse Dunstan alienated many loyal TRS supporters with a never-ending series of posts highlighting the flashy and expensive music equipment, leisurely country lord lifestyle and gated community home afforded by his part-time Nazi podcasting income. Obnoxious conspicuous consumption is a bad look for a 'thought leader' of a movement purporting to be champions of the working class.

Flavourtown fascist Jesse Dunstan partaking in fine dining and celebrity hobnobbing with proceeds from his 'fake job' as a part-time Nazi Podcaster
Jesse Dunstan's 'fake job' as a Nazi podcaster pays for a lot of toys.
Some of Jesse Dunstan's extensive collection of overpriced mid-level quality guitars.

Failed wanna-be rockstar Jesse Dunstan's bloated ego has conflated his dumb racist parody songs and cheesy Nazi nu-metal nonsense music as being somehow critical to saving the white race. He even produced a 'Svenpai' vanity project album entitled 'Album of Color' which is inexplicably available on @Spotify, @AppleMusic, @Amazonmusic, @youtube etc. and distributed by @cdbaby

Jesse Dunstan announcing the release of his Nazi vanity project album funded with supporter dollars.

Jesse Dunstan's 'Svenpai' album kicks off with a Holocaust denial anthem called 'Prussian Blue.'

It’s a lousy thing, delousing deportees with all your zyklon b
Then they lie, The Blood Libel that runs our lives
I have viewed piles of shoes
That don’t correspond to pits filled with Jews

As far was to what sucks more, Jesse Dunstan or his music, it seems like an even match. TRS subscribers and NJP members that have subsidised this mastubatory exercise in self-aggrandisement have only themselves to blame. Refunds will not likely be forthcoming.

Nazi trash Jesse Dunstan officially assumed 'main character' status in the NJP collapse when he took to the airwaves for his absolutely epic hours-long booze-addled meltdown. In this drunken Nazi pity party, Dunstan turned the crying game all the way up to eleven, 'I wanted a fake job. And I got a fake job doing a podcast three times a week. Where I could lay around and be lazy. And I earned that and I deserve that. And these people fucked it up.'

Jesse 'Drunkstan' Dunstan called the popular and recently fired Joseph 'Eric Striker' Jordan a 'fraud,' an 'e-celeb,' 'parasite,' 'Mexican,' 'Puerto Rican,' and a 'fucking pretend national socialist.' Dunstan's descent into dipsomania yielded plenty of doozies directed at Jordan:

Striker is not even white… I have a wife and kids and a house and a fucking business. You have shit. Striker has jack shit. Striker has a fucking god awful crap apartment in Pittsburgh with no fucking furniture in it and a woman that I don't know how she fucking stick with him because he's so fucking pathetic and filthy. And he might – they might as well be homeless and now that like he's not working for me, he's probably gonna be homeless. So fuck that. The problem with Strike and Mike it's like, it's like, Mike and a guy who doesn't know what's going on. That's been the past year of Strike and Mike. So fuck off. Eric Striker has been soaking up a paycheck from me, he doesn't deserve, for six fucking years. The only thing it's done for me is attract weird fanboys that can't get over the cartoon character of Eric Striker that tell me "oh it's a big bad deal that he's leaving now." Fuck him. I never needed him. And my fucking website is worse off for having him on board.'

In a true 'pot meet kettle' moment, the gated community-dwelling Nazi exemplar grifter Jesse Dunstan called the also recently-fired NJP Chief of Staff Tony Hovater 'a fucking grifter' who was 'living high on the hog with his NJP salary.

At times the sozzled Jesse Dunstan was brutally honest about who and what his network really is all about: 'TRS is just like a bunch of chucklefucks doing podcasts.' We won't argue with that characterisation but would add the word 'Nazi' for the sake of clarity.

Dunstan did acknowledge limitations to the increasingly overt Nazism that is de rigueur in the TRS/NJP circles, '…we all love Hitler and whatnot. But we live in a completely different dynamic right now. We live in a complete way of thinking. We have to find a different way to go about doing this.'

This sentiment echoes recent statements by TRS 'partner' Alex McNabb who observed, 'the frequency of Nazi references and professed interest in Hitler by every single metric seems to predict a greater probability of failure.' In other words, they were coming to the conclusion that overt Nazism is ideologically sound but is bad for business!


Jesse Dunstan will have a hard time distancing himself from the 1488 crowd at NJP given his his long history of wildly racist and antisemitic social media and the fact that one of his profile pictures on Poast actually featured a swastika.

Who is going to tell our Iranian friend in New Jersey that illumination is coming?
Jesse Dunstan is an 'unrepentant Nazi' living next door to a synagogue. What could go wrong?

Pennsylvania Nazi podcast grifter Jesse Dunstan issuing veiled threats against Jews. Did we mention he lives next door to a synagogue?

Pickled Nazi podcaster Jesse Dunstan spilled a lot of insider business details during his meltdown, accusing NJP of attaching themselves to TRS 'like a leech' yet only converting 15% of the TRS listenership into members. While his business partner Mike Peinovich's ego-trip may ultimately lead to to the downfall of TRS, let's not feel too sorry for this Nazi shitheel. While TRS numbers have dwindled and may disappear, it is Jesse Dunstan's only online revenue stream.

According to this report from the Southern Poverty Law Center, as of November, 2023, Jesse Dunstan’s 'Uncle Sven’s Other Tone Stream' Odyssey channel has received $33,676 in donations via Hyperchat! Even more interesting is the fact that $22,300 of the donations Dunstan received were from one individual Odyssey user with the handle 'whwhwh.' Not bad for a 'fake job.' right?

Jesse Dunstan lives in the upscale gated 'Hemlock Farms' community in Hawley, PA. The contrast between his home and Peinovich's nearby hovel is dramatic, Dunstan has access to a lot of fancy amenities including indoor and outdoor swimming pools, tennis courts, multiple private lakes and beaches, and even an ice skating rink. His house is also just steps from the Jewish Fellowship of Hemlock Farms, one of only a handful of synagogues in the Poconos. Do they know a prominent Nazi podcaster is their neighbour?

The luxurious private gated community Hemlock Farms in Hawley, PA is home to neo-Nazi podcaster Jesse Dunstan.
When not working at his part-time 'fake job' as a Nazi podcaster, Jesse Dunstan has access to an abundance of leisure activities in his gated community.
Watch out, MILFs. Neo-Nazi Jesse Dunstan is on the prowl.


This is part of an ongoing series. A future instalment will examine a large insider leak of National Justice Party donors.

Also, stay tuned for a deeper dive into the intertwined relationship between NJP/TRS and the neo-Nazi publishing house Antelope Hill whose owners Dmitri Loutsik (aka Valentino Ferrante, NJP 'Director of Executive Affairs' and Vincent Cucchiara (aka Amerigo V, NJP 'Director of Information Technology; Supporter Group Director for Eastern Pennsylvania') have assembled a massive white nationalist data-mining operation with personal and financial details on thousands of Nazis worldwide.