Calamityville: The National Justice Party Ohio Headquarters Hits the Market

The Ohio headquarters of the National Justice Party recently went on the market for $125,000 and, TBH, it's kind of a dump. The Nazi hovel is located in the Dayton, Ohio suburb of Fairborn, best known as the home of Wright-Patterson Air Force Base and a massive disaster training facility known coloquially as Calamityville.  Compared to the lavish rural four-bedroom, four-bath 4,375 square-foot compound on 5.2 acres purchased a year earlier by their affiliated company Antelope Hill Publishing, this tiny, shabby shack is a real strategic head scratcher. Calamityville, indeed.

FOR SALE: Former neo-Nazi meeting space.

The property was purchased on April 20, 2023 for $120,000 under the name National Justice LLC. Commercial real estate loans are notoriously difficult to secure without a personal guarantee and it is hard to imagine any of the clowns running this shitshow having the resources to pick up a bar tab much less offer six figures in collateral. As there does not appear to be a mortgage recorded, the obvious implication is that the NJP paid cash for the property.  This begs the question of WHY?

Greene County, Ohio property records.

$120,000 in cash is an extremely weird allocation of resources for a struggling company. We know the National Justice Party was floundering financially as well as fracturing internally at the time. Within a few months of this purchase NJP would disband entirely. These facts again raise questions as to the purpose of this purchase?

From a business perspective the transaction is truly baffling. Commercial real estate cratered during the pandemic, they paid top dollar, and this shithole is unlikely to increase in value. Renting would seem immeasurably wiser under the circumstances. The whole thing seems colossally dumb, even for the braintrust behind the National Justice Party.  Perhaps the transaction had some other purpose like possible money laundering or cryptowashing? Inquiring minds would like to know and our inbox is always open for additional insider dirt!

Sturm und Drang: Nazi Extremists Exploit Hurricane Tragedy

The horrific scenes of destruction in the wake of Hurricane Helene are being exacerbated by a massive coordinated right wing misinformation and disinformation campaign. Far right media outlets, politicians, and 'influencers' are pushing bogus claims of refugee and migrant linked FEMA funding shortages, donation seizures, and eminent domain land grabs.

Georgia Congressional Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene, who has previously blamed California wildfires on Jewish space lasers, is making bat-shit public claims that 'they' can manipulate weather, and are using these powers to influence the upcoming presidential election. Infowars host Alex Jones' brings similar accusations a little closer to home alleging the Pentagon having 'dozens of giant weather control platforms' aimed directly at the United States. owner and richest man-child in the world Elon Musk has not only let his social media network be overrun with confusing and conflicting disinformation, he is personally disseminating false claims to his 200 million followers.

Elon Musk, owner of, actively spreads disinformation to millions of X users.
If these were normal times, Marjorie Taylor Greene would be the crazy aunt that we don't talk about. Instead she's a US Representative who is detached from reality.
Rumour has it that you can pick up a 'Gigantic Ionospheric Heater' for cheap in the Infowars auction.

Bad actors can also be found on the ground with a variety of violent fascist and neo-Nazi groups including chapters of the Proud Boys, Patriot Front, American Blackshirts Movement, and various regional 'Active Clubs' attempting to co-opt the tragedy for recruitment and propaganda purposes. All of these groups are, to varying degrees, acting as de-facto far-right militias or freikorps styled vigilante fighting groups. Many of the Proud Boys leadership are currently serving long prison sentences for sedition and other serious crimes committed during the January 6th, 2021 insurrection. The Active Clubs, Patriot Front, and various other more openly neo-Nazi groups are actively conducting paramilitary and martial arts training in furtherance of an imagined race war that will bring about an end to civil society and enable them to establish an all-white ethno-state.

Neo-Nazi group the American Blackshirts using tragic situation as vehicle to spread Nazi propaganda.
Nazi goons Patriot Front spend as much time creating self serving propaganda as they do actually helping people in need.


Reminder that almost all of the Proud Boys leadership are serving long prison sentences for sedition and other serious crimes.
Postings on the Telegram Messenger platform by neo-Nazi groups advertise their recruiting campaigns in areas affected by Hurricane Helene as 'relief' efforts.

One dramatic example is the neo-Nazi 'Gentile News Network' which currently has a whopping 133,000 followers on Elon Musk's fascist friendly and is spewing a mix of antisemitic and racist themes and overall disinformation to their massive audience.

The Gentile News Network, a 'verified' account on, spreads disinformation and white supremacist messaging in crisis areas.
Do you know this person?
An antisemitic message posted by the Gentile News Network to their 133,000 X.Com followers.

When bad actors do 'good' deeds…

Natural disasters provide a perfect opportunity for extremist groups to prey upon desperate and traumatised communities by providing emergency supplies and manpower while spreading their disinformation and propaganda. The distribution of food and water and clearing of fallen tree limbs is part of a broader tactic aimed at laundering their undeniably vile ideological foundations and genocidal ambitions. Mutual aid is a critical component to these communities' recoveries, but the organised and established social media networks which these groups rely on for recruitment will disproportionately claim credit as 'white saviours.'

The now-defunct neo-Nazi National Justice Party attempted to build their brand using this exact playbook. The group could be found staging small scale 'demonstrations' around local tragedies like the Wassau, Wisconsin holiday parade car crash and the East Palestine, Ohio train derailment in an attempt to center the entire conversation around 'white grievances.'

While the National Justice Party and its successor, the Nationalist Coalition, suffered humiliating public implosions, one of their Tennessee based regional leaders, Carson Ford Brooks, aka 'Carson Kilgrey,' has been promoting a fundraising campaign on Give Send Go which has already raised nearly $15,000. Give Send Go is a purportedly 'Christian' crowdfunding website that has attracted controversy for allowing far-right extremists, including neo-Nazis, white supremacists and hate groups, to fundraise.

Carson Brooks, aka 'Carson Kilgrey' leading a National Justice Party Nazi rally.

Tennessee native Carson Brooks was one of the National Justice Party's most prominent bigmouths for in-person events. Sporting a bullhorn, Brooks was regular fixture at regional protests where the National Justice Party ghoulishly attached themselves to local tragedies and hot button culture war issues where the group harassed and attempted to intimidate members of the LGBTQ+ community.

Carson Brooks is a failed musician whose quest for any level of celebrity hit rock bottom as a mouthpiece for concurrent unabashed Nazi grift organizations. Undeterred by the successive failures of the NJP and the Nationalist Coalition, Brooks is attempting to use this tragedy to rebuild his tainted personal brand.

Carson Brooks, with his wife Bonnie Marie Brooks (née Carroll), who is also a neo-Nazi activist under the alias "Marion Kilgrey."

Even if these raised funds go mostly towards the stated purpose, this is an absolute grift. Carson Brooks is using this tragedy to burnish his credentials, propagandise, and recruit on behalf of white supremacy.  Given his recent history with at least two failed white nationalist groups, it is safe to assume he is using this situation to lay the groundwork and recruit for a new organisation.

To a casual observer, Carson Brooks' fundraising pitch is seemingly innocuous, with carefully coded language that is vague enough to mask any obvious link to white supremacy and neo-Nazism. A statement by Brooks on his Give Send Go campaign page reads:

We are volunteers from groups throughout the Southeast and beyond who are coming to the aid of a demographic our system clearly cares nothing about: Appalachians. We are being told that FEMA is out of money while our government sends billions overseas. Our people are suffering and dying right here, right now, and they don't have time to wait for government services that may never come.

But a quick scan through the social media networks where Brooks is promoting the fundraiser, reveals a cesspool of racism,  antisemitism, and blatant disinformation. Thoroughly debunked rumours about the lack of federal funding, lack of attention to white persons in need, and other 'white grievances' are mixed with tinfoil hat-worthy weather manipulation nonsense and racist propaganda.

Carson Brooks promoting a crowdfunding effort on the 'Free Speech Tennessee' Telegram channel.
The Free Speech Tennessee Telegram channel is rife with antisemitic conspiracy theories.
This channel also promotes racist conspiracy theories specifically targeted towards Hurricane Helene in order to promote the idea of 'white victimisation.'
Posts on this channel promote unabashedly antisemitic conspiracy theories against the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).

The Give Send Go campaign comment section is even more revealing with donors linking their contributions to antisemitic conspiracies and references to helping specifically 'Our People,' meaning white persons of European descent. The neo-Nazi Jon Minadeo, aka 'Handsome Truth,' of the notorious 'Goyim Defense League' gave a $250 donation with the racist instruction to 'Make sure this donation goes to Europeans only.'

Neo-Nazi Jon Minadeo, aka 'Handsome Truth,' of the 'Goyim Defense League' gave a $250 donation with the racist instruction to 'Make sure this donation goes to Europeans only.'
This anonymous donor used the antisemitic 'triple parentheses' code to indicate Jewish persons or influence.

Given the sheer amount of conflicting information being generated, vigorous due diligence is required. Neo-Nazis are coming armed with cameras and established platforms with which to exaggerate their role and manipulate the discourse. They are spending more resources on documenting their presence than actually helping because the needs of the broader community are secondary to the longer game plan of expanding their potential membership base.

Bad faith conspiracy theories aside, FEMA, the federal and local governments, and private insurers will surely fall short in the face of this monumental catastrophe. It is important to prevent bad actors from exploiting that gap to create a propaganda and recruiting campaign on behalf of their imagined white supremacy. There is a tremendous ongoing need for donations and volunteers all throughout the storm damaged areas. Shane Burley has created an excellent resource list of reliable mutual aid groups which is available here. Please help if you can.

Kaffeeklatsch Klusterf*ck: Nazi Publishing House Antelope Hill Buys Nazi Coffee Company Above Time

As the Anonymous Comrades Collective gathered in our secret lair to sip our morning cups of Nazi tears, we did a collective spit take over the realisation that Pennsylvania neo-Nazi publishing house Antelope Hill Publishing has recently purchased Indiana neo-Nazi company Above Time Coffee Roasters.


Actually, this news surprised literally nobody, as Antelope Hill Publishing had recently begun heavily promoting a 'partnership' with Above Time Coffee Roasters, whom they described as a 'pro-White boutique coffee roastery based in Pennsylvania.' Antelope Hill Publishing is a small press which specialises in white nationalist literature and was founded by Dmitri Loutsik, Freeman Matthews III and Vincent Cucchiara, along with Cucchiara's wife Sarah Cucchiara (née Nahrgang). The small press' Nazi inclination is apparent even by its name, deliberately created from the initials of Adolf Hitler. While not actually admitting taking ownership of the coffee company, a series of sloppy business filings have exposed the scheme.

The Nazi coffee company Above Time Coffee Roasters LLC in Indiana was officially dissolved on 11 April, 2024, after a series of filings changing the address and registered agent.

In March of 2024, a new LLC using the same name was registered with the Pennsylvania Secretary of State listing an address at a rental mail box in Allentown, Pennsylvania, using a paid registered agent to hide the names of the actual owners.

The first clue we noticed is that this same mail box in Allentown, PA is also the listed address for Antelope Hill Publishing.


Even more revealing is a 'Use and Occupancy' permit application for a 'coffee roasting' business filed on March 5, 2024 by Antelope Hill Publishing's co-owner Dmitri Anatolievich Loutsik in Upper Salford Township, Pennsylvania using an address in Harleysville, a town 27 miles from Allentown.

The Harleysville address is a sprawling four-bedroom/four-bath  4,375 square-foot luxury home on 5.2 acres which was purchased in late 2022 by Antelope Hill Publishing co-owners Dmitri Anatolievich Loutsik and Vincent Cucchiara with some of the 'proceeds' of their 'publishing' business.

Aerial shot of the lavish Harleysville, PA compound  purchased by neo-Nazi book publishing company Antelope Hill owners and NJP leaders Dmitri Loutsik and Vincent Cucchiara

Apologists for white nationalism often charitably characterise the movement in terms of class struggle, an organic grassroots eruption in reaction to imagined abuse and neglect of the white working class. 'White economic insecurity' is offered as an explanation for the rise of  the Alt-Right and, ultimately, the presidency of Donald Trump. While these sentiments are certainly a factor in some instances, it doesn't explain the embrace of extreme far right ideology amongst the middle, upper-middle, upper, and upper-upper classes. In reality, rank and file white nationalists serve mostly as a stalking horse designed to preserve and enhance existing power and wealth structures acting as human shields protecting lavish lifestyles they themselves have little hope of ever attaining. 

Antelope Hill Publishing and Above Time Coffee Roasters co-owner Dmitri Anatolievich Loutsik is the child of actual Russian oligarch émigrés and far, far removed from the struggles of the working classes. The Loutsik family home in Vienna, Virginia is a 3 million dollar, 6 bedroom, 8 bathroom 8,980 sq. ft. mansion with a wine cellar, movie theater, sauna, swimming pool, and outdoor fireplace!

Aerial view of neo-Nazi Dmitri Loutsik's family mansion in Vienna, Virginia.
Antelope Hill and Above Time Coffee Roasters co-owner Dmitri Anatolievich Loutsik's family home is an 6 bed/8 bath, 7,592 sq ft mansion in Vienna, Virginia
In this week's episode of 'Nazi Cribs' we bring you aspiring neo-nazi business mogul Dmitri Loutsik's childhood home, a  3 million dollar mansion in Vienna, VA.

He may have grown up in stately Wayne Manor, but Nazi grifter Dmitri Loutsik is more supercilious goon than super-hero, a rich kid LARP-ing in a dangerous world knowing that the silver spoon permanently stuck in his gob will mean he never goes hungry. His privilege and wealth insulates him from meaningful repercussions, while so many in his world will suffer eventual catastrophic life consequences as a result of their actions.

Dmitri Anatolievich Loutsik was a major player behind the scenes in the National Justice Party and, despite no outward facing role, sat very high in the failed neo-Nazi group's org chart with the lofty title of 'Director of Executive Affairs.' Although he has attempted to maintain a low public profile, using multiple aliases, avoiding podcasts, protests, and public speaking, Loutsik's distinctive diction and appearance renders true obscurity impossible. Loutsik, seen (and heard) below in a strange Fascist/Chairman Mao inspired get-up, dresses like a spy movie villain and has a very recognisable voice. The rhotacistic Russian's heavily accented lisp and awkward phrasing is uniquely identifiable, evoking equal parts Elmer Fudd and Boris Badenov. In his failed attempts to avoid scrutiny of his wealthy family, preserve future employment options, and to generally keep his hands clean, Dmitri Loutsik has self-relegated himself to hidden administrative and operational roles in his various neo-Nazi enterprises.

Dmitri Anatolievich Loutsik of the neo-Nazi National Justice Party, Antelope Hill Publishing, and Above Time Coffee Roasters modeling the latest in fascist fashion whilst promoting the Trump campaign in 2016.

Above Time Coffee Roasters

In July 2018,  21 year old Nolan Brewer and his then underage wife Kiyomi Brewer were arrested for vandalizing a synagogue in Carmel, Indiana. The incident was revealed to be part of a part of foiled larger plot which included homemade explosives and napalm. The two pleaded guilty and Brewer received a multi-year prison sentence. His underage wife was released with just probation. The couple were revealed as having been members of Identity Evropa, an now-defunct fascist group that couched their neo-Nazism under the more benign and media friendly sounding name of 'Identarianism.' Identity Evropa later rebranded as the American Identity Movement in an attempt to skirt their involvement and liability in the deadly 2017 Unite the Right Nazi rally in Charlottesville, Virginia. Any illusions as to the true nature of Identity Evropa are quickly dispelled by more recent social media posts by their founder and leader Nathan Damigo where is openly celebrates National Socialism and Adolf Hitler.

Identity Evropa founder Nathan Damigo wishing Adolf Hitler a happy birthday.
'Identarian' founder of Identity Evropa Nathan Damigo sure sounds like a Nazi these days.

The case of Nolan and Kiyomi Brewer is powerfully demonstrative of the effects of online radicalization.  Details revealed at trial showed how Nolan followed his apparently more militant  underage wife on an downward trajectory of radicalization that began with more mainstream sources like Fox NewsBreitbart, and extremist pundit Ben Shapiro before quickly making the leap to overt Nazi communities like Stormfront and ultimately Identity Evropa.

In Nolan Brewer's FBI interview he described an in-person meetup with 'Sarah' who used the alias 'Volkmom'  and her husband 'Douglas' who were also members of  Identity Evropa. Volkmom was quickly revealed to be a woman named Sarah Dye who alongside her husband Douglas Mackey ran the small Schooner Creek Farm in Nashville, Indiana.  (Note: Despite sharing a similar name, Douglas Mackey is not  Nazi known as 'Ricky Vaughn' whose first name is spelled Douglass.)

Doug Mackey and his wife, Sarah Dye, at a Grassroots Conservatives meeting in Ellettsville, Indiana, 2019.

Sarah Dye, aka Volkmom, Fascist at Schooner Creek Farms from Nashville, Indiana

When Dye's and Mackey's ties to neo-Nazism were exposed, there was a large community-based push to have them removed from a local farmer's market. The controversy raged for months and, in response to local protests, white nationalists and armed militia groups began to show up to support Schooner Creek Farms. Dye and Mackey eventually sued the city and lost big time.

After being shunned by their local community, the Nazi owners of Schooner Creek Farm closed the farming business and shifted their energies into a new coffee roasting business called Above Time Coffee Roasters.

An August 2022 social media post announced that their coffee roastery had just passed inspection and would soon be operational. A subsequent post revealed multiple health code violations showing one of their children with dirt bare feet rooting around in the merchandise. Anybody who actually bought any of this nasty-ass Nazi coffee deserves whatever dirt and disease came with it.

Nazis and multiple health code violations make for some truly jive java.
Sarah Dye portrays herself as wholesome and family oriented, but her social media posts are full of racist and antisemitic vitriol.

Above Time Coffee Roasters name borrows from Nazi esotericist weirdo Savitri Devi's concept of the 'man above time' and their logo was a barely concealed stylised swastika. The 'About Us' page on the company website spelled out the explicit white supremacist ideology behind the venture.

Above Time Coffee Roasters was launched because we saw a need for the creation of more pro-White businesses serving our people. We live in an age where we are constantly subjected to degrading advertising schemes in the name of unchecked capitalism, by “woke” companies that are the first to “take a knee” for those who wish to destroy our nations. The time has come to take our own side and build the infrastructure necessary to become independent of those who work against the interests of our nation and our people.

Above Time Coffee Roasters also claim to hold the following certifications 'Organic, Swiss Water Processed, Fair Trade, and/or Rainforest certified.' They also stress that their coffee is '#NKC Not Kosher Certified.' At first read, this might seem benign, plenty of companies do not have Kosher certification, but the distinction they are pointedly making is that their products are specifically certified to be 'Not Kosher' via an explicitly antisemitic app called Koshchertified. The story behind the app and the guy who owns it is very, very weird and well worth a read. Koschertified also used a known neo-Nazi artist from Georgia named Jessica LaFlamme aka Jeanne LaDarc who was associated with the White Art Collective to design their logo.

The logo for Above Time Coffee Rosters utilizes a thinly veiled swastika for its centrepiece.
Above Time Coffee Roasters works with an antisemitic group to show that they are explicitly not kosher certified.
The antisemitic Koshchertified app utilized the services of Georgia Nazi artist Jessica LaFlamme to design their logo.
Jessica LaFlamme, aka "J. LaDarc," whom we have reported on previously, provided graphic design for .

Above Time Coffee Roasters certification as 'Fair Trade' is equally problematic. The Fair Trade International website speaks to the organisation's role in working to 'dismantle systemic, global racism.' Above Time Coffee Roasters are not listed on the Fair Trade International website and may be lying about the certification. Or perhaps they are claiming it based on receiving product from a legitimate Fair Trade wholesaler who is (hopefully) unaware that the company is run by white supremacists and neo-Nazis.

The history of coffee is marred by colonialism, racism, slavery, exploitation, and child labour. Above Time Coffee Roasters' expressed support of equity is really just a reaffirmation of their commitment to white supremacy,  'In contrast to the worldview of globalist parasites, we support the idea that farmers should be able to make a living in their own homelands.' 

Above Time Coffee Roasters sells their coffee via mail order and in person at white nationalist events. They were a regular fixture at National Justice Party gatherings and their products were promoted by various neo-Nazi 'celebrities', like 'Jazzhands McFeels', whose real name is Robert Warren Gasiewicz.

Neo-Nazi podcast host Robert Gasiewicz aka 'Jazzhands McFeels' boosting Above TIme Coffee Rosters.
Identity Evropa founder and neo-Nazi Nathan Damigo shilling on behalf of a white supremacist coffee company.
Above Time Coffee Roasters were regular vendors on the neo-Nazi event circuit.

Public marketing and social media by Above Time Coffee Roasters is outlandishly and cartoonishly Nazi. With social media posts featuring Adolf Hitler feeding deer and 'White Wednesday' sales, it is hard to imagine that prospective customers wouldn't suspect the whole production might be a federal honeypot. Unfortunately, it is an actual business built on explicit white supremacist principles, although it cannot be said with 100% certainty that it is not infiltrated with feds.

One of many social media posts from Above Time Coffee Roasters celebrating Adolf Hitler.
Above Time Coffee Roasters markets their products exclusively to 'White' customers.

While reasonable people recognize April 20th as '4/20' and maybe smoke a little extra weed to celebrate, neo-Nazis celebrate the day as the birthday of Adolf Hitler. Nazis often commemorate the day with social media toasts wishing a happy birthday to their 'Uncle,' a coded reference to the dead Nazi leader. The Nazi weirdos at Above Time Coffee Roasters celebrated by having a multi-day sale to honor 'one of the greatest men in history':

Achtung!! SALE begins tonight!

On Thursday, April 20th, we will be remembering the birthday of one of the greatest men in history. Indeed, one of the MOST slandered and libeled men in history- a man who stood up to international Jewry, the usury, subversion and destruction of his people. Adolf Hitler was not the crazed, murderous war monger of which our enemies have told tall tales. Not only have they told tall tales, they have told us the biggest lie in history, a lie that continues to be used as a cudgel against ALL White people of the West today, who try to defend their folk or stand up against the same subversion and destruction that is happening in our nations right now.

To those who choose to remain ignorant of the truths behind what happened to our German ancestors during ww2, we would encourage you to do some research and ask the same questions we did- such as, "Why were we not educated about the full story", and "Why is it illegal (in some nations) and/or taboo to question the narrative of such an important historical event?" We would encourage all of you to learn the other side of the greatest story never told. There are countless documentaries and a mountain of information that is intentionally kept hidden.

One day is not enough, therefore, we are offering a sale this week starting tonight 4/17/2023 at 8pm EST and going through Friday 4/21/2023 8pm EST to give back to OUR PEOPLE.

ALL Orders will be entered into a GIVEAWAY to win coffee and gifts. We will be giving away three gift bundles by random drawing! By placing an order this week during the sale, you will automatically be entered to win. Gift bundle includes a bag of coffee, a bar of handmade coffee soap, and a T shirt!!!

Nazi grifters Above Time Coffee Roasters celebrate the birthday of Adolf Hitler by declaring him 'one of the greatest men in history.'
Putting the CAPITALISM in NATIONAL SOCIALISM! Mail order Nazi coffee company Above Time want your money and your personal data!

Not surprisingly, hyper-capitalist National Socialist grifter weirdos (and new Above Time Coffee Roasters owners) Antelope Hill Publishing also celebrate genocide with annual Hitler birthday sale events which have included special editions of Hitler speeches and books by Joseph Goebbels.

Nazi publisher Antelope Hill aren't even pretending to not be Nazis as they collect customer data and money.

Despite frequent social media posts about the success of Above Time Coffee Roasters, in February 2024, Sarah Dye announced that they were 'stepping back' from running the business and they had found new owners 'who share our original vision' and would carry on the company's 'legacy and mission.' The surprising announcement came hot on the heels of the recent collapse of the National Justice Party. Since the NJP in-person events were one of the main sales platforms for Above Time, it is  possible that this anticipated loss of revenue impacted the decision.

Indiana Nazi Sarah Dye announces she is stepping back from her Nazi coffee business. We wish her only the worst.

Sarah Dye has been notably absent from social media since selling the farm and business and may have relocated to Tennessee. She and her husband can be seen in several photos of events of the eastern Tennessee branch of the Asatru Folk Assembly, a whites only neo-pagan group that is designated a hate group by the SPLC.

Above Time Coffee Roasters roasting marshmallows with a bunch of goofy Nazis posing as a religion.


Sarah Dye and Douglas Mackey doing Nazi stuff in the Tennessee woods with the Asartu Folk Assembly.
Indiana Nazis Sarah Dye and Doug Mackey skipping around the Maypole with the Asartu Folk Assembly in Tennessee.

There have not been many visible changes in the marketing or products of Above Time since Antelope Hill took over but a recent post boasts that the company 'currently discretely supply a few small coffee shops in the United States with our roasts' and is actively seeking to 'grow our wholesale partners.'


Antelope Hill Publishing

The owners of the neo-Nazi publishing house Antelope Hill Publishing have shown themselves to be adherents of a particularly capitalistic form of National Socialism, leveraging their business income into valuable holdings which include a multi-million dollar real estate portfolio. While the company clearly has decent cash flow, book publishing is a generally low margin affair and Antelope Hill is not particularly profitable or likely sustainable in the long term. Nazi propaganda is a niche market with a defined ceiling for prospective future growth. Aside from their millions of dollars in real estate, the company has produced at least one other valuable asset which will outlive the enterprise: customer data.

The white nationalist/neo-Nazi world has been long obsessed with anonymity and secrecy, yet a series of intertwined businesses which include Antelope Hill Publishing, The Right Stuff nazi podcast network, the National Justice Party, and now Above Time Coffee roasters have managed to amass a massive worldwide database of political extremists and neo-Nazis. This data includes names, addresses, and financial data including credit cards, Venmo, Paypal, other payment processing service, and, importantly, identifiable crypto wallets. In addition to the large database comprised of actual customers, Antelope Hill Publishing gathers additional personal data via frequent open calls for curated writing and poetry competitions.

In the past few years, a series of massive data breaches have battered the online extremist safe spaces including Gab, Poast, The Heritage Foundation, The Post Millennial, and European Nazi music and merch company Midgaard.

Insider leaks are always a huge risk, as seen in the recent exposure and subsequent disbanding of the Nationalist Coalition (NATCO.) The group, which formed out of the wreckage of the collapsed National Justice Party had an insider leak which revealed their entire founding membership roster including names and addresses. This was followed by another insider leak revealing a significant numbers of donors to the National Justice Party.

Antelope Hill and their affiliated businesses have compiled a massive database that will have incredible value in the hands of journalists and Antifascist researchers when the inevitable data breach or insider leak happens. Evidence suggests the various groups may have been illegally sharing customer data, which greatly widens the range of potential vulnerability points.

What should be even more concerning to these groups members, donors, and customers should be the potential interest these names and other data (especially the crypto wallets) would have to organizations with powerful subpoena power, like federal investigative agencies.

A cursory glance at the operations of TRS/NJP and Antelope Hill Publishing suggest multiple possible avenues for  government interest and disquisitive action, including co-mingling of funds and self dealing, prohibited sharing of consumer data, questionable data retention practices, labour law/OSHA violations, and potential tax fraud and/or money laundering. This sort of shadiness has the potential to allow legal authorities to 'pierce the corporate veil' and strip away the protections inherent in a Limited Liability Corporation (LLC.)  This could expose the principals to possible civil or criminal liability. The interstate and international nature of these businesses' dealings opens up potential interesting avenues on a federal level. When the US Postal Service is utilized in the commission of crimes it can get REAL, real fast. Nazis should not sleep well, we may yet see the Feds holding an auction for lavish Pennsylvania real estate after they take possession of all the company servers and data.

The recent turmoil that has forced racist propaganda outlet VDare to shutter is based entirely in their incredibly sloppy and apparently illegal business practices. There are distinct differences, primarily in that VDare's status as a non-profit charity made them subject to more stringent government oversight than the privately held NJP and Antelope Hill entities. But the similarly flagrant disregard of laws and ethics could absolutely be used to force open the can of Nazi worms and allow in a whole bevy of federal acronym agencies including the FBI and IRS and worse.

The principal owners of Antelope Hill Publishing all had roles within National Justice Party.  Dmitri Loutsik went by several different aliases including 'Maxim,' 'Konstantin,' and 'Valentino Ferrante' and served as  NJP's 'Director of Executive Affairs.' Vincent Cucchiara used the alias 'Amerigo V' among others and bore the title 'Director of Information Technology, Supporter Group Director for Eastern Pennsylvania.' Rounding out the rich kid Nazi publishing company ownership trifecta is Freeman Matthews, the failson of a prominent Louisiana family, who goes by the alias of 'Louis' and hosts the TRS podcast 'National Institute of Gamer Review' (or 'NIGR,' in case the dumb winky racism not instantly obvious.)


Why is Nazi multi-millionaire Dmitri Loutsik laughing? Because he has all your personal and financial information! LOL
Antelope Hill co-owner Freeman Matthews aka 'Louis' also hosts a racist podcast called National Institute for Gamer Review (NIGR)
Millionaire failson Nazi Dmitiri Loutsik (on left) at at Trump event in 2016.
Nazi publishing company Antelope Hill co-owner and wannabe land baron Vincent Cucchiara unironically tips his fedora
Nazi rich kid Dmitri Loutsik was all-in on behalf of  the Trump campaign in 2016.

The Neo-Nazi Alternative Economy

The neo-Nazi strategy of creating networks for an alternate economy and marketplace for 'our people' has so far had only a handful of 'success' stories. The market for Nazi books, soap, arts and crafts, clothing, and coffee is, by its very nature, self-limiting. While a handful have managed to make a quick buck, the increasing competition will lead to ever diminishing collegiality and eventual economic cannibalisation.

Additionally, legitimate concerns over the security of customer data will likely lead to a significant drop off in users who are increasingly squeamish of entrusting their livelihoods and social standing to companies that are technologically insecure/incompetent and likely federal investigative targets. The eventual failure of Antelope Hill and Above Time Coffee Roasters will likely have limited impact on its millionaire owners Dmitri Loutsik, Freeman Matthews III, and Vincent Cucchiara, whose real estate portfolios and other diversified holdings may well survive the collapse. However, the thousands of hapless Nazis whose purchases and donations have funded this empire building will be constantly looking over their shoulders, dreading the inevitable data breach, business malfeasance or federal investigation that exposes them to the world.

All the coffee in the world won't wake you from that nightmare.

A Fool and Their Money… Insider Leaks Reveal Alleged National Justice Party Donors

The disingenuous grift that was the neo-Nazi National Justice Party (NJP) recently collapsed in a bitter heap of recriminations, backstabbing, skullduggery, and general ratfuckery. The internecine Nazi slapfest spilled out into the public square via drunken podcast appearances, bitter social media feuds, and insider leaks. As former friends trip over themselves to dox and discredit each other, insiders have been selectively leaking material which shines a harsh spotlight on the whole tawdry affair.

NJP's successor was the short-lived Nationalist Coalition which abruptly folded when their founding membership roster was leaked. Many of the exposed names could be easily tied to NJP but several had known ties to previous failed entities like Identity Evropa and the Traditionalist Workers Party, as well as ongoing concerns like Patriot Front.

The latest leak is a list of names and addresses of National Justice Party donors. The 'donor' designation is significant as these are not solely dues-paying members. The list includes women, senior citizens, and various boomer conspiracy theory types who would have likely been disqualified from membership despite the NJP's apparently haphazard and amateurish vetting processes. Some, but not all of the women listed, are spouses of donors and their inclusion on the list indicates that the donation was credited to them as a couple. As general policy, we usually exclude spouses and other family members from our reporting unless there is specific evidence of their active involvement, as there is in this case.

Lending to the list's veracity, many of the names on the list are already known to be NJP-adjacent or have confirmed white nationalist ties. Several of the listed donors can be verified as such via other means and nearly all of them are identifiable as white nationalists and neo-Nazis.

Although the dataset does not reveal actual donation amounts, several included names were signified as 'Large Donors.' As rank and file NJP membership dues ran $30 per month,  it is likely that the 'Large Donor' designation would indicate donations of a significantly larger sum.

We are publishing the list as received, excluding street addresses, email addresses and phone numbers. Nevertheless, are a few interesting names that we will draw attention to.

Goon Squad…

The donors to the neo-Nazi National Justice Party come from all walks of life. There are lawyers, accountants, a clockmaker, a fire alarm mogul, and at least one school teacher. There are many familiar faces like Pennsylvania Nazi skinhead musician John Smaligo and Illinois goon Shane Duffy aka 'AltCelt.'

Illinois Nazi goon Shane Duffy aka 'AltCelt' playing to type.
Pennsylvania Nazi skinhead John Smaligo chose bass as his instrument because it only has four strings.

Also ponying up bucks to the NJP is North Carolina incel Nazi crackpot e-celeb Eli Harman whose still-extant YouTube channel serves up a bellyful of his ponderous rants on 'white genocide,' 'white sharia,' anti-feminism, and Christchurch massacre apologia, mostly filmed from inside his car, naturally.

North Carolina Nazi dipshit Eli Harman's 'I am an INCEL' t-shirt has people asking a lot of questions already answered by his shirt.
Insufferable Nazi weirdo Eli Harman has a lot of dumb shit to say while he is driving.

Something Something 'Lawyers and Politicians'…

There were at least two members of the legal profession who appear on the list. 69-year-old Chicago attorney William Malan is allegedly one of the donors to the neo-Nazi National Justice Party and has himself run for office as Libertarian party candidate for Illinois Attorney General where his pathetic 1.5% electoral showing can be held up as  better than anything actually accomplished by the NJP.  Malan was called out way back in 2016 by Southside Chicago Anti-Racist Action for openly trafficking in white supremacy and his domain purchase history shows numerous racist websites registered in his name including 'BlackLiesMatter' and 'WhiteAdvocate.'

Donor to the neo-Nazi National Justice Party William Malan was once a Libertarian candidate for Illinois Attorney General.
Random weird racist blog comment from Willam Malan. He is not exactly hiding his white supremacist beliefs.
A few of the racist web domains run by Chicago attorney Bill Malan.

Another name on the list was 54-year-old Michigan lawyer David Leonard Wisz, who ran as a Republican for local office. He has had his law licence suspended multiple times and was involved in some seriously creepy stalker shit during his divorce where he sewed a recording device into his own child's clothing to spy on their therapy sessions. One of the many disciplinary rulings against Wisz stated that the attorney 'engaged in conduct that involved dishonesty, fraud, deceit, misrepresentation or violation of the criminal law, where such conduct reflected adversely on the lawyer’s honesty, trustworthiness, or fitness as a lawyer.' Now they can add that his name also appears on a list of alleged donors to a neo-Nazi organization.

Michigan attorney and alleged Nazi org donor David L. Wisz 'engaged in conduct that involved dishonesty, fraud, deceit, misrepresentation or violation of the criminal law, where such conduct reflected adversely on the lawyer’s honesty, trustworthiness, or fitness as a lawyer.'
Excerpt from suspended Michigan attorney David L. Wicsz divorce and custody hearings that reveals he sewed a recording device into his child's clothing to record their therapy sessions.

But of the failed political candidates supporting the failed neo-Nazi pseudo-political party NJP, 42-year-old Flower Mound, Texas native Patrick Wynne's failed 2022 Reform Party bid for Texas Governor was truly next level, bringing a healthy dose of 'wtf?' to an already stacked field of wingnut candidates. His campaign website is an absolutely bat-shit exercise in how to NOT get elected for public office as illustrated by this excerpt from his 'About' page:

After this latest upheaval he embraced the goth culture. Dressing goth gave him the experience of being outside of acceptable culture and he began to be targeted by police. He was subjected to many random stops, told he was speeding or driving erratically when he wasn’t, and was even harassed by police at school.  These experiences taught him firsthand, that profiling is real. He saw how appearance affects how police treat you. He understood that he was privileged to be able to merely change the way he dressed to escape persecution but that others are not as fortunate.

Around this time, Patrick also started experimenting with drugs, trying to self-medicate away the trauma of his young life. Experiences with MDMA, DMT, and Psilocybin mushrooms substituted for therapy and helped him to come to terms with his repressed emotions.

Oh there is more….

During his Navy enlistment, he also became part of rave culture. Among strangers and with friends, he experienced the cathartic release of pent-up emotions that MDMA enables. Although, not in a clinical setting with a professional therapist, the drug still had a positive effect of allowing him to come to terms with the things that had happened to him. He was able to let go of the anger that had simmered in him during his youth and started working to become a more balanced person. Unfortunately, the drug war reared its head here as well and he saw friends arrested and sent to jail for participating in raves. With convictions on their permanent records these friends’ future employability was irreparably harmed.

We really recommend reading the whole thing to get the full picture, it's a doozy.

To be fair, there was a lot to like in Patrick Wynne's stated policy positions about ending the war on drugs, expanding medicare and police reform. While the Anonymous Comrades Collective would normally be supportive of goths on drugs seeking HIGHER office, Patrick Wynne's name appearing on the list of donors to a neo-Nazi organization is not the only indication his true political agenda is actually white supremacy. It was recently announced that Patrick Wynne has become an 'apprentice Folkbuilder' within the Asatru Folk Assembly, a white supremacist organization operating under the pretense of being a religion that is designated as a 'Hate Group' by the Southern Poverty Law Center.

Spoiler alert: Ex-Goth psychedelic drug enthusiast Patrick did not 'Wynne this thing!'
Patrick Wynne may have failed in his run as a Republican for Governor of Texas but he has successfully joined a totally different white supremacist hate group.

In other Lone Star state news, the list features 43-year-old Thomas Mor James McCarthy from Leonard, Texas, whom you might recall is a founding member of the comically failed NJP successor group the Nationalist Coalition. Thomas and his 38-year-old wife Rebecca Marie McCarthy are both designated on the 'Large Donor'  section of the list. Thomas Mor McCarthy warrants a proper deep dive in the near future but, in short, he has been involved in all sorts of sorts of Nazi fuckery in Texas including forming a political 'Super Pac.' Another longtime Texas racist goober by the name of John Chonard Verdier appears on the list alongside his wife Leah Verdier. 47-year-old John Verdier committed a felony by carrying a torch during the 2017 Unite the Right Nazi march in Charlottesville, Virginia in 2017.

Texas Nazi John Chonard Verdier committing a felony during the Unite the Right Nazi

John Charles Stortstrom of Bel Air, Maryland also has a long history in white nationalism. In 2013, while working as a mechanical engineer for the Army at the Edgewood Chemical Biological Center, he was found to have ties to white nationalist groups. In 2019 he was outed as a member of the failed neo-Nazi group Identity Evropa.

John Charles Stortstrom

Some Teachers Need to get Schooled…

The lone donor from Hawaii goes by the name Rory Walkinshaw, or alternately Jay Walkinshaw. He seems to use both names interchangeably and his byline can be found on all sorts of hawkish crackpot articles about everything from the supposed treachery of Barack Obama to the 'cruel' suppression of cigarette smoking. The only thing that makes him worthy of special attention is his LinkedIn page using the name Rory Walkinshaw which lists his occupation as a history teacher at the Hawaii Department of Education. This is backed up by a 2023 certification for Jay Walkinshaw as special education teacher for grades 6-12. Reasonable people can usually can agree that people who help fund neo-Nazi organizations should probably not be teaching young children. Maybe someone in Hawaii should look into this?

Jay/Rory Hawkinshaw is a Hawaii special ed teacher and donor to the neo-Nazi National Justice Party.
Rory/Jay Walkinshaw Linkedin listing him as a history teacher.
This listing shows Jay Walkinshaw employed by the University of Hawaii.
Rory Walkinshaw really, really thinks cigarette smokers are a persecuted minority.

Ok, Boomer: Oldies but Baddies…

And now we come to the 'old man yells at cloud' part of our investigation. Every single person who has allegedly donated to this Nazi grift is old enough to know better. At least 50 of the donors classify as middle-aged and but some of these dipshits are REALLY fucking old.  We did not do much research on Dean Luckey III from Arvada, Colorado or Ronald Clatus Dodd from Bruce Township, Michigan because at 85 and 82 years old respectively, they are running out the actuarial clock. One can only hope when the kids finally take away these Nazi geezer's car keys, they also unplug the wifi!

83-year-old Sidney S. Secular from Silver Springs, Maryland is very much a known quantity. This ancient racist codger is a retired meteorologist but is best known as a long-time director and secretary of the explicitly white supremacist Council of Conservative Citizens. The group played a major role in radicalising Dylann Roof  who murdered nine Black persons in a Charleston, South Carolina church in 2015. Roof published a manifesto that referenced the Council of Conservative Citizens who, in turn, defended the murderer's so-called 'legitimate grievances.' The organisation's somewhat innocuous name is an intentional diversion intended to give the impression that the group falls within the scope of acceptable political discourse and, to a certain extent, the ruse worked as the group amassed a staggering array of powerful political contacts and allies.

Would you buy a used car from geriatric white supremacist weirdo Sidney Secular?
Excerpt from the manifesto of Nazi mass murderer Dylann Roof crediting the Council of Conservative Citizens with a role in his radicalisation.
A Council of Conservative Citizens conference in 2019 features a veritable who's who of Nazis and white nationalists including David Duke and Richard Spencer

A look at the history of Sidney Secular shows how deeply enmeshed the group is with the deepest depths of neo-Nazism and white supremacy. Secular was heavily involved with the American Friends of the British National Party. This American branch of the branch of the UK based Nazi BNP came under scrutiny in 2009 when it was linked to the murder of a guard at the Holocaust Museum in Washington, D.C. Secular was a frequent contributor to the BNP newsletter Heritage and History where his byline accompanies articles with titles like 'White Racial Salvation- What We Must Do.'

Sidney Secular was the 'top distributor stateside' of the neo-Nazi British National Party's newsletter.

Secular's name and address appear in conjunction with various white supremacist schemes found in classified advertisements in Neo-Nazi/white nationalist newsletters going back decades. Sidney Secular placed ads in White Voice, a neo-Nazi newsletter published by Karl Hand, a now-dead but historically violent neo-Nazi who was an associate of Siege authour James Mason and David Duke.  Karl Hand will always be remembered for being the lone attendee at his own Nazi sad rally in Buffalo, New York way back in 1981. This particular Sid Secular listing offered for sale a publication regarding the 'The Order of Teutonic Kenaz' and promised to contain 'WN and NS principles and values, tribalism and articles of faith as well as unifying messages. For Blood, Soil & Honor.'

Octogenarian hate-monger Sidney Secular has devoted his too long life to normalising neo-Nazi ideology and inspiring racist murderers. No one's going to miss him when he has his last pudding cup.

Sidney Secular advertising in a 2021 issue of the neo-Nazi newsletter 'White Voice.'
Sidney Secular advertising for meet-ups of 'TRUE PATRIOTS' alongside neo-Nazi groups like the National Alliance.

Other Nazi pensioner benefactors include 73-year-old Snow Hill, North Carolina resident Emerson Randolph Williams, a longstanding member of both the League of the South and the Sons of Confederate Veterans. This racist old coot is a retired teacher who makes Civil War revisionist propaganda videos for children as part of a white nationalist homeschooling network. He can be seen marching with the League of the South at the bloody neo-Nazi Unite the Right rally in 2017.

Emerson Randolph Williams, a longstanding member of both the League of the South and the Sons of Confederate Veterans, marching at the neo-Nazi Unite the Right Rally in Charlottesville, VA.

Septugenarian Ronald Cruder of Greensburg, Pennsylvania is also listed as a 'Large Donor.' Cruder's business, Advanced Fire Company, was recently acquired by Certasite and he is apparently spending his windfall by investing in neo-Nazi organizations like the National Justice Party. On the Advanced Fire Company Yelp page there are several photos showing Ron Cruder posing with a company-shirt-sporting employee by the name of Warren Balogh who is also a founding member of the National Justice Party 'Governing Council' and a second generation neo-Nazi. Balogh can be found all over social media extolling the merits of Adolf Hitler and National Socialism.

Neo-Nazi National Justice Party 'Major Donor' Ronald Cruder of Greensburg, Pennsylvania.
Photo from Ron Kruder’s Advanced Fire Company's Yelp page featuring star employee and Neo-Nazi National Justice Party leader Warren Balogh.

One of former Advanced Fire Company employees Warren Balogh's countless podcasts extolling the virtues of Adolf Hitler.

Advanced Fire Company employee Warren Balogh assautling police officers at the neo-Nazi Unite the Right rally in 2017

Another well known name is 65-year-old Dennis L. Hilligoss, currently of Caldwell, Idaho, whose decades of neo-Nazi bullshit includes a long stint with the murderous Aryan Nations.

73-year-old grandfather Chuck Stillman of Sasser, GA might seem like an everyday boomer conspiracy weirdo ranting about ancient aliens, floridation, tinfoil, and MRNA vaccines, but a closer look shows the dude is an actual Nazi. Shame on you grampa!

It seems highly likely that boomer weirdo Nazi Chuck Stillman has lost a friend or two.
Georgia grampa Chuck Stillman pushing the Nazi propaganda.
Septuagenarian Nazi Chuck Stillman spells it out for us.
Georgia Nazi boomer weirdo Chuck Stillman playing to character! Lederhosen? More like Lederloser.

65-year-old Paula Ann Morin of Sandusky, Ohio, aka 'Feral Helen,' is a truly awful person, a long time Republican, neo-Nazi, and member of the League of the South. You can read all about her at Late Night AFA. Paula Morin was involved with the troubled NJP women's auxiliary Evergreen and a donor to the party itself. To her credit, Morin realized she was scammed by the NJP and was publicly vocal on the matter but that's about all we will give her. A Nazi scammed by Nazis is still a Nazi.

Paula Ann Morin in NJP chats.
Is there such a thing as 'moral dysmorphia?' Paula Ann Morin's got it.

Fools And Their Money

They say you get what you pay for. Only this time, these Nazi boneheads are getting both more and less than they expected. The best part of the whole imbroglio is that the fact that the National Justice Party was organised as a for profit LLC instead of a legitimate political party means that these suckers donations are NOT tax deductable!  The neo-Nazi organisation National Justice Party scammed the dummies that bought their spiel and we can't be mad at that. Let them fight. In the meantime, we are quite happy to release their list of alleged donors, presented below.


National Justice Party Donors

Kristin Lee Anderson, San Diego, CA
Mark J. Beckert, Hopatcong, NJ
Alec J. Beyer, Edwardsville, IL
Cory W. Brogan, Mcadoo, PA
Victor J. Caligiuri, Bohemia, NY
Christopher Nelson Carmichael, Evansville, IN
Dustin Cookson, Salt Lake City, UT
Collin Lee Crater, Arlington, TX
Ronald A. Cruder, Greensburg, PA (LARGE DONOR)
Jace M. Damron, Oklahoma City, OK
Matthew Philip Danielson, Frazee, MN
Thomas S. Diendorf, Apple Valley, CA
Harrison William Dimon, Fredericksburg, VA
Ronald Clatus Dodd, Bruce Township, MI
James Robert Douthit, Iron Station, NC
Shane P. Duffy, Oaklawn, IL
Lawrence M Forbes, Victoria, British Columbia, CN
Timothy E. Fry, Baltimore, MD
Eli J. Harman, Bear Creek, NC
Daniel H. Hemstreet, Harahan, LA
Dennis Lane Hilligoss, Caldwell, ID
Dean Luckey III, Arvada, CO
William Malan, Chicago, IL
Thomas Mor McCarthy, Leonard, TX (LARGE DONOR)
Rebecca Marie McCarthy, Leonard, TX (LARGE DONOR)
Timothy P. McCoy, Mansfield, MA
Dewi R. McCoy, Mansfield, MA
Christopher P. McGoff, Cincinatti, OH
Henry Herbert McKay III, Gilmer, TX
Paula A. Morin, Sandusky, OH
Bradley David Nelson, Anoka, MN
Matthew Jon Novak, Clear Lake, WI (LARGE DONOR)
Christine Marie Novak, Clear Lake, WI (LARGE DONOR)
Shaun Michael O’Neill, New MiddleTown, OH
Richard Ira Ogin III, Helotes,TX
Thomas Archer Osburn, Charlotte, NC
Evan W Plumlee, Oakford, PA
Jason William Riggs, Greeley, CO
Joseph Everett Rodgers, Woonsocket, RI
Jacob Ryan Runnels, Tallmadge, OH
Will L. Russell, Shrewsbury, PA
Peter Francis Rutledge, Roscommon, MI
Peter D Schiffke, Del Ray Beach, FL
David G. Schultz, Mount Gilead, OH (LARGE DONOR)
Aubrey E. Schultz, Mount Gilead, OH (LARGE DONOR)
Joshua R. Scott ,Whitehall, NY
Sidney S. Secular, Silver Spring, MD
Patrick Orion Sessions, Woodbury, MN
Tyler Patrick Shanahan, Bangor, ME
Sarah A. Simon, Colorado Springs, CO
John Matthew Smaligo North Versailles PA
Joshua Gene Smith, Mason City, IA
Chuck Joseph Stillman, Sasser, GA
Amos K. Stoltzfus, Christiana, PA
John Charles Stortstrom, Bell Air, MD
Eric W. Van Horn, Oklahoma City, OK (LARGE DONOR)
Christopher T. Vecchio, Henryville, PA
John Chonard Verdier, Weatherford, TX
Leah Anne Verdier, Weatherford, TX
Jonathon Lee Vinson, Syracuse, NY (LARGE DONOR)
Jay Rory Walkinshaw, Honolulu, HI
Richard W. Weiland, Pittsburgh PA
Austin Lee Welling, Orange CA
Emerson Randolph Williams, Snow Hill, NC
David Leonard Wisz, Birmingham, MI
Luke Woodyard, Springfield, IL
Katelyn Woodyard, Springfield, IL
Patrick Scott Wynne, Flower Mound, TX
Matthew Owen Yates, Raleigh, NC





Night of the Long Con: The Rise and Fall of the National Justice Party

Welcome to the latest instalment in our ongoing investigation of the now-defunct neo-Nazi organisations the National Justice Party (NJP) and the Nationalist Coalition (NATCO) and their affiliated podcast network The Right Stuff (TRS). Comprised of material gathered from a variety of publicly available sources as well as insider leaks and enrolment logs, we will be examining these groups from the leadership and donor level down to the rank and file members and podcast listeners.

The National Justice Party 'Governing Council'

Imagine a ‘political party’ comprised entirely of narcissists, charlatans, losers, weirdos, and grifters.

While it may sound like the makings of pretty much every other political organisation ever, the neo-Nazi National Justice Party (NJP) have managed to take the low expectations of party politics and swirl them even further down the proverbial toilet.

For starters, the National Justice Party was not even a legitimate political party. They were set up as a very much 'for-profit' limited liability company (LLC), never took any meaningful steps towards being a legitimate political entity, and never so much as put forth a single candidate for any sort of elected office. The only real resemblance they bore to conventional political parties is reflected in how much of their energy went towards fundraising. Between member dues and other donations, NJP raised well over a million dollars. However, basic arithmetic, using assumed headcount as well as likely operating expenses, suggests a Nazi house of cards buckling under a grim and unsustainable financial situation. Some of the raised cash got swallowed up in overhead and operating costs, but vast sums of donor and member monies have apparently gone unaccounted for.

The National Justice Party launched with bombast in 2020 with an event in a barn in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. The owner of the barn was Charles Bausman, an American citizen and active pro-Kremlin Russian propagandist who was behind the website Russia Insider.  His Pennsylvania farm also served as the official business address for the National Justice Party and Bausman allowed several prominent Nazi propagandists to live on the property including NJP founding member Greg Conte and the racist and antisemitic podcaster and writer Norman 'Trey' Garrison aka 'Spectre.'  Russia Insider  evolved over time from promoting pro-Russian and Syrian conspiracy theories to openly embracing white nationalist and neo-Nazi ideology, and Bausman helped funnel Russian money and material support into the American white nationalist movement. Charles Bausman fled the country after his participation in the January 6th insurrection was exposed and is currently living in Russia.

Russian Propagandist and White Nationalist Charles Bausman's lawyers would probably caution against calling himself a 'J6 refugee.' ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Nazi propagandist and Nazi weirdo Charles Bausman committing a felony on January 6th, 2021.

The National Justice Party’s public activism mostly consisted of sad looking gatherings of a half-dozen pathetic weirdos with megaphones harassing drag shows and trans people. Their other favourite gimmick was ghoulish street protests centered around tragic events. NJP sought out scenes of murder or other local tragedies looking for opportunities to promote their 'political party' on the backs of suffering people. They turned up for various tragedies in Wisconsin, North Dakota, and even the train derailment in East Palestine, Ohio.

A typically sad looking National Justice Party protest in Denton, TX.

The modest turn-outs were somewhat deliberate, members were often discouraged from attending 'protests' in favour of donating more money to fill party coffers!

As much as the National Justice Party tried to present themselves as 'champions' of downtrodden white people it must be stated without any exaggeration that it is a neo-Nazi organisation. A quick glance at the founding leadership should be sufficient to prove without question that they are, individually and collectively, Nazi wingnuts, as well as narcissists, charlatans, losers, weirdos, and grifters.

Michael Peinovich aka Mike Enoch

Can I get a 'Heil Hitler?' Nazi podcaster Michael Peinovich, aka 'Mike Enoch,' showing his true colours.

The NJP ‘chairman’ Michael Peinovich, aka 'Mike Enoch,' is best known as one of the founders of the The Right Stuff podcast network and host of the long-running antisemitic Daily Shoah podcast. The Right Stuff (TRS) has been long struggling with dwindling listenership and declining income but, at their peak, TRS was allegedly generating at least $60k per month in subscriber revenue.

As their popularity began to wane, TRS started savaging their stable of podcasts and 'talent' to lower overhead. Many of their podcast hosts were longtime friends and the ruthlessness and greed displayed in these strategic cullings has created a plethora of new enemies. They burned bridges with many of their original hosts including their most popular host Robert Gasiewicz, who used the alias 'Jazzhands McFeels,' and podcasts like The Paranormies, Exodus Americanus, Full Haus, Hate House, and The Godcast. They instigated beef with looming potential competitors like the Amerikaner podcast network and dismissed pretty much every other white nationalist group as duplicative, irrelevant, or feds.

An original and most popular host of 'The Right Stuff' podcast network was Robert Gasiewicz, who used the alias 'Jazzhanda McFeels.'  Gasiewicz was exposed earlier this year.

A Nazi business model which is largely reliant on membership dues and paywall content subscriptions has a built-in growth cap and cannot afford to alienate its content creators or patrons. The infighting, backbiting, and underlying greed quickly came home to roost as a huge drop in paid readership and it couldn't have happened to a shittier bunch of creeps. The truth of the matter is there are lots of Nazi podcasts, most of them available for free, and the TRS shtick is getting VERY tired. The ageing blowhards at TRS have been struggling with bringing in young listeners while inexplicably popular weirdo Nick Fuentes is absolutely dominating the zoomer Nazi market.

The TRS attempt to rebrand as edgy '100% Uncensored Talk Radio' was a craven attempt to lure in mainstream listeners, but the appeal of middle aged men still making racist song parodies and cackling over racial slurs shrinks as the minutes pass. The jokes aren't funny and the shlock jock hosts are not even vaguely personable. A rigid subject matter orthodoxy has taken hold and even the slightest deviation from dogma is suppressed. Varying opinions are not presented or respected and TRS has become an increasingly tedious echo chamber that is struggling to maintain even their shrinking base of die-hard listeners.

The TRS network's marketing is 200% Uncensored Cringe.

The strategic pivot from podcast to 'political party' seems equal parts greed and hubris. Michael Peinovich, by assuming the grandiose and pretentious title of 'Chairman,' emphasised the vainglorious underpinnings of the whole debacle. Would this be his great second act? Could Peinovich elevate himself from being a lowly Nazi shitposting podcaster into a respected political force?

This sort of quixotic and delusional ego-trip is the result of Peinovich huffing his own farts from within a bubble he created. The classic case of a guy who is not nearly as smart as he thinks he is, circling his own wagons so tightly that the informed cries of 'shut the fuck up already' cannot be heard.

Ok, this is kind of a sick burn.
For the low, low price of $500 you, too, can be Mike Peinovich's friend for a month.
Nazi podcaster and NJP 'Chairman' Mike Peinovich is laughing all the way to the bank, suckers.

This is not to suggest NJP was by any means a wholly altruistic folly. The possible additional revenue stream probably did look good on paper. While TRS listenership has been dwindling, it was still a fertile recruitment ground for an organisation. The conversion of even a modest percentage of TRS listeners would have given their fledgling political party a jump start. Instead, this host/parasite relationship between the two organisations ultimately seems to have degraded both. The two groups shared employees, with NJP personnel collecting paychecks from TRS as podcast hosts and vice versa. A paid TRS subscription came bundled with National Justice Party membership, kicking back ten dollars per head to the podcast network. The NJP membership numbers were disappointing and stalled at a few hundred, and the network likely lost more listeners than were gained.

Aggressive demands for member exclusivity and other bully-boy tactics regarding the longstanding 'Pool Party' groups alienated many long-time listeners who did not wish to join the NJP. The meltdown of the 'Pool Party' network warrants its own article which will come in a further instalment in this series.

Jesse Dunstan and Michael Peinovich taking the whole 'Pool Party' thing way too literally.
Michael Peinovich aka Mike Enoch bringing weapons to the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, VA in 2017. Persistent Nazi rumours suggest he sang like a canary to get dropped from that lawsuit but we don't know that for a fact.
Michael Peinovich aka Mike Enoch LARPING the 'Night of the the Long Knives'.

Michael Peinovich lives in the gated Pocono Mountain Lake Forest community in Dingmans Ferry, Pennsylvania (pop. 7,722.) It might sound posh but the community association is actually bankrupt and in utter disarray. The security gates are not functioning and are left permanently open, the community pool is completely filled with algae, the roads are perilously unpaved, and the HOA website is offline (archived version here).

Peinovich lives here with his wife Melissa Swope, aka 'Woke Jamie' and 'Great Mystery,' who runs a tawdry Holocaust revisionist website out of their modest house and handles production tasks for The Right Stuff network.


Tony Hovater

Longtime Nazi activist Tony Hovater's eyebrows throwing up a Roman salute at the Unite the Right Rally in Charlottesville, VA in 2017.

NJP 'Chief of Staff' Tony Hovater is a long-standing white nationalist and neo-Nazi who has been widely maligned as the key villain in the whole National Justice Party kerfuffle. The demonisation of Hovater within the organisation appears to be possibly a diversionary tactic to deflect uncomfortable questions like 'where did all the money go?' Regardless, he is a total creep who deserves only the worst. Let's get re-acquainted.

Tony Hovater does have some actual political experience, having once run for local office in Ohio. From his humble beginnings as a middling metalcore drummer, Hovater then cycled through a variety of failed white nationalist organisations.

Once an aspiring musician, Tony Hovaternow marches exclusively to a steady drumbeat of racism, antisemitism, and neo-Nazism.


Tony Hovater is best known for a 2017 New York Times profile  on him, which was widely criticised for downplaying the hatred, violence, and genocide which is at the heart of white nationalist ideology. Instead Hovater was portrayed as the nice guy next door who just happens to hold some spicy opinions. While the article was clearly not intending to lend support to neo-Nazism, it inadvertently did so by emphasising Hovater’s outward politeness and middle American normality. The 'nice guy Nazi' framing came at the expense of actual and intended victims of Nazi violence. It also hinted at broader acceptance of Nazi ideology as merely an offbeat and quirky eccentricity, something that could be overlooked as a reasonable concession to outward civility.

At the time, Hovater was a high-ranking member of the Traditional Workers Party (TWP), one of the most violent and confrontational groups to spawn from the then emerging Alt-Right. TWP was a thuggish presence at a series of increasingly violent public events leading up to the August 2017. debacle that was Unite the Right. TWP acted as self-appointed ‘security’ for numerous Nazi events but were in reality a modern ‘Freikorps’ styled goon squad willing to brawl in the streets at any opportunity.

Tony Hovater with the Traditionalist Worker's Party at a violent Nazi rally in Shelbyville, TN in 2017.

Despite the NY Times' kid glove handling, Tony Hovater and his wife Maria Harrison experienced some fallout, losing their jobs and being shunned in their community. Considerable funds were raised on their behalf by their fellow Nazis.

The Traditionalist Worker Party soon disintegrated. This was only partly due to the ramifications of their role in the planning and execution of the violent Nazi riot that broke out in Charlottesville, Virginia in 2017. Other pressures were internal, the organisation splintered in the wake of a comical contretemps involving marital infidelity and resultant fisticuffs between TWP leaders Matthew Heimbach and Matthew Parrott. The confusing incident, dubbed by wags as ‘the Night of the Wrong Wives’ led to Heimbach’s arrest and imprisonment and the dissolution of TWP.

Despite utterly and publicly wrecking his life, Tony Hovater stayed the Nazi course, resurfacing in 2020 as part of the newly formed National Justice Party.

A social media post by Tony Hovater celebrating 'your friend' Adolf Hitler.
In case any doubt remains as to whether Tony Hovater is a Nazi…


Tony Hovater would eventually be publicly fired from NJP with an announcement that actually misspelled his name. While his dismissal was partly due to desperate cost-cutting measures, the overriding motive seems to be the fact that nobody likes him or his truly sinister eyebrows. Accusations of fraud and theft flew in all directions, but, in parting, Hovater offered the most transparency regarding the organisation's structure, internal politics, and finances.

Tony Hovater and his dastardly eyebrows. Somewhere there is a damsel in distress tied to railroad tracks.
Announcement of Hovater's dismissal from the NJP. Note the misspelling of his name.
Tony Hovater spills the beans about the NJP payroll.
Hovater's response to the NJP's announcement.
Let them fight! Tony Hovater calling the rest of the NJP leadeship 'self-centered and cowardly' is the kind of tea we like seeing spilled.

In a stunning oversight, Ohio Nazi and NJP 'Human Resources Director' Collin Hosking had failed to preemptively secure various passwords and bank accounts before they cut Hovater loose. As a result, the former 'Chief of Staff' continued to spill sporadic tea from the NJP Telegram account which he still controls. Hovater is also allegedly involved in bitter litigation with the other principals over money matters.

NJP 'Human Resources Director' Collin Hosking from Lebanon, Ohio.
Nazi moron Jesse Dunstan is indeed 'surrounded by morons.'
More internal infighting and dysfunction from internal TRS/NJP chats.

The NY Times profile did not explore or address the role Tony Hovater's wife, Maria Harrison, plays in the white nationalist movement. She is quoted in the article as merely being 'pretty lined up' politically with her husband but she actually would come to be a key player in various NJP affiliated activities. Like her husband, Maria Harrison had once made a grab for the brass ring as a professional musician and failed. Under the stage name Raya, she marketed herself as a 'dream pop' artist, comparing herself to a bunch of musicians who would thoroughly reject everything this Nazi idiot stands for. By 2017, Maria Harrison was posting outright Nazi edgelord '1488' content on extremist social media site Gab.

Nazi wannabe pop star Maria Harrison / Hovater compares her music to artists who would reject everything she stands for.
Tony Hovater's wife Maria Harrison and her attempts at becoming a recording artist.
Maria Harrison/Hovater was far more successful as racist neo-Nazi shitposter
Racist Nazi dimwit Maria Harrison/Hovater apparently needs to be told she is a racist.

Maria Harrison/ Hovater was involved with the National Justice Party's women's organisation Evergreen and the racist and antisemitic podcast Dreamweavers. The podcast had a troubled past, two of their anonymous hosts, Christina Murgo, aka 'Joan Arden' and Rachel Carter, aka 'Borzette', were exposed and all of the show episodes were promptly deleted. Original host Emily Youcis returned for a second season but with new co-hosts Allyson McKevitt and Maria Hovater; all three women were founding members of Evergreen and married to members of the NJP Governing Council.

Season two of the neo-Nazi Dreamweavers podcast featuring Maria Hovater, Allyson McKevitt, and Emily Youcis.

Joseph Jordan aka 'Eric Striker'

Nazi hair hopper Joseph Jordan (aka Eric Striker) insistence on a pomade per diem ultimately bankrupted the National Justice Party.

Joseph Jordan, aka 'Eric Striker' has also churned through the dregs of white nationalism including a stint writing for the explicitly neo-Nazi Daily Stormer web site, membership in the failed Traditional Workers Party, and involvement in the short-lived US branch of the violent Greek fascist group The Golden Dawn. Sporting a Nazi 'Jimmy Neutron' pompadour, he could be seen wielding a megaphone at NJP's obnoxiously desperate attention seeking public events.

Joseph Jordan is currently residing in Pittsburgh where he allegedly cohabitates with his fiancee the former leftist academic Angela Nagle. Nagle authored Kill All Normies and her sharp intellectual turn to the far right seems due in part to her thin-skinned reaction to criticisms of her very flawed book. Her new stances on behalf of nationalism and against immigration are consistent with the 'anti-woke' faction of the left who lack the solid grounding in civil and human rights which would hopefully prevent their slide into fascist contrarianism. A thorough exploration into Nagle's succumbing to both the metaphorical 'Fascist Creep' and flesh and blood fascist creep Joseph 'Eric Striker' Jordan can be found here.

Former leftist turned right wing nationalist Angela Nagle in 2017.

Joseph 'Eric Striker' Jordan was one of the most popular of the TRS hosts and his firing caused a furor amongst the listenership. Jordan's reputation as a drunk and a diva certainly factored into his dismissal, but sources tell us that his firing was ultimately about 'the Benjamins.' The otherwise unemployable Jordan was insisting upon a raise from his sub-minimum wage salary and some of the sort of benefits that go with a normal job… like, maybe health insurance…

A bitter Jordan vents on Telegram.

Both parties initially claimed an amicable split, but it clearly was not. TRS founder Jesse Dunstan, who co-hosted a podcast with Jordan, was quick to start shovelling dirt on the parting as a 'dismissal,' grumbling that he was 'left high and dry,' In classic TRS bus-throwing-under fashion, Dunstan snarked that Jordan was 'maybe not as cool as you think.'

Dunstan on Jordan.

Other TRS 'talent' jumped at the opportunity to trash Striker and the NJP. Perpetual podcast neo-Nazi sidekick and former EMT Alex McNabb, desperately trying to guard his own deckchair on this sinking Nazi ship, went on the attack calling  Joseph Jordan a 'bloviating retard' incapable of running 'anything other than his mouth':


In response to this online trashing, Jordan whinged that NJP was 'my baby…I gave the party its name, I wrote the entire platform…' He revealed that there was an even an NJP non-disclosure agreement that key officers signed and that he planned on 'keeping true to mine':

In response to Striker's reference to NJP as his 'baby,'  Jesse Dunstan unleashed a drunken public rant against his former friend and cohost which gives much indication of how much these guys all hate each other in real life.

Eric Striker is the biggest parasite Mike has ever had. Because Eric Striker thinks that Mike is the parasite on him, and fuck that. Eric Striker, you are a faker. You're a Mexican, you're a Puerto Rican, and you're a fucking pretend national socialist. You're a fucking libertarian. You are an individualist. You are out for yourself in your – and your fucking opportunistic snipes at the fall of the NJP, which you said NJP is your baby Striker. And guess what happened to your baby? It's stillborn. Your baby fucking failed. You want to take credit for this? Fine NJP was your baby? It completely shat the bed. Your baby sucks dicks. Your fucking baby is a baby with a dick in its mouth, Striker. NJP fucking strangled at birth. Actually would have been better off strangled at birth. The problem was it was allowed to fucking live for three and a half years. Your baby lived to be three and a half and it died. Why? Because you were on it. Because you don't know what the fuck you're doing on any level of interpersonal fucking relationships with anybody. People you work with. That will support you. You're jack shit. You're a fucking e-celeb. You're the worst kind of e-celeb. Your the e-celeb that as soon as somebody fucking gets to know you. people realise 'Oh god, I'm involved with a giant fucking fraud.' So fuck you.


Michael McKevitt

National Justice Party founding member and Nazi horndog Michael McKevitt whips it out in a public bathroom.

National Justice Party founding member Michael McKevitt  is a former US Army helicopter mechanic turned Nazi podcaster. Under variations of the name 'Potato Smasher.' he has been a longtime troll spewing vicious racism and antisemitism via social media. His wife Allyson McKevitt is equally awful and led the National Justice Party's 'Evergreen' women's organisation before a shocking sex scandal led to the pair being ostracised.

Nazi Baby Got Back: National Justice Party 'Chairman' Michael Peinovich aka 'Mike Enoch' conducting a surprise inspection of NJP ladies auxiliary members.
Neo-Nazi women's organisation Evergreen social media profile.
National Justice Party women's auxiliary Evergreen drawing upon Joseph Goebbels for inspiration.

The beginnings of the collapse of the National Justice Party cannot be pinned on just one person. The unravelling actually seems to have started with three… a threesome, to be exact. Rumours had been circulating for some time about some shady sexual shenanigans regarding Michael McKevitt and his wife Allyson. Apparently the McKevitt’s used their influential positions within NJP and 'Evergreen' to facilitate threesomes with impressionable followers. Accusations of grooming flew but as far as we can tell this seems to involve a bunch of consenting Nazi adults. Given the previously high tolerance previously shown towards the sexual peccadilloes of key members like John Metz aka Jack McKraken and James Kreger/Karlsson, the selective outrage at the McKevitt's consensual ménage à trois was likely a ginned up pretext for lowering overhead:

The following communique is illustrative of the hilariously bureaucratic pearl clutching of this suddenly prudish organisation. A direct appeal was made to the 'Chairman' about the 'situation with Michael McKevitt' and the 'serious concerns about what this means for the state of the Party as a whole and for the Staff's ability to function under these circumstances.' It was signed 'Yours in Loyalty' by the members of the pseudonymous 'executive staff' listing their very officious sounding job titles.

Nazi book publisher Antelope Hill Publishing's co-owner Dmitri Loutsik listed himself as 'Valentino Ferrante, Director of Executive Affairs.' His business partner in the book company Vincent Cucchiara used the alias 'Amerigo V, Director of Information Technology. 'Supporter Group Director' for Eastern Pennsylvania, 'George Martin, Director of Human Resources' is actually Ohio Nazi dork Collin Hosking. 'Martin Smith, Director of Security and Counterintelligence; Supporter Group Director for Florida' answers by Dakotah Skye Chmiel in real life.

NJP Telegram messenger post.
Dmitri Loutsik (center with yellow necktie) was 'Valentino Ferrante' in the above Telegram post.
Vincent Cucchiara was 'Amerigo V' in the above post.

McKevitt, for his part, took this as an opportunity for some truly epic oversharing about his sex life, admitting to the threesome, but clarifying that it technically 'isn't adultery' and was an isolated incident.

There was no running through of Evergreen women. All but one of the women ever in Evergreen is married.

While salacious on the sex stuff, the real revelation in McKevitt's mea culpa was that the National Justice Party are a bunch of catty backstabbers who truly hate each other.

Michael McKevitt offering a masterclass in Nazi online oversharing.

McKevitt was also alleged to have borrowed a substantial amount of money from NJP that was not paid back. Unconfirmed back-channel Nazi gossip also had him involved with some sort of probably illegal interstate gun type stuff that spooked the other members of the 'governing council.' The Anonymous Comrades Collective inbox is always open for hot gossip and sweet tea.

We hear Michael McKevitt likes letting his freak flag fly as well. Hi there Vasily, we will get to you soon enough.

Greg Conte

Do you reckon that Gregory Conte might be a Nazi?

Greg Conte aka 'Greg Ritter' originally came into the public eye as a member of Richard Spencer's coterie in various ventures including the National Policy Institute and AltRight.Com. In 2017 Conte was exposed as a partner and Equal Employment Officer at a shady and likely fictitious 'technology recruitment firm.' His partner in that was Manjit Singh, a Sikh nationalist who can be found deeply immersed in the upper echelons of the American white nationalist movement over many years. Conte was very publicly fired from his job as a teacher and field hockey coach at a Catholic School when his identity was revealed and has been slowly spiraling downward since.

Nazi hooligan Greg Conte doing a perp-walk at Michigan State University in 2018.
Greg Conte's fascist friend Manjit Singh.

On paper, Conte was the actual owner of the National Justice Party legal entity but he left the group in a tizzy, producing a series of unhinged videos alleging financial improprieties and other malfeasance and releasing screenshots of NJP bank statements as corroboration.

A peek inside the NJP bank account.

We like to imagine the video below as a scene from 'National Justice Party Founding Council Member' Greg Conte's withering rebuke of his shady Nazi associates:

Since his departure Conte has taken a flamethrower to any sort of plausible deniability with respect to his Nazism. It is hard to imagine a happy ending for this Nazi clown.

Greg Conte makes our work easy.


Alan & Warren Balogh

Rounding out the Nazi grifter roster of the NJP Governing Council are the father and son team of Alan and Warren Balogh. 70-year-old Alan Balogh has also campaigned for actual political office multiple times including a 2016 run as a candidate for the West Virginia House of Delegates. But Balogh is best known as a member of the violent neo-Nazi group National Alliance who can be directly and indirectly linked to numerous crimes and murders, and the 1995 bombing of a federal building in Oklahoma by white nationalist Timothy McVeigh which killed 168 people.

Septuagenarian Nazi Alan Balogh addressing a gathering of the National Justice Party.
A young Alan Balogh holds the American flag during a Nazi rally in the '70s.
Young Alan Balogh (center).
Alan Balogh promoting a political run on Facebook.


Father and son Nazis Alan and Warren Balogh at the violent Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, VA in 2017. Fellow National Justice Party founder Joseph Jordan aka Eric Striker on left.

Nazi fail-son Warren Balogh has emerged from the NJP rubble as a somewhat hapless, pathetic figure who toiled away at a sub-minimum wage on behalf of the National Justice Party only to be kicked to the curb the minute things got lean. As NJP faltered, TRS co-owner Jesse Dunstan's epic drunken meltdown saw him blaming the group for the financial woes of TRS and calling Warren Balogh a 'fraud' and 'charity case.' Warren is married to long time neo-Nazi activist Emily Youcis and the two can often be found podcasting about the merits of Adolf Hitler.

Neo-nazi National Justice Party founding members Warren Balogh and Greg Conte at the violent Unite the Right rally in 2017.
Warren Balogh announcing a Adolf Hitler birthday commemorative  internet live stream.
Warren Balogh and his wife Emily Youcis promoting one of their many pro-Hitler podcasts

Jesse Dunstan, aka 'Svenpai'

While Michael Peinovich was the public face of the National Justice Party, behind the scenes TRS co-founder Jesse Dunstan, who often uses the alias 'Seventh Son' and 'Svenpai,' was very much involved. When things started going balls-up, the greasy Nazi éminence grise Dunstan denied any involvement, whinging that 'NJP ruined my life.'  Dunstan's claims he had 'done more for white people than anyone that comes to mind' and 'I deserve my paycheck' were the sort tone-deaf douchebaggery that has alienated so much of the TRS listenership.

Whomp, Whomp! How many lives has whinging racist garbage human Jesse Dunstan ruined with his Nazi podcasts?
Insufferable blubbering Nazi Jesse Dunstan should learn to code.

Looking through DMs that were leaked as a result of the massive security lapse at Nazi-friendly social media site Poast, we see a very different picture with Dunstan engaging with and advising prospective NJP members. He even had a NJP logo on his profile.

Allegedly uninvolved Jesse Dunstan uses the term 'we' with respect to the National Justice Party.
Jesse Dunstan coaching a prospective NJP recruit.
Jesse Dunstan claims he was 'not involved' with NJP? Maybe it depends on what the meaning of the word ‘was’ is?

Jesse Dunstan's reputation as thin-skinned and mercurial is well deserved. His open contempt for his listener base is a frequent subject of backchannel grumbling.  Jesse Dunstan alienated many loyal TRS supporters with a never-ending series of posts highlighting the flashy and expensive music equipment, leisurely country lord lifestyle and gated community home afforded by his part-time Nazi podcasting income. Obnoxious conspicuous consumption is a bad look for a 'thought leader' of a movement purporting to be champions of the working class.

Flavourtown fascist Jesse Dunstan partaking in fine dining and celebrity hobnobbing with proceeds from his 'fake job' as a part-time Nazi Podcaster
Jesse Dunstan's 'fake job' as a Nazi podcaster pays for a lot of toys.
Some of Jesse Dunstan's extensive collection of overpriced mid-level quality guitars.

Failed wanna-be rockstar Jesse Dunstan's bloated ego has conflated his dumb racist parody songs and cheesy Nazi nu-metal nonsense music as being somehow critical to saving the white race. He even produced a 'Svenpai' vanity project album entitled 'Album of Color' which is inexplicably available on @Spotify, @AppleMusic, @Amazonmusic, @youtube etc. and distributed by @cdbaby

Jesse Dunstan announcing the release of his Nazi vanity project album funded with supporter dollars.

Jesse Dunstan's 'Svenpai' album kicks off with a Holocaust denial anthem called 'Prussian Blue.'

It’s a lousy thing, delousing deportees with all your zyklon b
Then they lie, The Blood Libel that runs our lives
I have viewed piles of shoes
That don’t correspond to pits filled with Jews

As far was to what sucks more, Jesse Dunstan or his music, it seems like an even match. TRS subscribers and NJP members that have subsidised this mastubatory exercise in self-aggrandisement have only themselves to blame. Refunds will not likely be forthcoming.

Nazi trash Jesse Dunstan officially assumed 'main character' status in the NJP collapse when he took to the airwaves for his absolutely epic hours-long booze-addled meltdown. In this drunken Nazi pity party, Dunstan turned the crying game all the way up to eleven, 'I wanted a fake job. And I got a fake job doing a podcast three times a week. Where I could lay around and be lazy. And I earned that and I deserve that. And these people fucked it up.'

Jesse 'Drunkstan' Dunstan called the popular and recently fired Joseph 'Eric Striker' Jordan a 'fraud,' an 'e-celeb,' 'parasite,' 'Mexican,' 'Puerto Rican,' and a 'fucking pretend national socialist.' Dunstan's descent into dipsomania yielded plenty of doozies directed at Jordan:

Striker is not even white… I have a wife and kids and a house and a fucking business. You have shit. Striker has jack shit. Striker has a fucking god awful crap apartment in Pittsburgh with no fucking furniture in it and a woman that I don't know how she fucking stick with him because he's so fucking pathetic and filthy. And he might – they might as well be homeless and now that like he's not working for me, he's probably gonna be homeless. So fuck that. The problem with Strike and Mike it's like, it's like, Mike and a guy who doesn't know what's going on. That's been the past year of Strike and Mike. So fuck off. Eric Striker has been soaking up a paycheck from me, he doesn't deserve, for six fucking years. The only thing it's done for me is attract weird fanboys that can't get over the cartoon character of Eric Striker that tell me "oh it's a big bad deal that he's leaving now." Fuck him. I never needed him. And my fucking website is worse off for having him on board.'

In a true 'pot meet kettle' moment, the gated community-dwelling Nazi exemplar grifter Jesse Dunstan called the also recently-fired NJP Chief of Staff Tony Hovater 'a fucking grifter' who was 'living high on the hog with his NJP salary.

At times the sozzled Jesse Dunstan was brutally honest about who and what his network really is all about: 'TRS is just like a bunch of chucklefucks doing podcasts.' We won't argue with that characterisation but would add the word 'Nazi' for the sake of clarity.

Dunstan did acknowledge limitations to the increasingly overt Nazism that is de rigueur in the TRS/NJP circles, '…we all love Hitler and whatnot. But we live in a completely different dynamic right now. We live in a complete way of thinking. We have to find a different way to go about doing this.'

This sentiment echoes recent statements by TRS 'partner' Alex McNabb who observed, 'the frequency of Nazi references and professed interest in Hitler by every single metric seems to predict a greater probability of failure.' In other words, they were coming to the conclusion that overt Nazism is ideologically sound but is bad for business!


Jesse Dunstan will have a hard time distancing himself from the 1488 crowd at NJP given his his long history of wildly racist and antisemitic social media and the fact that one of his profile pictures on Poast actually featured a swastika.

Who is going to tell our Iranian friend in New Jersey that illumination is coming?
Jesse Dunstan is an 'unrepentant Nazi' living next door to a synagogue. What could go wrong?

Pennsylvania Nazi podcast grifter Jesse Dunstan issuing veiled threats against Jews. Did we mention he lives next door to a synagogue?

Pickled Nazi podcaster Jesse Dunstan spilled a lot of insider business details during his meltdown, accusing NJP of attaching themselves to TRS 'like a leech' yet only converting 15% of the TRS listenership into members. While his business partner Mike Peinovich's ego-trip may ultimately lead to to the downfall of TRS, let's not feel too sorry for this Nazi shitheel. While TRS numbers have dwindled and may disappear, it is Jesse Dunstan's only online revenue stream.

According to this report from the Southern Poverty Law Center, as of November, 2023, Jesse Dunstan’s 'Uncle Sven’s Other Tone Stream' Odyssey channel has received $33,676 in donations via Hyperchat! Even more interesting is the fact that $22,300 of the donations Dunstan received were from one individual Odyssey user with the handle 'whwhwh.' Not bad for a 'fake job.' right?

Jesse Dunstan lives in the upscale gated 'Hemlock Farms' community in Hawley, PA. The contrast between his home and Peinovich's nearby hovel is dramatic, Dunstan has access to a lot of fancy amenities including indoor and outdoor swimming pools, tennis courts, multiple private lakes and beaches, and even an ice skating rink. His house is also just steps from the Jewish Fellowship of Hemlock Farms, one of only a handful of synagogues in the Poconos. Do they know a prominent Nazi podcaster is their neighbour?

The luxurious private gated community Hemlock Farms in Hawley, PA is home to neo-Nazi podcaster Jesse Dunstan.
When not working at his part-time 'fake job' as a Nazi podcaster, Jesse Dunstan has access to an abundance of leisure activities in his gated community.
Watch out, MILFs. Neo-Nazi Jesse Dunstan is on the prowl.


This is part of an ongoing series. A future instalment will examine a large insider leak of National Justice Party donors.

Also, stay tuned for a deeper dive into the intertwined relationship between NJP/TRS and the neo-Nazi publishing house Antelope Hill whose owners Dmitri Loutsik (aka Valentino Ferrante, NJP 'Director of Executive Affairs' and Vincent Cucchiara (aka Amerigo V, NJP 'Director of Information Technology; Supporter Group Director for Eastern Pennsylvania') have assembled a massive white nationalist data-mining operation with personal and financial details on thousands of Nazis worldwide.

Marjorie Jeffrey and Alex Habighorst: Bonded in Bigotry

In observance of the seventh anniversary of the 2017 'Unite the Right' rally during which scores of white supremacists, neo-Nazis and fascists descended upon Charlottesville, Virginia, we bring to you two more of these societal cancers, now unmasked! We can't, we won't, we don't stop!

Let’s meet married white nationalist power couple Alexander Michael Habighorst and Marjorie Louise Jeffrey from Spartanburg, South Carolina. Under their respective aliases 'Hannibal Bateman'/'PreppyFascism' and 'Cecilia Davenport'/'CWDaven,' they were prominent figures in the alt-right and neo-Nazi movements leading up to the deadly August 2017 Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia. The two participated in the infamous and illegal torchlight march which featured chants of 'Jews will not replace us' and ended with a violent attack on counter-protesters.

Neo-Nazi lovebirds Marjorie Jeffrey and Alex Habighorst.
Marjorie Jeffrey and Alex Habighorst caught on video committing fascist felonies at the 'Unite the Right' rally courtesy of Vice News.
One of Marjorie Jeffrey's Twitter accounts using her Cecilia Davenport alias.
One of Alex Habighorst's Twitter accounts.
Marjorie Jeffrey and Alex Habighorst identified at the 'Unite the Right' rally in 2017. They are with neo-Nazi Taylor Wilson (checked shirt) who was later jailed for an attempted terrorist attack on an Amtrak train.

Alex Habighorst and Marjorie Jeffrey are both products of the heavily funded 'Conservatism Inc.' pipeline of far right organizations tasked with radicalizing high school and college students. Their case is illustrative of the deep links between traditional Republican and conservative politics and the extreme far right fringes where explicit racism, antisemitism, and bigotry are more openly celebrated. Both were rising stars in the world of conservative academia and youth activism while simultaneously courting celebrity via a parallel path through the dark world of white nationalism and neo-Nazism.

Alexander Habighorst, aka 'Hannibal Bateman'

33-year-old Alexander Habighorst hails from Carriere, Mississippi. His activism began early, with participation in his high school's student government and Junior ROTC program, and serving as a secretary and treasurer for Teenage Republicans of Picayune. He attended Mississippi State as a Stennis Scholar, a generous award given to political science majors with 'good character.'

Alex Habighorst as featured on his bio page at The Daily Caller.

Most teenage LiveJournals are insufferable, but Alex Habighorst's college-era  'Quixote Shrugged: being the scattered scribblings of a scholarly malcontent' is next level (also archived here). Amongst all the ten-dollar words are fairly standard teen musings on Dungeons & Dragons, Pokemon, fantasy novels and his college anime club. These sit alongside pretentious blather about Kierkegaard, Frank Chodorov, and general Libertarianism. As a budding reactionary, Habighorst displayed early signs of creeping boomer-tier paranoia with breathless pronouncements like:

I fear for the Republic in ways I haven't felt since the waning days of the Bush administration. I feel that the country I will live in in fifty years will be a much different, meaner and less civil nation. I fear that slowly the rights of the people are being eroded and a good bit of people seem to care less and less each day about it.

He also suspected that his 'Honor's[sic] Comp Gov teacher' was a 'communist.'

Not surprisingly, Alex Habighorst went all in on Ron Paul's campaigns. His membership in both Young Americans for Liberty and Students for Liberty shows a serious level of dedication to … um, Liberty?

A teenage Alex Habighorst in his JROTC uniform. Note the portrait of Richard Nixon on the wall of his family home.
A teenage Habighorst with some of his favourite things.
Ron Paul and Habighorst.

Habighorst eventually moved to the DC area to attend George Mason University, where he was involved in various anti-union and anti-environmentalist libertarian 'think tanks' including the Koch brothers' Mercatus Center and the Competitive Enterprise Institute.

Amongst all the shady conservative-funded non-profit 'think tanks' radicalizing young people, the Alexandria, Virginia-based National Policy Institute (NPI) was most overt about its racist and antisemitic agenda. When Richard Spencer took over the organization in 2011, he turned it into a vehicle for the burgeoning alt-right movement. Alex Habighorst became Spencer's friend and de-facto right-hand man. Using the alias Hannibal Bateman and Twitter handle @preppyfascism, Habighorst was NPI's 'program manager' as well as Managing Editor of the affiliated Radix Journal, and a contributing writer at the nascent AltRight website. He also appeared on dozens of podcasts with Richard Spencer, and as a guest on shows like Fash the Nation.

Habighorst, as 'Hannibal Bateman,' was the Managing Editor of Radix Journal.
Habighorst was also a prolific writer on


Habighorst was one of the hosts of the Radix Journal podcast.
As 'Hannibal Bateman,' Habighorst was a guest on the Fash The Nation podcast.

Tucker Carlson was a founder and co-owner of the scandal-plagued far right 'news' website The Daily Caller. It is hard to keep track of all the links to white supremacists from Carson and The Daily Caller but just a few of their notable authors include geriatric racist Peter Brimelow of VDare, Unite the Right organiser Jason Kessler, prolific neo-Nazi propagandist Benjamin Welton aka 'Spooky Nationalist,' and well-connected white nationalist personality Scott Greer. Habighorst's Daily Caller author profile described him as a 'proud avant-garde conservative,' which is perhaps fitting for the cringe we are about to unleash upon our readers.

Alexander Habighorst's author bio on The Daily Caller website

Alexander Habighorst authored an article for The Daily Caller in October 2016 entitled 'Conservative Dada' about what he called one of the 'most controversial art “happenings” since the 1960s.' The event in question was an embarrassingly cringe Donald Trump themed art exhibit entitled #DaddyWillSaveUs.

Habighorst gushed over what he characterised as the "pulsing punk rock feel' of the show which included a photo series of scantily clothed young men entitled 'Twinks for Trump' from the show's curator Lucian Wintrich and a performance piece featuring Milo Yiannopoulos in a bathtub filled with what was allegedly pig's blood. The hyperbolic Habighorst attached groan-worthy importance to th absurd fascist shitshow, 'the zeitgeist of the show was a radical attempt to shock the stale liberal orthodoxies of the art world in general' and 'radical conservative Dadaism that is hopefully the first shot of many against the boring cultural hegemony of the liberalism of ’68 that still stifles discourse in our country.'

The widely mocked exhibition serves as an irony-poisoned time capsule of the hipster racist opportunism embodying the pre-Trump presidency alt-right. The clownish corps d'elite of 'Artists' presenting work alongside Yiannopoulos included now-disgraced Project Veritas huckster James O'keefe, pharma-crook weirdo Martin Shkreli, and Proud Boy leader and Vice co-founder Gavin McInnes. Obscure fascist political operative Marcus Epstein, best remembered for his 2009 arrest for an unprovoked racist assault on a black woman, showcased images of George Washington sporting a MAGA hat which paired nicely with Alex Habighorst's own racist artistic contribution self-described thusly:

My own work was a collaboration with an artist friend of mine who wishes to remain anonymous, it was of an old McDonald’s placemat of Martin Luther King jr. that we affixed a Trump hat on. Its title was “Value Menu Morality” and was an attempt at shocking the boring corporate liberal consensus which such an advertisement represented.

#DaddyWillSaveUs curator Lucian Wintrich with Alex Habighorst's pretentious and racist artwork.


Despite using his real name for this embarrassing public 'art' spectacle, Alex Habighorst went to great lengths attempting to keep his identities separate. In a 2016 Huffington Post article entitled 'My Journey to the Center of the Alt-Right,' journalist Luke O'Brien gave an account of his encounter with the pseudonymous 'Hannibal Bateman' showing just how delicate a veil separated Habighorst's normie and Nazi worlds.

However, most of these activists lurk in the shadows, like Hannibal Bateman. “When you get into a movement like ours, there’s a turtling,” Bateman told me. “A fear of losing jobs, friends, social status.” At the Java Shack, Bateman recoiled in fear when a man he knew from his normie life happened past on the sidewalk and greeted him. Bateman awkwardly avoided introductions, which might have blown his cover. Still, despite the cloak-and-dagger precautions, which alt-righters revel in, they make for sloppy spies. I was later able to piece together Bateman’s identity, and he was exactly what I’d imagined: an ardent young Mississippian who’d come to DC to sip bourbon, wear Brooks Brothers and make a difference, in his special racist way.

In a 2017 essay entitled Generation Alt-Right: From Atomization to Identity, Alex Habighorst gave a grandiose mission statement as to the white supremacist and imperialist governing principals of the 'political' movement he was then involved in building:

What we are now learning is that we do have an identity. It’s one that has been suppressed and mangled. An identity that dares not speak its name.

We Whites have been deconstructed down only to find what remains. Our essence is who we are. We are White Europeans, the descendants of conquerors and settlers who brought a civilization to entire continents. A people who survived in the savage wilds of the new world to one day step foot on worlds beyond.

For many of us, these realizations have only come in the last few months. Maybe it was the migrant crisis, maybe it was Donald Trump, or maybe it has just been that nagging search for what’s been wrong since as long as we can remember.

Despite his own deep ties to traditional Republican and conservative power structures, Habighorst closed his manifesto with menacing veiled threats aimed at the establishment:

We’re not a ghost from their past. We’re much worse than that. We are their worst nightmare from the future.

Generation Alt-Right is one with nothing to lose and everything to gain. It frightens them, let’s keep it up!

Alexander Habighorst is just another unexceptional example of the alt-right's attempts to put pseudo-intellectual lipstick on a racist pig. All the high falutin' talk of  Heidegger and Austrian economics is just a superficial cover intended to rationalize and legitimized rank bigotry.  Habighorst is just an inexplicably angry racist and antisemitic nerd who is not nearly as smart as he thinks he is.

Marjorie Jeffrey aka Cecilia Davenport

Marjorie Jeffrey, aka 'Cecilia Davenport,' in 2020

33-year-old Marjorie Louise Jeffrey, PhD, from Spartanburg, SC was literally groomed from birth to be a conservative activist. A child of two Political Science academics, she allegedly has been involved in Republican politics since early childhood. A 2004 article described the then 14-year-old Marjorie as eschewing normal teen fare like Buffy, the Vampire Slayer in favour of The Drudge Report and Fox News.

Marjorie Jeffrey has multiple degrees, including a doctorate from Baylor University, and has held teaching posts at Wofford College, Baylor University, and Clemson University. Her ties to the 'Conservatism, Inc.' world of far right 'think tanks' go deep and include stints with the Leadership Institute, Institute for Religion and Democracy (IRD) and The Center for American Greatness.  Marjorie Jeffrey was a 'Publius Fellow' at the Claremont Institute and her profile on their website gives insight into her racist worldview. She wrote, 'the greatest political challenge specific to the United States is undoubtedly the consequences of the demographic revolution that has been taking place in our country since 1965. Dealing with the fallout from that revolution will likely shape American politics for the next century.'

Marjorie Jeffrey's prolific writing under her own name offers the barest politesse but is just as wildly xenophobic and racist as her alt-right

A particularly glaring example is a 2013 piece for the Catholic reactionary publication Crisis Magazine eulogizing a man named Dominique Venner who committed suicide inside Notre Dame Cathedral as a protest against gay marriage. Jeffrey's article is disingenuous and chilling: she describes Venner as a 'historian,' eliding his decades as a well-documented fascist militant. She castigates the 'mainstream American right' for their silence about the incident, writing, 'The image of this act ought to make us pause in awe.' Venner's own suicide note and explanatory writings are quoted extensively, referencing 'the great replacement' and Islamaphobic conspiracy theories. She gives credence to his paranoid rationale, framing his motivations as a principled stand against the imagined imminent imposition of Sharia Law in France, concluding that 'In the end, the suicide of Europe will result in conquest by Islam.'

Although Marjorie Jeffrey is a Catholic writing for a Catholic magazine, she glosses over the combined mortal sin of suicide and the sacrilege of desecrating Notre Dame in Venner's act, instead glorifying it as a 'cri-du-cœur against the modern age.' She speculates on the intended meaning and ultimate importance of his violent and shocking act:

It certainly will require new, spectacular, and symbolic gestures to stir our somnolence, shake our anesthetized consciousness, and awaken the memory of our origins. We are entering a time when words must be authenticated by deeds.

According to Marjorie Jeffrey, Dominique Venner's suicide was a valiant act intended to spark a 'new resistance to the collapse of European civilization.' She closes the article by valourizing Venner's fascist martyrdom:  'Whatever civilizational Christians think of his means, we ought to admire his end.'

A more balanced view of far-right extremist Dominique Venner can be found here.

2013 also marks the first appearance we could find of Jeffrey's 'Cecilia Davenport' alias, described in her author bio on white nationalist website VDare as 'a Southern academic living in exile. She despises fellow intellectuals, and goes as her Whimsy takes her.' Several VDare articles are credited to Davenport/Jeffrey and the first, from July 2, 2013, accuses the 'Establishment GOP' of having 'betrayed' its base over the 'National Question,' and evangelical leaders of having done the same by 'shilling' for changes to immigration policy, supposedly on behalf of George Soros.

The most interesting aspect of the article is that the primary source cited by the pseudonymous 'Cecilia Davenport' is none other than Marjorie Jeffrey. The article refers to Jeffrey in the third person and uses eight entire paragraphs from an article she wrote a month earlier for The Institute on Religion & Democracy's  Juicy Ecumenicism blog. This shameless yet secret self-promotion is tacky and outrageous enough, but if it had been discovered that Marjorie Jeffrey was writing for an outlet like Vdare, it would likely have impacted her academic career.

'Cecilia Davenport' aka Marjorie Jeffery's intellectual double life had taken a very dark turn. As her star was rising in the world of academics and conservative activism, she concurrently developed a high profile as one of the most prominent women associated with the alt-right. Acting as a propagandist and de facto recruiter, she amassed thousands of Twitter followers. Marjorie Jeffrey's 'Cecilia Davenport' byline appeared on articles in a variety of outlets including Radix Journal, Affirmative Right, American Renaissance (AMREN,) and

Marjorie Jeffrey (as Cecilia Davenport) wrote for white supremacist journal American Renaissance.

One of Marjorie Jeffrey's closest associates at the time was Anna Vuckovic Gebert aka 'Wolfie James.' Anna's husband Matthew Gebert aka 'Coach Finstock' was a central figure in the DC area alt-right scene and worked for the US State Department until his neo-Nazi activities were exposed. Anna Gebert and Marjorie Jeffrey created a networking group on Twitter called @fashyfemmes which actively attempted to recruit women into the movement.

Neo-Nazi women's networking group started by Marjorie Jeffrey and Anna Vuckovich Gebert.

One of Neo-Nazi activist Anna Vuckovic Gebert aka Wolfie James' Twitter accounts.

The following Twitter exchanges show how aggressively Marjorie Jeffrey and Anna Gebert would swarm when a potential 'red pill' target surfaced. In this particular case, both of the inquiries were from men seeking Nazi friends for their female romantic partners.

Marjorie Jeffrey and Anna Vuckovic Gebert aggressively attempting to recruit other women to the alt-right.


Marjorie Jeffrey was one of the most prominent female recruiters for the neo-Nazi alt-right movement.

Marjorie Jeffrey and Anna Gebert teamed up for 'Alt-Right Advice/Ask Waifus,' a short-lived 'advice column' for the neo-Nazi podcast network The Right Stuff's website. In their introductory post they spelled out their mission to provide 'advice to both men and women navigating life issues in the alt-right,' including topics like

  • How to interact with normies
  • Finding partners with whom you can discourse on the topic of White Genocide
  • Developing relationships based on the principles of the alt-right
  • Raising kids in a sea of degeneracy

Jeffrey and Gebert provided a little biographical detail, showing their bona fides:

Who are we?
Well, we’ve been given permission to do this by the patriarchs of the alt-right. What more do you really need to know? But since you asked, we’re both over-educated women who have been in this movement long enough to know a thing or two. Wolfie James (@GorillaMother) is in her 30’s, married with kids and secular; Cecilia Davenport (@CWDaven) is in her 20’s, unmarried, childless, and Christian. In this column we’ll aim to provide our own alternative perspectives depending on the question or the circumstances involved.
Marjorie Jeffrey and Anna Gebert were not subtle about their extremist ideology, closing their introduction with both a Holocaust 'oven' reference and explicit neo-Nazi outreach:
Ask your mom for cooking advice. Ask us about ovens…What are you waiting for? Drop us a line, Nazi. We literally can’t even wait.'
Another edition of 'Alt-Right Advice' or 'AskWaifus' offered a media guide to PBS children's programming for nazi parents, focused on 'limiting Jewish influence.' Although generally disdainful of the 'shitlibs' and 'Jews' at PBS, the article finds at least some value in Thomas the Tank Engine:
Let a solitary tear roll down your cheek as you fondly recall ye olde England with its polite conversation, hardy work ethic, proud steam engines, and rolling hillsides not crawling with street shitters and Muslim rapists. Unfortunately, this show can be profoundly boring, thus quickly losing your kid’s interest. And when the trains argue with one another over dumb crap like who gets a wash in the train yard first, you want to shake the shit out of them to remind them that their cultural and racial demise is swiftly approaching and they must work together to save England. Still, the majority of episodes are wholesome and pro-white, despite the producers recently caving to liberal demands that they diversify the trains. Seriously.
Marjorie Jeffrey and Anna Gebert were among a small handful of women publicly promoting white nationalism at the time and were quoted in numerous mainstream outlets including Harpers, The Atlantic, and even Israeli newspaper Haaretz.  A February, 2017 article in The Economist entitled 'Women in the Alt-Right' featured a brief interview with Marjorie Jeffrey as 'Alt-Right blogger' Cecilia Davenport.
Unhappy with the brevity of the printed interview, ran the full discussion for additional context. Marjorie Jeffrey explained what drew her to the alt-right:
I was searching for an intellectual movement that genuinely challenged the status quo of liberal modernity, so when I encountered some of the thinkers who shaped the ideas of the alt-right early on, I was taken with this whole new world of ideas that opened up.
Marjorie Jeffrey also challenged the notion that the neo-Nazi movement lacked women:
I don’t actually think there are “so few women” in the alt-right. Personally, I know of at least a few hundred. Think of it this way: just as the polls in England couldn’t encompass the Brexit vote, and just as the polls in America couldn’t pick up Trump voters, the usual methods for looking for women on the alt-right don’t work. I’m a bit unusual with my blogging, twitter presence, and conference attendance. You see alt-right women a lot more at private gatherings. Most women keep to the shadows a lot more, which is to be expected, I think. Married women especially want to shield their children from the harm that could befall them if their political views were known. Men are, by nature, more likely to take risks: and there are real risks involved in being active in this cause.
Marjorie Jeffrey straight up admitting she is a Nazi on her Cecilia Davenport Twitter account.

There is a saying that 'not all conservatives are Nazis, but all Nazis are conservatives.' So how does one make the distinction?

Pro-tip: April 20th (4/20) is a day where marijuana is celebrated by its enthusiasts. It is also Adolf Hitler's birthday. One surefire Nazi detection method is to check a person's social media feeds around this date. If they post Cheech and Chong memes, they are probably fine. However, use of the phrase 'Happy Birthday Uncle' to commemorate 4/20 is well known as a coded signal to the world that you are a FUCKING NAZI!!!!

On April 20th, 2017, Marjorie Jeffrey, as Cecilia Davenport @cwdaven, posted a Tweet with an image of Adolf Hitler with the hashtag #HappyBirthdayUncle and the caption 'End the Kali Yuga.' In Hindu mythology of world age cycles (Yugas,) the fourth is known as the Kali Yuga, a period of darkness, strife and ignorance. It is believed by many to represent modern times, and the concept has been appropriated into what is called Esoteric Nazism. This belief system, largely popularized by obscure Nazi philosopher Savitri Devi, imagines Adolf Hitler to be a deity put on earth to bring about the end of this dark period. While this is a very obscure reference except for those who study Eastern religions or have a deep knowledge of Nazi lore and sub-culture, the Kali Yuga appears in the location for her Twitter profile bios as both Cecilia Davenport and Marjorie Jeffrey.

Marjorie Jeffrey aka Cecilia Davenport celebrating Adolf Hitler's birthday as though that is a normal thing to do.
One of Marjorie Jeffrey's Twitter accounts using her Cecilia Davenport alias. Note the similarities to her real life profile.
One of Marjorie Jeffrey's real life Twitter profiles. Note the similar 'occupied' and 'Kali Yuga' references on both of her profiles.

Marjorie Jeffrey offered another nod to deep Nazi lore with a tweet saying that the 'obvious thing to do' after watching Trump's State of the Union address is to listen to William Luther Pierce's 'Our Cause.' William Luther Pierce was an American neo-Nazi leader whose philosophy and writings advocated for violent measures on behalf of white supremacy and are directly linked to numerous violent episodes including the Oklahoma City bombing in 1995 that killed 168 people.

'Cecilia Davenport' tweet advises listening to an obscure speech by neo-Nazi William Luther Pierce.

'Our Cause' is a 1976 speech by William Luther Pierce in which he railed against 'racial mixing,' homosexuality, and Jews. The speech cast the white nationalist movement as a spiritual struggle which transcended conventional left/right political paradigms. Pierce dismissed many traditional political issues as 'not the things we are prepared to die for.' In his plan to address the 'problems confronting us as a people,' Pierce used the rhetoric of revolutionary violence:

'…we must tackle them with more determination, more tenacity, and more fanaticism than they have ever been tackled before. We must prepare ourselves mentally and spiritually for a very long, bloody, and agonizing struggle.'

Marjorie Jeffrey/'Cecilia Davenport' was a fervent propagandist of the alt-right and particularly Richard Spencer, and had her own authour page on the

Marjorie Jeffrey aka Cecilia Davenport's authour page on
Marjorie Jeffrey wanted to turn RIchard Spencers into the 'Breitbart for our people, and for the future.'
Marjorie Jeffrey aka Cecilia Davenport celebrating both the Confederacy and neo-Nazi leaders RIchard Spence and Nathan Damigo.

In May 2017, there was an exclusive invitation-only gathering of white nationalists in Charlottesville, VA.  This initial event is referred to as Unite the Right 1.0 and culminated in what was the first of a series of torch-lit marches designed to intimidate the community. Marjorie Jeffrey celebrated the event with the hashtag '#YouWillNotReplaceUs.'

Marjorie Jeffrey celebrated her participation in a neo-Nazi torch burning rally.

In August of 2017, the same white nationalist and neo-Nazi groups returned to Charlottesville for the much larger Unite the Right 2.0. This time around the gathering dissolved into violence and chaos as hundreds of Nazis and white nationalists poured into the small city. Again there was a torch-lit procession, but this time it turned violent when the torch-wielding mob surrounded a small group of counter-protesters and attacked them. Marjory Jeffrey and her now-husband Alex Habighorst can be clearly seen carrying torches with the throngs who chanted 'Jews will not replace us,' and were part of the core group who encircled and then attacked the counter-protesters. In the photo below, the two are holding their torches just yards away from the worst of the violence.

Marjorie Jeffrey and Alex Harbighorst at the heart of the violence which accompanied the illegal Charlottesville torch rally on August 11, 2017.
Marjorie Jeffrey and Alexander Harbighorst were part of a violent mob that attacked counterprotestors at the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia.

Marjorie Jeffrey maintained a dual existence during this period. Her alt-Right writing, recruiting and Hitler tweets stand juxtaposed against her advanced academic pursuits and burnishing of her conservative bona fides.  In 2017, the same year she carried a torch alongside other neo-Nazis in Charlottesville, Marjorie Jeffrey received her PhD from Baylor and became a Claremont Institute Publius Fellow.

In 2019, Marjorie Jeffrey, under the auspices of Clemson University's 'Institute for the Study of Capitalism,' taught a summer course for HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS called 'Leadership and the Case for Greatness.' The program's stated mandate is to examine the 'moral foundations of capitalism' by studying 'the moral, political and economic conditions of a free way of life.' Setting aside legitimate concerns over the underlying thesis, Clemson University tasking an active Nazi and fascist propagandist with moulding adolescent minds is a reckless bit of educational malpractice.

Mother Knows Best

In the strange case of mainstream conservative academic darling/neo-Nazi propagandist and alt-right recruiter Marjorie Jeffrey, aka 'Cecilia Davenport,' we have arrived at a question of 'nature vs nurture.' Her parents both hold PhDs in political science and her father, Robert Jeffrey, is currently a Professor of Government and International Affairs at Wofford College in South Carolina. Not surprisingly, he is an arch-conservative Trump enthusiast, but it is her absolutely batshit mother who really warrants a closer look. Christina K. Jeffrey (née Price) has held a number of university posts, including at Wofford College, and Kennesaw State University in Georgia. She has unsuccessfully run once for state legislator and twice as a Tea Party candidate for the United States Congress. Her election platforms were bog-standard right-wing fare including minimal gun control, harsh abortion restrictions, and opposition to equal rights legislation based on race, gender, sexuality, etc.  Christina Jeffrey's totally normal campaign videos feature her cradling an AK-47 in front of the family home.

Based on her current and historic social media, Christina Jeffrey could be dismissed as just another bigoted boomer wingnut. She was all in on Trump, fervently supported pedophile Judge Roy Moore, and thinks that COVID was a government plot to thin the Social Security rolls. She is awful, but seemingly not extraordinary — until we zoom in.

Boomer racist dingbat Christina Jeffrey is a absolute weirdo who birthed a Nazi.

When Newt Gingrich became Speaker of the House of Representatives in 1995, he set an ugly standard for partisanship in politics that has snowballed into the vicious rancour and dysfunction that has paralysed American politics today. In one controversial move, Gingrich fired the official U.S. House of Representatives Historian and, in early 1995, appointed the extreme ideologue Christina Jeffrey to the post. Her husband Robert Jeffrey would join her in an unpaid role as Gingrich's de facto biographer, 'chronicling the Speaker and doing for the Republicans what academics did for F.D.R.' After moving to the Washington, DC area for the job, a shocking incident from Christina Jeffrey's past surfaced and she was promptly fired.

During the Reagan years, the then-Christina Price was a consultant for the Department of Education, evaluating potential curriculum programs. In 1986, she served on a panel doing a grant review for a program called 'The Holocaust and Human Behavior.' Funding for the program was denied based on the panel's rejection, but Christina Price's comments drew particular scrutiny.

The report she filed consisted of an initial checklist wherein the 'expert' would provide responses to specific questions about the program's merits. Christina Price's responses to fairly straightforward and technical questions are totally fucking bizarre  'both sides' Nazi apologia.

Despite her PhD in Political Science, Christina Price Jeffrey seems to have missed the whole 'doomed to repeat it' aspect of historical study:

It is not true that you educate people by teaching them to deal with problems they do not face. The problems of today are sufficient for today.

Christina Price Jeffrey expressed her opinion that the Nazi point of view is woefully absent from Holocaust studies:

The project itself lacks balance; will former Nazis, etc., be asked to speak?

Christina Price Jeffrey described a Holocaust study program as 'intrusive and unbalanced’ with this completely incomprehensible rationale:

It is a paradoxical and strange aspect of this program [that] the method used to change the thinking of students is the same that Hitler and Goebbels used to propagandize the German people. This reeducation method was perfected by Chairmen Mao and now is being foisted on American children under the guise of 'understanding' history.  It is demeaning to a free people.

Jeffrey closed with a summary of her three primary criticisms, the first being her characterisation of the program as 'mass reality avoidance.' She elaborated, 'We can't deal with today's problems, so let's solve yesterday's. We had rather focus on the shortcomings of Hitler and the Germans (emphasis added), than on our own.'

Her second objection was that the whole curriculum was a 'values clarification program.' Given that the contrary values would be the wholesale slaughter of Jews and other 'undesirables' in Nazi Germany, this is a curious stance.

In closing, Christina Price Jeffrey offered up an absolutely bonkers slice of whataboutism, writing, 'the program gives no evidence of balance or objectivity. The Nazi point of view, however unpopular, is still a point of view, and it is not presented (nor is that of the Klu Klux Klan.)'

Christina Jeffrey has fought back valiantly against what she calls her 'public calumniation,' offering a letter from the then-director of the Anti Defamation League,  Abe Foxman, which states 'the ADL is satisfied that any characterization of you as anti-Semitic or sympathetic to Nazism is entirely unfounded and unfair.'  While it is not clear how large a donation the ADL may have required to step into this morass, Foxman's letter still 'damns with faint praise,' calling the 'unfortunate controversy' a 'regrettable mistake' caused by Christina Jeffrey's 'ill-considered poorly chosen remarks.'

Given the ADL's recent willingness to modify the definition of antisemitism for political purposes, the exculpation of the politically well-connected Christina Jeffrey requires a grain of salt. However, it cannot be denied that her progeny Marjorie is an unambiguous white nationalist and neo-Nazi.

Amongst the many desperate attempts to clear her name, Christina Jeffrey made the curiously tone-deaf choice of publishing an self-pitying article on the website of the Abbeville Instititute, a neo-Confederate, pro-secessionist organization that spun off from the explicitly racist and antisemitic League of the South. (More about the League of the South here.)

Christina Jeffrey also earned an index entry in KKK leader David Duke's 1998 autobiography My Awakening. In a chapter entitled 'Jewish Supremacy,' Duke credited the firing of Christina Jeffrey as a contributing factor in the development of his antisemitic philosophy:

In both the entertainment and news media, the only permissible opinion is that Jews are always innocent victims persecuted by intolerant Christians and other 'anti-Semites.'…I realized I could not evaluate the issue fairly until I had read both sides.

Modern Republican conservatism is often ideologically indistinguishable from white nationalism. Wingnut boomer conservative Christina Jeffrey's social media is full of evidence of her interest in the furthest fringes of right wing extremism

Christina Jeffrey made a direct appeal to Donald Trump to label Antifa a 'terrorist organization.' LOL

and a blood-thirst for oppressing her ideological opponents.

Are the Communists in the room with you right now, Christina?

Christina Jeffrey has numerous friendly social media interactions with notable extremists like white nationalist outlet VDare, InfoWars conspiracy monger Alex Jones, white nationalist Scott Greer, racist social scientist and The Bell Curve author Charles Murray, disgraced white supremacist senator Steve King, and even neo-Nazi/alt-right movement leader Richard Spencer.

Christina Jeffrey repeatedly interacts with the white nationalists at VDare.
Here Christina Jeffrey engages in friendly banter with white nationalist Scott Greer comparing the arrest of Doug Mackey aka RIcky Vaughn with a 'Soviet speech suppresion technique.'


Of course Christina Jeffrey follows race science quack Charles Murray.
Conspiracy theorist ding-a-ling Christina Jeffrey has a PhD but thinks Alex Jones is a credible news source.
Boomer weirdo grandmother Christina Jeffrey, PhD offering motherly solace to teenage murderous goon Kyle RIttenhouse.
Christina Jeffrey deserves extra racism points for bringing together her daughter Marjorie's neo-Nazi friend RIchard Spencer with boomer celeb conservative crank Judge Jeanine Piro!

Growing up under the tutelage of this deranged boomer bigot, it is no wonder that Marjorie Jeffrey turned into a Nazi. That being said, there is no excuse, Marjorie Jeffrey is a highly entitled, ridiculously educated, grown-ass adult who has had every opportunity to come to her senses. Plenty of people have emerged from the loins of a lousy racist Nazi apologist mother yet manage to reject bigotry in favour of decency and humanity. Despite her privilege and PhD, Marjorie Jeffrey chose to remain in a hateful abyss of ignorance and intolerance.

Bonded in Bigotry

Marjorie Jeffrey and Alex Habighorst seem to have possibly anticipated this unmasking. The pair have gone from Republican rising stars with an active online presence to digital phantoms. Their real-life social media accounts are all currently deleted including Twitter, Facebook, and Linkedin. Marjorie Jeffrey does not appear to be on any current academic rosters at any university. Other than being credited as an author  and 'independent scholar' on a couple of minor articles in obscure academic journals, she seems to have mostly disappeared from public life. One notable appearance is as a contributor to a 2020 book entitled The Vanishing Tradition: Perspectives on American Conservatism published by Cornell University Press. The book is edited by geriatric 'paleoconservative' academic Paul Gottfried, who was closely affiliated with Richard Spencer and is credited as one of the intellectual progenitors of the alt-right and white nationalism.

The story of Marjorie Jeffrey aka Cecilia Davenport and Alex Habighorst aka Hannibal Bateman should serve as a deterrent example of  the dangers of poisonous extremism. Their ideologies are toxic even when unspoken, but their public advocacy on behalf of  bigotry, racism, and antisemitism will follow them for the rest of their lives.  By stepping out publicly, torches in hand as part of an organized attempt to terrorize and intimidate a community, they have attached faces to their hate. Their secret identities were intended to mask their prominent roles as secret Nazi and white nationalist propagandists but now the whole world can see them for what they really are.


James William Kreger aka 'James Karlsson' of The White Papers Policy Institute! Nazi Propagandist and Sperm Donor Exposed!

Continuing our series on the 'Nationalist Coalition'

The short-lived 'Nationalist Coalition' has already imploded under the weight of the the internal membership list leak. The group was an attempt to recreate the recently failed National Justice Party, which also collapsed under leadership infighting, allegations of financial mismanagement, and tawdry sex scandals.

One prominent name in the Nationalist Coalition membership leak was that of the pseudonymous neo-Nazi propagandist 'James Karlsson' who heads up the White Papers Policy Institute (WPPI). The group's grandiose moniker is accompanied by an equally over-blown mission statement where they described themselves as 'a small professional team of White advocates centered around a single mission: bringing a White perspective to the analysis of both foreign and domestic policy.' Previously, the WPPI has been closely aligned with both the National Justice Party (NJP) and their affiliated trash 'news' site The Justice Report, but the WPPI mission is couched with a level of pseudo-intellectual navel-gazing that warrants more guffaws than gravitas.

This 'professional' analyst 'James Karlsson' is actually a 25-year old college student named James William Kreger. The address listed in the Nationalist Collective leak is his parents' house in Howell, Michigan but James Kreger is currently living and attending school in Lommo, Sweden, near Malmö.  He often uses the fictional television character of Frasier Crane as his avatar which likely indicates that he watches too much television. James Kreger, aka 'James Karlsson,' was a member of the National Justice Party acting as the assistant director of the Michigan 'supporter network.' He also reported directly to the rich kid owner of neo-Nazi small press Antelope Hill Publishing Dmitri Loutsik as part of the NJP's 'Office of Executive Affairs.'

Nazi nerd James William Kreger aka 'James Karlsson'

James Kreger's visit to his family in Michigan led to hand-wringing over the presence of people of color in public spaces.
It's the Nazi Great Pumpkin, James William Kreger, aka 'James Karlsson.'

James Kreger presents himself as a big brain in the white nationalist movement producing an ever-flowing torrent of ponderous essays and podcasts on 'demographic decline,' falling birth rates, the 'great replacement,' and proposals for the 'large scale repatriation of our non-White populations.' The WPPI's content is stuffed with facts, figures, charts, and graphs which may pass as sophisticated to their largely uncritical audience but actually do little to support their racist, antisemitic, and xenophobic 'policy positions.' This cheapjack pop sociology relies on often outdated or misapplied source materials, inappropriate, disingenuous contextualization and mischaracterization of material, and the willful shoehorning of data to fit a predetermined bias.

'Repatriation' is a central component to James Kreger's White Paper Policy Institute:

Repatriation, the return of non-Whites to their respective homelands or perhaps third-party non-White states, is central to the survival of our nations. Most importantly, though, it is a practical policy which we must enact.

This nonsense is presented by Kreger as not only a reasonable and attainable policy goal but also somehow humane:

We are not heartless. Whites, even to our detriment, are some of the most welcoming and hospitable peoples on Earth. Repatriation must, therefore, happen in a dignified manner which respects the dignity of those being asked and incentivized to leave White Nations. Repatriation is not inhumane or disparaging of other races. It is simply meant to reestablish self-respect and security for Whites in our own countries.

The forcible deportation of tens of millions of people seems like a daunting task but, fear not, Nazi dipshit James Kreger (whose only documented job is as a McDonalds fry cook) has it ALL figured out:

This foreign-born population, comprising roughly 20 million people, could be removed by a variety of measures: cancelling work visas, revoking of citizenship from criminals, simple immigration enforcement for overstayers, and a broad administrative review of all citizenship applications since 1965.

Would you like fries with that? James William Kreger aka James Karlsson puts the FASH in fast food!

Fast-food workers work hard for low pay under shitty conditions. The last thing they need is to be working alongside a secret Nazi with grandiose ambitions.

Sowing the Seeds of Hate

Falling birth rates and the resulting 'demographic decline' are a frequent topic of analysis by the White Papers Policy Institute. In an article entitled Fertility and Futility, legendary woman-understander James Kreger offered a dissertation addressing the 'serious deficit of comprehension' on the subject of fertility within the white nationalist 'movement.'

If we are going to arrest the fertility rate decline of White countries we must examine, and likely abolish, unwise policies such as: promoting the idea that women 'must' attend universities, pushing women into "careers", teaching young women in schools that having children will destroy their body and other such nonsense.

We cannot only stand in vague opposition to concepts such as "feminism" while thinking that throwing cash at a problem will solve it. We must develop family planning policies which see people marrying and procreating in the prime of their lives and with both social and state support networks which enable them to.

Fear not, James Kreger has a solution for declining birthrates as well. Using his middle name 'William' as an alias, Kreger launched a campaign to single-handedly perpetuate the master-race…as a sperm donor!!!!

Under his smiling photo on a 'fertility network' website, Kreger gave details as to the services he is offering:

I am a dual masters student in Malmö looking to help younger (36 and under) single women with N.I. or Al if necessary.

For those less conversant in the technical medical jargon, 'AI' stands for 'Artificial Insemination' and James Kreger is totally willing to go that route 'if necessary.' However, he would much prefer to utilise 'NI' or 'Natural Insemination' in his gallant quest to 'help younger (36 and under) single women' with their motherhood journeys. In other words, this Nazi turkey wants to do the basting himself. This is some real Boys from Brazil type shit. Shoot your shot, king!

Hey ladies, Neo-Nazi weirdo James William Kreger aka James Karlsson is available for in-person sperm donations. 💦
In light of recent revelations about James Kreger, this Frasier Crane 'frozen sperm' meme hits pretty hard. 💦
Neo-Nazi nerd James William Kreger aka 'James Karlsson' puts the NUT in WINGNUT! 💦

When not soliciting single women for in-person sperm donations, neo-Nazi James William Kreger is trying to further white supremacy via a constant stream of so-called 'position papers.' The White Papers Policy Institute puts a genteel, 'normie friendly' sheen on the concept of a white ethno-state, generally abstaining from racial slurs and provocative language in a calculated attempt to mainstream their extremism. While they attempt to present their racist garbage with a degree of politesse and formality, the rhetoric and proposals are inherently violent in nature. The oft-vaunted 'Great Replacement' theory has directly inspired multiple mass murders and James Kreger's hare-brained schemes to 'repatriate' all non-whites from various countries is at its core genocidal.

While the White Papers Policy Institute is clearly attempting to position themselves as a serious poli-sci 'think tank,' James Kreger is deeply enmeshed in the world of bonafide neo-Nazis. White Papers was initially listed as an 'affiliate' of the openly neo-Nazi Hyphen-Report, where he wrote articles analysing and praising the platform of 'White Nationalist, Ethno-Nationalist and Pro-White political parties,' including the defunct pseudo-party NJP. His description of these Nazi grifters as a 'viable contemporary organization' should be sufficient to have this dweeb barred from any sort of political punditry for life. It hardly requires hindsight to wince at howlers like this one: 'As for the Black population: it is our opinion that they must have leadership willing to come to an accord with a future NJP administration.'

The NJP collapse was accompanied by lots of finger pointing, recriminations, allegations of fraud, and general rat-fuckery. One interesting bit of insider gossip revealed that the NJP 'chairman' Mike Peinovich (aka 'Mike Enoch') transferred $10,000 dollars from the NJP LLC business account to Kreger's White Papers account. Inquiring minds want to know, and the Anonymous Comrades are on the case.

James William Kreger is definitely ambitious and working hard at turning his Nazi propaganda hobby into a full time job. He has been joined in this endeavour by Cyan Rose Quinn, a long-time neo-Nazi activist who was revealed in 2019 to be a member of Identity Evropa. After her public exposure, she went to work for white nationalist organization V-Dare and is currently employed by the neo-Nazi publishing house and media network Counter-Currents as their 'Programming Manager.' Quinn is listed as the White Papers Policy Institute's 'Chief Operating Officer' and co-hosts their podcast. Kreger lauded Quinn's longstanding ties to white nationalism and neo-Nazism saying her 'network of friends, allies, and contacts is one of the most extensive in the movement.'

The White Papers Policy Institute has been ratcheting up the fundraising attempts as of late. The near constant shilling for money comes with ambitious announced plans which include a new website, extensive travel, networking with other white nationalist groups, meetings with policymakers and candidates, hosted dinners, and office space in Washington, D.C. They were also planning their first invitation-only 'Policy Summit' in advance of this year's elections. 'Make sure to be a contributor to be considered for the list of attendees,' they wrote. They will even accept well-concealed cash sent to their P.O. Box.

Kreger attempted to bolster his constant cadging with assurances of the White Papers Policy Institute's steadfast efforts to 'push and implement' their 'policy solutions.' There were vague claims of a growing access to genuine power brokers. Kreger even purported to be 'proudly providing consulting and research services' to not only 'nominees running for office' but also those 'already holding office and drafting policy.' The claim is, on its face, so ludicrous that it begs speculation as to whether James Kreger is delusional, a fabulist, or bald-faced grifter. Or all of the above?

 James William Kreger's rapid ascendance, at the tender age of 25, to the heights of the white nationalist 'intellectual elite' is really extraordinary. Not long ago this dweeb was a lowly fry-cook at a Michigan McDonalds, but today thousands of Nazis and white nationalists seek his enlightened opinions on heady subjects like the imagined fascist references in Star Trek Discovery. Nazi nerd James Kreger clearly possesses the life experience and cultural insights required to help craft global policy.

Nuggets of Star Trek wisdom from neo-Nazi nerd James William Kreger.

James Kreger also hosted a podcast on the white nationalist podcast network The Right Stuff (TRS) entitled By the Numbers with neo-Nazi ex-EMT Alex McNabb co-hosting. Kreger appeared regularly as a guest on several TRS shows as well, including the network's flagship Daily Shoah.

James Kreger and Alex McNabb are joined by longtime neo-Nazi activist and NJP lapdog Jesse Ogden, aka 'Borzoi'
On this show, James Kreger hosted longtime Nazi activist and National Justice Party co-founder Joseph Jordan aka 'Eric Striker'
James Kreger/'James Karlsson' was a regular guest on the racist and antisemitic podcast The Daily Shoah
James Kreger as 'James Karlsson' guesting on one of Michael Peinovich's ('Mike Enoch') podcasts.

Appearing as 'James Karlsson,' the National Justice Party apparatchik James William Kreger was a guest on the 'political party'-slash-grift0-op's podcast The NJP Weekly Report,  where conversation topics included 'white replacement' and 'Jewish proxy wars.'

Kreger's opining on other matters is pretty much bog-standard racist pseudo-intellectual psycho-babble but even a cursory closer glance reveals him little more than a shitposting Nazi troll.

James William Kreger, aka 'James Karlsson,' may hide behind an alias to post his racist and antisemitic propaganda but his lack of personal character and integrity carries through to his real life friends and family. In this Telegram post, he recounted a 2023 Fourth of July barbecue in Michigan where he had to refrain from talking about 'race' because his '50 year old working-class rural' white host's 'fat daughter' had two adopted Black children. James Kreger's willingness to toss his loved ones and friends under a rhetorical bus to amuse his Nazi social media followers is perfect cause to leave him off the future invite lists.

James Kreger's family and friends in Michigan will likely know exactly who is being referred to here.

The Nazi misogynist James Kreger mocks 'body positivity' and is constantly attacking women for being 'fat' and dressing like 'sluts,' as evident in the Telegram posts below:

Lana Del Rey apparently falls short of Nazi weirdo sperm donor James Kreger's exacting beauty standards.
Maybe Nazi sex cop James Kreger would care to elaborate on the '12 year old girls in booty shorts' he is ogling.

James Kreger wants to be seen as a serious policy analyst but cannot refrain from sophomoric and nasty attacks based on physical appearance:

As the adage goes 'opinions are like arseholes – everybody has one, and they all stink.' James William Kreger is an absolute world class arsehole, the perfect embodiment of the slippery slope between blindly accepting mainstream political and media narratives and the elevation of wholly unqualified anonymous cranks into authoritative sources. The modern white nationalist movement has produced a bottomless array of 'thought leaders' like James Kreger who, when stripped of their anonymity, are revealed as absolute garbage people in real life. It's a never-ending clown show of losers, liars, addicts, sexual predators, domestic abusers, deadbeats, violent criminals, fabulists, grifters, weirdos, and worse. You would not trust these jokers with watering your lawn, much less establishing a viable ethnostate.

The 'White Papers Policy Institute' is created from whole cloth, a completely made-up and uncredentialed entity crafting racist  'Policy Papers' and 'policy solutions' while posturing that they are somehow qualified to be advising political candidates and heads of state. Stripped of his invented 'James Karlsson' persona, we find 25-year-old James Kreger, a neo-Nazi dork with limited life experience, an employment history consisting solely of part-time fast food restaurant work, and no real world qualifications that would support the 'expertise' he foists on the world. His murderous ideas are dumb and dangerous and of a scale that is truly genocidal. Narcissism and hubris fuels Kreger's ambitions. A self-appointed expert on the world's most complex social and political issues, Kreger wants to cut the line and skip the coffee fetching and envelope stuffing that awaits on the ground floor and play with the big boys.

But it is all make-believe and Kreger's ambition has already been thwarted by his immaturity, bad decision making, and his deep documented ties to actual neo-Nazis.  This sort of pedigree insures that he will never work in any sort of legitimate political organization. Even a return to flipping burgers would likely butt up against human resource screenings and anti-discrimination policies. His best hope might be to seek out a sperm bank that forgoes background checks. The internet tells us you can pull in at least a hundred bucks per vial!

Nazi Sperm Slinger James Karlsson would like to apply some special sauce to your buns.💦

Hunka Hunka Burnin' Hate – Tennessee Nazi Micheal Anthony George aka 'Great Ape Niggy'

Continuing our coverage of the 'Nationalist Coalition'

SEVERE CONTENT WARNING: This post contains disturbing content including RACISM, ANTISEMITISM, MISOGYNY, and DOMESTIC VIOLENCE.

Savannah, TN: Meet 42-year-old Micheal Anthony George aka 'Great Ape Niggy' (note the unusual first name spelling). The Tennessee native has used numerous aliases including 'George Arthur,' 'Great Ape Nifty,' 'NiggyVandal, 'Real Sven Laden,' 'Atomic Liberty' and others and is a longstanding Nazi troll and absolute creep.

Micheal Anthony George aka 'Great Ape Niggy' during the illegal torch march during the violent 'Unite the Right' rally on August 11, 2017.
Don't be a Nazi, Bro.
Micheal George's social media accounts frequently used this Nazi-themed avatar.

Micheal Anthony George, aka 'Great Ape Niggy,' is best known for his role as a founder of the notorious Reddit board 'Coontown.' At its peak, the racist subreddit had more than 20,000 members and was allegedly pulling in millions of unique monthly visitors.

Micheal Anthony George was the creator of the racist subreddit 'r/Coontown'

A 2017 archived version of Micheal Anthony George's 'Great Ape Niggy' Reddit profile showed him as the moderator of over 90 different sub-reddits, including the neo-Nazi propaganda oriented /r/AltRight, /r/WhiteBeauty, /r/NationalSocialism, /r/RaceWarPreppers, and /r/DebateAltRight as well as a bunch of purely racist, misogynistic, and antisemitic troll ones like /r/CoonTown, /r/FeministHate, /r/KikeTown, including dozens more titled with variations on racial slurs.

His Reddit stats credit him with 10,704 posts and 32,082 comments. Quick math suggests this Nazi goon spent a truly brain melting amount of time spreading hate online.

    A small selection of the 90+ racist and neo-Nazi Reddit boards run by Micheal Anthony George aka Great Ape Niggy.

    The 'Coontown' sub-reddit made national headlines as a focus point in an intense internal struggle within Reddit to balance a commitment to free speech with the vast proliferation of racist, antisemitic, and extremist content flooding the site. The ugly fracas led to the resignation of CEO Ellen Pao and to significant changes to Reddit's content moderation policies.

    When Coontown was finally banned from Reddit in 2016, alternative forums sprang up on sites like VOAT  but they were unable to sustain the momentum and soon withered away. Additionally, there was friction amongst the original 'Coontown' founders with the ousted 'Eugene Nix' publicly stating that he opposed Great Ape Niggy's increased bundling of National Socialist ideology into the forum.  We will do a deep dive on the identity of Nebraska native 'Eugene Nix' and his long history as a far-right troll  in the near future.

    Another of the 'Coontown' founders and moderators was 20-year-old  Joshua Goldberg, aka 'Europe88. '  Goldberg, who is actually Jewish, also used the alias 'Michael Slay' to insert himself into the neo-Nazi Daily Stormer website where he published multiple articles (which were quickly deleted upon his exposure). Using a variety of aliases, and allegedly spending up to 20 hours per day trolling, Goldberg wreaked havoc in various online communities. But it was Goldberg's troll persona as an Australian Islamic extremist and Jihadist the caused the biggest stir and landed him a ten year jail sentence for various terrorism related charges.

    Micheal Anthony George took this experience with online racist community building and threw himself into the burgeoning Alt-Right movement, supporting Donald Trump in the run-up to the 2016 election. He became a regular on the Nazi podcast circuit with appearances on a variety of shows including Fash the Nation, The Daily Shoah, TheWar Room, Hate House, Paranormies, and Full-Haus. He briefly co-hosted a podcast called Hail Victory on the TRS network along with longtime Nazi gadfly John Ramondetta, aka 'Johnny Monoxide.' The two can even be seen committing felonies together by carrying torches during the violent 'Unite The Right' rally in August 2017.

    Nazi podcasters Micheal Anthony George & John Ramondetta committing felonies together 8/11/2017
    Micheal Anthony George aka Niggy hosted the short-lived 'Hail Victory' podcast on the neo-Nazi TRS network.

    In February 2017,  Micheal Anthony George traveled to Houston, TX for TRSLMania, a gathering of TRS podcast hosts and listeners . The drunken opening night festivities featured a livestream of the 'right wing veterans' podcast War Room.  The show's host was Scott Christopher Wurgler, a former Marine and Alt-Right activist who legally changed his name to Sacco Vandal. Other military participants included Navy men John Ramondetta aka Johnny Monoxide and the pseudonymous Jeffrey Fairwater. Micheal George was introduced to the crowd as  '…representing the Army, Great Ape Niggy!'

    Amidst a constant crowd refrain of 'Sieg Heil', Micheal Anthony George took to the mic to announce plans to 'take White Sharia to the next level' elaborating:

    'When we are done raping these THOTs, we are going to ensure that they do not experience pleasure. We are introducing female genital mutilation.'

    The term 'White Sharia' draws upon stereotypes of the most radical Islamist ideologies and was a push to adopt formal subjugation of women into Alt-Right policy. Elements of the concept were certainly originally intended as trolling and the concept was not without criticism from other members of the white nationalist movement, but it is undeniable that misogyny and anti-feminism were key tenets of Alt-Right dogma. Whether intended as 'jokes' or, in many cases, not, the 'White Sharia' meme gave voice to the most extreme and vicious views of women. This live monthly podcast hosted by Micheal Anthony George under his pseudonym featured constant misogynistic content, describing rape and genital mutilation with bayonets, punctuated with non-stop chants of 'Sieg Heil' from the drunken crowd. It is chilling to hear.

    Micheal Anthony George was also active on Facebook, juggling multiple accounts at a time. Using the thin disguise of 'George Anthony', he was a member of numerous Confederate and Alt-Right groups including the southern-fried neo-Nazi group Identity Dixie. He was very involved with 'vetting' regional recruits for Identity Dixie and the TRS 'Pool Parties.'

    Some Facebook accounts operated by Micheal Anthony George.


    Micheal Anthony George aka George Arthur/ Great Ape Niggy was responsible for 'vetting' regional recruits for various white nationalist and neo-Nazi organizations.

    Micheal Anthony George attended the violent neo-Nazi 'Unite the Right' rally in August 2017. He can be seen in photos amongst the crowd chanting 'Jews will not replace us' at the illegal night time torch march and sporting a bicycle helmet during the violent fracas the following day.

    Micheal Anthony George (center) commiting a felony during a neo-Nazi march in Charlottesville, VA.
    A helmeted Michael Anthony George participated in the violent Unite the Right Rally in Charlottesville, VA. in August 2017.
    Micheal Anthony George aka Great Ape Niggy marching with neo-Nazis in Charlottesville on August 12th, 2017


    Tennessee Nationalist Telegram group with Micheal Anthony George aka 'Great Ape Niggy' listed as 'Owner.'

    Micheal Anthony George is currently very active as a recruiter and propagandist in his home state of Tennessee.  He is the owner of the 'Tennessee Nationalists' Telegram channel where he coordinates harassment campaigns against local politicians, businesses, and journalists. He is also a frequent contributor to the 'Tennessee Neighbors for Liberty' chat where he attempts to push the discussions into more extreme directions.

    A masked Micheal George aka 'Great Ape Niggy' protesting alongside Nazi flag in Cookeville, TN.
    Micheal Anthony George aka 'Great Ape Niggy' trying to remain anonymous whilst participating in a anti-LGBTQ+ harassment campaign in Cookeville, TN
    Micheal Anthony George with the neo-Nazi National Justice Party in Cookeville, TN in January, 2023. Carson Brooks, aka 'Carson Kilgrey' at the far right.

    In January, 2023, Micheal Anthony George used his 'Tennessee Nationalists' Telegram channel to organize a mob comprised of members of a variety of armed neo-Nazi groups like the National Justice PartyPatriot FrontTennessee Active Club, and Vinland Rebels to protest a drag performance at a small Cookeville, TN brewery.  Although he wore a mask and attempted to keep to the back of the crowd, his prodigious girth rendered him instantly recognizable amongst the Nazi salutes and flags.

    Micheal Anthony George advising a prospective female recruit to the neo-Nazi National Justice Party.

    Micheal Anthony George worked very closely with TRS and the now-defunct National Justice Party, boosting them online and recruiting and vetting prospective members.

    Micheal Anthony George aka Great Ape Niggy predicts the National Justice Party will replace the GOP… any day now. 😂
    Micheal Anthony George actively attempts to 'redpill' his 'normie conservative friends' with videos of the neo-Nazi National Justice Party.
    Micheal Anthony George proclaims himself a 'White Nationalist' while boosting the now-defunct National Justice Party.

    Micheal Anthony George has posted extensively about his wife's job as a high school math teacher. He boasted online that she shares his bigotry, writing, 'She wasn't racist before. She is now.' Other than his assertions, we do not know to what extent she shares his beliefs but they have been married since 2008 and the scale and duration of his activities make it impossible to believe that she is wholly ignorant of them. Numerous Reddit posts by Micheal Anthony George about his wife's teaching work used racial slurs to refer to her students and offered personal details about their lives which he used to support his racist ideology. Questions should certainly be asked.

    According to Micheal Anthony George, his high school teacher wife shares his racist views.
    Michael Anthony George shares what he claims are his wife's racist views of her students,

    In reflective moments, Nazi propagandist Micheal Anthony George, aka 'Great Ape Niggy,' acknowledged the reputational peril his obsessive racist and antisemitic activities present. He apparently hopes his exterior as a jolly neighbor will eclipse his vile and violent double life as an extremist neo-Nazi leader, writing:

    'And when the day comes that I get doxed, they won't know me as the weird shut in. I'm the family man with a wife and kids and a Golden Retriever that always has a friendly wave and will help however I can.'

    While Micheal Anthony George would like to be remembered as a friendly 'family man,' this is not his first 'family' and there is a dark history which must be considered. A bizarre comment on an autism support blog from August 11, 2007 from user 'Micheal' appealed for information providing a response email address belonging to Micheal Anthony George. The comment alleged that his 'ex' is 'faking' their child's autism and that he has 'not been a part of their lives for the past year and a half through no fault of my own.'

    Micheal Anthony George's self-serving claim of his family separation being 'no fault of my own' seems disingenuous when contrasted with a series of violent felony arrests in Texas. The first arrest was on September 27, 2005 when he was charged under section Sec. 36.06. of the Texas penal code for 'Obstruction or Retaliation,' a third degree felony. The second arrest on April 7, 2006 was for 'Aggravated Kidnapping' and 'Family Violence' both first degree felonies.

    Note the error in the records: Micheal Anthony George was actually residing in Michie, TN at the time.

    Micheal Anthony George ultimately pleaded guilty to a slightly reduced charge of 'Assault Causing Bodily Injury' and the obstruction charge was dismissed. He was sentenced to two years in prison and 80 hours community service. The sentenced was then reduced to one year imprisonment with credit for 39 days served.  His bigotry and misogyny are well documented but Micheal Anthony George has shown that he has the capacity for actual violence as well.

    Micheal Anthony George communicated a desire for violence repeatedly in his social media posts where he posted images of swastikas with menacing statements like 'We grow everyday. We know you are afraid. You should be.'

    Micheal Anthony George menacing a stranger on the internet.
    So do you, Micheal Anthony George.

    Micheal Anthony George boasted of 'lists' of those who will be subject to reprisal under his desired fascist regime. He wrote:

    'We're compiling lists of names. People such as yourself and more. Because yes. We're everything you fear about the far right and more. The future is going to be fun.'

    On his 'Tennessee Nationalists' Telegram channel, Micheal Anthony George advocated for open hostility against people of colour:

    Our willingness to be accepting and polite is our biggest weakness. While the business can’t legally deny blacks entry, that doesn’t mean the general public has to be friendly to them. Create the kind of community these animals know they shouldn’t be caught alone in. Create the kind of community they won’t even stop for gas at.

    A recurring theme he uses is the need to drive those he perceives as undesirable away by aggressive antisocial measures:

    If you want Tennessee to be an unfriendly state for illegals, diversity, and random leftist interlopers moving to the state, you’re going to actually have to start BEING unfriendly to them. Make the state so hostile they can’t wait to get back to whatever shithole they’re from.

    Micheal Anthony George defined members and supporters of the LGBTQ+ community as  literal targets, warning that they should, 'Just make it easier on yourself and leave.':

    If you’re gay and live in Tennessee you should simply move. You’re not going to win this fight. Just make it easier on yourself and leave. We won’t accept your bullshit. We won’t tolerate you in the slightest. Even a pride bumper sticker makes you a target. Leave. And never come back.

    He often used military terminology like 'regain territory' while describing his plans to cleanse society of his long list of undesirable elements:

    We must all stand up and shout “Not in my town.” Only then can we begin to regain territory and push the degenerates out of our society.

    Micheal Anthony George advocated for the criminalization of homosexuality and supports vigilante violence against so-called 'degenerates' in explicit terms, 'We need people who believe in and are willing to use righteousness violence.'

    Tennessee bigot Micheal George advocates for the criminalization of both homosexuals AND their advocates.
    Micheal Anthony George explicitly advocates for violence against the LGBTQ+ community.

    'Degeneracy' is a constant refrain in Micheal Anthony George's online screeds. This adheres to recurring themes in the modern far right of a psychopathically prudish approach to sex, gender, and sexuality and manifested in misogynistic and sexist views of women, baseless allegations of pedophilia and grooming, and vicious intolerance for differing lifestyles. His puritanical grandstanding was often bolstered with implied and actual threats of violence.

    Micheal Anthony George wants to see the death penalty imposed in relation to all aspects of abortion, writing, 'Doctors, women who get abortion, and advocates for abortion will all be charged, tried, and convicted. Punishments will be quick and severe as gallows will be erected on the courthouse steps.'

    Micheal Anthony George the death penalty applied to 'advocates of abortion.'
    Convicted violent domestic abuser Micheal Anthony George thinks women who get abortions should be charged with murder.
    Neo-Nazi activist Micheal Anthony George claims he doesn't know how a Tennessee Planned Parenthood got burned down but he is sure glad it happened. *wink, wink, nudge, nudge *

    In January 2022, a far-right extremist burned down a Planned Parenthood clinic in Knoxville, TN. Micheal Anthony George was delighted, writing that the fire was 'more effective than any amount of anti-abortion marches, protests, fliers, websites, podcasts, videos, donations, etc.'

    Micheal Anthony George thinks that migrants and refugees that cannot be deported should be executed:

    TN bigot Micheal Anthony George thinks we should kill refugees

    His social media posts are full of rants about societal breakdown caused by 'whores,' 'thots,' 'degeneracy,' contraceptives, abortion rights, and no-fault divorce. He thinks birth control should be illegal and blames the 'fall of America' on the 'women's rights movement and supposed sexual liberation.'

    Convicted domestic abuser MIcheal Anthony George aka Great Ape Niggy wants to make birth control illegal.
    Although Micheal Anthony George actively supported Trump, he wants to make it clear that is a 'National Socialist' (NAZI.)

    Given his overwrought and feverish bloviating on other people's sexualities and lifestyles,  colour us not at all surprised to find in our ACC research collection multiple email addresses belonging to Micheal Anthony George in past data breaches from adult and pornographic websites, including the extramarital affair facilitation site Ashley Madison, sex hook-up dating sites AdultFriendFinder, Fling, and something called *ehem*

    Nazi jerk-off Micheal Anthony George registered an account at a website called
    Nazi horndog Micheal George registered an account at extramarital sex hook-up site ‘Ashley Madison.'
    Nazi wanker Micheal Anthony George aka Great Ape Spanking the Monkey!

    This is not just about looking at nudie pics, several of these sites are designed to serve as real life sexual meet-up networks. For example, AdultFriendFinder advertises itself as 'The World's Largest Sex Dating & Hookup Community for Casual Fun' and Micheal Anthony George registered at least four different accounts on that one site alone. The accounts are all apparently now deleted, so we are thankfully spared the sight of the Great Ape's banana, but there are some clues as to the sort of naughtiness this hypocritical Nazi horny toad was up to.  Two of the user names registered with his emails, 'LynnvilleGuy' and 'AtomicLiberty,' are admittedly nondescript and offer little insight into his secret sexual proclivities. But three other account usernames that were registered using his email addresses, 'TN_curious_cpl,' 'MidTN_Couple,' and 'TN_wild_cpl'  suggest a pretty specific area of erotic interests.

    Wife swapping Nazi Micheal George registered a profile on sex hook-up site AdultFriendFInder as Curious_Cpl_TN.
    Just how wild are we talking? Yet another wife-swapping profile for Micheal Anthony George.
    Wife swapping yet again, or is it possible that Micheal Anthony George aka 'Great Ape Niggy' is actually a 'cuck?'
    Wife Swapping White Supremacist Micheal Anthony George on the prowl.

    The rank hypocrisy of neo-Nazi thug Micheal Anthony George is truly galling. He constantly decries 'degeneracy,' routinely calls women 'thots' and 'whores,' harasses and threatens the LGBTQ+ community, and advocates for the criminalization of  homosexuality, birth control and abortion. Yet in his private life Micheal Anthony George is an avid consumer of pornography, apparently seeks out 'wife-swapping' or, perhaps, cuckolding type arrangements, and has a criminal history of domestic violence. Considering his penchant for violence and extreme misogyny coupled with a secret proclivity for unconventional sexual relations, Micheal Anthony George is a clear and present community danger.

    While much of Micheal Anthony George's bigotry is in-line with modern conservatism and Republican party positions, it is important to stress that he is, by his own admission an actual Nazi. He was an admin of the National Socialism Reddit board and openly refers to himself as a National Socialist and a Nazi.

    In this post, Micheal Anthony George criticized the GOP for being ineffective while praising the Nazis for their extermination campaign against the LGBTQ+ community:

    The National Socialists were the only people to ever fight back against the degenerates and do what needed to be done.

    Ackshully, Hitler did a lot of things wrong you Nazi thug,

    On repeated occasions, Micheal Anthony George stated that the Nazis and Hitler were the 'good guys.'

    Micheal Anthony George thinks 'the Nazis were the good guys…'
    Micheal Anthony George is a big Hitler fan.

    Michael Anthony George is an advocate of an all-white ethnostate. This concept is genocidal in nature and would require mass scale violence and murder to enact.

    Nazi goon Micheal George is an advocate for an all-white 'ethno-state.'
    In support of the 'White Ethnostate' MIcheal George references George Lincoln Rockwell, the now-dead leader of the American Nazi Party.


    So How was the Great Ape Captured?

    Micheal Anthony George's appearance in the leaked founding membership rolls of the new Nationalist Coalition served as iron-clad confirmation of an exposé that had been in the works for several years. The use of the alias 'George Anthony' is an obvious and laughable lapse in operational security but is only one breadcrumb in a HUGE dataset.

    Micheal Anthony George aka Great Ape Niggy / George Arthur, has been terminally online for over a decade and has a really big mouth. As a result, the confirmed data points have been stacking up. For example, he has told us his general location in Tennessee, his marital status and wedding year, his branch of military service, his education, and many other details that helped confirm his identity. His physical appearance has been repeatedly commented on in  back-channel Nazi chatter so we knew we were looking for a very large man in Tennessee, ex-Army, a homeowner, married to a high school math teacher since 2008, with a degree in electrical engineering.

    The Tennessee 'Wild' couple were married 16 years ago. 2024-16= 2008.
    MIcheal George's wife's Facebook (redacted) confirms the Tennessee 'Curious' Couple were married in 2008.


    Micheal Anthony George's former friend and podcast co-host Johnny Monoxide referring to him as a 'fatass.' Nazis are really mean, even to each other.
    Michael Anthony George aka Great Ape Niggy at a Nazi rally in Cookeville, TN 22/01/2024, at a youth soccer match,  at a Nazi rally in Charlottesville, VA 11/08/2017.
    Micheal Anthony George posted this photo of himself as a 20 year old Army Patriot Firecontrol Operator on his Facebook profile.

    We were able to link several different email accounts to Micheal Anthony George including a Gmail account that was part of a data breach of Twitter users. This email was used to set up the 'AtomicLiberty' Twitter account with the username 'Micheal George.' The account is still active and the current bio features a US Army logo and the name 'Just George.' In one Tweet, Micheal Anthony George actually confirmed that he is using his real name. Numerous other posts indicated the owner was located in Tennessee and a full-fledged Nazi. The account has recently switched to 'private' mode in the wake of the Nationalist Coalition exposé.

    Micheal Anthony George confirmed that his real name IS Micheal Anthony George and that he is a fan of violence against ideological opponents.
    Micheal Anthony George abruptly made his Twitter account private after the Nationalist Coalition debacle…too late.
    Multiple Twitter posts by user AtomicLiberty show that he was a resident of Tennessee.
    Yup, this guy lives in Tennessee!

    Micheal Anthony George (as Great Ape Nifty) confirms he has a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering and is a homophobic bigot.
    Micheal George deleted his LinkedIn profile immediately after the Nationalist Coalition exposé but receipts were kept!

    Micheal Anthony George does have a degree in electrical engineering from University of Tennessee at Martin and is presumably working in a related field. However, on an episode of the Nazi podcast Full-Haus, using his pseudonym 'Great Ape Nifty' discussed strategies for buying distressed properties to either convert to rentals or flip for profit. Micheal Anthony George and his wife currently own at least three homes in the Savannah, TN area, including the one they live in. Micheal Anthony George has bragged about being a landlord and given his extreme racism, homophobia, and antisemitism, it is worth looking into his compliance with the Fair Housing Act.

    Micheal Anthony George owns several properties in the Savannah, TN region which he rents out.
    Racist neo-Nazi Micheal Anthony George openly states that he would discriminate with respect to housing.
    Tennessee Nazi landlord Micheal Anthony George does not conceal his racism.

    Neo-Nazi and white nationalist organizations inevitably collapse under the weight of severe dysfunction. The vile ideology itself is certainly a factor but one must equally weigh the fact that this ideology mostly appeals to people who are, at best, struggling with in their real lives, and, at worst, weirdos and absolute shitheels. The Nationalist Coalition folded like a cheap tent when their membership list was leaked, revealing domestic abusers and multiple miscreants amongst their founders.

    This is a feature not a bug. Scratch a white nationalist and/or neo-Nazi organization and the membership will inevitably start revealing histories of domestic abuse, registered sex offenders, addicts, violent criminals, and generally troubled people. For the most part, these are people whom you would not entrust with watering your houseplants, much less wish to share an 'ethnostate' with.

    Micheal Anthony George is a textbook case, a violent convicted domestic abuser who postures as a moralist. His 90+ racist and antisemitic Subreddits imply a obsessive personality that crosses over into actual harassment and threats of violence. His constant drumbeat of 'degeneracy' whilst secretly maintaining multiple accounts at pornography and sex meet-up sites suggests a troubled psyche at war with its true nature. Although wife-swapping is certainly preferable to wife-beating, Micheal Anthony George's track record of actual criminal domestic violence alongside his online misogyny and advocacy for 'white sharia' and rape seems linked to the latter and calls into question the truly consensual nature of the former. Girl, run…as fast as you can.

    Aggravated Kidnapping, Domestic Violence… Micheal Anthony George is a full-on Nazi creep.

    Micheal Anthony George, aka 'Great Ape Niggy,' is a racist, antisemitic, and misogynistic dirtbag who poses as a jolly neighbor and sports-dad. His child's soccer league appears a very much multi-racial and ethnic group and his fellow sports parents would be no doubt horrified at the violence and misery Micheal Anthony George publicly wishes upon people of colour, the LGBTQ+ community, and immigrants.

    Micheal Anthony George thinks Black lives do not matter.
    Racist Nazi psycho Micheal Anthony George wants to 'create the kind of community' that black people 'know they shouldn't be caught alone in.'

    Micheal Anthony George aka Great Ape Niggy is a Nazi propagandist and hate group leader posing as an upstanding member of the Savannah, Tennessee community. Do not be fooled.

    Micheal Anthony George, aka 'Great Ape Niggy' (in blue plaid shirt) marching with neo-Nazis at the violent Unite the Right Rally in Charlottesville, VA.


    Fascist Fiasco: Neo-Nazi 'Nationalist Coalition' Exposed!

    The Nationalist Coalition is a new neo-Nazi organization spawned from the rotting carcass of the disastrous and defunct National Justice Party. A recent 'inaugural event' in North Carolina introduced the new organization's leadership but the amateurish launch has become a clusterfuck of epic proportions. As testament to the bad blood and rat-fuckery behind the group's formation, it is no surprise that their founding membership roster has already been leaked by a tipster. The portions of the list we are sharing is comprised only of the members whose identities we could initially confirm. There will be more detailed exposés and additional participants coming soon!

    Logo of the 'Nationalist Coalition' as seen on their Gab profile
    Tea was spilt. They'll need a lot of dishrags to clean this up.

    The Nationalist Coalition is essentially the successor-in-interest to the failed National Justice Party (NJP). Although NJP  purported to be an actual political party,  it was actually a for-profit LLC that made no actual strides towards any sort of genuine political activities. Hundreds of thousands of dollars in member dues and donations were collected and the organization had a payroll that likely approached a half million dollars per year. The implosion led to many insider revelations showing the apparent co-mingling of funds and user data between various 'affiliated' companies, a likely violation of various finance and other laws. They also seemingly were in violation of US labour laws for their use of a massive unpaid 'volunteer' workforce on behalf of a for-profit group.

    Comprised of various functionaries of podcast network The Right Stuff (TRS) and neo-Nazi publishing house Antelope Hill Publishing along with various state and local organizers of NJPsupporter groups,’ the Nationalist Coalition is being presented as a ‘big tent’ organization to unify disparate and often feuding white nationalist and neo-Nazi groups. In their own words:

    Through a network of integrated regional chapters, associated groups, and political projects, the Nationalist Coalition seeks to build a “nation within a nation” in order to provide community, security, opportunity, and advocacy to those who have been abandoned and abused by the hostile, Zionist powers who now control this nation’s government and cultural institutions. We have no choice now but to build new institutions of our own.

    These Nazi clowns think they are going to create an ethnostate but have already completely bolloxed the easiest part of the endeavour.

    The Nationalist Coalition's inaugural event featured speeches from their three-man 'Executive Board' which includes Tennessee NJP toadie Carson Brooks (aka 'Carson Kilgrey') in full fascist super-villian guise, sporting a shaved head and an eyepatch.

    Tennessee Nazi Carson Brooks aka Carson Kilgrey channeling Colonel Klink as he addresses a gathering of the Nationalist Coalition
    Carson Brooks aka Carson Kilgrey as a member of the neo-Nazi National Justice Party

    The 'Executive Board' also includes North Carolina native Nathan Charles Barker whose odyssey from teenage dweeb Civil War larper to teenage dweeb Identity Evropa/American Identity Movement Nazi larper has led him to this pathetic state of grown-up affairs. Before stepping up to the podium on behalf of the Nationalist Coalition, Nathan Charles Barker was also spotted on restricted Capitol grounds during the January 6th, 2021 insurrection.

    Nathan Charles Barker speaking at The Nationalist Coalition inaugural event.
    Nathan Charles Barker doing US Civil War reenactment. Seems like he was wearing the wrong uniform, though.

    Nathan Charles Barker at the J6 insurrection.

    The third member of the Nationalist Coalition 'Executive Board' is listed as 'Rainhart Gregory Arthurson.' This not his real name … at least not yet! This Nazi dipshit was born Gregory Arthur Klaunberg but the thirty-two-year-old Manassas, Virginia resident has actually filed legal papers to change his name to … wait for it … Rainhart Gregory Arthurson!

    Gregory Arthur Klaunberg aka 'Rainhart Gregory Arthurson.'
    Legal filings showed this Nazi goofball changed his name.

    Klaunberg has had a busy year in the Virginia legal system with a Valentine's Day wedding, followed by an almost immediate annulment filed on March 12th.

    Better to have loved and lost than…ahh, forget it.

    It is not entirely clear how beating your pregnant wife falls into the Nationalist Coalition's plans to preserve 'foundational ties of family and tradition' but the annulment was followed by Gregory Arthur Klaunberg/Rainhart Gregory Arthurson's March 16th, 2024 ARREST for DOMESTIC VIOLENCE!

    NAZI DIRTBAG Gregory Arthur Klaunberg/Rainhart Gregory Arthurson has had at least eleven appearances in the Virginia courts for a bevy of offenses which include Domestic Violence, Disorderly Conduct, DUI, Public Urination, Public Intoxication, Reckless Driving, Driving with a Suspended License, and various vehicular charges. He is a menace both on AND off the roads and sounds like a real asset to the leadership team of this new Nazi org.

    However many times he changes his name, he's still a dirtbag.

    Nazi shitheel Gregory Arthur Klaunberg/Rainhart Gregory Arthurson also has multiple debt collection lawsuits pending, not to mention one he already lost and is in default on to the tune of $6000 with accumulating interest! This guy is a trainwreck, the only party he is qualified to head up is a PITY PARTY!

    Deadbeat Wanna-be Dictator Gregory Arthur Klaunberg/Rainhart Gregory Arthurson will probably try to blame his money troubles on a globalist conspiracy!

    Other familiar names involved with the launch include the owners of Nazi publishing house Antelope Hill. Dmitri Loutsik, Vincent Cucchiara, and Freeman Matthews. This trio of rich-kid Nazi 'entrepreneurs' have been building an impressive real estate portfolio off their publishing business, all the while amassing a huge database of customer personal and financial information. What could possibly go wrong?

    Dmitri Loutsik has your identifying personal data.
    Fedora Nazi Vincent Cucchiara
    Louisiana rich kid fail-son Freeman Matthews (left)

    None of the feuding original NJP founders are listed among the initial Nationalist Coalition personnel and perennial Nazi sadsack Jesse Ogden (aka 'Borzoi') appears to be the primary representative of the TRS podcast network. In the wake of the firings and defections in the NJP/TRS meltdown, Ogden has assumed an increasingly high-profile role in the operations of TRS. Despite his lack of charisma and his general unpopularity amongst listeners, Jesse Ogden is a slavish loyalist lapdog whose willingness to devote his life to a losing cause has left him pretty much the last man standing in the TRS rubble.

    Jesse 'Borzoi' Ogden
    Ogden and his wife, the neo-Nazi nurse Rachel Elizabeth Carter

    A few National Justice Party staff did make the the switchover including Lebanon, Ohio-based 'HR Director' Collin Hosking and Florida-based 'Head of Security' Dakotah Skye Chmiel aka 'Martin.' More on these two soon.

    Collin Hosking, NJP 'HR' Director


    Another prominent local NJP leader who has signed onto the new org is Oklahoma Nazi steroid enthusiast Cody Elkin aka 'Fashy Gainz/ FrancisGainsborough.' A longtime white nationalist propagandist, Elkin was recently spotted embodying Nazi roid-rage at various local city council meetings as a representative of the National Justice Party.

    Cody 'Glow-dy' Elkin has long been suspected of being a federal informant due to his background in Naval Intelligence and cryptology. Type 'Cody Elkin' into Wikileaks and see what happens. Elkin's email address was also found in the 2022 breach of Infragard, 'a public-private partnership between U.S. businesses and the Federal Bureau of Investigation.'  Involvement requires 'vetting' including an FBI 'security risk assessment!' A more detailed updated exposé of this creep is coming.

    One of Cody Elkin's internet aliases
    Cody 'Glow-dy' Elkin
    Oklahoma Neo-Nazi and National Justice Party/ Nationalist Coalition member Cody Elkin unleashes a roid-rage torrent of bigotry and spittle at an Oklahoma city council meeting.

    The trash neo-Nazi tabloid website Justice Report is represented by Skylar A. DeBoer aka 'Jacob' of Schenectady, NY. When not running a neo-Nazi 'news' website and acting as a spokesman for the now-defunct National Justice Party, Skylar Deboer is a PhD student in nanoscale engineering at SUNY Polytechnic. Deeper dive on this dork coming soon!

    Skyler DeBoerr aka 'Jacob,' owne Justice Report
    Skylar A. DeBoer aka 'Jacob'
    PhD Student Skylar A. DeBoer is apparently just dumb enough to be an active neo-Nazi.
    Rotterdam, NY: Skylar DeBoer leading a rally of the neo-Nazi National Justice Party
    Skylar DeBoer aka 'Jacob' with the neo-Nazi National Justice Party in Rotterdam, NY.

    Also representing the Justice Report is John R. Metz, aka 'Jack McKraken', currently residing in North Chili, NY. As a member of the neo-Nazi group Identity Evropa, Metz got fired from his job as a corrections officer for attempting to smuggle white nationalist propaganda into a state prison. Metz is a controversial figure in neo-Nazi circles. An earlier Anonymous Comrades Collective exposé revealed him as a potentially dangerous sex pest with a penchant for secretly trawling gay bars in search of trans women.

    John R. Metz at an NJP event in Waukesha, Wisconsin
    John R. Metz, aka 'Jack McKraken'
    John R. Metz aka 'Jack McKraken' would like to know if 'you up?'

    The 'Detroit Reich Wings' were a Michigan neo-Nazi group who played a large role in the organization and the violence of the deadly 2017 Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, and key Reich Wings member Anthony Taylor Overway aka 'Heinz' is a founding member of the new org. Leaked Discord chats show Anthony Taylor Overway/ 'Heinz's deep level of involvement in the planning and execution of the Unite the Right debacle as well as his extremely racist, violent, and misogynistic worldview.

    Anthony Taylor Overway, aka 'Heinz' marching at the violent Unite the Right rally in 2017
    Anthony Taylor Overway

    Colorado native Jeremy Riesberg is well known to AntiFascist researchers due to his history with previous failed Nazi grift Identity Evropa/American Identity Movement.

    Neo-Nazi Jeremy Riesberg, former Identity Evropa/National Justice Party, current Nationalist Coalition.

    American Identity Movement Leader Jeremy Riesberg (CO)

    Some other familiar names we find involved in the Nationalist Coalition include Patriot Front 'Network Director' Trevor Valescu from Fairbault, MN; North Dakota Nazi Peter Tefft who is best remembered for being disowned by his family after participating in the violent Unite the Right rally, and attorney and longtime North Carolina white nationalist activist Harold Ray Crews.

    Trevor Valescu
    Minnesota Nazi Trevor Valescu marching with Patriot Front.
    Peter Tefft, center, was among the ...
    Peter Tefft (center) at the violent Unite the Right rally in 2017. Photo: Evelyn Hockstein, The Washington Post
    HAROLD R. CREWS, ATTORNEY AT LAW - Updated May 2024 - 1617 Nc Hwy 66 S, Kernersville, North Carolina - Real Estate Law - Phone Number - Yelp
    North Carolina Nazi gnome and disgraced attorney Harold Ray Crews

    Also warranting special mention are Portsmouth,Virginia couple Carter and Sarah Mahnke who, despite their wholesome Christian exterior, are deeply connected to radical Nazi extremism. Carter Mahnke actually appears in the leaked database and served as a videographer on behalf of the neo-Nazi National Justice Party but Sarah came to our attention back in 2021 due to her involvement in the NJP's Ladies Auxiliary' where she used the alias 'Clara.'

    Don't be fooled by the wholesome appearance, Carter and Sarah Mahnke are longtime neo-Nazis

    Sarah Mahnke is a graphic designer and the first issue of the Evergreen Gazette PDF newsletter contained metadata which revealed the document's creator to be none other than Sarah Mahnke! In addition, a woman who closely resembles Sarah Mahnke appears in the Saint Pauli Girl-themed group shot gracing the newsletter cover. The sordid saga of Evergreen, with wild sex scandals and skullduggery, warrants its own article so stay tuned for that in the near future!

    We never metadata we didn't like…or could use.
    A page from the NJP's "women's auxiliary" group Evergreen's PDF newsletter.

    Here is the list of members of the Nationalist Coalition whose identities have been confirmed thus far. There is MUCH more to come regarding this evolving FASCIST FIASCO. Keep your eyes on this space!


    Albertson, Benjamin – Overland Park, KS
    Atwood, Eric  – Brea, CA
    Beqiri, Orges – Washington, DC
    Bowers, Wesley – Woodstock, GA
    Brooks, CarsonAshland City, TN
    Callos, Preston – Gilbert, AZ
    Cassidy, Benjamin Robert – Mechanicsville, VA
    Chmiel, Dakotah Skye – Rockledge, FL
    Crews, HaroldWalkertown, NC
    Cucchiara, VincentHarleysville, PA
    Curtis, BryanOmaha, NE (previously in Council Bluffs, IA)
    DeBoer, Skylar – Niskayuna/Schenectady, NY
    Dighton, Joseph – Dassel, MN
    Dunn, Lawrence – Philadelphia, PA
    Elkin, CodySand Springs, OK
    Evgeniadis, Theodore – Riverside, NJ
    Finley, Devin – Portland, OR
    Henry, Sean P. – Alameda, CA
    Hewitt, Bradley – Geneva, IL
    Hosking, Collin – Lebanon, OH
    Hovegaard, Nicholas – Walden, NY
    Huitt, Andrew – Marion, IA
    Jacques, Nicholas P. – Excelsior, MN
    Jernigan, Timothy Albert – Ethel, MS
    Kilinski, Kyle – Northborough, MA
    Kramer,  Jason – W Yorktown, IN
    Kriadis, Greg – Phoenix, AZ
    Krueger, Ben – Appleton, WI
    Lange, Kyle – Poulsbo, WA
    Lay, Elliott James – Lorrain/Columbus, OH
    Lorenz, Casey – Pineville, MO
    Loutsik, DmitriHarleysville, PA
    Lundgren, Eric – Yorktown, VA
    Mahnke, Carter – Williamsburg, VA
    Marvine,  Jacob Stone – Columbia, SC
    Matthews III, Freeman RudolphBaton Rouge, LA
    McCarthy, Thomas Mor James – Leonard, TX
    McAuley, Evan – Green Lane, PA
    McCune, Clark – San Antonio, TX
    Metz, John R.North Chili, NY
    Meyer, Andrew – Millcreek, UT
    Molnar, Ian – Tonawanda, NY
    Ogden, Jesse DanielMontrose, CO
    Orwig, Ken – Cardington, OH
    Overway, Anthony Taylor – Tazewell, TN / Grand Rapids, MI
    Painter, Dawson – Chelsea, AL
    Platt, Daniel – Collingdale, PA
    Reed, Christopher – Marietta, GA
    Rhodes, Anthony – Edenton, NC
    Riesberg, JeremyFountain, CO
    Schultz, David – Mount Gilead, OH
    Shipman, Will – Boerne, TX
    Shrader, John – Aston, PA
    Snodgrass, Timothy – Street, MD
    Tefft, PeterFargo, ND
    Valescu, Trevor M. – Faribault, MN
    Wescoe, Bryan – Las Vegas, NV
    Whinney Jr, Marshall – Doylestown, PA
    Womack, Russell – Huntsville, TX

    "StoneToss" Tossed: Hans Kristian Graebener of Spring, TX

    Comics and cartoons can be used to entertain, educate and enlighten. In the case of the right-wing web comic creator StoneToss and his eponymous cartoon, they can also be used to spread racism, antisemitism, xenophobia and anti-LGBTQ+ bigotry. Since 2017 StoneToss has been doing just that. It has an exceedingly wide presence among neo-Nazis and white nationalists. The easy-to-digest three- or four-panel comics are accessible vectors for spreading right-wing hate and, as we will show, real-world violence.

    Even before StoneToss began its regular program of hateful propaganda, the creator did much the same under the name Red Panels. While many have noticed a stylistic and thematic resemblance between StoneToss and Red Panels, people have debated whether or not the two web comics could be attributed to the same creator. In this report we aim to settle this debate and give the creator an opportunity to explain his views under his real identity: Hans Kristian Graebener of Spring, Texas.


    Image used on StoneToss social media profiles.

    The earliest StoneToss cartoon captured on the Internet Archive on July 30, 2017 was titled "Foreign Food," a criticism of immigration and multiculturalism, depicting two diners at a Chinese restaurant and a Spanish-speaking chef. A bigoted view, for sure, but relatively mild. A later cartoon was far darker. Titled "Friendly Fire," it mocked the issue of suicide among trans persons.

    A StoneToss cartoon titled "Friendly Fire" mocked the tragedy of suicide in the trans community.

    Though the rounded, friendly-looking figures presented a light-hearted feel, the message is far more dangerous. Racial superiority, antisemitism, Holocaust denial, Islamophobia, homophobia, transphobia; these are themes that are consistent throughout the StoneToss oeuvre.

    To counter claims of being a "Nazi," StoneToss provided a glib denial on the "About" page of his website, writing:

    No, I am not a member of the National Socialist German Worker’s Party, a national socialist, or a fascist. I just enjoy edgy humor. Redditors and other brainlets like to pretend otherwise, however.

    A later capture of the same page presented a more wordy defense of his work:

    Surprisingly, I am not actually a 90 year-old member of the National Socialist German Worker’s Party. Additionally, I am not a national socialist, fascist, alt-right, or any kind of supremacist. My crime may be worse, however – I make transgressive art.

    In my defense, cartooning has a long tradition of slaying society’s sacred cows. Its practice predates the United States itself. My work is similar to those often featured by Charlie Hebdo, published in the New York Times, and shown on Family Guy; all famous non-nazis.

    Furthermore, themes featured in the works themselves further ideas of freedom of speech, anti-war, private gun ownership, non-violence, bodily autonomy, and anti-authoritarianism.

    I have also featured works from other artists including multiple artists of color.

    I would make a very hypocritical nazi indeed. Despite this, some would claim that my most controversial (and successful) cartoon is an example of historical denialism. I invite you to read it yourself.

    Of course, a reasonable mind would see that it is a critique of so-called “free thinkers” hysterically trying to shut thinking down. I am hardly the first satirist to receive such a reaction, but thankfully effective enough to do so.

    I encourage you to enjoy the comic, but if it offends you, that’s okay too.

    The StoneToss doth protest too much, methinks. Racism, antisemitism, bigotry– if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, well, you know the rest. He may argue against being a card-carrying Nazi of 1938-1945, but that's why we have the term "neo-Nazi."

    As with anything, we have to look through the words (and pictures) to the message being delivered and in StoneToss' case, no one is buying his argument. StoneToss is a steady stream of white nationalism, neo-Nazi ideology and bigotry. It takes only a smattering of samples to see what StoneToss is all about.

    Antisemitic StoneToss cartoon.
    StoneToss mocking George Floyd's murder.
    StoneToss mocking both COVID mask requirements and the George Floyd murder.
    StoneToss defending the Confederate flag while mocking LGBTQ+ persons.
    This cartoon is both pro-Nazi and LGBTQ-phobic.
    A particularly mean-spirited StoneToss mocking tragic cases of suicide in the trans community.
    A Harry Potter-themed cartoon again mocking trans suicides.
    This one was entitled "Flaming F(l)ag"
    StoneToss often mentions the topic of circumcision.

    Presenting more examples here would be superfluous. At the time of writing there are five-hundred and ninety-seven cartoons on the StoneToss web site.

    Red Panels

    Image used on Red Panels social media profiles.

    Red Panels was an earlier cartoon that shared StoneToss' style and themes. Its last cartoon, titled "Hot Mettle," was published on February 27, 2017, a few months before StoneToss appeared. This cartoon, which was a riff on a scene in the 1991 movie Terminator 2, was a farewell of sorts and depicted a "terminator" signalling his goodbye before being lowered into molten metal and giving a Nazi salute. It was accompanied by a farewell message from the creator:

    After 18 wonderful months as the creator of RedPanels, I am announcing my retirement. Knowing and interacting with you has made all the labor worthwhile.

    My decision is motivated by a bright future. The Meme President has ascended to the throne, Brexit has shaken the foundations of the E.U., and everywhere you look there is a new skepticism of mainstream media. The tide of the culture war shifts. In the midst of all this good fortune I am taking the opportunity to rest.

    RedPanels has been the most fun project I have ever undertaken, though it is not the only one I plan to. Producing free comics for you has been immensely rewarding, but future endeavors require the funds that a proper career would provide. As such, I am focusing my time accordingly.

    This cartoon with an explicitly Nazi message was removed from the existing web site, but the original has been preserved here for viewing.

    The last Red Panels cartoon, published on February 27, 2017.
    The first StoneToss cartoon, published on July 18, 2017. Its stylistic resemblance to Red Panels is obvious.

    Many on the internet have noticed the stylistic resemblance between StoneToss and Red Panels in art, kind of humor and themes, as well as StoneToss' timely appearance as a replacement for Red Panels. Nevertheless, StoneToss has consistently denied that he was the creator of Red Panels.

    An anti-LGBTQ+ Red Panels cartoon.
    An anti-LGBTQ+ StoneToss cartoon. Besides the stylistic similarities, both web comics shared a fixation on the perceived "degeneracy" of the LGBTQ+ community.

    Again, small sampling Red Panels is representative of the sort of content of the cartoon. Like StoneToss, Red Panels consistently featured extreme right-wing themes, like racism, xenophobia, bigotry and explicit nods to Adolf Hitler.

    A Red Panels cartoon, published on September 21, 2016.
    This Red Panels cartoon alludes to the neo-Nazi tropes "1488," "Six Million Jews" and the neo-Nazi podcast network The Right Stuff.
    Another blatantly antisemitic Red Panels cartoon.
    A transphobic Red Panels cartoon.

    Not Just "Fun and Games"

    Every online neo-Nazi these days is out there expecting to be paid for their racism and StoneToss is no different. He's made his cartoon into a cash cow through donations and sales of merchandise related to the comic. Plush toys made in "StoneToss" style are sold through his website, and he has solicited payments through crowdsourced donation platforms, like the short-lived Nazi-friendly fundraising site Hatreon. On his Hatreon profile page, he wrote,

    Sup my fellow thought-criminals, it's Stone, creator of StoneToss comics here. I am manufacturing the psychic chemotherapy necessary to cure the world of the mental cancer spread about by the likes of Assigned Male, (((liberalism))), and Soy-based dieting.

    Not only will every dollar you contribute be denied to gay-pandering corporations, you are steering the culture away from an estrogen fueled dystopia where you BETTER bake that homo-cake OR ELSE.

    Notably, in addition to the blatant trans- and homophobia in that statement, StoneToss uses triple parentheses, an antisemitic symbol that has been used to highlight the names of individuals thought to be Jews, and the names of organizations thought to be owned by Jews. He also wrote in that statement that a donation "secures the existence of the comic and a future for brave content," a tribute to murderous neo-Nazi leader David Lane's "14 Words." Later, StoneToss established his own donation site, "," which links out to Gumroad, to solicit donations for himself.

    A StoneToss plush toy sold on his website.

    In 2021 StoneToss launched a line of NFTs ("Non-fungible Tokens," or digital collectibles) and raised the equivalent of approximately 1.8 million US dollars in cryptocurrency before his account was suspended by NFT platforms. StoneToss accused the platforms of "political censorship."

    StoneToss called his NFTs "Flurks"

    StoneToss has leveraged accessibility and "plausible deniability" to spread dangerous right-wing hate and bigotry. Even the billionaire manchild Elon Musk posted on his microblogging platform X (formerly known as "Twitter") a modified StoneToss cartoon in which the text in the final panel had been altered.

    An altered StoneToss cartoon posted by Elon Musk on X (archived here).
    The original StoneToss cartoon.

    StoneToss and his cartoons have an inordinate reach and have been boosted by many in white supremacist circles as well as those on the extreme-right side of the US political scene. While it is no surprise, the racist former Michigan Representative Joshua Schriver also re-posted a StoneToss cartoon on Twitter/X. No doubt the creator of StoneToss is very proud to see that his work has caught the attention of so many right-wing asshats, but it goes to show how dangerous these admittedly effective and accessible cartoons are in spreading hate and bigotry.

    A re-post of a StoneToss cartoon by the racist former Michigan Representative Joshua Schriver.

    But StoneToss cartoons are not just fun and games. They are also fuel for real-world violence. On May 14, 2022 an eighteen-year-old man murdered ten people in a racially motivated attack at a Buffalo, New York supermarket in a predominantly black neighborhood. Prior to the attack, the murderer had published a one-hundred-eighty-page manifesto which praised other well-known neo-Nazi mass murderers of recent years. Included in the manifesto were cartoons by several of the most prominent white nationalist cartoonists, including one we have reported on previously, Joshua Thayer LeGoff, aka "Jinjerzilla." It is no surprise that StoneToss cartoons also appeared in this mad collection. Another mass murderer who had a fascination with white supremacy killed eight people at a Dallas, Texas shopping mall on May 8, 2023. This murderer also shared on social media a modified homophobic StoneToss cartoon.

    A social media post by the May 6, 2023 Dallas mall mass murderer featuring a modified StoneToss cartoon.

    It's no coincidence that StoneToss cartoons appeared in the digital footprint of both these killers. StoneToss cartoons, tremendously popular amongst white supremacists, fan the flames of their violent impulses.

    Joining The Dots

    StoneToss was very careful about not exposing his true identity. Despite publishing hundreds of cartoons, there were not many clues about who the cartoonist really was. In one November 11, 2017 interview with the pseudonymous neo-Nazi "Brett Stevens," StoneToss claimed to be the creator of the "This Is Your Home Now" meme and claimed his cartoons were "psychic chemotherapy necessary to cure the world of the mental cancer," but provided no personally identifiable information.

    StoneToss claimed to have created this internet meme.

    The topic of Red Panels was not addressed in the interview, but noting the obvious similarities with StoneToss we aimed to determine whether or not they were indeed created by the same person (and you already know the answer). Both StoneToss and Red Panels had made podcast appearances. Though these podcast episodes were difficult to locate, we did locate them nevertheless, and carefully compared the voices of the speakers.

    In one appearance, Red Panels engaged in insipid debate with the far-right British podcaster Carl Benjamin ("Sargon of Akkad") about the merits of "classical liberalism" versus "anarchocapitalism." This debate has been archived on the Internet Archive and is available for listening here.

    The other appearance was a guest spot on right-wing racist dumbass Ethan Ralph's podcast Killstream as "StoneToss." It is interesting to note that this episode did not stay in the Killstream playlist for long. It was up for a short time but was then removed from every platform hosting Ralph's podcast, much to the chagrin of some internet users who wished to hear StoneToss' voice. Despite nearly every other episode of Ralph's podcast remaining available, this particular one was removed and apparently was nowhere to be found.

    4chan users were frustrated that the Killstream episode featuring StoneToss was seemingly completely removed from the internet.

    This is not completely true, of course, since we found that episode. In fact, the Internet Archive had already archived it with its webcrawler, and it is available for listening here.

    This October 24, 2018 Killstream episode, entitled "Avenatti Loses, Trump Trolls Obama, StoneToss Live, + Caravan Insanity," featured StoneToss as a live guest. In this interview and call-in session StoneToss spoke about contemporary political affairs from a Texas perspective (a point that would be important later) and addressed a question asking him if he was also the creator of Red Panels. He denied this and laughed it off, but a comparison between the voice in the debate featuring the Red Panels creator and the voice of StoneToss in this interview are the same. Audio samples of each are provided below for comparison.

    "Debating Classical Liberalism And Anarchocapitalism With Redpanels":

    "Avenatti Loses, Trump Trolls Obama, StoneToss Live, + Caravan Insanity":

    Having established that the creator of Red Panels and StoneToss were indeed the same person – a fact that would also be further supported by later findings – we focused our attention on learning more about Red Panels.

    In February of 2021 the far-right social media platform Gab experienced a data breach resulting in the exposure of more than 70 gigabytes of Gab data, including user registration emails and hashed passwords. Like many of those on the far-right,  Red Panels had a presence on Gab, so we consulted the now-public data set from the Gab exposure. We learned that the "@redpanels" account had been registered with the email hgraebener@*****.com.

    The Gab breach of 2021 showed an email address used to register the "@redpanels" Gab account. We have redacted the full email address as well as the password hash for this account.

    We focused in on this email address, which was found in many data breaches over the years. Cracked passwords associated with this address were also associated with dozens of other email addresses. Over 1,700 domain names were registered to the email address associated with the "@redpanels" Gab account.

    Some of the many associated emails used by the Red Panels creator (redacted).
    Over 1,700 domain names were registered to the email address associated with Red Panels.

    Many of the associated emails were tied to cryptocurrency sites. StoneToss heavily promoted cryptocurrencies on his site and through his products, so this was consistent with the profile we had developed for him. One of the user names for the hgraebener cryptocurrency accounts, "Scythe_001," also appeared on Reddit, as the similar user names "u/Scythe-001" and "u/Scythe_001." Using a Reddit archive search engine, we found that these Reddit users had a history of frequently posting both Red Panels and StoneToss cartoons.

    The user "Scythe-001" frequently posted both Red Panels and StoneToss cartoons on Reddit. This user name was associated with the email address used to register the Red Panels Gab account.

    Additionally, the user "Scythe-001" claimed to have lost 23 Bitcoin in the infamous 2014 Mt. Gox Bitcoin disaster. Indeed, an email address associated with the other addresses appeared in the Mt. Gox data breach, providing further confirmation this was the same person.

    Reddit user "Scythe-001" claimed to have lost 23 Bitcoin in the 2014 Mt. Gox cryptocurrency theft.
    The email address "postrovsky4@*****.com was associated with the other email addresses and found in the Mt. Gox data breach.

    The Reddit posts and comments by "Scythe-001" show a particular obsession with circumcision, a theme that carried over in StoneToss and Red Panels cartoons. "Scythe-001" also stated that he regularly donated to a "foreskin regeneration" medical firm. In one deleted-but-archived post, he explained a little about his preoccupation with the topic, writing:

    I am circumcised, the resulting dryness of my Glans Penis, the limited range if [sic] my penile skin to glide, and the psychosexual body image dismorphia [sic] makes it difficult to achieve orgasm during coitus and encumbers masturbation.

    Probably a little more info than anyone wanted to know, but it correlates with the obsession over circumcision in both StoneToss and Red Panels comics.

    TMI alert.

    Our conclusion that the creator of Red Panels and StoneToss are the same person is also supported by the fact that one of the hgraebener email addresses was used to register a Twitter account with the handle @MisterRoasty. This was revealed in a 2021 scrape of Twitter users who had set their email addresses to be publicly located. This Twitter account, "@MisterRoasty," posted some telling tweets, hyping up the StoneToss cartoon. The creator of Red Panels used this Twitter account to support his new cartoon StoneToss.

    Red Panels' "@MisterRoasty" Twitter account boosting StoneToss.

    The fact that Red Panels and StoneToss were the products of the same creator was an unsurprising revelation, despite StoneToss' denials. The evidence presented here should put any questions about this to rest. But then came the question, "So, who is this guy?"

    Hans Kristian Graebener, aka "StoneToss" and "Red Panels"

    We found the email address "hgraebener@*****.com" associated with a person named Hans Kristian Graebener, born May 9, 1990, of Spring, Texas. According to a Red Panels AMA ("Ask Me Anything") on Reddit and a deleted Reddit post by user "Scythe-001," Graebener worked as a security guard in Texas around the period of 2014 through 2017.

    A now-deleted Reddit post (still viewable by various Reddit archives) show that Graebener had been working as a security guard in Texas.

    Graebener was also found in a 2014 article in New York Magazine that noted "an enormous bald man named Hans…who had flown from Texas" for a party of Gamergate supporters at a New York strip club. In the article, Graebener defended the misogynistic Gamergate harassment campaign by 8chan users:

    "Naturally, accusations of misogyny are thrown around, but as evidenced by the presence of women, of which there are a few, it is a diverse group.” Hans paused, then winked. “By the way, table dances are $10 and lap dances are $75, if you’re interested. May I recommend Ms. Rain?"

    Hans Graebener (back, fourth from right) as he appeared in a 2014 New York Magazine article.

    More recently, however, we found Graebener employed by IT management company Open iT at their Houston office since 2017. Graebener was part of an Open iT delegation to Japan in May 2019 and appeared in photos of this on the Open iT LinkedIn page. Curiously, the same photos on the Open iT Facebook page were awkwardly cropped to omit Graebener. During the same time, StoneToss was eager to let his fans know that he had arrived in Japan, writing on Twitter, "Finally made it to the ethnostate, fellas." Other Japan-related Twitter posts followed.

    Hans Kristian Graebener, aka "StoneToss" and "Red Panels"
    Hans Graebener during a business trip to Japan in May 2019, as seen on the Open iT LinkedIn page.
    Another shot of Hans Graebener working for Open iT during a May 2019 business trip to Japan.
    Curiously, these same photos on the Facebook Open iT company page were awkwardly cropped to omit Graebener.
    At the same time, StoneToss was eager to announce his arrival to Japan in May 2019.
    StoneToss looking for a Lost In Translation-style hook-up in Japan.
    StoneToss was elated that he could drop racial slurs in Japan and no one would be the wiser.
    Graebener appeared in the video about the business trip to Japan on the Open iT Youtube account, too.
    Hans Graebener in a video on the Open iT Youtube company page.
    Hans Kristian Graebener, aka "StoneToss" and "Red Panels"

    Graebener, being extremely paranoid about being exposed as the creator of StoneToss and Red Panels, went to great lengths to scrub his personal social media and presence on people data sites, even removing an image of his home on Google Maps. In another example, Graebener's absence from a family obituary seemed odd but a cached copy showed that he had been deliberately edited out. Public records, however, confirm that he is located in Spring, Texas and likely works for the same Houston office.

    Hans Graebener was not listed in a family obituary, but looking at an earlier archived capture of the same obituary…
    …we found his name present. Hans Graebener had his name deliberately removed.
    A view of Graebener's blurred-out home on Google Maps, which Google will do upon request.

    Though Graebener has been promoting Nazi ideology, racism and bigotry online through StoneToss and Red Panels for years, there are indications that he has also participated with in-person meet ups of neo-Nazi groups. In leaked neo-Nazi chats, StoneToss was cited as a participant in a neo-Nazi gathering, termed a "pool party," on December 11 in McKinney, Texas.

    StoneToss listed as an attendee at an in-person neo-Nazi meetup.

    StoneToss Got His Stones Tossed

    Despite promoting racism, xenophobia, anti-LGBTQ+ bigotry and Nazi ideology for years through the StoneToss and Red Panels web comics, and despite his nearly pathological paranoia about being exposed, in the end Hans Graebener was not as careful as he thought. As it turned out his real identity was just a stone's toss away, so to speak. A former security guard turned IT guy harboring an obsession with circumcision and racial hatred, Graebener created cartoons that reached everyone from casual online white nationalists to killers, politicians and spoiled billionaires.

    The question is, how is that going to work out for him now?





    Many thanks to @theclaw414 and all the other anonymous comrades out there who contributed to the research in this article!

    Hans Kristian Graebener, aka "StoneToss" and "Red Panels"


    From "JazzHands McFeels" to Jazzhands Revealed: Robert Warren Gasiewicz of Stuart, Florida

    One of the most prominent neo-Nazi internet personalities influencing the recent rise of online (and, hence, offline) fascism in the United States was a podcast host who used the alias "Jazzhands McFeels" on his podcast Fash the Nation. Through this medium, Jazzhands McFeels promoted fascist ideals like racism, antisemitism, Islamophobia, and LGBTQ+ bigotry under the guise of "sophisticated" political analysis. The podcast became widely known in extreme-right circles and Jazzhands McFeels became one of the top e-celebs to ever host a neo-Nazi podcast.

    There has been much speculation regarding the true identity of Jazzhands McFeels. He was known as a mysterious figure who was careful to avoid revealing any details about his personal life. A certain mystique developed around him, as he was rumored to be a political insider with access to the corridors of institutional power. Yet his identity remained a mystery.

    But just as books are meant to be read, food is meant to be eaten and money is meant to be spent, mysteries are meant to be solved. And we have done so in this report where we reveal the true identity of the notorious "Jazzhands McFeels." We have a feeling that Robert Warren Gasiewicz of Stuart, Florida will have a lot of explaining to do. But first, a little background.

    Fash the Nation

    "Jazzhands McFeels" consistently used the above image to represent himself on his Fash the Nation podcast.

    Beginning in 2015, Fash the Nation (FTN) has been one of the longest running of the neo-Nazi podcasts to have infected the internet since Donald Trump's emergence on the political scene. Hosted by "Jazzhands McFeels" and co-host "Marcus Halberstram," it began with the title Cuckservative Insider but changed to Fash the Nation with its second episode, playing on the title of the long-running political news show Face the Nation. The podcast went on to garner a large following among those in right-wing, white nationalist circles. In a January 14, 2023 Telegram post, Jazzhands McFeels bragged about the size of his podcast audience, writing,

    In terms of all time downloads, I'm sure we're in excess of 10M. The weekly episodes from the 2016 era were consistently 100K per ep when we were on Soundcloud, which is why fascism/anti-semitism must be banned otherwise it is universally popular. Being able to achieve 8M+ in spite of being universally censored is confirmation of this.

    A graphic posted by Jazzhands McFeels on Telegram, showing analytics for the podcast Fash the Nation.

    With slick graphics for its website and somewhat professional production values, Fash the Nation developed an oversized reputation as a source for "sophisticated" political analysis and deep political dives. In reality, it was much the same as any other neo-Nazi podcast, but in fancy clothes. Closely associated with the National Justice Party's neo-Nazi podcast network The Right Stuff (TRS), it featured the same ideologically inconsistent bigoted blather as the rest of the TRS roster. But the smoother presentation and intellectual pretension of Jazzhands McFeels boosted the show to the top of what can only be characterized as a huge steaming pile of Nazi garbage.

    Fash the Nation and its accompanying website primarily featured commentary on mainstream US politics, heavily leaning toward the Trump MAGA crowd with a distinct and explicit racist perspective in an effort to blend full-on fascism with mainstream conservatism. McFeels later became disillusioned with the Trump government, feeling that it was not effective enough in supporting white nationalist agendas. FTN has also been very supportive of the Russian authoritarian regime of Vladimir Putin in recent years.

    An archived example of the content from the Fash the Nation website.

    Despite its attempt to appeal to mainstream conservatives, Fash the Nation was an explicitly neo-Nazi show. Veneration of the Nazi Third Reich and its ideals were recurring motifs throughout the series. Social media posts by Jazzhands McFeels also reflect his admiration for all things Nazi, some examples of which are pictured below.

    A Telegram post by Jazzhands McFeels glorifying Adolf Hitler.
    More Hitler posting by Jazzhands McFeels.
    Jazzhands celebrating Hitler on Father's Day, reposted by Dissident-Homeschool.
    Another example of Fash the Nation's explicit glorification of Nazis and the Third Reich.

    Adding to the racism, antisemitism, xenophobia and anti-LGBTQ+ rhetoric, Jazzhands McFeels mixed in a little misogyny to this stew of toxic waste, particularly targeting women in politics. Responding to a news article about the increase in women political candidates, he wrote in a social media post, "Then it sounds like more that[sic] 11,000 thots are about to get patrolled," the word "thots" being a derogatory term for women and "patrolled" meaning "harassed."

    A misogynistic social media post by Jazzhands McFeels.

    In 2020 Fash the Nation moved from its previous domain to in collaboration with known Spokane-area neo-Nazi James Orien Allsup, who has since changed his legal name to James Walker Allsup. Despite the change of web domain, the content was a continuation of previous themes.

    Jazzhands McFeels had gone to great lengths to protect his real identity and, according to some accounts, was terrified of being exposed. Despite this, he did the occasional interview with other white nationalist podcasts. We have archived a September 16, 2016 interview with the white nationalist podcast Red Ice at the Internet Archive. More recently, the white nationalist podcast Lögnarnas tempel  posted an interview from  February 21, 2022 in which Jazzhands McFeels speaks about his path to white nationalism and provides pseudo-intellectual hot takes on post-Trump American politics as it relates to white nationalism (archived here).

    Jazzhands McFeels and Fash the Nation finally stepped away from the internet in the latter part of 2023. Some speculated this was due to internal disputes within The Right Stuff and the affiliated National Justice Party; others theorized that he was getting into position to more effectively benefit white nationalism through right-wing think tanks and the like. Still others guessed that it was simply out of fear of having his real identity exposed. Whatever the reason, Fash the Nation recorded its last episode on June 3, 2023, with NJP principals Mike "Enoch" Peinovich and Warren Balogh as co-hosts, but left open the possibility of a return.

    FTN episodes are still widely listened to among white nationalists, and Jazzhands McFeels remains one of the top fascist e-celebs to have disgraced the internet. It isn't hyperbole to say that he has been one of the most significant radicalization vectors in the explosion of antisemitism and racism tied to the Alt-Right.

    Getting a Feel for "Jazzhands McFeels"

    As mentioned earlier, over the years there has been much speculation about the real identity of Jazzhands McFeels. While most of the speculation on internet message boards was based on questionable anecdotes or downright fabrications, Jazzhands himself has dropped numerous personal details about himself in his podcast as well as various internet posts. At one point a poster on 4chan claimed to have captured an image of his face during Fash the Nation's live-streamed coverage of the 2016 election primaries, but would not reveal it, instead posting a redacted image. A snapshot of the live-stream page was captured by The Internet Archive, but the video itself was not recorded.

    Near miss: a 4chan poster claimed to have captured an image of Jazzhands McFeels' face, but posted only a redacted image.

    McFeels has noted that he was formerly a "basic bitch Republican" and a veteran of various political campaigns. He also revealed that he had relocated to California in 2017, and was married in August of that year. Neo-Nazi gossip channels provided other tidbits: his real last name was allegedly Polish in origin, and his wife had an eastern European background.

    "Jazzhands McFeels" noted in leaked Discord posts documented by Unicorn Riot that he was getting married in August 2017.
    8chan users speculate about the location of Jazzhands McFeels.

    Putting together these disparate pieces of information allowed us to separate the wheat from the chaff and begin to create a comprehensive profile of his life.

    One event in his personal life that Jazzhands McFeels himself publicly documented with video was a trip to southern Italy, which he posted about in the Spring of 2023. In the video below, he recorded a car drive during which he rambled about politics and history. While he took great care not to show his face in the video, he was not quite careful enough. We immediately sent the video to our scientists at the Top Secret Undersea Anonymous Comrades Collective HQ for analysis, and the results were informative:

    A valuable piece of intelligence, yet his true identity still eluded us. That is, until we cross-referenced it with the rest of the data points in the profile we had developed – but more on that later.

    Jazzhands' McFace

    At the 2010 Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) there was a public kerfuffle between now-deceased fascist bigshot Andrew Breitbart and Tankie authoritarian apologist Max Blumenthal. Blumenthal posted a video of this incident on his YouTube account, which is still viewable today. It was noted in online forums that Jazzhands McFeels claimed to have present at that incident, and to have recorded the commotion on his phone. Reviewing the footage, among the many who were capturing the event on their cameras we found one man taking video on his cellular telephone. Although his name tag could not be enhanced sufficiently to read, we determined that his last name contained nine characters.

    Users on internet forums noted that Jazzhands McFeels claimed to be present during this incident.
    Andrew Breitbart (foreground, right) and Max Blumenthal (left) at the 2010 CPAC.
    This person is recording the incident on his cellphone, just as Jazzhands claimed to have done.

    Jazzhands was also allegedly present at a January 2017 altercation between neo-Nazi Richard Spencer and MAGA mama's boy Bill Mitchell at Shelly's Back Room cigar bar, a douchebag gathering spot in Washington, D.C. Video of this incident was posted on YouTube and is available for viewing at The Internet Archive. Coincidentally (or not), the same unnamed person who appeared in the 2010 CPAC video also appeared in this video.

    A still from video of a 2017 altercation between Richard Spencer and Bill Mitchell at Shelly's Back Room in Washington, D.C.
    Is Jazzhands McFeels the "Forrest Gump" of sad Nazi slapfights?

    Bearing in mind his proximity to Washington, D.C. and reputed connection to political campaigns, we found this same person tied to George Allen's failed 2012 senate campaign in Virginia. In 2010 he had worked as campaign media director for Republican Jay Patrick Murray, who was known for inflammatory posts on social media and for praising disgraced alt-right commentator Milo Yiannopoulos. These discoveries led us to a political operative with a nine-letter Polish last name: Gasiewicz.

    "Republican Robert Gasiewicz expressed support for the building of an Islamic cultural center in New York City" (AP)
    2012 Senate candidate George Allen, with Robert Gasiewicz in sunglasses holding a sign behind him.

    Robert Warren Gasiewicz, or should we say "Jazz-iewicz?"

    Robert Warren Gasiewicz

    We investigated Robert Warren Gasiewicz who, by this point, matched numerous data selectors we had for Jazzhands: appearances at two specific events, proximity to Washington, D.C., a Polish surname and an association with Republican political campaigns.

    In 2017 Gasiewicz was located in California, as evidenced by his career history and other records. He was married in August of that year, just as Jazzhands McFeels was. Neo-Nazi gossip channels had let slip that McFeels' wife was possibly of eastern European background. A public engagement announcement showed that this was true for Gasiewicz as well; his marriage-partner-to-be had a Romanian background. Although Gasiewicz became engaged in California, the wedding took place in Pennsylvania, his family's home state. (UPDATE: Some new information has surfaced regarding his marital status, presented at the end of this article.)

    A wedding announcement for Gasiewicz and his bride found on
    Robert Gasiewicz at his wedding in Pittsburgh.
    A series of engagement photos of Robert Gasiewicz and his bride-to-be.

    These engagement photos were taken at Golden Gate Park in San Francisco.

    "Jazzhands McFeels" even noted on his Twitter timeline that he was getting married the week of August 15, 2017, the same week Gasiewicz married. During that week neo-Nazis Richard Spencer and Norman Asa "Trey" Garrison III filled in for Jazzhands on the podcast.

    Jazzhands McFeels posted this on Twitter the same week Robert Gasiewicz was to be married. Not a coincidence.

    Other aspects of Gasiewicz's history also lined up with statements made by Jazzhands McFeels. In a Reddit AMA ("Ask Me Anything"), Jazzhands stated:

    I grew up in a pretty based rural area in the Northeastern United States. Though it was a predominantly hhuuuuwite community, I was racially aware from a young age. I got involved in right-wing politics and never felt like anyone in the GOP was saying exactly what I felt was the right thing. Sure, being prosperous and self-reliant sounds nice to aspire to both as an individual and a country, but just HOW does one go about accomplishing it? It cannot be done w/o understanding race and the effect it has on governance. In short, I became convinced we can't have a nice country w/o first addressing the race question (which includes kayaks). Until that issue can be addressed, we're spinning our wheels. So nothing else is more important. That, in essence, is what drives me to do what I do.

    Note his use of the word "kayaks" as a euphemism for "k*kes," a slur for Jewish people.

    Like Jazzhands, Gasiewicz grew up in a rural northeastern area of the United States, specifically in Amish country in Pennsylvania. After graduating from high school there in 2001, Gasiewicz attended Xavier University and the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities from 2001 to around 2008, studying business. Some time thereafter, he relocated to Virginia, near Washington, D.C., where he did his political work for GOP candidates and was a member of the Alexandria Chamber of Commerce. Later he was employed by (among others) Accenture, Yudrio and Cisco, companies that have extensive contracts with the federal government.

    Robert Warren Gasiewicz as he appeared in the Xavier University 2002 yearbook.
    Some of Robert Gasiewicz's employment history as found on a business search website.

    In April 2023, about two months before the final FTN episode was recorded, Gasiewicz started a charter boat company in Stuart, Florida, "Warren Penn Charters, LLC," doing business as "Aqua Magic Charters." Public records for this company are available from Florida's Secretary of State. Social media posts from the @aquamagiccharters Instagram account show a slimmed-down Gasiewicz in a maritime setting. If we were to speculate, it would be logical to assume that the creation of this business venture was a contributing factor to Jazzhands McFeels' departure from podcasting.

    The Instagram page for Robert Gasiewicz's "Aqua Magic Charters" (Warren Penn Charters, LLC) of Stuart, Florida.
    Robert Warren Gasiewicz has slimmed down considerably in recent years.

    Interestingly, Gasiewicz, like Jazzhands, had visited southern Italy in 2022. Gasiewicz did a #TBT ("Throw Back Thursday") Instagram post in September of 2023 featuring a video of Mt. Etna's 2022 volcanic activity. On May 7, 2023, Jazzhands McFeels had published a Fash the Nation episode entitled "FTN Presents: Jazz Steves Ascends Mt. Etna" ("Jazz Steves" being a reference to travel show host Rick Steves). This video was later removed and replaced with an audio-only version, but we were able to find a copy of the video version. We have provided the original video for viewing on the Internet Archive. (archived here)

    A portion of the original FTN video footage posted by "Jazzhands" matched precisely the Instagram #TBT video, including the camera angle, landscape profile, smoke formations, and the shape and size of the lava trail on Mt. Etna. Photos in Google reviews posted by Robert Gasiewicz provide further evidence that he was in southern Italy during this time period.

    An Instagram post from @aquamagiccharters commemorating a visit to Mt. Etna in 2022.
    "Jazzhands McFeels" also visited Mt. Etna during the 2022 eruption.
    Left: still from an Instagram video posted by @aquamagiccharters, commemorating a visit to Mt. Etna in 2022. Right: still from video by Jazzhands McFeels on Fash the Nation.
    Google reviews by Robert Gasiewicz show that he was in Italy in Spring/early Summer of 2022.

    Amazingly, in an Instagram post on the @aquamagiccharters account, Gasiewicz narrated a video in which he is operating a boat at night. The voice in the video is unmistakably that of "Jazzhands McFeels."

    The following is another sample of Jazzhands McFeels' voice from a voice message in a Telegram chat:

    Perhaps even more amazingly, in a video posted on Aqua Magic Charters' YouTube account, Gasiewicz can be seen wearing a T-shirt with a "Will2Rise" logo on the left left sleeve. This video is still visible at the time of writing. Will2Rise is a white nationalist clothing and lifestyle brand closely associated with the National Justice Party and the neo-Nazi Rise Above Movement.

    In an Aqua Magic Charters YouTube video, Gasiewicz wears a T-shirt with logo and other symbols of the neo-Nazi Will2Rise brand.
    The logos enlarged.

    Returning to Jazzhands McFeels' previously mentioned car tour video, it was removed from Odysee, YouTube and his own website, platforms where he had originally posted it. It is still available at the time of writing on his Telegram channel, which has been inactive since May 8, 2023. However, the Telegram version of the video was edited to remove the inadvertent face shots we found; there are noticeable jumps at the points where his face was caught by the rear-view mirror. We have preserved a copy of the original, unaltered video at the Internet Archive.

    In the year that passed between the tour of Italy and the posting of the video, Gasiewicz lost a considerable amount of weight, but the images of his face were still strikingly similar. Notably, he appeared to be wearing the exact same pair of sunglasses in Italy as he does these days tooling around on his boats. At this point it's hard to imagine an argument disproving that Robert Warren Gasiewicz, born June 7, 1982, currently living in Stuart, Florida is "Jazzhands McFeels."

    Robert Warren Gasiewicz = "Jazzhands McFeels"

    Armed with this knowledge, we used Gasiewicz's Achilles heel, his favorite pair of aviator sunglasses, to locate him at in-person white nationalist demonstrations. On November 27, 2021 a number of National Justice Party members, including Michael "Mike Enoch" Peinovich and Warren Balogh, held a white nationalist demonstration in Waukesha, Wisconsin. Balogh, a founding member of the NJP, made frequent appearances on Fash the Nation and was a close associate of Jazzhands McFeels. On Episode #459 of FTN, Jazzhands stated that he had personally attended the rally in Waukesha. The art on the TRS website for this paywalled episode showed a cartoon picture of Balogh standing next to a stylized representation of Jazzhands McFeels.

    Cartoon art of neo-Nazi Warren Balogh standing next to a stylized representation of Jazzhands McFeels, as seen on The Right Stuff's website.

    Examining photos of this event, we found a person standing next to Balogh who appeared to be the height and build of Gasiewicz in 2021 and who wore a very familiar pair of aviator-style sunglasses. At one point he lifted the glasses to reveal his eyes.

    Neo-Nazi Warren Balogh, center, in green jacket, and Robert "Jazzhands" Gasiewicz behind him in the sunglasses.
    Another view of the tell-tale sunglasses (still shot from a NJP promotional video).
    He lifts the sunglasses…
    … et voilà!

    Robert "Jazzhands" Gasiewicz, besides hosting a neo-Nazi podcast for many years and writing far too many white nationalist articles on the internet, was also a very active participant in National Justice Party live-action events. In fact, as "Jazzhands McFeels," Gasiewicz has spoken and written about a number of in-person events he has attended. During the 2022 Labor Day weekend he wrote about the "8th National Justice Party meeting," and on February 23, 2023 published a podcast  about his attendance at the NJP winter meeting in Orlando.

    Livin' Large on Fash Cash

    For all the white nationalist talk of "anti-white" victimization, Robert Warren Gasiewicz seems to have done rather well for himself. Insider leaks showed that Jazzhands had been receiving at least $120,000 per year from the now struggling The Right Stuff network. But TRS was clearly just a small part of Jazzhands' income. Gasiewicz regularly vacations in Europe and recently landed an $850,000 home in a posh gated community. Together with his fully-loaded Ford F-150 truck, a Porsche, various boats and a $700 espresso machine, it seems that Gasiewicz has somehow managed to make fascist propaganda profitable.

    Jazzhands' McMansion
    Shot from a Realtor site.
    Robert Gasiewicz and his first-world problems on Google reviews. Pictured is his very nice truck.
    Another Google review by Gasiewicz.
    Instagram post showing Gasiewicz's Porsche Panamera.
    "Jazzhands McFeels" promotes a white nationalist coffee company, displaying his espresso machine on top of his kitchen countertop.
    The pattern of the kitchen countertop matched that of the countertop in the house that Gasiewicz purchased, as seen here on a Realtor website.

    Gasiewicz's Google reviews/complaints provide an interesting glimpse into his life. For example, he gets really mad when he can't get his prescriptions filled. While we can't know what prescription he wanted filled, finding him in a 2016 data breach of Viagra users might lead one to wonder … but perhaps some things are better left not wondered about.

    Google review by Robert Gasiewicz.
    Sorry, Rob. We're just giving you a hard time.

    We have a feeling that Robert "Jazzhands" Gasiewicz was a pretty hot-to-trot hound dog in his personal life, so he may have needed it. We found an old profile Gasiewicz registered in 2008 on the sleazy dating website Adult Friend Finder, where he chose his mother's maiden name as his user name (which is … weird) and said he had recently gotten out of "a 2 year LTR that was nothing but boring vanilla sex with an equally boring person." He described himself as 6 ft 3 in tall, with an "athletic" body type; his occupation as "US Government"; and his "Male Endowment" as "Long/Thick," but declined to specify whether or not he was circumcised. He was open to meeting "Women, Groups, Couples (2 women)."

    Robert Gasiewicz's dating profile on Adult Friend Finder. FTN? More like DTF, amirite?
    More details from his dating profile.

    Jazzhands McF*cked Around and McFound Out

    Here's the skinny:

    "Jazzhands McFeels" is Robert Warren Gasiewicz, born June 7, 1982. Formerly a tech bro and political operative, he now owns and operates Warren Penn Charters, LLC doing business as Aqua Magic Charters out of Stuart, Florida.

    Gasiewicz led a secret life, not only promoting fascism and bigotry but also shaping the internet presence of this noxious ideology. Being a product of white privilege, Gasiewicz strove to maintain this privilege and emboldened others who held the same ideals. For years, he spread Nazi ideology, and thought he could do so with impunity from behind a pseudonym. He was wrong. As the tired old cliché goes, the bigger they are, the harder they fall.



    Many thanks to the other anonymous comrades out there who contributed to this piece!

    Robert Warren Gasiewicz and wife (redacted).
    Robert Warren Gasiewicz, 2020
    Robert Warren Gasiewicz, 2023
    Robert Warren Gasiewicz, 2017
    Jazzhands caught a little fish, but we caught the big fish.

    Update, March 4, 2024:

    We have learned that Mrs. Gasiewicz petitioned Robert Warren Gasiewicz for divorce in August 2023. Examining the publicly available court documents we have encountered a couple of unexplained discrepancies with our investigation. These discrepancies do not invalidate our investigation, but merely pose new questions.

    For one, in the Request to Produce document, Gasiewicz is named as "ROBERT W. GASIEWICZ JR." which is inconsistent with our previous findings. Secondly, the petition cites their date of marriage as June 20, 2014. However, their wedding ceremony as documented in our investigation did not occur until 2017.

    More importantly, the court documents require Gasiewicz to disclose assets, which provides us a view into his finances and the degree to which it may relate to his neo-Nazi activities. According to the court filings, Gasiewicz has not been forthcoming with providing the required documentation.

    We have provided redacted versions of pertinent legal documents below. Although these are public filings, we have redacted some portions to respect the innocent and the service requirements of our host (click the image for a full-size view in a new browser tab).

    Case overview from the court web site.
    Divorce petition, page 1
    Divorce petition, page 2
    Divorce petition, page 3
    Divorce petition, page 4
    Request to produce, page 1
    Request to produce, page 2
    Request to produce, page 3
    Request to produce, page 4
    Request to produce, page 5
    Request to produce, page 6
    Request to produce, page 7
    Request to produce, page 8
    Motion to compel, page 1
    Motion to compel, page 2
    Motion to compel, page 3
    Motion to compel, page 4
    Motion to compel, page 5
    Motion to compel, page 6
    Motion for contempt, page 1
    Motion for contempt, page 2

    NJP Bigmouth Carson Ford Brooks (aka "Carson Kilgrey") and Wife Neo-Nazi Arts & Crafter Bonnie Marie Carroll (aka "Marion Kilgrey")

    While the neo-Nazi organization "National Justice Party" has imploded from a mix of greed, scandal and petty drama, it doesn't mean they've stopped doing the Nazi thing and we hold all members accountable. One of the "rising stars" of the NJP's in-person activism/harassment campaigns was a megaphone-wielding megaclown who called himself "Carson Kilgrey." Under this moniker, Carson Kilgrey led NJP demonstrations in Tennessee, Ohio and other locations. Carson Kilgrey was also an active participant in the White Art Collective, a group of white nationalist musicians and artists.

    It's easy to be a loudmouth Nazi who spews racism and LGBTQ-hate from a megaphone when you use a fake name. But what happens when you no longer have your fake name to hide behind and you have to face the music for being a neo-Nazi dirtbag?  Carson Ford Brooks, aka "Carson Kilgrey" and his wife Bonnie Marie Carroll, aka "Marion Kilgrey" are about to find out for themselves.

    Carson Ford Brooks, aka "Carson Kilgrey"

    Carson Ford Brooks, before tattoos on left hand.

    Carson Ford Brooks, born August 2, 1994, of Ashland City, Tennessee, writing under the alias "Carson Kilgrey" was one of the most vocal and active members, leading demonstrations and barking into a megaphone, but he first piqued our interest when he appeared in the Telegram chats of the White Art Collective, where he discussed music and white nationalism. Carson Brooks had some interesting takes on music even claiming to be a "jazz guy" while being a neo-Nazi racist. What caught our attention, however, were statements he made about his personal life, most notably that he came from a family of musicians and that his brother was a well-known professional musician. He wrote:

    My brother is a musician too. He is signed to a major label, lives professionally off of the income, etc. We look and sound like brothers. Just something I worry about.

    This interesting tidbit of information was something we kept tucked away for a rainy day. We also learned that he was a Tennesseean and very active with local neo-Nazi activism and NJP circles.

    "Carson Kilgrey" claiming to be a "jazz guy" in a racist Telegram chat (For what it's worth, neo-Nazis can never be "jazz guys").
    The sort of musical critique typical of "Carson Kilgrey" with his white nationalist cohorts.
    "Carson Kilgrey" introducing himself in the White Art Collective Telegram chat.
    "Carson Kilgrey" and his big mouth. Oopsie.

    Carson Brooks soon became very visible in racist and anti-LGBTQ harassment campaigns under the Tennessee branch of the NJP. Initially, Brooks concealed his identity with a mask, as he did at a protest against a drag show in Cookeville, Tennessee on January 22, 2023. The protestors were mostly members of National Justice Party, Patriot Front, Tennessee Active Club, and Vinland Rebels. The turnout was modest but menacing as the white nationalist demonstrators displayed Nazi flags and were visibly armed with firearms.

    Carson Brooks leading a neo-Nazi demonstration in Cookeville, Tennessee on January 22, 2023.
    Cookeville, Tennessee on January 22, 2023.Brooks at right with bullhorn.
    (Individual in center redacted because of minor status)
    Neo-Nazi Robert Bray of the Vinland Rebels openly carrying a handgun and wearing a Nazi flag.

    In the following months, Brooks would be seen leading a series of racist and anti-LGBTQ+ protests in Knoxville, TN, Gastonia, NC, Nashville, and even at a rally outside the Ohio governor's mansion.

    Knoxville, TN. Brooks at center with megaphone and pant legs tucked into boots like I used to do as a kid when I played cowboy.
    In Nashville, April 2023.

    For later demonstrations in Chicago, Nashville and Rockville, Maryland Brooks appeared without a mask, but wore a visor cap, sunglasses and the occasional eye patch instead. On most occasions he wore gloves and long sleeves but on at least one occasion he had his sleeves rolled up, making visible tattoos on his left forearm and hand and a wedding band. These tattoos were consistent as of 2023.

    Brooks in ball cap, sunglasses and eye patch.
    Blowhard with a bullhorn.
    Brooks with partially visible tattoos on left hand.
    Brooks with visible tattoos and wedding band.

    In October 2023 the ever-opportunistic National Justice Party ghoulishly attempted to co-opt the Palestinian cause as faux-justification for an antisemitic rally in front of the White House. Brooks was once again on the bullhorn spewing hate.

    NJP protest coverage as it appeared on the website for the affiliated The Right Stuff podcast.

    The following is a National Justice Party propaganda video featuring Brooks front-and-center at a demonstration in Chicago on August 27, 2023. We have edited the video to remove a promotional web link and added contextual text. Otherwise, the obnoxiousness of Brooks and the dumb background music is all theirs.

    As a rising neo-Nazi "star" Brooks began doing the white nationalist and neo-Nazi podcast circuit representing the NJP.  He was rewarded for his efforts, quickly rising in the NJP ranks and given increasingly more important titles, being promoted from NJP "Volunteer Corps Organizer" to Tennessee "Support Group Director."  Along with his growing role in the NJP, Brooks was involved at varying levels with a variety of other fascist groups including the Goyim Defense League, the Tennessee Active Club and Vinland Rebels.

    On at least one occasion, Brooks trained at the infamous Nashville area Lewis Country Store where the owner, a self-described "actual literal Nazi," had converted the top floor into a fight training gym. The Lewis County Store has turned itself into a key hub in the regional neo-Nazi network.

    Brooks communicating with neo-Nazi cohorts of the Lewis Country Store.

    On several occasions Carson Brooks sang the praises of the Goyim Defense League and their leader Jon Minadeo, aka "Handsome Truth," who was recently found guilty after distributing antisemitic material.

    Neo-Nazi Jon Minadeo, aka "Handsome Truth," of the Goyim Defense League (GDL)

    Curiously enough, Goyim Defense League fliers were distributed throughout Carson Brooks' current hometown of Ashland City. Since this, at the very least, likely violates local littering or dumping laws, it is ironic that Brooks led a group of Tennessee NJP members in a trash pick-up event. Events such as this are some of the ways the NJP used to ingratiate themselves into public acceptance while still espousing hateful rhetoric.

    NJP trash…pick-up event. Carson Brooks, 3rd from left.

    While Brooks is only a suspect in the GDL propaganda campaign, a National Justice Party promotional video showed what appeared to be Brooks placing white nationalist propaganda stickers reading "White Unity" on the Seigenthaler pedestrian bridge in downtown Nashville.

    Brooks placing white nationalist propaganda stickers in public Nashville areas.

    Returning to the point where he first caught our attention, Brooks, posting as "Carson Kilgrey," demonstrated in the White Art Collective Telegram chat that he was a very accomplished musician, coming from a family of musicians. He mentioned that his brother was a professional musician with a significant following.

    This indeed proved to be the case and contributed to the identification of Carson Ford Brooks as "Carson Kilgrey." Brooks is the younger brother of Cody Brooks, a well known musician, singer, writer, producer and artist. To be clear, there is no indication that his brother Cody Brooks shares Carson Brooks' views. In a neo-Nazi podcast interview, Carson Brooks claims to have become "radicalized" while in college. This podcast episode has been archived at the Internet Archive and may be retrieved here: [link to Internet Archive item]

    To Carson Brooks' credit, he is indeed a talented musician, which makes his life choices that mush more unfortunate. While Brooks may be a very skilled musician, he has learned nothing of the power of music to bring people together, instead investing his efforts into hate and division.

    Carson Ford Brooks on cello.
    A young Carson Ford Brooks posing with his cello.
    Young Carson Ford Brooks
    A post on Facebook from his band giving birthday wishes Carson Brooks
    A tattoo visible in the 2018 photo above is consistent with tattoos visible in 2023 demonstration appearances.
    Carson Ford Brooks, in center.
    Carson Brooks' tattoos are also clearly visible in this shot.

    Brooks' physical appearance has varied widely over the years. He underwent a dramatic weight loss and while a student at Middle Tennessee State University was employed as a fitness trainer. He also advertised personal fitness training services on the internet.

    Carson Brooks in a group photo as a fitness trainer while a student at MTSU.
    Carson Brooks' profile page on

    It is noteworthy that Brooks' photo on his profile shows him wearing a tank top decorated with a white nationalist logo, sold by a white nationalist vendor.

    Carson Brooks wearing a white nationalist themed tank top.
    White nationalist themed apparel vendor (website address redacted).

    While Carson Ford Brooks may be concerned about his relationship with his family, he has found good company in his wife, Bonnie Marie Carroll, who wholeheartedly shares his white nationalist views.

    Bonnie Marie Carroll, aka "Marion Kilgrey"

    Bonnie Marie Carroll, who uses the aliases "Marion Kilgrey," "Mary Smith" and "MaidMarionK," is an active supporter of the NJP and white nationalist movements in general. She appeared in an episode of "The Dreamweavers," a podcast hosted by neo-Nazi notables Emily Youcis, Allyson McKevitt, Christina Murgo and other white nationalist women. In this show Carroll was introduced as the wife of "NJP activist Carson Kilgrey."

    Photos of Bonnie Marie Carroll whilte a student at MTSU with Carson Brooks.

    Bonnie Carroll created a web business called "Fourteen Stitches Handmade Heirlooms" to sell craft goods at NJP functions. The name alludes to both the neo-Nazi slogan  "Fourteen Words" as well as the common neo-Nazi code for "Heil Hitler." This is also commonly seen as "1488," where "88" corresponds to the eight letter of the English alphabet "H." The logo for Carroll's business was designed by Nazi graphic artist Jessica LaFlamme, aka "J LaDarc" and "Jeanne LaDarc," whom we have covered in a previous report.

    In the podcast episode, Carroll noted that she owned kitchen towels with Adolf Hitler embroidered on them and would be willing to make "explicitly Nazi baby clothes" for anyone wanting them. Audio clips are below.

    Although they have attempted to scrub the presence of this podcast from the internet, we provide an archive of this episode here: [Link to Internet Archive item]

    The amateurish fancy work of Bonnie Marie Carroll and her business partner, who uses the alias "Birdie Hay," is a revolting melange of Nazi kitsch, some examples of which are below.

    Some offerings from the lunatic cringe "Fourteen Stitches Handmade Heirlooms"

    Carroll doesn't limit herself to lunatic cringe Nazi arts and crafts, however. She actively participates with in-person propaganda campaigns and other events with her husband. Her distinct eyebrow shape and association with "Carson Kilgrey" made for an easy identification.

    Bonnie Marie Carroll in a Telegram post by Carson Brooks (click for full size).
    She can be identified by her distinct eyebrow shape.

    Oh, hi there Bonnie! Or should we say "Heil?"
    Bonnie Marie Carroll's Soundcloud profile.

    Despite their concerns about remaining pseudonymous, neither Carson Ford Brooks nor Bonnie Marie Carroll could hide behind their aliases for long. So to all you kids out there hoping to goose-step your way to neo-Nazi fame, you can't hide. We will find you and we will expose you.

    "Carson Kilgrey" and his favorite jacket.
    Carson Brooks and his favorite jacket, with Nazi wife Bonnie Marie Carroll.
    Carson Brooks ("Carson Kilgrey") and Bonnie Carrol ("Marion K")
    Carson Brooks ("Carson Kilgrey") and Bonnie Carrol ("Marion K")
    A younger Carson Brooks, pre-"Kilgrey."
    Carson Brooks cultivating his "Blue Steel" look.


    2024-02-15: Robert Bray was previously accidentally written as "Mark Bray." This is corrected.

    Hate + Hubris= Hilarity: Jesse Dunstan's Neo-Nazi Podcast Meltdown

    Departing from our usual programming of profiling Nazi dirtbags, in this post we will cover the reality-show-esque drama regarding white nationalist organization The National Justice Party (NJP) and its affiliated podcast network The Right Stuff (TRS). Neo-Naziism and white supremacy is no laughing matter but the total meltdown of longstanding neo-Nazi podcast network TRS and their fake political party has been such a bonanza of batshit, that all one can do is laugh.

    The NJP is a Pennsylvania limited liability company that operates under the pretense of a political party headed by Michael "Mike Enoch" Peinovich and stemmed from the TRS podcast network.  TRS's flagship podcast was "The Daily Shoah," hosted by Peinovich and long-time partner-in-Naziism and wannabe rocker Jesse Dunstan, (known as “Sven,” “Seventh Son,” and “Bjorn”).

    Michael Peinovich (left) and Jesse Dunstan (right) in happier days.
    Michael Peinovich (left) and Jesse Dunstan (right) in happier days.

    What happened:  Dunstan, a Hawley, Pennsylvania resident, took to the podwaves for an absolutely epic hours-long drunken meltdown on the podcast of Australian neo-Nazi dirtbag Ryan Johnson, aka "Randbot." Dunstan went on a pity party after feeling underappraciated for his activities in the group. The result? Lots of spilt tea, dirty laundry and hurt feelings.

    Australian neo-Nazi podcaster Ryan Johnson, aka "Randbot."
    Australian neo-Nazi podcaster Ryan Johnson, aka "Randbot."

    Dunstan dishes on Peinovich and others involved in NJP and TRS, talks about how TRS is a cash cow and how he wanted a "fake job doing a podcast three times a week." For some hot takes on this whole business please see our lovely spokesperson @AnonCommieStan's thread on Xwitter (link).

    Our team of highly dedicated anonymous comrades sacrificed their ears to compile a transcript from some of the juicier portions of that drunken word-vomit. If you have the inclination, go ahead and read about these very racist, highly dysfunctional grifters. Here are fourteen words for you: "We must secure the existence of fake jobs and a future for our paychecks." About sums it up!

    Jesse Dunstan, aka "Sven"
    Jesse Dunstan, aka "Sven"

    Your baby failed (5h-31m-49s)

    Jesse Dunstan 00:04
    I want to say like hold on there's like somebody named [crosstalk] "Go back to Guitar Center, Sven. Striker held up your neck for the last year." Like, no he didn't. For the past year, Striker didn't do shit. Striker went and lived on Telegram looking for fights with people. Striker showed up to Strike and Mike unprepared. Mike carried that show for the last year without input from Striker. Striker is fucking nothing. Striker is riding fucking fattened on his beer gut of fucking unhealthy living and and fucking momentum from years past where anyone cared about what he had to say. Striker did not carry shit. You need to get over your your e-celeb worship, or you need to convert to e-celeb worshiping me, because I'm awesome. And Striker is not even white. [laughter] Hold on. I have a wife and kids and a house and a fucking business. You have shit. Striker has jack shit. Striker has a fucking god awful crap apartment in Pittsburgh with no fucking furniture in it and a woman that I don't know how she fucking stick with him because he's so fucking pathetic and filthy. And he might – they might as well be homeless and now that like he's not working for me, he's probably gonna be homeless. So fuck that. The problem with Strike and Mike it's like, it's like, Mike and a guy who doesn't know what's going on. That's been the past year of Strike and Mike. So fuck off. Eric Striker has been soaking up a paycheck from me, he doesn't deserve, for six fucking years. The only thing it's done for me is attract weird fanboys that can't get over the cartoon character of Eric Striker that tell me "oh it's a big bad deal that he's leaving now." Fuck him. I never needed him. And my fucking website is worse off for having him on board. But, whatever, Mike wanted to do that as a side project. And again, when Mike does a side project, it fails. Strike and Mike failed. NJP failed. TRS is the shit. I don't owe anything to anybody. Nothing. All right, no one. No one comes close to what I fucking accomplished since 2015 in this fucking movement. Everyone's a faker. Everyone either fucking siphons themself off into like fake and gay Republican shit. Or they become sort of just like drama niggers. No one has stayed as pure as myself and TRS. Mike is the heart – Mike is the
    heart and soul of all this shit. And I take Mike and I fucking support him. Everybody else is a fucking parasite on Mike.

    Randbot 02:54
    Except Alex.

    Jesse Dunstan 02:54
    Eric Striker is the biggest parasite Mike has ever had. Because Eric Striker thinks that Mike is the parasite on him, and fuck that. Eric Striker, you are a faker. You're a Mexican, you're a Puerto Rican, and you're a fucking pretend national socialist. You're a fucking libertarian. You are an individualist. You are out for yourself in your – and your fucking opportunistic snipes at the fall of the NJP, which you said NJP is your baby Striker. And guess what happened to your baby? It's stillborn. Your baby fucking failed. You want to take credit for this? Fine NJP was your baby? It completely shat the bed. Your baby sucks dicks. Your fucking baby is a baby with a dick in its mouth, Striker. NJP fucking strangled at birth. Actually would have been better off strangled at birth. The problem was it was allowed to fucking live for three and a half years. Your baby lived to be three and a half and it died. Why? Because you were on it. Because you don't know what the fuck you're doing on any level of interpersonal fucking relationships with anybody. People you work with. That will support you. You're jack shit. You're a fucking e-celeb. You're the worst kind of e-celeb. Your the e-celeb that as soon as somebody fucking gets to know you. people realize "Oh god, I'm involved with a giant fucking fraud." So fuck you.

    Joseph Jordan, aka "Eric Striker), a prominent NJP loudmouth.
    Joseph Jordan, aka "Eric Striker), a prominent NJP loudmouth.

    You liked the idea of Eric Striker(4h-08m-40s)

    Jesse Dunstan 00:07
    So Striker wanted to be in charge because no one was a defeat strikers are capable of being in charge. Ok? Striker is a delinquent. Striker is a non functional human being or a barely functional human being. The… People… You have to, you have to understand, like, Striker's content is great. Striker's ideology is great. But this idea that he's this great man you [unintelligble] up to, it's just not true. He cannot lead people he cannot get anyone to do what they want. He is constantly- he's constantly complaining of this to Mike that, like, I when I have something that I want someone to do, I go ask them to do it and I cannot get them to do it, it's like yes it's because you're an asshole and no one wants to listen to you. The very demeanor with which you come to somebody with I have this thing for you to do, and they're like, "no fuck you what the fuck is your problem?" It's because you're just – he's – there is no… Striker wanted to be in charge of NJP because Striker can't not be in charge. Striker cannot work- He cannot be a team player. He's a libertarian. It's all about him. He's a rugged individualist.

    Randbot 01:07
    And that's the thing.

    Jesse Dunstan 01:07
    He talks the talk. [Crosstalk] Let me just finish. He talks the talk about national socialism, but he is an anarcho capitalist. It's all about him and what he wants. As soon as you disagree with him, you're a fed. You are a subversive, you're working against him. You're in a grand, you're in a grand conspiracy to deny him whatever it is he wants. You cannot work with the man. This will be evidenced by the fact that whenever he tries to start anything up, like what he's trying to do with Wolfshield right now. It just will go nowhere because as soon as the- as soon as the rubber starts to hit the road, he's gonna freak out at somebody.

    Randbot 01:15
    What the fuck is Wolfshield?

    [Editors note– This is "Wolfshield": Joshua Randle of Grand Rapids, Minnesota]

    Jesse Dunstan 01:45
    Don't worry about it. Anyone who's in anybody anybody in anybody who's involved in that will hear what I just said. You'll know, and you're on notice. It's not going to work out. [Crosstalk.] No, it's fine. It's fine. Don't worry about it.

    Randbot 01:58
    All right. Well, I was gonna say like…

    Where did the money go, NJLLC (5h-17m-59s)

    Jesse Dunstan 00:04
    [unintelligible] Scott Jaunty is asking, "So where did all the money go, then? Don't play fucking stupid. People sent thousands." I don't know where you get the idea that people sent a lot of money to NJP. But I will tell you, I did not to get a dime of it. So I don't know. And I'm sure that something is going to be done with that money. And anyone who's a supporter currently do not renew your supporter thing. Because they're… they… that's- that's not going to be going
    forward, like the supporter program. Where'd all the money go, then? I don't know. I'm not party to that. Did not go to me.

    Randbot 00:46
    You would have seen [unintelligible] sitting in that account, right?

    Jesse Dunstan 00:49
    [Crosstalk] I don't know, it was, I don't know if it was expence. I know that Tony was allowing himself to have a very nice salary. I know that he'd like to expense a lot of things. I know, Tony was living high on the hog with this. And that was sort of at the end of the road where where he had to go, but I cannot really describe or I can't really fill you in on that. Because, again, the dispute between Mike and Tony right now is Tony is someone who has been fired from this corporation that Mike owns. And it's, it's not completely resolved yet. But if there- you know, I don't know what they're going to do. But. What was the other thing I was gonna say? Oh, that reminds me. You know that the thing that sticks in my craw about this sometimes is people-I've seen people criticize the NJP for being an LLC Corporation. I don't know if you understand like, that's the only kind of foot that's the only kind of corporate entity you can be in America that's allowed to be racist. That's why they're an LLC. Oh, god, did I get dis- did I get disconnected?

    Randbot 02:10
    Oh, no, no, no, we heard you. Everyone's Okay.

    Jesse Dunstan 02:13
    I heard I heard one of those weird like Telegram noise- or one of those weird Discord noises. [Crosstalk] Basically, there have been several like, myself and the upstate New York guys, we researched this as well as the original shitbag grifter named Nam that ran the Mannerbund also researched this. Like you can't be a 503 a 504 or 502, whatever. All like all those things out there that you can become that are like tax exempt? You can't be any of those and be racist. You can't be a whites only organization in a tax exempt form. Can't have a fraternity or brotherhood or, or anything. All you can be you can be a for-profit, which is not tax exempt. You can be a for profit, limited liability, limited liability corporation that does not have a storefront. And that's the only way you can be whites only because that's the only corporate entity out there where no one will probe you for that sort of shit. So the only other option is to be like an
    FEC related like political party. If you do that, that means everyone that gives you money has to be doxed. So this is like- and I think people who've done that criticism know that and it's all in bad faith, but I just want to put it out put that out there. That like- [cuts off]

    They did not break 600 paid supporters (3h-44m-12s)

    Jesse Dunstan 00:08
    Anyway. The thing, the thing that – One of the things that I've seen is like another thing I've seen is like these narratives where it's like, it's like "This NJP committee member versus the other one, it's one or the other". It's like, no, it's not either/or. They all have to go. Everyone who has left was a huge problem, irrespective of whether or not they also correctly saw the flaws in the next guy. It's like they were all deeply flawed, and were all counterproductive and not capable of producing what they said they would produce. And the evidence of that is in the fact that it did not. They did not break 600 paid supporters in three and a half years.

    Sven's Defence of Mike Enoch

    Jesse Dunstan 00:01
    Alex will be absolutely ecstatic. Mike will be deeply Mike will deeply concerned, but it's part of his transition back to being on board with TRS and away from these poisonous people that dragged him away from his mission. Mike Enoch is the great – Mike Enoch is the voice of our generation. As far as white people go, Mike Enoch is the greatest. Mike Enoch has given the clarion call to white people everywhere. As far as our politics go, he is absolutely – he is beyond reproach. I don't care who his wife was, I don't care what these that is the reason why he is relentlessly attacked by Jewish agents on Telegram and, and, /pol/, it's because he's the most effective, he's the most consistent, and he is the greatest voice that our people have ever had. And he has to understand and he will understand the people he was involved with, are all trying to grift and parasite off his image, his notoriety, his analysis, his persona, and that his home was with TRS to do this, with me and with McNabb, through the Daily Shoah, everyone else to try to get a piece of him was simply that: trying to get a piece of him. And it was a mistake. And they got to him by puffing up his ego by telling him he was something more than what he was, which was a spokesman, they tried to tell him that he was Hitler. And when he when he did not live up to being Hitler. It emotionally crushed him. And it made me It broke my heart to watch him not live up to these impositions of expectations that people put on him. He's just a man who knows what he's talking about. To take a man who knows what he's talking about, and tell him that like, no, that's not where you're – that's not where your responsibility ends, your responsibility is you have to be a dictator. You have to be a leader for everyone. And he doesn't know what to do. And when he doesn't live up to that, when people don't accept the humanity of Mike Enoch, it hurts him and it hurts me. And these people who did that, to him are parasites and those people are Eric Striker and Warren Balogh. Because Warren Balogh is a great salesman, he's a great face of something, but he is not a leader. He is not a self starter. He's not someone who can come up with his own ideas. Someone needs to tell Warren Balogh what to think and what to do, and what strategy is and he can sell it to people. And he could not protect Mike. And these people had bad ideas for what Mike should do and it failed. I don't know how else – I don't know what else to say about that. Other than Mike is a luminary Mike is a brilliant political genius.

    Sven's take on Striker & Tony (4h-04m-40s)

    Jesse Dunstan 00:04
    That's just like holy fucking shit, are you kidding me? And then Striker, Striker is like, I must be in charge of this otherwise, otherwise I can't be a part of it. Striker like, "I will I will threaten to resign" like basically every other day until Mike finally says "okay, I accept your resignation, get out of my face." And  then Tony, like basically like Tony, Tony's out, he's like, "I'm gonna fire. I'm gonna get rid of everyone, whoever has a question about what I'm doing. And  we're going to do addition by subtra- by subtraction to the point where there's nothing left." Once all NJP is people who just do what Tony says, then NJP will win. It's like, well, what if you whittle that down to 200 people? What if, you know, 300 people? How's it supposed to grow? Then that was his mission. And  the whole time Mike is just assuming that he's got all this authority delegated to people that are competent, and it's like, no, these people are all fucking you.  You know? Until I come along and say, "Hey, Mike, these people we're all fucking you" and he goes and he asks around. Goes around and starts asking  questions like, "oh, yeah, wow, these guys were all fucking me. Time to time to shut it down."

    Neo-Nazi Tony Hovater (yes, the eyebrows are real).
    Neo-Nazi Tony Hovater (yes, the eyebrows are real).

    Sven says it wasn't a scam, just no experience

    Randbot 00:06
    [Unintelligible] sent you 1488, and he says: "Sven, I'm sitting over here in my pool party. I don't believe for a second Mike – Mike and Warren are trying to  screw-" No, no one's trying to screw anybody. "He made mistakes, sure, but he never came off to us as a scammer or crook. NJP in the end really brought me  to the other like minded whites in the-" Yes, there's not- there's no scam here. This was done, this was done absolutely in, uh, it was done absolutely sincerely.  I believe that. I always did. That's why they did it. They were totally sincere. It's just they don't- I don't know. Nobody, nobody involved in that had any  experience, like doing this sort of thing, and I don't think any- I they think they're all very naive. They just, you know, something just had to happen.  Remember? Do you remember the summer of 2020, Randbot? Do you remember the post George Floyd world?

    Randbot 00:59
    Yeah, you often

    Responding to Watchtower comments (5h-14m-02s)

    Jesse Dunstan 00:06
    So I want to say, The Watchtower he writes, "This wasn't a failure of fascism on your part, Sven. This was misuse of funds and donations, lies, backtracking,  doublespeak cowardice, conflict avoidance, grifting, and no leadership. It wasn't Telegram. It wasn't white nationalism, or, or whatever else you want to  blame. It was you, NJP, and TRS." First of all, I will say it was NJP, not TRS. Second of all, I will say, there was no grifting involved. There was no misuse of  funds. There was cowardice, there was conflict avoidance, there was backtracking and doublespeak, and there was a lack of leadership. I want to tell you that  the NJP was an honest endeavor that did the best that it could. Its best was not good enough. There was no grifting involved. Mike did not even take a salary  from NJP. He did not take a dime from it. I don't know what's going to happen in the aftermath as this thing winds down, especially with Tony is basically  trying to shake down [crosstalk] Mike for money. Tony thinks he's getting like the Mike… Tony thinks he's getting the "conflict avoidance Mike". He's  actually getting the "Charlottesville Lawsuit Mike", so that's not gonna work for him very well. But um, no, there was no, there was no misuse of funds. There was everything was done on the up and up. And everyone was done- everything was done as honestly as possible. It just was basically done by people that were not qualified to do this. I started-

    Speaker 1 01:36
    It was a failure to be led by E celebs?

    Jesse Dunstan 01:39

    More shitting on Eric Striker (5h-25m-11s)

    Jesse Dunstan 00:04
    It's hanging in front of him. He's a shitbag and he's expanding forever. He's a fucking retard. Fuck him. Fuck Eric Striker in the wheelchair he rolled in on.

    Randbot 00:14
    Eric- Eric Striker, he's a fucking [Crosstalk]

    Jesse Dunstan 00:19
    Eric Striker is a fucking Puerto Rican. Fuck him.

    Speaker 1 00:22
    So was there a honeymoon period where you could tolerate him, or was it always like, no?

    Jesse Dunstan 00:27
    No, I always just had to keep my mouth shut. Fuck Eric Striker. He's a fuck- I don't ever want to have a conversation with an American about how like this or  that Hispanic is actually white. Like, no, they're beaners. Eric Striker is a beaner. He's a fucking Puerto Rican. He's some kind of Argentinian. I don't care  about these copes. I don't care what these copes about, like, Italian immigrants. He's not white. He's a fucking wannabe White Nationalist. He's a fucking  beaner New York City immigrant fucking scum fucking gutter fucking fucking mudblood piece of shit fuck him.

    Speaker 01:01
    This is what happens is

    Jesse Dunstan 01:03
    Fuck him and all of his national socialist… Fuck him and his like- He's one of these fucking like Mexicans that like loves Hitler. That's what he is but he lives  in America.

    Speaker 1 01:13
    There's a lot of those.

    Speaker 01:14
    He he does also occupy a wheelchair.

    Speaker 01:19
    That footage you saw from the-

    Jesse Dunstan 01:21
    No what he, what he, what he occupies is lifts inside of his boots because he's so self conscious
    about how fucking short he is. Fucking manlet midget.

    Randbot 01:31
    I came to deal with how short I am.

    Speaker 01:34
    I met him once in 2017

    Managing of the McKevitt debacle, Telegram, etc. (4h-27m-30s)

    Jesse Dunstan 00:06
    The no brainer here is like your guy who's on the board got caught doing sexual impropriety with someone that he has authority over. That is an instant DQ.  Like, you don't need, like, a written set of, like, code of conduct. You don't need anything. That's just basic, instinctual, everyone knows that that's not  acceptable.

    Randbot 00:25
    You'd be surprised how many people had to explain that to me. Like Charlemagne had 10 wives? Are you the fucking King of France?

    Jesse Dunstan 00:35
    Yeah, there's, we're not the kings of France here. You know, it's like these are just no brainers like people aren't going to accept that you're going to lose people in droves, if that goes public. And then when you tried to sweep it under the rug and not deal with it, it goes public three months later, and it's a shit show. And then you have six Daily Rake articles about it, ripping you apart, and you deserve it. Because all you fucking had to do was demand his resignation, announce  his resignation, make a corporate speak- make some kind of corporate speak press release that sort of says that, without much detail. And then all the rumors  about it'll be like, "Okay, this is why he was gone." Because it's a no brainer. You're taking a position like this is not acceptable. You know? Like, there's this,  like this, this guy, I used to be friends with the A-logs love to make fun of, and he's like, "I was friends with this dude, like, years ago. I haven't talked to him since since I lived in New York…."

    Jesse Dunstan 01:30
    Because when I – No, it's not Kinko. Kinko was awesome. I would- I would hang outBecause when I – No, it's not Kinko. Kinko was awesome. I would- I  would hang out with[unintelligible]. It was a guy that, like, he left his wife. He was banging some other broad. He knocked some other broad up, and then it  turns out like he's gay, and he's doing Only Fans porn. And like, it's like, this is like, what's like, "What the?" It's like, yeah, like, I threw that guy- Like, I  haven't talked that guy in in almost four years. It's a no brainer. It's like, you can't put that on. Like, it's like fuck you. It's just easy. It's like yeah, like I'm not  gonna make excuse for that. As soon as I call- It sort of- as soon as I caught wind of what [that was going on like total [de-foo?] and I wasn't even running a political organization. That was just because like bro, that's gross. Get the fuck out of here

    Randbot 01:30

    Randbot 02:12
    Yeah, friend of mine turned into a tranny. I had to fucking de-foo that.

    Jesse Dunstan 02:17
    Oh, so there you go. Now you know your [unintelligible]. "Randbot is friends with trannys" right? Like, that's like "no like I don't fucking deal with that…"

    Jesse Dunstan 02:25
    Anyway I don't know if you know who – Daily Rake, Daily Rake, you know he's getting – I don't really know, I don't want to bad mouth the guy. The first  article, like had a lot of – The first article had a lot of, you know, stuff in it that you can't really argue with about NJP. It's like yeah, like he's basically saying  like, their PR strategy was terrible. It's like yes, it absolutely was because they were using the same PR strategy that we use with TRS. TRS is not a political vehicle that's trying to attain power. TRS is just like a bunch of chucklefucks doing podcasts. So if like somebody starts shitting on you, you just ignore them,  you ban, remove, you do you do janny-isms against people that are trying to like move that shit forward and make you look bad and you just go on with these, keep your mouth shut. It's a better look. You don't need to be fighting with Andrew Anglin or or I can't think of another example. Roscoe Jones, you don't need to fight with Roscoe. Like, who fucking cares? You just let it go. But when you're doing a, re- doing a, when you're trying to be the lone voice as a  political party for whites in America, you can't just clam up every time there's a scandal. You have to put your narrative out there somehow. And that's what  the, that's what the Daily Rake started. And that's what I was – I think I was quoted in Spectre chats now, "all this shit is true and all this is right" now. Because it just objectively it was. It was a crisis of leadership. And I think everybody, I think everybody accepts that now. And basically it's – basically – and and you  know, the thing that people keep forgetting is like – I understand you're mad you have every right to be mad – but it's like Mike and Warren have both come  forward and accepted responsibility for that. Conte and Striker haven't. Conte and Striker is standing out on the sidelines trying to be like see, and trying to pretend like if only they were still around this wouldn't've and I was like, "No, you fuckers were just as complicit in all this. You were happy to go along with  the same fucking approach. You were happy to go along with the same scandals. You're no better than them. In fact, you're worse because you're weird  mentally ill spergs that got cast off early.."

    Randbot 04:42
    But they're never gonna say it that way though they're always going to like

    Jesse Dunstan 04:47
    Oh of course because they're always gonna demand – always – no. Especially Striker is going to play off his like internet celebrity that he has, where he has  these, he has these like these extremely cringe fanboys online, which is I think one of the problems with Daily Rake because I think he's kind of one of them.

    Randbot 05:01

    Jesse Dunstan 05:01
    Because a lot of the stuff that I've seen in print is like Striker narrative. When Striker just lies, Striker is just being self serving-

    Randbot 05:07
    Where's he getting his information? He's getting it from somewhere.

    Jesse Dunstan 05:08
    He's getting it from Striker. And he quoted the McKevitts at length who are of course going to give you – This is the thing, right? Like the McKevitts give you  a self serving bunch of narratives about what happened. And the NJP doesn't. Yeah, well, so what's gonna get printed?

    Speaker 05:26
    Yeah, that's why I think it's like kind of like, you know, self defeating to like, go after that guy. Because like, that's exactly what you're saying there is, that's  all he's printing, right? Because those are the only people that are giving him anything.

    Jesse Dunstan 05:38
    Is there's no, there's no counter narrative.

    Speaker 05:40
    Yeah, it's like, he's the drama blogger, he writes about drama. So when drama happens, why would you be surprised that he's gonna write about it? Right?

    Jesse Dunstan 05:47
    Yeah. And especially if you're if you're not going to engage, well, the drama writing is just going to get done without you. And if you're gonna assume that,  like, "Oh, that doesn't matter. No one reads that" it's like, well, actually, actually, everyone – you basically – the entire the entire White Nationalist scene is  siloed off in the Telegram. So if you're losing on Telegram, you're just losing. That's basically what's going on these days. And if you're not making- if you're  not making a massive effort outside of Telegram somewhere… And basically that would be like, like when we started saying last year at some point, or maybe  was earlier this year that like "Telegram is bullshit". It's like, okay, that's fine. But you have to- you have to put your message somewhere.

    Jesse Dunstan 06:29
    You have to complement that by going outside of Telegram aggressively somewhere else to recruit. And that didn't happen. People just kept chatting on  Telegram and telling themselves like, "Well, if we go if we go picket in front of a hockey game in Tennessee about this, the bet the 'tranifesto' week after it's  out of the news cycle", that's going to be your- the recruiting, and you get these, like, this photograph of these two girls like making fun of you. It's like that's,  it's sort of like, you have to make – the come, come up with another. You can't just say that like "Telegram is bad" and then not replace Telegram or something. You have to replace it and they didn't do that. That was the other thing.

    Neo-Nazi podcasters Michael McKevitt (r) and wife Allyson McKevitt (l) were recently the topic of a scandal in white nationalist circles regarding a sex orgy.
    Neo-Nazi podcasters Michael McKevitt (r) and wife Allyson McKevitt (l) were recently the topic of a scandal in white nationalist circles regarding a sex orgy.

    Management of funds between TRS and NJP…Eric Striker again (5h-22m-27s)

    Jesse Dunstan 00:05
    Hold on, hold on, hold on, hold up. Yes, Watchtower says, "TRS subscriptions for NJP membership and no crossover funds pressing. Excellent." Yes. NJP  compensated TRS by making sure that like, they weren't robbing Peter to pay Paul. If you are basically – every NJP subscriber, every NJP supporter was a  TRS subscriber. And so if you convert it from TRS to NJP, NJP would theoretically, it was not exactly clean how they did this so TRS was never paid. But  like yeah, basically NJP, if you if you gave them $30 a month, like they would kick back $10 of that to TRS, so the TRS wasn't getting hurt. But basically  what that should have been is like, TRS would have been charging NJP for the right to access our customer lists to grift them for what NJP was doing, but I  didn't do that. So I was a team player. I thought this was going to work, or I was hoping it was going to work.

    Speaker 01:06
    A lot of this seems to be based on trust. The way –

    Jesse Dunstan 01:10
    There was no trust. Tony was- Tony is a fucking grifter. Okay?

    Speaker 01:14
    Yeah, I'm saying the way it was set up. Like I'm saying it seems like he's

    Jesse Dunstan 01:17
    It was based on – it was based on trust basically – it was based on trust and I was abused. My trust was taking for granted. As you saw Eric Striker has referred  to me as a parasite. That's what I'm thought of in this whole thing. [Crosstalk]

    Randbot 01:30
    – on that stage and the [unintelligible, crosstalk]. Anyone who has any understanding of this can just instantly dismiss anything Eric Striker has to – Randbot

    Jesse Dunstan 01:39
    …and go fucking drown in your whiskey. You need me. And you're fucking-

    Jesse Dunstan 01:39
    it's like, no, I'm, I'm the guy. I'm not the parasite. I'm the fucking host. None of this happened without me. [crosstalk] Mike, could you think – Mike could –  Listen, Mike couldn't fucking file an LLC paperwork with any state he could not do it. I did it. Okay. These people were not capable of engaging with the  government, engaging with the, with the tax apparatus of the system. They were not able to get an organization together. They needed someone else to do it. I  did it for TRS. I was the guy. I'm not the fucking parasite. I'm the guy that made this all happen. Eric Striker couldn't fuck- Eric Stryker needs Mike Enoch to  wipe his ass for him. Eric Striker needs his girlfriend to wipe his ass for him. He is a useless person. He's never worked a day in his life. Okay, he fucking  wears the same dirty fucking t shirt every day and cries about how he needs to go to the gym because getting fat. It's like shut the fuck up…

    Randbot 01:43
    I wasn't gonna mention it before. But like, Eric looked like he did put on a lot of weight at the –

    Jesse Dunstan 02:32
    Yes, because he's a fucking shitbag. That's called a bag of shit. It's hanging in front of him. He's
    a shitbag and he's expanding forever. He's a fucking retard. Fuck him.

    Long rant

    Jesse Dunstan 00:04
    Striker which I don't care about, [crosstalk] I don't give a fuck about Striker or what he thinks, or any of his fanboys think. He's a cancer. He is totally  politically – he's a politi- he's political cancer he will never accomplish anything because all he can do is run his mouth while he was run his mouth and rile up  like emotionally immature and intellectually immature people that are just kind of wowed by his willingness to say taboo things about Jews. The things he  says are great, but he is a total dopamine addict, and all he – he just likes to be worshipped and these people fall for it. And it's terrible.

    Randbot 00:44
    Well that's why we have to put him in the autism journalism chamber.

    Jesse Dunstan 00:47
    Nope, that's why you put them in the no-no chamber. That's why you don't work with them anymore. That's why you can't that's why you … Randy? Randy?  That's why you say you're so fucking great. You want to run something on your own? Build something yourself. Because never forget Striker came to my  website. It was amazingly, massively popular. Okay? I didn't have to. I didn't have to fucking fake my stats on Alexa like Daily Stormer did. Our numbers were huge. We were the top thing. We still are. And Striker attached himself – Striker attached himself to what I was doing with Mike to make his mark on  things. [crosstalk] And he calls it he calls me – and he calls me a parasite. It's like, "no, Striker you came into my thing. You horned in on what we had, to do  your bullshit. And then you you were mad you couldn't take control of it because you're not the fucking boss. Mike's the boss."

    Speaker 01:43
    Not just that. He- he called – he also called fucking he called Alex a parasite and that, thatsticks in my craw too.

    Speaker 01:49
    that's an absolute fucking

    Jesse Dunstan 01:52
    It's like like, it's like motherfucker, man. No, no motherfucker. Me and Alex are the hosts. You're the parasite. NJP was the parasite. TRS is the host. You have  nothing. NJP was built on the notoriety and the popularity of Mike Enoch that was built through TRS, which I'm a partner in, Alex is a partner in. You  motherfuckers at NJP thought you were born on – thought you were born on third and thought hit a triple. No, I hit a triple. You did jack shit. You were Johnny Come Lately came along and you trolled Mike with that bullshit. "You know, no one's gonna listen to your podcast anymore. If they don't think you're doing  anything." Bull fucking shit. We have the best podcast in the world on these politics, and everyone's gonna keep listening to it. Because it's the fucking best.  NJP came along to fucking attach themselves to us like a leech. And they failed. And they dragged me down with them. My fucking subscribership has done  nothing but drop since NJP was founded. Nothing but drop because they have alienated people. And they have made people think that if they're listening to  TDS, they have a political obligation to be affiliated or allied with what these people want to do with their party. People that don't like it, people like Larry  Ridgeway who don't want anything to do with it, is a fucking total parasitical relationship. I was hoping that it wouldn't work out this way. I fucking threw – I  decided to be a team player, allow them to have – allow the NJP to have access to my audience for them to – I hate to use the G word – but to grift off my  audience, turn them into paid supporters. And it didn't fucking work. It did not work over the course of fucking three and a half years, not basic- not 15% of  TRS subscribers converted to NJP supporters, not 15%. And at the same time, our subscribership dropped because we added- because these people added  nothing but exclusivity, purity spiraling and rejection of people who didn't 100% swallow the ideological dictates of Mike and Striker. And I part- I did  participate in that. I was a dick during like the COVID stuff. What we should have done with COVID is just keep our mouth shut until was over. Because  COVID gets like "Okay, great. COVID is fake."

    Speaker 04:15
    There were some great bits that came out of that though.

    Jesse Dunstan 04:17
    Yeah, "Fuck your small business" is a great bit, right? [crosstalk] You know how many people I lost? It wasn't a joke. People took it seriously. And I never  would have- I would have never would have done that without the influence of these people. I'd never would have done that without – I never would have  done that without what NJP was doing. NJ was pushing if you like "if you're doing COVID, you're not serious." It's like we don't want NJPs not serious.S

    Speaker 2 04:47
    What I was gonna say is that like is much respect that I have for Striker and his analysis and his research and all that stuff. It's still like what he did during that time in the organization like you were just talking about, Jesse.

    Jesse Dunstan 05:00
    What, destroy it? Ruin it? Just like alienate anyone who would possibly fucking support it? Hey, I'm sorry. I'm just gonna throw that in there.

    Jesse Dunstan 05:08
    I was obviously I'm doing you're doing you're doing [crosstalk]

    Randbot 05:13
    Time at Oxford wins.

    Speaker 05:19

    Jesse Dunstan 05:24

    Speaker 05:27
    I will fucking DoorDash you a fucking steak for your son.

    Jesse Dunstan 05:32
    Please get the bit out. Yeah, I can't I'm just I was doing I was doing a comedy bit is a joke. No.

    Speaker 05:38
    Well, what I was gonna say is that it's Schroedinger's Sword of Damocles.

    Jesse Dunstan 05:44
    Woah. That's complicated.

    Jesse Dunstan 05:50
    Schroedinger's Sword..

    Randbot 05:55
    Box. Obviously, joking about like the the autism journalist chamber. That was a building off of the know the real answer with with someone like that. The real answer is the correct one. And he just you just got to get rid of them. You can't, you're not going to get any productive labor out. And so the thing about the  Ortiz to was in the autism train chamber, is they are actually getting productive labor out of them. And they were actually compliant like someone who is going to be like that. They're not going to get into the autism journalism chamber. No, because they have to run everything, even though they don't know how  to run anything. And so you can't you just can't fucking work with someone like that.

    Jesse Dunstan 06:46
    No, okay. No, that is not true. I'm not a fuhrer. I know my place. This is what people get wrong. I am not like, I've seen this before when I-

    Randbot 06:58
    everyone wants to be stolen. Like that guy with the fucking shovel there. No,

    Jesse Dunstan 07:03
    No, no, no, I'm talking about, I'm talking about the audie- the error the audience makes. Just because the guy is making an impassioned speech that you're en-  that you're enjoying, doesn't mean he's your leader. The difference? The difference between me and these people is that I know that I'm just an online content  creator. I know that I'm not a leader. I know that I'm not capable of this stuff. So I don't bother. I don't try. These people are gassed up on- these people got  gassed up on their online popularity, that they can be leaders. Just like "No, you're a fucking popular content creator. That's all you are. You have no business  telling people what to do. Making demands for loyalty of people. You're an online fucking content creator. Ask for subscriptions, ask for super chats. Do your  fucking political analysis. Do your fucking opinions. That is it. You're not fucking fit for anything else. You couldn't run a pet store." I at least helped run a  paint store. And I know I cannot shepherd a new white political movement into this country that saves us. I know I can't do it. I can support one. I can try to  inspire one with a stupid song. I can't lead one.

    Speaker 08:18
    Can I just be a political content enjoyer?Can I just be a political content enjoyer?

    Jesse Dunstan 08:22
    You can. Anybody can be anything that they want. That is the thing. The other thing about that is the scorn thrown on people that just want to enjoy the  content. Why are you scorning them? Those people are going to be there for you someday, there might come a time where the content enjoyer decides to  become a fucking soldier with you too. But you fucking throw shade on them like they're worthless.

    Randbot 08:42
    I'm inspired. I'm starting white paint store. We- we only paint your house.[crosstalk] Right right right.

    Speaker 08:53
    Now, right now, all of that having been said Randbot perhaps you could understand where I'm coming from when I approach the Larry's running right now [crosstalk]

    If I could go back in time (5h-36m-36s)

    Jesse Dunstan 00:00
    To me, okay, that's part of my question. So going forward, Mike mentioned they were going to have a meeting, have a sit down with all the people that are still around. Is there going to be some sort of consultation with you? I mean, at least I wouldn't be comfortable with that. Because, you know, a lot of this so-

    Jesse Dunstan 00:20
    I'm just I'm just a bitch.

    Speaker 1 00:22

    Jesse Dunstan 00:22
    I'm a conservative-

    Speaker 1 00:23
    You don't have to do that.

    Jesse Dunstan 00:24
    I'm nobody. I'm not- I'm not one of these people that pretends to be one of these learned, ideological fucking, high rolling fucking motherfuckers. No. No, I'm  not one of these frauds like Warren or Stryker that pretends to be like, above everyone with like- No, fuck. These peopleWarren or Stryker that pretends to be  like, above everyone with like- No, fuck. These people are all fucking frauds. And I've been fucking I've been…Actually I'm just gonna go full mask off now.  Fuck all these people. They're all full of shit. Every last one of them is full of shit. They put on airs. We do a fucking podcast that was funny. And these people fucking ruined it. Ruined with their bullshit. They're ruined it with their airs. They can lead white people? These people couldn't fucking lead their dogs to go  take his shit in the woods. These people are a mess.

    Speaker 1 01:12
    … if that's the case…

    Jesse Dunstan 01:13
    None of these people have any connection to any community. None of these people have a real family. None of these people like – People resent McNabb and  I because we actually have a family, and we actually have community roots and connections. None of these other fucking fakers. These are people are all total  online creations of their own fucking, of their own fucking imaginations. They fucking read Mein Kampf. They read like The Origins and Rise of the NSDAP. And they think that that matters. [Crosstalk] These people are absolute jokes. Their lives are a mess. My life is good. My life has always been good. I signed  on with these people to do it because I was good at fucking talking shit. And I wanted a fake job. And I got a fake job doing a podcast three times a week.  Where I could lay around and be lazy. And I earned that and I deserve that. And these people fucked it up. They fucked it up because they thought they were actually fucking doing something where they should have listened to Larry Ridgeway where it's like, no, I'm not doing anything. No, fuck that. This shit is all  fake. The entire movement. This entire movement is designed by Jews. [Crosstalk] No, no no, this movement was designed by Jews to get Donald Trump  elected. They got Donald Trump elected. And we're the remnants of it. In the fact these people can't get over that. Well, I can get over that. I can do the show  every day. With the knowledge that like that's the best thing you can do. These guys can't get that over – they can't get over that. They're like "no, we're  actually the Nazi party. We're actually like Hitler and Goebbels." It's like no, he's not. You're the guy with the half-Jew wife, and you're the fucking Puerto  Rican in the wheelchair that no one likes. And you're the fucking salesman with the big forehead that lives in the middle of West Virginia, that fucking like  has no connection to reality. And then like the other people just aren't even there. They don't even matter. [Crosstalk] This whole thing is a sham and it has  ruined my life. And if I could go back in time, I would just sell paint and never been involved with this. It was absolute shit.

    Fuck your small Striker (3h-34m-33s)

    Jesse Dunstan 00:05
    Not one thing is starting – Striker released audio saying who did Strike and Mike [unintelligible] because it comes out there. No, sorry, Striker. Mike doesn't  want to work with you. I don't want to work with you. You're not a team player. Good luck on whatever it is you start up on your own. He says that the reason  he says he would like to Strike and Mike again, because then he doesn't have to run something on his own. He always needs somebody else to run his stuff.  And he has the nerve to call me a parasite. When it's like, no nigger, I enabled you, Mike enabled you.

    Randbot 00:35
    He called you a parasite?

    Jesse Dunstan 00:36
    Do your own fucking thing. He called me a parasite. [crosstalk] Yep, I run everything for Mike and make sure Mike doesn't have to do all this stupid work.  And Striker came on as like the co- host of the secondary show. Just because that show was kind of popular doesn't mean you get to call names like that. No.  And basically, basically, you burned off – but Mike was the only person with any patience for Striker for years, and he finally burned – he finally burned out  Mike last month. It's amazing. I was shocked. I had just basically, I had basically resigned myself to like, "Well, I'm just gonna have Striker in my company,  doing this work, I'm going to be attached to striker for the rest of my life. Because Mike just – no matter what Striker does to him, no matter what Striker does  to us, it's just always going to be." And then I was shocked and he told me like Yep, he's finally hit the last straw. I was like, okay, so. Striker's trying to play  this game where it's like there's some kind of ideological this. It's like no, it's not an ideological stand. It's an autism. You're mentally ill crazy person. And I  don't want anything to do with you. I'm not paying you. I'm not hiring you. I don't give a fuck. And if Mike takes control of anything, he doesn't want to work  with you either. He won't say it out loud because Mike is always Mr. Diplomacy, but like I don't need to do that. I never wanted anything to do with you.You  were put upon me. You're another thing that I didn't want to do. Just like NJP. I didn't want to do it. I also didn't want to do Striker. But there you were. You're  finally gone and I'm happy. You're a fucking political poison. So go start your own thing. Have somebody else code you a website. Have no parasite and see  how far you get.

    Randbot 00:57
    All right. Well, I suppose that's the definitive on

    Jesse Dunstan 02:28
    Fuck striker. And his degenerate ass. Johnny probably wasn't wrong. I just sit here and fucking defend that asshole. Because Johnny turned on all of us.

    Randbot 02:42
    Well, Johnny was also a massive

    Ban the ADL, fuck stickers, remembers the NJP (3h-49m-20s)

    Jesse Dunstan 00:06
    It has not been pleasant. And in this content fucking suffered for the last three and a half years, we were forced to be "no fun facts" because we have to police  people's ideology. We have to police what people think about events that don't fucking matter. Like everything that came around that wasn't like an explicitly  racial issue or political issue. Like we're supposed to like, you know what, a couple months ago when like Keith Woods was doing hashtag "Ban the ADL", we could have just laughed along with that and had a good time. There was no reason to be "no fun facts" and yelling and screaming. But that was like the  Eric Striker, Tony Hovater NJP attitude like anybody who's fucking, not completely pure, on the up – up at 100% of the time, has to go. And they're pieces of  shit and they're not good enough for us. You know what? Hashtag "Ban the ADL" was fucking funny. I don't care. I know, it was fake. I know. It was never gonna go anywhere. But that was a great fucking little campaign they did. It was hilarious. Had a good laugh at it. But they had Eric Striker out there crying  about it sour grapes, that he couldn't make a fucking impact on the political-

    Jesse Dunstan 01:11
    You know, everything that Eric is mad about? Like, they're all fucking debates that you've lost in the public space, because NJP these guys all retreated into  the Telegram silos just like the Jews wanted them to. And then they told themselves that the Internet – that the Internet didn't matter anymore. Internet doesn't  matter. It's all fake. It's all this. It's all that it's like, yeah, well, guess what? It's real when the only people that are going to like be interested in what you're doing are on the internet. You go out into the real world and IRL and nobody actually does it. You've got a – you've got a fucking organization of extremely  online people who are well meaning. They all believe in what they're doing. They all believe in what they're saying. They don't believe in the cause. But they  take all their beliefs and they take all of their – they take all their inspiration, and they pour it into Telegram chats. And they occasionally organized like ramshackle like 20- to 40-man protests a week after a story is past and out of the news cycle. And tell themselves like we're recruiting people. It's like, No,  you're not. It's just not happening.It's not happening. There's not – they're trying to buy things that they can't afford. I was talking to Warren the other day about protesting. Ah, you know what, nevermind, I'm not gonna I'm not gonna go into it. It's a private conversation. Yeah, but like, yeah, people just want to talk about like, Oh, you just

    Jesse Dunstan 02:38
    want a podcast on your podcast, or like just a podcast version? Do you know the fucking impact his podcast has had over the last eight years? Do you know  what the Daily Shoah has accomplished? Like can you just poopoo that? Why? Because you want to go fucking put a sticker on something. Fuck you and  your sticker. The fuck – my my fucking my fucking – like my Henry Rollins bit has fucking done more for white people than any sticker you've ever stuck anywhere. [crosstalk] All the stickers on the world can't add up the Chateau Autiste. The recruiting towards pro white politics that our content has done over  the years cannot be matched by anything anybody's done IRL. The fucking podcast inspired people to go IRL right? And they fucking so quick to forget.  People that do nothing but listen to podcasts want to be like, "Oh, all you want to do is podcast?" Like all you do is listen to them. You listen to them and complain and you go like, I'm gonna form a picket line hanging a sticker. Good for you. This is where Larry's got you beat. Larry Ridgeway sits in his house  drinks beer plays shitty music and does comedy bits. And it's like he's accomplished the same as these protests. He's accomplished the same as stickers. That's the harsh truth.

    Randbot 03:26
    People really did like the the Waukesha thing that did get some traction. Yeah,

    Jesse Dunstan 03:58
    People liked it. It didn't get any traction. It went nowhere. What are the tangible results from that? I'm not poo-pooing it. It was a worthy cause. The Waukesha fucking terror attack was disgusting. And this disgusting anti white system just let it go. And yeah, it was absolutely right to make noise about it. But in the  end, it didn't put pressure. It didn't put any pressure on anybody that had any power in this country to do anything. It didn't. Just all it did was it made feel – it  made people feel better that they felt like they were engaged and – I can't deny you that, but it's like in reality, in actual reality in politics, it didn't do anything.  [crosstalk]. It's very sad. I think not happy about that. I'm not happy about that. I'm, I just want to – I want to- I have to keep putting disclaimers here, like I'm  not happy about these things. I'm not doing this. I'm not saying this with any kind of glee. I'm not rubbing it in your nose. I'm not saying that your hard work  was unappreciated. I'm not saying that like that, you're like, you're some kind of like dumb ass that shoulda, I'm not saying that. I'm saying the harsh reality of  our situation as a race, as a people in this country, is that that shit didn't get anything done. Nobody cared. We have to figure out what is going to make people  care. Alright? The NJP went down to I can't remember the little girl's name? Where this crazy nigger just opened fire in the front yard? [crosstalk] Jamie.  What was his name? Jamie. The father that took the bullet for his daughter?

    Speaker 05:2405:24
    Oh shit, you know? Yeah. You don't

    Speaker 05:27
    You don't remember his name and he doesn't remember our name. But

    Speaker 05:47

    Jesse Dunstan 05:50
    that's not the point I'm making. In Jupiter Paulson, where's the NJP stronghold in that community? It's not there. It's still just Peter Tefft.

    Activism sucks (5h-00m-26s)

    Jesse Dunstan 00:08
    Somebody is somebody somewhere has felt – Like the the biggest problem that this movement has right now is millennials and xers like myself, who still  believe in like the cargo cult, Hollywood version of 60s activism. Like, protests are not going to do anything. The system doesn't care. You can protest all you  want, people hate you when you protest. If you're, if you're doing a protest that aligns with the system's ideology, you will be like, celebrated and covered for.  If you're doing a real protest on behalf of people, that's populist, they will block it out, they will Black it out, you won't get any more. So I don't know what  has happened. I've been saying this for fucking years.

    Randbot 00:50
    I don't know, I think it's this issue.

    Jesse Dunstan 00:53
    And that's what Warren is going to go out and do? See, this is the thing. Like Warren has, like sat in the background. Not really getting his hands dirty. So  there's another, there's another like thread to what's going on here, is like that Warren is some kind of savior. It's like no, like, you think Warren is the Savior  because you don't know Warren, because Warren stays behind and is a good soldier. And basically, like when the order comes from Mike, whatever, like he goes with it. He's a good fascist in that way. But it's like

    Speaker 01:25
    i don't understand the critique there. You're saying Warren is good.

    Jesse Dunstan 01:30
    Warren is good under leadership. Warren won't-

    Speaker 01:33
    I've been thinking about this for a long, long fucking time. And like, yeah, there's gotta be, there's gotta be a different M.O., in it

    Jesse Dunstan 01:43
    Completely different.

    Speaker 01:45
    There's got to be a different way to go about this. And it's not it doesn't involve like, as much like Alex was saying on the boards the other day. It's like, it's it  doesn't involve like, obviously, we all love Hitler and whatnot. But we live in a completely different dynamic right now. We live in a complete way of  thinking. We have to find a different way to go about doing this. And I don't fucking know how to do it. [crosstalk]

    Jesse Dunstan 02:16
    or these people these people want to these people want to continue retreading cargo culting the Hollywood version of 60s Anti Vietnam era activism,  [crosstalk]

    Speaker 02:26
    I just wanna know what an organic fucking movement would look like. Yes. Like every example we have is something that was literally fucking top down fake and gay.

    Jesse Dunstan 02:42
    Exactly. Let me tell you, like, let me tell you the 20- the 2016. The thing that we're the remnant of was a fake and gay top down Jewish movement: the 2016  the "Alt right", was a spun up fake Jewish movement to get Donald Trump elected. We played our part, we fell for it. And now we're here. That's what this is.  The games we thought we made were fake. The games we thought we made were Jewish [crosstlak] Hold up. We were the pawns of the [unintelligible] fucking movement to get Donald Trump elected to normalize the, the Dolan Heights, fucking settlements and all that stuff and to do the Abraham Abraham  accords. That is exactly what we were spun up for. Donald Trump came in because because these Jews knew that Jeb Bush was not going to inspire a right  wing conservatives Zionist movement in America that would support that kind of shit. They knew that the key to getting a real nigga in the White House was  to do pro-white shit and Donald Trump did it. Donald Trump betrayed us. It was entirely a fucking op. And they have no compunction about taking someone  like Ricky Vaughn and throwing him injail for his role in it because that's how these Jews operate. They don't give a fuck. So that's the other part of this  movement, this movement, this entire movement is fake because of that. And people don't want to fucking swallow that. People don't want to acknowledge  that. They want to think that what we did was real. It wasn't real. We were allowed to do that. We were promoted by powerful Jews to do that stuff. Again. It's  another case for the Jews. Put us on third base and we all thought we were fucking with that – we all thought we hit a triple. We did not. Everything we've  done, we've been the pawns of kikes. We've been the pawns of Zionist kikes [crosstalk}

    Randbot 04:31
    Everything that's been their undoing is shit that they spin up. I mean that's why they've got their fucking story about the Gollum well as a warning thing.

    Dunstan and Peinovich in the grift before the rift.
    Dunstan and Peinovich in the grift before the rift.

    Neo-Nazi Matthew Thomas Bukaty of the "Goyim Defense League" Shows Us His Funky Side

    Our good friends in Atlanta identified Matthew Thomas Bukaty of Port St. Lucie, Florida as one of the fascist fuckheads of the "Goyim Defense League" (GDL) who intimidated and harassed Jewish community centers around Atlanta this past summer. Bukaty fancies himself as something of a DJ and has used the aliases "DJ Boomer Tech" and "The Funky Side of Fash." Since one of our favourite hobbies is to put on blast these neo-Nazi nitwits who use music to promote their hate and bigotry, we thought it would be fitting to help spread his ugly mug over the interwebz.

    Matthew Thomas Bukaty: "The Funky Side of Fash"

    For most men, a mid-life crisis involves pickleball and a sports car, but 47-year-old divorced dad Matthew Thomas Bukaty (aka "DJ Boomer Tech," "Funky Side of Fash," "The Dark Traveler," "Dpuble Helix") from Port St. Lucie, Florida has set a new standard for being an embarrassment to his children.

    Matthew Bukaty as he appeared on his "The Dark Traveler" profile.

    Neo-Nazi Matthew Bukaty gone fishin'.

    In June, the neo-Nazi "Goyim Defense League" harassed and terrorized two synagogues in Georgia with swastika flags and bullhorns. Our eagle-eyed comrades Atlanta Antifascists (@afainatl) spotted Bukaty in attendance acting as cameraman. The middle-aged neo-Nazi weirdo Matthew Bukaty traveled all the way from Florida to Georgia to spread antisemitic hate and terrorize a community. What a hobby.

    Matthew Bukaty at a neo-Nazi rally in June 2023.
    Matthew Bukaty at a neo-Nazi rally in June 2023.
    Matthew Bukaty at a neo-Nazi rally in June 2023.
    Matthew Bukaty at a neo-Nazi rally in June 2023.

    Nazi shitbird Matthew Thomas Bukaty was previously known to us as "DJ Boomer Tech." He was part of a resurgent neo-Nazi music scene being promoted by the White Art Collective, the Goyim Defense League and other white supremacist groups. Bukaty previously tried to establish himself as an electronic music DJ under a variety of names including "DJ Double Helix" and "The Dark Traveler."

    Bukaty using the alias "Double Helix" on Soundcloud.

    He is currently responsible for a streaming music show called "The Funky Side of Fash" on the Goyim Defense League's GoyimTV website. He also works closely with NSAttacke!, an explicitly Nazi group that also streams their content on GoyimTV.

    Bukaty appearing in a live-stream music show for GoyimTV.

    DJ Dumb Ass Matthew Bukaty wore the same t-shirt on the live stream as he wore while harassing Jewish people in June 2023.

    Matthew Thomas Bukaty, born March 3, 1976, is 47-years-old, so is not technically a boomer. However, he is clearly a grown-ass middle-aged man who definitely should know better.

    Matthew Bukaty in 2007.
    Matthew Bukaty in 2007.

    Bukaty recently got caught up in the security lapse at Nazi friendly social media site His leaked email matched an email address he had previously publicized using the identity "The Dark Traveler."

    According to his resumé Matthew Bukaty was an IT professional. He claims to be "retired" at 47, but we aren't buying it. This dude checks all the boxes for middle-aged Nazi weirdos: failed marriage, failed music career, failed regular career, spiraling ever downward, until we get to the place he is today. And of course he blames Jewish people for this.

    "IT professional" Matthew Bukaty
    Bukaty wrote about his IT background on social media.
    Matthew Bukaty in 2007.
    Matthew "DoubleHelix" Bukaty on Quora.

    This Florida sad sack Nazi loser has been associating himself with the Goyim Defense League for several years. He frequently boasts of his close friendship with GDL leader Jon Minadeo aka "Handsome Truth." Bukaty also claims militant Nazi leader Christopher Polhaus, aka "Hammer" is one of his "closest friends." Polhaus formed the GDL splinter group "Blood Tribe" and has led a series of bizarre public events with masked goons waving Nazi swastika flags and chanting.

    Neo-Nazis John Minadeo (left) and Christopher Polhaus.

    Matthew Bukaty claims he was "black listed from the music industry." Is it hard to imagine why?🤔

    "We Don't Need This Fascist Groove Thang!"

    We have reported in the past on Joseph Shellabarger, aka "Boxkhar," another lowlife denizens of the neo-Nazi electronica scene, and violent Unite the Right neo-Nazi marcher Zachary Hudson Fisher, who attempted to reinvent himself as a rave DJ. At the risk of repeating ourselves, the cognitive dissonance of these Nazi DJ dumb asses spinning Detroit techno and house music is remarkable.

    Florida Nazi Matthew Bukaty is an active member of the Goyim Defense League, a total dirtbag and so are his friends. Be on the look out, friends!


    Check out our friends Atlanta Antifascists at and follow on the Site-Formerly-Known-As-Twitter at @afainatl!


    Neo-Nazi Gruesome Twosome: Sienna Kitchen and Matthew Curnutte of Nashville, Tennessee

    Introducing two neo-Nazi knuckleheads in Nashville: Sienna Elizabeth Kitchen and Matthew Thomas Curnutte. Together this gruesome twosome of racist rubbish are doing their parts to make the world just a little more miserable by participating in white nationalist organizations like the Goyim Defense League and the National Justice Party and harassing minorities both online and in person. Let's get to know these white nationalist nutjobs!

    Sienna Kitchen, aka "KatsRants" and "Kittywaffen1488"

    Neo-Nazi Sienna Kitchen of Nashville, Tennessee

    33-year-old Sienna Kitchen frequently uses the online aliases of "KatsRants," "Kittywaffen1488" or other variations of "Kat" or "Katherine "and is a particularly unhinged bit of neo-Nazi nastiness. She is very active in online white nationalist circles as well as engaging in on-the-ground Nazi activism. Originally from Mesa, Arizona, Kitchen was a vegan "Maid 4 Trump" six years ago who cleaned houses for a living and attended MAGA rallies.

    Sienna Kitchen was a "Maid 4 Trump" in Mesa, Arizona before she moved to Tennessee.
    Neo-Nazi Sienna Kitchen

    Following a 2018 arrest and guilty plea for harassment in Maricopa County (details of which are under seal), Kitchen moved to Nashville with a white supremacist she met on Telegram going by the alias of "Trocar."

    Kitchen identified herself and described meeting Curnutte and her move to Tennessee in a Telegram chat room.
    Sienna Kitchen's Facebook profile page, featuring an image mocking the horrors of Nazi concentration camps.
    "Uncle A" = Adolf Hitler
    An image Kitchen posted portraying Nazi imagery.

    This unabashed neo-Nazi routinely posted her racist and antisemitic garbage on Twitter as "Kate Hikes @Kittywaffen1488"

    Sienna Kitchen is an unapologetic racist and bigot on Twitter.

    Kitchen’s posts on Facebook are just as bad and frequently violent as well. In one Facebook post she advocated for “TND,” which stands for “total n*gger death.”

    A violent and racist post by Kitchen on Facebook.
    Sienna Kitchen

    These days she uses the moniker "KatsRants" on Telegram and posts videos of herself spewing hate at random gas station attendants and Dollar General employees. Below is a redacted compilation of some examples of videos she has made. (Content warning: slurs).

    Kitchen frequently harasses minorities on Twitter. While she is a Holocaust denier, at the same time she wished "it had actually happened."

    Some of the many nasty posts Sienna Kitchen has made on Twitter.

    In addition to being a white nationalist online, Kitchen participates in on-the-ground neo-Nazi propaganda campaigns in Nashville. In a Facebook post from October 2022, Sienna displayed a stack of Goyim Defense League flyers full of antisemitic tropes on her kitchen table.  The Goyim Defense League (GDL) is a hate group specializing in obnoxious and confrontational propaganda campaigns, such as distributing antisemitic flyers and projecting transphobic messages onto buildings. Over the next few months, similar flyers began appearing in predominantly Jewish neighborhoods around Nashville. Residents of Belle Meade and Richland Hills woke up one morning in February to find GDL flyers littered in their driveways in February.

    Kitchen posted an image of a stack of antisemitic and anti-LGBTQ+ print propaganda on Facebook.

    The same photo later appeared on Twitter, posted by her account “Kate Hikes @Kittywaffen1488.”  (In this case “Kate Hikes” is an intentional spoonerism to hide a slur. "1488" is neo-Nazi code for a racist slogan and "Heil Hitler.")

    She posted the same image of this propaganda on her Twitter account.

    Kitchen had posted the same photo on her Facebook profile a few months prior. Apparently fearing repercussions, “Kate” stopped tweeting after the stunt made local news.

    Kitchen frequently posted about distributing antisemitic flyers on Twitter.

    Furthermore, shortly before GDL flyers started appearing in Nashville in February, Kitchen tweeted a picture of 500 bagged GDL flyers. Kitchen can't help but brag about her racist activism on social media.

    Kitchen also posted an image of a box of bagged neo-Nazi propaganda on Twitter.

    Jailhouse lawyer Sienna Kitchen was pretty confident no laws were broken when she distributed hundreds of antisemitic Goyim Defense League handbills in Nashville, stating on Twitter, "…none were put in mailboxes which would be a federal crime." However in a Telegram post she described targeted harassment against a local antiracism activist and in Facebook posts she showed off the results of her local racist vandalism activities. Maybe she should consider getting some real legal counsel.

    Kitchen was confident about the legality of her actions on Twitter.
    Kitchen bragged on Telegram about harassing an antiracism activist with Curnutte.
    Kitchen has described her racist stickering activities on Facebook.

    Kitchen, writing as "KatsRants" on Telegram, took credit for antisemitic and transphobic laser projections in Nashville in April 2023. She described creating fake Twitter and Reddit accounts to amplify the story and lamented the incident didn’t get much media attention.

    Kitchen took credit for projecting bigoted anti-trans messages with a laser on Nashville buildings.

    Under one Twitter account Kitchen created, “Katherine Gielsberg,” she posted a video of April’s antisemitic laser projections on Nashville’s AT&T building. In the video, a woman’s voice can be heard saying “Jews down.”

    The AT&T building also appears in a Facebook photo of Sienna Kitchen’s partner. The ball cap he wears in the photo, which features a camouflage pattern and tri-star flag, would later be used to help identify him in other white nationalist events.

    Matthew Thomas Curnutte, aka "Trocar"

    37-year-old Matthew Thomas Curnutte, aka "Trocar," is a Michigan native with ties to Tennessee that go back to at least 2008, when he was first licensed in the state as a funeral director and embalmer. (A trocar is a tool used in the embalming process to drain fluids from a body.)

    Matthew Thomas Curnutte, aka "Trocar"
    Curnutte's Tennessee Funeral Director & Embalmers licensing information from public records.

    Curnutte is a member of the "volunteer corps" of the Tennessee chapter of the explicitly white supremacist National Justice Party (NJP) and has taken part in several NJP actions around Tennessee this year, including one in July. The National Justice Party is the activist arm of "The Right Stuff," a white supremacist organization founded by neo-Nazi podcaster Mike Peinovich. The NJP is obsessed with increasing the power of white people but also has time for transphobia, antisemitism, and other brands of hate.

    Curnutte and the NJP harassed an adults-only drag show in Cookeville, TN in January 2023. The event also included appearances by Patriot Front, the Proud Boys, white nationalist Robert Bray of the the Tennessee-based Vinland Rebels and white nationalist Sean Kauffmann’s Tennessee Active Club.

    Matthew Curnutte (framed in yellow) in Cookeville, TN.

    Curnutte, who appeared to be live streaming the protest, later took credit on Telegram for his part in putting out of business the venue that had hosted the event.

    A look at Curnutte's posts on social media clearly shows that he is a literal Hitler-worshipping Nazi. He frequently posts about "gassing" Jewish people and this sick trash human wants the return of lynching Black people. Matthew Curnutte has a psychotic obsession with harming Jewish people, Black people, LGBTQ+ persons and other minorities.

    Matthew Curnutte loves Hitler.

    TND stands for "Total N*gger Death" in this Gab post by Curnutte.

    'DOTR' is an abbreviation for 'Day of the Rope,' a phrase from Nazi William Luther Pierce's novel The Turner Diaries characterizing an uprising where 'race traitors' are murdered en masse.
    One of Matthew Curnutte's sick posts on Gab.

    Curnutte recently launched a business called “Nationalist Patch and Apparel Company” and advertised several custom hats on his Gab profile emblazoned with Nazi emblems, including one with a WWII German sniper’s badge. He appeared to be wearing an identical hat in Cookeville.

    Matthew Curnutte, January 2023, Cookeville, TN, wearing the same kind of hat he sells through his Nazi apparel internet shop.

    Thanks to his partner Kitchen’s tendency to overshare on social media, which runs the gamut from her sex life to her bowel movements, identifying "Trocar" was a simple matter.  Prior to the July 23 protest in Nashville, Sienna said on Telegram that Curnutte was on his way to “shut down” a drag event with 50 “activists.”

    Kitchen overshared details about her bowel movements. TMI!
    She also over shared information about her husband/partner Curnutte on social media.

    Curnutte’s presence at that event helped to confirm his identity. Curnutte participated in a NJP event on July 23, 2023 wearing sunglasses and a ball cap, but unmasked. Curnutte's distinctive beardline shown in the NJP event photos matches his appearance shown in publicly available photos at his half-brother’s wedding in Michigan last year. Curnutte has also been photographed at other NJP events this year.

    Matthew Curnutte participating in a NJP event on July 23 2023.
    Matthew Curnutte at his half-brother's wedding.
    Curnutte's distinctive beardline is apparent in both appearances
    Curnutte has also appeared in numerous other National Justice Party events.

    Although Kitchen has stated Curnette is her husband, we were unable to positively determine the legal status of this union. The couple recently received congratulations on Kitchen’s pregnancy from GDL leader Jon Minadeo, who gave them a Nazi salute for the “based baby” on his Handsome Truth live stream show. Jon Minadeo has a disturbing history of using online chat platforms to groom children into Naziism.

    Kitchen and Curnutte received a Nazi salute from neo-Nazi Jon Minadeo of the Goyim Defense League.

    In a sad turn of events, the couple’s first child was born premature and later died from complications. Sometimes terrible things happen to terrible people, but no one deserves to experience a death of their child. Even during this tragic time, however, Kitchen's commitment to Nazi ideology didn't wane.

    On Facebook, Kitchen posted a photo of her child’s shrine, on which was placed Nazi SS pin. She lamented that “Uncle A” (referring to Adolf Hitler) would be disappointed in her for failing to carry her white baby to term. She has also posted photos of a onesie with the Nazi black sun design and a pumpkin carved with a swastika as tributes to the deceased child.

    Kitchen promoted Nazi ideology even while paying tribute to her child's passing (child's name redacted).

    Kitchen’s preoccupation with having "white babies" led her into some abhorrent discussions. In a May Facebook post she asked for thoughts on weaponizing rape to save the "white race." She also noted that she had thought about "breeding camps" for white liberal women, but concluded that she would rather "just put them in the ground."

    Kitchen discussing on Facebook the merits of rape as a tactic in a race war.

    After her child’s death last year, Sienna organized a fundraiser on GiveSendGo which raised over $5,000. It was promoted by GDL propagandist and violent felon Michael Weaver. They also received a sizeable donation from "Evergreen," the women's auxiliary of the NJP.

    "Evergreen" is the women's branch of the neo-Nazi National Justice Party.

    Kitchen currently works in the produce department at a Publix store located in Nashville's Melrose area, which is within walking distance of the duplex she rents with Curnutte. On Reddit, Kitchen stated her coworkers at Publix raised close to $8,000 for the couple and her boss prepared meals for her.

    A Reddit post in which Kitchen reveals her employer.

    While she spoke highly of her employer on Reddit, on Facebook she discussed her coworkers in violent and racist language. In a post earlier this year she threatened to break a Muslim coworker’s fingers and push her down the stairs.

    A Reddit post in which Kitchen reveals her employer.
    A Facebook post in which Kitchen threatened to break a coworker’s fingers and push her down the stairs.

    In another Facebook post Kitchen called Black History Month “monkey month” and described a Black coworker has having had a “level 12 chimp out.” In another she bragged about “redpilling” an elderly Black coworker with antisemitic conspiracy theories, and lending her books like The Jewish Onslaught.

    An antisemitic text Kitchen often promotes.

    Publix supermarkets is a privately held company and has donated to extreme right wing politicians. The founding family are major shareholders and members are tied to anti-LGBTQ groups and funding of the "Stop the Steal" rally that triggered the J6 insurrection. The brand also has a spotty record with respect to race, gender and LGBTQ issues and has paid nearly 100 million dollars in settlements for various bias related lawsuits over the years. With this in mind, we still don't think they would be happy to know that an employee of theirs spends her work hours snapping photos of customers to ridicule them online, which is exactly what Kitchen does. She posted on Facebook a photo of an unsuspecting shopper to ridicule the person based on an assumption of the person's gender identity.

    Kitchen publicly ridicules unsuspecting shoppers at her Publix store on social media (we have redacted the image of the shopper for privacy).
    Sienna Kitchen works in the produce department at a Publix supermarket in Nashville within walking distance of her residence.

    Both Kitchen and Curnutte have posted photos of their pets on social media, further confirming their identities (we have withheld the names of the pets to protect the innocent).

    These pets deserve better than neo-Nazis as human friends.

    Besides a dog and cat, this cruddy couple keeps chickens in their Nashville backyard. On his Gab account, Curnutte announced plans to burn an Israeli flag after letting his chickens run amok on it first. Reminder: this idiot is pushing 40 years old while doing stupid shit like this.

    No Nazis in Nashville!

    Sienna Elizabeth Kitchen and Matthew Thomas Curnutte are warts on the community of Nashville, Tennessee. Besides propagandizing online for violence against minorities and the LGBTQ+ communities, they participate in live, in-person neo-Nazi harassment events.

    The GDL’s increased presence in Tennessee is one face of the recent rise in fascism in the state.  Tennessee has also seen the influence of the Lewis Country Store, which hosts white nationalist "fight clubs" and the Asatru Folk Assembly which purchased a large plot of land in Jackson County.

    Besides being rotten people, these Nashville Nazis should be viewed as potentially dangerous due to the extreme levels of genocidal hate they express and the numerous social media posts celebrating violence. How much of a slip is it from being extreme online to being extreme in person? These psychos are ticking time bombs.

    Twitter post by Sienna Kitchen.

    Help local antifascists by contacting the Melrose Publix in Nashville and let them know that Sienna Kitchen is an unhinged neo-Nazi who advocates for violence against racial minorities, LGBTQ+ persons and liberal women.

    Neo-Nazi Sienna Kitchen even received a special commemorative coin from the CEO of Publix.

    Matthew Curnutte is currently working as a "crematory operator/mortician" in an undetermined Nashville location. Please alert all funeral homes in the area about this psycho!

    Matthew Curnutte works as a crematory operator/mortician.


    Matthew Curnutte
    Sienna Kitchen


    Neo-Nazi Dirtbag Ryan Michael Slingerland aka "Sharia LaBoeuf"

    August 11 was the five-year anniversary for the 2017 "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville, Virginia. Going through our files, we realized we never made a blog post for neo-Nazi dirtbag Ryan Michael Slingerland, reported on last year in a Twitter thread by Anonymous Comrade. Our sincerest apologies! But what better way to commemorate the anniversary of that sad event than to revisit this chud and memorialize his dirtbaggery in a blog post. Better late than never!

    Ryan Michael Slingerland of Whitehall and Schenectady, NY

    Ryan Michael Slingerland, of Whitehall and Schenectady, NY, is a racist and antisemite who marched in the deadly 2017 neo-Nazi "Unite The Right" rally. Lest anyone suggest marching in a Nazi rally is a youthful indiscretion, Slingerland, born September 9, 1983, was a 33-year-old grown-ass man as he made plans to attend the rally. Under his frequently-used alias "Sharia LaBeouf" he posted pictures on Twitter of his protective headgear decorated with the Alt-Right logo, “Equality is a False God,” and other cringey white nationalist sayings.

    Ryan Michael Slingerland at the Unite the Right rally.
    While he claimed to not be "fully" National Socialist, leaked Discord chats show that Slingerland arranged to share a room with a member of Vanguard America, an explicitly neo-Nazi group. In these Discord chats he discussed the “Jewish Question” with numerous verifiable Nazis and posted pictures of neo-Nazi George Lincoln Rockwell. What do you call a racist and antisemite who hangs out with Nazis? A Nazi.
    In the video below Slingerland appears receiving his marching orders from neo-Nazi Elliot Kline (aka "Eli Mosley") at the start of the "tiki torch march" on the evening of August 11, 2017.  Kline, one of the leaders of the rally, directs the positioning of his followers at the event and Slingerland is clearly visible and heard at this meeting. Also present in this video is Zachary Hudson Fisher, whom we have reported on in the past.
    The Occupy Wall Street to Alt-Right pipeline is a sad reality. In 2011 Slingerland was ostensibly a leftist and active in the "Occupy Denver" movement in Colorado. This dingbat quickly went from Occupy Wall Street atheist to Alt-Right Nazi to Groyper Christofascist. Ryan Slingerland's twitter history shows him morphing into an increasingly obnoxious internet troll before getting swept up in the neo-Nazi Alt-Right movement in early 2017 and taking the alias "Sharia LaBeouf."
    Various incarnations of Slingerland's "Sharia LaBeouf" persona on Twitter.
    A few examples of Slingerland's many bigoted Twitter posts.
    The "Sharia LaBeouf" alias was based on the actor Shia LeBeouf who became a target of the Alt-Right as a result of his anti-Trump public performance piece entitled "He Will Not Divide Us" or "HWNDU." Slingerland as "Sharia LaBeouf" has been repeatedly suspended from Twitter and other social media for racist, sexist, antisemitic and abusive posting. By his own count, Slingerland has been suspended from Twitter over 60 times. A conservative estimate shows him responsible for tens of thousands of bigoted tweets.
    Identifying him was dependent on two factors: being a neo-Nazi and being a dumb-ass – and that is a bad combo. Slingerland posted numerous identifying photos and gave out lots of unique personal details, but ultimately his undoing came about due to sloppiness. Slingerland tweeted for years under his own name but, with at least 60 deleted twitter accounts, it was inevitable that he would reuse one that linked back to his original account. Examination of the unique Twitter account number in a reply showed that he renamed his former "@ryanslingerland" handle to "@ShyriaLaBeouf"
    [Note: the current "@RyanSlingerland" Twitter account is just some dude from MA and is unrelated.]
    His last known Twitter handle was "@FishinFren"
    Ryan Michael Slingerland is very online. Even after marrying and having twin children, this "father of the year" candidate seemed to have plenty of spare time to be an obnoxious bigot on multiple platforms.
    In the wake of the violent disaster that was Unite the Right, some neo-Nazi groups rebranded themselves with more benign, "patriotic" sounding names. Vanguard America turned into Patriot Front, Identity Evropa turned into American Identity Movement, and so on. Like rats fleeing a sinking Nazi ship, wanna-be far right “influencers” frantically disassociated themselves from the Alt-Right brand. Nick Fuentes was a minor player pre-UTR but he ruthlessly capitalized on the subsequent power vacuum to build his own America FirstGroyper” movement. Slingerland fell under the much younger man's spell and became a devoted Groyper. In a post where Slingerland fawned over his “good friend” Nick Fuentes, UTR was referred to as the “cringe march” in "Cringeville."
    Slingerland and Fuentes bro-ing it up together.
    The Groyper disavowals of the Alt-Right are disingenuous. Antisemitism, Holocaust denial, racism, and misogyny are canon to both groups. The only real notable difference between the two groups is that the Groypers wear Hawaiian shirts and have even weirder sex hang ups. Slingerland wrote on Twitter that he wanted to lock up consenting adults for liking BDSM and/or being Democrats and/or Antifa.
    As "Sharia LaBeouf," Ryan Slingerland became an insider in Nick Fuentes’ America First movement as a podcast and streaming regular and at in-person events. In the photo below Ryan Slingerland is pictured at fellow Groyper and UTR marcher Simon Dickerman’s wedding to his child bride.
    Ryan Slingerland (3rd from right), Nicholas Fuentes (6th from right), Simon Dickerman (5th from left).
    Slingerland (left), Fuentes (2nd from left)
    Slingerland also hung out with other white nationalist notables. In the photo below he is seen palling around with ex-Identity Evropa Nazi sad-sack Shawn McCaffrey aka "Prince Hubris."
    Ryan Slingerland (left) with neo-Nazi Shawn McCaffrey (right).
    Slingerland was a devoted fan and financial patron of the America First "Groyper" movement but fell out with the notoriously mercurial and disloyal Fuentes after a squabble about whether Anthime Joseph "Tim" Gionet, aka "Baked Alaska," is or is not a "lolcow," internet troll jargon for "someone worthy of ridicule." (He most definitely is.) After this bit of neo-Nazi pettiness Slingerland became critical of his old Alt-Right and Groyper pals, accusing the cast and crew of the neo-Nazi podcast "The Right Stuff" of being feds and informants.
    Oddly enough, these days Slingerland mostly seems to hang out with doughy manosphere sex pest Matt Forney – whom Slingerland had previously called "repulsive" and advocated to be killed – and the world’s least funny Nazi comedian, Bryden Proctor. It’s a veritable island of misfit toys for Alt-Right wash-outs.
    Matt Forney
    Bryden Proctor
    Slingerland is a vicious antisemite. On a live stream video he talked about “the struggle for the west” ultimately being between “whites and Jews.” His video streams feature lots of racist pseudo-science about IQ and genetics. He said, “These fucking kikes are not as smart as everybody likes to pretend they are” and joked about "the number 6 million," referring to the murder toll of the Holocaust.


    Slingerland is very misogynistic but technically not an actual "incel" because he is married. I wonder if he quotes this same bible passage to his wife?

    Misogynistic Twitter posts by Slingerland.
    This racist goon who marched in the 2017 Nazi rally in Charlottesville freaked out about BLM protests, despite the fact that he lived in a town with a 0.31% Black population. He wrote on Twitter about being "well stocked on ammo" and posted a photo of himself with a rifle and a baseball bat. Clearly, Slingerland is an unhinged nutjob of a Nazi.
    Ryan Slingerland created a helpful graphic showing how his hatred of LGBTQ people has recently surpassed his already abundant racism. Slingerland really hates LGBTQ people. He is also a Holocaust-denying Nazi weirdo who thinks "demons" want to "get their hands" on his twin sons' foreskins(!!!).
    But Ryan Slingerland is more than just a keyboard warrior. He has attended numerous in-person events besides UTR, like the white nationalist American Rennaissance meeting in 2018, AFPAC, and various Trump-related events.
    Slingerland openly celebrates "fascism, racism, and bigotry" and thinks racism is "natural and healthy." He also thinks women who get abortions as well as doctors who provide them should be murdered, and that aborted fetuses are used in "blood sacrifices" by "tribal demon worshippers."
    The now-38 year old fascist fool Ryan Michael Slingerland has awful opinions about Indigenous people, Black people, and Asians. The guy is a real piece of shit.

    White nationalist Ryan Michael Slingerland believes he has survived years in “The Movement” relatively unscathed, limiting only his chances of running for office or a career as a "mass market" social influencer. When we first reported on him in August 2022, his LinkedIn profile stated that he worked for LodgeLink, a company with a "commitment to diversity and stopping bullying." Slingerland, however, referred to his non-white coworkers as "browns" who are "apoplectic & seething."
    Ryan Slingerland's LinkedIn profile from August 2022.
    LodgeLink: "Be inclusive, be tolerant, be kind!"
    Slingerland as "@fishinfren" posting about his workplace on Twitter.
    Slingerland posting on Twitter that he "managed to escape pretty much unscathed…" We feel this statement was a little premature.

    When we last reported on him, Slingerland was looking for a new job. He posted a video interview for FlowCode on YouTube, which has now been removed. Fortunately, we saved it and you can see a portion of it here. We wonder if he got the job.

    38 year-old Ryan Michael Slingerland aka "Sharia Labeouf" of Whitehall, NY is a white nationalist, racist, antisemite and all-around bigot who is also an avid fisherman. Now he is truly up shit creek.

    Ryan Slingerland and Nick Fuentes groypin' it up.

    Neo-Nazi Evan James McCarty aka "Byron de la Vandal" Returns as "AMALEK_ETERNVL" on

    Sometimes exposing a Nazi once is simply not enough. Like when you treat a wart and you think it's gone and everything is good, then it comes back. Evan James McCarty is like that. He was exposed by our fine comrades at Rose City Antifa as a neo-Nazi drama club kid who performed fascist folk music under the alias "Byron de la Vandal." After being sued for racially-based harassment, McCarty agreed to an out-of-court settlement that required him to renounce white supremacy and participate in anti-racism counseling.

    But like that nasty little wart that keeps coming back, McCarty just stayed beneath the surface spreading other little Nazi warts. While he made a show of redemption, it was all a sham. Recent leaks of the racism-friendly social media platform  provide a behind-the-scenes look at McCarty's duplicity.

    While there are inspiring true examples of former white nationalists renouncing hate, McCarty is not one of them. He's the wart that came back. Here's the story.

    "Byron de la Vandal"

    Evan James McCarty was exposed as the neo-Nazi folk singer "Byron de la Vandal" by Rose City Antifa in 2018. You can read their full report here.

    Evan James McCarty, aka "Byron de la Vandal" (Courtesy of Rose City Antifa)
    McCarty appearing in a neo-Nazi podcast interview (Courtesy of Rose City Antifa)

    As Rose City Antifa explained in their piece, McCarty used the stage name for his musical act as an tribute to Byron de la Beckwith, the Mississippi Klansman who assassinated Medgar Evers in 1963. As "Byron de la Vandal," McCarty released a number of songs on online platforms. These songs, which were often merely existing songs rewritten with racist lyrics, were frequently shared by other neo-Nazis in white nationalist internet forums. McCarty even formed a friendship with neo-Nazi folk singer Patrick Corcoran, aka "Paddy Tarleton." Together they started a podcast called Blood and Song and released a collaborative album of racist folk songs.

    McCarty was a Theater Arts student at OSU (Courtesy of Rose City Antifa)

    Being a Theater Arts student at the University of Oregon, McCarty was at home with performing music, but his involvement in white nationalist activism went beyond hokey racist folk music. McCarty was a member of the neo-Nazi group Vanguard America and was likely behind a wave of white nationalist graffiti that occurred in Eugene, Oregon in 2017.

    Evan James McCarty, aka "Byron de la Vandal"


    In April 2017, Taylor Dumpson was elected the first female Black president of the student government at American University in Washington, DC. There was a vicious and coordinated racist backlash largely driven by the neo-Nazi website The Daily Stormer. The Daily Stormer's owner Andrew Anglin published Ms. Dumpson's photo, social media addresses and contact information and encouraged his followers to harass her. Andrew Anglin has incurred millions of dollars in legal judgements stemming from previous similar harassment and trolling activity.

    In 2018 Taylor Dumpson sued Anglin and two of this followers, Brian Andrew Ade and Evan McCarty for violations of the District of Columbia Human Rights Act of 1977 and the D.C. Bias-Related Crimes Act of 1989. McCarty was accused of sending "hateful, intimidating, and harassing messages directed at Ms. Dumpson to various Twitter accounts associated with her, American University, the American University Student Government, and/or the American University Student Government."

    In 2019, McCarty reached an out-of-court settlement with the plaintiff that was focused on restorative justice. The unusual settlement called for a formal apology in which McCarty would also renounce "white supremacy, white nationalism, sexism, and other forms of hate and bigotry." McCarty was also required to become a cooperating witness and provide evidence in any proceedings against the other defendants, testifying against them at trial if needed.

    Additionally, McCarty agreed to participate in therapy and counseling comprised of anti-hate training,  anti-racism training, anti-sexism training, implicit bias training, and personal therapeutic counseling focused on remediating hate and bigotry.

    McCarty also agreed to advocate against hate, white supremacy, and bigotry for a minimum of two years, which could include "direct outreach to other white supremacists to attempt de-radicalization (with proper training), or contributing Defendant's performing arts skills to anti-hate and racial justice causes."

    An additional component of the settlement involved "Continuing Education' wherein he agreed to take at least four courses on "race and gender issues. In June 2021 McCarty received a BA in Popular Music Studies at the University of Oregon's School of Music & Dance.

    The whole settlement regarding Evan James McCarty aka Byron de la Vandal signed can be viewed here:

    As "Byron de la Vandal," McCarty craved the spotlight and he got it. There was a tremendous amount of media interest in this story which was greatly exacerbated by the lawsuit against him. McCarty was seemingly contrite in media interviews. “I’m working every single day in order to grow as an individual," he stated in an interview with a local news outlet. "I would ask for forgiveness and understanding. I would be the first to say that I absolutely regret 100 percent of my previous conduct."

    "I've taken this to heart. I wanted to formally apologize. I want to engage on a personal level and I wanted to also educate myself…So I've been attending classes, seminars and workshops about the dynamics of racial and cultural diversity and the impact of intolerance and prejudice," he went on to state.

    McCarty's "Byron de la Vandal" profile on a social media web site.

    His parents even issued a statement, saying "Evan, our son, feels deep regret about his actions and is committed to making changes and moving forward in a positive way." They claimed in the statement that he had "completely ceased all involvement with and disengaged with the ideology of the alt-right."

    Still, there is more than a whiff of parental denial. "He is a different person than he was when he hid behind an alias and was persuaded into hateful activity on the Internet, and recognizes its potential for harm it does to others," they said, minimizing his personal culpability by indicating that he was "persuaded" to undertake these actions.

    McCarty's performance with respect to contrition and de-radicalization was nothing if not Oscar-worthy, but in a shocking third act plot twist it turns out the whole thing was a charade. Despite McCarty's apparent willingness to reform himself, recent leaks of the racism-encouraging social media platform tells a different story.

    Poast leaks

    In May of 2023, experienced a massive security breach, leading to the exposure of thousands of user accounts. The breached files were subsequently leaked to multiple file sharing sites for public download. The leaked files included users’ direct messages to each other within the site. These messages, previously private but now exposed to public scrutiny, proved to be a treasure trove of information on users of, several of whom we have reported on here.

    The data breach included tens of thousands of user emails and direct messages including several between McCarty (writing as "AMALEK_ETERNVL") and two well known neo-Nazi podcasters.

    In a direct message exchange with longtime neo-Nazi podcaster Jesse Daniel  Ogden (aka "Borzoi",) concern was expressed about whether McCarty could still get in trouble for contacting any of them.  McCarty responded, "Openly, yes. Clandestinely, no. Court ordered imaging of my devices happened back in 2018, but there's been no requirement since…Still, I want to avoid anything public." The exchange went as follows:

    <2021-10-22T05:39:56.000Z> AMALEK_ETERNVL: Borzoi, it's me. It's Byron
    <2021-10-22T10:58:10.000Z> borzoi: Which Byron
    <2021-10-22T14:48:22.000Z> AMALEK_ETERNVL: De la vandal
    <2021-10-22T14:48:34.000Z> AMALEK_ETERNVL: At least I used to use that name
    <2021-10-22T14:51:02.000Z> borzoi: Can you still get in trouble for contacting any of us
    <2021-10-22T14:52:33.000Z> AMALEK_ETERNVL: Openly, yes. Clandestinely, no. Court ordered imaging of my devices happened back in 2018, but there's been no requirement since
    <2021-10-22T14:53:17.000Z> AMALEK_ETERNVL: Still, I want to avoid anything public. I don't need the hassle if anything did come up
    <2021-10-22T14:54:43.000Z> borzoi: Well, good to hear from you. You'll understand though if I'm a little careful about what I say even in a Poast chat
    <2021-10-22T15:54:41.000Z> AMALEK_ETERNVL: No I get it dude, suspicion is understandable. Their interest in me has wanted [sic] but I know I'm in an active file somewhere now
    <2021-10-22T15:55:00.000Z> AMALEK_ETERNVL: Just wanted to let someone know I'm still alive

    In another exchange with a different pseudonymous Nazi podcaster using the moniker "Nike Phoros," Evan McCarty was a bit chattier.

    <2021-10-22T15:56:11.000Z> AMALEK_ETERNVL: Hey Nike, it's Byron
    <2021-10-22T15:56:30.000Z> AMALEK_ETERNVL: De la Vandal, or used to be at least
    <2021-10-22T15:56:52.000Z> Ayyyyyyyy
    <2021-10-22T15:57:10.000Z> I've missed you bro
    <2021-10-22T15:57:17.000Z> So has Anglo
    <2021-10-22T15:57:52.000Z> He saw you on Instagram last week lol
    <2021-10-22T16:30:22.000Z> AMALEK_ETERNVL: Haha yeah I'm on insta, just there to lurk and laugh at Alex's/morrakiu's posts
    <2021-10-22T16:38:38.000Z> I am glad to see the court-ordered libtard re-education camp didn't work
    <2021-10-22T16:43:59.000Z> AMALEK_ETERNVL: Lmao
    <2021-10-22T16:44:14.000Z> AMALEK_ETERNVL: It was never going to, that's the thing
    <2021-10-22T16:44:39.000Z> AMALEK_ETERNVL: It wasn't about all this reform bullshit it's just to waste my time and punish me. They know that shit doesn't work
    <2021-10-22T16:47:56.000Z> I figured it would be as much. They can come with hackneyed curriculum thats a half-assed attempt to gaslight us, but far more likely to just steal several months of our real lives sitting in a classroom.

    McCarty admitted to having several different secret social media accounts to maintain his ties to the white nationalist and Nazi world. He shared a screenshot of his Telegram messenger profile named "Salty Spitoon" which featured a picture of antisemitic actor Mel Gibson with the caption "Nate Higgers, Kate Hikes."

    A screenshot of McCarty's Tlegram messenger profile he shared in a direct message on

    McCarty's account shared the same sort of vile antisemtic, racist, anti-LGBTQ+, misogynistic garbage that he had before his legal settlement.



    AMALEK_ETERNVL even discussed gun safety on a film set in public messages, stagecraft that Evan McCarty would be well acquainted with.


    Evan James McCarty is a terrible person to his very core. Here he directly engages with the Auschwitz Memorial to spew his Holocaust denial and antisemitic bile.


    Evan James McCarty didn't last long on He dramatically quit with an expletive and slur filled rant addressed to the creator of Dan Stevens (aka "graf." Where he peddles hate currently is anybody's guess. We have some theories but won't publish them without proof.

    Perhaps the most shocking aspect of all this is that it appears McCarty seems to have never truly intended to leave white supremacy and neo-Nazi ideology. While some of McCarty's "Byron de la Vandal" social media and music accounts were deleted, a great many are still online, albeit apparently inactive. These include his website and accounts at Gab and Minds. Some profiles are still on several prominent music sites like Bandcamp and ReverbNation. Incredibly, "Byron de la Vandal" merchandise is even available on Amazon.

    "Byron de la Vandal" profiles on Bandcamp and ReverbNation.
    "Byron de la Vandal" merchandise sold on Amazon.

    A Wart in Waiting

    It appears as though Evan James McCarty aka "Byron de la Vandal" has been biding time until his legal obligations are complete and keeping as many of his social media accounts alive for his eventual return. The out-of-court settlement provided him with a compassionate path to improve his character and recover from a life stained with hate and bigotry. Instead, McCarty chose to throw this chance away and in his arrogance thought he fooled us all.

    Evan James McCarty is the wart that came back and he has no one but himself to blame.

    White Nationalist Poet "Nullus" of the White Art Collective: Joseph Korbl of Queens, New York

    Don't think we have forgotten about the White Art Collective! We have been sitting on this identification for a bit because there are only so many hours in a day. So many Nazis, so little time…

    In our continuing exposés of the White Art Collective (also known as "WAC"), we present to you today the WAC's premiere "poet" of the bunch who calls himself "Nullus." Nullus has been posting white nationalist poetry and ultra-pretentious treatises on "white arts" for years, in addition to spoken word performances of his work and musical collaborations with other WAC performers. He uses the image of the Hungarian statue of Anonymus Bele regis notarius (the "Anonymous Notary of King Bela") to represent himself online, so you have to figure this ostentatious orator of longiloquent literature has to be pretty confident about his own anonymity. Indeed, he is– until today! Time to put a name and face to "Nullus."

    Nullus Abnormocracy

    "Nullus" uses images of a famous Hungarian statue to represent himself online.
    "Nullus" uses images of a famous Hungarian statue to represent himself online.

    The earliest instance we found of Nullus in the white nationalist scene was his web site,, on which he posted pretentious essays about nationalism and equally pretentious poetry. One example of Nullus' poetry that makes clear his white nationalist and anti-immigration positions was a poem called "Bend the Knee." In this poem he wrote:

    An amalgamation of wandering ethnicity,
    Arriving on the shores of your beloved native soil,
    Covetous aliens demand prompt inclusivity,
    As the element of your essence begins to recoil.

    Caricatures of extraordinary chronicles,
    Bizarre concoctions created to replace your decay,
    Pretentious conceits designed to change every particle,
    On day zero, the aura of your past is wiped away.

    Stolen images replaced with vulgar imitations,
    Standing in shock while your sons and daughters applaud and cheer,
    Their very presence always testing your limitations,
    Frenzied crowds of interlopers scream: “We were always here!”

    Contrived assumptions that register false reality,
    Illusions created by a deconstructive merchant,
    You and all your kindred are expected to bend the knee,
    Zealously demanding that you bow before the serpent.

    Crowds kneel before a malevolent humiliation,
    These savages take your spirit while gloating in your face,
    The serpent won't rest until it has your full submission,
    Traitorous zealots seeking to eradicate your grace.

    An amalgamation of wandering ethnicity,
    Threatens the existence of your family and your clan,
    Covetous aliens demand prompt inclusivity,
    Resolute righteous convictions will kneel before no man.

    Nullus consistently used images of the Hungarian statue Anonymus Bele regis notarius (the "Anonymous Notary of King Bela") to represent himself across the internet. Despite the sentiments about immigration he expressed in the poem above, he often spoke and wrote about being of Hungarian ancestry. In an interview on a white nationalist podcast Slavosphere (still available for listening at Nullus stated that he was born in the United States to Hungarian immigrant parents.

    Nullus on Twitter. He blocked us. 🙁

    Nullus eventually branched out from his dumb little web site and became a fixture in the White Art Collective, which was created by the failed filmmaker Ben Arvin (using the moniker "Jeff Winston"). Nullus often promoted others in this group of white nationalist performers on various social media platforms. He also frequently joins the white nationalist illustrator and fellow New Yorker Donald Jackson (who still uses the alias "Donald Kent" despite the fact we exposed him in an earlier piece) in WAC podcasts.

    Founder of the WAC Ben Arvin, aka "Jeff Winston")
    Founder of the WAC Ben Arvin, aka "Jeff Winston"
    White nationalist cartoonist Donald Jackson (aka "Donald Kent," aka "American Zarathustra") is a prominent member of WAC and friend and frequent collaborator with Nullus.
    White nationalist cartoonist Donald Jackson, aka "Donald Kent"

    Much of Nullus' material can be found on his Youtube channel, on which he posts videos featuring his spoken word material, collaborations with white nationalist musicians and his live stream "Conversations with the Wind." Nullus displayed his proficiency in the Hungarian language by translating Hungarian nationalist poems, which he posted performances of on his Youtube channel. In one Youtube video, Nullus dedicated a poem to the right-wing Hungarian activist György Budaházy, who was convicted of terrorism but pardoned in April of this year. Budaházy's group assaulted and nearly killed a media personality, bombed LGBTQ clubs in Budapest and attacked the homes of liberal politicians.

    Nullus celebrated the pardon of Hungarian right-wing terrorist György Budaházy in a Youtube post.

    Nullus defended this Hungarian fascist in a Substack piece entitled "Budaházy: A National Hero's Glorious Tragedy." In it he wrote:

    I consider György Budaházy a true Hungarian hero in the best sense of the word. He’s a son, brother, husband, father of three, and someone I'm honored to call a friend.

    Budaházy is the best of us! He's a hero to us all!

    Nullus' white nationalist sentiment and right-wing politics are abhorrent enough, but the poetry and spoken word pieces this pompous ass writes are equally repellent. Get a load of this corny poem he posted in a WAC Telegram chat entitled "Pure Will," along with audio of his reading:

    Bad poetry, overly dramatic delivery and abuse of exclamation marks are not crimes, but if they were Nullus would be Poetic Enemy #1. The theme of "Pure Will" is in line with a piece he wrote on Substack called "Manifesto of the Actionary Artist" which is a call-to-arms of sorts for white nationalist artists. In this piece he wrote:

    Before we annihilate the arrogance of sanctimonious Liberal and Leftist saboteurs, we must first recalibrate our respective identities and seek heroic virtues in the biological reality of our ancestral cultural gardens.

    Parsing through this ostentatious drivel, we think he means that white nationalists should be…more racist…? Or something. We're not sure and it doesn't matter. Nullus is the intellectual smarty-pants of the White Art Collective but sets a very low bar.

    Pseudointellectual hokeyness aside, Nullus was not afraid to dip his toes into the waters of popular music, rewriting lyrics to well-known songs like Bob Dylan's "The Times They Are A Changin'", which Nullus retitled "For These Times They Are A-coming":

    Warriors and poets
    Hone your axes and swords
    Burnish your visor
    One chance to stop the hordes
    And don’t draw too soon
    For the list has been made
    It’s now telling us who
    That it’s blamin’
    For they will lose now
    Feel the wrath of our blade
    For these times they are a-coming

    Nullus' re-interpretation of a Bob Dylan song.
    Nullus' re-interpretation of a Bob Dylan song.

    Telegram is a choice platform for Nullus. In one post on his Telegram channels he urged his followers to "Stay racist meine Kameraden!" along with an image of Adolf Hitler:


    In another post, Nullus celebrated Father's Day by posting a "Father's Day flag" that resembled a Nazi flag to his Telegram channel.


    Although many of his posts are hard to stomach due to both to their bigotry and pretentious wordiness, Nullus does manage to make his racism and antisemitism straight to the point at times, like when he makes use of the term "Jewish parasites" or writes "These rootless cosmopolitan Jews have no home."


    In another post he ruminated on IQ scores and wrote: "First, the IQ argument perpetuates the myth (I stress myth) that Ashkenazi Jews and East Asians have the highest average IQ of any ethnic or racial group. I'm not sure how many Jews or East Asians you've met in your lives, but I can assure you that most of them are as incredibly dumb as nails."


    Nullus revealed very little personally identifying information on his social media accounts, but was more free with generalized information about his background. In a post on the White Art Collective Telegram messenger chat, he wrote:

    I grew up in a blue collar family and was surrounded by working men throughout my formative years. Later on, I went to reputable academic institutions where I worked my way through college, paid off massive amounts of debt, and mingled with people of all backgrounds.

    I worked with my hands and I worked in the corporate world with extremely wealthy people. I've been a personal guest of high aristocrats as well as salt of the earth relatives who still tilled the earth in the old country. I was born and raised in the US but lived in Europe for 11 years. I know both continents quite well.

    I've seen it all in a nutshell.

    A wordy post by Nullus in the WAC Telegram chat during a dispute basically telling his cozy frens, "Stop fighting, you guys."

    In another post he wrote more about his background as a US/Hungarian citizen:

    My parents fled Hungary after the Hungarian Uprising of 1956. They left separately but met in the US, married, and established a family […]

    Since my parents were young when they arrived in the US, they could seamlessly adapt to the New World. […] My parents wanted my siblings and I to immerse ourselves in our Hungarian culture and decided to send us to a Hungarian school in Europe. […]

    I spent a little over a decade in West Germany before I returned to the US to complete my studies. As a result, I was at home in American, German, and Hungarian cultural milieus. After the fall of the Iron Curtain, our family often talked about returning, and I had made numerous attempts to find work and settle in Hungary. But my goals unfortunately never materialized as I had hoped. In the meantime, my life had to move forward.

    Aside from this vague background information, there was little to be found online to point to his real identity until we started poking into the domain records of his old website. Though looking up the current WHOIS domain information of Nullus' website reveals only that it is a privacy-protected domain, this was not always the case. Looking up this domain in historical WHOIS records was much more revealing.

    Historical DNS records for Nullus' web site proved revealing.
    Historical DNS records for Nullus' web site proved revealing (some bits redacted).

    Before this domain was privacy-protected, the domain records listed the administrative email and contact information for the registrant of this domain.  The email address it was registered to was joseph.koerbl@[REDACTED].com, a 718 area code phone number and a Glendale (Queens) New York street address.

    "Nullus" revealed: Joseph Sandor Korbl

    Joseph Sandor Korbl (alternately spelled "Koerbl" or "Körbl") was born on August 6, 1967. Public records place him in Queens, New York. Just as he had expressed as "Nullus," he does have a Hungarian background as well as a background in finance.

    Joseph Sandor Korbl (aka "Nullus") in an image connected to his Google account.
    Joseph Sandor Korbl (aka "Nullus") in an image connected to his Google account.

    In LinkedIn profile he described himself as a "Versatile senior professional with extensive experience in international commercial banking operations, management reporting, real estate loan portfolio asset management [and] private equity investment targets." He noted that he was fluent in English, German and Hungarian and is a dual US/Hungarian citizen. His past work history listed him as a Vice President at Eurohypo AG and HSH Nordbank.

    Joseph Korbl's now-deleted LinkedIn profile.
    Joseph Korbl's now-deleted LinkedIn profile.

    His most recent work history listed on LinkedIn was as a Director at Turan Advisors, LLC in the New York City area. At the time of writing, "Joseph (Joe) Koerbl" is listed as a member of their team.

    Korbl is a Director at Turan Advisors in New York.
    Korbl is a Director at Turan Advisors in New York.

    Turan Advisors describes themselves on their website as providing "highly specialized investment and M&A advisory services focusing on alternative investments (private equity, special situations and growth capital)."  Korbl is described on their web site:

    Joe has 25 years of experience in inter-national commercial finance, commercial real estate banking, and risk management. He managed a $9 Billion credit portfolio and was Chief of Staff at HSH Nordbank (NY). Joseph managed a $3 Billion commercial real estate portofolio for Eurohypo, AG (NY) and was a banker at Bayerische Vereinsbank, AG (NY). He has extensive experience in asset management, banking operations management, commercial loan portfolio management, loan servicing operations, surveillance of performance metrics, covenant analysis, trend analysis, credit administration, post-closing re-underwriting, sales analysis and market research. Joseph is fluent in English and German, with a Master’s Degree in International Affairs from Columbia University and Bachelors in Economics from Fordham University.

    Aside from these professional references and the Google account image, there is very little online presence regarding Korbl's personal life. This is probably because he doesn't have a life, aside from work and his white nationalist writing and podcasting. It's almost pitiable, a fifty-something-year-old in high finance writing white nationalist doggerel and podcasting in his spare time. Almost, but not quite!

    Further confirming our identification is the fact that Korbl, as "Nullus Abnormocracy," posted a message on Telegram on the occasion of his uncle's passing, a fact that we verified though public information.

    Korbl posted a Telegram message on the event of his uncle's death. [archive]

    This former bank vice president and Fordham and Columbia graduate spends much of his spare time online. One of the social media platforms he used is the racism-encouraging social media site, which recently experienced a massive security breach, leading to the exposure of thousands of user accounts. The breached files were subsequently leaked to multiple file sharing sites for public download. Although Korbl was not as invested in using as he was using other platforms, reading his leaked direct messages from provides a look into his connections with other racists in the scene. In a back-and-forth with another user who masquerades as an Asian racist caricature, Korbl revealed his participation in racist group chats and they discussed the state of white nationalists being deplatformed from social media:

    <2022-04-26T15:11:58.000Z> mao_yat: i am happy you and Kent continue to collaborate: best writer with best artist!
    <2022-04-26T15:13:58.000Z> mao_yat: i still feel angry at how the left took away Kent’s livlihood when they doxxed him. We gotta avoid all dox traces. Claremont Group Chat taught us all that, via BAP. Miss you, Nullus!
    <2022-04-27T00:58:40.000Z> Nullus: Thank you! We will still have to watch out even though Elon bought Twitter.

    The user "mao_yat," of course, is referring to our piece exposing Donald Jackson as "Donald Kent."  Happily, now Donald Jackson doesn't have to feel so alone since his best buddy Joseph Korbl is now exposed.

    In honor of this occasion we dedicate the following poem to Joseph Sandor Korbl, aka "Nullus":

    Roses are red,
    Violets are blue,
    WAC got exposed,
    And now Nullus is, too.

    — Anonymus Comradus Collectivus




    Alt-Right Troll "Kaspa" Revealed: Kasandra Mileusnic of Angle Vale, Australia

    [Content warning: You should know by now we write about some terrible people! Racist, misogynistic, antisemitic and anti-LGBTQ+ slurs ahead]

    One of the Alt-Right troll networks that emerged on Twitter during and after the 2016 US Presidential election was known as "The Shed." The Shed was a loose network of Twitter accounts that engaged in racist, antisemitic and anti-LGBTQ+  harassment campaigns and "doxed" journalists as well as anyone else who crossed their path. One of the most toxic of these Twitter trolls went by the alias "Spicci." We exposed Spicci in an earlier article as a New Hampshire electrician named John F. Rokes, Jr.

    Another of The Shed trolls whose toxicity on was nearly on par with that of Rokes was a woman who called herself "Kaspa." Like Spicci, she had long escaped identification, harassing, threatening and doxing countless people on Twitter without consequence. But karma's a kick in the shins, and here is your kick, Kasandra Mileusnic of Angle Vale, South Australia. Hope you have a jar of Australian Dream handy!

    "Kaspa" and "The Shed"

    The Twitter troll known as "Kaspa" was a member of the trolling collective dubbed "The Shed," which conducted extensive online harassment campaigns against journalists, activists and anyone who caught their attention or had political leanings left of right-wing. The Shed moniker itself was somewhat apocryphal, bordering on urban legend. It started as part of a pro-Trump meme factory and social media manipulation engine that included Alt-Right adjacent e-celebrities like manosphere lowlife Mike Cernovich and shady opportunist Jack Posobiec. The more ambitious participants tried to distance themselves from the Alt-Right, whose increasingly overt Nazism became political poison. The second wave of the The Shed was more extreme, trafficking in doxes and blatantly racist content.

    "The Shed" members used photoshopped images to represent themselves online. "Kaspa" is on the left, "Microship" is in the center with the MAGA hat and "Spicci" is represented at the right.
    "The Shed" members used photoshopped images to represent themselves online. "Kaspa" is on the left, "Microchip" is in the center with the MAGA hat, and "Spicci" is represented at the right.

    The ostensible leader of The Shed was known as "Microchip," a troll turned federal informant whose recent testimony in the trial of Douglass Mackey (aka "Ricky Vaughn") shed light on his tactics, which included bot networks and other fairly sophisticated methods. Researcher Erin Gallagher showed some of the main players in this troll network in an analysis of cyber-harassment in social media which can be found here.

    Microchip's most notorious acolyte was New Hampshire electrician John F. Rokes, Jr. whom we exposed as using the handle "Spicci." Rokes harassed and threatened people for years using hundreds of different Twitter accounts. Despite his surprisingly crude technique of using burner phones to create Twitter accounts, Spicci's name would be invoked in neo-Nazi circles with hushed tones as though he were some sort of internet bogeyman. His exposure showed that there was no wizard behind his curtain of anonymity. He was just an angry, mean, dysfunctional gamer weirdo with way too much time on his hands.

    John F. Rokes Jr., aka "Spicci," of New Hampshire.
    John F. Rokes, Jr., aka "Spicci," of New Hampshire.

    Kaspa was another key part of this multi-year trolling and harassment campaign. Using her mentor Spicci's crude and labor-intensive burner phone swapping technique, she ran through hundreds of short-lived Twitter accounts (she claimed to have used around five-hundred). With these Twitter accounts, Kaspa released doxes on numerous journalists which were in turn circulated throughout neo-Nazi Twitter circles. Some of these harassing tweets were re-tweeted many times by her followers, amplifying the harassment. Kaspa consistently used altered images of her real face to represent her online accounts and was known to be a woman in Australia.

    A small selection of "Kaspa" accounts.
    A small selection of "Kaspa" accounts.
    Kaspa was a serial doxer of anyone she was mad at.
    Kaspa was a serial doxer of anyone she was mad at.

    As the Black Lives Matter movement gained momentum, Kaspa went berserk and doxed numerous journalists who covered anything related to it. She aggressively targeted high-profile social media accounts for harassment. She also doxed dozens of people for reasons ranging from real or imagined online slights to ideological disputes. She routinely posted private addresses, phone numbers, and other personal details to facilitate trolling and harassment

    A sample of Kaspa's vicious doxing efforts on Twitter.

    A sample of Kaspa's vicious doxing efforts on Twitter.
    A sample of Kaspa's vicious doxing efforts on Twitter.

    Clearly assuming she was safe in her Australian lair, Kaspa released doxes on numerous political figures. On this side of the pond, this kind of stuff would likely get you a door knock. It's a wonder she didn't end up in the back of a divvy van!

    But there was a circular firing squad element to these activities. Kaspa also harassed other right-wing figures (particularly women) who were viewed as not ideologically extreme enough or too lascivious in conduct or appearance. The amount of petty infighting within their own circles was astonishing. Kaspa postured as some sort of avenger, defending her "friends" from various imagined slights and insults, doxing (or threatening to dox) other pseudonymous trolls that angered her.

    More of Kaspa's vicious harassment.

    The scale of this infighting is hard to convey. There are thousands of posts devoted to it. To characterise it as childish is unfair to children, as these are grown-ass adults maintaining multi-year feuds over internet name-calling. Even in the world of internet trolls, Kaspa was exceptionally racist, antisemitic, and bigoted. Her cruelty was unusually pronounced, often directed at other women whom she called "thots," "roasties" and "whores."

    Despite being a woman herself, Kaspa was extremely misogynistic.
    Despite being a woman herself, Kaspa was extremely misogynistic.

    Her obsessive misogyny was not surprising, however. Kaspa was active in Gamergate, a spectacularly dumb and vicious trolling campaign that focused special energy towards harassing women. As early as 2014 Kaspa was using the thinly-veiled usernames Kasambra and Kaspanda with the Twitter handle "@chrenarchaeota" and boosting Gamergate, Donald Trump, Milo Yiannopolis, Millennial Matt Colligan, Sam Hyde, Alex Jones and other right-wing figures.

    Kaspa was also obsessively antisemitic and frequently posted antisemitic and Holocaust denial tweets.

    Kaspa even doxed celebrities like Justin Timberlake for his support of social justice movements. Her desperate need for racist street cred manifested itself in tweets to celebrities, whom she assaulted with racial slurs and doxes.

    After the 2019 massacre in Christchurch, New Zealand, in which a single person murdered 51 Muslim worshippers at mosques in the city, Kaspa was one of the many white nationalists who celebrated the event by following the murderer's Twitter account. Like Spicci and the other members of The Shed, Kaspa's racism was particularly vicious, callously savouring the fifty-one innocent lives cut short while hiding behind a Twitter account.

    Kaspa writing as "@Repoorter1" on Twitter commenting on the Christchurch murderer. [archive]

    Although Kaspa had a years-long run as a toxic racist shitbird, her productivity would eventually get the better of her. It was only a matter of time before the various tidbits of information she had left littered about the internet could be put together to expose her true identity.

    "Shedding" Some Light on Kaspa

    Kaspa was cavalier with her own personal information over the years. Her most recent social media activity was on the Nazi-friendly social media site where she continued with her bigotry in a mostly unmoderated environment.

    In June of 2021 we exposed the creator and administrator of the site as Dan Stevens of Ontario, Canada, who uses the alias "Anime Graf Mays" or simply "Graf." (Stevens has been mad at us ever since.) Stevens referred to his site as “the most racist social media site on the planet,” which may be only a small exaggeration. Racist and anti-LGBTQ+ posts on are not only accepted on the site but also encouraged.

    Dan Stevens, aka "Graf," creator of
    Dan Stevens, aka "Graf," creator of

    Kaspa was a frequent user of and publicly posted a lot of details about her personal life on the site. On several occasions she posted photos of her workplace, which appeared to be an automobile place of some sort. Once she wrote about how she hated Teslas and that she had to attend "incident investigation training."

    Kaspa provided several clues to her workplace in public posts.
    Kaspa provided several clues to her workplace in public posts.

    Kaspa also publicly posted disparaging remarks about her fellow employees, including racial slurs, and referred to a Jewish female co-worker as "the Gomorrah prostitute." There were several references to making co-workers cry. Kaspa indicated that her racist views were known and seemingly tolerated by her employers.

    Public posts indicating that she was as toxic at work in real life as she was online.
    Public posts indicating that she was as toxic at work in real life as she was online.

    In one very racist retelling of a work incident, Kaspa wrote that her organisation had "accidentally accepted the business of an isis nigger" and texted her boss asking if she should work from home from then on. She posted screenshots of the texts.

    More public posting about work stuff.
    More public posting about work stuff.

    In May of 2023, experienced a massive security breach, leading to the exposure of thousands of user accounts. The breached files were subsequently leaked to multiple file sharing sites for public download. Stevens speculated in his disclosure to users that the breach was done by members of a rival internet forum and that these rivals were conducting a harassment campaign against him. The leaked files included users' direct messages to each other within the site. These messages, previously private but now exposed to public scrutiny, proved to be a treasure trove of information on users of, several of whom we have reported on here.

    Reading the direct messages between Kaspa and owner Dan "Graf" Stevens, we learned that they were longtime online friends going back to the Gamergate days. If you have come to the conclusion that Kaspa is a horrible person in public, it turned out that she is just as bad in private.

    1043-<2023-02-14T03:16:30.000Z> Kaspa: Michigan is full of niggers isn't it
    1044:<2023-02-14T03:16:50.000Z> Kaspa: And beaners too
    1045:<2023-02-14T03:17:07.000Z> Kaspa: Damn its gonna be a beaner
    1046-<2023-02-14T03:26:25.000Z> graf:[REDACTED]
    1047-<2023-02-14T03:26:27.000Z> graf: oh no no no
    1048-<2023-02-14T03:43:33.000Z> Kaspa: Possibly!
    1049-<2023-02-14T03:43:39.000Z> Kaspa: It's always niggers
    1050-<2023-02-14T03:43:44.000Z> Kaspa: 😆

    She claimed to be an Australian woman of Serbian descent. Despite her own family's status as immigrants, she is cruelly contemptuous of other foreign transplants as well as Indigenous people.

    <2023-03-26T00:54:06.000Z> Kaspa: My peoples
    <2023-03-26T01:28:27.000Z> Varus: What kind are you
    <2023-03-26T02:28:22.000Z> Varus: i like slavic women so it makes sense now :O_O
    <2023-03-26T03:25:13.000Z> Varus: im guessing ukranian or russian
    <2023-03-26T03:47:52.000Z> Kaspa: Serbian
    <2023-03-26T03:52:48.000Z> Varus: ohhh interesting. have you been to serbia or outside australia
    <2023-03-26T03:53:16.000Z> Kaspa: Yes but not since I was a kid, with my parents
    <2023-03-26T03:53:23.000Z> Kaspa: So maybe that doesn't even count

    <2023-03-13T05:33:50.000Z> Kaspa: I got cool skill attributes from being serbian you dont get it
    <2023-03-13T05:34:05.000Z> VBurner: can you smell Bosnian blood on someone or something?
    <2023-03-13T05:38:31.000Z> Kaspa: Yes and it makes me SICK!
    <2023-03-13T05:39:04.000Z> Kaspa: Seriously tho very lucky to come from a non Turk raped lineage my dad was a blonde haired blue eyed 6'5 strong man

    Also, in a direct message conversation with Dan Stevens ("graf") she revealed these doozies:

    <2023-02-12T09:08:14.000Z> Kaspa: The shortened version of my full name is literally Kas and I know they were stupid goofy poorly made meme Avis but they literally had my face in them idk

    <2023-02-12T09:10:51.000Z> Kaspa: Yeah I don't think anybody thought i would use my own face even my own friends

    By "meme Avis" she meant her avatars, or the images she used for her social media accounts. At another time she and Stevens discussed their time zones:

    <2023-02-12T07:37:47.000Z> graf: 2:37am here
    <2023-02-12T07:37:52.000Z> graf: I think you are 12? hours ahead maybe 14

    <2023-02-12T07:38:53.000Z> Kaspa: About 16 hours ahead, it's 6pm here
    <2023-02-12T07:39:13.000Z> graf: oh bruh you must be on the wollongong side of straya
    <2023-02-12T07:39:15.000Z> graf: one day i will make it there

    <2023-02-12T07:49:35.000Z> Kaspa: South Australia, little bit lower than Wollongong lol

    <2023-02-12T07:50:32.000Z> Kaspa: In a retarded ass 30 minute time zone too I don't think it's actually real and maybe time zones are just jewish tricks
    <2023-02-12T07:50:35.000Z> Kaspa: It really does
    <2023-02-12T07:50:47.000Z> Kaspa: There's a place here called iron knob
    <2023-02-12T07:50:57.000Z> Kaspa: And a whole town called banana
    <2023-02-12T07:51:20.000Z> Kaspa: There used to be a mount nigger head but crying abos made them change it

    Amidst the racist banter, complaining about her petty rivalries with other women on social media, and general psychotic viciousness, Kaspa also confirmed the name of her employer, CEVA Automotive Transport in Adelaide. She shared many photos of her worksite and the various cars that they handle as well as internal communications including her employee performance reviews.

    An image Kaspa shared in a direct message on revealing her workplace.
    An image Kaspa shared in a direct message on revealing her workplace.
    An image Kaspa shared in a direct message on revealing a contraction of her real first name "Kasandra."
    An image Kaspa shared in a direct message on revealing an abbreviation of her real first name, "Kasandra."

    Images Kaspa shared in a direct message on of automobiles at her workplace CEVA Automotive Transport in Adelaide, Australia.
    Images Kaspa shared in a direct message on of automobiles at her workplace, CEVA Automotive Transport in Adelaide, Australia.

    Disturbingly, Kaspa claimed her racist and antisemitic comments in the workplace were tolerated and even considered humourous.

    A screen shot of a DM exchange between Kaspa and Dan Stevens with corresponding attached images revealing workplace connections.
    A screen shot of a DM exchange between Kaspa and another user with corresponding attached images revealing her workplace behaviour.

    Kaspa had posted publicly in racist and homophobic terms about auto brands her employer deals with, like Tesla and Ford. In the now-public DMs, Kaspa claimed to have a "blood feud" with the Ford account coordinator of CEVA and posted a photo of her, calling her a "jew bitch," "beaner spic bitch" and "a cunt."

    A screen shot of a DM exchange between Kaspa and Dan Stevens with corresponding attached images revealing workplace connections.
    A screen shot of a DM exchange between Kaspa and Dan Stevens with corresponding attached images revealing workplace connections.

    Putting the pieces together, we learned that the long-time racist, antisemitic, misogynistic and anti-LGBTQ+ troll and all-round terrible person known as "Kaspa" was actually Kasandra Mileusnic of Angle Vale, South Australia, born June 20, 1989.

    Kasandra Mileusnic, aka "Kaspa," of Angle Vale, South Australia (left).
    Kasandra Mileusnic, aka "Kaspa," of Angle Vale, South Australia (left).
    Kasandra Mileusnic, aka "Kaspa."
    Kasandra Mileusnic, aka "Kaspa."

    As Mileusnic relates to The Shed, the leak of direct messages reveals her relationship with her co-conspirator John Rokes, Jr., aka "Spicci," which appeared to be an online relationship that never came to fruition. She wrote to Stevens:

    <2023-02-12T08:06:36.000Z> Kaspa: Yeah mine is too so I moved [REDACTED]. I squandered my time away on an American man who wouldn't and still probably won't commit to anything other than drugs and really bad ones not normal ones, but that's okay at least I can always say I did everything I could to help the person I love and make it work but it just didn't. If it did work I would have a family too I think but bullying trannies and calling people niggers passes the time at least

    <2023-02-12T08:07:32.000Z> graf: sometimes you cant help those people
    <2023-02-12T08:17:59.000Z> Kaspa: Yeah he is badly addicted to heroin and also alcohol. Refuses rehab, I almost dropped $12k on a stay at the best one I could find in new england for him but he told me he wouldn't go and they don't give your money back if they don't show up. Very heartbreaking way to see to someone you care about

    <2023-02-12T08:56:26.000Z> Kaspa: Good it should change. You shouldn't let anyone walk all over you, anyone who would be worth allowing to do that to you would never do it in the first place if that makes sense. And it will burn you out on helping people when you help those who don't deserve it and make your life hell for helping which isn't fair because you don't have to help but still do. Mine was one of our old twitter mutuals which I knew a little before twitter. I haven't heard back from him since last September when he was begging me to go over and marry him. I was 1 day from spending $5000 on a ticket when he went all ghost on me again. When we started getting close he told me he used to use and got clean and I feel like he was being truthful as looking back and comparing the behaviour it wasn't the same but I can't be sure if he was just better at hiding it or if new england is just so bad with the epidemic of heroin addiction that it's impossible to stay clean being constantly surrounded by it and others who use. Eventually he would try to use it as a means to push me away and would do things like send me photos of needles in the back of his hand. Upsetting stuff, but I still would have done anything to get him off that literal poison.

    We know she is speaking about John Rokes, Jr., because in a DM conversation with another user, Rokes' online alias is referred to. She notes that she has not heard back from him since September of last year (2022):

    <2023-03-06T08:14:15.000Z> is spicci doin alright?
    <2023-03-06T08:14:32.000Z> he was talkin crazy ass shit last time i ran into em on gab i think
    <2023-03-06T08:15:23.000Z> Kaspa: I don't know if he is alright or not
    <2023-03-06T08:15:34.000Z> Kaspa: He hasn't responded to me since September of last year

    Drug abuse and recovery is a serious issue and we don't shame those who suffer from addiction. At the same time, drug addiction is not an excuse for the threats and harassment that Rokes engaged in during his time as "Spicci." Mileusnic's formerly-private-but-now-public messages regarding Rokes further confirm our identification of Rokes as "Spicci," which he attempted to deny immediately following his exposure.

    For those who know Mileusnic personally, further confirmation of her identity can be gained by listening to an audio clip of her voice which she shared to the world, and which was preserved by South-East Anti-Racist Action.


    Exit Kaspa; Enter Kasandra Mileusnic

    As "Kaspa," Kasandra Mileusnic engaged in some of the most horrifically vicious bigoted internet trolling that we have seen. Now, thanks to the self-described “most racist social media site on the planet,” her true identity has been exposed and her behaviour can be held to public scrutiny. Like her cohorts in The Shed, she was no mastermind; just a pathetic, entitled racist with a lot of hate and too much time on her hands. But even this poor excuse for a human caused real fear and damage with her mass harassment. Shame on you, Kasandra. Karma is a kick in the shins.


    A big thanks to our comrades the White Rose Society (Australia) for their contributions to this piece! You can find them on Twitter at @whiterosesocau.


    Correction: We removed one photo which we had thought was a photo of her workplace, which it wasn't. It was a screenshot of a realistic video game. Much thanks to the reader who pointed it out!

    White Art Collective Singer Olivia Banner Key of Live Oak, California

    Continuing our exposure of the of the “White Art Collective,” a group of white supremacist musical performers, writers and graphic artists, we present to you Olivia Banner Key, of Live Oak, California, a long-time, prolific singer and collaborator with the White Art Collective. Olivia started participating with the White Art Collective using her real name and plastering her face all over their social media, which is a good way to tell everyone in the world that she's a white nationalist. For better or worse, the internet has a long memory. Maybe she's realizing that wasn't such a good idea!

    White Art Collective performer Olivia Banner Key
    Olivia Banner Key

    Born on December 11, 1993, Olivia Banner Key is originally from Live Oak, California, but has been studying in the United Kingdom for the past three years for an academic degree in Italian language with the goal of becoming an interpreter or a translator. Now she is preparing for her move back to the United States, as we learned from a Give Send Go campaign she started to raise money for her move. It is perhaps no coincidence that Key has recently been scrubbing her online presence, removing and making private her social media accounts. But with such a history of racism, antisemitism and anti-LGBTQ+ bigotry attributed to her on the internet this won't be easy for her. We will make it a little less easy by putting on record her history of white supremacist promotion.

    A Star Is Born (not)

    In streamed interviews with other WAC associates Donald Jackson (aka "Donald Kent") and neo-Nazi yoga instructor Jody Swingler (aka "Jody Kay") of the fascist "Patriotic Alternative" UK party, Olivia Key described her "red pill" origin story as stemming from living with her "progressive lesbian radical feminist" after her parents divorced when she was twelve years old. While studying for an associate degree in audio engineering at her California college she described herself as a "minority" at her California school, amongst people who spoke other languages, and how the art on the walls of the school was "just so grotesque" like "kindergarten art." After composing and recording some "white positive" music, she messaged neo-Nazi Jason Koehne who played her songs on his "No White Guilt" platforms. which were well-received by No White Guilt's Nazi audience, beginning her foray into the world of so-called "pro-white" music making.

    Another song that was a "hit" among the Nazi creeps in her circle was called "My Blood." Its lyrics make apparent Olivia Key's enormous sense of entitlement and her anger about "white" people not being a privileged class:

    My blood watered the nation
    My blood
    My blood through generations
    My blood

    What a harrowing time to witness what it means to be white
    As our history's taught, a guilt trip
    God forbid you have pride

    And all this does is shake the bones
    Awakening a rage that only grows
    (echoing echoing echoing)
    You will not replace us
    You will not erase us
    The circus will be overthrown
    As patience dies and courage finds its home
    (echoing echoing echoing)

    And nothing can take what my forefathers gave for me
    Fight or flight up to the heavens with Sky King
    I won't be denied of my place in my own country
    Light is my skin and I'll live to tell its story

    Olivia Key in a 2021 streamed interview with UK fascist Jody Swingler (aka "Jody Kay")

    She described in the interviews her interest in genealogy which led her to a claim that she was a descendant of William Bradford, an English Puritan Separatist who governed the Plymouth colony during various times from 1621 through 1657.   Key showed an enormous sense of entitlement at being "white" when she expressed dismay that she is not granted special privileges for being a "Mayflower American" and from descending from someone who "…literally built America. I've been here forever…My family has done so much for this country and it doesn't matter anymore. No one cares." [Historical aside, William Bradford appointed Myles Standish to be military commander. Standish subsequently used his position to massacre a group a Native Americans in cold blood after inviting them to a meal in what was later described in many history books as a "pre-emptive strike."]

    Olivia Key discussing her DNA ancestry results with Nazi friends in a live stream.

    Olivia Key also learned that she had some Italian ancestry, as she explained in the interviews. Despite having only a small percentage of Italian ancestry, this spurred her on to spend considerable time and money to achieve dual Italian-American citizenship. She posted frequently in an Italian-American dual citizen Facebook group, but her fascist sympathy and superficial appropriation of Italian identity did not sit well with other members of the group. For some reason she decided to study Italian language in the United Kingdom instead of Italy (which would seem to be the obvious choice if one wanted to study the Italian language). There in the UK she met her boyfriend, a "based Slav" (in her words) named Oskar from Poland who is studying in the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) field.

    Olivia Key and Oskar (face redacted) in 2020.
    Olivia Key and Oskar (face redacted) in 2019.
    Olivia Key and Oskar (face redacted) in 2020.

    Key stated that she has estranged herself from her mother (who also happens to express trans-exclusionary radical feminist views) and three brothers who are "not on the same wavelength" with her self-proclaimed "super, super far right" views. She described her father as a "conservative" who listens to Tucker Carlson. Despite laughing off accusations from immediate family of being a Nazi, she happily told racist WAC illustrator Donald Jackson in the interview that she had Mein Kampf and books by Julius Evola on her nightstand.

    On Twitter she posted under several different handles like "@n0t_0l1K3y," "@n0t_0l1v1aK3y," "A_castelvecchi," "@love_europa," "@areeuh1" and others in order to prevent her family members from finding her accounts, as she explained in the interviews. Her Twitter posts frequently expressed racist and antisemitic sentiments.


    Olivia Key mocks Jewish people in an antisemitic Facebook post.

    Since her white nationalist singing debut, Olivia Key has been a prominent performer of the White Art Collective, frequently appearing in their live streams. The fedora-wearing fascist Joshua Randle (who uses the moniker "Lord Wolfshield") featured her songs in all three of his annual White Art Collective compilations. For a time she and Mandi Gillespie (aka "Hiraeth") together hosted a regular podcast called "Ivory Hour," which garnered some popularity amongst the WAC crowd.

    Mandi Gillespie (aka "Hiraeth") advertising on Twitter a podcast she and Olivia Key hosted together.
    Olivia Key made the cut for Josh Randle's (aka "Lord Wolfshield) annual "Fedora Favorites" White Art Collective music compilation every year. This was 2020.

    Key explained in the interviews that her decision to use her real name and face instead of alias was to not "give anyone the power to dox" her. Lately, however, she seems to have had second thoughts since she has deleted much of her online presence, including her Facebook profile, Instagram profile, YouTube channel and Gab accounts. Her music on Soundcloud has been removed and her Twitter account, "@Liv_Bascherini," is now made private. Many references to her association with the White Art Collective have also been removed, but considering how active she was, it would be impossible to erase all mentions of her history of racist associations. A "mini-interview" conducted by WAC alt-right and anti-choice activist Julie Green (aka "Mama P") remains on archive sites, as well as reposted episodes of the "Ivory Hour" podcast, like one in which she and Gillespie discuss the astrological chart of neo-fascist ideologue Julius Evola with Jaenelle Antas (aka "PhilosophistiCat"), a virulent racist who acted as Holocaust denier David Irving’s personal assistant.

    Olivia Key with Mandi Gillespie (aka "Hiraeth") and Jaenelle Antas (aka"PhilosophiCat") in episode 7 of "Ivory Hour."

    Coming To America

    As mentioned earlier, Olivia Key has suddenly decided to delete or make private much of her internet presence. When a "fan" inquired about her absence in neo-Nazi Telegram chats others replied that "she was talking a break." We sort of suspect, though, that this attempt to scrub her associations with white nationalism had something to do with our exposé of WAC's founder "Jeff Winston" as Benjamin Arvin and WAC singer "Hiraeth" as Mandi Gillespie in real life. Also, it may be due to her intent to move back to the United States soon, for which she has started a GiveSendGo campaign to raise funds. Worrying about openly promoting white supremacy under her real name has obviously been in the back of her mind, since she has anticipated a legal name change after her intended marriage to her significant other. In a now-deleted Facebook post, Key asked for advice on post-marriage name changes, mentioning that if she returned to the United States she would like to take his last name, making her surname "Siwierski" or "Siwierska."

    At the time of writing this campaign has stalled out at $169 out of the $2000 goal. Guess her friends don't want her back that badly.
    Josh Randle (aka "Lord Wolfshield") explains that Olivia Key is "taking a break" in a neo-Nazi Telegram chat.
    Olivia Key on Facebook eliciting advice on names changes.

    Before joining the white nationalist Gong Show that we know as the "White Art Collective," Olivia Key was somewhat of a paranormal buff, even going to ghost investigations with a local paranormal investigation enthusiast group. She has claimed on occasion to be psychic.

    Olivia Key was an amateur paranormal investigator before she became a white nationalist singer.
    Olivia Banner Key
    Olivia Banner Key (right) with Solano County Paranormal in 2014.

    We do not condone body-shaming at all, but Olivia Key apparently doesn't feel the same way. She's made numerous posts on Twitter ridiculing other people's body shape, despite her own issues with body image. Olivia Key's sense of entitlement as a white American and lack of empathy towards people of other cultures and origins extends to people of different body types, which just makes her a very mean, petty person.

    Olivia Key has promoted body shaming posts on Twitter, despite her own struggles with body weight, which is just mean.
    Olivia Banner Key in 2017.
    Olivia Banner (4th from left) Key in 2017.
    Olivia Banner Key (right) in 2016.
    Olivia Banner Key (left) in 2016.

    Though she described her "red pilling" as stemming from her family like and time studying at her California community college, she attempted "normie" music before her decision to break into the white nationalist market, as in a self-produced 2014 album we found on Pandora.

    Album art for Olivia Key's 2014 pre-white nationalist attempt at "normie" music.

    American Idle

    Being a white nationalist is never a good look. And seeking white nationalist stardom among neo-Nazis and online fascists is a fine way to waste one's life. Perhaps Olivia Banner Key is just now realizing that this mark in her personal history is something she will never be able to live down. A poor choice it was, but it's a choice she made herself when she decided to openly promote white supremacy.

    Our coverage of the White Art Collective will continue!

    In the meantime, check out our previous reporting on the White Art Collective through these links:

    We would like to say "Vi ringrazio tanto!" to our compagni anonimi for their contributions to this article. You know who you are!

    Neo-Nazi White Art Collective Performer "Alma Lahar": Zachary Kaczmarek of Puyallup, Washington

    In our continuing coverage of the "White Art Collective," a group of white supremacist musical performers, writers and graphic artists, we present to you in this report the racist WAC singer and musician "Alma Lahar," or as he is known in daily life, Zachary Roger Kaczmarek of Puyallup, Washington. He is considered one of the White Art Collective's "pillar artists" with a long history of racism, antisemitism and anti-LGBTQ+ bigotry, so it's no wonder that he fits right in.

    Zachary Roger Kaczmarek, aka "Alma Lahar"

    Zachary Roger Kaczmarek , aka "Alma Lahar"

    Born on Februrary 17, 1987, Kaczmarek works construction and carpentry jobs in the Seattle-Tacoma area when he's not contributing to the White Art Collective's catalogue of shitty racist musical acts. If you've been following our recent work, you'll know that the White Art Collective (also known as "WAC") is the brainchild of failed filmmaker, misguided musician and all-around racist loser Benjamin Arvin, who uses the now-totally-unnecessary pseudonym "Jeff Winston." Arvin, together with his neo-Nazi baby momma Mandi Gillespie, aka "Hiraeth," runs this group of neo-Nazi ne'er-do-wells in order to ostensibly promote "pro-white arts." Its more insidious intention, however, is to normalize white nationalism and recruit more performers and artists into a racist entertainment ecosystem. And Kaczmarek is eager to contribute. Having failed to find musical success with his former group, a Tacoma-area rock band called "Dangerous Thinking," Kaczmarek now has an uncritical audience of white nationalists to give him his ego fix.

    Zachary Roger Kaczmarek, aka "Alma Lahar"
    Kaczmarek fronting his previous band "Dangerous Thinking" in 2009.
    Benjamin Arvin, aka "Jeff Winston," founder of the White Art Collective

    Zach Kaczmarek has been a prolific Nazi propagandist for over a decade, using several online aliases. As "mxcisl337" on the Nazi-friendly social media platform Gab, Kaczmarek wrote on his profile page, "'***Hitler was right***," "***1488***" and "***International Jewry is the enemy of all people***." He also hailed American neo-Nazi George Lincoln Rockwell as a "true hero" on Twitter. Kaczmarek is an all-in neo-Nazi.

    Zachary Kaczmarek's profile as "mxcisl337"
    Twitter post in which Kaczmarek praised neo-Nazi George Lincoln Rockwell on Twitter.

    Kaczmarek is a super fan of the band Rishloo and is even thanked on their first album (we have no indication that they were aware of his racist proclivities). He even used "Rishloo" as his handle on dating websites. As a wanna-be musician and singer who has found his audience in white nationalist circles, Kaczmarek spends much of his free time composing bigoted songs, like the three "musical parodies" that he advertised on the "Single n Sober" dating web site, as if they were selling points.

    Kaczmarek's profile on the "Single n Sober" dating web site. [archive]
    Kaczmarek biographical details he posted on the "Single n Sober" dating site. He even posted links to his "musical parodies" as if those were selling points.
    A young Zachary Roger Kaczmarek sporting the merch of his fave band Rishloo.
    Still sporting the Rishloo merch. Worst product placement ever!

    Kaczmarek's racism and conspiratorial fantasizing started early in his life, as seen in dumb racist entries on the Urban Dictionary website written as a teenager. He also delved into conspiracy theories about "chem trails" and 9/11.

    Entries on written Zachary Kaczmarek as a teen.
    A young Kaczmarek pictured in a video under the name "Alma Lahar/Goys of Summer"

    Zachary Kaczmarek was an early convert to the emerging neo-Nazi Alt-Right movement and released propaganda songs as early as 2013 under the "mxcisl337" name. His YouTube channel at the time was comprised mostly of racist/antisemitic songs and videos of himself shooting guns. Before taking his current stage name of "Alma Lahar," Kaczmarek used the name "Goys of Summer" for his act, performing a prolific set of racist and antisemitic songs. One song that was a particular hit amongst neo-Nazis was a remake of a Hootie and the Blowfish number renamed "I Only Wanna Be A Jew."

    Kaczmarek mocking Jewish people as he performs his song "I Only Wanna Be A Jew."

    White nationalists loved it so you know it had to be awful:

    Little Goyim, we come from different worlds.
    You're merely cattle born as slaves for Israel.
    You think we're allies, I wonder why.
    I fuck you every chance, then bill you when you cry.
    And there's nothing you can do.
    I only wanna be a Jew.

    I start my day at the foreskin buffet.
    Write other bullshit laws then jack up interest rates.
    You won't act.
    You won't know.
    Tomorrow I'll flood you with hordes from Mexico.
    And there's nothing you can do.
    I only wanna be a Jew.
    Make the Goyim my fools.
    I only wanna be a Jew.

    The white man's a villain, oh can't you see.
    I'll sell their babies' parts and abort them all for free.
    And their women, well what a treat,
    When forced to breed with Juan, Muhammad, and Pajeet.
    And their mutts will be so yucky.
    I only wanna be a Jew.
    Race replacement is cool.
    I only wanna be a Jew.

    I break all of nature's rules.
    I only wanna be a Jew.
    Make the Goyim my tools.
    I only wanna be a Jew.

    Sometimes I wonder if it'll ever end.
    Maybe a 4th Reich will come oven me instead.
    I pray to Satan, Dark Lord on high.
    Please don't let them find out the Holocaust was one big lie.
    'Cause then there's nothing I could do.
    If the Goyim only fuckin' knew.
    6 million would not do.
    They'd Shoah every single Jew.
    I break all of nature's rules.
    I only wanna be a Jew.

    Another was a song called "The Goys of Summer," a parody of Don Henley's "The Boys of Summer."  Despite it being utter trash, the song "The Goys of Summer" was something of a hit amongst Nazi chuds and was featured on the white nationalist media outlet The Daily Stormer and on longtime Pacific Northwest neo-Nazi nutjob Harold Covington's Northwest Front radio show Free Radio Northwest.

    Kaczmarek's song "The Goys of Summer" featured on the neo-Nazi website The Daily Stormer.
    The song was also promoted on PNW white nationalist Harold Covington's web site and radio show.

    Kaczmarek's antisemitic views were frequently reflected in his Twitter posts, which also showed a blatant admiration of Adolf Hitler's Nazi party, anti-LGBTQ+ bigotry and general racism against persons of color.

    Kaczmarek is an adherent of antisemitic conspiracy theories. [archive]
    In this tweet, Kaczmarek promotes a neo-Nazi "documentary" and denies that the Holocaust ever happened. [archive]
    Here Kaczmarek praises Patrick Little, a neo-Nazi and failed California politician. [archive]
    Kaczmarek defending Nazi Germany. [archive]
    Again, Kaczmarek defending Nazi Germany.[archive]
    Kaczmarek makes gross assumptions about Black people. [archive]
    Kaczmarek denies that POC and LGBTQ+ peoples are marginalized. [archive]
    This one is just gross. [archive]

    Kaczmarek has made guest appearances on several neo-Nazi podcasts like "The White Power Hour" show on Radio Wehrwolf and the Goyim Defense League's website. He currently produces his racist rubbish in association with the White Art Collective, which heavily promotes his music and provides him with opportunities to perform live in front of white nationalist audiences through their various in-person concerts called "WAC Fests."

    Zachary Roger Kaczmarek (left) performing one of his shitty songs at WAC Fest 2022, as seen on YouTube.

    Branching out, Kaczmarek has recently expanded his artistic repertoire through acting in WAC short films by white nationalist weirdo Josh Randle (aka "Lord Wolfshield") of Grand Rapids, Minnesota. This horror short is less "horror" and more "as horrible as one would expect" coming from white nationalists. While the story itself is thematically not white nationalist, it was based on a story written by white nationalists and features only people in their white nationalist circle, which is part of Ben Arvin's ("Jeff Winston") plan to create an all-white entertainment eco-system that is approachable to non-"red pilled" white people. This is the white nationalist equivalent of putting pills for your pet in a dab of peanut butter for easy consumption.

    Zachary Kaczmarek, aka "Alma Lahar," (left) in his acting debut with Joshua Randle, aka "Lord Wolfshield."
    Zachary Roger Kaczmarek, aka "Alma Lahar"

    Racist Gun Nut

    From time to time we've been known to goof on deserving Nazis, but this doesn't mean their threat is not worth taking seriously. Dangerous and ridiculous are not mutually exclusive. Nazi dork Zachary Kaczmarek exhibits vicious antisemitism, racism and hate which is coupled with an obsessive, fetishistic interest in firearms that marks him as potentially dangerous.

    Kaczmarek's obsession with guns was partly how we uncovered his identity. Finding the MySpace profile for his old rock band, we noticed a photo of him from a local news article on another account that was in the first account's "friends" list. In this article Kaczmarek was pictured at a 2018 pro-gun rally in Olympia holding a sign with a rifle slung in front of him.  He was also spotted at another 2018 demonstration at the legislative building in Olympia wearing body armor and sporting a semi-auto rifle, but this time he used the alias "Ben Garrison" for his name in the photo caption. (Ben Garrison, by the way, is also the name of right-wing cartoonist. Kaczmarek makes additional mention of him in his "The Goys of Summer" song).

    Kaczmarek pictured at a pro-gun rally in Olympia, Washington [archive]
    Zachary Kaczmarek using the alias "Ben Garrison" in this 2018 photo.
    Zachary Kaczmarek using the alias "Ben Garrison" in this 2018 photo. [archive]
    Kaczmarek (on the right), again as "Ben Garrison," ready for some "Counter Strike" LARPing with his buddies at the legislative building. [archive]

    Zachary Kaczmarek pictured overcompensating.

    Knowing that Kaczmarek is a vicious racist and bigot who has a pathological obsession with high-powered firearms is even more chilling when coupled with an original song he wrote which he claimed was "inspired by Mr. Tarrant," referring to the mass-murderer who killed at least fifty people at a mosque in Whitechurch, New Zealand in 2019. The song's title, "Accelerate," references the right-wing extremist notion of accelerating system collapse on the way to a race war. Kaczmarek sang:

    Burn their homes & smash their bones
    Send them off all stacked like bricks
    Those who run provide more fun
    Blood trails ripe with fear
    Worthless pleas, exhausted talks
    No compromise today.
    The blackest sun, & it's only dawn
    Best you find some shade

    Kaczmarek's song "Accelerate" on a media sharing site with unsubtle nods to the Christchurch mass murderer.

    A Hidden Danger

    Zachary Roger Kaczmarek is a ridiculous doofus, but he is a ridiculous doofus who is an abhorrent racist, antisemite and anti-LGBTQ+ bigot with access to a deadly arsenal of firearms. He and others like him need to be taken seriously. The "White Art Collective" is not about art; it's about white supremacy. The White Art Collective's goal is to normalize white supremacy and make it seem palatable to the mainstream public, which is an insidious plan by itself.  Throwing a whack-job like Kaczmarek into the mix introduces a high physical danger as well.

    Our coverage of the White Art Collective continues.

    In the meantime, check out our previous reporting on the White Art Collective through these links:



    Zachary Roger Kaczmarek may be a ridiculous doofus with guns, but we're still gonna clown on this Nazi shitbird. We of the ACC are all about body positivity and applaud anyone tending to their own health. But if you're a dirtbag Nazi and want to show off your shirtless thirst-trap pics, be prepared. (CONTENT WARNING: Neo-Nazi nipples in the following photos!)

    "Be beautiful, frens." (Note his misogynistic "man-o-sphere" reference).
    Whoah, Zach. We knew you were in the "White Art Collective," but didn't know you were that white!
    Stud or dud? Getting real Carrot Top vibes here.





    White Art Collective's Fedora-Wearing Fascist "Lord Wolfshield": Joshua Randle of Grand Rapids, Minnesota

    Continuing our series on the neo-Nazis of the so-called White Art Collective (also known as "WAC"), we present to you in this piece the fedora-wearing fascist "Lord Wolfshield," or for tax purposes, Joshua Ben-Israel Randle of Grand Rapids, Minnesota and his wife/accomplice who goes by the moniker "Lady Wolfshield."  Together this cringey couple makes music and short films for the White Art Collective. While they have been quite happy to represent this neo-Nazi art collective publicly showing their actual faces, they are shy about publicizing their names. Let's rectify that, shall we?

    Josh and Ashley Randle, aka "Lord and Lady Wolfshield"
    Josh and Ashley Randle, aka "Lord and Lady Wolfshield"
    Josh Randle's (aka "Lord Wolfshield" Twitter profile, with art by white nationalist cartoonist Donald Jackson (aka "Donald Kent")

    At first glance, Josh Randle's content as "Lord Wolfshield" appears to be merely amateurish music and videos by a guy who thinks he looks good in a fedora, rather than overt white nationalist content. This is in line with WAC founder Benjamin Arvin's (aka "Jeff Winston") strategy to make white nationalism more accessible to prospective recruits. But when your friends are all neo-Nazis and you represent and provide content for a neo-Nazi group then you are very likely a neo-Nazi. Which he is. Josh Randle has performed with other white nationalist musicians at the various "WAC Fests," or live concerts organized by the white art collective, like the neo-Nazi dumpster fire that is Emily Youcis, and WAC headliner Mandi Gillespie, who uses the alias "Hiraeth." Randle is also involved with monetizing WAC's efforts by producing compilation CDs of WAC musicians, entitled "Lord Wolfshield's Fedora Favorites," to be sold on the WAC web store.

    Randle (left) performing with Emily Youcis (center) and Mandi "Hiraeth" Gillespie (right) at WAC Fest 2022, as seen on his YouTube page.
    Randle (left) performing with Emily Youcis (center) and Mandi "Hiraeth" Gillespie (right) at WAC Fest 2022, as seen on his YouTube page.
    Now that he has been exposed, Benjamin Arvin has taken to showing his full face on social media (although he still uses the "Jeff Winston" alias). He is pictured here in a YouTube video begging for help in promoting a White Art Collective musician by distributing flyers.
    Album art for "Lord Wolfshield's Fedora Favorites 2020" with "Lord and Lady Wolfshield" represented as alt-right Pepe cartoon images, as seen on the WAC web store.
    Album art for "Lord Wolfshield's Fedora Favorites 2020" with "Lord and Lady Wolfshield" represented as alt-right Pepe cartoon images, as seen on the WAC web store.
    Randle promoting his "Lord Wolfshield's Fedora Favorites 2021" along with his wife Ashley Randle.
    Randle promoting his "Lord Wolfshield's Fedora Favorites 2021" along with his wife, Ashley Randle.
    Randle appearing with other WAC neo-Nazis Emily Youcis and Mandi Gillespie in a promo for "Lord Wolfshield's Fedora Favorites 2022."
    Randle appearing with other WAC neo-Nazis Emily Youcis (left) and Mandi Gillespie (right) in a promo for "Lord Wolfshield's Fedora Favorites 2022."

    Josh Randle is a frequent collaborator with other members of the White Art Collective in both music and film projects, as well as writing and performing his own music and videos. Taste is subjective, but Randle has an uncritical audience amongst this circle of white nationalists and neo-Nazis, who seem to praise any sort of amateurish drivel they produce because it is, in their words, "pro-white." Unlike many of his peers, Randle's productions are generally low-key when it comes to the alt-right signalling. Nevertheless, the hints are there, like in Randle's song "Dance the Blackpills Away" ("blackpill" is alt-right jargon for nihilism and has associations with extremist violence).

    Is Randle's lack of overt white nationalist messaging a virtue? No. A Nazi is still a Nazi. Randle's flavor of white nationalism is just less apparent (and so gosh-awful it makes you wince) and its non-obvious presentation is just as dangerous as the more in-your-face varieties of white nationalism.

    Randle (center) appearing in a WAC video, "Star Boat," with Ben Arvin (right).
    Randle "dancing the blackpills away";an image used for the YouTube video of a song he made all by himself.
    Randle "dancing the blackpills away" in an image used for the YouTube video of a song he made all by himself.

    One dumb short film he made, entitled "No Country For Bigfoot," was a story about cryptozoologists searching for Bigfoot. Innocuous at face value, the film celebrated a guest appearance by neo-Nazi Emily Youcis, crediting her as "Special Guest Star EMILY FUCKING YOUCIS!" Also in the credits was an antisemitic jab, crediting the Executive Producer as "Lord Rothbergsteinshield," a reference to stereotypes of Jewish names. His wife, Ashley Randle, and a number of her family members also appear in this video, though we are not specifically identifying them because we haven't ascertained their level of involvement in white nationalist circles. It is fair to say, though, that if one chooses to appear in a video, however innocuous, featuring known white nationalists, then it isn't "good, clean fun"; it's promoting white nationalism and the violence that results from that bigotry.

    Josh Randle (left) and a family member (credited as "Cousin Wolfshield") in his dumb short film No Country For Bigfoot.
    Ashley Randle (right) and another family member credited as "Libtard Wolfshield."
    Neo-Nazi Emily Youcis appearing in Randle's short video.
    Randle celebrated having neo-Nazi Emily Youcis as a guest in his short video.

    On social media, Randle mostly promotes his own work and that of other WAC performers, but he also often boosts posts from other well-known white nationalist groups like Patriot Front and the National Justice Party. Randle's "@LordWolfshield" Twitter account was suspended, but like a lot of other racist Twitter accounts, it was reinstated by spoiled billionaire man-child Elon Musk when he bought the social media platform. On his newly-reinstated account, Randle wrote, "Film is the most powerful art form, one we must take back," referring to the white nationalist notion that the film industry is overrun with Jewish people, LGBTQ+ people, and other minorities.

    "Film is the most powerful art form, one we must take back," wrote Randle in a Twitter post.
    Josh Randle, writing as "Lord WOLFSHIELD" promoting a post by the neo-Nazi group Patriot Front on the right-wing social media platform Gab.
    Josh Randle, writing as "Lord WOLFSHIELD," promoting a post by the neo-Nazi group Patriot Front on the right-wing social media platform Gab.
    Randle also boosts posts from the National Justice Party (NJP), a neo-Nazi group founded by Michael Peinovich.
    Wrong. Patriot Front doesn't have "the right idea" about anything. [archive]

    While Randle is careful to avoid blatant white nationalist messaging, his Twitter timeline before he got suspended was far more overt in its racism, as we can see from tweets archived at's Wayback Machine. These Twitter posts include frequent examples of racism and antisemitism, often grieving about the number of Jewish people in the film industry and perceived "anti-whiteness" in America. In one Twitter post Randle even stated that he owns a signed copy of a book by KKK leader David Duke. We are aware of the argument that "everyone someone disagrees with is called a 'Nazi'," but Joshua Randle has made enough social media posts featuring actual Nazis that we feel it's safe to characterize this doofus as such. In one Twitter post he referred to Adolf Hitler as "Our Uncle." In another post he made light of the Nazi death camps that killed so many Jews and others whom the Nazis felt were undeserving of life.

    Joshua Randle admitted he has a book autographed by a KKK leader. [archive]
    Like many white nationalists, Joshua Randle is an adherent of conspiracy theories about Jews in Hollywood. [archive]
    Josh Randle called KKK leader David Duke and neo-Nazi Michael Peinovich "good people." [archive]
    Randle writing on Twitter about neo-Nazi Richard Spencer. In this post "Our Uncle" is a reference to Adolf Hitler. [archive]
    Randle, writing on Twitter as "LordWOLFSHIELD," prefers to see no non-white people at the sports games he attends. [archive]
    Joshua Randle is extremely antisemitic. [archive]
    And racist. [archive]
    Joshua Randle thinks Nazi death camps are funny. [archive]

    Joshua Randle is one of the die-hard promoters of the White Art Collective and is an admin in the WAC Telegram chat channel. Make no mistake, the "White Art Collective" is not about "art"; it's about Nazis and racism, plain and simple. Hitler's birthday was celebrated in the chat with many posts like the one pictured below.

    One of many similar posts in the White Art Collective Telegram chat on the occasion of Adolf Hitler's birthday.

    Forsooth, Methinks the Lord and Lady Wolfshield Hath Been Sloppy With Their Identities

    Joshua and Ashley Randle have never been shy about publishing their faces on social media, but at some point they decided that maybe it wasn't such a great idea to associate their real names with white nationalist movements. Since about 2019, Josh Randle used the moniker "Lord Wolfshield" on Twitter, but prior to that, and for the same Twitter account, he used his real name for his handle, "@randlejosh." It was a simple matter to conclusively link their prior Twitter handles to handles that followed by associating the unique numerical Twitter IDs of the accounts.

    "Lord Wolfshield" used his real name on his Twitter account before he started using his pseudonym. [archive] (Note his retweet of right-wing weirdo Amy Mek).
    Ashley Randle also used her real name on Twitter before she adopted the "Lady Wolfshield" persona. Here she is in an archived tweet making a delicious "desert." [archive]

    Joshua and Ashley Randle have been married since 2017. No doubt, Ashley Randle has a weakness for a man in a fedora since Joshua Randle has been rockin' that look for most of his life. He even wore it at the wedding ceremony. His commitment to a signature look is truly remarkable. But his overzealous penchant for brimmed hats is only a crime against fashion, and is overshadowed by the fact that he is a white supremacist.

    The wedding of Joshua Randle and Ashley Hallam in 2017.
    Josh Randle, aka "Lord Wolfshield" and fedora in 2011.
    Joshua Randle pre-"Lord Wolfshield" dancing his blackpills away in 2011.


    How did Josh Randle become such a piece of neo-Nazi garbage?  It's sometimes hard to pin down where someone went so wrong. Randle has commented on some aspects of his early life, stating that he was Christian home-schooled as a young person and had no internet availability. He described intercepting Victoria's Secret catalogues in the mailbox as "the ultimate jackpot to the homeschooled Christian kid with no internet." He wasn't allowed to play Pokémon because his parents thought they were "demons or some shit." Did this upbringing contribute to his descent into white supremacy? Who knows? One thing for sure, he has found acceptance among his neo-Nazi peers in the WAC who uncritically boost his amateurish odes to white supremacy. You don't have to be talented to be in WAC. You just have to be white and a bigot. But it's not our jobs to psycho-analyze these Nazi numbskulls. We just expose them!

    Joshua Randle in 2008 in a YouTube video.
    Joshua Randle, aka "Lord Wolfshield," gives fedoras a bad name.

    Despite being "ride or die" with his fedora, Randle has called his wife, Ashley Randle, aka "Lady Wolfshield," his "ride or die girl." Her position on white nationalism and Nazi support is apparent.  Included in Ashley Randle's list of Facebook friends is Mandi Gillespie, also known as "Hiraeth," who has expressed explicit support for white nationalism and admiration for Adolf Hitler. Also on her list of friends is an as-of-yet unidentified WAC musician who goes by the moniker "St. Friendship" and uses a giant Nazi "SS" symbol for the banner image of their own Facebook profile.

    Ashley Randle, aka "Lady Wolfshield," is Facebook friends with a number of white nationalist WAC notables, like Mandi Gillespie and "St. Friendship."
    Ashley Randle, aka "Lady Wolfshield," is Facebook friends with a number of white nationalist WAC notables, like Mandi Gillespie and "St. Friendship."
    "St. Friendship" uses a an image of Nazi soldiers with an "SS" symbol on their Facebook profile.
    "St. Friendship," a Facebook friend of Ashley Randle, uses an image of Nazi soldiers with an "SS" symbol on their Facebook profile.
    Ashley Randle is an ardent supporter of her husband's music and film projects as well as the other white nationalist performers of the WAC.
    Josh and Ashley Randle listen together to the "one entertainment show that isn't completely anti-white," the WAC live stream. [archive]

    No Hat-Tips For This Fedora-Wearing Fascist

    Joshua Ben-Israel Randle, aka "Lord Wolfshield" of Grand Rapids, Minnesota, is a first class neo-Nazi doofus who makes crappy films and even crappier music. Why bother with this low-hanging fruit? Because he has shown a multi-year commitment, contributing extensive time and effort to his toxic ideology. It is important to distinguish between hapless and harmless, and while Randle's image may be disarming, he is heavily involved in promoting and supporting violent extremist ideologies. He truly sucks at everything he does, but beneath the clownish incompetence is an insidious attempt to normalize white nationalism through the "White Art Collective."

    Josh Randle (sans hat), aka "Lord Wolfshield," and Ashley Randle, aka "Lady Wolfshield"

    We're not done with the neo-Nazi losers of the White Art Collective. Stay tuned!

    Check out our previous reporting on the White Art Collective through these links!:

    Joshua Ben-Israel Randle, aka "Lord Wolfshield," wearing a "White Art Collective" T-shirt.

    White Art Collective Neo-Nazi Dirtbag DJ: Joseph Shellabarger Jr, aka "Modernity Leave" / "Boxkhar"

    Continuing our series of exposés on the White Art Collective, a group of white nationalist musicians, artists and writers, today we present to you thirty-three year old Joseph Lee Shellabarger Jr., of Cary, North Carolina, a DJ who uses the stage names "DJ Boxkhar" and "Modernity Leave," among others. Instead of scratching records this neo-Nazi DJ should be scratching his head, wondering where he went wrong in life. Read on!

    Joseph Lee Shellabarger Jr., aka "DJ Boxkhar"
    Joseph Lee Shellabarger Jr., aka "DJ Boxkhar" and "Modernity Leave'

    Before falling headfirst into the toilet of racism, antisemitism, and Nazism, North Carolina native Joseph Lee Shellabarger Jr. was very active in the dance music community under a variety of names including Benny Fishel, and Djfear808. But despite the multicultural inclusiveness of electronic dance music, Shellabarger dove head-first into the cesspool of white supremacy. Not only is Shellabarger a prolific electronic music artist and DJ, but is also a racist, antisemite and genuine neo-Nazi.

    Shellabarger as "Benny Fishel," one of his older performing names.
    Shellabarger as "Benny Fishel," one of his older performing names.
    On his Instagram profile he complained about being "doxxed" by "SJWs." We don't tolerate fascists.
    On his Instagram profile he complained about being "doxxed" by "SJWs." "Talk about tolerance and fascism," he wrote. Fascism isn't something to be tolerated.
    Shellabarger as he appeared in a LinkedIn profile.
    Shellabarger as he appeared in a LinkedIn profile.
    One of Shellabarger's old Twitter profiles.
    One of Shellabarger's old Twitter profiles.

    As "DJ Boxkhar," Shellabarger is active with the White Art Collective (also known as "WAC") and sells music through their website, appears on their live streams and at their music festivals. WAC has stated their intent to soften Nazi rhetoric to expand appeal, so here we are again with another one of their efforts. Along with his appearances with the White Art Collective, he also appears regularly on a Goyim Defense League live stream called “The Funky Side of Fash.” The Goyim Defense League is a white supremacist group that has been traveling the country aggressively pushing antisemitism via confrontational public actions. Shellabarger also appeared regularly on the openly Nazi "NS Attacke" live stream and posts neo-Nazi propaganda in their Telegram chats.

    "Boxkhar" was billed as one of the white nationalist performers of "WAC Fest 2021."
    "Boxkhar" was billed as one of the white nationalist performers of "WAC Fest 2021."
    Shellabarger as "DJ Boxkhar" performing at "WACFEST 2022."
    Various ne-Nazo posts Shellabarger has made on Telegram messenger.
    Various neo-Nazi posts Shellabarger has made on Telegram messenger.

    Not content to just participating in other neo-Nazi groups, Shellabarger formed his own half-baked neo-Nazi organization, the "White Alliance Movement" (WAM), using another alias "AryanWaffen." As AryanWaffen and "Modernity Leave," Shellabarger's White Alliance Movement pushed "read Siege" accelerationism, referring to the book Siege written by neo-Nazi James Mason. Their slogan was "Intolerance Is The Key To Dominance." The White Alliance Movement's now-deleted YouTube video channel posted numerous racist, antisemitic, neo-Nazi propaganda videos, openly encouraging racially-motivated violence and starting a "race war." Under his "Modernity Leave" banner, Shellabarger had plans for his own "For Whites, By Whites" music and art collective.

    Shellabarger appearing as "Boxkhar" in a neo-Nazi live stream show.
    Shellabarger appearing as "Boxkhar" in a neo-Nazi live stream show.
    Shellabarger's now-deleted "White Alliance Movement" YouTube page.
    An image of a noose alludes to "The Day of the Rope," a fictional event in the novel The Turner Diaries by neo-Nazi William Luther Pierce in which "race traitors" are dragged from their homes and publicly hanged in the streets.
    An image of a noose alludes to "The Day of the Rope," a fictional event in the novel The Turner Diaries by neo-Nazi William Luther Pierce in which "race traitors" are dragged from their homes and publicly hanged in the streets.

    Shellabarger is certainly one of the most terminally on-line Nazis we have ever seen, with dozens of active profiles on nearly every internet social media, streaming, fundraising and video platform we have heard of, spreading his Nazi trash.

    Some of the many racist, Nazi material Shellabarger has posted on internet web sites, in this example Bitchute.
    Some of the many racist, Nazi material Shellabarger has posted on internet web sites, in this example Bitchute.

    The notion of a "white art collective," comprised of confirmed neo-Nazis, leading any sort of “cultural renaissance” is a pitiable conceit. It doesn’t require a music degree to see that hip-hop and DJ arts are almost entirely derived from Black culture, which makes Shellabarger's extreme racism all the more perplexing considering his musical interests. Even this racist dipshit admitted to being "influenced by the Detroit and Chicago sound." We are trying to wrap our heads around that one.

    Another example of something with origins in Black and Hispanic youth culture that rose to the level of high art is graffiti. From mainstream fashion and branding to fine art museums, graffiti is recognized as an important part of modern visual arts. Bringing this piece back to the topic of Joseph Lee Shellabarger Jr., his other big passion happens to be graffiti art,  even despite its multicultural origins.
    Shellabarger's signature "Boxkhar" graffiti as seen on one of his "Modernity Leave" profiles.
    Shellabarger has had a long interest in graffiti art although he disregards it's multicultural origins.

    Shellabarger's interest in video gaming is what led us to him. We found a Steam account for "Boxkhar," which uses a Nazi totenkopf ("death's head") image for its profile, and noted that a prior user name for the account was "Benny Fishel," a name he had used previously. This led to both his name and a business called "Deepwerk Label." His Deepwerk Label took on the trappings of the alt-right with "Pepe the Frog" and "Wojak" images.

    Shellabarger had used many of his Nazi aliases on his Steam account, as well as "Benny Fishel," an earlier stage name that was linked to his real name.
    Shellabarger had used many of his Nazi aliases on his Steam account, as well as "Benny Fishel," an earlier stage name that was linked to his real name.
    Shellabarger as "Benny Fishel"
    Shallabarger, here writing on Twitter as "Aryanwaffen," is an avid video gamer.
    Shallabarger, here writing on Twitter as "Aryanwaffen," is an avid video gamer.
    Joseph Lee Shellabarger Jr used the names "DJ Fear 808" and "Benny Fishel"
    Logo for Shellabarger's Deepwerk Label.

    Joseph Lee Shellabarger Jr is accustomed to making bad choices in life. Of course the worst of these was becoming a white nationalist, but we have found that he has a made a habit of being arrested for such things as obtaining "property under false pretense," "injury to real property" and "misdemeanor larceny." While we don't judge people by their petty run-ins with the law, it's fair to say that Shellabarger has some issues with impulse control. Couple that with being a neo-Nazi scumbag and you have one questionable dude.

    Some of the many mugshots of Joseph Lee Shellabarger Jr.

    Joseph Lee Shellabarger Jr is just another of the neo-Nazi numbskulls of the White Art Collective who are attempting to bring white nationalism into mainstream culture. He's our latest exposed, but not the last. Rest assured, we are not done with the White Fart Collective yet!

    In the meantime, for our previous reporting on the White Art Collective, check out these links!:

    Neo-Nazi drunk posting by Shellabarger on Instagram.

    Shellabarger complaining about getting suspended from social media platforms for hateful posts.
    Shellabarger complaining about getting suspended from social media platforms for hateful posts.

    Neo-Nazi Creep and White Art Collective Sound Guy Brandon Troutman, aka "ManWithTheHand"

    In our last installment we wrote about the neo-Nazi White Art Collective musician Jamie Ryan Troutman, aka "James Ryan," aka "AltRightVa." Today we present his equally obnoxious brother Brandon Troutman, a white nationalist "rapper" who also has an association with the White Art Collective (also known as "WAC"), who is a vicious Nazi propagandist, antisemite, racist, and world class creep.

    Neo-Nazi "rapper" Brandon Troutman
    Neo-Nazi "rapper" Brandon Troutman

    Let's for a moment ignore the irony of there being a white nationalist rapper, because that's what this guy claims to be, going by the aliases "ManWithTheHand," "ChuckMillerWAC," "MicCheckRap" and "SkullCrabb." Shortly after the release of our exposé of Benjamin Arvin, aka "Jeff Winston," founder of the White Art Collective, the Twitter account "@ChuckMillerWAC" deactivated. The account shared a permanent Twitter ID # with Brandon Troutman's ManWiththeHand account, meaning those two screen names were actually of the same account. The account reactivated shortly thereafter under the name "@SkullCrabb," but they blocked us. We love it when we're blocked on Twitter because it means the blocker has something to hide.

    Here today…
    @ChuckMillerWAC, deleted
    …gone tomorrow.
    And here today again, but blocked!

    The wealthy Troutman family owns Troutman Custom Homes, a luxury building company in Arlington, Virginia. How wealthy? In this 2017 discord post Brandon Troutman proposed using his father’s private airplane to fly a banner over Charlottesville during the violent Unite the Right white nationalist rally.

    Brandon Troutman, writing as "ManWithTheHand" in neo-Nazi Discord chats, offers up his dad's airplane to use for propaganda.
    Brandon Troutman, writing as "ManWithTheHand" in neo-Nazi Discord chats, offers up his dad's airplane to use for propaganda.
    Brandon Troutman wearing a shirt with the "Troutman Homes" logo.

    Brandon Troutman and his older brother Jamie were a persistent and pernicious presence in the alt-right/neo-Nazi protest circuit, appearing at numerous events alongside white nationalist notables like Richard Spencer and neo-Nazi groups like Identity Evropa and Vanguard America (who later rebranded as "Patriot Front").

    Brandon Troutman (right) with his brother Jamie Troutman (center) at a neo-Nazi event. On the far left is neo-Nazi leader of the "National Justice Party" Michael "Enoch" Peinovich,
    Brandon Troutman (center) seen with Michael Peinovich (left) and Elliot "Eli Mosley" Kline (right)
    Brandon Troutman, circled in red.
    Brandon Troutman abnd his brother Jamie, bottom right corner of photo.

    In 2017 Charlottesville, Virginia suffered through a number of white nationalist rallies. The first of them, the "Unite the Right 1.0" rally in May of that year, was a small, intimate affair and was invitation only. Attendees were all active members of the "movement." The Troutmans were totally obnoxious that day. Following this first rally, white nationalists began preparing for the ill-fated "Unite the Right 2.0" in August of that year. Brandon Troutman was very active in the online neo-Nazi chats for the planning of this event, playing key roles in the logistics and with creating propaganda. These online chats were subsequently leaked and were made available for examination by Unicorn Riot.

    Brandon Troutman, aka "ManWithTheHand"
    Brandon Troutman, aka "ManWithTheHand"
    Brandon Troutman, aka "ManWithTheHand"
    One example of a propaganda item created by Brandon Troutman for the August 2017 "Unite the Right" event.

    In the leaked planning chats event organizer Jason Kessler (writing as "MadDimension") discussed the issue of bringing firearms to the event with Brandon Troutman  and another participant Brandon Higgs (writing as "Americana-MD"). Kessler urged attendees to only "conceal carry" guns to the rally. Troutman and Higgs expressed a desire to shoot counter-protestors.  Higgs would later fulfill his urge for racially-motivated violence by shooting a black man in 2018. He is now serving a twenty-five year sentence for this crime.

    Brandon Troutman wrote in the leaked Discord chats that he believed that "fighting in the streets" will decide "the future of America." This explicit advocacy for violence was followed by discussion as to how to "recruit" more people to their "team."

    "5-10% fighting in the streets will decide the future of America. What % is out there now?"
    Brandon Troutman collects Nazi memorabilia and showed them on in neo-Nazi Discord chats.

    After the violent 2017 "Unite the Right" event, Brandon Troutman returned to Charlottesville the next year for the poorly attended "Unite the Right 3.0." This event was so dismal that the normally shameless founder of the original event Jason Kessler was too embarrassed to attend.

    Brandon Troutman, as seen in the New York Times documentary How an Alt-Right Leader Used a Lie to Climb the Ranks on Youtube.

    Brandon Troutman co-hosted a short-lived podcast called "Beard 'Merica" alongside White Art Collective founder Benjamin Arvin (aka "HuWhiteLion" and "Jeff Winston").  Troutman was a big booster of the WAC and collaborated with Arvin frequently doing audio stuff for the WAC. Arvin described Brandon Troutman as his "right hand man in the studio."

    Ben Arvin (writing as "HuWhiteLion") promoting a short-lived podcast he shared with Brandon Troutman in a tweet that was re-tweeted by Troutman, writing as "ManWithTheHand."
    Brandon Troutman as "ManWithTheHand" advertising his podcast on his Twitter profile.
    Troutman's "ManWithTheHand" Twitter account promoting the White Art Collective.
    Ben Arvin, aka "Jeff Winston," described BrandonTroutman ("@ChuckMillerWAC") as his"right hand man in the in the studio."

    At the time of the "Unite the Right" rallies Brandon Troutman was an aspiring rapper and music producer, going by the moniker "Mic Check," claiming to have his own recording studio. As "Mic Check," Brandon Troutman boasted of being a "rapper from Northern VA with a technical style that's not afraid to use it." To show off his "mad lyrical skills" some of his videos on YouTube feature his "rhymes so sick that they gave you HIV," like "You say you a thung but you as hood as some foreskin" and "There's layers to my shit cause I only eat lasagna." Clearly, Brandon Troutman is more of a crapper than a rapper.

    "I own and operate a small recording studio in northern va if anyone is into music." "All patrons must recite the 14 words and give a proper roman salute to gain entry."
    Brandon Troutman, using his rapper name "Mic Check" on Facebook.
    Brandon Troutman shows off his studio equipment on Facebook.
    Brandon Troutman goes by "Mic Check" as his rapper name.

    Music runs in the Troutman family and it looks like fascism does also. Brandon Troutman, along with his brother Jamie Troutman, are a couple of the most despicable racists and bigots around. And like his brother, there is so much about Brandon Troutman's white supremacist activities already out there that he should seriously be reconsidering his life choices.

    That concludes Part 4 of our exposé of the neo-Nazis at the White Art Collective. Be sure to check out the first three installments if you haven't already:

    So who is up next? Stay tuned to find out!

    A post in neo-Nazi Discord chats from Brandon Troutman, writing as "ManWithTheHand."
    Brandon Troutman waiting for his ride to the "Unite the Right" rally.




    White Art Collective Musician "James Ryan" Revealed: Jamie Ryan Troutman of Harpers Ferry, WV

    As part of our series on exposing the neo-Nazis of the White Art Collective, in this piece we present a musician having a long association with white nationalist movements. While in his younger days, he was a wandering hippie troubadour who participated in the Occupy DC movement, years later he made a dramatic reversal, going full alt-right, participating in both the so-called "Unite the Right" rally in 2017 and the January 6, 2020 Capitol Building insurrection. The White Art Collective (also commonly referred to as "WAC") promoted his music under the name "James Ryan," but to the general public he is Jamie Ryan Troutman, and he is a white supremacist.

    Jamie Ryan Troutman, aka "James Ryan." aka "AltRightVa"

    Troutman came to our attention when we noticed that in the early days of the White Art Collective one promoted performer was a "James Ryan" who was  "a musician, songwriter, painter, photographer and Alt-Right activist," according to archived views of its website on the Wayback Machine. But as it  turns out, Troutman had already been known as a neo-Nazi by various other media sources on the internet, although he was misidentified as "James Troutman." Nevertheless, we won't let that stop us from dunking on this folk-singing fascist a little more.

    Troutman as "James Ryan" as he once appeared on the White Art Collective web site.

    Troutman, as “James Ryan,” was one the artists featured at the first “WAC Fest” in 2021. The song “Deserae,” a trademark song of his, was played in response to a shouted request from the crowd. Although this song and information about it proved difficult to find, we did eventually find this same song under a different title, from many years earlier.  Before he became a neo-Nazi, Troutman played in a traveling folk group promoting social justice. But first, let's have a look at Troutman's activities as a neo-Nazi activist.

    Jamie Troutman, aka "AltRightVa"

    Troutman appeared as "AltRightVa" in leaked neo-Nazi Discord chats from 2017, and spoke of donning Trump regalia for recruitment and spreading alt-right neo-Nazi messaging. While many Trump supporters may not identify with the label "Nazi," Troutman most definitely was one that did. Jamie Troutman and his brother Brandon Troutman, who used the alias "ManWithTheHand," were obnoxious mainstays at numerous alt-right public appearances in the Washington D.C. area.

    Jamie Troutman with his brother Brandon Troutman with other participants at a neo-Nazi event, pictured in a Twitter post.
    Jamie Troutman (left) and his brother Brandon Troutman (right) demonstrating at a neo-Nazi event.
    An explicitly Nazi post by Troutman on Twitter, writing as "James Ryan @AltRightVa"

    Troutman was not just a casual participant in white nationalist movements, but was very involved in numerous local groups including the Beltway Bigots and DC Stormers and rubbed shoulders with the major “movement leaders” like Richard Spencer, Michael "Enoch" Peinovich and neo-Confederate Virginia senate candidate Corey Stewart. He was also very close with another set of neo-Nazi brothers, Jeffery and William Clark, whose descent into Nazism culminated in prison and suicide.

    Troutman and neo-Confederate candidate Corey Stewart in a Twitter post.
    Troutman and neo-Confederate VA senate candidate Corey Stewart in a Twitter post.
    Troutman (center) and the Clark brothers causing trouble at a book reading in Washington.
    Troutman, as seen in the New York Times documentary How an Alt-Right Leader Used a Lie to Climb the Ranks on Youtube.
    Troutman, as seen in the New York Times documentary How an Alt-Right Leader Used a Lie to Climb the Ranks on Youtube.

    Troutman was involved with the first Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville in May of 2017.  Since that event was invitation-only event and much smaller than the violent August 2017 event, his attendance was indicative of his connection and stature within white nationalist circles. He also attended the “Free Speech Rally” in Washington, DC on June 25, 2017, which was a deceptively named white nationalist and neo-Nazi rally featuring speakers like Richard Spencer as well as  neo-Nazi groups like Identity Evropa and Vanguard America. He attempted to broker an alliance with the increasingly optics sensitive Proud Boys. While the Proud Boys officially distanced themselves from explicit Nazi and white supremacist associations, their rank and file members were less shy.

    Jamie Troutman writing as "AltRightVa" on Discord, as disclosed in Unicorn Riot's Discord Leaks.
    Troutman posted a photo of himself on Twitter at the "Unite the Right" neo-Nazi rally.
    Troutman, pictured with neo-Nazi Richard Spencer in his Twitter profile image.
    Troutman, pictured with neo-Nazi Michael Peinovich, in a Twitter post.

    Troutman was heavily involved in planning for the violent Unite the Right rally in August 2017 and his name appeared several times in the subsequent legal proceedings. He made the "Unite the Right" rallies a ride-or-die cause, even returning to Charlottesville for the ill-advised and poorly attended Unite the Right 3.0 a year later. The event was so poorly attended that not even Jason Kessler, the organizer of the original event. The sad spectacle of a couple dozen die-hard Nazis singing “Dixie” on a rented bus was a fitting document of the sad, sputtering demise of the “Alt-Right” era incarnation of white nationalism and Nazism.

    Jame Ryan Troutman at the tiki-torch march of the "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville, VA, August 2017.
    Jame Ryan Troutman at the tiki-torch march of the "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville, VA, August 2017.
    Jamie Troutman (bottom left) with Jason Kessler and the Proud Boys.

    A WACky Past

    We mentioned earlier that Troutman came to our attention as "James Ryan," a musician promoted by the White Art Collective. An interesting bit of trivia is that Benjamin Joseph Arvin, aka "Jeff Winston," the founder of the White Art Collective, was living in Arlington, Virginia around the time of the Unite the Rally. It is no coincidence that an address connected to Arvin during this time was also associated with Troutman because they were roommates. Arvin promoted Troutman's music as an "AltRight artist" on the WAC website, with this trademark song called "Deserae." Troutman, as "James Ryan," played at the inaugural "WAC Fest 2021" where the song was enthusiastically requested for by the audience.

    Troutman promoting his music on Twitter
    Brandon Troutman promoting his brother's song on Twitter.
    Some of the "featured artists" at WAC Fest 2021, of which "James Ryan" was one.

    But proving that Nazis have no imagination, we learned that this was not a new song and in fact Troutman had recycled it from his early days when it was called "The Duel." This discovery led to our examination of Troutman's strange path to white nationalism, from being a member of a wandering hippie troupe to outright all-in neo-Nazi weirdo.

    Troutman had once been a member of a traveling folk musician group called "The Revolujahs." His early social media posts were antiracist, pro-immigrant, and supportive of LGBTQ+ rights. In 2011 as an "itinerant 22-year-old artist and musician," Troutman was featured in multiple media outlets as one of the public faces of Occupy DC.

    Jamie Troutman (center), as pictured in a 2011 Huffington Post article about the Occupy movement.
    A 2011 Twitter post by Troutman (writing as @AltAntiochus) supporting a gay pride parade.
    Jamie Ryan Troutman as an "itinerant 22-year-old artist and musician" in 2011.
    Troutman (center) with band mates in his pre-Nazi days.
    Troutman (center) with band mates in his pre-Nazi days.
    Jamie Ryan Troutman hitching a ride on the long road from peace and love to hate and racism.

    The Occupy-Movement-to-Nazi pipeline is not unheard of, but Jamie Ryan Troutman's six year evolution from social justice warrior to actual fascist is one of the most jarring we have encountered. Perhaps his commitment to social and economic justice faltered due to his own circumstances as a child of privilege. On this, we can only speculate. His family owns Troutman Custom Homes, a luxury building business in Arlington, Virginia and Troutman's white nationalist activism extended into the family business. On June 8, 2016 Troutman posted in a neo-Nazi internet chat room on behalf of Troutman Custom Homes : "Looking for white sub-contractors in the residential home building trades, located around the Washington DC Beltway. We build custom homes."

    Troutman (as AltRightVa) advertising for "white sub-contractors" in a leaked neo-Nazi chat as found un Unicorn Riot's Discord Leaks. His brother Brandon Troutman posted below.
    A screenshot of the Troutman Homes web site.

    Troutman Attempts to Hide His Neo-Nazi Past

    At the time of his dark spiral into Nazism, Troutman was establishing himself as a photographer specializing in real estate and architecture. Apparently believing himself beyond accountability, he used the same headshot for his Nazi profiles. As a Nazi activist, Troutman was brazen with his public persona but in recent years has taken several steps to mask his identity. On his Facebook profile he used "Johan" as his first name and misspelled his surname as "Trautmann."

    Troutman used the same photo for his public persona as he did for his White Art Collective profile.
    Troutman used the same photo for his public persona as he did for his White Art Collective profile.
    On Facebook, Troutman attempts to obscure his past by using the alias "Johan Trautmann"
    On Facebook, Troutman attempts to obscure his past by using the alias "Johan Trautmann"

    His current West Virginia-based photo business,  Stone Ridge Photography, states on its website that it is a "veteran owned business" and Troutman, using the name "James Troutman," described himself as an "Army veteran." According to a statement made on another photography website, Troutman wrote: "I joined the Army National Guard in 2018 as a Horizontal Construction Engineer. In March of 2020 I was activated to serve in the Coronavirus emergency response. I served over 15 months and earned 4 decorations." This allowed Troutman to meet the bare-minimum requirements for the state of West Virginia to grant his business a "veteran owned" status. Along with real estate, this Nazi's new company has added food and restaurant photography to its services and claims UberEats and GrubHub as clients.

    Troutman describes himself as an "Army veteran" on his photography website.
    On a photography website, Troutman wrote about his stint in the Army National Guard.
    This neo-Nazi's photography company claims GrubHub and UberEats as clients.
    This neo-Nazi's photography company claims GrubHub and UberEats as clients.

    Even while serving on the National Guard, though, Troutman was never far from fascist activism. He was spotted at the January 6, 2021 Capitol insurrection, wearing a red "Trump" cap, along with his wife, Crystal Sabra Kingree Troutman, who shares his bigoted, extremist views.

    Troutman was spotted at the January 6, 2021 Capitol insurrection. At the time, he was a member of the Army National Guard.
    Troutman was spotted at the January 6, 2021 Capitol insurrection. At the time, he was a member of the Army National Guard.
    Also spotted at the event was his wife Crystal Sabra Kingree Troutman.
    Jamie Ryan Troutman and his wife Crystal Sabra Kingree Troutman at the J6 Captiol insurrection.
    Jamie Ryan Troutman and his wife Crystal Sabra Kingree Troutman at the J6 Captiol insurrection.
    At a Trump event in 2016. Both Troutman and his wife share bigoted extremist views.

    Brothers, Sisters, We Don't Need This Fascist Groove Thang!*

    Jamie Ryan Troutman, aka "Johan Trautmann," aka "James Ryan," aka "AltRightVa" of Harpers Ferry, WV is proof that if you're a neo-Nazi you can run but you can't hide. Although Troutman has attempted to clean up his public image and obscure his white nationalist activities, the internet never forgets and it is only a matter of time before nosy antifascists like us dig up your dirt.

    In the next installment we'll present Jamie Troutman's brother, the equally obnoxious neo-Nazi "rapper" Brandon Troutman! Check it out!

    Jamie Ryan Troutman went from being a hippie folk singer to a neo-Nazi nutjob playing with guns in a matter of years.
    Troutman, under one of this alternate Twitter names "@AltHenryHiggins," predicts a race war.
    Predicting a race war or hoping for one?
    Jamie Troutman fully embracing Nazi internet meme aesthetic on Instagram.
    Jamie Troutman, using the alias "Johan Trautmann" on Facebook.

    White Supremacist Graphic Artist "J. LaDarc": Jessica LaFlamme, of Marietta, Georgia

    In our last article we exposed neo-Nazis "Jeff Winston" as Benjamin Arvin and "Hiraeth" as his fiancée Mandi Gillespie, headliners of the White Art Collective. This group of white supremacist musicians, graphic artists and writers practice their art for the purpose of spreading white nationalist and fascist rhetoric.

    In this report you'll get to know a visual artist who uses her questionable talents to promote racism and white supremacy with the White Art Collective, as well as provide artwork for other neo-Nazi writers and businesses. She calls herself "J. LaDarc," but you'll get to know her by her real name: Jessica LaFlamme, of Marietta, Georgia. A picture may be worth a thousand words, but even a thousand words is not enough to describe the toxicity of this graphic designer's racism. Let's begin!

    White Nationalist Graphic Artist "J. LaDarc"

    Using the pseudonym "J. LaDarc," LaDarc has created graphic arts design for a number of white nationalists, as well as single art pieces that she sells on her web stores. As a prominent member of the White Art Collective, they frequently promote her services and artwork. Combining imagery associated with classical Greek figures and the like with the trendy 1980s retro "vapor wave" aesthetic, much of her artwork appears outwardly benign. But this vapor wave aesthetic is also commonly utilized by white nationalists who refer to this style as "fashwave." Some pieces by LaDarc are more explicit with white nationalist messaging, like one print she designed entitled "It's OK," which is part of the common white nationalist slogan "It's OK to be white."

    Some example of art prints by "J LaDarc" sold on the White Art Collective web store.
    Some example of art prints by "J LaDarc" sold on the White Art Collective web store.
    A poster by J LaDark with explicit white nationalist messaging.
    A poster by J. LaDark with explicit white nationalist messaging.

    The "It's okay to be white" slogan comes from the self-perceived victimization of white nationalists, who fear the loss of the white privilege they feel so entitled to. In addition to prints, LaDarc also sells this imagery on merchandise like T-shirts and laptop computer sleeves on her Redbubble web store. On her store at Storenvy she sells crafts like wreaths and Christmas ornaments that look like they were pulled out of a Michael's arts and crafts store. On her Telegram channel she shills items like a wooden cutting board decorated with a Nazi Sonnenrad symbol for the price of "$14.88" ("1488," for those not in the know, is code referring to neo-Nazi David Lanes's "14 words" and "88," which corresponds to "HH," or "Heil Hitler.") White Art Collective events like "WAC Fest 2021" have given her opportunities to sell her merchandise to neo-Nazis in-person.

    J. LaDarc's merchandise table as pictured in a promotional video for WAC Fest 2021.
    J. LaDarc's merchandise table as pictured in a promotional video for WAC Fest 2021.
    An item sold on J. LaDarc's Telegram channel decorated with a Nazi Sonnenrad and costing $14.88.
    An item sold on J. LaDarc's Telegram channel decorated with a Nazi Sonnenrad and costing $14.88.
    Another item on J. LaDarc's Telegram channel, a decorative sign with the words Blut and Boden, or the white nationalist slogan "Blood and soil."
    Another item on J. LaDarc's Telegram channel, a decorative sign with the words Blut and Boden, parts of the white nationalist slogan "Blut und Boden," or "blood and soil."

    Strangely, for someone who has such a supposed appreciation for Western art, J. LaDarc is prudish regarding classical works. In print on her Redbubble store entitled "Neon Aphrodite" which features the Venus of Arles sculpture superimposed over a vapor wave background, J. LaDarc obscured the sculpture's breasts. J. LaDarc's "art" is tacky and pretentious, which could be forgiven if it weren't for all the Nazi messaging.

    "Neon Aphrodite" by J. LaDarc, who expresses her white nationalist art by saving the world from nipples.
    "Neon Aphrodite" by J. LaDarc, who expresses her white nationalist art by saving the world from nipples.

    Additional to works under her own brand, she has provided graphic design work for other white nationalists, like the exposed hypnotherapist and college professor Joshua Dietz, who uses the alias "Josh Neal." Pictured below is the cover art she produced for his book The Politically Incorrect Guide to Dating, from LaDarc's Instagram profile. Pictured below that is cover art she produced for a book by the pseudonymous white nationalist author John Q Publius.

    J LaDarc has provided graphic design work for a number of white nationalist notables.
    "J LaDarc" has provided graphic design work for a number of white nationalist notables.

    LaDarc also provided graphic design for "KosChertified," an app that locates food brands that specifically aren’t kosher-certified, for those on an antisemitic diet. The app creators thanked LaDarc on Twitter. Another of her clients has been Grandma Towler's Tea, run by the British fascist Laura Towler, one of the founders of Patriotic Alternative, a UK far-right activist organization.

    J. LaDarc promoted by Mandi Gillespie, aka "Hiraeth" and the White Art Collective.

    LaDarc's white nationalist messaging through her tacky Photoshop work may seem relatively subtle, but her posts on the Telegram messenger are far more direct.  In these posts she frequently referred to immigrants, people of color, LGBTQ+ persons and liberal-leaning people with crude slurs. In one post she likened right-wing violence to "normal decent people engaging in vigilante justice" and reposted a message from the fake-news account "Justice Report," part of the neo-Nazi National Justice Party organization. In another post she argued that the 2nd Amendment to the United States constitution was intended only for "free white people" and not "retarded blacks and browns." Many such posts appear in her Telegram channel with boring frequency. While a couple of representative examples of her posts would normally be enough, we've shown below a number of screenshots of her posts to present an idea of what "J LaDarc" is: one angry, entitled racist.

    [archive] [archive]

    A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Racist

    Unsurprisingly, LaDarc was venting her bigoted rants on the internet long before her association with the White Art Collective.  In an old WordPress blog called "Depravity Meets Dissent," LaDarc wrote about her anger toward progressive society through right-wing flavored "trad" feminism, calling single mothers "thots" and "single, miserable sluts." Her advocacy of white nationalism was also a topic. In one entry she wrote, "If anything, nationalism and in group preference are simply a part of man’s natural tribal impulses, and the expression of such natural impulses among people of European descent are repressed by the ruling ideology- liberalism."

    We found an early Twitter account that linked to her blog using the name "Micky Morgan," but later learned this was not her real name. What the Twitter account did provide, though, was a profile image that we figured could have been an actual photo of her. We eventually found other Twitter accounts used by LaDarc that were archived on the Wayback Machine at, with user names like "@J_Ladarc," "@OohLaLaDarc," "@GrumpnFrump," "@PaintyWife" and "@CankleCween."  Many posts by these accounts also featured photos of the same woman. We now knew what she looked like, but not her name.

    An early Twitter account of "J LaDarc." [archive]

    "J LaDarc" had posted numerous photos on Twitter showing her face.
    "J. LaDarc" had posted numerous photos on Twitter showing her face.

    J. LaDarc's posts on her various Twitter accounts were just as bad as her racist posts on Telegram, which inevitably led to their suspensions.

    LaDarc's posts on Twitter were just as racist, antisemitic and bigoted as her current Telegram account.
    LaDarc's posts on Twitter were just as racist, antisemitic and bigoted as her current Telegram account.

    Antifascists around the internet noticed that a graphic artist going by the name "JeSuis LaFlamme" provided artwork for a racist Facebook page called "Rebel History." We had concluded that her first name was likely "Jessica" from a Twitter post she made in which she claimed that her name "was actually made up by Shakespeare to sound Hebrew." According to Wikipedia, the oldest written record of the name with that spelling is found as the name of the Shakespearean character Jessica, from the play The Merchant of Venice. We also knew that she was located in or around Marietta, Georgia, since that was the location she cited on her Storenvy web store page. That she was a Georgia resident was further corroborated by numerous mentions of the state of Georgia in her social media posts.

    This post on a racist Facebook page credits "JeSuis LaFlamme" for the art.
    This post on a racist Facebook page credits "JeSuis LaFlamme" for the art.
    We concluded from this statement made in a Twitter post that her given name was likely "Jessica."
    We concluded from this statement made in a Twitter post that her given name was likely "Jessica."
    J. LaDarc's webstore at Storenvy claims she is located in Mariettta, Georgia.
    J. LaDarc's web store at Storenvy claims she is located in Mariettta, Georgia. [archive]

    Searching for Georgia residents with the given name of "Jessica" and the surname "LaFlamme" led to a person whose social media images were a match for the face pictures posted by "J. LaDarc."

    Out of "LaDarc" and into the Spotlight

    For further confirmation we matched a heart-shaped tattoo on her left inner wrist that "J. LaDarc" had shown in a photo on telegram. This tattoo matches a tattoo in photo of Jessica LaFlamme posted by a family member.

    A photo "J LaDarc" posted on Telegram showing a heart-shaped tattoo on the inner side of her left wrist. [archive]
    The same tattoo is visible in photo posted on Facebook by a family member of Jessica LaFlamme.
    The same tattoo is visible in photo posted on Facebook by a family member of Jessica LaFlamme.
    An enlarged portion of the photo above.

    31-year old Jessica Elizabeth LaFlamme, originally from Maine, before her family relocated to California, now lives in the Marietta, Georgia area with her husband, who works for Cherokee County Fire and Emergency Services. Since she is now married she may be using the married surname O'Hearne.

    Jessica LaFlamme, aka "J. LaDarc"
    Jessica LaFlamme, aka "J. LaDarc"
    Jessica LaFlamme, aka "J. LaDarc"
    Jessica LaFlamme, aka "J. LaDarc"


    Jessica LaFlamme, aka "J. LaDarc"
    Jessica LaFlamme, aka "J. LaDarc"


    LaFlamme went on a brief hiatus after having a child in December, 2021, which she wrote about frequently on Telegram. But she is back to her arts & crafting now. And, of course, she is still incredibly racist.


    A post made by Jessica LaFlamme, aka "J. LaDarc," on Telegram (date redacted).

    Events "J. LaDarc" posted about were also chronicled on social media for Jessica LaFlamme.
    Not even Antiques Roadshow is safe from Jessica LaFlamme's racism. [archive]

    Jessica LaFlamme of Marietta, Georgia

    Want to be a neo-Nazi arts & crafter and sell your services to white nationalist businesses? Fine. You do you. But don't expect to keep your real identity a secret because we'll find it, and if we don't someone else will.

    Jessica LaFlamme of Marietta, Georgia is just one of many neo-Nazis, fascists and white nationalists that comprise the White Art Collective. Rest assured, we will be exposing more in the near future!


    Big shout out to Atlanta Antifa (@afainatl on Twitter) for the assist! Many thanks to the anonymous comrades out there who contributed to this piece!





    "Jeff Winston" and "Hiraeth" of the White Art Collective Revealed: Ben Arvin and Mandi Gillespie of Bloomington, Indiana

    The "White Art Collective" calls itself a "community of artists of European descent whose mission is to preserve, promote, celebrate and expand upon [their] shared European culture," according to their website. It doesn't take a lot, though, to see it for what it really is: a collective of neo-Nazi artists, writers and performers working to bring their racist garbage into mainstream culture.

    The White Art Collective (or "WAC") was founded by the pseudonymous "Jeff Winston," who acts as their director and produces his own pieces of "white art" as well. His frequent collaborator and a premier performer of the WAC is a singer of pretentious neo-Nazi folk music who goes by the name "Hiraeth". Together the two have gathered a large following of white supremacists who endeavor to make their "art" palatable to the general public.

    But what happens when this neo-Nazi version of "The Captain & Tennille" have their true identities revealed to the general public? How will their conviction to racial superiority fare in the spotlight of public scrutiny? We'll find out as we expose these alt-right art goofs in this report. Read on!

    "Jeff Winston" and the "White Art Collective"

    Beginning in 2017, the White Art Collective has platformed white nationalist neo-Nazi musicians, visual artists, writers and other creators who express their racism through their particular medium. One example of a WAC artist we have reported on in the past is Julie "Jewels" Green, a former anti-choice activist who took the short leap from opposing reproductive rights to full-blown white nationalism, singing as "Mama P" in the alt-right folk duo "The Mamas and the Pepes." Another example is comic book illustrator Donald Jackson of West Seneca, New York, who wrote and illustrated white nationalist comics under the aliases "Donald Kent" and "American Zarathustra" (and still does). Another associated artist was Joshua Thayer LeGoff, an illustrator using the alias "JinjerZilla," who wrote and illustrated racist comics under the alias "JinjerZilla."

    Jewels Green, aka "Mama P"
    Jewels Green, aka "Mama P" of "The Mamas and the Pepes"
    Donald Jackson (middle), aka "Donald Kent," aka, "American Zarathustra"
    Donald Jackson (middle), aka "Donald Kent," aka, "American Zarathustra"
    Joshua Thayer LeGoff, aka "JinjerZilla"
    Joshua Thayer LeGoff, aka "JinjerZilla"

    Early archived posts of the WAC website, which were mainly reviews of pop culture with a racist perspective, show that a frequent contributor went by the moniker "Logan McRay," but primary authorship of the the site was eventually attributed to "Jeff Winston," who became recognized as the administrator of the site. An example of these critiques is one screed in which "Jeff Winston," writing under his other frequently-used alias "HuWhite Lion," described a Justin Timberlake album as "wiggity wack" and wrote, "…JT’s [Justin Timberlake's] undoubtedly Jewish handlers are hedging their bets in a cynical attempt to simultaneously co-opt and profit from the rising tide of White Identity."

    "DATS W.A.C. YO!!!" Early recruitment effort on the WAC website.
    "Jeff Winston" in a WAC live stream.
    "Jeff Winston" in a WAC live stream.
    "Jeff Winston" interviewed in right-wing live stream show.
    "Jeff Winston" interviewed in right-wing live stream show.

    While the early versions of the WAC website described the group as "collection of Alt-Right, Hard-Right and Pro-White artists," Winston later attempted to soften the image of the group, describing it as "a community of artists of European descent whose mission is to preserve, promote, celebrate and expand upon [their] shared European culture." In interviews with other white nationalist notables, Winston outlined his intention for the WAC as a way to bring white nationalism into the mainstream, making it more acceptable to audiences who were on the fence between mainstream conservatism and outright white supremacy. His strategy was to create the image of so-called "white" art as a legitimate category to counter the mainstream entertainment field, which he perceived as "anti-white," run by Jews and people of color.

    Despite this attempt to make the WAC's image more benign, the pro-racist, pro-fascist, anti-inclusive message of the WAC is apparent. One song written and performed by Jeff Winston was entitled "Ode to Robert E. Lee," which, as the title explicitly states, is an ode to the 19th century pro-slavery Confederate general. In this song Winston also alluded to the so-called "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville, Virginia of 2017. Winston had direct experience with the rally, which we'll detail later in this piece. In this song Winston sang:

    At the battle of Charlottesville
    Many men, they showed their steel
    For the General

    In August of 17
    Rebs and Yanks we reconvene
    No more brother wars

    And since they gave us hell
    They’re gonna hear the rebel yell

    The WAC promotes white nationalist performers and artists on their website as well as on websites like YouTube, Bitchute, DLive and other websites that host multimedia content. As part of Winston's long-time ambition to create a SXSW-styled neo-Nazi arts festival to "reinvigorate the richness of our culture…in order to galvanize our people for the battle ahead," Winston also organized a small, closely-guarded gathering in 2022 called "WAC Fest" which featured some truly cringe-worthy performances, including one by noted racist "Pistachio Girl" Emily Youcis. Joining Youcis in the stomach-churning performance was a WAC headliner who uses the stage name "Hiraeth." Together, Hiraeath and Youcis butchered Nirvana's song "Something in the Way," followed by a genuinely awful (in both content and performance) racist rap piece by Youcis. If you have a strong stomach, a clip of a portion of the performance is below:

    This is what passes for art in the White Art Collective.

    "Hiraeth" and Youcis in a WAC performance, with "Jeff Winston" (blurred face) on guitar.
    "Hiraeth" and Youcis at "WAC Fest 2022," with "Jeff Winston" (blurred face) on guitar.

    WAC Headliner "Hiraeth"

    WAC artist "Hiraeth"
    WAC singer/songwriter "Hiraeth"

    "Hiraeth," a long-time member of the WAC who shows her real face online but hides her true name, writes and performs pretentious so-called "pro-white" folk music, celebrating historical fascist figures like Adolf Hitler. One song titled "Our Greatest Hero" featured an image of a painting of Neuschwanstein Castle by Hitler in the YouTube video of the song. She sang:

    Our greatest hero has fallen

    He will rise to meet us once again

    This time we wonʼt forsake him

    A future we can believe in

    The song "Our Greatest Hero" by WAC singer "Hiraeth" features an image of a painting by Adolf Hitler on the YouTube video.
    The song "Our Greatest Hero" by WAC singer "Hiraeth" features an image of a painting by Adolf Hitler on the YouTube video.

    A project Hiraeth made a big deal about was a concept album called "Metamorphosis" which she explained was inspired by the obscure American Nazi figure Francis Parker Yockey. Yockey, who committed suicide by swallowing cyanide in a California county jail while clad only in underwear and knee-high SS-style boots, is a much admired figure among neo-Nazis.

    Hiraeth's online album was "inspired" by American Nazi Francis Yockey.
    Hiraeth's online album was "inspired" by American Nazi Francis Yockey.

    Besides pretentious odes to historical fascists, Hiraeth also at times performs together with Jeff Winston. One song that they performed together and featured on her YouTube page is an embarrassing but outwardly benign song called "The Woofie Wag." Much of the music by Hiraeth, Winston and the WAC in general intentionally attempts to project a harmless appearance, which is part of their strategy to "red pill" newcomers to their racist ideology. But while many of the songs are outwardly benign, racism, antisemitism, anti-LGBTQ+ sentiment and a rejection of progressive values are thematic undercurrents throughout the WAC's oeuvre.

    Winston (incostume, left) and Hiraeth, doing the "woofie wag" in the video to this dumb song.
    Winston (in costume, left) and Hiraeth, doing the "woofie wag" in the video to this dumb song.

    The WAC also produces dumb little skits, like one space opera parody titled "Star Boat" in which Winston plays a "space cowboy" who, along with cohorts played by other WAC losers, travel through space and encounter "Skeletoria," played by Hiraeth. The entire production is incredibly asinine and some might argue that it's relatively harmless, but the fact is that productions like these are intended to be a "gateway drug" of sorts to the white nationalist rhetoric that forms the core of their program.

    "Jeff Winston" and "Hiraeth" in dumb WAC skit Star Boat.
    "Jeff Winston" and "Hiraeth" in dumb WAC skit Star Boat.

    Not only an online group of neo-Nazi misfit toys, the White Art Collective is also a limited liability company, registered with the state of Indiana as WAC MEDIA LLC under a commercial registered agent and does business by selling merchandise like art prints and streaming music. One art print is a poster by WAC artist "J LaDArc" called "It's OK," referring to the phrase "It's OK to be white," which white supremacists commonly use to express their perceived victimhood.

    An art print by "J LaDarc" sold by the WAC store.
    An art print by "J LaDarc" sold by the WAC store.

    Currently, the WAC is working on a feature-length film entitled Black Specter, which Jeff Winston described on the website thusly:

    Black Specter is an idea that I, Jeff Winston, the founder of the White Art Collective, have been developing since 2016. It’s the story of a young woman’s red-pill process told through the lens of a haunted house/psychological thriller using symbolism and imagery from WWII, The Black Plague and other culturally and historically significant events.

    Winston claimed on their website that they have achieved their $25,000 crowdfunding goal and are now casting for roles.

    From "Jeff Winston" to Benjamin Joseph Arvin

    While "Jeff Winston" had been operating under a pseudonym for a number of years, numerous factors led us to the discovery of his real identity, not the least of which was his inability to keep his face covered during his appearances on neo-Nazi live streams as well as in-person events, like the "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville. We discovered that "Jeff Winston" (aka "HuWhite Lion") was actually Benjamin Joseph Arvin of Bloomington, Indiana. We also learned that Arvin has a long history in music and film as well as white nationalism.

    "Jeff Winston" fixes his mask during a live stream with "Hiraeth."
    "Jeff Winston" fixes his mask during a live stream with "Hiraeth."
    Benjamin Joseph Arvin of Bloomington, IN, aka "Jeff Winston," and "HuWhite Lion"
    Benjamin Joseph Arvin of Bloomington, IN, aka "Jeff Winston," and "HuWhite Lion"
    Benjamin Joseph Arvin, aka "Jeff Winston"
    Benjamin Joseph Arvin, aka "Jeff Winston"

    Born on April 9, 1981, Arvin grew up in in Indiana, attending Bedford-North Lawrence High School, class of '99. After that he attended Indiana University, earning a Bachelor of Arts degree in TV/Radio/Film in 2004. In 2007, he moved to Austin, TX, seeking stardom in the thriving music scene there. Years before the alt-right or Trump, Ben Arvin was well on his way to becoming a total racist weirdo.

    Ben Arvin as he appeared in his 1999 high school yearbook photo.
    Ben Arvin as he appeared in his 1999 high school yearbook photo.

    In a series of bizarre YouTube videos from 2010 Arvin made an attempt at becoming a self-help guru with cheery, proto-fascist videos promoting his self-published manifesto Navigating the Abyss of Modern American Culture. In these videos (which are still up at the time of writing) he explained how a "combination of cultural forces" began to "break" him down during a ten year period of "alienation" and "confusion." This lead to his revelation that "problems within our culture have allowed for the breakdown of our communities."

    Through cheesy Casio keyboard music and bad attempts at humor, Arvin mugged for the camera while describing his solution: "In order for our people to survive and thrive, we have to intentionally create an environment that cultivates the healthy courting, coupling and romantic love of our people," which turned out to be a telling precursor for his later advocacy of so-called "pro-white" arts. Strangely, he also advocated for drinking plenty of water and eating plenty of fiber to help one's "excretions" (generally sound advice, but a little out of place here).

    Ben Arvin as he appeared in a 2010 YouTube video.
    Ben Arvin as he appeared in a 2010 YouTube video.

    Arvin did not make much headway into the music scene, though it wasn't for lack of trying, as indicated by a 2013 audition he posted to YouTube of himself playing the bass guitar. In an interview many years later on a right-wing live stream he favorably compared his bass playing ability to bass guitar innovator Les Claypool of the band Primus. We feel he was being overly generous in his assessment, but you can judge yourself since the video is still available on YouTube.

    Neo-Nazi Ben Arvin, aka "Jeff Winston," getting his groove on.
    Neo-Nazi Ben Arvin, aka "Jeff Winston," getting his groove on.

    Failing to achieve either self-help guru or rock star status, Arvin moved back to his native Indiana to have a go at becoming a movie producer. With a self-described emphasis on being "Pro-Middle American, Pro-European American, Anti-Hollywood," Arvin produced a self-financed horror film entitled Hills and Hollers, the trailer for which is still visible (at the time of writing) on the YouTube page for his production outfit Arvin Ingenuity. Arvin himself played the role of "Frank" in the film. While the film gained some local noteworthiness, Arvin's main "claim to fame" as far as we are concerned happened the next year, in 2017.

    Ben Arvin as "Frank" in self-produced film Hills and Hollers.
    Ben Arvin as "Frank" in self-produced film Hills and Hollers.
    Ben Arvin with a co-star at the screening of his film Hills and Hollers at the KaPow Film Festival in 2016.
    Ben Arvin with a co-star at the screening of his film Hills and Hollers at the KaPow Film Festival in 2016.
    Ben Arvin [archive]

    That, of course, was the year in which hordes of white supremacists swarmed Charlottesville, Virginia from August 11 to 12 in the "Unite the Right" rally. This violent gathering resulted in the death of antifascist counter-protestor Heather Heyer by neo-Nazi James Alex Fields Jr. and the assault on DeAndre Harris, an African-American man, at the hands of neo-Nazis participating in the rally.

    Ben Arvin's contribution to the violence of the rally did not go unnoticed, although his identity had not been ascertained at that time. Arvin's face was identified by antifascist researchers as the neo-Nazi calling himself "HuWhite Lion" on Twitter. This early identification proved valuable to us. We were able to identify Arvin in many instances during this event from the widespread media coverage that resulted. What's worse, Arvin was present at the assault on Harris, cheering on his neo-Nazi hooligan cohorts.

    Ben Arvin at the "Unite the Right" rally.
    Ben Arvin (aka "Jeff Winston," aka "HuWhite Lion") at the "Unite the Right" rally.
    Ben Arvin
    Ben Arvin
    Ben Arvin at the "tiki torch march."
    Ben Arvin at the "tiki torch march."
    Ben Arvin (thrid from left, in sunglasses) on the bus to the event.
    Ben Arvin (third from left, in sunglasses) on the bus to the event.
    Ben Arvin at the assault on DeAndre Harris,marked in red (click for full size image)
    Ben Arvin at the assault on DeAndre Harris,marked in red (click on image to open in full size)

    A look into Arvin's life leading up to the rally showed a predilection for violence. In July 2017, the month before the event, he was arrested in Indiana for "battery resulting in bodily injury" in an altercation with two African-American persons. Arvin undoubtedly looked forward to Charlottesville as an opportunity for more racially motivated violence.

    After the "Unite the Right" rally, Arvin focused his efforts on a less direct approach to spreading white nationalism by developing the White Art Collective, sticking with the alias "Jeff Winston," and bringing dozens of white nationalist artists of various disciplines into the fold. We tracked Arvin back to his Indiana home by following social media, which also resulted in a happy surprise with the discovery of his fascist fiancée and partner-in-racism, the pseudonymous "Hiraeth," pictured below up to some Halloween hijinx with Arvin.

    Ben Arvin (middle) sporting a new look.
    Ben Arvin (middle) sporting a new look.
    Ben Arvin and "Hiraeth," up to some Halloween hijinx in 2022, courtesy of Facebook.

    The Role of "Hiraeth" Played By: Mandi Renae Gillespie

    To confirm, we consulted with our comrades of the ANTIFA™ Dog Division and asked them to analyze the Halloween photo above through their Antifascist-dog Recognition Facility (A.R.F.). With this cutting-edge technology, they compared the photo with numerous other dog photos posted on social media by "Hiraeth" through the quantum AI neural-network power of their HyperMax Computrons. The result? Identity confirmed. A video of the A.R.F. (patent pending) in action is below.

    We learned that "Jeff Winston" and "Hiraeth" were not only collaborators in the White Art Collective, but were also an item "IRL," thanks to social media posts on Facebook, as well as information we had previously collected. "Hiraeth," who is actually Mandi Renae Gillespie, and Arvin live together in the same Bloomington, Indiana house at which many merchandise images from the WAC web store were photographed and from which many photos posted on Twitter by Gillespie's main Twitter account "@hiraethmusic9" are posted.

    Ben Arvin (aka "Jeff Winston") and Mandi Gillespie (aka "Hiraeth") as pictured in social media posts.
    This photo on the WAC sales page was taken on the back deck of their Bloomington, IN home.
    Ben Arvin and Mandi Gillespie
    Swastika-sportin' sweeties Ben Arvin and Mandi Gillespie

    She didn't always live in Indiana however. Previously, Gillespie lived in North Carolina and was known as Mandi Landell during a short-lived marriage, but reverted back to her maiden name after its dissolution. For a time, Gillespie posted TikTok videos under the name "@emmajeanmoore" before changing to "@hiraethmusic9." We suspect it was an attempt to throw curious people (like us) off the trail, but small deceptions like that never last long and we eventually saw through it.

    Mandi Renae Gillespie was known as "Mandi Landell" during a brief marriage.

    Mandi Gillespie used the alias "emmajeanmoore" for a while on TikTok.

    Those weren't the only names she has used online. She has also been known as "@Anglomaly" and "@_Wi1l_2_Pow3r" on Twitter, as well as many variations of that theme. Her Twitter posts during this earlier period presented a far edgier image than the folk-singing-Hitler-loving forest waif image she has cultivated since, posting insane conspiracy theories about Hitler still being alive and images of American Nazi George Lincoln Rockwell with the hashtag "#NationalSuperheroDay."

    In a guest appearance on a neo-Nazi podcast called Dreamweavers (one of the co-hosts of which was Rachel Carter, wife of neo-Nazi podcaster and writer Jesse "Borzoi" Ogden, on whom we have previously reported) Gillespie described her "red pill" awakening. She explained how the likes of libertarian Ron Paul, disgraced former POTUS Donald Trump and over-boiled-pot-roast-slash-radio-host Alex Jones opened her eyes to the "JQ," or the "Jewish question," a code term for antisemitic conspiracy theories. You can listen to a snippet of it here:

    Mandi Gillespie promoting the nutzoid idea that Hitler is still alive in Argentina. [archive]
    In this Twitter post Mandi Gillespie likens American neo-Nazi George Rockwell to a "superhero."[archive]
    Mandi Gillespie being antisemitic on Twitter. [archive]

    Mandi Renae Gillespie writing as "@__Wi1l2p0w3r" on Twitter.
    Mandi Renae Gillespie writing as "@__Wi1l2p0w3r" on Twitter.

    While Gillespie was spending her free time as a racist Twitter crank, she was also unintentionally building a reputation among online Twitter Nazis for showing "extensive history of betraying pro-White guys and then pitting them against each other," as one Twitter Nazi put it.

    The internet never forgets. Looks like neither do jilted neo-Nazi ex-paramours.
    Mandi "Hiraeth" Gillespie in skull-mask chic.

    Gillespie's use of her real face as both online neo-Nazi and wannabe singer-songwriter proved to be her undoing as it was noted among other anonymous comrades around the internet who keep track of such things. On her artist page at Bandmix Gillespie called herself "MandiRenae," located in Wilmington, NC and sought other musicians with which to collaborate. While in North Carolina she worked for a time as a hair dresser and cosmetologist.


    Mandi Gillespie's North Carolina cosmetology certfication.
    Mandi Gillespie's North Carolina cosmetology certification.

    Gillespie announced on her YouTube page on March 15th that she would be releasing a new album soon and then would be taking a brief hiatus because she is having a baby with her fiancée. She did not name Arvin as her fiancée in the announcement, so we've saved her the trouble and did it for her. You're welcome and mazel tov! But seriously, we believe that no one is born a racist. Children learn this behavior from their parents, family and peers. We can only hope that this child eventually escapes the stranglehold of hate that rules the lives of the parents.

    Mandi Gillespie announcing on YouTube that she and her fiancée are expecting.
    Mandi Gillespie announcing on YouTube that she and her fiancée are expecting.

    Fifteen Minutes of Fascist Fame

    While some may argue that letting washed-out neo-Nazi musicians and film makers do whatever they do in their own pathetic little echo chambers doesn't harm the rest of society, we disagree. The White Art Collective attempts to make "White Supremacy Great Again" by easing their accessible forms of racism into an entertainment world that is working hard to rectify the inequities of the past.

    The road to fame is a tough one. For "Jeff Winston" and "Hiraeth" their fifteen-minutes-of-fame are almost up, about to be replaced with a much longer and tougher road under their real names Benjamin Joseph Arvin and Mandi Renae Gillespie. As for the rest of the WACkos of the White Art Collective, the clock is ticking.


    Many thanks to all the anonymous comrades out there who contributed to this piece!

    Ben Arvin, aka "Jeff Winston," with beard.
    Ben Arvin, aka "Jeff Winston," with beard.
    Ben Arvin, Charlottesville, VA, 2017
    Ben Arvin, Charlottesville, VA, 2017
    Ben Arvin, circa 2016
    Ben Arvin, circa 2016
    Ben Arvin in one of his "Navigating the Abyss" videos.
    A younger Ben Arvin on his way to stardom in one of his "Navigating the Abyss" videos.
    Mandi "Hiraeth" Gillespie
    Mandi "Hiraeth" Gillespie
    Mandi "Hiraeth" Gillespie
    Mandi "Hiraeth" Gillespie
    Mandi "Hiraeth" Gillespie
    Mandi Gillespie wondering how long it will take before she gets exposed.


    Right-Wing Twitter Troll and Author: Justin Dean Cookson of Cypress, Texas, aka "Aristophanes"

    The Federalist is a web magazine and podcast that covers politics, policy, culture, and religion with a decidedly hard-right stance. While attempting to appeal to the conservative demographic, The Federalist has consistently crossed that threshold into right-wing wacko territory, spreading disinformation about COVID as well as the 2020 election, and taking an overarching racist and anti-LGBTQ+ stance. In case anyone would like to debate that, let's have a look at one of their contributors, an author who goes by the pen name "Aristophanes" and has over 77k followers on Twitter.

    With that kind of following, "Aristophanes" has got to feel pretty good about himself while he spreads violent racist, homophobic, transphobic and antisemitic rhetoric through his "blue check" Twitter account. The big question is, how will he feel when the world knows he is really Justin Dean Cookson of Cypress, Texas? Let's find out!


    "Aristophanes," describing himself as "a dad, anon, GWOT veteran, and lover of stories" on his author page at The Federalist, penned a recent article entitled "It’s Time To Save Literature From The Woke Publishing Industry" in which he decries "wokeness" and a perceived bias against heterosexual white males. However, he has been trolling on the internet for years, using various Twitter accounts until they get suspended, only to reappear with new account. His current Twitter account has over 77,000 followers, a Twitter verified "blue check mark," and has tweeted some pretty rotten stuff, like one tweet in which he states, "I mog zionists, I don't tolerate troons, endorse TND, and consider homos to be molesters." In that post he made his racist, antisemitic, transphobic and homophobic positions clear. To the unfamiliar, in online neo-Nazi circles "TND" means "Total N_gger Death."

    Aristophanes' pseudonymous author page at The Federalist website.
    Aristophanes' pseudonymous author page at The Federalist website.

    Aristophanes has used several Twitter usernames in the past, including @AristophanesTX, @AristophanesBox, @AristophanesTex, @RatUtopian, @Samuel_Reads, @Aristos_Return, @Aristos_Vagrant,"@jess_therapist" and most recently @Aristos_Revenge. We have archives of more than 15,000 tweets over a two year period. With a conservative estimate of 1 minute per tweet, this adds up to more than six 40-hour work weeks devoted to hate. While Aristophanes claimed to not be a "fashy natsoc" he went on to say that he "damn sure understand[s] where they were coming from," in one Twitter post where he also posted a photo of Hitler Youth burning books. Despite his claim to not be a "fashy natsoc," Aristophanes sure posts about Hitler, Nazis and Weimar Germany a lot. This could, perhaps, lead a reasonable person to conclude that he actually is a "fashy natsoc."


    If someone starts a sentence with "I'm actually not a fashy natsoc, but…" you know how the sentence is going to end. [archive]
    "…and I say that as someone ok with both Hitler and violence," wrote "Aristophanes"  [archive]

    Whether he identifies as a Nazi versus "merely" approving of them is of little consequence at the end of the day. "Aristophanes" is racist, antisemitic, homophobic and transphobic however one looks at it. Aristophanes has a particular fixation against those of the LGBTQ+ community and often expresses his obsession with violent imagery. In one Twitter post he floated the idea that transsexual persons should be euthanized. In another he stated his position that fascism was preferable to LGBTQ+ equity and that given a choice he would "gladly wear the armband."


    Aristophanes' huge following on Twitter means he's spreading this garbage to tens of thousands of people every day. What makes this even more problematic is his advocacy of ideological violence. In one post he encouraged others to commit arson on someone's house, writing, "What’s it take for someone to burn down a professors[sic] house already, jesus christ, lets[sic] get the deniable 3 AM arson going already."


    Aristophanes also promoted Antelope Hill Publishing, a neo-Nazi small press on which we have reported in past articles. Antelope Hill Publishing purports to be the preserver of lost works, but a brief look at their catalogue shows that their focus is on works by fascist authors. Aristophanes has been a frequent customer, often promoting them in his Twitter posts. He wrote: "I will *always* shill for the @AntelopeHill homies, they are doing the lords work"

    Aristophanes would like to make clear that he is:

    a right wing 4chan anon who freely posts and retweets offensive things of every ism and phobic concept imaginable.

    Sometimes it's because it's what I actually believe, sometimes I just think it's funny, but any attempts to be offended will be met with a block. I hate lefties, abortion is wrong, feminism and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race, you can't choose your gender

    A lot of normies showing up here and I don't want anybody to be shocked or surprised and result in unnecessary histrionics over that. If the most edgy thing you find acceptable could be in a marvel movie or reddit post you should probably scroll on.


    Aristophanes' position is one of right-wing extremism, which he contrasts to the position of "normies" (ie, mainstream conservatives), although he encourages those normies "to *stop* being normies and hop on the ride." Aristophanes' posts on Twitter celebrating Nazis, ridiculing LGBTQ+ persons, blaming Jewish people for the world's ills, mocking persons of color and deriding anyone politically left of hard-right are so numerous that we have provided links to archived Tweets hosted at the Wayback Machine at the end of this piece.

    From Pseudonymous to Identified

    While "Aristophanes" may feel comfortable writing his garbage from behind the relative safety of his pseudonym, it took a just a few personal comments made online and the matching of related data points to de-anonymize this neo-fascist numbskull, revealing the real identity behind the alias: Justin Dean Cookson of Cypress, Texas.

    Justin Dean Cook of Cypress, Texas
    Justin Dean Cookson of Cypress, Texas
    Justin Dean "Aristophanes" Cook
    Justin Dean "Aristophanes" Cookson


    In one Twitter post, writing under the pseudonym "Jessica Epstein @jess_therapist," Cookson wrote, "As a conservative Californian who moved to TX 8 years ago, currently a GOP precinct chair, I have not been as impressed as I'd have hoped with normie Texans." In another post he wrote, "I grew up there in the 80's, I miss the California everyone could afford." We could not confirm that he was actually a GOP precinct chair, but we learned from many statements he made regarding his personal history that he was a Californian living in Texas.


    In another Twitter post under the same screen name, Cookson made a comment on a thread about Jan 6 insurrectionist Ashli Babbit: "I deployed with her in the deployment that picture on the right is from. Al Dhafra Air Base in UAE, summer of 2014." We were able to confirm that Cookson did deploy during that time frame with the California Air National Guard, as verified through public records.

    Cookson deployed with the California Air National Guard in 2014.
    Justin Dean Cook, serving as a security forces airman in the Air National Guard.
    Justin Dean Cookson, serving as a security forces airman in the Air National Guard.


    Other data points from public sources across the internet provided further confirmation of his real identity, like the photo shown below that he posted on Twitter which was also posted on Instagram by his spouse, but showing his real face, as well as a military-themed tattoo on his right arm that he had posted elsewhere on the internet.

    A post by "Aristophanes" featuring his late dog. [archive]
    The same photo as seen from his wife's Instagram account.
    The same photo as seen from his wife's Instagram account.
    Cook's "Security Forces Deaths Head" tattoo.
    Cookson's "Security Forces Deaths Head" tattoo, also visible in the previous photos. [archive]
    Justin Dean Cookson, aka "Aristophanes," in the California Air National Guard
    Justin Dean Cookson, aka "Aristophanes," in the California Air National Guard


    At the end of his service in the California Air National Guard, Cookson was worried about not receiving an Honorable discharge after failing a drug test, which he claimed was the result of "accidentally" ingesting a hydrocodone tablet. He was concerned that he would not be able to land a law enforcement job because of that and posted his concerns on a police forum. While we don't know the character of the discharge he ended up with, we do know another thing he was worried about: the state of his "post-military beard." So concerned was he about his facial hair that he had to consult with his internet brethren about it.

    "So a few things, is the reverse hitler stache bad looking? " --Justin "Aristophanes" Cook
    "So a few things, is the reverse hitler stache bad looking? " –Justin "Aristophanes" Cook
    "I see a lot of post-military beards vets are getting these days, I'll probably end up wanting to just emulate them." Uh huh.
    "I see a lot of post-military beards vets are getting these days, I'll probably end up wanting to just emulate them," Cookson wrote.


    Cookson's online life as an antisemitic, racist raconteur seems to be at odds with his IRL marriage to a woman of Mexican descent and of Jewish faith. In one Twitter tirade he railed about the unrest in Waukesha, Wisconsin, writing, "All this blatant anti white shit just makes me start to entertain the ideas they are so afraid of, not chase me away." He continued to write, "They destroyed all the good faith I was raised to have towards race. Now I'm a white supremacist married to a mexican."


    While we are not privy to how aware his spouse is of his online proclivities, this surely is not the path to marital harmony. Cookson's online antisemitic rantings run counter to his familial life,  in which he participates in activities related to his spouse's faith. As shown by his spouse's Instagram profile he often celebrates Jewish holidays and events with the family. One must wonder about his motives in light of the terrible antisemitic violence by right-wing actors in recent years and the current rise in such violence.

    Cookson often participates with his family in Jewish holiday events ...
    Cookson often participates with his family in Jewish holiday events.

    At the same time he spouts antisemitic rhetoric online

    At the same time, his online rhetoric is both antisemitic and misogynistic.
    At the same time, his online rhetoric is both antisemitic and misogynistic. [archive]

    As part of his antisemitic obsession, Cookson wrote that he checks the "early life" section on Wikipedia profiles of public figures to see if they have any Jewish heritage, and posted about this often on Twitter.

    Cookson often advises to look at the "early life" section on Wikipedia profiles of public figures to check for Jewish heritage.
    Cookson often advised his Twitter followers to look at the "early life" section on Wikipedia profiles of public figures to check for Jewish heritage.
    Justin Dean Cookson, aka "Aristophanes"


    Cookson also suppresses his white supremacist views when it comes to supporting political candidates, as long as his candidate of choice is a right-wing nutjob. He has supported failed gubernatorial candidate Allen West, who was accused of torture while in the military (about which Cookson wrote "this is a plus, not a negative") and has supported whack-job Q-Anon conspiracy theories. Cookson also worked on the campaign for unsuccessful far-right congressional candidate Roland Lopez, who was endorsed by white nationalist politicians like former congressman Steve King and current extremist Paul Gosar.

    Instagram post dated February 13, 2022.
    Instagram post dated February 13, 2022.
    Twitter post dated February 13, 2022.
    Twitter post dated February 13, 2022. [archive]
    Instagram post.
    Instagram post.

    Under his pen names, Cookson often advocated for ideological violence in his Twitter posts. In one post he encouraged others to commit arson on someone's house, writing, "What’s it take for someone to burn down a professors house already, jesus christ, lets get the deniable 3 AM arson going already." In another post he advocated for firebombing and lynching Catholic and Jewish charities who aid undocumented immigrants at the southern U.S. border. He wrote:

    I don't care if it's glowposting I'm fucking mad, these charities are facilitating mass illegal immigration which is a fucking crime, would someone string up these jewish and catholic charities and hang them from that fucking bridge already


    Like a lot of internet tough guys, Cookson likes to talk big about his guns and his ability to use them. But what is the line between internet bravado and real-world violence? In one Twitter thread, Cookson described in detail how he would go about taking over a military airfield with "a few truckloads full of armed and competent guys." He wrote:

    But remember, no local PD means that base is yours to hold, during which you could pretty much slaughter all of that talent and experience.

    And keep in mind the replacements for those casualties have to be taken *away* from somewhere *else*.

    Or if you're targeting personnel, you could just start popping these people in the face while they shop at their local walmart and not even attack the base. No pilots, no planes

    The point I'm making is that there's a lot of ignorant neoliberals who cry about AR's, but they also turn around and go "lol you couldn't do shit about the military with your stupid rifle" And I didn't even go into the potential for insider attacks, sabotage, or spying.


    Cookson's potential for organized real-world violence goes beyond his fantasy scenarios and rhetoric. He has posted often about his collection of firearms and tactical equipment. While many Americans collect such gear, most do not hope for a societal breakdown as an excuse for violence as Cookson does, as he demonstrated when he posted:

    God I hope we get food riots. Nobody gives a fuck about trannies when they're hungry, and anyone who still does when everyone else is hungry is going to get gutted like a deer.


    Furthermore, we found his name in leaked member lists of the Oathkeepers militia group released by DDOSecrets in 2021. The Oathkeepers is a militia group that played a key part in the violent January 6 Capitol insurrection and whose leader was convicted of seditious conspiracy for his role in the event. Clearly, Cookson's willingness to step beyond keyboard "fed posting" into real-life organizing is concerning.

    Justin Cookson was found in the member lists of leaked Oathkeeper data (email redacted).
    Justin Cookson was found in the member lists of leaked Oathkeeper data (we have redacted his email address).

    Cookson's Bigoted Hiring Practices

    Cookson currently works in the IT industry. As indicated by a post his spouse made on Instagram, his most recent employer is Executech, a managed IT services company. While his career field is information technology, he has written on Twitter about how he has weaseled his way into the human resources department and claimed to have hiring authority at his job, which he abuses by "doxing" prospective employees who appear to have any possible left-leaning political inclination.

    Instagram post by Cookson's spouse indicating his employer, Executech.

    "My CEO is this bizarre psychopath looking dude from BYU…" [archive]
    "I love reviewing resumes and shredding the leftoid ones." [archive]

    In recent Twitter posts, Cookson boosted a new right-wing employment recruiting company with a mission to eliminate the "ideological rot" of "wokeness" in hiring. Cookson got specific about needing to build a "parallel infrastructure" without "woke DEI garbage" ("DEI" being an abbreviation for "diversity, equity and inclusion"). He is already on his way to that goal in his current company.

    He wrote in one Twitter post, "I snuck my way into the hiring team at my company as a side responsibility, I love reviewing resumes and shredding the leftoid ones." Cookson explicitly laid out how he personally manipulates the hiring process of his employers to favor people who he feels lean towards his extremist, racist, sexist, and homophobic ideologies. "I'm part of the hiring process at my own company IRL, and it's a real slog sometimes looking up applicants because I don't want to hire poisonous leftist critters and essentially let the wolf into the henhouse," he wrote.


    What's worse is that Cookson's work culture seems to condone and even encourage his practices. In another discussion on a Twitter thread, Cookson wrote, "Lefties make for annoying ass coworkers so those resumes go in the trash," and continued, "We have (one) lefty-ish guy who was sort of a reddit bernie bro, and he doesn't pipe up because he's outnumbered. Usually he's alright." When a participant in the thread suggested that Cookson was being ridiculous he replied, "Not when the stakes are a cohesive workplace where politically incorrect memes on Teams are a daily occurence. I treasure my work environment which could easily be destroyed by one perpetually offended shitheel." Cookson and his company's culture make a practice of discriminating against candidates for hire based on political views, but to be sure this extends beyond politics.

    In another Twitter post Cookson related a story about a hockey game that his boss attended, where his boss wrote, "…so VIP seats, great view, awesome food and drinks," but then complained about seeing "rainbow shit everywhere," sarcastically calling it "Another loud and proud demonstration of the bravery and beauty that is trannsies[sic]." Cookson wrote, using a transphobic slur:

    I told him "Look on the bright side, at least there weren't any snipers in the stands with orders to shoot the first person to stop clapping for the troons"

    "It's coming" he says


    "This is why the straight white HR dude is the one who selects the resumes for interviews." [archive]

    Justin Dean Cookson: Aristo_Revealed

    A huge online following, violent racist and LGBTQ-phobic rhetoric and connections to real-life extremist groups make Justin Dean Cookson of Cypress, Texas a walking red flag. Furthermore, his bigoted hiring practices, enabled by the toxic company culture of Executech, is very likely illegal, and may be violating any number of employment discrimination laws.

    The current age of online neo-fascists hope to achieve their goals of subjugating marginalized people from behind pseudo-intellectual online personas, hiding from the culpability they may face when their words incite the violence they hope for, which happens far too often. In Justin Cookson's case, that is no longer an option. Now everyone knows who he is.

    Justin Dean Cookson, aka "Aristophanes"
    Justin Dean Cookson, aka "Aristophanes"

    A more complete set of links to Justin Dean Cookson's Twitter posts, archived by the Wayback Machine may be found below:


    Neo-Nazi Podcaster "John Fashcroft": Dylan P. Annex of Tulsa, Oklahoma

    In our last piece we exposed the man behind the Amerikaner network of neo-Nazi podcasts, South Dakotan Riggin Scheer, also known as "Gordon Kahl." Besides his own podcast Achtung! Amerikaner, Scheer also provided a platform for a number of other white nationalist podcasts, one of which is called The Eagle's Nest, hosted by the pseudonymous "John Fashcroft." We found this guy's real name over waffles and mimosas during Sunday brunch, so we'll just lead with it! We reveal to you the neo-Nazi goober behind "John Fashcroft," Dylan Paul Annex, Sr. of Tulsa, Oklahoma.

    "John Fashcroft" vaping on the YouTube version of his neo-Nazi podcast/stream.
    "John Fashcroft" vaping on the YouTube version of his neo-Nazi podcast/stream.

    "John Fashcroft"

    Described as a "Christian, Husband, Father, Electrician and Fascist!" on the Amerikaner website, "John Fashcroft" hosts a number of neo-Nazi podcasts, but is mostly known for one called The Eagle's Nest.

    The podcasts of "John Fashcroft" hosted on the Amerikaner website/
    The podcasts of "John Fashcroft" hosted on the Amerikaner website.
    The image "John Fashcroft" uses to represent himself.
    An image "John Fashcroft" uses to represent himself.

    While we would have liked to have said we used our state-of-the-art AI-powered quantum computing antifascist intelligence gathering system for this, the fact of the matter is that Dylan Paul Annex is so dumb that he basically told us who he was. In one episode of his podcast, Annex, as "John Fashcroft," explained to his audience that he had to "remake" his Twitter because he had added his real name to it and it was connected to his "John Fashcroft" alias. Why he would feel the urge to tell the world about that is anyone's guess, but we'll take it!

    [Click here for a video clip of "John Fashcroft" talking about his Twitter account.]

    He told his audience,

    I had to, uh, remake my Twitter. Um, yeah, uh it was it was tied, it still had, like, my name on it, like if you went back far enough into my Twitter, like if you went back 3 or 4 years, somehow it was attached to my real name. But, you couldn’t tell unless you added my real name. But just on a humbug, I went on twitter and added my real name and it was like connected to my John Fashcroft account so I had to get rid of that and start a new one.

    He revealed that he had to delete his previous Twitter because it came up in searches for his real name, and it absolutely does. To verify, we looked at the archived history of John Fashcroft's  Twitter accounts and found that the Twitter handle "@John_Fashcroft" shared the same Twitter account number as the previous handle for that account, "@DylanAnnex," viewable in the source code of the archived web page. In his Twitter bio he described himself as "Husband, Father, Electrician, Alt-right!" He actually is a licensed electrician.

    "Husband, Father, Electrician, Alt-right!"
    "Husband, Father, Electrician, Alt-right!

    Dylan Annex's profile image in his original Twitter account, as archived on (scaled up).
    Dylan Annex's profile image in his original Twitter account, as archived on (scaled up).
    Dylan Annex became "John Fashcroft."
    Dylan Annex became "John Fashcroft."

    Like many neo-Nazi losers who feel like they have something to say and that people need to hear it, Dylan Annex, as "John Fashcroft," hosted his own podcast, which was supported by Riggin "Gordon Kahl" Scheer's Amerikaner network of nazi podcasts. Annex's podcast, even by white nationalist podcast standards, was pretty low-grade. Despite being an inarticulate host with little to offer in the way of unique insight, Annex nevertheless persisted with hopes of neo-Nazi internet fame, serving up regurgitated white nationalist talking points, differentiated only by a hyperkinetic delivery and constant vocal disfluencies and verbal tics like “um,” “man,” “uh,” and, of course, “bubba.”


    In his other life, as Dylan Paul Annex of Tulsa, Oklahoma, he tried to achieve notability in other areas, like in the Oklahoma rave scene as a "fire performer," of all things. The idea of a fire-performing Nazi is something that none of us would have anticipated in our wildest dreams, yet here we are.

    Dylan P. Annex. aka "John Fashcroft," tripping the light fantastic.
    Dylan P. Annex, aka "John Fashcroft," tripping the light fantastic.
    Dylan "Fashcroft" Annex's business card for his "fire entertainment troupe."
    Dylan "Fashcroft" Annex's business card for his "fire entertainment troupe."


    Dylan also found some some dubious fame among local authorities, having been arrested on numerous occasions, mostly on drug charges.

    Dylan Annex as he appears on the Oklahoma Department of Corrections website.
    Dylan Annex as he appears on the Oklahoma Department of Corrections website.


    Dylan P Annex, aka "John Fashcroft"
    Dylan P. Annex, aka "John Fashcroft"


    A "Red Pill" Journey

    In a 2020 podcast interview, Dylan Annex aka John Fashcroft explained how his "red pill" journey began upon his release from prison in 2014. Although still involved with the rave scene and Burning Man Oklahoma, his increasingly right-wing views began to alienate many of his old friends.

    Antifeminist YouTube videos led him to Gavin McInnis, founder of the Proud Boys, and Dylan Annex would become a regular on the Proud Boys Facebook page. There he encountered familiar Nazi names like Shawn Deats, aka "AltSkull," and Louis Giovingo, aka "Southern Dingo," who steered him even further right. According to Annex, the Proud Boys channel "red-pilled" him on "race and IQ, race realism, the things that happened in WWII…" Annex was active in several Facebook groups tied to the Proud Boys including several fan pages of the violent white nationalist Kyle Chapman, aka "Based Stickman."

    By 2017, Dylan Annex, using his real name and photo, was a full-fledged racist troll on Twitter. By 2018 Dylan Annex had assumed the "John Fashcroft" alias and delved deeper into actual Nazi terrain.

    A resident of Tulsa, Dylan Annex has a longstanding obsession with the Tulsa Race Riots of 1921 and says he is creating a "documentary" –  an attempt to provide a revisionist history of the events amidst increasing recent public awareness. His entire dumb thesis rests upon coverage of the event from white-owned local newspapers of the time.


    Annex wants to make a documentary on the Tulsa massacre from a white nationalist viewpoint.

    Annex's posts on Twitter made clear his admiration of Hitler and Nazis, using slurs and pro-Nazi bravado to incite fear.


    "WHITE POWER NI__ER!!!!!"
    Dylan Annex, writing as "John Fashcroft" on Twitter. He makes his racism clear.
    Dylan Annex, writing as "John Fashcroft" on Twitter. He makes his racism clear.

    Dylan Annex is trying to turn his Nazi bullshit into a full time "John Fashcroft" neo-Nazi brand, shifting from platform to platform in search of the most favorable monetization scheme. He is even selling Nazi-themed merchandise on (and if you think this is messed up like we do, make sure to contact Gearbubble and let them know they are platforming Nazi merchandise!).

    Some of the neo-Nazi merchandise Dylan "John Fashcroft" Annex sells on Gearbubble.

    Some of the neo-Nazi merchandise Dylan "John Fashcroft" Annex sells on Gearbubble.
    Some of the neo-Nazi merchandise Dylan "John Fashcroft" Annex sells on Gearbubble.

    There doesn't seem to be a conspiracy theory this joker won’t embrace but we have narrowed it down to one illustrative example that fully embodies the effect of brainworms on a hate-infused brain. In the following podcast clip, Dylan Annex as John Fashcroft somehow links 80’s hair metal icons like Mötley Crüe and Twisted Sister to some kind of sinister Jewish plot to "normalize transgenderism." In his words,

    So then if they've been worshiping a guy who sings this song "Dude Looks Like A Lady" while he's dressed like a fuckin' lady and every fuckin' band he likes they're all wearing lipstick and eye shadow and their hair's fuckin' teased and shit, when they start seeing actual fuckin' trannies in public they just laugh it off. It's not so shocking to them because they've been seeing it on album covers and music videos and fuckin' on stage for the past thirty fuckin' years.

    Another of Dylan Annex's "John Fashcroft" logos.
    Another of Dylan Annex's "John Fashcroft" logos.

    Besides insane blatherings about Jewish rock-and-roll conspiracy theories, Dylan Annex also exhorts his fans to train in fighting skills in order to fight the forces of liberalism, Jewish world domination and other bogeymen of the racist right wing. He openly urges followers to prepare for violence and "Strengthen the White War Machine. " He wrote,

    We have to reawaken the warrior spirit genetically ingrained in Aryan men, the spirit that allowed us to subjugate every other race we have came into contact with. Gather your tribe, train weekly, become capable of violence make your ancestors proud!!!!!


    [photo of a drill]: "This will be my weapon of choice in the race war!"
    "This will be my weapon of choice in the race war!"

    It's no surprise that Dylan Annex would have a like-minded partner. His wife Stephanie George uses the alias "Jane Fashcroft" and is well known to listeners of his podcasts.

    Annex's wife, Stephanie George, aka "Jane Fashcroft"
    Annex's wife, Stephanie George, aka "Jane Fashcroft"
    John Fashcroft: "It's Jane's birthday."
    John Fashcroft: "It's Jane's birthday."
    Stephanie George
    Stephanie George, aka "Jane Fashcroft"
    A wedding registry for Dylan Annex and Stephanie George, aka "John and Jane Fashcroft."
    A wedding registry for Dylan Annex and Stephanie George, aka "John and Jane Fashcroft."

    A Nazi Buffoon is Still a Nazi and a Threat

    While Annex's buffoonery is easily laughed at, the absurdity masks very real threats. This joker has thousands of subscribers and a shockingly broad reach through his various platforms. Annex’s commitment to white nationalism and Nazis trumps the poor quality of his voluminous content. His willingness to commit his life to this agenda has the potential for a tragic ending. The far right media ecosystem is bigger than any individual player, but the totality and availability of violent extremist content has an indisputable link to real life violence.

    It only takes one impressionable mind on many hours of weekly racist and antisemitic content to create an environment which is highly conducive to something really bad happening. When that bad thing does happen, as we know it will, Dylan Paul Annex of Tulsa will no longer be able to hide from the blame.

    Dylan Paul Annex, aka "John Fashcroft"
    Dylan Paul Annex, aka "John Fashcroft"

    Achtung! Amerikaner's "Gordon Kahl": Riggin Scheer of Brookings, South Dakota

    In our last installment, we exposed a network of neo-Nazi home schoolers called the "Dissident Homeschool," led by Upper Sandusky, Ohio couple Logan and Katja Lawrence, who used the aliases "Mr. and Mrs. Saxon." The Lawrences were good friends with "Gordon Kahl," host of the neo-Nazi podcast Achtung! Amerikaner and leader of a network of neo-Nazi podcasts under that umbrella. In fact, a significant portion of the information that led to the identity of Logan and Katja Lawrence was gleaned from their guest appearances on the Achtung! Amerikaner podcast. Since "The Saxons" got exposed, we thought that ol' Gordon might be feeling a little left out on all the fun. Far be it from the Anonymous Comrades Collective to deny a Nazi a chance to be exposed! Today we introduce to you Riggin Lynn Scheer of Brookings, South Dakota, otherwise known as "Gordon Kahl" of Achtung! Amerikaner.

    The Neo-Nazi Coordinator "Gordon Kahl"

    Gordon Kahl is the the pseudonym for the administrator of, a website that serves as the home for the podcast Achtung! Amerikaner, as well as a number of other podcasts popular with white supremacists like Full Haus, The Godcast, Hate House and The Eagle's Nest, among others. While facilitating coordination between various neo-Nazi groups across regions, Gordon Kahl has been quietly building a rival platform to the largest network of white nationalist podcasts, The Right Stuff (TRS), led by Michael Peinovich, aka "Mike Enoch." Though still the largest of the neo-Nazi podcasting networks, TRS has of late been experiencing attrition due to allegations of "secret" Jewish heritage and to the fact Peinovich and TRS have been seen by other white nationalists as using their platform to milk cash from their listeners and from members of the affiliated "National Justice Party" (NJP), which Peinovich also runs.

    Michael Peinovich, aka "Mike Enoch," and his neo-Nazi groupies backstage.
    Michael Peinovich, aka "Mike Enoch," and his neo-Nazi groupies backstage.

    As such, TRS/NJP have alienated huge segments of their "movement," which is fine by us. We love to see Nazis not play nice amongst themselves. The most recent scuff-up in this Nazi soap opera has been the revelation that neo-Nazi small press Antelope Hill Publishing, which we have reported on numerous times, has been exploiting their employees, while at the same time earning big bucks, enough to purchase a luxurious $750,000 house in Harleysville, Pennsylvania to use as their "headquarters." Further fueling the critics, Antelope Hill Publishing's editor-in-chief Sarah Cucchiara, wife of the boss Vincent Cucchiara, has been accused of having (*gasp*) Jewish ancestry. "Gordon Kahl" has expressed his criticism of this alleged Jewish ancestry, invoking the "one drop rule" (as in "one drop" of "Jewish blood" makes one Jewish), declaring himself staunchly in opposition to the National Justice Party and Antelope Hill Publishing.

    Gordon Kahl was at one time, however, affiliated with TRS/NJP, being a "life guard" at their "pool parties." "Pool party" is code for small local gatherings that require vetting of its participants to prevent infiltration, and "life guards" is code for organisers of these get-togethers (yeah, these code words are dumb; bear with us). But this past summer Gordon Kahl was fired by TRS leaders, stripped of his responsibility in the midst of a TRS money grab, which brings us to his current situation.

    Prior to his humiliating demotion, "Gordon Kahl" was a key regional figure, responsible for vetting Nazis for inclusion in several different organizations besides TRS/NJP, like "The Mannerbund," and Patriot Front. Calling himself "Gordon Kahl" after the real-life far-right extremist and murderer, he is mentioned several times by his pseudonym in the leaked Patriot Front internal communications provided by Unicorn Riot, as the "go-to" guy in the Dakotas. In one incident, a newly recruited member of the violent neo-Nazi psycho organization Patriot Front was perhaps just a little too psycho and violent and was scaring his Nazi associates. "Gordon" was called in to fix the problem.

    "Gordon" aka "Gordon Kahl" was called in to deal with a difficult Patriot Front member in the Dakotas
    "Gordon" aka "Gordon Kahl" was called in to deal with a difficult Patriot Front member in the Dakotas [link]
    In a nod to his namesake, "Gordon Kahl" muses on castle doctrine as an excuse to kill federal agents in a Telegram post.
    In a nod to his namesake, "Gordon Kahl" muses on castle doctrine as an excuse to kill intruders in a Telegram post.
    "who even is Gordon?" From a neo-Nazi Telegram chat.
    "who even is Gordon?" From a neo-Nazi Telegram chat.

    But "Gordon Kahl"'s main labour of love is his long-running podcast Achtung! Amerikaner. A recent episode hosted members of the Ku Klux Klan. The episode description read:

    Gordon sits down for an interview with representatives of the “Old Glory Knights” of the Ku Klux Klan, including Bret Roberts, the Grand Dragon of Texas, as well as Brother Kenny and Sister Rita, two “Imperials,” or National Representatives. The conversation varied from the history of the Klan, to the current goals of the organization, and their frustrations in dealing with more “modern” iterations of the White Identarian movement.

    In the episode, Gordon Kahl said he hoped “some attempt can be made to broaden cooperation between the different ideological tribes of our people.” This is in keeping with his "big tent" approach to white nationalism, with which he hoped to unite various regional groups who are often wrapped up in internecine strife. As such, he has platformed a wide variety of white nationalist guests, like the rabid antisemite and failed political candidate Patrick Little, long-time neo-Nazi Billy Roper and violent Iowa-based neo-Nazi group Crew 319.

    One episode of Achtung Amerikaner in which "Gordon Kahl" interviews representatives of the Ku Klux Klan.
    One episode of Achtung Amerikaner in which "Gordon Kahl" interviews representatives of the Ku Klux Klan.
    "Gordon Kahl" is an active organiser for neo-Nazi groups.
    "Gordon Kahl" is an active organiser for neo-Nazi groups.

    "Gordon Kahl" on making connections with other neo-Nazis across regions.
    "Gordon Kahl" on making connections with other neo-Nazis across regions.

    Apparently, Gordon Kahl makes some pretty decent money from donations to his website and podcasts. In one Telegram post he claimed that his website "basically pays for itself" with some amount left over that he saves. He stated that he wanted to work as much overtime as possible in order to create a "racist HQ."

    Besides the talk about organizing and coordinating with various other neo-Nazi groups, Gordon Kahl's Telegram chat discussion is full of of the standard racist garbage that is the norm for these Telegram chats.

    "Gordon Kahl" interacting with Katja Lawrence, aka "Mrs. Saxon" on Telegram.
    "Gordon Kahl" misappropriates a Far Side cartoon for racist chuckles.
    "Gordon Kahl" misappropriates a Far Side cartoon for racist chuckles.

    Finding himself in the midst of the Nazi drama between himself, the goose-stepping goons in his Telegram chat and the Antelope Hill Publishing/TRS/NJP gang mentioned earlier has caused him no small amount of personal stress. This was compounded by that fact it was not lost on Gordon Kahl that his own podcast was instrumental in the exposure of his good friends Logan and Katja Lawrence, aka the "Dissident Homeschoolers," whom we exposed in our last piece. Gordon felt badly about this, since they spoke so freely about themselves on his Achtung! Amerikaner podcast.

    "Gordon Kahl" in his Telegram chat making the realization that the secret Nazi life of Logan and Katja Lawrence was due in no small part to his own podcast in which they spoke freely about themselves.
    We felt it was time to pull the plug on this Nazi shit-show and put "Gordon Kahl" to a merciful end. It was time. Good-bye, "Gordon Kahl," hello…

    …Riggin Lynn Scheer of Brookings, South Dakota

    "Gordon Kahl," like most Nazi dimwits, screwed up, and all it took was a careful look at the history of a now-suspended Twitter account he once operated. When the account was suspended by Twitter it was using the Twitter handle "@kahlgordon." However, previously this same account had used the handles "@DakotaFash" and "@BigRigScheer," verifiable by viewing the unique identification number of the account.

    "Gordon Kahl" on Twitter as archived by the Wayback Machine.
    "Gordon Kahl" on Twitter as archived by the Wayback Machine.

    The "@KahlGordon" Twitter account had previously been named "@BigRigScheer." Different handle, same user ID number.
    The "@KahlGordon" Twitter account had previously been named "@BigRigScheer." Different handle, same user ID number.
    "DakotaFash" @ReclaimTheEarth was another handle used on the same Twitter account.
    "DakotaFash" @ReclaimTheEarth was another handle used on the same Twitter account.

    "Gordon Kahl" may have wished to hide his true identity, but Riggin Lynn Scheer, born April 11, 1993, of Brookings, South Dakota wasn't exactly hiding from the internet. We let our fingers do the walking and perused a South Dakota phone directory, easily finding this uncommon name.

    Riggin Scheer of Brookings, South Dakota
    Riggin Scheer of Brookings, South Dakota

    Riggin Scheer, aka "Gordon Kahl"
    Riggin Scheer, aka "Gordon Kahl"

    As indicated by Riggin Scheer's online profiles on numerous tabletop role-playing game (RPG) web sites under his real name, he was an enthusiast of Dungeons & Dragons and the like. Scheer was such an enthusiast that he wrote his own home-brew racist RPG under the pseudonym "Gordon Kahl" entitled RAHOWA: The Meme Wars and posted it to the document-sharing website Scribd.

    Riggin Scheer's profile on a tabletop role-playing game web site.
    Riggin Scheer's profile on a tabletop role-playing game web site.
    A racist role-playing game written by "Gordon Kahl."
    A racist role-playing game written by "Gordon Kahl."
    From a page of the RPG written by "Gordon Kahl."
    From a page of the RPG written by "Gordon Kahl."

    "RaHoWa" is a commonly used term by white supremacists meaning "racial holy war." Here is the premise of the game, as stated by the author:

    Whites are a Minority, living in a hellscape of diversity and gay shit. We’ve passed Piss Earth, we shot past Septic Earth, we’re in Radioactive AIDs Earth. Jews run the world in the open, their hordes of colored slaves hunt the few remaining Aryans like Morlocks hunted Eloi, and many whites serve willingly as slaves to their semitic overlords.

    The Players are part of an Aryan Warband – a band of brothers who have decided it is time to make a valiant stand against the forces of darkness. With Honor, strength of arms, and maybe some luck, they might finally get their chance to stop this madness once and for all.

    In this RPG the protagonists of the game battle against enemies like "Negroids, "Beaners," "Thai Ladyboys," "Shitlibs" and "ZOG-Bots." One enemy, the "Giga-Nigga" has a special ability to "Chimp-out" and deal extra damage points to the players in gameplay combat.

    But for this neo-Nazi D&D dummkopf, no amount of successful "saving throws" or "+5 Vorpal Swords" will save Riggin Scheer from being exposed. This so-called RPG is credited to "Gordon Kahl," but the metadata in the PDF file clearly tagged Riggin Scheer as the document's author.

    Metadata clearly tagged Riggin Scheer as the author.
    Metadata clearly tagged Riggin Scheer as the author of this racist garbage.
    Riggin Scheer of Brookings, South Dakota
    Riggin Scheer of Brookings, South Dakota

    Besides designing really offensive and cringey racist role-playing games, Riggin Scheer has also been known to pen lurid erotic anime fanfiction:

    "I said take them off, Naruto-kun. This is serious."
    The blonde hesitated for another moment, but finally conceded, pulling off his orange underwear, leaving his member in full view. Shizune struggled with trying not to drool.
    'Kami-sama, he must be nine inches, maybe more! And it's so thick… I definitely made the right decision!'
    Naruto blushed as he felt himself harden under Shizune's gaze.
    "Uh, gomen, Shizune-chan, I-"
    Shizune gave him a reassuring smile, careful not to show even the smallest hint of glee. She already felt moistness between her legs, and her nipples strained against the fabric of her kimono.
    "Its okay, Naruto-kun; It's just a natural reaction. I've dealt with this kind of thing many times before. None of them were as big as you, but…"

    Riggin Scheer of South Dakota. Huzzah! [archive]
    Riggin Scheer of South Dakota. Huzzah! [archive]

    It's hard to imagine that Riggin Scheer, aka "Gordon Kahl," has a very developed view on romantic relationships, though, since he described himself as "a guy who has fairly low standards when it comes to women and has no success with them." He was absolutely correct, however, when he wrote that he has low standards when it comes to women.  Writing on Twitter he called the Pikeville, Kentucky neo-Nazi Audrey Skeens his "ideal waifu."

    "As a guy who has fairly low standards when it comes to women..."
    Riggin Scheer: "As a guy who has fairly low standards when it comes to women…"
    "This is literally my ideal waifu."
    Also Riggin Scheer: "This is literally my ideal waifu."
    Riggin Scheer
    Riggin Scheer [archive]
    Riggin Sheer, aka "Gordon Kahl"
    Riggin Sheer, aka "Gordon Kahl," eyes a tasty cupcake.
    Recently, Scheer was looking for a new place to stay on Facebook. But if they only knew he was a leader of a group of neo-Nazis...
    Recently, Scheer was looking for a new place to stay on Facebook. But if they only knew he was a leader of a group of neo-Nazis…
    Riggin Scheer on Facebook
    Riggin Scheer on Facebook
    Riggin Sheer, aka "Gordon Kahl"
    Riggin Sheer, aka "Gordon Kahl"
    Riggin Sheer, aka "Gordon Kahl"
    A mustachioed Riggin Sheer, aka "Gordon Kahl"
    Young Riggin.
    Young Riggin
    Your "favorite" high school senior grew up to be a neo-Nazi.
    Your "favorite" high school senior grew up to be a neo-Nazi.

    "Scheer" Racism

    Riggin Scheer may portray himself with an "aww-shucks-Mister-Nice-Guy" kind of  demeanor, but his efforts at organizing and uniting various neo-Nazi groups presents a clear danger to communities all over. While he attempts to curry favor with these groups and strengthen his own Amerikaner network, the outcome of the strife between them, the National Justice Party and related groups is yet to be determined. One thing, however, is certain: "Gordon Kahl" won't be doing this work, just 29-year-old Riggin Scheer of Brookings, South Dakota..





    The "Dissident Homeschoolers" of Upper Sandusky: Katja and Logan Lawrence

    [This article has been updated]

    We have encountered some awful people in our time as anti-fascist researchers, but the worst are the ones that twist the minds of children. Today we present to you a seemingly typical, wholesome small-town American family, pillars of the community and local business owners. But behind closed doors, they raise their children to revere Adolf Hitler, teach them to hate people unlike themselves and encourage other families to do the same in a neo-Nazi homeschooling network. Today we take a look at "Mr. and Mrs. Saxon," the "Dissident Homeschoolers." No apple for teacher today!

    The "Dissident Homeschool"

    "Dissident Homeschool" is a popular neo-Nazi Telegram messenger channel with over 2,300 subscribers that focuses on home schooling children with an emphasis on Nazi principles. In the channel description it describes itself as: "A place for dissident homeschool parents. Find material here that is not riddled with Current Year programming." The channel is run by two individuals who call themselves "Mr. Saxon" and "Mrs. Saxon."

    Lest we be accused of calling anyone we disagree with a "Nazi," it is worth noting that Mr. and Mrs. Saxon are literally Nazis and are not shy to use the term in the Telegram channel and discussion. They frequently express a reverence for Adolf Hitler and his Nazi regime. On the occasion of reaching their 1000th subscriber, Mrs.Saxon posted a photo of boys performing a Nazi salute and spelled out their mission: "It fills my heart with joy to know there is such a strong base of homeschoolers and homeschool-interested national socialists. Hail Victory."

    The Dissident Homeschool celebrating their 1000 subscribers with a photo of Nazi youth.
    The Dissident Homeschool celebrating their 1000 subscribers with a photo of Nazi youth.

    Mrs. Saxon unabashedly identifies as a Nazi.
    Mrs. Saxon unabashedly identifies as a Nazi.
    The "Dissident Homeschool" Telegram channel description.
    The "Dissident Homeschool" Telegram channel description.
    Dissident Homeschool also has a presence on the Nazi-friendly social media platform Gab.

    The "Dissident Homeschool" began when Mrs. Saxon "really was having a rough time finding Nazi-approved school material for [her] homeschool children," as she explained on a neo-Nazi podcast called Achtung! Amerikaner. She stated later in that podcast that home schooling is much better than public or private school because "…we have our children's best interest at heart and nobody can do a better job than we can because it's our child. We are so deeply invested into making sure that that child becomes a wonderful Nazi." Some audio clips of these podcasts follow.

    "Mrs. Saxon" on why she created "Dissident Homeschool":

    "Mrs. Saxon" on making "wonderful Nazis":


    An antisemitic post by the Dissident Homeschool
    An antisemitic post by the Dissident Homeschool.


    Mrs. Saxon does most of the posting in the channel and chat, presenting lesson plans, tips on time management and other aspects related to home schooling and raising children, all heavily doused with Nazi stink. We think racists aren't born; they're made. Clearly, the Saxons recognize this, since they use every teaching moment they have to instill racism and Nazi ideology in their children.

    Clip of "Mr. Saxon" on rewarding racism for his children from the Achtung Amerikaner podcast:

    On Telegram, Mrs. Saxon addressed the issue of growing up in a world in which racism and fascism is a repellent idea to the general population:

    In a world hostile and antagonistic to anything NS (National Socialism,) how do you prepare your children for the world in a way that they are still true to NS, but able to navigate a society appropriately? … Teach race realism first, then you teach your children the consequences of that realism…We do not start teaching our children these things until we know they are able to *not* say certain things, and to keep things quiet around certain people.

    Also, when our children do have that “accidental racism”, we as parents can quickly step in and chuckle, and say “Oh kids! They say the darndest things!”

    "Certain people" apparently includes the grandmother of the children, as Mrs. Saxon explains: "I know my oldest will easily tell her grandmother that she cannot watch a certain show, and rather than 'because it is filled with black people and gays', she will tell her 'because mom said so.' … And if grandma asks me why, I usually tell her about the blacks and the gays. (Grandma has stopped asking why.)"


    The education priorities of the "Dissident Homeschool"
    On blending in with non-Nazis
    By "Marchin Looter Kang," Mr. Saxon refers to Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. in a way only a Nazi racist could.


    Some neo-Nazi pearls of wisdom to be found in their internet chat:

    …when we go to a theme park, our children see the negroes behaving poorly. We have a boy in the neighborhood with purple hair and are apt to comment on this, and to do so mockingly…When the children do the same, either Mr. Saxon or I will be very keen to tell them that although this is true, pointing these things out to anyone but our own clan, will get them in trouble.

    We explain to our children, in very serious and honest tones that talking about race, sexuality, what is gay, covid, and even who to vote for is not something they can freely do.


    Their solution is to forge real life relationships with families that share their Nazi values:

    When we go to hang out with our group of National Socialists, we tell the children that in this group they can speak freely. That they needn’t worry about accidental racisms…

    One "math assignment" that Mrs. Saxon issued was to interpret "crime statistics," the goal of which was to "realize the demographics to be cautious around."

    One "math assignment" by Dissident Homeschool.
    One "math assignment" by Dissident Homeschool.

    Another lesson called "IQ Unit Study" discusses IQ score, or "intelligence quotient." In this study guide, Mrs. Saxon wrote:

    The blacks – on average – have a much lower IQ than whites. Their average peaks at about 85, which rates them as “below average intelligence”. The average of whites is 103, which is considered “average
    intelligence”. Where you can find very few whites at the bottom of the bell curve, you can find up to
    four times as many blacks on the low end of the IQ graph.

    Later in the study she cites the immigration of "racial aliens" for a decline of IQ in Kentucky. In her words:

    Since 1945, western (white) countries have been letting racially alien foreigners to come and live with them. These foreigners, often from countries such as Africa, have much lower IQs as you can see in the earlier graphs. When a country’s average IQ is calculated, it does not just take the average IQ of the indigenous (native) people there.

    Naturally, the Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler features frequently in these lessons. In one post the Dissident Homeschool channel wrote:

    Hitler wrote in Mein Kampf: "The art of reading and studying consists in remembering the essentials and forgetting what is not essential."

    We start this by reading to our children, and asking them to narrate back to us what happened in the story. At first, help them along the way, but within a month the child should be able to narrate chapters back to you. This way, he learns to distill the important parts and to summarize those.

    On the occasion of Adolf Hitler's birthday, Mrs. Saxon celebrated by baking Führerkuchen, or "Führer cake."  What neo-Nazi internet chat would be complete without a discussion on Nazi baked goods?

    We had a lovely dinner followed by Führerkuchen. Our children celebrated Adolf's birthday today by learning about Germany and eating favorite German foods. Recipe included.

    "Swastika snickerdoodles."
    "Swastika snickerdoodles."

    Parents have a responsibility to prepare their children to lead a life of their own and form their own identities, but, when parents instill a worldview so steeped in violent hatred,  young minds have the potential to become irreparably harmed. To be clear, this is not a political issue, but a moral one. In one chilling, now-deleted post on Telegram, Mrs. Saxon posted an audio message of her children shouting "sieg heil."

    Hitler is a prominent topic in the Dissident Homeschool curriculum.
    Hitler is a prominent topic in the Dissident Homeschool curriculum.


    Mrs. Saxon made sure to not leave out the celebration of birthdays of American racists either. In the post below she celebrated the birthday of Confederate general Robert E. Lee, alongside a study guide for the kiddos.

    Happy Robert E. Lee Day! On January 19th we commemorate the Confederate general Robert Edward Lee. In the Saxon household we usually start to celebrate this day on the third Monday of January, until Lee’s actual birthday on the 19th. This wholesome assignment covers a range of subjects, such as poetry, history, citizenship and what it takes to be a good man. Share this post with your friends so their children can learn about the good general, too.

    "Mrs. Saxon" celebrating the birthday of Confederate general Robert E. Lee with a "Dissident Homeschool" lesson plan.
    "Mrs. Saxon" celebrating the birthday of Confederate general Robert E. Lee with a "Dissident Homeschool" lesson plan.


    Meet Katja and Logan Lawrence, aka the "Saxons," of Upper Sandusky, Ohio

    The "Saxons" were very security conscious with regard to their secret Nazi life. Given the nature of their behind-closed-curtains activities, they were keenly aware that their Nazi ideals run contrary to polite society. In an appearance on the neo-Nazi podcast Achtung Amerikaner Mr. Saxon stated that he instructed their children to never mention anything about this to their friends or extended family.

    Once in the Telegram discussion a chat member asked, "Have you had any family that has tried to undermine your instruction to your children?" Mrs. Saxon replied, "We have had some pushback, and more pushback from the other side of the family. We have clear boundaries though. They don't bring up the subject of homeschool and I do not being up the violent negroes, tranny and gay agenda in schools … At the end of the day, the children are our own to raise."

    "At the end of the day, the children are our own to raise."
    "At the end of the day, the children are our own to raise."

    Despite the attempts by Mr. and Mrs. Saxon to maintain the secrecy of their racist curriculum, Nazis love to talk and we were able to correlate various statements they made with real-life identities.

    In the Achtung Amerikaner podcast episodes, Mr. Saxon noted that they lived in a "small farming community in the Great Lakes area… A town of 6,000 people, in the middle of a corn field, that, up until about five years ago, was essentially 100% white." He continued to say that the area was "filled with English and German families, that sort of farming stock that came over way back when…" He claimed that his own family had been in the area for 200 years, having "carved the area out of the wilderness." Later in the episode, Mr. Saxon commented that "until 1945 there was a sign on the city limits that said "no negroes allowed within the city limits." He also characterized the town as having a "210 year history" and of being "in the rust belt." At another time in one of the podcasts, Mr. Saxon stated that he was born in Toledo, Ohio.

    Being semi-regular guests of this podcast, Mr. Saxon stated another time that "a mega-corporation" had a factory in his town that was sourcing labor from Puerto Rican evacuees of a natural disaster, which angered him. He stated they were "indolent individuals" who had enjoyed "FEMA bucks" for some time. He then went on to complain about that company's HR manager, whom he characterized as a "fat cat lady," who he says did not live in the town, but rather "three towns away." Saxon described her "bragging on Facebook" about her role in the hiring and relocation of the displaced workers.

    We discovered that in 2018 Kasai North America in Upper Sandusky, Ohio, recruited Puerto Ricans displaced by Hurricane Maria to fill vacant jobs.

    From this information we hypothesized that the "Saxons" were located in or around Upper Sandusky, Ohio. Interestingly, Upper Sandusky historically once had a sign reading "N****** don’t let the sun set on you," similar to the sign that Mr. Saxon described in the podcast.

    Mrs Saxon had previously made clear on her podcast appearance that she was not a "native" American and that she "hailed" from Europe. In one post on the Telegram chat she wrote, "[As] someone who has gone through the whole visa and immigration process as well, I can attest to the anti white policies of the US immigration process. A direct quote from the kike judge during my citizenship ceremony: 'These people come from countries with dirt floors.'" Further examination of statements made by Mrs. Saxon on the Dissident Homeschool Telegram chat helped us narrow down her precise national origins. In the Telegram chat she made mention of the Netherlands, the Dutch and Dutch food products frequently, leading us to conclude that she was of Dutch origin.

    "Mrs. Saxon" comment on her own naturalization experience.
    "Mrs. Saxon" comment on her own naturalization experience.

    In 2017, a number of newly-naturalized citizens were sworn in during a ceremony at Maumee High School near Toledo, Ohio. Among these new Americans was a sole immigrant from the Netherlands. It was this fact that opened other investigative paths that led us to two candidates for the identities of "Mr. and Mrs. Saxon." At this point the evidence was circumstantial, but further correlation of statements they made with publicly available information would provide undeniable proof that we had found their true identities.

    In the podcast appearance with her husband, Mrs. Saxon related a story in which she took her kids to a local pumpkin farm with a "tall slide." We located this Upper Sandusky pumpkin farm and they do indeed have a tall slide on which kids can play. This further cemented that we were correct in locating their whereabouts and their identities.

    Just as "Mrs. Saxon" described, there is a pumpkin farm in Upper Sandusky with a tall slide.
    Just as "Mrs. Saxon" described, there is a pumpkin farm in Upper Sandusky with a tall slide.

    These podcasts have been archived for evidentiary purposes at and may be found through the following links:

    Katja (van den Berg) Lawrence, "Mrs. Saxon"

    Enter Katja Lawrence, aka "Mrs. Saxon," originally from the Netherlands. She became a naturalized US citizen in 2017 and now lives in Upper Sandusky, Ohio, with her husband, Logan M. Lawrence.

    Katja Lawrence, aka "Mrs. Saxon"
    Katja Lawrence, aka "Mrs. Saxon"
    Katja Lawrence, aka "Mrs. Saxon"
    Katja Lawrence, aka "Mrs. Saxon"
    Katja Lawrence is not a fan of diversity.
    Katja Lawrence is not a fan of diversity.

    "Mrs. Saxon" wrote in the Telegram chats that she now owns a German Shepherd dog named "Blondi" (just like Hitler's dog). We found posts on Facebook by Katja Lawrence describing this dog "Blondi," the German Shepherd. We confirmed Katja Lawrence's ownership of this German Shepherd dog through the Wyandot County dog licensing website dog search feature.

    "We now have a German Shepherd…"
    "…my dog Blondi…" [archive]
    The Wyandot County, Ohio, dog licensing site showed that Katja Lawrence owned a black/tan (German) Shepherd.
    Katja Lawrence posted a photo of Blondi on Facebook. We have redacted her face because it's not her fault that Katja Lawrence is a Nazi.
    Photo of Katja Lawrence and Blondi (redacted) on her Pinterest [archive]

    Logan M. Lawrence, "Mr. Saxon"

    And remember earlier when when we noted "Mr. Saxon" on the podcast complaining about Kasai's HR manager's posts on Facebook?  We found Katja Lawrence'a husband, Logan Lawrence replying to a post regarding the Hurricane Maria evacuees under his real name. Although Logan Lawrence's Facebook profile no longer exists, his name is still visible in the replies.

    Logan Lawrence trolling on Facebook about the Hurricane Maria evacuees.
    Logan Lawrence trolling on Facebook about the Hurricane Maria evacuees.

    "Mr. Saxon" claimed on the podcast that he was a business owner with a public face. This was partly true. More accurately, Logan M Lawrence, aka "Mr.Saxon,"  is an insurance agent, working for his local, family-run insurance agency. He and his wife are also involved in a family business renting properties to tenants. When he is not selling insurance or neo-Nazi-ing, he spends his time at his local Masonic lodge, Warpole Lodge #176, where he is an officer of the lodge.

    Logan Lawrence, appearing a video call with his lodge.
    Logan Lawrence, appearing a video call with his lodge.
    Just one of many racist statements made by Logan Lawrence as "Mr. Saxon" in Telegram chats.
    Just one of many racist statements made by Logan Lawrence as "Mr. Saxon" in Telegram chats.
    Lohan M. Lawrence, aka "Mr. Saxon"
    Lohan M. Lawrence, aka "Mr. Saxon"
    Logan M Lawrence
    Photo of Logan M Lawrence from his deleted LinkedIn profile.
    Katja and Logan Lawrence in younger days.
    Katja and Logan Lawrence in younger days.
    Logan Lawrence in "black face" make up for Halloween one year.
    Logan Lawrence in "black face" make up for Halloween one year.

    Katja van den Berg met her Hitler-lovin' hubby in Munich while on a pub crawl during Oktoberfest, many years ago (Logan Lawrence has a minor in German language from Ohio State). Before that she was a dreadlocked teenage computer nerd with a LiveJournal blog where she mostly complained about her controlling parents. Before moving to the United States, she received a degree in international law from Han University in Arnheim, Netherlands and was president and webmaster of the NSJV Fudoshin student Judo Club.

    But she isn't actually German, she's Dutch.

    Some excerpts from Katja Lawrence's old LiveJournal blog.
    Some excerpts from Katja Lawrence's old LiveJournal blog.
    Katja Lawrence's old LiveJournal blog.
    Katja Lawrence's old LiveJournal blog.
    Then known as Katja van den Berg, she was a webmaster for a Judo club's website in the Netherlands. [archive]
    Katja Lawrence earned an international law degree from HAN University in 2011.
    Katja Lawrence earned an international law degree from HAN University in 2011.

    After moving to the United States and marrying Logan Lawrence, but prior to becoming a "dissident homeschooler," Katja Lawrence held numerous jobs like working as a web designer for a variety of businesses including the Lawrence Insurance Group and various local municipal sites including the Wyandot County Sheriff. In a bitterly ironic twist, Katja Lawrence's resume lists her most recent employer as Obenour Law Group in Worthington, Ohio, which specializes in legal issues pertaining to the LGBTQ community.

    Katja Lawrence was a web designer for a time.
    Some of her clients, to include the Wyandot County Sheriff's office.
    Katja Lawrence's resume

    The Lawrences are members of a local area "pool party" in which they interact with other neo-Nazi families. "Pool party" is code for the rigorously vetted gatherings organized under the banner of the neo-Nazi podcast network The Right Stuff and its affiliated organization the National Justice Party. They urge their subscribers to  prepare for these "pool parties" by getting "vetted," a process designed to prove you are "not a fed." Katja Lawrence also recommends joining local home school groups, telling them to

    … encourage your child to watch their language around these children as well as the neighborhood children. They probably believe that the Holohoax happened & that being pro-white & nationalist is a form of evil.

    In another sick contortion, Katja Lawrence suggested visiting the elderly in nursing homes because "The Führer highly valued respect for elders. Children will get respect for their elders if they are frequently exposed to them."


    Katja Lawrence, writing as "Mrs. Saxon," suggesting that children visit the elderly in nursing homes because "The Führer highly valued respect for elders."
    Katja Lawrence, writing as "Mrs. Saxon," suggesting that children visit the elderly in nursing homes because "The Führer highly valued respect for elders."


    Logan and Katja Lawrence could certainly pass for typical American parents. They home school four young children who participate in karate classes, do ballet, compete in swim meets, raise chickens, grow vegetables, go hiking and camping…normal family activities, right? Except for, you know … all the Nazi stuff.


    School's Out

    Home schooling may be a option for many families for various reasons, but if a family's reason for home schooling is to ingrain Nazi values and racist ideologies then something is seriously wrong. We've said it before: racists aren't born, they're made. Logan and Katja Lawrence have been putting all their energies into warping the childhoods of their children, attempting to make "wonderful Nazis." One might argue that it is the parents' prerogative to raise their kids as they see fit. But the Lawrences are doing more than that, as they devise methodologies for other parents to twist the minds of their children and network with known, active neo-Nazi organizations to further a hateful, violent agenda. Though the Lawrences have gone to great lengths to hide their true identities and activities from the rest of the community, they can't hide anymore and must now face public scrutiny.

    To all the Nazi's out there: try to hide, we will find you.

    And that's the end of today's lesson!



    Update 25 Jan 2023:

    We had previously confused a "Sheltie" dog owned by Katja Lawrence with a "Border Collie" dog that she also owned. We have corrected this.

    Also, we had previously misidentified a similar-looking person in photos as Logan Lawrence. We have removed these photos and added correct photos.


    Update 1 Feb 2023:

    Added photo of Logan Lawrence in "black face" makeup.


    Special thanks goes out to a certain anonymous comrade out there. You know who you are!

    Neo-Nazi Antelope Hill Publishing Moves to Harleysville

    [Updated 25 January]

    It's a new year for the Anonymous Comrades Collective! It's also a new year for neo-Nazi small press Antelope Hill Publishing, and we predict the new year won't go well for them. The word is these Nazi ne'er-do-wells have been up to no good, even by Nazi standards, and have relocated their HQ to a new, "secret" location. We decided it's time for an update!

    A little refresher…

    First off, a little refresher on Antelope Hill Publishing. Last year we reported on the ringleaders of Antelope Hill Publishing who are Vincent Cucchiara (aka "Paulie"), a Green Lane, Pennsylavia real estate agent, his wife Sarah Cucchiara (aka "Maggie Bauer") , a former public school teacher, and Dmitri Loutsik, college friend of Vincent Cucchiara and general all-around shady character. They were also featured in a must-read piece by the SPLC.

    Vincent (right) and Sarah (left) Cucchiara.
    Vincent and Sarah Cucchiara.
    Dmitri Loutsik
    Dmitri Loutsik

    Antelope Hill Publishing has been publishing material for years by historical fascists as well as those currently in the scene, like Jesse Daniel Ogden ("Borzoi Boskovic," also writing under the name "John Chapman") and John Metz (aka "Jack McKraken"). Their published material has been prominent in white nationalist circles, who widely promote them to others in the scene.

    Also featured in our previous piece was an individual named Freeman Rudolph Matthews III of Metarie and Baton Rouge, Louisiana, who registered an LLC and web domain name associated with Antelope Hill Publishing. We were unsure of Matthews' roles in the Antelope Hill Publishing, but today can reveal that Freeman uses the alias "Louis," as he has called himself on various interviews in neo-Nazi podcasts, and is an editor for Antelope Hill Publishing. Matthews was identified as "Louis" from his Skype profile, which was connected to his verified phone number. When we last left Matthews he had returned to Louisiana State University as a student after a stint in the US Army.

    Freeman R Matthews III, on the left.
    Freeman R Matthews III, on the left.
    Freeman Matthews III identified as "louis ah" from his Skype profile and verified phone number.
    Freeman Matthews III identified as "louis ah" from his Skype profile and verified phone number.

    But on to the real drama…

    The real drama began when a neo-Nazi Telegram channel made statements on January 13 accusing the leadership of Antelope Hill Publishing of exploiting one of their (now former) workers, paying him poorly, making him feel obligated to them and then unceremoniously kicking him to the curb. All this in this midst of making large profits from the business and purchasing a $750,000 property to serve as their new headquarters. We are declining to name this neo-Nazi Telegram channel because we don't want to draw traffic to white nationalist rhetoric, but in the channel's own words:

    On Monday the 9th, our friend was unceremoniously ambushed by 3 people he considered practically family, had his house cleaned out of anything to do with the business, and was nearly bullied into signing a totally one sided and manipulative NDA. He was told the reason he was being let go is because Antelope Hill was “downsizing” and could no longer afford to keep him on. Our friend refused to sign the NDA, Praise God.

    The facts of the matter are these. Antelope Hill made upwards of $900,000 dollars in revenue last year and they made $800,000 dollars the year before that. They paid our friend 2k/month to work for them (before taxes). He worked 5 days a week 9am-5pm and had to request sick days. All of this despite being, legally, an independent contractor. They justified paying him so little by giving him a place to live “for free.” This place is infested with black mold and rodents, issues that went unresolved despite being pointed out by multiple people close to our friend many times. For tax reasons $1,600 was extracted from his "salary" each month to pay the totality of the mortgage at this dump.

    Paulie purchased a 750k home in the last few weeks to serve as the NEW Antelope Hill estate and headquarters. This is the second mortgage that they are currently supporting with dissident dollars. Our friend was left out of these accommodations and was told that nobody could know about the new AHP house because “Antifa and other unwanted eyes might find us again.” Our friend was betrayed by people he thought were his comrades and brothers because one of their 2 homes has a mortgage which is over twice what he gets paid in a month.

    Many people get fired from jobs for all kinds of reasons. If either paulie or anyone else involved with the company had come alone and explained that they needed to let our friend go because of work performance, or something similar, this would be very different. What they did instead was arrive unannounced with a moving truck, a wannabe lawyer, and an NDA.

    Our friend was told they had no one that was prepared to fill the hole they would be leaving by firing him. Why? Because none of them have been involved in processing or order fulfillment for nearly a year. IF they can somehow manage the level of orders they are currently getting has yet to be seen. We imagine they will have to hire or manipulate someone else into helping them very soon.

    These events have been extremely troubling for us. This behavior seems so out of line with the principles and morals that we expect from a nationalist publishing house, let alone a “pure” National Socialist run publishing house that we decided to dig a little deeper…but more on that later.

    We here at the [redacted] have been long time friends of this man. From our inception, we have shared posts and promoted Antelope Hill, on his behest because we believed in the mission. But no longer.

    If what you have read so far gives you any kind of pause. We highly encourage you to suspend support for Antelope Hill for the time being. Everything will come to light.


    While this channel claimed that the employee was fired, Antelope Hill Publishing in public channels explained their issues with fulfilling orders as being due to their fulfillment personnel being sick.

    A December 30, 2022 post on Antelope Hill Publishing's Telegram channel claiming their "fulfillment personnel have been sick the past few days," which seems to be at odds with claims by another neo-Nazi group.
    A December 30, 2022 post on Antelope Hill Publishing's Telegram channel claiming their "fulfillment personnel have been sick the past few days," which seems to be at odds with claims by another neo-Nazi group.

    This channel followed up the next day by posting photos of the house used for Antelope Hill Publishing HQ and in which this person was living. This was the same house, by the way, that we featured in our previous piece on Antelope Hill Publishing that they were trying to sell.


    This Antelope Hill employee posted a lengthy statement to a Telegram chat regarding his situation. From this statement we learned that his first name is "James" and he uses the aliases "Postal Worker" and "Friedrich Drake." Screenshots of his statement are pictured below (click on  image to open for a full-size view):

    "James" aka "Postal Worker" on Telegram regarding his situation with Antelope Hill Publishing.

    "James" aka "Postal Worker" on Telegram regarding his situation with Antelope Hill Publishing.
    "James" aka "Postal Worker" on Telegram regarding his situation with Antelope Hill Publishing.

    Other parties involved in this Nazi drama posted elsewhere on the internet a redacted copy of the non-disclosure agreement (NDA) that Antelope Hill Publishing wanted "James" to sign, showing that he is the owner of a limited liability company called Northern Ridge Services LLC. The first page of this NDA is shown below:

    First page of a non-disclosure agreement by Antelope Hill Publishing.
    First page of a non-disclosure agreement by Antelope Hill Publishing. (Click the image to open full-size in a new tab).

    The Anonymous Comrades Collective has obtained a copy of the contract made between "James" and Antelope Hill Publishing LLC, pictured below:

    Copy of a contract between James/"Postal Worker" and Antelope Hill Publishing LLC.
    Copy of a contract between James/"Postal Worker" and Antelope Hill Publishing LLC. (Click on the image to open in a new tab at full size).

    Clearly visible is the signature of Freeman Matthews III, signing for Antelope Hill Publishing, proving that he is a principle in this neo-Nazi publishing company. What is not so clear is the last name of "James." Can you read it? Let us know.

    Freeman Rudolph Matthews III, aka "Louis."
    Freeman Rudolph Matthews III, aka "Louis."

    It's funny that the writer of the Telegram post wrote that their "friend was left out of these accommodations and was told that nobody could know about the new AHP house because 'Antifa and other unwanted eyes might find us again.'” We did just that!

    On December 9, 2022 Vincent Cucchiara and Dimitri Loutsik purchased a 5.2 acre property in Harleysville, Pennsylvania for $750,000, as reflected by public property records. On this lot stands a four-bedroom, four-bath 4,375 square-foot home which looks to be a significant upgrade from their previous HQ. While we won't publish the address of the property due to the privacy restrictions of this platform, feel free to enjoy these public photos used on the real estate sales listing for this property.

    Vincent Cucchiara and Dmitri Loutsik purchased this property, just as described in a neo-Nazi Telegram channel and shown in public property records.
    Vincent Cucchiara and Dmitri Loutsik purchased this property, just as described in a neo-Nazi Telegram channel and shown in public property records.

    Nice digs, for a neo-Nazi small press, wouldn't you say? We are not in the book business, but it seems to us that such an upscale property is unnecessary to conduct a neo-Nazi publishing business. But, hey– if you're going to publish and distribute materials promoting hateful ideologies while screwing over your cohorts, might as well do it in luxury, right?

    Of course, Vincent Cucchiara has some familiarity with the real estate business. When he was exposed as the leader of Antelope Hill Publishing he was working as a real estate agent. Since his exposure, the agency he was working for let him go, but he has continued in real estate, now working for The Virtual Realty of Pennsylvania, as shown on their business page at the time of writing. Curiously, Vincent Cucchiara's handful of recent real estate transactions involve buyers with white nationalist ties, which may pique the interest of the inquisitive-minded.

    Photo of Vincent Cucchiara in his previous real estate agent profile.
    Photo of Vincent Cucchiara in his previous real estate agent profile.
    No photo in his current real estate agent profile. Wonder why?
    No photo in his current real estate agent profile. Wonder why?

    Considering Antelope Hill Publishing's prior history of attempting to obscure the identities of their company officers through layers of LLCs (outlined in our previous article), we have to wonder about what sort of weird tax avoidance scheme they might be running. Considering Antelope Hill Publishing's prior history of incompetence at using LLCs to obscure their identities, we figure that they will fail and will be found out. They are not nearly as clever as they think they are.

    “Antifa and other unwanted eyes might find us again.”

    We love it when Nazis don't even get along with each other. But the important thing to know here is that Antelope Hill Publishing has been distributing white nationalist, pro-fascist, Nazi material for years now, under the guise preserving "lost works" and defending "lost causes, righteous mercenaries, anonymous critics, freedom fighters, revolutionaries, and exiles.” They have used Amazon to sell their works and Stripe to process their online payments, yet these companies are reluctant to act on accounts that bring them revenue. With their former headquarters exposed, they relocated. But we found them again and you have a right to know the neo-Nazis in your communities.

    Having bought a $750,000 property and earning a reported revenue of $900,000 in a year, Antelope Hill Publishing is clearly able to generate money. The question is, for whom? Their white nationalist movement? Or themselves?

    Neo-Nazi Podcaster Christina "Jugs" Murgo of New Jersey

    In our last installment we put the spotlight on neo-Nazi nurse Rachel Carter/Allen/Ogden who was one of the co-hosts of the Dream Weavers podcast, a show in which three Hitler-loving Frauen gathered together to complain about minorities, Jews, LGBTQ+ people, liberals and anyone else who didn't meet their standards of racial or moral purity. Rachel Carter/Allen/Ogden also happens to be the wife of neo-Nazi know-it-all "Borzoi Boskovic," whom we identified as a certain Jesse Ogden. The second Dream Weavers co-host was the racist "Pistachio Girl" Emily Youcis, who has already been well-documented and is still up to her neck in racist rubbish. It is the third host that we will put the spotlight on here, Christina Elisabeth Murgo, aka "Jugs," aka "Joan Arden," of New Jersey.

    Our own O.G. Anonymous Comrade tweeted about Murgo recently, but Twitter, being the shit show that it is now that Elon Musk has acquired the platform as one of his new toys, flagged several of the posts as violations of their terms of service regarding private information– which they were not. Neither on Twitter nor here do we disclose private information. This is all public stuff about awful people. Someone complained (probably Murgo herself), so we thought we'd memorialize her identification in this blog post. Thanks for giving us the kick in the ass, Christina, and WELCOME TO THE INTERNET!

    One thing that struck us while we were listening to the Dream Weavers podcast for clues at Anonymous Comrades Collective HQ was the strange familiarity of the somewhat husky voice of the host that called herself "Joan" on the the podcast. Her references to classic movie stars, Sicilian heritage and tattoos further perked up our ears.  Not to mention her mentions of perfume!

    As it happens, The Perfume Nationalist, a peculiar and pretentious fascist podcast, had a brief moment in 2019. The show's shtick was to pair a subject (often a classic film) with a brand of perfume and mix it up with a healthy dose of fascist fetishism. The Perfume Nationalist was popular with both the "Bronze Age Pervert" set and the so-called "non-woke" left as embodied in other shows like Red Scare and Cumtown. In fact Red Scare's Anna Khachiyan has been a repeat guest on The Perfume Nationalist and is still a frequent booster of the show and its host, Jack Mason.

    Cover your face all you want, but wearing a Nazi-friend band t-shirt is going to give you away. Jack Mason, aka "The Perfume Nationalist."

    The Perfume Nationalist was a campy, quirky show hosted by the openly gay Jack Mason, his brother, and a female foil co-host who went by the name of "Jugs." The podcast played footsie with fascists, with "Jugs" being much more extreme in expressing her racism and antisemitism. Jugs went by the Twitter handles "@aintsorrie" and "@a_nausea" and self-identified as the "Big tiddie goth gf of the dissident right. Perfumed Fascist. Wignat Mommy." As the show got more popular with higher-profile guests, Jack Mason toned it down, distancing himself from the edgier material. Jugs, however, went full 1488 with guest-spots on Nazi podcasts like Goy Talk and The People's Square with "Eric Striker," aka Joseph Jordan.

    "big tiddy goth mommy of the post right"
    "big tiddy goth mommy of the post right"
    "Jugs" makes an appearance on the neo-Nazi podcast "The People's Square"
    "Jugs" makes an appearance on the neo-Nazi podcast "The People's Square"
    "Jugs" got doxed as a result of mean-girl Nazi infighting, and her increasingly mouthy neo-Nazism became a liability to The Perfume Nationalist podcast’s influencer ambitions. Her last appearance on the show was August 2020. LOL at Rachel's husband Jesse Ogden/Borzoi appearing as "@tedwardwang," one of his frequent previous aliases.
    Jesse Ogden, writing as "Tedward Wang" on Twitter.
    Jesse Ogden, writing as "Tedward Wang" on Twitter.
    Shortly after her exposure, "Jugs" deleted her Twitter account and seemingly disappeared. When Dream Weavers co-host “Joan Arden” started dropping knowledge of The Perfume Nationalist's talking points, a wave of nostalgia (or should we say @a_nausea?) swept over us! But it wasn't the fragrance of perfume. More like neo-Nazi stench. Let’s get a whiff of Nazi podcasting lowlife 32-year-old Christina Elisabeth Murgo of New Jersey, aka "Jugs," aka "Joan Arden."
    Christina Elisabeth Murgo, aka "Jugs," aka "Joan Arden" of New Jersey.
    Christina Elisabeth Murgo, aka "Jugs," aka "Joan Arden" of New Jersey.
    Christina Elisabeth Murgo, aka "Jugs," aka "Joan Arden" of New Jersey.
    Christina Elisabeth Murgo, aka "Jugs," aka "Joan Arden" of New Jersey.
    Christina Elisabeth Murgo, aka "Jugs," aka "Joan Arden" of New Jersey.
    Christina Elisabeth Murgo, aka "Jugs," aka "Joan Arden" of New Jersey.
    Christina Elisabeth Murgo, aka "Jugs," aka "Joan Arden" of New Jersey.
    Christina Elisabeth Murgo, aka "Jugs," aka "Joan Arden" of New Jersey.
    Christina Elisabeth Murgo, aka "Jugs," aka "Joan Arden" of New Jersey.
    Christina Elisabeth Murgo, aka "Jugs," aka "Joan Arden" of New Jersey.
    Christina has a high opinion of herself.
    Christina has a high opinion of herself.
    Obviously, we would not base our reporting on a shady, unsubstantiated dox. But our own investigation quickly came to the same conclusions. Thanks to dumbass dirtbag Nazi ex-con and floundering tattooer boyfriend (soon to be baby daddy) Garrett DeFalco for confirming her identity. Garrett DeFalco is a Nazi goon and Holocaust denier who works as a tattoo artist at Hole in the Sky Tattoo in Woodland Park, New Jersey and soon at Crown and Anchor in Point Pleasant. He and Christina "Jugs/Joan" Murgo are having a baby any moment now. I wonder if her Nazi podcast offers maternity leave?
    Christina Murgo and her neo-Nazo knucklehead husband Garrett DeFalco.
    Christina Murgo and her neo-Nazo knucklehead husband Garrett DeFalco.
    In the past Murgo tried to thread the needle by encouraging Nazi acceptance of gay people in particular. But you would not know it from the LGBTQ+ hate she currently spews on the Dream Weavers podcast. Murgo really is an idiot who does not understand the history of the movement she has embraced and how her gay friends would fare under a real Nazi regime.
    Some screenshots of tweets by Murgo as she defends gay men while also managing to be a total Nazi, racist and antisemite.
    On a recent Dream Weavers episode, Murgo came to the defense of her old friends and hosts of Red Scare, saying that while they are both Jews, "I know they know about the nig*er problem and I know they know about the Jews, especially Anna [Khachiyan]." Given her prior personal connections and insider access, Murgo's comments about Red Scare's finances are also intriguing. She said: "I don't believe those are real subscribers. They funnel money. It's a front. That's all that it is." The ties between the so-called “dirtbag” or “anti-woke” left (e.g. Red Scare) and fascist fetishists (like The Perfume Nationalist) are well documented. Genuinely fascist or just irony poisoned? What's the difference? Red Scare hosts Anna Khachiyan and Dasha Nekrasova continuously boost and normalize actual racist and fascist accounts to their massive audience.
    Anna Khachiyan and Dasha Nekrasova, hosts of the "anti-woke left" podcast "Red Scare." (psst--they're really fascists).
    Anna Khachiyan and Dasha Nekrasova, hosts of the "anti-woke left" podcast Red Scare.(psst–they're really fascists).
    Christina Murgo (Joan,) Emily Youcis, and Rachel Carter Allen (Borzette,) the hosts of the Nazi podcast Dream Weavers, are racists, antisemites, and tedious to listen to. We hope their lives are miserable from now on.

    "Borzette" aka Rachel Carter Allen Ogden, the Worst Nurse

    Today we are revisiting Jesse Daniel Ogden aka "Borzoi" and Rachel Elizabeth Carter Allen Ogden aka "Borzette", "ChickenNuggerz", and "Claire Nightingale" among other aliases, because this pair of neo-Nazi nerds recently relocated from Michigan to Montrose, Colorado.
    As "Borzoi Boskovic", Jesse Ogden is a semi-celebrity in the world of online neo-Nazis and racists, with hundreds of podcast appearances as well as blog articles, books, and thousands of online posts under dozens of aliases. He is viciously racist, antisemitic, and transphobic. (See our previous article, White Nationalist Podcaster and Author “Borzoi Boskovic” Revealed: Meet Jesse Daniel Ogden, for the gruesome details.)

    As awful as Jesse Ogden is, however, his wife is at least equally horrifying, so let's take a deeper dive into the online personae of Rachel Elizabeth Carter Allen Ogden, aka "Borzette". Originally hailing from Tennessee, where she was an avid consumer of racist podcasts, her admiration for Borzoi expanded from online flirtation to a move to Michigan, conversion to Catholicism, marriage, and a child. Note that she still uses both her maiden name (Carter) and her married name from her first marriage (Allen) in her professional life. In Colorado she is a Registered Nurse with licence #RN 1675865, but she has nursing licences in various states under both names.

    Jesse Ogden and Rachel Carter/Allen recently purchased a home in Montrose, Colorado so they could be near her parents. Although semi-retired, both of her parents are doctors, and her father works as an Emergency Room doctor at Montrose Regional Health.

    Jesse "Borzoi" Ogden and Rachel "Borzette" Allen (Carter)
    Neo-Nazi husband and wife Jesse "Borzoi" Ogden and Rachel "Borzette" Carter/Allen

    Rachel Carter Allen Is An Unabashed Racist

    Until recently, nazi nurse Rachel Elizabeth Carter Allen proudly described herself on her Poast profile as “wife of #1 racist podcaster" and had a picture of American Nazi Party founder George Lincoln Rockwell as her banner image. She wiped her profile — but not before we archived it.

    The long-dead George Lincoln Rockwell is hardly a household name these days and Rachel Allen’s tribute to him betrays her deep insider knowledge of and interest in the modern Nazi movement. (You can read more about Rockwell and his legacy here.)

    Rachel Carter Allen aka @ChickenNuggerz' social media highlights her racism in clear and unmistakable terms. In one post she states, “I do not like the black people,” along with a graphic of two people with different skin colours and the words “BE SMART/ STAY APART”.

    Nurse Rachel Allen does not indicate whether she makes an exception for Black patients, or simply refuses to treat them.

    However, Rachel does post frequently on social media about her work as a nurse. Much of it is banal but verifiable material that helps confirm her identity. In some posts, however, she shares medical information about her patients in order to highlight her disdain for them and her own implied "superiority".

    Rachel Carter Allen’s neo-Nazi podcaster husband @borzoi gleefully re-shares patient details with his followers on racist social media site Poast.

    Montrose, CO nazi nurse Rachel Elizabeth Carter Allen also confessed on a podcast to stealing inhalers from the hospital for one of her husband's nazi buddies

    but frankly, we are more concerned with her admission that she listens to nazi podcasts at work.

    Rachel Carter Allen tweeted about listening to her future husband's neo-Nazi podcast while she was at work in the ICU.

    Registered Nurse Rachel Carter Allen Is Neo-Nazi Podcaster "Borzette"

    As Borzette, Rachel Allen Carter has appeared on several racist podcasts and has recently launched a new one of her own, entitled "Dream Weavers," with co-host Emily Youcis. Youcis is best known for getting fired from her job selling pistachios at Philadelphia Phillies baseball games back in 2016.

    Her outspoken racism and antisemitism was so over-the-top she became a minor e-celeb in neo-Nazi circles, eventually finding work as part of California neo-Nazi Patrick Little's Senate campaign/touring nazi performance art project. Youcis later married second-generation Nazi Warren Balogh and is actively involved in his neo-Nazi "National Justice Party" grift.

    But we digress. The Dream Weavers podcast is described as "Casual Conversations for the Ladies," which amounts to a couple of hours worth of racist and antisemitic screeds punctuated with abundant slurs. The extensive evidence of Rachel Carter Allen's hatred for Jews, people of colour, and LGBTQ+ now includes more than thirty hours of archived audio recordings. A few examples:

    On the most recent episode of Dream Weavers (Episode 13), while discussing the high cost of childcare, Rachel Allen Carter blurted out, “My theory is because nig*ers … my dad always says, ‘well, we ruined them, we ruined them’ meaning we ruined the black community with welfare, etc.”

    In Episode 12 of Dream Weavers, Rachel Allen Carter praised the use of ASMR as a sleep aid, which led to the suggestion of creating "racist ASMR." Carter then responded in a mock-soothing voice, “All the nig*ers, all the nig*ers are banished to Mars and all the Jews sink to the bottom of the ocean.”

    Episode 10 features a flurry of racial slurs and a discussion of the diverse casting in the new Lord of the Rings. Rachel/Borzette bemoans the fact that J.R.R. Tolkien "fought for the wrong side in WWII" and "he was very anti-Nazi at the time. But he was also like, 'look, this beautiful Aryan mythology needs to be preserved'. Well this is what you fucking get. You fought for the wrong side, and now, in your country, there's Indians and Pakistanis everywhere, and your legacy has been completely torched."

    J. R. R. Tolkien, of course, fought in WWI, which ended five years before the NSDAP was founded. As for Rachel's claims about Tolkien and "Aryan mythology," Tolkien was a professional lexicographer and an etymologist (among other things); to him, "Aryan" meant Indo-Iranian.

    Plowing ahead regardless, Rachel mentions that "there's another Tolkien quote: 'Evil sows the seeds of its own destruction.' […] What you're doing, you're just creating your future problems, Jews."

    Rachel Carter Allen, Prospective Neo-Nazi Author

    As ridiculous as nazi nurse Rachel Carter Allen and her dweeb husband may seem, they are significant figures in the neo-Nazi world and create massive amounts of propaganda for the movement. Rachel Allen is also a classically-trained musician and is currently working on a book about European folk music for neo-Nazi publishers Antelope Hill. While the subject matter may not seem controversial, Antelope Hill is an explicitly fascist and neo-Nazi propaganda outlet that has published much of her husband Daniel Ogden aka Borzoi Boskovic’s work. (See our previous article, The Neo-Nazis of Antelope Hill Publishing, for more information.) It seems a safe bet they will turn this "research" into another instance of nationalist propaganda.

    More disturbing in the immediate sense, however, is the fact that neo-Nazi Rachel Carter Allen is currently licenced as a nurse in Colorado.

    Rachel Carter, aka Rachel Allen, RN
    Rachel Carter, who uses the name Rachel Allen on her multi-state nursing license is an unabashed white supremacist.

    At some point we all find ourselves at the mercy of the discretion or good will of another person who has expertise we don't have – auto mechanics, lawyers, etc. But people like doctors, paramedics, and nurses hold our well-being and at times our lives in their hands. Even implicit biases in these professions can and do lead to tragic outcomes. It is very concerning that Rachel Allen Carter appears to be employed as a nurse at Montrose Regional Health. Can the hospital really claim to offer the same quality of care to all their patients, regardless of their skin colour, while employing a virulently racist neo-Nazi as a nurse? We note with interest that the American Nursing Association claims to take bias in nursing seriously, and that a nursing license can be revoked for "conduct unbecoming of the nursing profession".

    If you feel inclined to register a complaint, be aware that there is more than one Rachel Allen working at Montrose Regional. The racist, nazi Rachel Allen is the one with Colorado licence # RN 1675865.

    Rachel Elizabeth Carter, aka Rachel Elizabeth Allen, aka "Borzette."
    Rachel Elizabeth Carter, aka Rachel Elizabeth Allen, aka "Borzette."

    Jared Glen Vansandt, the Neo-Nazi from Neosho

    Let’s meet 34-year-old Jared Glen Vansandt of Neosho, Misssouri. He's a pillar-of-the-community type, recent president of the local Chamber of Commerce, Past President of the Neosho Rotary Club, and a secret misogynist, racist, antisemite, and Hitler stan.

    Jared Vansandt of Neosho, Missouri, aka Batemanshadow

    Using variations of the pseudonym "Patrick Bateman," Jared Vansandt had already been suspended from Twitter multiple times before his recent @Batemanshadow account came to our attention.

    Jared Vansandt's suspended Twitter handles include @batemanpvma, @PunishedBateman, @BatemanReturned, and @batemanpunished.

    How do we know that Jared Glen Vansandt of Neosho, Missouri is the nazi tweeting under multiple variations of the “Bateman” alias? For starters, this galaxy-brain likes to brag about his expensive clothes, watches, cigars, real estate, etc. The photos he tweets often include details like his initials, which he has embroidered on the cuffs of his shirts.

    Images tweeted by the @Batemanshadow Twitter account show the monogrammed initials J G V on the user's shirt cuffs. [1, 2, 3]
    Bateman also told us his location: southwest Missouri.[4]

    Twitter user @PunishedBateman tweets about the weather in southwest Missouri.

    And he tweeted a photo of himself with grifter Missouri political candidate Mark McCloskey, who got his five minutes of fame for using an AR-15 to threaten a group of protesters who were marching past his house. A poster visible in the photo tweeted by @Batemanshadow suggests that his business involves Sharp copiers.[5]

    Twitter user @Batemanshadow was thrilled that the McCloskeys stopped by his office.

    Other tweets revealed a distinctive tile pattern, among other details, on the sidewalk in front of his business premises.

    Images of sidewalk posted to Bateman's Twitter account show a distinctive tile pattern, a rubbish bin, a streetlight, a strip of brick near the kerb, and diagonal parking on the street in front of the building where he works.[6, 7, 8]
    These combined datapoints led us to a company called Ozark Business Systems in Neosho, MO, whose Vice President is one Jared G. Vansandt.

    A photo of Ozark Business Systems' storefront shows rubbish bin, streetlight, and other details matching the photos tweeted by Bateman, including the tile pattern in front of the door.

    Public records on file with the State of Missouri show Jared Glen Vansandt is the Vice President of Ozark Business Systems. [9(pdf)]
    Social media posted by Vansandt himself, as well as his family, friends, and business associates, confirm that he is the operator of the Bateman accounts.

    Left: photo posted by the @Batemanshadow twitter account.[10] Right: photo posted on Instagram by Jared Vansandt's girlfriend, with the caption "just chilling in Jared's parent's beautiful pool"[11]
    Details in online photos of Jared Vansandt[12, 13] match the details of Bateman's many twitter photos, including the some of the same ties worn by Bateman, the same Tag Heuer watch worn on his right wrist, and the initials J G V monogrammed on his shirt cuffs.

    Jared Glen Vansandt Is A Racist

    How do we know that Jared Glen Vansandt is a racist? The same way we know that @Batemanshadow is Jared Vansandt: because he loves to tell everyone all about it on Twitter. Among many other examples from his now-suspended/deleted accounts, he declared that "if you don't love snow then you aren't white – and that ain't right,"[14] and once told a Black Twitter user they should be "thankful" for slavery.[15, 16, 17]

    He sees non-white people as his "enemies," and says he is "actively in favor of the death of as many of [them] as possible."[18, 19] As for white allies,  he feels there is "no place but the shallow trenches" for such people.[20]


    Jared Glen Vansandt Is An Antisemite And Unabashed Hitler Fan

    How do we know that Jared Glen Vansandt is antisemitic and a huge fan of Adolf Hitler?

    That's right, he told us all about it on Twitter.[21, 22]

    In these tweets, for example, he uses the antisemitic "echoes" meme, where the three sets of parentheses are intended to indicate that the person or thing within the parens is Jewish.[23, 24, 25]

    In the exchange below, Vansandt comments that the child in the image looks like the "greedy merchant", a reference to a popular antisemitic meme more commonly known as the "happy merchant." Although the caricature most frequently used to represent the meme is believed to have been drawn in the late 1990s, it is based on antisemitic stereotypes propagated by Nazis in the 1930s.

    Like the Nazis in Hitler's Germany, Jared Glen Vansandt claims that Jews are responsible for what he perceives as "degeneracy" in society.[27]

    In fact, Vansandt believes that Jews are responsible for just about everything that's  wrong with the world at large. In his conspiracy-addled mind, the real problem is that most people just don't realize the Jews are behind it all, and those who know are afraid to say so for fear of being punished. To speak openly about this supposed Jewish plot is known in neo-Nazi circles as "naming the Jew."

    [28, 29]
    Jared Glen Vansandt, to the surprise of no one who's seen his Twitter timeline, traffics in Holocaust denial. The photo below shows interior doors at a concentration camp; Vansandt's apparently innocuous remark that "wooden doors […] are not airtight" implies that the Nazis couldn't have murdered anyone in those rooms with poison gas because without an airtight seal on the door, the gas concentration the room would have fallen below fatal levels.

    Arguing with Holocaust deniers over details is at best a waste of time; if they're not convinced by the enormous body of evidence that already exists, it's safe to say that no amount of additional evidence would be sufficient either. However, in the interest of accuracy, we will point out that the doors in the photo were installed in 1943, when the building was remodeled for use as a bomb shelter and was no longer being used as an extermination facility.

    Similarly, Vansandt's cryptic remark in the tweet below about "pens that have yet to be developed"[31] refers to the lie often repeated by Holocaust deniers that Anne Frank's diary was written with a ballpoint pen (it was not), and therefore could not have been written during the second World War, as ballpoint pens had "yet to be developed" at that time.

    Fun fact: although ballpoints did not become ubiquitous until the late 1940s, the first patent for a ballpoint pen was issued in 1888.

    Jared Glen Vansandt Is A Disgusting Misogynist And A Creep

    Jared Vansandt claims that he was able to turn his longtime girlfriend/fiancée from a Bernie Sanders fan into a nazi. We have no independent confirmation of this, and considering his warped view of the world, we're really unable to guess whether this claim has any basis in reality. What we do know is that Jared Glen Vansandt thinks of women not as agentive, autonomous individuals, but rather as children whose behaviour is "socially conditioned".[32]

    He has opinions about women, and as always, he's eager to tell the world.[33, 34, 35]

    He also has some weird double standards when it comes to sex work.[36, 37]

    Even more troubling, he believes that women don't mean it when they say "no". Women who say "no hookups"? They're your best bet for a hookup. Women who say they like "nice guys"? Liars. They don't care if men are crude or even demeaning toward them, as long as the men are "attractive". Women who say they're not interested? Ignore that; women want to be pursued. Women who explicitly say they don't want to have fun? They're the ones most likely to have fun.[36, 37, 38]

    This makes it easy for him to dismiss abuse survivors as liars, too. In fact, as a matter of policy, he is "always skeptical of women who claim abuse", and "always inclined to give the guy the benefit of the doubt instead of the woman".[39] Despite voluminous evidence to the contrary, Jared Vansandt thinks that any abuse allegation "typically ends up being a lie by the woman" because "it’s their go-to thing when a relationship turns south."[40, 41]

    To quote Dr. Angelou, "When people show you who they are, believe them the first time." But if "Patrick Bateman" aka Jared Glen Vansandt has not yet convinced you that he is a racist, a nazi, and a misogynistic creep, there's even more evidence in our Twitter threads here and here.

    A Word About Archives And Evidence

    The Anonymous Comrades Collective makes every effort to ensure the information we publish is accurate. Part of that effort is collecting, and providing, evidence to back up our assertions. We know this guy is a racist because he said a bunch of racist things on Twitter. We know he's antisemitic because he said a bunch of antisemitc things on Twitter … and so on. And we know Jared Vansandt was the one who tweeted all those things because he repeatedly posted identifiable pictures of himself, using the series of Twitter accounts that he's gotten suspended over the years.

    Of course when a Twitter accounts get suspended, any and all content posted on that account disappears from the platform. So no, all those racist tweets and pictures of Jared Vansandt taking a smoke break at his office are no longer available on Twitter. But, dear reader, we are not asking you to take our word for it that these tweets ever existed in the first place. Although the tweets are no longer available on Twitter, many of them are still available at, complete with a record of the date and time the tweet was posted according to Twitter.

    Whenever the evidence we use comes from archives of suspended or deleted accounts, we provide a link to the archive that the text and/or screenshot came from, so you can view it yourself and verify that it exists. Obviously a tweet cannot be archived if the account that tweeted it does not exist at the time the archive snapshot is created. In other words it is not possible to — just as an example — create a Twitter account, populate it with someone else's stolen content, and then backdate it in the web archive so that it would appear to have been posted years ago.

    … Just in case anyone was wondering.

    Big thanks to Travis Brown for putting together a list of archive links, which you can see on Github.

    Nazi Baby-Formula Bandit and Wannabe Matricide Christopher Andrukaitis aka Marcus Cicero


    Today it is our regrettable duty to introduce 32-year-old Christopher John Andrukaitis aka “Marcus Cicero” of Chelsea, Alabama. He marched with the League of the South at the deadly “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, VA in 2017 and is one of the most vicious Nazis we have ever exposed.

    Writing under the pseudonym “Marcus Cicero”, Christopher Andrukaitis is also a prolific neo-Nazi propagandist, with hundreds of articles published at The Daily Stormer, Occidental Dissent, Infostormer, etc. in addition to thousands of social media posts. His propaganda is frequently quoted in mainstream media coverage of extremist activities.

    A small sample of the voluminous propaganda churned out by Christopher John Andrukaitis aka Marcus Cicero.

    Chris Andrukaitis: Racist, Neo-Nazi, Petty Criminal

    Chris Andrukaitis’ affiliation with the League of the South was a bit puzzling at first, since he actually hails from Massachusetts, where he has a long and sordid criminal history. He first made national news when he was arrested in 2010 for stealing thousands of dollars worth of video games and selling them on eBay. His accomplice in this scheme was his 65-year-old mother, Luise LaQuerre. The incident was picked up for “weird news” sections at several major media outlets but unbelievably, things got even weirder after that. Christopher Andrukaitis was sentenced to ten months in jail, but local reporting indicates the Andrukaitis mother/son criminal enterprise continued to operate even after he was incarcerated. Meanwhile, his 65-year-old mum got a suspended sentence … which was revoked eight days later, when she was arrested for shoplifting yet more video games from Walmart.

    Part of Luise LaQuerre’s defence was that she was forced into the scheme by an abusive son. There may even be some truth to that story, as Chris Andrukaitis had been arrested in May of 2008 for stabbing his mother in the head. In addition to being a violent crime, the stabbing was also a violation of the terms of his probation —  he was already facing assault charges stemming from a drug-fueled binge just a few weeks earlier.

    Before we feel too sorry for mum, though, we should point out that Chris Andrukaitis claims she is the source of his Nazi radicalisation: “it was my mother (a German immigrant born during the Second World War) that put me onto the JQ almost from the very beginning.”[1]

    Christopher Andrukaitis explains that his mother, Luise LaQuerre, is the one who taught him to be a Nazi.

    By 2014, Christopher Andrukaitis was one of the main writers for neo-Nazi website The Daily Stormer, where he contributed hundreds of insanely antisemitic and racist articles and podcast episodes. To celebrate Hitler’s birthday that year, Andrukaitis wrote an article entitled “Adolf Hitler: Hero of Our People”. The article drew flattering parallels between Hitler and Jesus, with Andrukaitis describing Hitler as “the secular savior of the Aryan Peoples”. Without his emergence, Andrukaitis reckoned, “the conniving and bloodthirsty Jew would almost certainly have completed his goal of total enslavement of the Earth.” The article ends with larcenous nazi weirdo Chris Andrukaitis making a passionate plea to der Führer himself: “If there is such a thing as reincarnation, we need you now more than ever.”

    In 2015 Andrukaitis brought on a longtime Daily Stormer user with the handle “Crimson Tide” as co-host on a few Radio Stormer episodes. The new co-host became a point of contention, and eventually there was a nasty public falling-out between Andrukaitis and now-fugitive Daily Stormer founder Andrew Anglin.[3]

    Chris Andrukaitis found that he had some philosophical differences with Daily Stormer founder Andrew Anglin.

    After a Nazi incel freakout in the comment section, a disclaimer from Anglin was added to the most controversial episode, stating that the content did not represent either “the policy of [the] site” or Anglin’s “personal belief system.” As Anglin explained, “My position on women, very explicitly, is that they should in the modern world remain in the exact same role they were in during the medieval period […] they should not possess ‘rights.’” Andrukaitis took the more “progressive” stance that women should not only have the right to be Nazis, they should also be allowed to express their racism and antisemitism publicly. This led to Anglin ousting Andrukaitis from the Daily Stormer staff.[4]

    Holly Hollon aka Crimson Tide, neo-Nazi Blogger and Baby-Formula Fence

    Andrukaitis quickly launched a website called “Majority Rebellion”, which mimicked the Stormer’s racist, homophobic, anti-Islamic, and antisemitic content. Crimson Tide was the only other named contributor, and was listed as author on dozens of articles … so let’s meet her too! Fleeing his criminal past in New England, Chris Andrukaitis had moved to Birmingham, Alabama and married a divorced mother of one named Holly Amber Hollon. He and Holly soon had a child together, and he also patched things up with his mother, who joined them in Alabama shortly thereafter.

    Chris Andrukaitis’ wife Holly Hollon is a 39-year-old failed fashion and makeup blogger. As early as 2009, under the handle “SouthernPrincess”, she was publishing an anti-Islamic and racist blog entitled “Truth For All Americans.”[5]

    A Flickr account using the handle Hollyh1693 hosts the images used on Holly Hollon’s fashion blogs, but it also contains Twitter screenshots confirming that she is the pseudonymous nazi “Crimson Tide.”[6]

    Using the aliases SouthrnPrincess, CrimsonTide, and HollyH1693, she was a prolific troll across numerous websites including The Daily Stormer and Chris Andrukaitis’ Majority Rebellion site. Under her legal name, Holly Hollon was a member of at least eighteen different Confederate or otherwise racist Facebook groups including the League of the South, the Alabama Flaggers, the New Confederate Army, and the Oath Keepers. Fun fact: her father Michael Hollon was also a member of the League of the South Facebook group. It is also worth noting that the League of the South often include minor children in their events.

    While the League of the South may sometimes attempt to present themselves publicly as merely a “Southern Heritage” group, they are in fact a violent, racist organisation with deep ties to Nazism. They came to the deadly Unite the Right rally prepared for battle and were key instigators in some of the most violent incidents of August 12, 2017. In the Sines v. Kessler trial, League of the South leader Michael Hill waxed enthusiastic about Hitler and admitted under oath that he views Jewish people as “the enemy”. A summary of his testimony can be found in this Twitter thread.

    Chris Andrukaitis (red box) with the League of the South at the deadly Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, VA on August 12, 2017.

    Chris Andrukaitis and Holly Hollon’s Majority Rebellion website lasted only a few months. Instead, Andrukaitis became a regular contributor to League of the South-affiliated website Occidental Dissent, authoring more than 500 articles as Marcus Cicero over the next few years. He also wrote for the Infostormer website, whose slogan, “Destroying Jewish Tyranny,” is a good indicator of their editorial outlook.

    Poking around in Holly Hollon’s web history, it quickly becomes apparent that not only is she a longtime racist, she’s also involved in some seriously shady business dealings.

    Holly Hollon attempts to purchase fake identity documents and circumvent anti-fraud measures for her online business ventures.

    Using her HollyH1693 and SouthrnPrincess handles, Holly Amber Hollon posted on various “Black Hat” and “stealth e-commerce” forums seeking counterfeit identity papers and advice on circumventing fraud prevention on eBay, Amazon, and PayPal, which makes sense given what happened next.

    On April 28th, 2020, amidst a nationwide shortage of infant formula, the now 75-year-old Luise LaQuerre was arrested for shoplifting formula from a Publix Supermarket in Hoover, Alabama. Waiting in a car outside was her Nazi no-goodnik son Chris Andrukaitis aka Marcus Cicero.[7 (pdf)]

    Christopher John Adrukaitis, Holly Amber Hollon, and Luise LaQuerre conspire to steal infant formula to sell on eBay.

    The gang were released pending trial, but over the next few months, septuagenarian shoplifter LaQuerre was captured on video one hundred and forty times stealing baby formula from Walmart while her getaway-driver son waited outside. Chris Andrukaitis and Holly Hollon eventually pleaded guilty to a scheme which involved fencing at least $300,000 in stolen infant formula through their “Sweet Tea Sunshine Shop” storefront on eBay. The maxim “if you see someone shoplifting baby formula, no you didn’t” should be waived for these jerks.

    Holly Amber Hollon appears in the Federal Inmate Database with a November 2022 release date. It appears that she and Chis Andrukaitis may have received staggered sentences due to childcare issues, but it seems likely Andrukaitis will begin his own bid in the near future.

    In a vicious cycle of bad parenting and history repeating, violent criminal Nazi Christopher Andrukaitis appears to be trying to radicalise his own young son into violent antisemitism.[8]

    Let’s talk a little about the violent racist and antisemitic messages neo-Nazi Christopher John Andrukaitis aka Marcus Cicero has been posting for nearly a decade.


    Chris Andrukaitis aka Marcus Cicero, Racist neo-Nazi Propagandist

    Chris Andrukaitis aka Marcus Cicero is really, really racist.[9, 10]

    Chris Andrukaitis aka Marcus Cicero often advocates for violence in conjunction with his racism and antisemitism, with frequent mentions of the “day of the rope” and other explicit references to murder and terrorism.

    Neo-Nazi Christopher Andrukaitis aka Marcus Cicero makes threats against a variety of people on Gab. [11, 12, 13, 14]
    Deranged Nazi criminal Chris Andrukaitis aka Marcus Cicero threatens violence against journalists and Jewish people.[15, 16, 17]

    In 2015, Chris Andrukaitis posted racist mass-murderer Dylann Roof’s unexpurgated manifesto on the Majority Rebellion website. While he dismissed Roof as “mentally deranged” and “a bit creepy”, he nevertheless declared that the manifesto, when read, “does not come across as all that controversial or fanatical”.

    Instead of expressing any sorrow for the victims or their families, he affirms the validity of Roof’s motives, and laments only that this “lone-wolf fool” has likely hurt the neo-Nazi agenda “due to his idiocy”. Still, he found within Roof’s manifesto “a respectable understanding of the workings of both Blacks and the Jew, […] truths that nearly every White Nationalist would be able to agree with.”

    Christopher Andrukaitis found a lot to like in the manifesto of a racist mass murderer.

    If Christopher Andrukaitis found little to criticise in Dylann Roof, he positively revered Robert Bowers, who murdered eleven worshipers at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania in 2018.

    Chris Andrukaitis aka Marcus Cicero glorifies antisemitic mass murderer Robert Bowers as a heroic warrior who deserves a spot in Valhalla.[18]

    He felt that the murderer hadn’t made “the wisest decision” but noted that “at the end of the day, I understand what Bowers was feeling” – because, according to Andrukaitis, “the Jews brought this upon themselves”. Further, he vowed that if he (Andrukaitis) were President (lol), he would pardon Bowers, make him a “high official” in the Department of Homeland Security, and put up statues of him in Pittsburgh.

    Chris Andrukaitis aka Marcus Cicero believes that the Jews who were murdered at the Tree of Life Synagogue had it coming.[19, 20, 21, 22]

    Chris Andrukaitis invoked  Bowers repeatedly when threatening people he believed to be Jewish.[23, 24, 25, 26]

    Chris Andrukaitis aka Marcus Cicero uses terms like “war of annihilation” and “Total War” to describe the impending violence he advocates.[27, 28]

    To nazi psycho Chris Andrukaitis, Bowers’ crimes are a model of self-discipline. “In reality, it shows how restrained we are as a race … The Jews should count themselves lucky that hundreds of them aren’t gunned down each and every day.”[29]

    The threat of mass violence and genocide is a constant theme for Chris Andrukaitis aka Marcus Cicero.[30]

    Chris Andrukaitis described the murderous 2019 rampage in Christchurch, New Zealand where fifty-one people died as “true weaponized autism”, offering only the mildest caveat: “I would’ve told him to hold off, although the logic behind his actions was relatively solid.”[31]

    Two days after the deadly “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, Virginia where Heather Heyer was murdered in 2017, Andrukaitis wrote an article about his experience there for Occidental Dissent, glorifying the event as a day where the “White Race” battled in a “struggle against beasts that fill their unholy prayers with calls for our destruction.”[32 ]His on-the-ground activity that year also included the nazi rally in Shelbyville, Tennessee, where he marched alongside members of the neo-Nazi Traditionalist Workers Party (TWP) and the National Socialist Movement.

    Chris Andrukaitis at the deadly Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, VA in August 2017 (left), and the neo-Nazi rally in Shelbyville, TN on October 28, 2017 (right).

    At one point, perhaps due to ongoing legal problems, it appeared that felonious fascist Chris Andrukaitis was attempting to keep somewhat of a low profile. He last published at Occidental Dissent in October 2019, and noted that at that time that he had been away “enjoying family”.[33] However, as recently as January 2021, “Marcus Cicero” was appearing on livestreams with neo-Nazis like Matt Parrott and Matthew Heimbach, the former leaders of the now-defunct TWP, and Occidental Dissent’s Brad Griffin.

    Marcus Cicero aka Christopher John Andrukaitis appears on an episode of Matt Parrott's podcast, along with fellow neo-Nazi and violent felon Matthew Heimbach.

    His most recent activity has largely been confined to Twitter, where he has posted thousands of tweets using variations of the handle “PunishedMarcus”. His latest account was suspended in January 2022, but he may still be afoot. Any current sightings? Our DMs are open.

    Violent neo-Nazi goon Chris Andrukaitis was last known to be working as a manager at Family Dollar in Bessemer, Alabama. Did he really get a fellow employee deported?

    Chris Andrukaitis' Linkedin profile (left) says he's employed at Family Dollar in Bessermer, AL; he claims to have gotten a coworker deported (right).[34]

    Christopher John Andrukaitis aka Marcus Cicero is one of the most viciously racist antisemites we have ever encountered. With his currently incarcerated nazi wife Holly Hollon, antisemitic grifting granny Luise LaQuerre, and two young children at home, the tableau seems not so much a tragedy waiting to happen as one already in progress.

    Neo-Nazi Jan 6 Insurrectionist Joseph Brody

    On January 6, 2021 Americans watched, aghast, as pro-Trump insurrectionists invaded the US Capitol Building in Washington, DC. The Washington Post wrote, "A day for ceremony descends into anarchy on Capitol Hill." But the Post got it wrong: it wasn't anarchy at play; it was fascism, spurred on by supporters of the ocher-hued wanna-be dictator Donald Trump.

    One case in point is Joseph Brody, who was recently indicted on multiple federal felony charges for his actions at the Capitol on January 6. Not only was Brody a fervent Trump supporter, but an examination of Brody's social media history shows that he was also a neo-Nazi and violent misogynist who conceptualised rape as a weapon.

    This you, Broseph?

    Recently, five members of the racist "Groyper" movement were identified and charged with multiple federal criminal offences for their actions at the Capitol on January 6: Paul Lovley, Jon Lizak, Gabriel Chase, Thomas Carey and Joseph Brody. All five of these guys are in deep trouble, but Joseph Brody will likely do hard time under statutes covering those who "forcibly assault, resist, oppose, impede, intimidate, or interfere with any United States law enforcement officer." While many in the GOP sought to minimise the actions of the insurrectionists, with one Republican congressperson even going so far as to compare the incident to a "normal tourist visit," those of us who are not complete idiots know that the crowd was chock-full of neo-Nazis, white supremacists and legit fascists. Joseph Brody was one of them, as is made clear by an examination of his online behavior.

    From left to right, Carey, Lovley, Lizak, Chase and Brody, identified in a federal affidavit.
    From left to right, Carey, Lovley, Lizak, Chase and Brody, named in a federal affidavit.

    Joseph Paul Brody, 23, of Springfield, Virginia, who often goes by "Broseph" online, was known as "suit guy" by open source researchers before he was identified. The grey suit and striped tie he wore to the insurrection made him easy to spot in video and photographic imagery.

    Images of "suit guy" Joseph Brody at the Capitol on January 6 from

    Although he's infamous for being a Capitol insurrectionist, he has a prior internet history of racism and violent misogyny that, until now, had not been uncovered. Joe Brody is very online and has been posting racist, antisemitic, and misogynistic content since he was a teenager.

    In 2019, Brody was posting on Twitter as "Proud White Male" @TheVARight and "Cathbro" @TridentineBro. His self-description on Twitter included "Generation Zyklon Z" and "Woman Hater." Many of Brody's online posts featured a twisted mix of devout Catholicism and toxic hate. While much of this has been deleted from social media platforms for violating their terms of service, some of it may still be found at

    Brody's use of "Zyklon Z" in the Twitter bio at left is a reference to the Nazis' use of the pesticide Zyklon-B against Jews during the Holocaust. In the profile at right, Brody describes himself as a "Woman Hater."

    Brody refers to himself as part of "Catholic ISIS" and offers to help behead people. [archive]
    Antisemitic post by Brody on Twitter, posting as "Broseph @WhiteRapist."
    Antisemitic post by Brody on Twitter, posting as Broseph @WhiteRapist. [archive]

    Brody, posting as "Broseph" on Discord, expresses his twisted views on religion.

    Joseph Brody identifies as a devout Catholic, posting frequently on religious matters, and at one point claimed he would be attending divinity school. He attends Mass at St. Lawrence Catholic Church in Alexandria, Virginia.

    Joseph Brody at a Catholic service.
    Joseph Brody at a Catholic service.

    A Neo-Nazi Groyper

    Joseph Brody eventually fell in with Nicholas Fuentes' America First movement and became a hardcore Groyper. In the Nick Fuentes server on Discord there are more than 7000 posts under Brody's "Brosef" screen name.  As the America First movement increasingly reveals itself to be a bizarre, cult-like movement with a mercurial leader in Nick Fuentes, potential new followers would be well served to research the deeply messy defections of former insiders, complete with truly weird allegations of Nick Fuentes conducting black-light semen inspections and doxxing former associates, and generally bizarre behavior and treachery on all sides.

    Joseph Brody wearing merchandise for Nicholas Fuentes' "America First" group at an event.
    Joseph Brody wearing merchandise for Nicholas Fuentes's 'America First' group at an event.

    Brody was very much an insider in the America First movement, but apparently fell out with Fuentes sometime after the January 6th debacle. When the five above-named J6 participants were identified as Groypers, Fuentes went scorched-earth, variously describing them as "losers," "Jewish," "vaccinated," and of course "not Groypers." After insisting that "we don't dox people," he then doxed Joseph Brody by linking him to the "Broseph" Twitter accounts.

    Nick Fuentes explains to his Telegram audience that "we don't dox people."
    Nick Fuentes doxxes people.

    He also called him a "wignat," a pejorative for a particular sub-genre of national socialist. It's gotta hurt when a neo-Nazi low-life like Fuentes thinks you are an even lower breed of Nazi.

    The slapfight got very personal, with Fuentes accusing Brody of sticking a knife in his back; he also accused Brody of calling in a bomb threat to the AFPAC III conference, which is a felony last time we checked.

    Nazi drama is the best kind of drama. Let them fight.
    Nazi drama is best drama. Let them fight.

    In spite of Nicholas Fuentes' protestations to the contrary, Joseph Brody was indeed a Groyper. He participated in many, many America First/Groyper events, including AFPAC, the "Million MAGA March" in DC, and "Stop the Steal" at Harrisburg, PA in 2020; and the "Men’s March" at DC, an anti-vax rally at Springfield, IL, and an anti-vax rally in New York City in 2021.

    Fuentes tried to disavow Joseph Brody as a "Groyper," but in fact Brody was a "Groyper" and had participated in many of their events. Brody (in the red box) is seen here wearing an "America First" t-shirt.
    Fuentes tried to disavow Joseph Brody as a Groyper, but in fact Brody was a Groyper and had participated in many of their events. Brody (in the red box) is seen here wearing an 'America First' t-shirt.

    In fact, Brody was such an integral part of the Groyper scene that he was invited to the wedding of fellow Groyper and America First organisation techie Simon Dickerman, wearing what appears to be the same suit that he wore at the J6 insurrection. Also notable was the presence at the wedding of another fellow Groyper, Ryan Slingerland, aka "Sharia Leboeuf."

    The America First/Groyper movement is extremely antisemitic and racist but also very conscious of "optics." On Discord, Brody was critical of most other white nationalists, Nazis, and "wignats," particularly political candidates like Patrick Little and Paul Nehlen. He fretted that overt Nazism would repel traditional Republican voters, particularly the baby boomers. But despite Brody's attempts to put a respectable spin on his fascist beliefs, he can frequently be found enthusing about Nazi culture and fascism.

    Brody Nazi-posting on Twitter as "Broseph @BrosephUSA."
    Brody Nazi-posting on Twitter as "Broseph @BrosephUSA." [archive]
    Commenting on a YouTube video about the rise of Adolf Hitler, Brody – as "Broseph8T7" – laments "what could have been."

    Brody, writing as "Maximian @TradNazi" on Twitter, posted: "I do solemnly swear that Adolf Hitler has my undying loyalty and support"
    Brody, writing as "Maximian" @TradNazi on Twitter, posted "I do solemnly swear that Adolf Hitler has my undying loyalty and support" [archive]
    Twitter post by Brody, wearing a Trump hat and Confederate flag face mask and holding a rifle in front of a Nazi flag. He hit all the bases.
    Twitter post by Brody, wearing a Trump hat and Confederate flag face mask and holding a rifle in front of a Nazi flag. That's a BINGO. [archive]
    A racist post by Brody referring to the SCOTUS anti-abortion ruling
    A racist post by Brody referring to the SCOTUS anti-abortion ruling. [archive]

    A Violent Misogynist

    In this line of work one sometimes becomes desensitised to bigoted content, but Joseph Brody's creepy sexual weirdness and expressed violent misogyny is some of the more alarming stuff we have come across. Brody self-identifies as "volcel," (voluntarily celibate), but he is also a staunch defender of the so-called "incel" or "involuntary celibate" community, declaring them the result of "this Godless society" and "products of the degeneracy we have been thrust into." In an alarming series of posts, Brody references misogynist mass murderer and incel Elliot Rodger and declares, "the eternal woman is the true evil," blaming women for the existence of incels. Brody then issues this chilling prediction and sociopathic rationalisation: "I expect many more acts like Rodger in the future, and if the victims be women, I have no quarrels."

    Joseph Brody on Discord, channeling woman-hating mass murderer Elliot Rodger.

    In another Discord thread, Joe Brody responds to a woman joining the chat with unhinged misogynistic insults, threats of rape, and sexual demands.

    Brody responding to a female user who had just joined a Discord chat.
    Brody responding to a female user who had just joined a Discord chat.

    Brody can't stop talking about how much he hates women, and frequently threatens rape and violence against them. One disturbing series of posts on Discord feature his real-time musings about a "cunt whore" who bumped into him in queue in a store. He calls her a "cum dumpster" and lists three acts of violence he wants to commit against her.

    Brody commenting on Discord about a woman who had accidentally bumped into him.
    Brody commenting on Discord about a woman who had accidentally bumped into him.
    In case it wasn't clear, Joseph Brody hates women.
    In case it wasn't clear.

    Brody didn't confine his hatred of women to private Discord chats; he also frequently posted threats of rape on Twitter. (We're not linking to the archived tweets for some of these because the tweets are abhorrent and the victims don't need the grief.) He frequently referred to himself as a rapist in his Twitter handles.

    Brody threatens a female Twitter user with rape.
    Brody threatens a female Twitter user with rape.
    Brody again makes a rape threat, but also throws in a racial slur.
    Brody again makes a rape threat, but also throws in a racial slur.

    The picture below was tweeted by Brody on the occasion of Simon Dickerman's wedding, mentioned earlier in this piece. The bride had been groomed as a high school student and had just turned legal. Brody’s congratulatory tweet to the couple read, "You may now r*ape the bride."

    Brody makes a rape joke on Twitter. Or is it a joke?
    Brody makes a rape joke on Twitter. This is what passes for humour among Groypers.  [archive]
    Yet another rape threat to a female Twitter user.

    Yet more rape threats to female Twitter users.[archive]
    One of Joseph Brody’s Twitter handles, @FaustianRapist, used a picture of Anne Frank for the profile image. Another handle he used was @WhiteRapist.

    The far right is currently obsessed with the notion of pedophiles grooming children for sexual abuse, but Groyper sex pest Joseph Paul Brody seems equally obsessed with underage girls himself, and has written numerous sexually explicit posts on the subject. He once wrote on Discord, "I want a girl built like she[sic] 12 so I can physically break every bone in her body."

    Brody spoke plainly of his violent misogynistic, pedophiliac fantasies on Discord.
    Brody speaks plainly on Discord of his violent, misogynistic, pedophiliac fantasies.
    Brody alludes to drugging teenage girls. archive

    His Mom is  a Right-Wing Whackjob, Too

    Joseph Brody lives at home and posts frequently about his extremely conservative "red pilled" mother. It shouldn’t surprise anyone that a "wignat" might be spawned by a wingnut, but Joe Brody’s mom, Maureen Latimer Brody, is a real piece of work. Maureen Brody is very involved in Republican politics in Virginia and recently lost a race as the Republican candidate for the Virginia House of Delegates in District 39. As an early adopter of antisemitic social media site Gab, she has been posting absolute batshit material since 2017. Maureen Brody traffics in some of the looniest conspiracy theories from David Icke, Alex Jones, the John Birch Society, and various Q Anon accounts. She also routinely interacts with incontrovertibly racist accounts like Vdare and Red Elephants, and promotes violent hate groups like the Proud Boys.

    Maureen Latimer Brody, as she appears on the Facebook page for her election candidacy.
    Maureen Latimer Brody, as she appears on the Facebook 'Brody for Virginia' campaign page.
    Maureen Latimer Brody promoting Nicholas Fuentes's neo-Nazi "America First" movement.
    Maureen Latimer Brody promoting Nicholas Fuentes's neo-Nazi "America First" movement. The man standing next to her is Fredy Burgos, who was ousted from Virginia Republican leadership after a long series of racist and bigoted social media posts.
    Maureen Brody thinks highly of Nicholas Fuentes on Gab.
    Maureen Brody thinks highly of Nicholas Fuentes.

    Maureen Brody’s political goals are to eliminate the separation of church and state, which she claims is a heresy. Her goal of "Restoring All Things in Christ in the commonwealth" is a fanatical attempt to impose religious governance over all political and social life. She has also been involved in various "stop the steal"-related initiatives and was, along with her son, an attendee of the violent storming of the Capitol on January 6, 2021. While it does not appear that Maureen Brody entered the Capitol Building, she was heavily involved in promoting the event and organising regional transportation.

    Maureen Brody was, like her son, at the Capitol during the January 6 insurrection.
    Maureen Brody was, like her son, at the Capitol during the January 6 insurrection, and posted about it on Gab. [archive]

    But extremist dipshit Maureen Brody is capable of even kookier beliefs with her posts about "transhumans," "Baphomet’s tattoos," and numerological nonsense. Oh, let's not forget … sprinkling "exorcism salt" on your loved ones.

    ..."Baphomet's tattoos"...
    …"Baphomet's tattoos"…
    ...numerological nonsense...
    …numerological nonsense…
    ..."exorcism salts!"
    …and "exorcism salt"!

    The fascist apple didn't fall far from the extremist tree. Joseph Brody occasionally posts stuff on social media about the sentiments that he and his mom share.

    The son fascist whacko told the mom fascist whacko to "chillllll."
    The son fascist whacko tells the mom fascist whacko to "chillllll." [archive]
    We have the feeling this is not an unusual occurrence.
    We have a feeling this is not an unusual occurrence. [archive]
    Maureen Brody even set up her son Joseph in a paid position on the campaign of Virginia Governor Glen Youngkin. The lines between hateful extremism and mainstream Republicans have faded out, and the fact that white nationalist and rape enthusiast Joseph Brody was given an official GOP email address with which to conduct business makes this shockingly apparent.

    White nationalist Joseph Brody campaigning for Virginia Governor Glen Youngkin.
    White nationalist Joseph Brody (left) campaigning for Virginia Governor Glen Youngkin.
    Joseph Brody pictured in an Instagram post from Virginia Governor Glen Youngkin's account (right, bottom).
    Joseph Brody pictured in an Instagram post from Virginia Governor Glen Youngkin's account (bottom right).
    Joseph Brody even had an official email address.
    Joseph Brody even had an official Virginia GOP email address.

    January 6, 2021: An Attempted Fascist Insurrection

    While Joseph Paul Brody may seem an extreme example of the insurrectionists that invaded the US Capitol Building on January 6, 2021 in an attempt to disrupt the American political process, he is by no means a unique example. The crowd that day was filled with fascists, neo-Nazis, white supremacists and others who espouse racist, antisemitic, xenophobic and anti-LGBTQ+ rhetoric. Make no mistake: what happened on January 6, 2021 wasn't anarchy, but fascism, and Joseph Brody was one of the fascists.

    Neo-Nazi Sex Offender and User Nathan Davies, aka "g117ch"

    Today’s Pride Month User Profile is a textbook closet Nazi who is hiding even darker secrets. Meet 35-year-old Nathan Davies aka "g117ch" from Moscow, Tennessee. Although he's a relatively new user of, having joined in March 2022, he has become very active and frequently kisses up to owner and creator Daniel "Anime Graf Mays" Stevens, whom we exposed in an earlier installment.

    "g117ch" on
    "g117ch" on [archive]
    Nathan Davies, aka "g117ch," of Moscow, Tennessee.
    Nathan Davies, aka "g117ch," of Moscow, Tennessee.

    In case you missed it, June is Pride Month, and in support of our LGBTQ+ comrades we are exposing various users of, since the owner Dan Stevens proclaimed that "poast is participating by not having pride logos, forcing homosexual mental illnesses on its users or otherwise subverting the nuclear family."

    Creator/owner of Dan Stevens, aka "Anime Graf Mays."
    Creator/owner of Dan Stevens, aka "Anime Graf Mays."

    So how do we know Nathan Davies is "g117ch?" For one, he uses the username "g117ch" (presumably leetspeak for "glitch") in a number of places online in connection with his real name, including a Fediverse instance that he runs,, which is noted on his profile. Looking up this Fediverse instance on, a Fediverse directory, we can see the email for this instance's admin is ""(redacted).

    Davies put his personal email as contact for his Fediverse instance
    Davies put his personal email (redacted) as contact for his Fediverse instance [archive]

    And "g117ch" is a huge fan of the role-playing game "Dungeons & Dragons," which he has written about on He posted a photo of his extensive Dungeons & Dragons book collection. It's no coincidence that Nathan Davies is a fan, too– because they are the same person! In a photo on Davies' personal blog he can be seen wearing a Dungeons & Dragons t-shirt and he wrote about playing the game in his blog as well.

    "g117ch" posted a photo of his extensive collection of Dungeons & Dragons books on
    "g117ch" posted a photo of his extensive collection of Dungeons & Dragons books on [archive]
    Nathan Davies wearing a Dungeons & Dragons t-shirt.
    Nathan Davies wearing a Dungeons & Dragons t-shirt. [archive]

    And even though it has been deleted, Nathan Davies advertised on his Twitter account that he had a Twitch channel on which he streamed video game play using the name "G117CH."

    Nathan Davies on his Twitter timeline advertising his Twitch stream.
    Nathan Davies on his Twitter timeline advertising his Twitch stream. [archive]

    Nathan Davies, aka "g117ch" may not be the most overtly obnoxious neo-Nazi dirtbag on, posting mostly about tech and gaming matters, but he falls in line with's culture, boosting content by familiar Nazi names like the National Justice Party. In one post Davies as "g117ch" posted a link to what he characterized as “useful resources.” Inside the folder was a large collection of racist, antisemitic, anti-LGBTQ, Holocaust denial and Nazi propaganda.

    Davies posted a link to the file sharing site Mega, from which he shared...
    Davies posted a link to the file sharing site Mega, from which he shared…
    ...a large collection of Nazi media, to include material by the neo-Nazi National Justice Party.
    …a large collection of Nazi media, to include material by the neo-Nazi National Justice Party.

    This would seem to run counter to his public persona throughout his extensive online footprint. This dude is very online! Publicly he postures as a centrist or moderate, stating that he “stands with Israel” on his Facebook page and blogging as “Nathan in the Middle” on his personal blog. He offered this pablum as his political philosophy: “It is time we got together, looked at the facts, and demand meaningful, workable compromise. Neither political extreme is workable for our country…” But while he does this, he also posts pro-Nazi, racist, antisemitic and anti-LGBTQ+ garbage on

    Davies writing as "g117ch" on
    Davies writing as "g117ch" on [archive]
    Nathan Davies says: "Hitler was right."
    Nathan Davies says: "Hitler was right."

    Davies blames gun violence on racial integration.
    Davies blames gun violence on racial integration. [archive]
    Nathan Davies doesn't want "bullshit" human dignity to interfere with his TV shows.
    Nathan Davies doesn't want "bullshit" human dignity to interfere with his TV shows. [archive]

    So why are we singling out Nathan Davies for this scrutiny? There are three reasons: The first is that he is a Nazi bigot and big or small, we expose them all. Exposing neo-Nazis is ethical and necessary to defend our communities. The second reason we are putting Nathan "g117ch" Davies on blast is that he described himself as a “software engineer and general IT technician, sometimes referred to as a computer wizard” with the worst operational security we have ever seen. Davies repeatedly boasted about the six figure income he brings in despite his apparent utter lack of competence.

    Davies has a rather high opinion of himself and his abilities.
    Davies has a rather high opinion of himself and his abilities. [archive]

    But the third and key reason is this really gross and misogynistic post where Nathan Davies proclaimed: “Men age like fine wine, and women age like milk.” This statement explained a lot about what we found next.

    This statement explains a lot about Davies' character. [archive]
    Neo-Nazi sex offender Nathan Davies, aka "g117ch."
    Neo-Nazi "fine wine" Nathan Davies, aka "g117ch" on the prowl for fresh milk.


    Davies might want to keep his mouth shut about his preference for underage women considering he just completed an eight-year bid in prison for aggravated statutory rape and sexual exploitation of a minor! He is listed as an active sex offender on the Tennessee Sex Offender Registry.

    Nathan Davies on the Tennessee Sex Offender registry.
    Nathan Davies' page on the Tennessee Sex Offender Registry.

    Fine wine, ladies.
    Fine wine, ladies.

    Now that Davies is out of prison and sits in his home office "coding and reading poast all day" he runs his computer consulting company Davies Technologies based out of Moscow, Tennessee. This is how he pays for his home "in cash."

    Davies Technologies, Davies' computer consulting outfit.
    Davies Technologies, Davies' computer consulting outfit.
    Nathan Davies in 2012 in a Youtube video. It was in this year that Davies was convicted of Aggravated Statutory Rape, Contributing to the Delinquency of a Minor and Sexual Exploitation of a Minor.
    Nathan Davies in 2012 in a Youtube video. It was in this year that Davies was convicted of Aggravated Statutory Rape, Contributing to the Delinquency of a Minor and Sexual Exploitation of a Minor.
    Neo-Nazi sex offender Nathan Davies, aka "g117ch."
    Neo-Nazi sex offender Nathan Davies, aka "g117ch."
    Neo-Nazi sex offender Nathan Davies, aka "g117ch."
    Neo-Nazi sex offender Nathan Davies, aka "g117ch."

    Happy Pride Month to and Nathan "g117ch" Davies!

    With the amount of homophobic and transphobic tropes that users post about "pedos" and "grooming" it's ironic that an IRL convicted child rapist is among them. But with the amount of questionable anime-girl posts on that site perhaps it isn't surprising. Although Pride Month is coming to a close for this year, it doesn't mean we are going to stop exposing the Nazis and racists of or anywhere else.

    But for now, let's end with one of Davies' great goals in life:

    I aim to be the reason my family deletes their facebook and twitter accounts.

    You're well on your way, Nathan.


    "I aim to be the reason my family deletes their facebook and twitter accounts."
    You're well on your way, guy. [archive]
    Neo-Nazi sex offender Nathan Davies, aka "g117ch."
    Neo-Nazi sex offender Nathan Davies, aka "g117ch."

    Washed Up Rocker Dan Muench is Racist User "Kash Kustomer"

    This blog post is an adaption of a Twitter thread by our OG Anonymous Comrade Anonymouscommie (@AnonCommieStan on Twitter) as we show solidarity with our LGBTQ+ comrades during Pride Month by exposing neo-Nazi losers of the social media site

    As promised, in honor of Pride Month, the Anonymous Comrades Collective will be exposing random users of, claimed to be “the most racist social media site on the planet” by its owner and creator, the Canadian Dan Stevens. Meet the 42-year-old racist podcaster and internet bigot Daniel Joseph Muench, aka "Kash Kustomer."

    Daniel Joseph Muench…
    …Kash Kustomer!

    Nazi tool Daniel Muench has recently moved from Pasadena, California to Tool, Texas. He might actually live in nearby Kemp, Texas but that would've spoiled the joke. He was born in Long Island, raised in Florida and has lived in New Orleans, but spent years in California.

    Washed up neo-Nazi rocker Dan Muench in a contemplative mood.
    Dan Muench with short hair.

    Muench is somewhat of a rarity among online neo-Nazis in that his profile images actually kinda look like him.

    Daniel Joseph Muench, born July 22, 1980


    Dan Muench presents himself as a character from The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test, his online posts and podcast appearances are self aggrandizing braggadocio about his wild psychedelic and occult exploits and all the famous people he has arcane knowledge of. But in reality, Muench is a failed musician who performed with a variety of bands you never heard of, like Mettaya and RadioSmack, before turning his energies to being a full time racist shitposter.

    What do you get when you combine Radiohead and Godsmack? Radiosmack of course! Duh.

    Having apparently given up on real musical success, Dan Muench began recording music aimed strictly at the online Nazi audience. One of his alt-right doom metal bands "Star Skeleton" has a song on Soundcloud which culminates in cringe-worthy shout-outs to Adolf Hitler & various alt-right e-celebs like Andrew Anglin, Azzmador and Mike Enoch.


    Before his full alt-right makeover Dan Muench was also deeply immersed in the occult and presented himself as an authority on the subject. As far back as 2007 he was making music as “The Bacon Torpedoes” with the aim of "push[ing] the envelope of Free Speech” with songs about Zyklon-B and other dumb shit. His collaborator was Kansas based "Frater X," aka Joseph Sartin who offers occult instruction classes via YouTube. Dan Muench has been a prolific internet reply guy with 10 paragraph treatises at various music gear blogs, and conspiracy theory sites.

    One of Muench's musical projects "The Bacon Torpedoes."
    One of Muench's neo_Nazi podcasts.

    In 2012 Dan Muench started a blog called "Tin Hat Alley" using the pen name "Cid Vicious" and railed against feminism, Jews, BLM, Antifa and Barack Obama. He complained that he was “prone to being labeled a Nazi and shouted down because in 2013 [he] wore a Fedora in a few pictures.”

    An excerpt from Muench's racist, sexist conspiracy blog "Tin Hat Alley."

    If the fedora fits…

    If commercial success is the only measure, most musicians will likely fail. But most do not drown their sorrows in Nazism. As Dan Muench’s music career floundered, his life unraveled into a spiral of conspiracy theories and racism. He spent considerable time living on the streets and out of his car. In his own words, he went “from rockstar to Coinstar.” Increasingly embittered, Muench fully embraced the alt-right and channeled all of his energies towards hate. Now we get dumb Metallica covers like “Enter Honkler” and songs about joining “Mein Fuhrer in Neu Schwabenland.”

    "Rockstar to Coinstar."
    Muench's neo-Nazi music project "Fedpost Inc."


    As "Fedpost Inc," Nazi shmuck and musical hack Dan Muench did an antisemitic cover of “Pushin’ Too Hard” by 1960s garage rock legend The Seeds, which Muench titled “Jewin’ Too Hard.” He also revealed bits of juicy personal info, such as: “I'm the only goy doing fashy parodies of famous bands they were actually a member of.”  Here is a sample of his lyrical lameness:

    Better listen kike what I'm tellin' you
    You better listen kike before you turn blue
    You better stop all your talmudry
    Before well push your big noses into the sea,
    'Cause you're Jewin' Too Hard,
    Jewin' Too Hard
    On me!

    Muench made many references to Sky Saxon, frontman of The Seeds in posts and podcast appearances. He also referenced his “buddy/bandmate” Dave Waller who just so happened to be a member of Sky Saxon’s band at one point. Dave Waller was also listed as a one time member of the previously mentioned band Mettaya, along with Dan Muench who would later refer to his “buddy/bandmate” as “washed up.” At least Dave Waller didn't get kicked out of the Seeds after two gigs!


    At any rate, Dan Muench is not nearly as interesting as he wants everyone to think he is. He is a racist scumbag who spends all his time being a neo-Nazi keyboard warrior who has been kicked off Twitter many times under many names. No wonder his music career tanked. Muench co-hosted a podcast called "The Poastmen" along with Matthew Marvin Distler, who we revealed to be the neo-Nazi podcaster "Distolero." Even if nobody listens to his dumb podcast and shitty Nazi doom metal, distributing Nazi propaganda is creepy shit. Muench has also co-hosted other podcasts, including The Paranormies with Nazi no-goodnik John Ramonetta aka "Johnny Monoxide."

    One of Muench's several Twitter profiles.
    One of Muench's several Twitter profiles.
    One of Muench's several Twitter profiles.
    One of Muench's several Twitter profiles.

    Muench was one of the co-hosts for neo-Nazi podcast called The Poastmen.
    He was also a co-host of another neo-Nazi podcast called The Paranormies.

    On top of being a crappy musician, Dan Muench is a racist, antisemite, misogynist, and all around low-life who also likes to posture as a tough guy. In one message on he claimed he was "in charge of beating up any rando that was fucking with [his] bands on tour" and that he has been "covered from the waist up in literal n_gger blood fighting randos."

    Hey, Dan Muench, talk shit, get hit.
    Dan Muench is an awful person.
    This is the kind of shit that passes for "humor" on


    For some reason, Muench found himself blocked by Jesse Daniel Ogden, aka "Borzoi." One has to wonder what one has to do to get blocked by Borzoi? Not that we would know anything about that.

    Muench can't seem to join the Neo-Nazi Cool Kid Club on

    Daniel Joseph Muench aka "Kash Kustomer" is the worst of the worst. We wish him continued failure in all aspects of his life. We will close with these screencaps and the gentle reminder that loose lips sink Nazi ships.







    The Neo-Nazis of Antelope Hill Publishing

    The Anonymous Comrades Collective has been tracking the neo-Nazi small press Antelope Hill Publishing since their beginning in 2020. Since then we have identified several of their pseudonymous authors. Yesterday, Hannah Gais, Megan Squire, Jason Wilson and Michael Edison Hayden of the Southern Poverty Law Center identified the principal figures of Antelope Hill Publishing. In this report we will expand on that research and present some more details on Antelope Hill Publishing and their long history in white nationalist activism.

    A Neo-Nazi Small Press

    Antelope Hill Publishing's website in 2020.
    Antelope Hill Publishing's website in 2020.

    Antelope Hill Publishing debuted in the summer of 2020, their website stating their mission statement as:

    Antelope Hill Publishing seeks to ensure history, culture, and revolutionary ideas will be preserved in the written word and made easily accessible, fairly priced, and professionally published. The best refutation of historical revisionists is a clear statement of primary accounts – fighting the battle for minds from the printed page, instead of locked away in secret hard drives and foreign languages. Antelope Hill translates, transcribes, and republishes existing works in print and eBook format. We are also looking for the authors who will tell the story of the current generation so that we can publish the words that will inspire us to victory.

    While the publishing outfit purports to be the preserver of lost works and defender of "lost causes, righteous mercenaries, anonymous critics, freedom fighters, revolutionaries, and exiles," a brief look at their catalogue shows that their focus is on works by fascist authors. Some of the earliest titles for sale on their website included an English translation of a 1938 Nazi army manual, a biography of British fascist Oswald Mosley and a memoir by Belgian Nazi sympathizer Leon Degrelle. Antelope Hill Publishing also published a reprint of a biography of Adolf Hitler by Wyndham Lewis and would later publish a collection of speeches by Adolf Hitler. Antelope Hill Publishing's focus on Hitler, Nazis and fascist ideology makes one wonder if the name "Antelope Hill" was chosen for the initials "A.H." to match those of Adolf Hitler. But if it isn't clear yet that Antelope Hill Publishing is an explicitly neo-Nazi publishing outfit, observing its social media media presence on various platforms makes it clear. In one post on the racist social media site Antelope Hill Publishing celebrated Adolf Hitler's birthday by offering a sale on their collection of Hitler's speeches.

    Antelope Hill Publishing celebrated Adolf Hitler's birthday by offering a discount for their collection of Hitler's speeches.
    Antelope Hill Publishing celebrated Adolf Hitler's birthday by offering a discount for their collection of Hitler's speeches. [archive]

    Besides historical works and translations, Antelope Hill Publishing also published pseudonymous works by current authors in online neo-Nazi circles. A number of these authors we have identified in previous exposés. Nearly a year ago we exposed freelance author and school teacher Benjamin Miller Welton, who wrote a fascist title for Antelope Hill Publishing under the pen name "Sinclair Jenkins." We quickly followed up by identifying Jesse Daniel Ogden as the prolific neo-Nazi podcaster "Borzoi Boskovic" and who wrote a title for the publisher under the pseudonym "John Chapman." Earlier this year we uncovered the identity of "Branka Ryan," who wrote and illustrated a book "for white children" for the publisher. While we did not expose her true name at the time, we will say now she is Grace Wainwright, daughter of Amy Wainwright, whom we exposed at the creator of a neo-Nazi internet chat group for women. In our last report, we identified former New York state correction officer "Jack McKraken" as John Robert Metz, who was also a member of the neo-Nazi group Identity Evropa.

    Antelope Hill Publishing, however, did not limit itself to publishing works that promoted fascist ideology. They are also active in promoting the activities of other white nationalist groups, like the National Justice Party and Patriot Front and have appeared at in-person get-togethers of these groups, like a July 2021 NJP event in Lancaster, Ohio.

    Four formerly pseudonymous Antelope Hill Publishing authors, from left to right: Benjamin Welton, Jesse Ogden, Grace Wainwright, John Metz.
    Four formerly pseudonymous Antelope Hill Publishing authors, from left to right: Benjamin Miller Welton ("Sinclair Jenkins"), Jesse Daniel Ogden ("Borzoi Boskovic," "John Chapman"), Grace Wainwright ("Branka Ryan"), John Robert Metz ("Jack McKraken").
    Antelope HIll Publishing at a National Justice Party conference in the summer of 2021 in a promotional video. Thomas Rousseau of the neo-Nazi group Patriot Front was also present.
    Antelope HIll Publishing at a National Justice Party conference in the summer of 2021 in a promotional video. Thomas Rousseau of the neo-Nazi group Patriot Front was also present.

    The two persons in charge of Antelope Hill Publishing used the online pseudonyms of "Paul" (or sometimes "Paulie") and "Maggie" (who later used the pseudonym "Margaret Bauer"). These two, according to statements they made in various podcast appearances and on their Twitter timeline (where they currently post as @Baudrijard and @MargaretBauer88, formerly @tradcath_14, respectively). Some things we learned from their own statements were that they were married sometime between Apr 14, 2020 and April 30, 2020 and that "Maggie" was a 9th grade biology teacher.

    "Paul" states that he will be getting married in April of 2020, which we later narrowed down to the latter two weeks of the month.
    "Paul" states that he will be getting married in April of 2020, which we later narrowed down to the latter two weeks of the month. [archive]
    Posting as @tradcath_14 "Maggie" states that she is a 9th grade biology teacher.
    Posting as @tradcath_14 "Maggie" states that she is a 9th grade biology teacher. [archive]
    "Maggie" was not fond of her non-white students.
    "Maggie" was not fond of her non-white students. [archive]


    Although Antelope Hill Publishing's website was live and selling books by August 2020, state records show that they were not established as a business in Pennsylvania until the next year, when they registered as a foreign limited liability company on January 28, 2021. State documents list a "John Miller" as the "Chief Publishing Officer" (which the SPLC reporting notes is likely a fictitious name) and the mailing address of the LLC was a UPS Store box in Quakertown, Pennsylvania. Being registered as a foreign LLC, the records show that the company was formed in New Mexico on February 18, 2020. Although New Mexico is known for their privacy laws regarding LLCs, it is unclear why they chose to form there, since they had to register as a foreign LLC in Pennsylvania to do business there anyway. They operated as a business in Pennsylvania for several months before becoming a legal business in that state.

    Antelope Hill Publishing formed as a limited liability company in New Mexico on February 18, 2020.
    Antelope Hill Publishing formed as a limited liability company in New Mexico on February 18, 2020. (Source: NM Secretary of State)
    Antelope Hill Publishing registered as a foreign LLC in Pennsylvania on january 28, 2021, despite already having done business in that state for several months. "John Miller" was listed as "Chief Publishing Officer" with a Quakertown mailing address that led to a UPS Store.
    Antelope Hill Publishing registered as a foreign LLC in Pennsylvania on January 28, 2021, despite already having done business in that state for several months. "John Miller" was listed as "Chief Publishing Officer" with a Quakertown mailing address that led to a UPS Store. (Source: PA Secretary of State)

    Curiously, the string of LLCs did not end there. Soon after the formation of the New Mexico company, Antelope Hill Publishing appeared as the officer of a Baton Rouge, Louisiana company called Steven and Son Book Publishing, established on March 18, 2020. The domicile and mailing address of this company became meaningful in September 2021 when the hacktivist group Anonymous (unrelated to the Anonymous Comrades Collective) released a massive set of breached data from the right-wing-friendly domain name registrar In this breach we found that Antelope Hill Publishing had registered a domain through Epik. This domain, "," is a different domain from the main store website. Despite the fact that Antelope Hill Publishing uses the service Cloudflare to obfuscate the host of their website, we tracked their servers to Digital Ocean. The name of the registrant was listed as "Antelope Hill Publishing" and the address of the registrant was the same as the address on record for Steven and Son Book Publishing. Additionally, the entry in the Epik data listed a phone number, which led us to our first identification of someone associated with the Antelope Hill Publishing company.

    Antelope Hill Publishing was listed as an officer for the Louisiana limited liability company Steven and Son Book Publishing LLC. The domicile and mailing address would turn up again in the massive leak of by Anonymous.
    Antelope Hill Publishing was listed as an officer for the Louisiana limited liability company Steven and Son Book Publishing LLC. The domicile and mailing address would turn up again in the massive leak of by Anonymous.
    The billing address for Antelope Hill Publishing found in the leak of data was the same address used to register Steven and Son Book Publishing in Louisiana. Additionally, a phone number was listed, which provided our next lead (some information redacted in the image).
    The billing address for Antelope Hill Publishing found in the leak of data was the same address used to register Steven and Son Book Publishing in Louisiana. Additionally, a phone number was listed, which provided our next lead (some information redacted in the image).

    Freeman Matthews III, SS, and an Epik Fail

    This phone number we found in the breach of data led us to Freeman Rudolph Matthews III of Metarie and Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Matthews graduated from Jesuit High School of New Orleans in 2015 and briefly attended Louisiana State University to study political science in Baton Rouge before taking a break from college for a stint in the US Army. He has since returned to LSU as a student.

    Freeman Rudolph Matthews III (highlighted) in his graduating class photo at Jesuit High School in New Orleans, 2015.
    Freeman Rudolph Matthews III (highlighted) in his graduating class photo at Jesuit High School in New Orleans, 2015.
    Freeman Matthews III as a student at LSU in 2016.
    Freeman Matthews III as a student at LSU in 2016
    Freeman Matthews III, after a short stint in the army, returned to LSU.
    Freeman Matthews III, after a short stint in the army, returned to LSU.

    While it is unclear what specific role Matthews plays in Antelope Hill Publishing, the fact that he registered an LLC and domain name associated with Antelope Hill Publishing is evidence that his role is significant. We suspect he run the Antelope Hill Publishing Twitter account and perhaps other social media promotions for the company. It is also unclear what role Steven and Son Book Publishing plays, besides the fact that its initials "S.S." are reminiscent of those of the World War II Nazi SS, or Schutzstaffel. Whatever its role, it is important enough for them to keep the LLC active. Its filing papers with the state have been renewed for another year.

    History of Hate at Penn State

    An address and phone number supplied by a confidential source provided more leads. The address was that of a residential house in Greenville, Pennsylvania and the phone number led to an individual named Dmitri Anatolievich Loutsik. Loutsik was interesting. Born on February 14, 1997 and originally from West Virginia, Loutsik attended Pennsylvania State University and was chairman of the Bull Moose Party, a pro-Trump student group at Penn State. The Bull-Moose Party had a significant presence on campus during the 2016 US presidential election, supporting candidate Donald Trump with some controversial antics. On one occasion Loutsik and others supported then-candidate Trump's promise to build a literal wall between the US and Mexico by staging a "build the wall" event on campus.

    The Bull Moose Party was a right-wing, pro-Trump student organization at Penn State University.
    The Bull Moose Party was a right-wing, pro-Trump student organization at Penn State University.

    Dimitri Loutsik (left, in sunglasses) at a "Build the Wall" event.
    Dimitri Loutsik (left, in sunglasses) at a "Build the Wall" event. [Archive]
    Former Bull Moose Party Chairman Dmitri Loutsik "laughs in delight" during an event welcoming Eric Trump to State College on Monday, November 7, 2016. [Archive]

    Dimitri Loutsik
    Dimitri Anatolievich Loutsik
    "(From left) Elliot Jersild, Avery Weinrich and Dmitri Loutsik after a Republican Party of Pennsylvania meeting in State College. Courtesy of Dmitri Loutsik"
    (From left) Elliot Jersild, Avery Weinrich and Dmitri Loutsik after a Republican Party of Pennsylvania meeting in State College. [Archive]
    Dmitri Anatolievich Loutsik
    Dmitri Anatolievich Loutsik


    As if being a pro-Trumper wasn't bad enough, Loutsik also attracted the attention of local antifascists who identified him as being a member of a neo-Nazi campus group calling themselves the American Student Front. Reported in tweet thread by Twitter user @JackTheCapn, local antifascists had posted flyers on campus exposing the members of this group. The American Student Front, also calling themselves "The Pennsylvania Free Corps", ran a Twitter account @ASFPenn (now suspended) that promoted extreme right-wing talking points. One of these campus neo-Nazis, Felippe Maher, after becoming a commissioned officer in the US Marine Corps, was later booted from the service for his ties to white supremacists. Two other persons named in the antifascist flyers would turn out to be key figures later in our investigation: Vincent Cucchiara and Sarah Nahrgang.

    A flyer posted on Penn State campus by antifascists identifying Dmitri Loutsik as being a member of a campus neo-Nazi group American Student Front.
    A flyer posted on Penn State campus by antifascists identifying Dmitri Loutsik as being a member of a campus neo-Nazi group American Student Front.
    A flyer posted on Penn State campus by antifascists identifying members of a campus neo-Nazi group American Student Front.
    A flyer posted on Penn State campus by antifascists identifying members of a campus neo-Nazi group American Student Front, who also called themselves the Pennsylvania Free Corps.
    An archived view of the American Student Front Twitter account. Note the use of skull and "fashwave" imagery popular with neo-Nazi movements.
    An archived view of the American Student Front Twitter account. Note the use of skull and "fashwave" imagery popular with neo-Nazi movements. [Archive]
    The photo on the left was posted on the Facebook page of Kevin Fenchak. The photo on the right was posted to the ASF Penn Twitter account. Although the faces on the photo on the right have been obscured, they are clearly wearing the same clothes. From left to right, unidentified person, David Marulanda, Dimitri Loutsik and Kevin Fenchak. (Source: Twitter @JackTheCapn).
    The photo on the left was posted on the Facebook page of Kevin Fenchak (far right) who is standing next to Dmitri Loutsik in the photo. The photo on the right was posted to the ASF Penn Twitter account. Although the faces on the photo on the right have been obscured, they are clearly wearing the same clothes. (Source: Twitter @JackTheCapn).


    But first, back to that address…

    The address from the confidential source was attached to Dmitri Loutsik's phone number and led to house in a quiet, wooded area of Greenville, Pennsylvania. Loutsik's parents run several successful real estate business, so it was fitting that this neo-Nazi rich kid had something to do with Antelope Hill Publishing's property arrangements. Described as a home "in need of TLC," it was listed for $359,999, however it was removed from the market on June 2, without a buyer.

    This Greenville, PA home is currently listed for sale (listing photo).
    This Greenville, PA home is currently listed for sale (listing photo).

    Despite the healthy asking price (down $20k from a few weeks ago), the previous owner appeared to be in a hurry to sell. Most homeowners when selling a house try to advertise the best photos they have to show off their house's attributes, but the owner of this Greenville house apparently chose to display a "lived in" look, not even cleaning the moss off the roof, the mildew from the bathroom tiles or even the stains in the toilet bowl.

    Who doesn't even clean the toilet when taking pics to sell a house?

    Upon closer inspection, there were more telltale signs of nastiness in this house. Multiple copies of Antelope Hill Publishing's books were visible on the shelves as well as a curious amount of packaging material. In one photo a quote by Adolf Hitler from Mein Kampf can barely be made out, written on a whiteboard with a dry erase marker: "Obstacles are placed across our path in life, not to be boggled at but to be surmounted."

    Avalon Hill Publishing books were visible in this house's real estate listing photos.
    Antelope Hill Publishing books were visible in this house's real estate listing photos.
    Zoom in to the whiteboard on the left wall and you can just barely make out a quote by Adolf Hitler...
    Zoom in to the whiteboard on the left wall and you can just barely make out a quote by Adolf Hitler…
    ..."Obstacles are placed across our path in life, not to be boggled at but to be surmounted."
    …"Obstacles are placed across our path in life, not to be boggled at but to be surmounted."

    Dmitri Loutsik, however, was not the owner of this house. County property records show that this house was owned by yet another LLC.  In May 2021 this house was purchased by Montgomery County Properties LLC, a domestic Pennsylvania LLC. The organizer of this LLC was yet another LLC, American Living Spaces LLC out of Sheridan, Wyoming. The contact on file for American Living Spaces LLC was a commercial registered agent, so there was nothing to be learned there. But we concluded American Living Spaces LLC was created for the sole purpose of registering Montgomery County Properties LLC since it was registered on August 13, 2020, just one day before the registration of of the other company.

    What was the purpose of this chain of LLCs? Perhaps it was an attempt to obfuscate the true owner of this property. Perhaps they thought that with enough layers any curious onlookers would lose the trail. This is a reasonable assumption, but if this was their intent it was executed so poorly that it was almost comical. Despite the layers of obsuscation, none of that mattered because the county property records for the property in question pointed to an owner address that belonged to neither of these LLCs. While the official owner was Montgomery County Properties LLC, the property record pointed to a residential address in nearby Green Lane, Pennsylvania. Furthermore, the business filing for Montgomery County Properties LLC showed that it was submitted by Vincent Cucchiara, whose residential address was the address listed on the record of the Landis Lane property. Therefore, for practical purposes, Vincent Cucchiara was responsible for this property and all their attempts to elude discovery was a waste of effort.

    The Greenville house was owned by a PA LLC, owned by a WY LLC. However, the documents filed with the Pennsylvania Secretary of State indicated they were submitted by a local person named Vincent Cucchiara.
    The Greenville house was owned by a PA LLC, owned by a WY LLC. However, the documents filed with the Pennsylvania Secretary of State indicated they were submitted by a local person named Vincent Cucchiara.

    Say Hello to the Cucchiaras

    At the address which was listed as the owner of the Greenville lived a married couple, Vincent Cucchiara and his wife Sarah (Nahrgang) Cucchiara. These two names were familiar since they were also identified in the exposé of the American Student Front neo-Nazis at Penn State. This couple, married on April 18, 2020 (just as we figured "Paul" and "Maggie" to have been) had a long history of racism and white supremacist associations.

    Vincent and Sarah Elizabeth (Nahrgang) Cucchiara, alias "Paul" and "Maggie."
    Vincent and Sarah Elizabeth (Nahrgang) Cucchiara, alias "Paul" and "Maggie."
    Vincent and Sarah were married on April 28, 2020, within the date range we estimated, shown by his Facebook profile.
    Vincent and Sarah were married on April 28, 2020, within the date range we estimated, shown by his Facebook profile.
    A flyer posted by antifascists at Penn State identifying Vincent Cucchiara and Sarah Nahrgang as members of a campus neo-Nazi gang.
    A flyer posted by antifascists at Penn State identifying Vincent Cucchiara and Sarah Nahrgang as members of a campus neo-Nazi gang.

    Vincent Conne Cucchiara, aka "Paul", founder of Antelope Hill Publishing

    Vincent Conne Cucchiara, born October 28, 1997, has a long history of racism and antisemitism. In 2016, around the time of the US presidential election, Cucchiara was an avid supporter of Donald Trump and a member of the Penn State Bull Moose party, along with Dmitri Loutsik (as a side note, Robert Morss, once-chairman of the Bull-Moose Party, was arrested in June 2021 for his involvement in the January 6, 2021 Capitol Building insurrection). As "Paul," Cucchiara stated on a podcast that he had publishing experience. While technically true perhaps, this was somewhat an exaggeration. Cucchiara, a chemical engineering student, ran a student paper called The State Patriot alongside a website of the same name which is visible on the Internet Archive's Wayback Machine.  Other writers for this website included Sarah Nahrgang and Kevin Fenchak, another person named as a Penn State American Student Front Nazi.

    Vincent Cucchiara (right) and Elliot Jersild at an "Ask a Trump Supporter" Bull-Moose Party event in 2017.
    Vincent Cucchiara (right) and Elliot Jersild at an "Ask a Trump Supporter" Bull Moose Party event in 2017. [Archive]
    Vincent Cucchiara (left) with other Bull-Moose Party members Robert Morss (center) and Dom DeCinti (right).
    Vincent Cucchiara (left) with other Bull Moose Party members Robert Morss (center) and Dom DeCinti (right). Robert Morss was arrested in June 2021 for his involvement in the January 6 Capitol Building insurrection.[Archive]

    Vincent Cucchiara in 2017.
    Vincent Cucchiara in 2017.
    Vincent Cucchiara as pictured in a flyer identifying his involvement in a white nationalist group.
    Vincent Cucchiara as pictured in a flyer identifying his involvement in a white nationalist group.

    Writing as "vinniecap974" in 2018 on an internet Bitcoin chat room, Cucchiara made his antisemitism very clear stating, "I have zero qualms about agitating jews, especially jewish women … And even more especially jewish men about their jewish mothers" and "You can call me antisemitic if you want."

    "You can all me antisemitic if you want" writes Vincent Cucchiara in an internet chat room.
    "You can all me antisemitic if you want" writes Vincent Cucchiara in an internet chat room. [Archive]

    Writing as "Anthony Romano," Cucchiara also contributed to the "Fash The Nation" blog, home of what was once the Alt-Right's most popular podcast of the same name. In blog commentary through Disqus, Cucchiara noted that this was so, also noting in another comment that he was an engineer.

    Vincent Cucchiara also contributed to "Fash The Nation" as "Anthony Romano."
    Vincent Cucchiara also contributed to "Fash The Nation" as "Anthony Romano." [archive]
    Cucchiara commented that he wrote for "Fash The Nation" and that he studied engineering on Disqus.

    Cucchiara commented that he wrote for "Fash The Nation" and that he studied engineering on Disqus.
    Cucchiara commented that he wrote for "Fash The Nation" and that he studied engineering on Disqus. [archive]

    Cucchiara also noted on his "Anthony Romano" Disqus profile that he used the name "PCTriggersMe" on Twitter and YouTube, as well as for an AOL email address he advertised, which corroborates the findings of the Penn State antifascists who exposed Cucchiara while he was a college student.

    Vincent Cucchiara graduatiing from Penn State in 2019 (source: Facebook).
    Vincent Cucchiara graduatiing from Penn State in 2019 (source: Facebook).

    Although Cucchiara studied chemical engineering at Penn State, he currently makes ends meet as a real estate agent, working for eXp Realty. As a matter of fact, Cucchiara was handling the sale of the Greenville house, which was owned on paper by an LLC, but registered with the county using Cucchiara's Green Lane, PA address.

    Vincent Cucchiara's contact page at eXp Realty. His contact information is public, but we have redacted it to comply with this platform's terms of service.
    Vincent Cucchiara's contact page at eXp Realty. His contact information is public, but we have redacted it to comply with this platform's terms of service.
    This property "presented by Vincent Cucchiara with EXP Realty" is currently for sale.
    This property "presented by Vincent Cucchiara with EXP Realty" is currently for sale.
    A young Vincent Cucchiara proudly showing off his project at a science fair in 2012. (Source: Facebook)
    A young Vincent Cucchiara proudly showing off his project at a science fair in 2012. (Source: Facebook)
    Vincent Cucchiara at a high school art show in 2013 (source: Facebook).
    Vincent Cucchiara at a high school art show in 2013 (source: Facebook).
    Vincent Cucchiara in high school with bleached blonde hair (source: Facebook).
    Vincent Cucchiara in high school with bleached blonde hair (source: Facebook).
    Vincent Cucchiara in 2016.
    Vincent Cucchiara in 2016.

    Sarah Elizabeth (Nahrgang) Cucchiara, aka "Maggie" aka "Margaret Bauer", Editor-in-Chief

    Sarah Elizabeth Nahrgang is the daughter of a bankruptcy lawyer in Collegeville, Pennsylvania, born on January 30, 1996. She attended Penn State with Vincent Cucchiara and studied secondary biology education, when she wasn't busy being a campus neo-Nazi. On one occasion when Penn State students staged a protest against the campus store of the conservative chicken sandwich vendor Chik-fil-A for their anti-LGBTQ+ policies, Nahrgang "thought it was a great opportunity to eat the food near the protestors," even though she also stated she didn't usually eat their product "due to its price."

    Sarah (Nahrgang) Cucchiara while at Penn State (Source: Facebook).
    Sarah (Nahrgang) Cucchiara while at Penn State (Source: Facebook).


    It's no surprise that she also wrote for Cucchiara's website The State Patriot, as mentioned earlier. In one article she ridiculed the Transgender Day of Remembrance, commemorating those who have died from anti-trans violence, writing "Transgenderism is a massive problem for all those who succumb to its siren song" and that "The real victims that should be remembered today are the children whose parents allow them to take puberty blockers and cross sex hormones … and push them to suicide." In another article she derided the commemoration of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., writing, "Today marks the 33rd year of nationally honoring King’s legacy as a leader in the civil rights movement while ignoring his extramarital affairs, socialist leanings, and support for population control." Nahrgang was identified, along with Cucchiara and others, as a member of the campus neo-Nazis American Student front.

    Sarah Cucchiara (then Nahrgang) while at Penn State (Source: Facebook).
    Sarah Cucchiara (then Nahrgang) while at Penn State (Source: Facebook).
    Sarah Nahrgang was identified by local antifascists as a member of the campus neo-Nazo group American Student Front.
    Sarah Nahrgang was identified by local antifascists as a member of the campus neo-Nazi group American Student Front.


    On the Facebook page of The State Patriot, which is still up at the time of writing, when someone posed a question about what to with children of deported immigrants, The State Patriot flippantly replied, "Murder them in cold blood." While we can't know who was the author of this comment, it presents a picture of their attitude towards marginalized people. Murdering children, though, would seem to be at odds with Sarah Nahrgang's active involvement with Penn State's anti-choice student group "Students for Life."

    The State Patriot's flippant and extreme response to a question posed to them on their Facebook page.


    Vincent Cucchiara (front row, far left) and Sarah Nahrgang (front row, third from left) in Washington, D.C., January 19, 2018 (Source: Facebook).
    Vincent Cucchiara (front row, far left) and Sarah Nahrgang (front row, third from left) in Washington, D.C., January 19, 2018 (Source: Facebook).
    Sarah Nahrgang, aka "Maggie," aka "Margaret Bauer" became Sarah Cucchiara in April 18, 2020.
    Sarah Nahrgang, aka "Maggie," aka "Margaret Bauer" became Sarah Cucchiara in April 18, 2020. (Source: Facebook)
    Even neo-Nazis can get pre-wedding jitters. (Source: Facebook)
    Even neo-Nazis can get pre-wedding jitters. (Source: Facebook)
    Vincent and Sarah Cucchiara at their wedding, April 18, 2020 (Source: Facebook).
    Vincent and Sarah Cucchiara at their wedding, April 18, 2020 (Source: Facebook).

    After college, Nahrgang got a job teaching 9th grade biology for the Norristown Area School District. In June of 2020 the school district placed her under investigation for racist social media posts. In a statement, the school district wrote that they would "take swift and appropriate action in this matter" but also that they would be "unable to comment on any specific disciplinary actions." She quietly lost her teaching position, but a look at the Pennsylvania teacher certification website shows that she retains her certification.

    A statement from the Norristown Are School District in response to racist social media posts from one of their teachers.
    A statement from the Norristown Area School District in response to racist social media posts from one of their teachers.
    Sarah (Nahrgang) Cucchiara is no longer a teacher, but still retains her certification.
    Sarah (Nahrgang) Cucchiara is no longer a teacher, but still retains her certification.

    Sarah Nahrgang in a video lesson to her students on her Youtube page
    Sarah Nahrgang in a video lesson to her students on her Youtube page. [Archive]
    She wasn't a very good teacher anyway. [archive]
    She wasn't a very good teacher anyway. [archive]

    While Sarah Cucchiara previous used the Twitter handle "@tradcath_14," she now uses the handle "@MargaretBauer88" (notably, both the numbers "14" and "88" are neo-Nazi code for the "14 words" and "Heil Hitler," the letter "H" being the 8th letter in the English alphabet). In the tweet pictured below the Antelope Hill Publishing Twitter account noted that "Margaret Bauer" is their editor-in-chief and she made clear that is her pen name.


    Not Just Book Publishers

    In recent leaks of communications by the neo-Nazi organization Patriot Front, Antelope Hill Publishing was mentioned by Patriot Front member Kyle Morelli, who used the alias "Vincent TX" and "Vincent PA," identified by NYC Antifa, regarding a property in Maryland and in reference to an "Antelope Hill Investment Package."

    Kyle Morelli and Daniel Turetchi, two Patriot Front members connected to Antelope Hill Publishing.
    Kyle Morelli and Daniel Turetchi, two Patriot Front members connected to Antelope Hill Publishing.
    Daniel Turetchi as he appears on the website of ExecuHome Realty.
    Real estate agent and Patriot Front neo-Nazi Daniel Turetchi as he appears on the website of ExecuHome Realty.


    Turetchi Developments, associated with the "investment package," is owned by Daniel Turetchi, who was identified by Antifa Seven Hills to be Patriot Front member "Grant MD." Turetchi is a real estate agent with ExecuHome Realty and still appears on their website at the time of writing. The property is owned by Daniel Turetchi's father, Petru Turetchi.

    Although the role this "investment package" plays in the the schemes of Antelope Hill Publishing and Patriot Front is uncertain, what is certain is that Antelope Hill Publishing is not simply a small press whose aim is to "preserve lost works," but an active neo-Nazi organization who coordinates with other like organizations to further their cause of white supremacy.

    This investigation is ongoing.



    Vincent Conne Cucchiara of Antelope Hill Publishing
    Vincent Conne Cucchiara of Antelope Hill Publishing in what appears to be one of several fedoras.



    Racist User "Thomas Paine": Robert Lee Parker Jr. of Sebring, Florida

    June is Pride month and the Anonymous Comrades Collective stands in solidarity with our LGBTQ+ comrades! It is also approaching the one-year anniversary of our exposé of the creator of the racist social media site So what better way to celebrate than to spotlight a user who is definitely not a fan of Pride month? In fact, the topic of this report enjoys posting particularly nasty and violent posts against the LGBTQ+ community as well as against communities color. Although he claims to be a "free speech" advocate, he is actually a "speech without consequences" advocate. We are all for free speech; without it this dumb bozo would have never opened his big mouth and attracted our attention. We present to you today user "Thomas Paine," known in everyday life as Robert Lee Parker, Jr. of Sebring, Florida. We hope he has a very memorable Pride month!

    " Fediverse for shitposters"

    "Thomas Pain" on (using a photshopped image of the actor John Hamm).
    "Thomas Paine" on (using a photoshopped image of the actor John Hamm for a profile photo).

    "Thomas Paine" was one of the many racist users we encountered while exploring the Nazi-friendly social media site, a site whose owner claims to be “the most racist social media site on the planet.” We exposed its creator, Daniel Stevens of Ontario, Canada (who goes by the alias "Anime Graf Mays") nearly a year ago. Ever since, Stevens has been alternating between complaining about his exposé and claiming that it "made him more attractive to women." Stevens began Pride month by making it clear that LGBTQ+ persons were not welcome on, writing: "since it's pride month poast is participating by not having pride logos, forcing homosexual mental illnesses on its users or otherwise subverting the nuclear family. if you have an issue with that you can show your pride by leaving"

    Anti LGBTQ+ post by Dan "Graf" Stevens
    Daniel "Anime Graf Mays" Stevens, creator of
    Daniel "Anime Graf Mays" Stevens, creator of

    Of course, is an awful social media on which racism, antisemitism, Islamophobia, sexism, homophobia and transphobia are not only tolerated but encouraged. However, being what it is, we have to admit has provided us with a fair amount terrible people to expose. First, was the freelance writer and school teacher Benjamin Welton, who called himself "The Spooky Nationalist." Then we exposed the neo-Nazi podcaster and blogger known as "Borzoi Boskivic" as Detroit-area Jesse Ogden. Soon after came Daniel Stevens himself, followed by another neo-Nazi podcaster Matthew Marvin Distler. After that, neo-Nazi Lutheran pastor Blake Louis Kilbourne got to spend some time in the limelight. If is anything, it's a veritable bounty of dumb nazis just waiting to be exposed.

    As for user "Thomas Paine," he is not a fan of June being Pride month, since it also happens to be his birthday month.

    "Thomas Paine" is not a fan of Price month.
    "Thomas Paine" is not a fan of Price month. [archive]

    One of his favorite things for him to do was spread violent anti-LGBTQ+ posts on the website. In several posts, "Thomas Paine" implied that he would shoot LGBTQ+ persons by writing variations of "hold on, loading my rifle" over images about LGBTQ+ people. In one recent post, "Thomas Paine" suggested that Pride month event participants be executed "right there on the spot."

    Violent anti-LGBTQ+ post
    Violent anti-LGBTQ+ post
    Anti-LGBTQ+ post
    Violent anti-LGBTQ+ post.

    "Thomas Paine" made it clear that he especially hated trans people in numerous posts, as in one pictured below where he mocked suicides of trans youths.

    Post mocking suicides of trans youths.
    "I hate trans women because…" [archive]

    But "Thomas Paine" doesn't just mock, ridicule and threaten LGBTQ+ people. Jewish people are also a frequent target of his, unsurprisingly, as demonstrated by the antisemitic post pictured in a screen shot below.

    Antisemitic post by "Thomas Paine."
    Antisemitic post by "Thomas Paine." [archive]
    And, of course, people of color are a standard target of ridicule for "Thomas Paine."

    A racist post by "Thomas Paine."
    A racist post by "Thomas Paine." [archive]
    "Black women ... really are by and large some rude inconsiderate entitled beasts," writes "Thomas Paine."
    "Black women … really are by and large some rude inconsiderate entitled beasts," writes "Thomas Paine." [archive]
    "Thomas Paine" sees himself as a "conqueror" of indigenous peoples.
    "Thomas Paine" sees himself as a "conqueror" of indigenous peoples. [archive]

    Like many white supremacist males, "Thomas Paine" has a racist and sexist fetish for Asian women, as he explained in his introductory post on the site, writing, " I do have yellow fever for the AZN wahmenz."

    "Thomas Paine" has a racist fetish for Asian women.
    "Thomas Paine" has a racist fetish for Asian women. [archive]

    When Halloween of 2021 approached, "Thomas Paine" was eager to show off his house decorated with a Halloween theme and posted a short video of it on Poast. The big dummy's house number was also plainly visible in the video. Although the video was not preserved on archive sites, this is fine since we don't want to publicize his residential address anyway (but the video, at the time of writing, is still visible on his Twitter timeline).

    A redacted still from a video "Thomas Paine" posted on Poast in which his house number is plainly visible.
    A redacted still from a video "Thomas Paine" posted on Poast in which his house number is plainly visible.

    When other users noted the amount of personal information he was disclosing "Thomas Paine" basically laughed it off, although he did delete this post from his timeline. By then, however, it was too late, since we already saw it. After learning his house number and deducing what area in Florida he lived from his other posts, it was a simple matter to identify "Thomas Paine"'s true identity.

    "…so it's whatever." [archive]
    Posts like this one told us where in Florida "Thomas Paine" lives.
    Posts like this one told us where in Florida "Thomas Paine" lives. [archive]

    Wishing an (un)Happy Birthday to Robert Lee Parker Jr. user "Thomas Paine" is, in real life, Robert Lee Parker Jr. (also known as "Bobby Lee Parker"), born June 9, 1982, of Sebring, Florida. He just recently celebrated his 40th birthday.

    Robert Lee Parker Jr., aka "Thomas Paine" on Poast.
    Robert Lee Parker Jr., aka "Thomas Paine" on

    Imagine a 40-year old man posting shit like this:


    Parker recently got a job promotion at his job, but his first instinct was to get on and ridicule his boss for her support of the LGBTQ+ community. He wrote: "Got an email from the person who promoted me and it not only has her pronouns but also a rainbow heart with LGBTQ beneath it. Literally in her email signature. Yes, we get it, your sexuality is so much the basis of your identity that you have to put it in every single email."

    Parker got a promotion, then promptly ridicules his boss on
    Parker got a promotion, then promptly ridicules his boss on [archive]

    Parker's LinkedIn page is vague and may not have been accurately updated, but he has worked in the information technology and career recruiting fields. He recently interviewed for a work-from-home tech job.

    A view of Robert Lee Parker Jr's LinkedIn page.
    A view of Robert Lee Parker Jr's LinkedIn page.

    Very conveniently for us, Parker posted a "White Boy Summer" meme on which featured a photo of himself. Although he obscured the lower part of his face and wore large sunglasses in the photo, he failed to cover a distinct, identifying crease in his forehead.

    Parker using the racist "White Boy Summer" meme on Poast.
    Parker using the racist "White Boy Summer" meme on Poast. [archive]
    Parker has a distinctive crease in his forehead that he failed to cover.
    Parker has a distinctive crease in his forehead that he failed to cover.
    Robert Lee Parker Jr in a yearbook photo from Sebring High School.
    Robert Lee Parker Jr in a yearbook photo from Sebring High School, class of 2000.


    Robert Lee Parker Jr has some real tough-guy opinions on gun ownership in the US, writing "Especially since every servicemember who talks gun control was a POG or discharged anyways, Oh wow TYFYS in the National Guard reserve, cuck" (a "POG" being military jargon for a service member in a non-combat occupational specialty). But Parker himself only spent a single month in active duty status twenty years ago while in the Marine Corps, for whatever reason. It's easy to talk tough on the internet.

    Parker talks tough, but he spent only one month in active duty status in the Marine Corps Reserve twenty years ago.
    Parker talks tough, but he spent only one month in active duty status in the Marine Corps twenty years ago. [archive]

    But when does tough-guy talk become real-life terror? In the post pictured below, Parker writes "We ready" above a meme about "grocery shopping" at the houses of politicians and journalists, a sick allusion to the May 14, 2022 mass shooting at a Buffalo, NY supermarket by a racist murderer.

    Parker writes that he is "ready" to murder politicians and journalists.
    Parker writes that he is "ready" to murder politicians and journalists. [archive]

    Parker also mentioned his wife numerous times and it turns out she is just as awful as he is. In the posts pictured below Parker shows off phone text messages between him and his "based tradwife" as she ridicules people of color and body-shames other women.

    Parker publicly posted a text message to him from his wife Amber.
    Parker publicly posted a text message to him from his wife Amber. [archive]
    His wife Amber is definitely racist and in general and all-around "mean girl." [archive]

    Robert L. Parker Jr and racist mean-girl wife Amber Rianne Parker.
    Robert L. Parker Jr and racist mean-girl wife Amber Rianne Parker on their wedding day, from his Facebook page.


    Robert L Parker's wife, Amber Rianne (Jones) Parker runs a small cake business on Facebook called "Little Bird Cakes." She has an Instagram page for her cake business, too, at @ltlbirdcakes.

    Amber Rianne Parker's cake business on Instagram.
    Amber Rianne Parker's cake business on Instagram.
    Robert Lee Parker Jr and Amber Rianne Parker, from a Facebook post.
    Robert Lee Parker Jr and Amber Rianne Parker, from a Facebook post.
    True love. [archive]

    Parker is also on Twitter using the handle "@abobbination," a name he uses frequently on the internet. Although he saves the worst stuff for, he frequently cross-posts the same material on Twitter.

    Robert Lee Parker Jr's Twitter account.
    Robert Lee Parker Jr's Twitter account.


    Parker's racists posts on are particularly awful since his niece and nephew are persons of color. How would they feel to know their uncle thinks less of them because of their race?

    Parker posts racist memes like this on… [archive]
    …but his niece and nephew are persons of color (from a public Twitter post).


    Welcome to the Sunlight

    Parker is just one of several thousand "shitposters" on who strive for cheap internet points by writing bigoted messages while hiding behind an alias. But while they dismiss their talk as mere "shitposting," the veiled threats against persons of color and the LGBTQ+ community are real. Robert Lee Parker Jr has implied that he is willing to shoot and kill LGBTQ+ persons in his posts. Threats like these can't be ignored. People like Parker may think they aren't important enough to notice and happily contribute to the morass of bigoted filth on the internet. That reason alone is enough to shove Parker into the sunlight, but it is also important to remember that no threats to peaceful communities can be ignored. Robert Lee Parker Jr. of Sebring, Florida is a threat to our communities.


    Robert Lee Parker Jr and wife Amber Rianne Parker.
    Robert Lee Parker Jr and wife Amber Rianne Parker.


    Neo-Nazi Author "Jack McKraken" Revealed: John Robert Metz of Middletown, New York

    In past reports we have identified several pseudonymous authors published by the neo-Nazi small press Antelope Hill Publishing. First there was Ben Welton, who wrote under the pen name "Sinclair Jenkins." Then we exposed Jesse Ogden as the prolific white nationalist podcaster "Borzoi Boskovic" writing as "John Chapman." We next identified "Branka Ryan" who wrote an Antelope Hill Publishing book for "white children." Since the author was a minor at the time we did not expose her, but instead exposed her mother and enabler, Amy Wainwright, who uses the alias "Clarion Wakefield" on "Avalon Rising," a neo-Nazi women's chat group on Telegram messenger.

    Today we bring to you former correction officer and writer for Antelope Hill Publishing "Jack McKraken," who a wrote a memoir of his time working in a New York state prison. While we learned that he indeed was a correction officer for the New York Department of Corrections and Community Supervision (DOCCS) we also learned that he had a distubing history in white nationalism, even while working as a correction officer, and it didn't end there.

    Livin' The Dream

    Published on November 11, 2020, Livin' the Dream is the the memoir of pseudonymous author "Jack McKraken," described by the publisher as "a deep dive into the beating heart of American Corrections [sic]." The publisher states on their website:

    Antelope Hill is proud to publish Livin’ the Dream as its second original work. Jack McKraken’s work is not just a memoir of exciting anecdotes and useful tips, but an account of how one can survive and keep their sanity within one of the most soul-crushing settings known to man. This title is a must-read for anyone who may find themselves in prison, regardless of which side of the bars.

    But while the book is ostensibly about one correction officer's experiences and his view of the prison system, the book is actually a diatribe against liberal politics and so-called "social justice warriors" tinted with distinctly racist overtones. "McKraken," who began his literary career with a self-published science-fiction novel that went nowhere, refrains from using outright racial slurs for the most part, but with passages like, "The snitch was a conniving black, a creature eager to leverage his racial power over unsuspecting white men by putting pen to paper anytime his targets used off-color language, cut a corner, discussed controversies, or anything that might be deemed inappropriate by the State's investigatory nannies," outright slurs are unnecessary. "McKraken" devotes an entire chapter to "How prison leads to race realism and shatters pre-existing liberal notions." He wrote:

    A prison is a place where you can figuratively reach into a big hat marked “stereotypes,” pick one, read it, and then witness that very stereotype unfold right before your eyes within seconds. It's a place where fried chicken day sees the biggest mess hall turnout by blacks. It's a place where Hispanic visitors regularly are denied entry because they don't have photo ID. It's a place where Rastafarians get busted for stashing weed in the nooks and crannies of their unwashed dreadlocks, and where Hasidic Jewish men are vastly overrepresented in the ammonia-scented halls of the sex-offender units.

    Within a year of working behind bars, your understanding of society and life in America (as you understood it via mass media and public education) will be vastly challenged. After two, the illusions are shattered completely. Three or more? By then, your body has thoroughly digested the red pill. You now operate as God (or nature) intended: aware of the differences between the races and completely understanding the truth of race itself. While the bien pensants would consider this a bad thing, whether out of ignorance or self- preservation or full enlistment in the anti-white agenda, race realism places you back in a mindset consistent with thousands of years of human history. Only recently did the inane mantras of pro-diversity proliferate; to reject these mantras wholesale places you back in a category of “normal” along with virtually all of your ancestors.

    This is a common argument among white supremacists, who often cite a perceived "anti-white agenda" and claim that racism is a manufactured concept. "McKraken" further argued that politicians and bureaucrats, "deep in the abyss of political correctness,"  have hamstringed the ability of correction officers to do their jobs. Deriding diversity, "McKraken" wrote:

    In reality, diversity and multiculturalism, and the idea that our society's strength is derived from the worship and tolerance of the other, are wholly fabricated false idols. “Anti-racism” and “tolerance” are fake virtues birthed in the public school system and continually preached throughout every one of our institutions to keep us distracted from the very reality of nature itself.

    His book is not the only platform on which he expressed his views. "Jack McKraken" has also been very active on social media, particularly on Telegram messenger, promoting his book and making his opinions known on a variety of topics. These posts more explicitly presented his neo-Nazi, white nationalist viewpoints. In one post on August 25, 2021 "Jack McKraken" announced that he was about to be married and posted a photo of a cake, which was decorated with a Nazi swastika.

    A pro-Nazi post by "Jack McKraken" on Telegram.
    A pro-Nazi post by "Jack McKraken" on Telegram. [archive]
    "Jack McKraken" forwarded a Telegram post celebrating Adolf Hitler's birthday.
    "Jack McKraken" forwarded a Telegram post celebrating Adolf Hitler's birthday. [archive]

    "Jack McKraken" and his bride-to-be "Jill McKraken" celebrated their upcoming nuptials with a Nazi swastika-decorated cake.
    "Jack McKraken" and his bride-to-be "Jill McKraken" (alias) celebrated their upcoming nuptials with a Nazi swastika-decorated cake.

    While Antelope Hill Publishing professes to be champions of free speech, "Jack McKraken" has a decidedly particular take on whose speech is to be actually free. In one Telegram post he celebrated the Nazis burning books of the "jewish 'intelligentsia' [sic]" and speculated on the future "American version of the Nazi party, whoever inherits that glorious legacy." His channel is a consistent stream of racism, antisemitism and anti-LGBTQ+ sentiment.

    "Jack McKraken"'s take on free speech is decidedly Nazi-centric. [archive]
    "Jack McKraken" questions the abilities of Africa-American physicians in this telegram post.
    "Jack McKraken" questions the abilities of African-American physicians in this telegram post. [archive]
    "Jack McKraken"'s opinions on providing CPR to African-American persons.
    "Jack McKraken"'s opinions on providing CPR to African-American persons. [archive]

    Not just an "online Nazi," "Jack McKraken" is an active participant in white nationalist movements. He stated on his Telegram channel that he was involved in the National Justice Party (NJP), a neo-Nazi organization run by Mike "Enoch" Peinovich, writing that he had been to six out of eight of their conferences.

    Metz, writing as "Jack McKraken," states that he is involved with the NJP on Telegram messenger.
    Metz, writing as "Jack McKraken," states that he is involved with the NJP on Telegram messenger. [archive]

    At one point in the Telegram channel, "Jack McKraken" trolled counselors at The Trevor Project, a suicide prevention and crisis intervention organization for LGBTQ+ and questioning youth, and posted screen shots of an online chat during which he posed as a trans youth in crisis. Besides being an utterly tasteless stunt, it also shows the profound disregard "Jack McKraken" has for youth in crisis and for LGBTQ+ persons.

    [archive 1] [archive 2] [archive 3] [archive 4]

    "Jack McKraken" has also been enjoying some celebrity in online white nationalist literary circles, contributing articles for the white nationalist blog The Hyphen Report, like "The White Mile: Examining the anti-White Bias in Criminal Sentencing," which is probably one of the most implausible titles ever, considering the actual racial inequities that exist in the American criminal justice system.

    "Jack McKraken" was a commenter on the website of Mike "Enoch" Peinovich's "The Right Stuff" neo-Nazi podcast network, which uses Gravatar, a service for providing globally unique avatars. Using a Gravatar account allows commenters to recognize each other across websites. We found the Gravatar information for "Jack McKraken" in the source code of the webpage and learned that he used the profile name "elciv123" with a display name of "El CIv." This was interesting to us since we also found a similar name, "El_Civ," in the Discord Leaks, a massive trove of leaked messages from the neo-Nazi organization Identity Evropa published by Unicorn Riot.

    We found "Jack McKraken" commenting on a neo-Nazi website. The source code of the website (2) gave us what we needed to find his Gravatar profile (3).
    We found "Jack McKraken" commenting on a neo-Nazi website. The source code of the website (2) gave us what we needed to find his Gravatar profile (3). [archive] [archive]

    Identity Evropa

    One participant in an Identity Evropa Discord chat leaked by Unicorn Riot noted a news piece about Identity Evropa propaganda being posted in and around Middletown, New York. The user "El_Civ" replied:

    "I'm responsible for the Middletown stuff. That mayor is a grade-A cuck with known mob ties. He's as corrupt as the day is long. The fact that he labeled me and the rest of us "sick bastards" is actually pretty ironic, and I'm relishing in his contempt. Good work on the phone calls, boys!"

    In another post responding to a news story in which Identity Evropa flyers were found around Orange County Community College in Middletown, "El_Civ" stated that he was proud that his hometown made the news, writing, "I'm thrilled my hometown has made the forfront [sic] of the commotion!"

    The user "El_Civ" claims responsibility for postering Middletown, NY with racist posters.
    The user "El_Civ" claims responsibility for postering Middletown, NY with racist posters. [link]
    "El_Civ" indicated that Middletown, NY was his hometown.
    "El_Civ" indicated that Middletown, NY was his hometown. [link]

    "El_Civ" had also participated in an event called "Defend Identity" during which he and his fellow Identity Evropa members got together to spread their propaganda and posted photos of the event.

    Photos of the "Defend Identity" event posted by "El_Civ."
    Photos of the "Defend Identity" event posted by "El_Civ." [link]

    Elsewhere in the leaks, "El_Civ" posted some touristy photos from a New York city meet-up of local sights and architecture.  One of these photos is used on the Amazon author page for "Jack McKraken," further confirming that "El_Civ" was the same person as "Jack McKraken."

    "El_Civ" posted this photo on Discord. This same photo is used on "Jack McKraken"'s Amazon author page, pictured below.
    "El_Civ" posted this photo on Discord. This same photo is used on "Jack McKraken"'s Amazon author page, pictured below. [link]
    "Jack McKraken"'s Amazon author page
    "Jack McKraken"'s Amazon author page. [archive]

    After Identity Evropa's Discord channels were leaked, the group moved to another platform, Slack, to discuss plans. These chats were also leaked and provided to Unicorn Riot. "El Civ" participated in the early 2019 Slack chats leading up to Identity Evropa's re-branding into the "American Identity Movement. We found him in the "upstate-ny" Slack channel, as well as others in these leaked chats.

    "El Civ" participated in the planning of Identity Evropa's re-branding into the "American Identity Movement," as indicated by leaked Slack chats.
    "El Civ" participated in the planning of Identity Evropa's re-branding into the "American Identity Movement," as indicated by leaked Slack chats. [link]

    While "El_Civ" had provided several valuable tidbits of information in these leaked chats already, he provided yet another when he linked to a YouTube video of an event in New Paltz, New York. The video he linked to was not interesting itself, but the YouTube account that hosted the unlisted video was. The display name of the account's user showed it was attributed to "John M."

    "El_Civ" linked to a video on his YouTube account.
    "El_Civ" linked to a video on his YouTube account. [link]
    This video was posted to a YouTube channel belonging to "John M."
    This video was posted to a YouTube channel belonging to "John M." [link]

    This channel also hosted a game-play video of the video game CounterStrike: Global Offensive in which his gamer handle "El Civ" is visible, so we were confident that the "El_Civ" in the Discord Leaks was the same person that operated this YouTube channel.

    "John M"'s gamer handle "El Civ" is visible in video he posted on his YouTube channel.
    "John M"'s gamer handle "El Civ" is visible in video he posted on his YouTube channel. [link] [archive]

    Based on the working assumption that the former correction officer "Jack McKraken" and the Identity Evropa member "El_Civ" were the same person, we searched public salary records for New York state correction officers in the Middletown area that went by the name "John" with a last name that started with "M." We eventually found who we were looking for.

    "Jack McKraken": John Robert Metz of Middletown, New York

    John Robert Metz of Middletown, New York, born on May 5, 1988,  was a correction officer for the Shawangunk Correctional Facility in Shawangunk, NY, just a thirty minute drive from Middletown. He was employed at that facility for five years, from 2014 to 2019. On July 19, 2019 Metz was placed on the New York state Police/Peace Officer decertification list when he was "removed for cause. While don't know why he was fired, we can safely assume he screwed up something at some point.  Title 9 of New York Codes, Rules and Regulations state: "Removal for cause of a full-time or part-time employee means removal for incompetence or misconduct." As seen by Metz's dates of employment, he was employed as a law enforcement officer while being an active member of a white supremacist organization.

    John Robert Metz, aka "Jack McKraken"
    John Robert Metz, aka "Jack McKraken," in 2019, from a social media post.
    John Robert Metz, aka "Jack McKraken"
    John Robert Metz, aka "Jack McKraken," in 2019, from a social media post.
    John R. Metz's public salary history from [link]

    Confirming that "El_Civ" is indeed John Robert Metz, we found a dating profile on the dating site FriendFinder-X where he used the username "el_civ," listed his location as "Middletown, New York," his birth date as "May 5, 1988" and his photo matched photos of John R. Metz found on social media sites. Furthermore, "El_Civ" noted in the Discord Leaks that he was bald. This is confirmed by his photos.

    John R. Metz (aka "El_Civ," aka "Jack McKraken") on the dating site FriendFinder-X.
    John R. Metz (aka "El_Civ," aka "Jack McKraken") on the dating site FriendFinder-X. [archive]
    John Robert Metz aka "Jack McKraken"
    John Robert Metz aka "Jack McKraken" (image rescaled)

    Another Pseudonymous neo-Nazi Author Made Public

    Antelope Hill Publishing states, "If you are a dissident who wants his voice heard, we want to publish you." They don't mean "dissident" in the conventional sense. By "dissident" they mean the Nazis, fascists, racists and bigots whose goal is to prevent society from being more equal and deny marginalized people their basic human dignity.

    Thus far we have identified four of their pseudonymous authors. While "Jack McKraken" may have been "livin' the dream," John Robert Metz is about to get a rude awakening.

    Update: 5/9/2022

    After we exposed John Robert Metz as "Jack McKraken" several people have come forward with new information about this individual. We have noted earlier in this piece Metz's extreme anti-LGBTQ+ rhetoric. Metz has made numerous defamatory statements about trans people, referring to them using slurs, or calling them "perverts" and the like.

    One example of a Telegram post Metz made equating LGBTQ+ people with "pedos" and "criminal perverts." One example of a Telegram post Metz made equating LGBTQ+ people with "pedos" and "criminal perverts."
    One example of a Telegram post Metz made equating LGBTQ+ people with "pedos" and "criminal perverts."
    Another post equating trans persons with "perverts."
    Another post equating trans persons with "perverts."

    As it turns out, Metz had been known in the Middletown, New York LGBTQ+ community around 2017-2018 as a "chaser," or a cis person who is attracted to trans people but only in a fetishized or objectified manner.  One person with personal experience with Metz approached us with this information after she learned of his involvement in neo-Nazi activities (she has given us permission to share some of this information). She told us he had frequented LGBTQ+ bars and dated other trans women in the community. He used the same lines on each of them, saying that he had "just gotten out of a relationship" and wasn't looking for "anything serious." This person provided screenshots of text chats to corroborate her story. Since the details noted in the chats match what we know of Metz we are confident this information is accurate.

    "He seemed nice, until I found out he was using the exact same lines to try to hook up with every trans woman in the area." --statement from someone with personal experience with Metz.

    So basically we all thought he was a stright up decent dude, until we all met each other after that club opened and compared notes."
    Statement from someone with personal experience with Metz.
    "Chasers" place emphasis on their target's sexuality and how they present.

    Selfie photos of John Robert Metz, aka "Jack McKraken."


    Considering Metz's extreme hatred of LGBTQ+ persons, and trans persons in particular, the fact that he chased trans women is an unexpected and disturbing development. In light of this predatory behavior we deem John Robert Metz a danger to trans persons and the LGBTQ+ community in general.

    Selfie photos of John R. Metz.


    John Robert Metz as he appears in 2022 in a portrait photo.
    John Robert Metz as he appears in a 2020 portrait photo.


    "Woke Jamie" of The Right Stuff: Melissa Ann Brice-Swope

    Today's edition is a short and not-so-sweet look at neo-Nazi Mike "Enoch" Peinovich's main squeeze. Clearly, she thinks he has "the right stuff"…

    Ever wondered what it's like being married to one of the most prominent neo-Nazis losers of our time? You can ask Melissa Ann Brice-Swope, who is Mike "Enoch" Peinovich's producer on his "The Right Stuff" podcast network in addition to being his romantic partner. Peinovich, who uses the alias "Mike Enoch," is a white nationalist blogger and podcaster and one of the founders of the neo-Nazi National Justice Party. We are quite sure that Brice-Swope would rather not have her relationship with one of the most recognizable white nationalist voices in America made public, but you can't hide true love.

    Melissa Ann Brice-Swope, aka "Woke Jamie"
    Melissa Ann Brice-Swope, aka "Woke Jamie"
    Melissa Brice-Swope's Pinterest profile.
    Melissa Brice-Swope's Pinterest profile.

    Under the moniker "Woke Jamie," a tongue-in-cheek reference to Joe Rogan's podcast partner Jamie "Young Jamie" Vernon, Brice-Swope has handled the technical aspects of Peinovich's podcast for a number of years. She has often been the topic of gossip among fans of his show, but her true identity has not been made public until this report. Born Melissa Ann Brice on December 17, 1982 and originally from Nebraska, she began using the name Brice-Swope after a now-dissolved marriage. To listeners of the show she was "Woke Jamie" or simply "Jamie."

    Users on 4-Chan gossiping about Mike Peinovich's new girlfriend.
    Users on 4-Chan gossiping about Mike Peinovich's new girlfriend.
    Mike "Enoch" Peinovich (left), co-host Jesse "Sven" Dunstan (right), Melissa "Woke Jamie" Brice-Swope (center).Mike "Enoch" Peinovich (left), co-host Jesse "Sven" Dunstan (right), Melissa "Woke Jamie" Brice-Swope (center).
    Mike "Enoch" Peinovich (left), co-host Jesse "Sven" Dunstan (right), Melissa "Woke Jamie" Brice-Swope (center) in a video still posted on 4chan.
    Another frame from the video provides a better view of Brice-Swope's face (cropped).
    Another frame from the video provides a better view of Brice-Swope's face (cropped).

    While it's no longer a great mystery, she previously posted on Twitter using the handle "@GreatMystery," a screen name she also uses on the right-wing social media platform Gab. In an earlier Twitter account she likewise used the handle "@greatmystery," but with a partially obscured photo as a profile image and her real name Melissa Brice as a display name. She has also frequently used the alias "rubyblood" and variations of that name at times.

    Brice-Swope used the handle "@GreatMystery" on Twitter. This was her profile bio before this account got suspended.
    Brice-Swope used the handle "@GreatMystery" on Twitter. This was her profile bio before this account got suspended.
    Brice-Swope also used the handle "@greatmystery" in an earlier Twitter account, but with her actual name as a display name.
    Brice-Swope also used the handle "@greatmystery" in an earlier Twitter account, but with her actual name as a display name.
    Brice-Swope has also used the alias "rubyblood" at times.
    Brice-Swope has also used the alias "rubyblood" at times.

    Her posts on both Twitter and Gab show that she is just rotten as her fashy lover. Peinovich divorced his previous wife in 2018 and Brice-Swope now describes herself as "Housewife and Historian" so it is safe to say she and Peinovich have made their neo-Nazi nuptials. We wish them the worst.

    Melissa Ann Brice-Swope's profile on Gab. "Housewife and Historian," but "H.H." also stands for "heil Hitler."
    Melissa Ann Brice-Swope's profile on Gab. "Housewife and Historian," but "H.H." also stands for "heil Hitler."
    Just one of the many antisemitic, racist and anti LGBTQ+ Twitter posts by Melissa Brice-Swope.
    Just one of the many antisemitic, racist and anti LGBTQ+ Twitter posts by Melissa Brice-Swope.
    Racist post on Gab by Brice-Swope.
    Racist post on Gab by Brice-Swope.

    A close-up of her profile photo reveals her literary tastes, titles like Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler, The Lightning and the Sun by Nazi sympathizer Savitri Devi and a book about Nazi film producer Leni Reifenstahl. Besides being a reader, Brice-Swope is also an author, using the pen name "Marie Thomas." She must really like this photo because she also uses it on her Goodreads profile page.

    Brice-Swope's literary tastes are of a specific nature.
    Brice-Swope's literary tastes are of a specific nature.
    Brice-Swope's Goodreads profile, using the pen name "Marie Thomas."
    Brice-Swope's Goodreads profile, using the pen name "Marie Thomas."


    We mentioned earlier that Brice-Swope was originally from Nebraska. We found her writing under the name "greatmystery NE" in Unicorn Riot's Discord Leaks where she made a single post, asking for access to the chat.

    Brice-Swope writing as "greatmystery NE" found in Unicorn Riot's Discord Leaks.
    Brice-Swope writing as "greatmystery NE" found in Unicorn Riot's Discord Leaks.

    In addition to producing her Hitler-loving hubby's podcast, Brice-Swope also participates in events run by Peinovich and the National Justice Party. We caught a glimpse of her in Waukesha, Wisconsin at a NJP "protest against anti-white terror" event on November 27, 2021, along with Peinovich and other neo-Nazi notables, like Tony Hovater, Joseph "Eric Striker" Jordan, Alan Balogh and his son Warren Balogh.

    Left to right, Tony Hovater, Joseph Jordan ("Eric Striker"), Alan Balogh, Mike "Enoch" Peinovich, Warren Balogh and Melissa Ann Brice-Swope in Waukesha, Wisconsin.
    Melissa "Woke Jamie" Brice-Swope.
    Melissa "Woke Jamie" Brice-Swope.

    In October 2020, Peinovich and his co-host Jesse "Sven" Dunstan purchased homes in gated communities in the Pocono Mountains area of Pennsylvania, with Dunstan settling in nearby Hawley, where the NJP are currently basing their operations, and Peinovich making his love nest with Brice-Swope  in the small town of Dingman’s Ferry, as indicated by public county documents.

    They say that all the world loves a lover, but in this case that definitely isn't true. These two neo-Nazi knuckleheads deserve each other.

    Melissa "Woke Jamie" Brice-Swope and Mike "Enoch" Peinovich at their Dingman's Ferry, Pennsylvania home.
    MIke and Melissa together in a Zoom call with Melissa's mother. Brice-Swope's parents may not be fully aware of Mike Peinovich's involvement in the white nationalist scene.
    Neo-Nazis Melissa and Mike relaxing by a stream.
    M & M at a family get-together.


    "Woke Jamie": Melissa Ann Brice-Swope (Peinovich?"
    "Woke Jamie": Melissa Ann Brice-Swope (Peinovich?"




    Alt-right Troll "Spicci" Revealed: John F. Rokes Jr of Keene, New Hampshire

    [Content warning: racism, antisemitism, misogyny, homophobia, transphobia. We have left quoted slurs intact to reflect their impact]

    "Spicci" was one of the worst, if not the worst, of the racist alt-right internet trolls. For years he viciously threatened and harassed people on Twitter, publicizing their personal information with intent to intimidate them. Since he first appeared around 2017 his identity has been unknown. This self-described "most hunted person on Twitter" is supremely confident in his ability to elude those seeking to de-anonymize him. Well, we have bad news for him: we have identified this serial internet harasser and now he can be held accountable for his years of online bullying and intimidation. The true identity of "Spicci" will no longer be a mystery. Read on.

    "Spicci" and the Alt-Right Troll Network "The Shed"

    Before we delve into who "Spicci" is, let's talk about what he does. Social media researcher Erin Gallagher described in her Medium article "Visualizing Cyber Harassment" how a group of racist, right-wing Twitter accounts calling themselves "The Shed" used various techniques to "troll" or harass other Twitter accounts who do not agree with their viewpoint. As Gallagher explained, these harassment campaigns can take an enormous toll on the victims:

    The people in the crosshairs of a troll campaign sometimes get bombarded with death and rape threats. They may also get bombarded with a flood of notifications that disrupts their social media feeds and device usage for the duration of the bombardment. […] Advising a target “don’t feed the trolls” or disabling notifications is not sufficient in cases where trolling campaigns carry on for weeks or months.

    One of the main actors in this group was a person using the moniker "Spicci," or variations of that name. "Spicci" accounts changed frequently due to the fact that the accounts were often quickly banned for violations of Twitter's terms of service, but were easily identified by his frequent use of an image of mixed martial arts fighter Gegard Mousasi for a profile picture.

    A visualization of troll Twitter accounts know as "The Shed" by Erin Gallagher. "Spicci" was a major actor in this group.
    A visualization of troll Twitter accounts know as "The Shed" by Erin Gallagher. "Spicci" was a major actor in this group.

    The general aim of this group of Twitter trolls was to sow discord among anyone who opposed their racist, antisemitic, anti-LGBTQ+ views and one of their primary means to that end was "doxing" (ie. the publicizing of personal information) journalists and anyone else that they disagreed with. One of the other primary actors in this harassment group, using the alias "Micro" or "Microchip," put it this way:

    I want poeple [sic] to have panic attacks before they post a Tweet, we need them so fearful of ban, they don't even Tweet.

    "Spicci" stated more specifically his harassment plans, writing:

    from here on out we dox random liberals, fake tweets of them making racist remarks and get them fired this will serve multiple purposes
    first and most importantly, i want half of the united states unemployed for hate speech if theyre [sic] going to do it to us

    2nd, if we do it enough and enough people bitch about being wrongly fired for faked tweets, we can then use it for an argument

    check and mate… get to work, get everybody fired starting now

    "Micro" of "The Shed" stating their intent to intimidate critics.
    "Micro" of "The Shed" stating their intent to intimidate critics. [archive]
    "Spicci" stating more specifically plans to dox "random liberals." Note "Mitch Hoob" in the replies, who we exposed as Michael Newidomy in a previous report.
    "Spicci" stating more specifically plans to "dox random liberals." Note "Mitch Hoob" in the replies, who we exposed as Michael Newidomy in a previous report. [archive]

    "Spicci" was one of the most repulsive and violent of the racist Twitter trolls, notable for his persistence and the nastiness of his harassment. Furthermore, he garnered a slew of consistent followers that amplified this harassment. "Spicci" also sometimes appeared on neo-Nazi podcasts, like "The Patriarchy Show" hosted by Ian D. Erickson and "Right to Bryden" hosted by failed comedian and neo-Nazi Bryden Proctor.

    On one episode of this show with Proctor, "Spicci" discussed his plans to intimidate and harass journalists. As explained on Angry White Men, "Spicci" stated that he was making a database of potential victims. He said:

    When they move, when it changes, when they do anything — change their fucking phone number — I will fucking find you and I will update it! … This is what I’m doing now — every single motherfucking one of you. We need to make journalists afraid again.

    Although the harassment began with journalists, it didn't end there.  "Spicci" was a sadistic internet stalker with a broad range of victims and he enjoyed his work.

    A Sadistic Internet Stalker

    "Spicci" often used the image of MMA fighter Gegard Mousasi as a profile picture.
    "Spicci" often used the image of MMA fighter Gegard Mousasi as a profile picture.

    Anyone who crossed "Spicci"'s path was a potential target. When antifascists identify neo-Nazis, racists and the like, we do so for the good of the public and adhere to ethical standard practices. "Spicci," however, exposed the personal information of people with intent to hurt, intimidate and coerce. "Spicci" had no ethical restraints. He would publicize the information of his victim and his victim's family, including minor children. Furthermore, he encouraged his followers to continue the harassment. In one post on Twitter he stated:

    I personally prefer doxing the entire extended family of people who cant keep my name out of their [m]outh

    I[']ll reiterate to anyone who "tries doxing me" that i will dox your entire family and make things bad for you.

    Spicci: "i will dox your entire family."
    Spicci: "i will dox your entire family."
    Tweet of harassment by "Spicci"
    An example of harassment by "Spicci"
    "Spicci" doxing the current US Vice President Kamala Harris in 2018 (readacted).
    "Spicci" publicizing the personal information of the current US Vice President Kamala Harris in 2018 (redacted).
    "Spicci"'s game was intimidation, and he was effective at it.
    "Spicci"'s game was intimidation, and he enjoyed it. [link]

    "Spicci" maintained a continued presence on Twitter from 2017 to 2021, moving from one handle to another after each account suspension. We have estimated that "Spicci" may have used around two-hundred different Twitter handles during his time on the platform. Many of the screen names were of an explicitly racist, homophobic and/or misogynistic nature, like "@WomenRTrash," "@RapeIsFunnyAF," "@jewscuminkidz" and "@JKILoveNiggers" to name a few (a more complete list may be found at the end of this report).

    In one Twitter post "Spicci" invited a Twitter user to "dox" him, posting a menacing photo of an an AR-15 style rifle and writing, "i live in new york, and this is me." We concluded that he probably wasn't actually in New York, however, because this rifle as pictured is not legal in that state. But "Spicci" did like to ensure that people knew he was armed and eager to use his guns against other Twitter users.

    "Spicci" posted a threatening photo with a rifle.
    "Spicci" posted a threatening photo with a rifle.
    "Spicci" threatens to shoot a Twitter user with a rifle.
    "Spicci" threatens to shoot a Twitter user with a rifle.
    "Spicci" threatens antifascist Karma161 on Twitter: "you may want to purchase a gun, you[']re going to need it.
    "Spicci" threatens antifascist Karma161 on Twitter: "you may want to purchase a gun, you[']re going to need it.

    In addition to "Spicci"'s virulent racism and LGBTQ+ hatred, he was also deeply misogynistic and took great pleasure in terrorizing women with threats, often including threats of rape. He frequently made use of the image of the misogynistic incel murderer Elliot Rodger as sick nods of appreciation.

    A misogynistic tweet by "Spicci." In this post he used an image taken from inside the car of incel murderer Elliot Rodger.
    A misogynistic tweet by "Spicci." In this post he used an image taken from inside the car of incel murderer Elliot Rodger.
    Another example of "Spicci" using the image of incel murderer Elliot Rodger on his Twitter page.
    Another example of "Spicci" using the image of incel murderer Elliot Rodger on his Twitter page.
    "Spicci" promoting rape on Twitter.
    "Spicci" promoting rape on Twitter.
    "Spicci" promoting rape on Twitter.
    "Spicci" promoting rape on Twitter.


    "Spicci" had a very high opinion of himself and his abilities. While it was a certainty that his abusive Twitter accounts would eventually get suspended, it was also a certainty (at least to "Spicci") that he would reappear and never be caught. "Dox me," he taunted in one tweet. "i hope you send your best, you[']ll fuckin need it."

    Challenge accepted.


    Gab: a Place to Speak Freely. Very Freely.

    "Spicci"s profile on
    "Spicci"s profile on


    "Spicci" left Twitter in 2021 and moved to the right-wing social media platform Gab in July 2021, but lamented that there were "no niggers kikes or trannys to rag on." While on Gab, "Spicci" appeared to feel at home among the other racist users and spoke more freely about his personal life. Or perhaps it was his overconfidence that caused him to speak carelessly about himself. Whatever the case, we learned numerous personally identifying details from his Gab timeline.

    "Spicci" returns to social media on Gab, along with his slurs and a graphic joke about the Christchurch massacre.
    "Spicci" returns to social media on Gab, along with his slurs and an Islamophobic joke about the Christchurch massacre. [archive]
    He likes guns.

    We have already seen that "Spicci" is a fan of firearms. One photo "Spicci" posted on Gab was that of a PS90 rifle. On another occasion he posted a photo of the same PS-90, but this time topped with Torrey Pines Logic T-10 thermal sight. He also posted a photo of a gun safe filled with rifles, pistols and ammunition that is likely his actual safe.

    An image "Spicci" posted of a gun on his bed. Note the flannel sheets appear similar to those in the earlier firearms photo. [archive]
    "Spicci" owns a lot of guns. As seen earlier, he has threatened to use them. [archive]

    "man i love guns"
    "man i love guns" [archive]
    He is a drug abuser.

    "Spicci" indicated on Gab that he has a history with drug abuse, stating "i[']ve overdosed and died probably 15 times at this point." He also made several other references to drug usage on Gab. In his Twitter posting history "Spicci" made numerous statements about drug abuse.  In one post on Twitter he wrote, "gonna abuse drugs, alcohol then women in that order."

    "ive overdosed and died probably 15 times at this point"
    "ive overdosed and died probably 15 times at this point…" [archive]
    Twitter post by "Spicci" about drug usage.
    Twitter post by "Spicci" about drug usage. [archive]
    "Spicci" likely has a history of drug/alcohol abuse.
    "Spicci" likely has a history of drug/alcohol abuse. [archive]
    He is unmarried and has a son.

    "Spicci" has said that he is a father, writing: "i[']ve been ready to die for a long time, if i didn[']t have a kid i[']d already be dead." Also, he said on Gab he is not married, stating:

    i never got married but kicking my son[']s mother out was the best decision i[']ve ever made. that insufferable cunt [p]ut me thru hell, she never acted like that until she got pregnant either.

    This is consistent with another statement he had made on Twitter writing as "Spicasso @NurseBeater" in an unarchived but screen captured tweet where he stated, "i don[']t have a wife."

    "i dont have a wife"
    Unarchived but screen captured tweet.

    He is an ice hockey enthusiast.

    Numerous posts on Gab indicated that "Spicci" is an avid enthusiast of ice hockey and even plays on a couple of local teams as a goalie. In a post on Gab, he wrote "goalies: we are another breed of machine."

    "...i kept playing hockey on 2 teams, filled in on another and never rested"
    "…i kept playing hockey on 2 teams, filled in on another and never rested" [archive]

    "goalies: we are another breed of machine."
    "goalies: we are another breed of machine." [archive]
    He lives in New England.

    Posts on Gab indicated he had familiarity with the New England area of the United States. In one post he replied to another Gab user who posted an image of a vehicle's license plate. The state from which the plate was issued was illegible in the photo, but "Spicci" correctly remarked that the plates were from New Hampshire. Further along, replying to a commenter who remarked "southern NH is bleeding blue," referring to "red" and "blue" states in regards to Republican and Democratic majority respectively, "Spicci" revealed his knowledge of the area's roadways by replying, "the 93 corridor and like salem and exeter are, that[']s it."

    "Spicci" reveals a detailed knowledge of new Hampshire area roadways.
    "Spicci" reveals a detailed knowledge of New Hampshire area roadways. [archive]

    In another instance, "Spicci" responded to a post by a Gab user called "Daniel Concannon-KeepNHGranite @KeepNHGranite" whose profile bio reads "That White dude up in New Hampshire" with an invitation: "bro i[']ll be in manchester friday let me buy you a beer or 15." Manchester is a city on the Merrimack River in southern New Hampshire.

    "Spicci" wrote that he would be in Manchester on Friday.
    "Spicci" wrote that he would be in Manchester on Friday. [archive]

    Finally, he just admitted that he lives in New England, writing, "i live in new england."

    "i live in new england."
    "i live in new england." [archive]

    "theyve been trying to find me for a long long time and they never will"

    "Spicci" boasted on Gab, "antifa wants to kill me, they[']ve been trying to find me for a long long time and they never will…" To be clear, we do not want to kill him. We do, however, want to identify and expose this person because he is a dangerous psychopath. He was still supremely confident in his abilities to elude identification, but perhaps he was getting too confident.

    We don't want to kill him. We do want to identify and expose him, however, because he is a dangerous psychopath.
    We don't want to kill him. We do want to identify and expose him, however, because he is a dangerous psychopath.

    In order to uncover the true identity of "Spicci" we had to discover the earliest appearances of "Spicci." Examining a collection of old Twitter information we noticed an interesting account using an image of Gegard Mousasi for a profile picture, as "Spicci" usually does. This account, "@AltRightAid," was found replying to a "Microchip" account, which made this all the more interesting.

    Twitter user "@AltRightAid" replying to a "Mircrochip" account. Note the use of Gegard Mousasi's image as a profile pic.
    Twitter user "@AltRightAid" replying to a "Microchip" account. Note the use of Gegard Mousasi's image as a profile pic. [archive] [archive2]

    By searching Twitter replies to "@AltRightAid" we discovered the account that used the handle "@AltRightAid" had previously used another handle: "@Vampergaze."

    The Twitter account "AltRightAid" was also known as "@Vampergaze" at one point.
    The Twitter account "@AltRightAid" was also known as "@Vampergaze" at one point.


    Searching for other uses of the username "Vampergaze" across the internet brought up several instances. One was a 2013 post on an arborist forum website in which a user called "Vampergaze" asked a question about chainsaws. Later in the the thread, this user from New Hampshire also mentioned that he possessed an SKS rifle. Knowing that "Spicci" is a firearms enthusiast, we took note.

    One user calling himself "Vampergaze" was found on an arborist forum.
    One user from New Hampshire calling himself "Vampergaze" was found on an arborist forum. [archive]
    The user "Vampergaze" mentions he has an SKS rifle.
    The user "Vampergaze" mentioned he is a rifle owner.


    We found an earlier instance of the username "Vampergaze" on a Nov 13, 2009 post in which the user posted,  "I had afirst [sic] time experience last night, he said it was thoroughly enjoyed. I am 185 pounds, 5 ' 10", and is no stranger to try ptamines. I have been doing LSD and Mushrooms consistantly, [sic] …" Knowing "Spicci"'s self-described history with drug usage, this was a notable find. Furthermore, this post revealed some physical characteristics (a height of 5-10 and weight of 185 pounds in 2009).

    A post from "Vampergaze" on
    A post from "Vampergaze" on [archive]

    We also found "Vampergaze" on an obscure social media site called The profile states that he joined in 2007, that he is 37 years old now and that he was born on January 30th. While we didn't yet have the information to confirm these items at this point, it became useful later in our investigation.


    Another instance we found was on a motorcycle forum in 2015 on which the user "Vampergaze," also from New Hampshire, was trying to sell a '99 ZX7R. In this post he stated he was in the process of purchasing a house. This bit of information would also become useful later in our investigation.

    "Vampergaze" on
    "Vampergaze" on
    "Vampergaze" on Link goes to a Photobucket user "CarrionVulture." [archive]

    Interestingly, in that post "vampergaze" linked out to a Photobucket account where, presumably, a photo of this motorcycle for sale was stored. Unfortunately, this account and photo no longer exist, but the account name, "CarrionVulture," visible in the link, provided us with another clue.

    We found the username "CarrionVulture" used on a mixed martial arts forum in 2017. In the forum "CarrionVulture" stated that he wanted "to make a documentary of sorts about new england fighters." We concluded that "CarrionVulture" was the same person as "Vampergaze."

    "CarrionVulture" on wanted to make a documentary about New England fighters. We concluded that "CarrionVulture" was the same person as "Vampergaze" from New Hampshire.
    "CarrionVulture" on wanted to make a documentary about New England fighters. We concluded that "CarrionVulture" was the same person as "Vampergaze" from New Hampshire.


    Another post on that same forum provided us with another clue. "CarrionVulture" posted a screenshot of a Twitter post in which he commented on a tweet by MMA journalist Simon Head. "CarrionVulture"'s Twitter account was named "@KangEzekiel" and used a photo of MMA fighter Gegard Mousasi, like "Spicci" is known to do. Things were falling into into interesting places. Our next step was to examine this "@KangEzekiel" Twitter account.

    "CarrionVulture" showed his Twitter account, "@KangEzekiel," on the MMA forum. The Twitter account's profile image was that of MMA fighter Gegard Mousasi, commonly used by "Spicci" as a profile image.
    "CarrionVulture" showed his Twitter account, "@KangEzekiel," on the MMA forum. The Twitter account's profile image was that of MMA fighter Gegard Mousasi, commonly used by "Spicci" as a profile image.


    The Twitter account "@KangEzekiel" turned out to be suspended and no longer active. Furthermore, no tweets were archived at However, when we searched Twitter for mentions of that handle we were able to get an idea of the nature of the tweets coming from this account. While some of the posts had to do with the topic of mixed martial arts, there were also many responses that indicated "@KangEzekiel" was engaged in racist, trollish behavior, much like "Spicci." Also, going through the history we saw that "@KangEzekiel" had previously changed handles some one point, going by the name "@CuckToddMSNBC." Could it be that this account was the "proto-Spicci?"

    Twitter user "@KangEzekiel" was once known as "@CuckToddMSNBC."
    Twitter user "@KangEzekiel" was once known as "@CuckToddMSNBC."


    Although the Twitter accounts associated with these handles were not fully archived by the Wayback Machine, further research uncovered posts by these accounts that were archived as replies under other accounts. We found "Carrion Vulture @vampergaze" had replied to a January 25, 2015 Twitter post by "@LizardMafia."

    2015 Twitter post by Carrion Vulure @vampergaze
    We found "Carrion Vulture @vampergaze" in a reply. [archive] [archive2]

    We also found the "@AltRightAid" account writing as "@CuckToddMSNBC" in a post about the far-right media streamer Tim Gionet, popularly known as "Baked Alaska."

    A Twitter post under the handle "@CuckToddMSNBC."
    A Twitter post under the handle "@CuckToddMSNBC." [archive]

    We concluded that "Vampergaze," "CarrionVulture," "KangEzekiel, "AltRightAid" and "CuckToddMSNBC" were all the same person from New Hampshire.

    As a final piece of confirmation, we found a current Skype messenger account named "Spicci" with a Skype name "vampergaze_1" and using a profile image of MMA fighter Gegard Mousasi. We concluded the operator of this account was the same person who operated the previous accounts in question.

    This Skype account is current.
    "Spicci"'s Skype account.

    "Spicci" Revealed

    Finding the identity of "Vampergaze" was the next step in our investigation. We found a Myspace account with the username "Vampergaze," which was a restricted profile, so we couldn't look beyond the main page, but we could see the name on the profile page was "John Rokes."

    A "vampergaze" Myspace profile associated with the name "John Rokes."
    A "vampergaze" Myspace profile associated with the name "John Rokes."

    We found the email "" was associated with a  2019 data leak from People Data Labs, a data enrichment company. This data set revealed the following:

    {"a":"boston, massachusetts, united states","e":[""],"liid":"john-rokes-jr-491a0137","linkedin":"","n":"john rokes"}

    Although the Linkedin profile cited in our data set no longer existed, we had a location and, more importantly, an uncommon name: John F. Rokes, Jr.
    Since we knew that "Vampergaze" was a New Hampshire person we knew we were on the right track. There are several persons in the United States named "John Rokes," and even several in New Hampshire named "John Rokes," but only one person was named John F. Rokes, Jr. in all of the New England area. We knew this person was "Vampergaze," but is "Vampergaze" "Spicci?" Let's examine our findings:
    John Fitzpatrick Rokes, Jr. was born on January 30, 1987 (verified by public records) and lives in Keene, New Hampshire, where he also attended Keene High School. As we saw in the various Gab posts, "Spicci" admitted that he lives in New England.
    John F. Rokes Jr as a freshman at Keene High School in 2002.
    John F. Rokes Jr as a freshman at Keene High School in 2002 (Source: Keene High School)

    We earlier found "Vampergaze" on an obscure social media site called, which stated that the user is now 37 years old and was born on January 30. While the age is a couple of years off, we conjecture Rokes lied about his birth year, since he would have been just shy of 20 years old when signing up. But "Vampergaze"'s birthday matches that of John F. Rokes Jr.

    As we learned from Rokes' post on the arborist forum as "Vampergaze," he owned an SKS rifle. We also know that "Spicci" has a sizeable firearms collection.

    Rokes has a history with recreational drug use, as indicated by his post on the drug forum website. So does "Spicci," according to many of his admissions of drug abuse. Also, noted earlier, Rokes as "Vampergaze" claimed to be 5-10 tall and weight 185 pounds. In the screen-captured tweet pictured below "Spicci" claimed similar stats (5'9", 195).

    John F Rokes Jr and "Spicci" have similar height and weight.
    John F Rokes Jr and "Spicci" have similar height and weight.


    And like "Spicci," John F. Rokes Jr is unmarried and has a son. We did not find a Facebook page for John F. Rokes Jr, but examining the Facebook profiles of his family members and their circles led us to the Facebook profile of the woman with whom he had a relationship and a child with. We are not naming her or the child because, unlike "Spicci," we don't expose uninvolved persons or children.

    John F. Rokes Jr. (left) with his then-girlfriend and mother of his son (redacted) in a 2012 Facebook photo.
    John F. Rokes Jr. (left) with his then-girlfriend and mother of his son (redacted) in a 2012 Facebook photo (this photo is reversed, as we found it).


    In the tweet pictured below "Spicci" referenced his son's birthday, which matches the birthday of John F. Rokes Jr's real-life son. This tweet is not archived, but we would not link to it anyway to preserve the privacy of the child.

    This tweet confirms "Spicci"s and Rokes' sone share the same birthday.
    This tweet confirms "Spicci"s and Rokes' son share the same birthday.


    As we saw earlier, "Spicci" plays on a hockey team. It is no coincidence that John F. Rokes, Jr also plays on a local hockey team, sometimes as a goalie. We found him on the roster as a goalie at, playing a game on February 3, 2022. "Spicci" also played a game that day, as he indicated on a Gab post.
    John F Rokes Jr. played a hockey game as a goalie on Feb 3, 2022.
    John F Rokes Jr. played a hockey game as a goalie on Feb 3, 2022.
    "Spicci" also played a hockey game on Feb 3, 2022.
    "Spicci" also played a hockey game on Feb 3, 2022. [archive]
    Team photo at John F Rokes Jr, front row, kneeling, on the right.
    Team photo at John F. Rokes Jr, front row, kneeling, on the right. [archive]
    John F. "Spicci" Rokes, Jr.
    John F. Rokes, Jr.

    "Spicci" even posted a photo of his hockey pads on Gab, which match the coloration of the pads shown in the team photo.

    "Spicci"'s hockey pads.
    "Spicci" posted a pic of his hockey pads. [archive]

    To top it off, "Spicci" posted a photo on Gab of a blue bench in what was presumably a locker room on October 26, 2021. "John Rokes" played as a goalie in a hockey game at Keene Ice on that day, as we can see on the website in the archived games section. Furthermore, the benches in the locker room of Keene Ice are blue. It's no coincidence. "Spicci" and John F. Rokes Jr are the same person.

    "Spicci" posted a photo of a blue locker room bench on October 26, 2021. [archive]
    John Rokes played hockey as a goalie at Keene Ice on October 26, 2021...
    John Rokes played hockey as a goalie at Keene Ice on October 26, 2021…
    ...and the locker room benches at Keene Ice are blue.
    …and the locker room benches at Keene Ice are blue.


    Knowing what John F Rokes Jr. looks like, we were able to go back and confirm a photo posted by a Twitter user in reply to the "@AltRightAid" account. Since the tweets by "@AltRightAid" account were not visible we had to read between the lines to figure the context, but it appeared that "@AltRightAid" had posted the photo himself at some point.

    A side-by-side of a photo of John F Rokes Jr and a photo of Twitter user "@AltRightAid" show that these are likely the same person.
    A side-by-side of a photo of John F Rokes Jr and a photo of Twitter user "@AltRightAid" show that these are likely the same person.


    In light of these facts, there is only one conclusion: the sociopathic alt-right internet harasser that has eluded identification for years is none other than John Fitzpatrick Rokes Jr. of Keene, New Hampshire.

    Earlier in this piece we noted an appearance of Rokes as "Vampergaze" in a 2015 forum post stating that he was in the process of buying a house. In 2016 he purchased a house that was previously owned by his great-grandmother. This is verifiable by public records. This house is also at the address of record for his professional licenses.

    John F. "Spicci" Rokes' house in Keene, New Hamphire.
    John F. "Spicci" Rokes' house in Keene, New Hampshire (source: Cheshire County, NH).


    Rokes is currently licensed in the adjacent state of Vermont as a special electrician (license number: ES-02461 (7C)) and TQP-fire alarm certified (license number: T1-02461). His contact information listed on his licenses are publicly available and maintained by the state of Vermont.

    Lies and Alibis

    A couple of claims Rokes made as "Spicci" we could not verify. For one, "Spicci" claimed that he survived "a gunshot and cancer."  We could not verify this, but John F. Rokes Jr's mother died from cancer in 2005. In a forum thread, seemingly apropos of nothing, Rokes claimed he was "bullied" in high school  about his mother having cancer. Whatever the case, cancer is not an excuse for becoming a racist, serial cyber-stalker.


    Another time Rokes as "Spicci" claimed that he was "not allowed" to get a passport because he never signed up for the draft because he "enlisted." We found no evidence showing that John F. Rokes Jr had ever served in any branch of the armed services. We were not able to verify his selective service status with the information we had.

    "i was enlisted"
    "i was enlisted" [archive]

    An Inglorious End for "Spicci"

    Like all bullies, John F. Rokes Jr's mouth is bigger than his courage. Hiding behind the persona of "Spicci," he harassed and threatened scores of people thinking that his true identity would never be discovered. He promoted racist, neo-Nazi ideology and violence against persons of color, LGBTQ+ persons, Jewish people, journalists and anyone he politically disagreed with. He threatened women with rape and abuse. He exposed the personal information of innocent people and their families and encouraged his followers to harass his victims. He isn't a mastermind; he's just a sociopathic, drug abusing, gun crazy, woman hating racist in New Hampshire who no longer has "Spicci" to hide behind.


    A special thanks goes to Karma161 and other anonymous comrades for their contributions to this piece.

    Appendix: List of Known "Spicci" Twitter Handles






















































































































































































    White Supremacist Police Officer Aaron P. Nichols of Springfield, Illinois

    Policing in America has fallen under much scrutiny in recent years and with cops like the one we are featuring in this article, is it any wonder? This person has espoused racist, antisemitic, homophobic and transphobic sentiment on internet social media for years and has associated with other well-known alt-right Twitter trolls. He also claims to be a police officer for a municipal police department. We found out this claim is true. Then we found out who he is. This is our report.

    [Editorial note: We have decided to keep quoted racial slurs in this article in their original form to reflect their impact.  Otherwise we have redacted slurs as a courtesy to the reader.]

    "Magic Dirt Farmer"

    One evening were were casually cruising the internet on the lookout for nazi creeps when we encountered an interesting comment by the as-yet-(publicly)-unidentified racist internet troll known as "Spicci" on the right-wing social media platform Gab. "Spicci" is a notorious Twitter troll who is known for his particularly nasty harassment of anyone he disagrees with and for his involvement in a widespread doxing campaign against journalists (we revealed an associate of "Spicci" also involved in this campaign known as "Mitch Hoob" as Michael Newidomy in our last installment). While "Spicci" was once the bully of Twitter, he has largely been booed off Twitter and feels more appreciated in the fascist echo chamber of Gab. One Gab user writing under the name "Magic Dirt Farmer @NogAirForce" responded to a post by "Spicci" (who now writes as "@Spicasso" on the platform) about red-flag gun laws:

    @Spicasso Meh, I’ve got 3 years left and my supervisors know I’m not doing any unconstitutional bullshit. Never have, never will. I play by the actual rules. Most of the guys at my 200+ man department feel the same.

    to which "Spicci" replied:

    @NogAirForce i keep forgetting youre a cop, you dont act like it.


    @Spicasso I despise the government and have for nearly 3 decades. The best place I can possibly be is inside the beast. I’ve done a lot of good in my careers.

    This was interesting to us: a racist police officer on Gab conversing with a notorious alt-right internet troll. This was enough for us to do a little poking about to find out who this person is.


    An exchange on Gab between "@Spicasso" and "MagicDirtFarmer @NogAirForce."
    "i keep forgetting youre a cop": An exchange on Gab between "@Spicasso" and "MagicDirtFarmer @NogAirForce." [archive]
    "MagicDirtFarmer @NogAirForce" on Gab: "Not a big fan of jews."
    "MagicDirtFarmer @NogAirForce" on Gab: "Not a big fan of jews." [archive]

    Looking through the posting history of the Gab user "MagicDirtFarmer @NogAirForce" we found a steady supply of racist and antisemitic posts, many with an explicit reverence for Nazis and Adolf Hitler. In one post "Magic Dirt Farmer" made the remarkable statement, "Hitler did nothing wrong." In the post below "Magic Dirt Farmer" wrote:

    Uncle A [meaning Adolf Hitler] literally pleaded for peace leading up to the war. Hess even parachuted into England during the war in an attempt to broker a peace deal.

    Hitler is the most lied about figure in history, bar none.

    "Hitler is the most lied about figure in history, bar none."
    "Hitler is the most lied about figure in history, bar none." [archive]
    Gab post: "Hitler did nothing wrong."
    "Hitler did nothing wrong." [archive]

    "Magic Dirt Farmer" didn't hold back on expressing his hatred of Jews. In one post he wrote: "If I found a genie and I had one wish? The jews would be a distant memory within 72 hours."

    Antisemitic post by "Magic Dirt Farmer."
    Antisemitic post by "Magic Dirt Farmer." [archive]

    In another post he outlined reasons why people might ask someone to "to stop pointing out jewish malfeasance." He lists:

    1.) They’re jewish

    2.) They survive on jew head pats

    3.) They’re directly financed by jews

    4.) They’re retarded



    Just to make it very clear, "Magic Dirt Farmer" really hates Jewish people, even to the point of supporting genocide. In one post he wrote, "I am a supporter of as many holocausts as it takes to cleanse this world of talmudic influence."

    Post on Gab: "I’ll say it in English. I am a supporter of as many holocausts as it takes to cleanse this world of talmudic influence."
    "…I am a supporter of as many holocausts as it takes…" [archive]

    In addition to posting about his hatred of Jews, "Magic Dirt Farmer" frequently made racist comments regarding African-Americans. In one post he ridiculed a black police officer who allegedly wore his sweater backwards, intending to emphasize a perceived lack of intelligence due to the color of his skin. "Magic Dirt Farmer" often commented on his assessment of the intelligence of African-American people.

    A post on Gab by "Magic Dirt Farmer": "Boycott n_gger businesses."
    A post on Gab by "Magic Dirt Farmer": "Boycott n_gger businesses." [archive]
    "N_ggers ruin everything."
    "N_ggers ruin everything." [archive]
    "Magic Dirt Farmer" ridiculed his fellow police officers who were African-American.
    "Magic Dirt Farmer" ridiculed his fellow police officers who were African-American. [archive]
    Gab quote: "I frequently deal with a basketball American who is related to a pro basketball American. Dude parks a $200,000 car in the drive of a $60,000 house. Niggers are so fucking dumb."
    "N_ggers are so fucking dumb." [archive]
    "Being forced to live with n_ggers is a human rights violation."
    "Being forced to live with n_ggers is a human rights violation." [archive]

    He also made his opinion known about supreme court justice nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson, referring to her with the racist slur "sheboon" and questioning her impartiality (the hypocrisy of a racist cop saying this is not lost on us).

    A racist post about supreme court justice nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson by "Magic Dirt Farmer."
    A racist post about supreme court justice nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson by "Magic Dirt Farmer." [archive]

    And some posts manage to be both racist and homophobic, as in the one pictured below in which he stated: "Homosexuality is rampant in the blaq coonmunity because the majority didn’t have dads around to protect them."

    Racist and homophobic Gab post.
    Some posts managed to be both racist and homophobic. [archive]

    While the handle "@NogAirForce" is racist itself, "Magic Dirt Farmer" also wrote under an earlier handle on Gab with a much more explicitly neo-Nazi reference, "@_14words_" referring to the white supremacist slogan "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White children," coined by American neo-Nazi David Lane.

    "Magic Dirt Farmer" explained in this post how he had a Gab account from 2017, "@_14words_."
    "Magic Dirt Farmer" explained in this post how he had a Gab account from 2017, "@_14words_." [archive]

    Under this account, which was less used than his current one, "Magic Dirt Farmer" once posted:

    …I'm a nigger harm reduction specialist and we have minimum manning requirements. Someone has to clean these streets.

    "I'm a n_gger harm reduction specialist...Someone has to clean these streets."
    "I'm a n_gger harm reduction specialist…Someone has to clean these streets." [archive]

    "Car SPD584, Where Are You?"

    Naturally, we were curious about this racist, antisemitic police officer who chums around with other well-known white supremacist social media accounts. While "Magic Dirt Farmer" had a Gab account called "@_14words_", he also once had a Twitter account of the same name that posted similar content. While this Twitter account is now suspended, we can view pages of this account from the Wayback machine at In the bio of this account "Magic Dirt Farmer" described himself as: "Retired veteran. Currently under the protection of Archangel St. Michael. Perpetually SOCMOB. Dindu nuffin, din see nuffin. Equality is a false god." "SOCMOB"  is slang for "Standing on the corner, minding my own business." Notably, "Archangel St. Michael" is often referred to as the "patron saint of police officers." The statement "equality is a false god" is a common refrain among white supremacists who decry diversity.

    "Magic Dirt Farmer"'s now-suspended Twitter "@_14words_" visible on the Wayback Machine.
    "Magic Dirt Farmer"'s now-suspended Twitter "@_14words_" visible on the Wayback Machine.


    Viewing one of the archived tweets stored as a JSON (JavaScript Object Notation, a format in which raw tweets are transmitted) we could tell that "Magic Dirt Farmer" had his account's time zone set to "Central Time (US & Canada)." Viewing the history of replies to this account in Twitter, we found that early replies to tweets from this account were also addressed to another, now nonexistent, Twitter account "@spd584." This likely meant that the "@_14words_" account was once known as "@spd584" (Twitter allows its users to change their "handle," or user name behind the "at sign," at the user's discretion). Finding the Twitter identification number for each of these two handles by examining the archived tweets confirmed that both of these user names belonged to the same account, since each account has a unique ID number. In this case, both handles had a  Twitter ID number of 128401279.

    Viewing the history of Twitter replies to "_14words" showed that it used to be known as "*spd584." Checking the unique Twitter ID numbers for these two usernames confirmed this.
    Viewing the history of Twitter replies to "_14words" showed that it used to be known as "@spd584." Checking the unique Twitter ID numbers for these two usernames confirmed this.


    Archived tweets for the username "@spd584" were fewer, but still provided us with additional tidbits of information.  For one, "@spd584" (using the screen name "Bury the Deep State") described himself as: "Patriot, 20 year retired veteran, cop, constitutionalist, news junkie, politics is my sport, asshole (according to my lovely wife)." Secondly, "@spd584" used "An Appeal to God" pine tree flag as a profile image for a time, which was a bit of information that we would use later.

    "@spd584" replying to alt-right figure "Basked Alaska" on Twitter as viewed from the Wayback Machine. Note the use of the pine tree flag for the profile image.
    "@spd584" replying to alt-right figure "Basked Alaska" on Twitter as viewed from the Wayback Machine. Note the use of the pine tree flag for the profile image. [archive]

    On Gab "Magic Dirt Farmer" once noted that he "was still on Twitter under my [his] real name, with middle initial even, until 2016." While we did not find an example of this, we did find that Periscope, a video streaming product from Twitter, still has a user named "spd584" with a full name attached: Aaron P. Nichols. A simple search on Google pointed to a public annual report by the City of Springfield, Illinois which named Aaron P. Nichols as a police patrol officer working for the Springfield Police Department.

    Periscope user "spd584," Aaron P. Nichols.
    Periscope user "spd584," Aaron P. Nichols.
    The City of Springfield Annual Treasurer's Report Fiscal Year 2021 shows that Nichols has been at SPD for over fifteen years.
    The City of Springfield Annual Treasurer's Report Fiscal Year 2021 shows that Nichols has been at SPD for over fifteen years.


    Numerous remarks made by "Magic Dirt Farmer" on his various social media accounts corroborated what we learned of Nichols. In one post on Gab Nichols complained about a stream than ran through his front yard. Finding his property from public county property records and examining aerial views of this property from public geographic information system (GIS) mapping showed that Nichols indeed had a stream running through his yard. "Magic Dirt Farmer" also frequently made comments on social media about his spouse and family members that corroborate what we know of Aaron Nichols (as courtesy to his spouse and family we will not cite them specifically). In a particularly specific post, "Magic Dirt Farmer" discussed on Twitter a wristwatch he owned, saying "The GSAR [name of the wristwatch] was around $700 when I bought it a few years ago. Beautiful watch though. Stock pic."

    In a Twitter post "Magic Dirt Farmer" (writing as WeWillWin @_WeWillWin_) a wristwatch he owned.
    In a Twitter post "Magic Dirt Farmer" (writing as WeWillWin @_WeWillWin_) a wristwatch he owned. [archive]
    We caught Aaron P. Nichols wearing this relatively uncommon watch in a family photo found on Facebook.

    Family photo found on Facebook featuring Nichols wearing the wristwatch he had described on Twitter.
    Family photo found on Facebook featuring Nichols wearing the wristwatch he had described on Twitter (redacted).
    An enlarged view of Nichols' Marathon GSAR wristwatch.
    An enlarged view of Nichols' Marathon GSAR wristwatch.


    "Magic Dirt Farmer," who spoke openly about being a police officer, also made comments about his police department that matched characteristics of the Springfield Police Department. As noted at the beginning of this report, "Magic Dirt Farmer" gave us a general idea of the size of his agency, describing it as a "200+ man" department.

    Aaron Paul Nichols of the Springfield Police Department

    Aaron Paul Nichols, born February 1, 1976, has been a police officer for the Springfield Police Department in Springfield, Illinois since June 14, 2004, according to the Illinois Law Enforcement Training and Standards Board. He has been a police officer for almost eighteen years. As noted earlier, in a reply to "Spicci" "Magic Dirt Farmer" claimed to have "3 years left" (presumably until retirement).

    Aaron P. Nichols in a 2018 photo.
    "Magic Dirt Farmer" Aaron P. Nichols in a 2018 photo.
    Aaron P. Nichols in 2018.
    "Magic Dirt Farmer" Aaron P. Nichols in a 2018 photo.
    Aaron P. Nichols and spouse in 2018.
    Aaron P. Nichols and spouse in 2018.
    "Magic Dirt Farmer" Aaron P. Nichols in a 2018 photo.
    "Magic Dirt Farmer" Aaron P. Nichols in a 2018 photo


    "Magic Dirt Farmer" noted on Gab that he "grew up right down the road from where I currently live." This made sense, since he currently resides in the village of  Rochester, Illinois, not far from Springfield. Aaron Nichols graduated from Rochester High School in 1994. Prior to his Springfield Police Department hire date, Nichols held an Illinois private detective license from 2001 to 2003.

    Aaron Paul Nichols in a 1994 Rochester High school yearbook photo.
    Aaron Paul Nichols in a 1994 Rochester High school yearbook photo.
    A wedding photo of Aaron Nichols and spouse (readacted), circa 2000-2001.
    A wedding photo of Aaron Paul Nichols and spouse (readacted), circa 2001.


    Getting back to the pine tree flag "@spd584" used as his profile image, we found the same image posted on Aaron Nichols' Facebook profile, as well as on a Twitter account Nichols later used (more on this account further down).

    [Pine tree flag: "An appeal to God, Don't tread on me"
    Nichols featured this image of a particular pine tree flag on his Facebook profile, as well as on two other Twitter accounts.
    Pine tree flag posted on Twitter

    Most photos we have of Nichols are not current, but he has posted a couple of more recent ones on Gab. He may have lost some weight since his 2018 photos. The the image directly below, in which he posted a photo of his mouth and chin, bears a strong resemblance to a photo of him as a much lighter man in 2011 we found on the website of the State-Journal Register, a local news outlet.

    Post on Gab by "Magic Dirt Farmer"
    Post on Gab by "Magic Dirt Farmer" [archive]
    Photo of Aaron Nichols in 2011, enlarged 2x (photo is cropped to preserve the privacy of his family members).
    Photo of Aaron Nichols in 2011, enlarged 2x (photo is cropped to preserve the privacy of his family members).
    Post on Gab by "Magic Dirt Farmer"
    Post on Gab by "Magic Dirt Farmer" [archive]

    "Magic Dirt Farmer" has frequently made claims to being a "20 year retired military veteran," a fact he likes to throw around on his Gab and Twitter accounts. We found that this was true and Nichols retired from the Air National Guard. In another Twitter account, "_WeWillWin_" (now suspended) after the suspension of his previous Twitter account he stated that he was "retired AF/ANG if it counts here. Kinda a comm guy, kinda a construction guy."

    Nichols states that he is retired from the Air National Guard in this tweet.
    Nichols states that he is retired from the Air National Guard in this tweet. [archive]
    [photo of a middle finger in front of a military ID card]
    Nichols' less-than-eloquent reply to a Twitter post on one of his Twitter accounts. [archive]

    In this "@_WeWillWin_" Twitter account, Nichols made numerous references about his work as a police officer at the Springfield Police Department, many of which indicate that his extremist views influence his behavior as a law enforcement officer, despite his claims to the contrary on his very same social media accounts. In one comment responding to a post by neo-Nazi leader Mike "Enoch" Peinovich who stated:

    Time for white cops to stop writing tickets to non-violent whites. They accuse of white privilege even though it's not real. Why do the time if you're not doing the crime? Malicious discretion. No more speeding tickets, parking tickets etc for

    Nichols responded:

    I've been practicing this for years. However, I don't write blaqs tickets either unless I have to because I know who actually pays for them one way or another.

    "I'm the police. I'm easier on blacks because it's unfair to hold them to white standards they can't possibly meet."

    Nichols has a decidedly mean-spirited way of handling the issue of homeless or unsheltered persons. In one post he proudly described callously dumping out the belongings of one such person. In another he simply wrote "Fuck the homeless."

    "I dumped a homeless women's cart out in the drive up of a @tacobell because she repeatedly refused to unload it herself. "
    To protect and serve. [archive]
    "Fuck the homeless..."

    Nichols is well aware that his online activities would likely get him fired from his job and would be socially damaging, since he has stated so in numerous Twitter posts. But this seems to be a risk he is willing to take since he continues to post vicious racist, antisemitic, homophobic and transphobic postings on social media. On the other hand, however, we may be fortunate that this is the case because if he had not then we never would have known what was simmering behind his badge and blue uniform.

    Twitter: "I'd likely be fired from my job if I used my real name/face online. Sorry, but my kids gotta eat and I have things to say."
    "Ive been doxed over a game before...Never again."
    "Ive been doxed over a game before…Never again." [archive]

    Overall, Nichols gives the impression of being on the edge of snapping, waiting for an excuse, judging by statements like, "When I seize power 'hate crimes' will be encouraged" and "I'm not willingly giving up my way of life. I'll die in a pile of brass," implying that he won't go down without without expending a lot of ammunition. One cryptic statement he made was "When you decide you're not afraid of death you're finally free."

    Gab: "When I seize power “hate crimes” will be encouraged."
    "When I seize power “hate crimes” will be encouraged." [archive]
    "a pile of brass" implies spent cartridge cases of ammunition.
    "a pile of brass" implies spent ammunition cartridge cases. [archive]
    A cryptic statement from Nichols.
    A cryptic statement from Nichols. [archive]
    "...a benevolent sociopath."
    "…a benevolent sociopath." [archive]

    Nichols also encouraged people to call the police for "everything" because we wants the system to be overwhelmed (posted in yet another Twitter account, "@_NotOvenReady_", a reference to Nazis burning the bodies of Jewish people in ovens during the Holocaust) :

    I'm not joking when I say this:

    Call the police for EVERYTHING. (Don't put yourself in a trick bag. No lying, no false reports. Hell, be anonymous.)

    Do I really want more calls for service? Nope.

    Do I want the system to be absolutely overwhelmed? Yep.

    These posts make clear that Officer Aaron Nichols is not committed to the improvement of the community but rather, in his hatred towards a modern, liberal society, encourages its complete collapse.

    Twitter post: "Do I want the system to be absolutely overwhelmed? Yep."
    "Do I want the system to be absolutely overwhelmed? Yep." [archive]

    Psycho Nazi Cop Aaron P. Nichols

    Policing in America is an issue that deserves scrutiny and continued debate, but on the topic of Officer Aaron Paul Nichols of the Springfield Police Department there can be no debate. For nearly two decades Nichols has exercised the authority of his position while advocating for the genocide of Jewish people and the subjugation of African-Americans. He has praised Adolf Hitler and Nazis and promoted conspiracy theories about Jews and Holocaust denial. Furthermore, Nichols' dedication to the so-called law and order that he has sworn an oath to defend seems perilously fragile considering he encourages collapse of "the system," which we must assume to mean a modern, liberal society. Whether your position is to defund the police or to reform the police or anywhere in between, one thing any reasonable person would agree on is that Nichols is unfit to be a police officer.

    Furthermore, it would be naive to think that Nichols is the only law enforcement officer who holds extreme views. Nichols stated in one Gab post:

    As recently as the 90’s my agency had an unofficial OTA call disposition “NN”. That’s “nigger nonsense” for the uneducated. What the fuck happened to us?

    "As recently as the 90’s my agency had an unofficial OTA call disposition “NN”. That’s “nigger nonsense” for the uneducated. What the fuck happened to us?"

    Whether one chooses to believe so or not, it is a fact that racism has a long history in law enforcement. Until this is acknowledged there will be little progress towards true justice. There are good people, and there are people who are otherwise good that might happen to be cops. But Aaron Nichols is not one of them. He is an example of why no one should be lauded by the simple virtue of being a law enforcement officer.


    Police officer Aaron Paul Nichols
    Police officer Aaron Paul Nichols


    Appendix: Archived Social Media Posts by Aaron Nichols

    What we have presented in this article is just a fraction of the racist output by Aaron Nichols on social media. Links to archived posts of his various Twitter accounts are below:

    • Twitter posts as "@spd584" may be viewed at here: [link]
    • Twitter posts as "@_14words_" may be viewed at here: [link]
    • Twitter posts as "@_WeWillWin_" may be viewed at here: [link]
    • Twitter posts as "@NogAirForce" may be viewed at here: [link]
    • Twitter posts as "@Wypipo_dont_die" may be viewed at here: [link]
    • Twitter posts as "@Wypipo_r_Us" may be viewed at here: [link]
    • Twitter posts as "@_NotOvenReady_" may be viewed at here: [link]

    Posts on Gab are not regularly crawled by We have tried to preserve as many of Nichols' pertinent Gab posts as we could. Below are links to manually archived posts on Gab:

    • "A reminder: My wife didn’t know that Hansel and Gretel was about the jews, but my boys (12-18) did. There’s hope." [link]
    • "Why don't you like jews?" [link]
    • "I dealt with blaqs that turned in a wanted blaq today. Couldn’t wait for my shift to end, because that’s bad fucking juju." [link]
    • "Over the last two years our local blaqs have divided into two very distinct groups. Group #1 wants to get along. They’re polite, conversational, and generally harmless (for blaqs). Group #2 is angry and more militant than the most militant blaqs prior to all this mess. This is my observation, and completely anecdotal, but it’s what I’m experiencing on the street. It’s about 85/15 or so." [link]
    • "When I was a young cop I had a blaq sergeant who often arrived for work in the winter with his sweater on backwards. There’s literally a place to put you fucking badge and we don’t wear badges on our backs." [link]
    • "I’ll say it in English. I am a supporter of as many holocausts as it takes to cleanse this world of talmudic influence." [link]
    • "Did some red pilling at the annual “known you forever” Christmas party. One guy, who is actually a neighbor now, says “next you’re going to tell me you don’t believe in the holocaust”. Correct." [link]
    • "I have metal stamps. I think I’ll just stamp 14/88 into every nigger quarter I get. Easy." [link]
    • "My respect for American Indians is lower than whale shit." [link]
    • "Wait, are you a nigger? I find that hard to believe since you can spell, but I suppose anything is possible." [link]
    • "I am cautious around blaqs because I’m not retarded." [link]
    • "When I seize power “hate crimes” will be encouraged." [link]
    • "We’re not going anywhere, no matter what plans the rat faced jews have." [link]
    • "I find it hilarious that every mulatto I know and every blaq I know that comes from an intact, successful family just happen to be the most militant BLM supporters." [link]
    • "Comparing January 6th to the Holocaust is an insult to the 64 million who perished in the Holocaust." [link]
    • "We don’t have an “intelligence community”…We have jews." [link]
    • "Niggers ruin everything. Even if it’s Whites doing the stealing they’re likely selling the meat to blaq run restaurants or trading it to niggers for dope. Real talk." [link]
    • "Homosexuality is rampant in the blaq coonmunity because the majority didn’t have dads around to protect them." [link]
    • "Boycott nigger businesses." [link]
    • "Hitler did nothing wrong." [link]
    • "I was still on Twitter under my real name, with middle initial even, until 2016." [link]
    • "I work a city that has a daytime population of ~130,000 people give or take. We regularly run with 12-15 officers on day shift." [link]
    • "Not gonna happen for me. I'm a nigger harm reduction specialist and we have minimum manning requirements. Someone has to clean these streets." [link]
    • "Niggers are so fucking dumb." [link]

    "My OPSEC is likely less robust thank I think."
    He is correct. It is not. [archive]

    Identity Dixie White Nationalist "Mitch Hoob": Michael Newidomy

    Since the 2017 "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville many white nationalists have discovered that being a neo-Nazi in this day and age is detrimental to their social standing as well as their career prospects. Some have decided to quietly retreat from public racism, perhaps hoping that their involvement in hate movements will be overlooked or forgotten. Some of these people have ended up disappointed by taking this misguided attitude, since antifascists may forgive but we do not forget. To paraphrase the seminal New Wave band Blondie, "One way or another, we're gonna find ya, we're gonna getcha getcha getcha getcha…"

    The neo-Nazi "Unite the Right" attendee who went by the alias "Mitch Hoob" was a serial harasser and internet troll who was part of a sweeping harassment campaign against journalists, posting their personal information online as well as the personal information of uninvolved relatives and loved ones (ie "doxing" them). While we expose racist creeps who would rather remain hidden behind their online aliases, we have standards, and we do so for the benefit of the public. "Mitch Hoob" was indiscriminate and put innocent people in danger by exposing their personal information to violent neo-Nazi extremists. We suppose that if you were "Mitch Hoob" it would make sense to keep your real identity secret. He tried to hide and you can't blame a guy for trying. But like the song goes, "One way or another…" This is our report.

    "Mitch Hoob"

    The neo-Nazi internet troll known as "Mitch Hoob" was once a member of the white nationalist group Identity Dixie, and we know this because prior to the 2017 "Unite the Right" rally "Mitch Hoob" stated that he would be hanging out with "Wade Garrett" (actually Mitchell Shane Rivers of Burlington, North Carolina) who then instructed him to inform "Erika" (Erica Alduino of Identity Evropa) that he was a member of Identity Dixie. This is detailed in Unicorn Riot's Discord Leaks, which exposes the communications of white nationalist groups prior to the event and after.

    A Facebook post by "Musonius Rufus" (Bret Keylon Lynn of Cookesville, Tennessee), a member of Identity Dixie leadership, tells us that "Mitch Hoob" was a part of the security detail for Jason Kessler, the organizer of the event, a piece of knowledge that would prove to be useful later in this report.

    [Source: Southern Poverty Law Center]
    [Source: Southern Poverty Law Center]

    Three years later, “Mitch Hoob” was still posting about the rally on Twitter. In one tweet, after saying that the murder of Heather Heyer by James Alex Fields at the event was “framed,” he claimed that he was one of three people who “came up with the idea of doing it [the rally] in the first place” and the one who “picked the date.”

    "Mitch Hoob" seemed to be privy to some interesting details about other notable "Unite the Right" participants. During this time there was some speculation online by other white nationalists about one participant in particular whom they thought may have been a "fed" or a federal agent infiltrating their group, due to the fact that he was brazenly brandishing a Nazi flag among the Confederate flags, unconcerned about the negative image a Nazi swastika might bring to their movement. They felt this individual may have been acting as an agent provocateur. "Mitch Hoob" commented on Twitter that he knew who this person was and that "it wasn't a big deal at the time" to be carrying a Nazi flag because "most of the people there were nazis or cool and dont give a shit if a guy is a nazi."

    "Mitch Hoob" commenting on the supposed "fed" carrying a Nazi flag.
    "Mitch Hoob" commenting on the supposed "fed" carrying a Nazi flag.

    Like a lot of racist creeps, Twitter was the go-to social media site for "Mitch Hoob" to "own the libs" (he also claimed that he coined the term "libtard," although we could not confirm this assertion!) and he used a number of screen names during his Twitter trolling. Racism, homophobia and other bigoted sentiments were par for the course on his timelines. "Mitch Hoob" went all-in on the antisemitism, frequently tweeting standard racist tropes and holocaust denial propaganda.

    A typical antisemitic post on Twitter by "Mitch Hoob."
    A typical antisemitic post on Twitter by "Mitch Hoob."
    A typical antisemitic post on Twitter by "Mitch Hoob."
    A typical antisemitic post on Twitter by "Mitch Hoob."

    It's no surprise that "Mitch Hoob" was big fan of Adolf Hitler, which makes labeling "Mitch Hoob" a neo-Nazi completely accurate. He was also a big fan of post-war 20th century American neo-Nazis George Rockwell and William Pierce.

    "MItch Hoob" describes Hitler as a "one man anti libtard army."
    "MItch Hoob" describes Hitler as a "one man anti libtard army."


    "Mitch Hoob" writing as "@hoob_mark" relates the writings of American neo-Nazi George Rockwell to current events.
    "Mitch Hoob" writing as "@hoob_mark" relates the writings of American neo-Nazi George Rockwell to current events.
    "Mitch Hoob" was a devotee of American neo-Nazi William Pierce.
    "Mitch Hoob" was a devotee of American neo-Nazi William Pierce.

    The rest of "Mitch Hoob"'s Twitter repertoire was the standard racist and homophobic posting typical of those in his circle. What made "Mitch Hoob"'s persona as an online racist remarkable was his prolificness and longevity, with some of his various Twitter accounts having over ten-thousand posts.

    Example of a racist Twitter post by "Mitch Hoob."
    Example of a racist Twitter post by "Mitch Hoob."
    Example of a racist Twitter post by "Mitch Hoob."
    Example of a racist Twitter post by "Mitch Hoob."
    Homophobic Twitter post by "Mitch Hoob."
    Homophobic Twitter post by "Mitch Hoob."

    "Mitch Hoob" also adhered to some strange conspiracy theories, seeing organized Jewish intrigue behind events like Lee Harvey Oswald’s murder and  9/11. One of the laughably debunk-able nonsense he promotes is a conspiracy theory about the alleged hidden tunnels from the McMartin Preschool abuse trials.

    "Mitch Hoob" (writing as @hoob_mark) on Twitter promoting the idea that Jews were behind the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.
    "Mitch Hoob" (writing as @hoob_mark) on Twitter promoting the idea that Jews were behind the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.

    "Mitch Hoob" commenting on the McMartin preschool abuse case.
    "Mitch Hoob" commenting on the McMartin preschool abuse case.

    One particularly elaborate conspiracy was based around the preposterous premise that blind-deaf American author, disability rights advocate and political activist Helen Keller was “fake,” surely driven by Keller’s well documented feminism, socialism, and antifascism.

    "Mitch Hoob" had a peculiar fixation on "debunking" Helen Keller.
    "Mitch Hoob" had a peculiar fixation on "debunking" Helen Keller.

    "Day of the Brick"

    "Mitch Hoob" was also deeply involved in a widespread harassment campaign by neo-Nazis against journalists in retaliation for their reporting on right-wing, white supremacist activities. In 2018 Luke O'Brien of The Huffington Post reported on a prolific Twitter troll known as "Amy Mek," who had garnered over 200,000 followers over five years of activity, mostly featuring bigoted, Islamophobic posts. Before O’Brien’s report, "Amy Mek" appealed to her followers to contact HuffPost, which she accused of “viciously harassing” her. To quote Jason Wilson at The Guardian: "Various rightwingers online felt that O’Brien had 'doxxed' Mekelburg by revealing her as @amymek’s author. What followed was a concerted harassment campaign against O’Brien and his colleagues, where he and other journalists were actually doxxed, with their addresses and phone numbers published for the use of far-right trolls." This harassment campaign was dubbed "Day of the Brick" by right-wing trolls, an allusion to the neo-Nazi fictional work The Turner Diaries which had previously coined the term "day of the rope," a day when “race traitors,” including journalists, are publicly hanged from lampposts in American cities.

    "Mitch Hoob" on Twitter replying to "Spicci," another white nationalist troll participating in the "Day of the Brick" harassment campaign against journalists.
    "Mitch Hoob" on Twitter replying to "Spicci," another white nationalist troll participating in the "Day of the Brick" harassment campaign against journalists. [archive]

    There is no equivalency between the indiscriminate doxes by right-wing troll and those of antifascist researchers that expose hate extremists. Micah Lee of The Intercept put it thusly: “…there’s an important distinction between doxing by neo-Nazis and antifa. Neo-Nazis target nearly anyone who vocally disagrees with their political worldview — which essentially means anyone who isn’t a racist white person and is public about their views." We, as well as other antifascist researchers and activists, generally adhere to standards of conduct. The sole intent of neo-Nazi doxers is to harass, intimidate, and encourage potential harm to uninvolved parties. "Mitch Hoob" was an active participant in this campaign and distributed the personal information of journalists as well as their parents, siblings, and even grandparents.

    "Mitch Hoob" writing as "MackHoob @HoobMack" distributing person information of HuffPo journalist Christopher Matthia on Twitter (redacted).
    "Mitch Hoob" writing as "MackHoob @HoobMack" distributing person information of HuffPo journalist Christopher Mathias on Twitter (redacted).


    "Mitch Hoob" operated for a number of years under variations of the "Hoob" moniker on Twitter and Telegram messenger until late 2020 or early 2021 when he stopped posting for unclear reasons. Maybe he got tired of the racist, right wing meme routine. Maybe he had some life changes. Maybe he was worried about catching heat from his participation in the "Unite the Right " rally, the recent Sines v Kessler lawsuit against its various organizers, promoters, and participants being underway. One frequent associate of his on Twitter, "@almightygenie," speculated, "he deactivated to cool off on all the monkey business in the news."

    A couple of Twitter associates of "Mitch Hoob" wonder about his disappearance from the site.
    A couple of Twitter associates of "Mitch Hoob" wonder about his disappearance from the site.

    Whatever the case, "Mitch Hoob" and his other aliases made a quiet exit. But although he used a number of Twitter handles, one in particular would prove to be his undoing. One of "Mitch Hoob"'s Twitter handles was "@MitchHoob." But before that, the same Twitter account was known as "@rulenumber0ne." We know this because of the unique Twitter ID number 168879691. This early Twitter handle would lead to "Mitch Hoob"s real name.

    "Mitch Hoob" used a number of Twitter names. Reading between the lines in this exchange shows that "Mitch Hoob" was also "Mark Hoob."
    "Mitch Hoob" used a number of Twitter names. Reading between the lines in this exchange shows that "Mitch Hoob" was also "Mark Hoob."
    One of "Mitch Hoob"'s Twitter handles, "@rulenumber0ne," would prove to be his undoing.
    One of "Mitch Hoob"'s Twitter handles, "@rulenumber0ne," would prove to be his undoing. [archive]

    Rule Number One: Don't Get Caught

    We also found a user name "rulenumber0ne" associated with the online game social video game service Zynga, the developer of a number of internet games, like "Words With Friends" and "Farmville." The service suffered a massive data breach in 2019 when over 170 million user email addresses, usernames and encrypted passwords were leaked. The username "rulenumber0ne" was one of these. We located this data set and found the information associated with this account, revealing the email address "" Investigating this email address told us it belonged to "Michael N," Google ID 105895843576912457653. It was also associated with a Skype ID "mnewidomy" belonging to the name "Mike Newidomy." This was a good lead, but more verification was necessary.

    "Mitch Hoob"'s personal email address was found in a data breach of online game developer Zynga.
    "Mitch Hoob"'s personal email address was found in a data breach of online game developer Zynga.

    We discovered that Michael Newidomy used another email address, "" (Google ID 117613849163031391870). While this email now appears to have the name "Charles H" associated with it, it was only recently updated. Previously the associated name was just the initials "M H" (presumably for "Mitch Hoob"). We know, however, that "" belonged to Michael Newidomy since it also previously appeared in a major data breach. In 2016 a 2008 data set of Myspace accounts was leaked, compromising over 350 million accounts. This data set is now easily located on the internet. When we examined the data set we found that the email "" was associated to a Myspace account "michaeltherule" with the screen name "Michael Newidomy."

    Michael Newidomy's Myspace page, associated with the email address ""
    Michael Newidomy's Myspace page, associated with the email address ""

    Another instance in which we found the same username was a Soundcloud account belonging to "Michael Newidomy" having the username "rulenumber0ne." When we looked into Michael Newidomy's background we found several correlations between him and what we knew of "Mitch Hoob."

    The username "Rulenumber0ne" was again associated with "MIchael Newidomy" on Soundcloud.
    The username "Rulenumber0ne" was again associated with "MIchael Newidomy" on Soundcloud.

    From what we knew about "Mitch Hoob," we figured he was a North Carolina person, judging by his association with Mitchell "Wade Garrett" Rivers (also a North Carolina person) and a social media post "Mitch Hoob" once made in which he posted an image of his ballot at an electronic voting booth, which displayed his voting state, North Carolina. Public records confirmed a "Michael Newidomy" in North Carolina during the time of this election.

    "Mitch Hoob" once posted his electronic voting ballot on social media.
    "Mitch Hoob" once posted his electronic voting ballot on social media.

    Michael Newidomy

    But Michael Newidomy was not originally from North Carolina. Born November 14, 1986, he was originally from Oswego, New York where he graduated from Oswego High School in 2004 and Cayuga Community College in 2008. Around 2011-12 he relocated to Cornelius, North Carolina, as indicated by public records.

    Michael A. Newidomy with unidentified dog.
    Michael Newidomy in a 2014 photograph.
    Michael A. Newidomy with unidentified dog.
    Michael Newidomy, circa 2014.

    Since we now knew what Newidomy looked like from photos of him found on the internet, and knew from the leaked Discord conversations that he had acted as a part of Jason Kessler’s personal security detail and that he hung out with "Wade Garrett" at Charlottesville, we could locate him in photos of the rally. We found photos of Newidomy (albeit ten pounds or so heavier appearing than his 2014 photos) as he accompanied Kessler during the opening tiki-torch parade of the "Unite the Right" rally.

    Michael Newidomy (right) with Jason Kessler (center) and Mitchell Shane Rivers (left) at the "Unite the Right" rally, Charlottesville, Virginia, August 11, 2017.
    Michael Newidomy (right) with Jason Kessler (center) and Mitchell Shane Rivers (left) at the "Unite the Right" rally, Charlottesville, Virginia, August 11, 2017.
    Mitchell Shane Rivers ("Wade Garrett," left box) and Michael Newidomy ("Mitch Hoob," right box), Charlottesville, August 11, 2017.
    Mitchell Shane Rivers ("Wade Garrett," left box) and Michael Newidomy ("Mitch Hoob," right box), Charlottesville, August 11, 2017.
    Michael Newidomy, left profile shot.
    Michael Newidomy, left profile shot.
    Charlottesville, Virginia, August 11, 2017. Michael Newidomy (red circle) (Image credit: M @ @m1523751)
    Charlottesville, Virginia, August 11, 2017. Michael Newidomy (red circle)
    Michael Newidomy, closer view.
    Michael Newidomy, closer view.

    We can also place Newidomy in other area events, like a "Confederate memorial celebration day" in Graham, North Carolina organized by the neo-Confederate group ACTBAC NC on May 20, 2017.

    Graham, North Carolina (Photo credit: NC Antiracist)
    A neo-Confederate rally in Graham, North Carolina, May 201, 2017 (Photo credit: NC Antiracist)
    A close-up photo showing Michael Newidomy (in the sunglasses) standing next to Mitchell Rivers ("Wade Garrett").
    A close-up photo showing Michael Newidomy (in the sunglasses) standing next to Mitchell Rivers ("Wade Garrett"). The man standing behind Newidomy is Kyle Rogers, a leader of the white supremacist Council of Conservative Citizens (CCC). (Photo credit: NC Antiracist)
    Cropped photo at the same event, Michael Newidomy in sunglasses and green shirt.
    Cropped photo at the same event, Michael Newidomy in sunglasses and green shirt [Photo credit: NC Antiracist]

    Current Whereabouts

    We have received various tips regarding "Mitch Hoob" over the years. It appears that despite his loyal online neo-Nazi friends and followers, in daily life he has made some enemies. Some of the information we received we could not confirm through open sources, but is perhaps worth mentioning. Several tipsters have claimed that "Mitch Hoob" is "addicted" to pornography and abuses ADHD medications as well as cocaine.

    One tip we received a while back about "Mitch Hoob."
    One tip we received a while back about "Mitch Hoob."

    Michael Newidomy is believed to have relocated in the past year or so to Bismarck, North Dakota. Although we could not confirm the address of Newidomy's current residence, Google Maps provided an interesting result. The Google Streetview of October 2021 for that location was blurred (which Google will do if requested). However other dates for this location have not been blurred. Since the address is unconfirmed, we are not revealing it, and don't normally reveal residential addresses anyway as a rule, but we can say with a high degree of confidence that Michael Newidomy is now in this area.

    The address we had for Michael Newidomy was curiously blurred out on Google Maps.
    The address we had for Michael Newidomy was curiously blurred out on Google Maps.

    Special thanks goes out to @ShermanMarching on Twitter for their contributions to this work, and to NC Antiracist for their photographic contributions, as well as other anonymous comrades.

    Alt-Right Writer and Kremlin Propagandist"Vincent Law": Bogdan Olegovich Polishchuk

    While Russia invades Ukraine, the Anonymous Comrades Collective stands with Ukraine in their fight against Russian aggression. The topic of this report, however, does not. Despite being a Ukrainian born in Kyiv and son of Ukrainian diplomats, this person has been a pro-Kremlin propagandist for years. At the same time he worked hand-in-hand with big-time American neo-Nazis like Richard Spencer promoting the fascist Alt-Right agenda as a prolific author for Spencer's website "" under the alias "Vincent Law."  This is our report.

    "Vincent Law"

    Page for the pseudonymous author "Vincent Law" on "" as seen from the Wayback Machine.
    Page for the pseudonymous author "Vincent Law" on "" as seen from the Wayback Machine.

    The pseudonymous "Vincent Law" was a prolific writer for the now-defunct blog, the website for American neo-Nazi Richard B. Spencer's AltRight Corporation. Writing over three hundred posts for the blog, "Vincent Law" covered the bread-and-butter topics of the Alt-Right, like promotion of xenophobic anti-immigration policies and negative commentary on perceived liberal western politics. One fairly typical article by "Vincent Law" was "Trump Delivers Righteous Smackdown Of Negro Felon League" in which he wrote, "Trump calling those negroes [sic] 'sons of bitches' was a step in the right direction I think we can all admit," and "America is not their nation, it was built by the White man for the White man and they rightly feel little attachment to it, despite all that the nation has given to them. "

    A typical article on by "Vincent Law."
    A typical article on by "Vincent Law." [archive]

    Many of these articles featured political commentary on Russia, such as "Russia Needs To Finally Become Russian," in which the author complained about "Russia's liberal intelligentsia" and a perceived westernization, arguing for Russian nationalism. In "Massive Victory Day Marches In Russia; A Meet-Up With Russia’s Alt-Right," "Vincent Law" described meeting up with various right-wing groups in Russia.

    But a great portion of "Vincent Law"s writing pertained to the American Alt-Right, especially in the wind-up to the so-called "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville, Virginia and its aftermath. On August 13, 2017, the day after the event, "Vincent Law" posted "Charlottesville Was A Turning Point For White People In America," in which he wrote: "Ultimately, this was a victory for us. Our movement will be emboldened by Charlottesville. The ‘Unite the Right’ rally legitimized our struggle. This is the beginning of the White Civil Rights movement" and claimed that the media was "trying to spin this rally as a KKK rally or a Neo-Nazi rally," which it, in fact, actually was.

    In one blog post titled "Daniel Borden Did Literally Nothing Wrong" he argued that Daniel Borden, one of the racist attackers involved in the beating of Deandre Harris, an African-American man, during the event, was a "political casualty." "Vincent Law"'s take on the events that took place differed from official accounts. He wrote:

    Deandre Harris, 20, is the supposed victim. Like Blacks are famous world over for doing, he and his buddies decided to attack a White man while he was alone and had his guard down. They swarmed him, armed with weapons and threw him to the ground. This was when Daniel Borden- the man with a plan- and his group swooped in, broke up the traditional African religious ceremony and saved their comrade. Once Deandre Harris was dropped like a bag of dirt, he was allowed to scamper off with his tail between his legs by Daniel’s crew, tears streaming down his face and mumbling, “fuk u, cracka” as he desperately tried to pull his pants up in anticipation of his interview with gullible liberals TV reporters.

    In reality, Borden along with six other assailants surrounded and beat Deandre Harris, causing significant injury. Borden was convicted and sentenced to nearly four years in prison for his participation in the assault.

    Also noted in the short author biography blurb that closed each article, "Vincent Law" was a user of "Hatreon," the defunct right-wing fund raising site. On his Hatreon page he made clear his racist, antisemitic position, writing that he wanted to be a "full-time hate machine.":

    I am the managing editor and main contributor to The idea behind the site was to create an *actual* Alt-Right news and commentary site. Not Breitbart, not Infowars, but actually a site promoting healthy White Identity without the Israel worship or conspiratard crap. But we can only bring a couple of people on part-time. I don't want to do this part-time, I want to be a full-time hate machine. Support my writing if you like it and I'll write more.

    "Vincent Law"'s pieces in were crudely bigoted, written in a style comparable to supermarket tabloids rather than serious intellectual discourse. In one article commenting on the the Harvey Weinstein scandal "Vincent Law" focused on antisemitic tropes rather than address the real issue of sexual harassment by men in power writing:

    More than likely, Weinstein pissed off someone and now he is being fed to the wolves. Everyone in Hollywood has dirty laundry. It’s easy now to scapegoat just one degenerate jew in the hopes of the goyim not noticing the massive hive of degenerate jews at the heart of hollywood.

    Oh, apologies by the way. Is my rhetoric over the top and anti-semitic? Does it go too far?

    Well if anything, it doesn’t go far enough.

    In addition to writing for, "Vincent Law" also wrote for an earlier website, "Atavistic Intelligentsia" (, which was his own personal blog. He introduced himself thusly:

    I’m just a (not so) humble immigrant from the FSU ["Former Soviet Union"], Ukraine to be precise. I came over when I was two. I have lived up and down the eastern seaboard in nice bougie places, rubbing shoulders with the sophistos and in a couple not so nice places, where I was part of the poor melatonin-free minority that hadn’t yet joined the exodus to the suburbs. My golova has always been filled with ridiculous ideas for as long as I can remember. This is partially because I am the son of a former diplomat, (which means I spent part of my childhood driving in a car with dip plates) and partially because I have been having an identity crisis for almost my entire life.

    I have Ukrainian, Russian, Polish and Cossack ancestry. I look like a member of the Hitler youth. And finally, my name is utterly unpronounceable in any anglo-saxon language. Assimilation was a tough ride. I spent 19 years in the US, 14 of them actively pursuing US citizenship. People often joke that I would have better luck sneaking into the US illegally and waiting for an amnesty. (Th-thanks, Obama?) My disenchantment with Burgerstan stems not only from my (unsuccessful) process of cultural assimilation, but my travails with getting my citizenship, the constant barrage of newspeak I am subjected to while serving my time at the Cathedral, and finally the war in my homeland.

    These topics are near and dear to me. And this is what Atavistic Intelligentsia will discuss with you, dear reader. Maybe one day, we can be something more, a malenki movement of sorts. But with no droogies to play with, its a one man show for now.

    While "Vincent Law" claimed to have been born in Ukraine, a country that is now being subjected to Russian aggression in their war of choice, he expressed strong support for Russian nationalism. In the article "Russian Separatism" "Vincent Law" wrote:

    Russia is a powder keg of ethnicities. The only thing that holds it together is centralization of power and a strong domestic intelligence network. Some malchiks want to break up the country, based on a strange mix of separatism ideals and European liberal values. While they aren’t a big movement yet, we should definitely keep an eye on them and not let them steal a march on us.

    "Vincent Law" began his career as a right-wing, racist propagandist in 2014 and his true identity went uncovered for several years. However, thanks to a tip from a particularly keen-eyed comrade, his online persona would soon crack.

    "How to Hide Your Online Presence: Part 1"

    One of the blog posts "Vincent Law" wrote on his "Atavistic Intelligentsia" website was entitled "How to Hide Your Online Presence: Part 1." While this post is no longer available to read and has not been archived, we can safely assume that "Vincent Law" did not heed his own advice. Conducting a search of historical WHOIS records of the domains associated with "Vincent Law"'s "Atavistic Intelligentsia" website ( we found one was registered to a "Vincent Law" whose contact address led to a Georgetown University townhouse in Washington, D.C. The registrant's contact phone number, while now belonging to another person, was once associated with an "Oleg V***********" of Chevy Chase, Maryland, relatives of whom were "Bogdan P******" and "Maya P*****," according to a reverse phone number search. The significance of these details will become apparent further along.

    Historical domain name information for "" revealed an interesting registration address and phone number (
    Public historical domain name information for "" revealed an interesting registration address and phone number (

    In December 2017 Brendan O'Connor of reported on a Maryland-based technology recruitment firm called Sutton Whitfield LLC that they found to have in their employ Gregory Conte as an "equal opportunity officer." Gregory Conte, alias "Greg Ritter," was also the full-time director of operations for Richard Spencer's National Policy Institute (NPI), a white-supremacist think tank. Conte was present with Spencer at the 2017 "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville and his involvement with Spencer and the white nationalist movement is deep. Conte owned 49 percent of Sutton Whitfield LLC while the company's CEO and President Manjit Singh, owned the remaining 51 percent. Interestingly, a review of Singh's other businesses revealed one inactive Chevy Chase, Maryland limited liability company, Data and Accounting Services LLC, in which a certain Bogdan Polishchuk was listed as one of the officers. Since the registrant contact phone number for "" led to a possible connected partial name "Bogdan P******" this person warranted a closer look. Notably, Greg Conte also wrote for the "" site and appeared as co-host in it's accompanying "Red Dawn" podcast.

    Another interesting aspect is that "Vincent Law" once noted on a blog post how the National Policy Institute used "proxy corporations" in order to mask their true purpose and book events. In a follow-up report of one NPI conference meeting in November 2017 he wrote:

    NPI was this weekend. It began on Sunday and didn’t get very far. It was shut down almost immediately. This was after the Ronald Reagan building had also refused to host the event, after initially agreeing to, citing security concerns.

    Now, for the second venue, NPI had cleverly masked itself through a proxy corporation and sold it as a corporate event. The owner, who was there, started to put two and two together as the event started to gain steam and immediately decided to pull the plug.

    So was "Data and Accounting Services LLC" one of these proxy corporations that "Vincent Law" wrote about? That is a story for another day. It's interesting that it was incorporated on November 19th, 2017, the same day at the NPI conference.

    Bogdan Olegovich Polishchuk, son of former diplomats, was born in Kyiv but raised in the United States since the age of two. He attended the St. Alban's School in Washington, D.C. before attending Georgetown University, from which he graduated the Walsh School of Foreign Service in 2016. Following graduation he undertook further schooling in St. Petersburg, Russia, where he also advertised his services at an English tutor.

    Bogdan Polishchuk offered English tutoring services while studying in St. Petersburg, Russia.
    Bogdan Polishchuk offered English tutoring services while studying in St. Petersburg, Russia. [archive]

    Polishchuk began writing his blog "Atavistic Intelligentsia" in October of 2014, while still attending Georgetown University, which correlates to the contact address of the domain "" in historical DNS records leading to a Georgetown University townhouse. The phone number he used was associated with his parents, who lived in Chevy Chase, Maryland during this time. It was during this time that Polishchuk cultivated a particularly vicious racism. In 2015 he wrote a blog post entitled "What to Do With Dylann Storm Roof?" in which he wrote: "… if ever there were a string of events that could awaken an Identitarianism of sorts in America, it would be here, right now, in the aftermath of Ferguson, Baltimore and now Charleston, SC."

    Bogdan Polishuk (left) with his mother in a Facebook post. The comment "Богдан дуже красивий хлопець" translates to "Bogdan is a very handsome guy." Tagged in the post is Людмила Мазука (Liudmyla Mazuka), wife to former Ukrainian ambassador to the United States Valeriy Chaly (2015-2019).
    Bogdan Polishchuk (left) with his mother in a Facebook post. The comment "Богдан дуже красивий хлопець" translates to "Bogdan is a very handsome guy." Tagged in the post is Людмила Мазука (Liudmyla Mazuka), wife to former Ukrainian ambassador to the United States Valeriy Chaly (2015-2019).

    Not surprisingly, Polishchuk's enormous sense of privilege and entitlement was keenly on display in these posts. In "I Have to Graduate" Polishchuk complained about "bespectacled ochkariks" daring to require a certain number of credits to graduate and writing "I've had to fight with niggers in [schools] my whole life. I’ve been spoon-fed jewish lies by my teachers ever since I could read that book about the boy, the grasshopper and the giant peach." He further wrote:

    My life has been one long, masters class in tuning out. Tuning out my annoying Jewish 1st grade teacher, my 2nd grade annoying Jewish teacher, my mid-western god-fearing “y’all is smart, kind and good” 4th grade teacher, my 5th grade NAACP ambassador, and etc etc. ad nauseum until college. In high school, I refined it into an art form. “The art of tuning out.” I would deliberately not drink coffee or tea or whatever so I could sleep/or zone out with ease. You really don’t have to pay attention in class to get good grades in it, I discovered. Just find an autist who takes copious notes and photocopy them.

    “Go to college,” they tell you. There you’ll find life-long friends, actually enjoy what you are studying, start planning your career, and find the girl you will one day marry.


    Just think of it as daycare for adults. The only upside is being able to drink. Oh yeah, and get ready to taste the diversity (and keeeep onnn tasting it ’till you die).

    Polishchuk's sense of entitlement and extensive racism makes it unsurprising that he was also a huge misogynist, writing such pieces as "Banging Caucasus Girls" in which he wrote: "The benefits of banging a Caucasus girl are ephemeral. Mostly its a dare bang. You get a thrill from being a modern day vag-Crusader, and the satisfaction that you bagged a rare girl indeed." It is also unsurprising that Polishchuk, as "Vincent Law," also wrote for the "Pick Up Artist" ("PUA") site "Return of Kings"  from 2014 to 2015. In one of these pieces, "What Type Of Guy Gets Falsely Accused of Rape?", Polishchuck described himself as "oozing with charisma and natural game" when relating a tale on how a woman was "begging" him to "take her." Polishchuck, as "Vincent Law," noted elsewhere that he was a devotee of Daryush "Roosh" Valizadeh, the creator of the "Return of Kings" website, and that he had read everything he had written.

    Comments by Bogdan Polishchuk/"Vincent Law" on his Disqus profile.
    Comments by Bogdan Polishchuk/"Vincent Law" on his Disqus profile.

    It was likely while in St. Petersburg that Polishchuk started writing for Russia Insider, a "crowdsourced news site" run by pro-Kremlin propagandist Charles Bausman and which has ties to American neo-Nazi organizations. As reported by Haaretz, Russia Insider was originally launched in order to attack Ukraine by accusing Ukrainian authorities of fascism and anti-Semitism, even while it frequently features antisemitic content today. Bausman has been accused of receiving funding from pro-Putin oligarchs.

    Among Polishchuk's earliest posts at was a cross-post with Russia Insider entitled "How Useless Is NATO? So Useless That Four NATO Members Would Pick Russia to Defend Them If Attacked." This was posted on on February 21, 2017, but was originally posted (as noted in the article) on Russia Insider two days earlier attributed to "RI Staff." Furthermore, between August 4, 2016 and February 28, 2017 ten articles were posted on Russia Insider with the byline "Vincent DeLarge." One of the articles, "Russia's New Conservative Allies in the US: The 'Alt-Right' Phenomenon," was the only article "Favorited" by "Vincent Law"'s Disqus profile.

    An article on Russia Insider by "Vincent DeLarge" "favorited" by "Vincent Law."
    An article on Russia Insider by "Vincent DeLarge" "favorited" by "Vincent Law."

    Polishchuk also found time to self-publish a novel, a "Sci-Fi adventure story, with lurid action scenes and even a femme fatale that you can really sink your teeth into. (You know what I mean.)" We actually don't know what he meant, but he described his book thusly:

    Inspired in no small part by the birth of the Alt-Right and the internet proto-culture that spawned it… The year is 2034. A city of wandering Nihilo’s, crumbling palaces, and augmented reality, the Revenant City-State of St. Petersburg has become Jak’s and many other Nihilo’s ark amid the flood. Crushing boredom, atomized loneliness and a creeping sense of impending doom are all Jak remembers of his old home in the UFR. It has been 6 years since then, since Jak joined the last great exile wave out of the Post-First. But even here in the far flung reaches of Eastern Europe, storm clouds are gathering, brought on by a westerly wind and threatening to topple the precarious Revenant City system. A prank gone wrong on a small corner of the vast SHAK Net throws Jak into the dangerous world of augmented super soldiers, Moscovite intelligence agents, and Caliphate harvesters on the streets of St. Petersburg. Although he doesn’t know it yet, Jak is now part of a titanic struggle of which he finds himself an unwilling pawn. Manipulated, hunted and with nowhere left to run to, Jak will have to make his move and make it fast if he wants to make it out of St. Petersburg alive.

    And thus "Vincent Law" joined the ranks of the numerous white nationalists and neo-Nazis who have self-published shitty science-fiction novels. It sounds truly cringe-inducing.

    Propagandist for the Kremlin

    Despite being a Ukrainian born in Kyiv to parents who are former Ukrainian diplomats, Bogdan Polishchuk has been a prolific pro-Kremlin propagandist. The last instance we have seen of Polishchuk was a March 2018 interview on the Russian state-sponsored news site Sputnik News in which he was described as the "deputy editor of the Russia Insider news website." The article was entitled "West is Intent on Portraying Russia as a Hitlerian State." In it Polishchuk states: "…every single Western country is intent on portraying Russia as, you know, this Hitlerian state or something like that" and argued that western media was unfairly "demonizing" anything Russian, using the case of the poisoning of Sergei and his daughter Yulia Skripal as an example. However, there is strong evidence that the poisoning was an attempt by Russian intelligence services to assassinate Sergei Skripal, a former Russian intelligence officer who had defected.

    Polishchuk also contributed to Russia's disinformation campaign regarding Ukraine on Prior to Russia's invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022, United States intelligence officials stated that they expected Russia to create a "false flag" incident to create a pretext for invading Ukraine. That is, they expected that Russia would manufacture an incident to provide an excuse for them, giving them a justification for the invasion. Russian disinformation campaigns ramped up activity prior to the attack on Ukraine. This was no surprise to intelligence officials since Russia had been laying groundwork for a pretext to invade Ukraine for years. Polishchuk, writing as "Vincent Law" on contributed to this groundwork, an example of which was the blog post titled "Russia Stands Poised On The Brink Of A Coup" in July 2017. In this post he wrote:

    Ukraine is gearing up for war. Leaks from anti-Kiev military officers still in the Ukrainian army talk about a massive concentration of armor and artillery on the eastern front. Meanwhile, Ukraine is increasing its propaganda efforts to justify war with Russia internally and externally. In other words, the country is getting ready to fulfill its historic mission: to become inglorious cannon fodder for ZOG in the next edition of “DrangnachOsten.”

    Furthermore, he predicted:

    It is very likely that the ruling regime in Kiev (Ukraine) will start a major provocation in Donbass in the next month or so. The scale of this provocation will be large, very large. This provocation should be sufficiently large that Russia feels obligated to respond. To put it even more bluntly, the Kiev regime will be ready to commit atrocities to get Russia to openly enter into the conflict in the East. The regime in Kiev has exhausted all means of staying in power otherwise: there are clashes now with the neo-Nazi muscle that they used in the EuroMaiden who now demand more power, Ukraine’s economy is in disarray, its reserve funds are dwindling, and it’s being nudged relentlessly towards confrontation with Russia by the US and NATO. War with Russia vindicates Kiev’s propaganda and allows them to sign off all their sins and failures, it may even allow them to cling on to power a bit longer, steal a bit more and prepare an escape route to the West where they can receive their Nobel Peace Prizes or something similar. Come to think of it, it also vindicates all the US/NATO propaganda and justifies their belligerent policy (and aggressive military spending) towards Russia. The only potential obstacle here is Trump and his small team of “isolationists”.

    This falls into line with Russian state media's attempts to paint Putin's invasion as a "denazification" of Ukraine. Sputnik News made the case that Russia was "planning to free Ukraine from neo-Nazis, their supporters, and their ideology." While it is true that neo-Nazi organizations in Ukraine, like Azov Battalion, exist and are problematic, the pretext of "de-Nazifying" Ukraine is absurd, especially since the president of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy is himself Jewish. Polishchuk, while being a key supporter of neo-Nazis in America was also part of the Russian state's propaganda machine that set the stage for the invasion of Ukraine.

    Additionally, in comments on the "Vincent Law" article "Ukraine Is About To Experience Yet Another Maidan" from four years ago Polishchuk wrote that he had met with members of the Russian Imperial Movement (RIM), which had sent fighters to Ukraine's Donbas region. According to the Stanford Center for International Security and Cooperation (CISAC) The Russian Imperial Movement is an extreme-right, white supremacist militant organization based in St. Petersburg, Russia. From 2014-2016 RIM trained and equipped foreign fighters for the conflict in eastern Ukraine, where members of the group’s Imperial Legion fought alongside pro-Russian separatists. The United States Department of State has designated RIM as a terrorist organization "that provides paramilitary-style training to neo-Nazis and white supremacists."

    Polishchuk, as "Vincent Law," wrote that he had met with members of the Russian Imperialist Movement.
    Polishchuk, as "Vincent Law," wrote that he had met with members of the Russian Imperial Movement. [archive]

    Слава Україні!

    Thousands of Ukrainians have been killed thus far in the Russian invasion and hundreds of thousands have been displaced. The Ukrainian-born and American educated Bogdan Polishchuk has contributed to Putin's territorial ambitions while at the same time playing a key role in the formation of the American neo-Nazi "Alt-Right" movement. Taking advantage of a liberal education in some of the most expensive schools in America did nothing to liberalize Polishchuk. He only grew more hateful. His mother grieves for the people of Ukraine and urges people on her Facebook page to support Ukraine defense. We can only think that Bogdan Polishchuk is deeply satisfied in the part he played bringing this invasion to his home country.

    A big thanks goes out to @oneforeachofyou on Twitter for their contributions to this report.


    Amy Wainwright and the Neo-Nazi Ladies Club "Avalon Rising"

    White supremacists often talk of "traditionalism," and while tradition by itself isn't necessarily a bad thing, white nationalists and neo-Nazis use their narrow view of "tradition" to support their claims of superiority over other races and cultures. The most insidious aspect of this so-called "traditionalism" is how white supremacists use this to twist their own children into versions of themselves, perpetuating their hateful ideologies and fear. Just as the abused often because the abusers, these children grow up to be the racists of tomorrow.

    In today's article we will expose one such "trad" wife who has been involved in white nationalist activism for years and has now retreated her family to an isolated rural setting to pursue her white nationalist ambitions by creating a neo-Nazi "ladies club" of sorts on Telegram messenger named "Avalon Rising." Calling herself "Clarion Wakefield" online, she has involved her own minor daughter in the group, as well as involving her with the white nationalist small press Antelope Hill Publishing. "Clarion Wakefield" has worked hard to keep her true identity a secret. Unfortunately for her, she did not work hard enough. "Clarion Wakefield" is, in fact, Amy Rachel Wainwright and this is our report.

    Avalon Rising

    A photo of "Clarion Wakefield" she posted on her Telegram channel Avalon Rising.
    A photo of "Clarion Wakefield" she posted on her Telegram channel Avalon Rising.

    The Telegram messenger channel called "Avalon Rising" was created on June 16, 2021 by a woman who called herself "Clarion Wakefield." The channel is described as "a network of white women who are living their lives to benefit white people" and has over 1,200 subscribers with 93 members who take part in discussion at this time of writing.  In the first post she wrote:

    Welcome to Avalon Rising –

    Avalon Rising is a network of white women who are living their lives to benefit white people.This online community is just a stop on the path –-our ultimate destination is irl regional communities with national meetups. Here, we will support each other in this antiwhite world, get to know each other, and gather together as we find women in your area to join together with. The Bot read you the rules. So, that’s taken care of. Now let’s get to making a community here that will become a community out there.

    –Avalon Rising

    While some of the discussion involves various "trad" topics related to homesteading, gardening, knitting and the like, most of discussion goes towards organizing "pro-white" activism, paranoid theories of "white genocide" and blatantly racist discourse. In the post below "Clarion Wakefield" urged the channel subscribers to not donate to the Salvation Army, accusing them of being "antiwhite" for their stance against racism.

    A post in Avalon Rising urging readers to not donate to the Salvation Army because they are "antiwhite."
    A post in Avalon Rising urging readers to not donate to the Salvation Army because they are "antiwhite." [archive]
    However unsubtle this is already, much of the discussion in Avalon Rising is blatantly pro-Nazi. The ladies of Avalon Rising make clear that Adolf Hitler is a figure they revere. In the posts below, "Clarion" requested recommendations for a print collection of Hitler's speeches. In one post she explained that her daughter was to memorize and recite a speech for her home-school co-op.

    "Clarion Wakefield" isn't shy about her devotion to Adolf Hitler and Nazi ideology.
    "Clarion Wakefield" isn't shy about her devotion to Adolf Hitler and Nazi ideology. [archive]
    "What do you think the best speech Hitler ever gave was? My daughter has to memorize and present a 3-5 minutes historical speech for her homeschool co-op."
    "What do you think the best speech Hitler ever gave was? My daughter has to memorize and present a 3-5 minutes historical speech for her homeschool co-op." [archive]

    Inane discussion about the color of Hitler's eyes in the Avalon Rising Discussion group.
    Inane discussion about the color of Hitler's eyes in the Avalon Rising Discussion group.

    In the example below a co-admin of the channel who goes by the alias "Allie Jay" (who we will elaborate on later in this piece) expressed her opinions on interracial relationships saying "blacks are the worst" and "at least no one thinks they [white men] will turn to n_ggers."

    "...blacks are the worst," wrote "Allie Jay" in the Avalon Rising channel discussion (slur redacted).
    "…blacks are the worst," wrote "Allie Jay" in the Avalon Rising channel discussion (slur redacted).

    The channel has also been used to spread anti-vaccination disinformation and ways to circumvent vaccination safety protocols. In the example below, a user who calls herself "卐 Bonnie🩸Lass ᛋᛋ ☀️♎️🌙♌️☝🏻♐️" (@lost_tribe) from South Carolina promoted a Telegram channel that offered counterfeit proof-of-vaccination cards.

    Fake vaccination cards promoted by "Bonnie Lass" in the Telegram channel "Avalon Rising."
    Fake vaccination cards promoted by "Bonnie Lass" in the Telegram channel "Avalon Rising."

    "Clarion Wakefield" suggested that the source of the fake Covid vaccination cards "could be a honeypot." User "Miche//e" suggested ways to circumvent identification like, "Use a new email when contacting them. Use an alias. Have it sent to a PO box."

    The ladies of Avalon Rising discuss the perils of purchasing fake Covid vaccination cards.
    The ladies of Avalon Rising discuss the perils of purchasing fake Covid vaccination cards.

    One of the pet projects for Avalon Rising is outreach for what they call "political prisoners," which are, in fact, white nationalists and neo-Nazis who are incarcerated for violent crimes, not for their political positions. They have teamed up with the Global Minority Initiative, an outfit that aims to boost the morale of racist murderers in prison, murderers like Dylann Roof and Robert Bowers. In the post pictured below, "Clarion Wakefield" posts a method to send commissary and correspondence to these convicted felons without disclosing the identity of the sender. Pictured is James Alex Fields, convicted for murdering an antiracist protestor in 2017. While there is much to be critical about the US prison industry, these violent criminals are surely not "political prisoners," nor should prison reform begin with neo-Nazis.

    A post in Avalon Rising describing their partnership with the "Global Minority Initiative."
    A post in Avalon Rising describing their partnership with the "Global Minority Initiative."

    The administrators of Avalon Rising made a particular point to its members to avoid posting identifying information about themselves in the discussion portion of the channel. One of the channel admins who uses the alias "Branka Ryan" posted, "We just do not want to be the channel responsible for people being doxxed from."

    "We just do not want to be the channel responsible for people being doxxed from," posted one of the chat's administrators.
    "We just do not want to be the channel responsible for people being doxxed from," posted one of the chat's administrators.

    Despite this, we were able to identify a number of the chat participants, which we present at the end of this article. One important member we'll discuss here, however, is this co-administrator of the group, "Branka Ryan." This user is notable because besides being a chat admin, she is also the author of a book published by the white nationalist small press Antelope Hill Publishing and is "Clarion Wakefield"'s real-life teenage daughter.

    "Branka Ryan"

    "Clarion Wakefield"s 18-year-old (as of February 14, 2021) daughter is one co-administrator of the channel and the author of a book title published by the white nationalist small press Antelope Hill Publishing.

    Cover of a book published by the white nationalist small press Antelope Hill Publishing credited to "Branka Ryan."
    Cover of a book published by the white nationalist small press Antelope Hill Publishing credited to "Branka Ryan."

    Despite being a minor youth at the time, "Branka Ryan" was very active in the chat greeting new members. Keeping to the norms of the chat, "Branka Ryan" did not refrain from expressing her views about persons of color or those in the LGBT+ community, as well as her admiration of Adolf Hitler. In one post she wrote, "Adolf Hitler was a great man."

    Branka Ryan: "Adolf Hitler was a great man"
    "Adolf Hitler was a great man," wrote "Branka Ryan."
    "Branka Ryan": "’s the blacks and the browns who are the rapists."
    "Branka Ryan": "…it’s the blacks and the browns who are the rapists."
    Homophobic post by "Branka Ryan."

    Homophoc post by "Brank Ryan"

    "Branka Ryan," "Allie Jay" and others in a homophobic discussion.
    "Branka Ryan," "Allie Jay" and others in a homophobic discussion.

    What makes "Branka Ryan"'s racist and homophobic comments particularly upsetting is the fact that this teenaged girl's regular social media accounts have friends and followers listed who are persons of color and LGBTQ+ persons. These unsuspecting people have no idea that the person whom they consider to be a friend says these awful things and writes for a neo-Nazi publishing company. "Branka Ryan"'s racism and homophobia can't be excused, but they are the values instilled by her mother. "Clarion Wakefield" wrote: "My kids were raised WN [white nationalist]. They'll never have to be 'red pilled'. They'll never have to unfuck their minds from antiwhite indoctrination. Very powerful."

    "Clarion Wakefield" explains that her kids were raised white nationalist.
    "Clarion Wakefield" explains that her kids were raised white nationalist.

    Although we have ascertained the full details of "Branka Ryan"'s true identity, we are not revealing her real name in this report since her participation in this white nationalist movement was as a minor and we feel that her true name is less important than the factors that brought her into white nationalism. "Branka Ryan" was indoctrinated into a twisted ideology by her parents and we believe that she still has a chance to determine her own path given an opportunity. As for "Clarion Wakefield," there is unfortunately little hope of changing her views, as she has had a long history of white nationalist activism.

    A History of White Nationalism

    "Clarion Wakefield"'s  ventures in white nationalism did not begin with her Telegram channel. We found earlier involvement with the defunct white nationalist group Identity Evropa (now rebranded as the "American Identity Movement"), as evident by Unicorn Riot's Discord leaks.

    During this time "Clarion" was living in Florida  and was actively involved in organizing local white nationalist activism. Writing as "Clarion-FL" on Discord, she espoused her particular brand of antisemitic Christianity, something that carried over to Avalon Rising.

    "Clarion-FL" twists a Christian bible story into an antisemitic anecdote
    "Clarion-FL" twists a Christian bible story into an antisemitic anecdote. [link]
    She was also a moderator of the AltRight Facebook group, which she also noted on the "About" page of her YouTube channel where she described being a "co-editor of the Alt Right facebook page [sic]" along with an individual called "James."

    "Clarion-FL" was a moderator of the AltRight Facebook group during this time
    "Clarion-FL" was a moderator of the AltRight Facebook group during this time. [link]
    "Clarion Wakefield" describes herself as "co-editor" of the Alt-Right Facebook page, along with "James," on her YouTube channel.
    "Clarion Wakefield" describes herself as "co-editor" of the Alt-Right Facebook page, along with "James," on her YouTube channel. [archive]
    "Clarion-FL" wrote in the chats that she was relocating her family from Florida and was considering Tennessee for a time. She eventually settled on Kentucky, purchasing a cabin on a rural property, which she wrote about in Avalon Rising in July, 2021.

    Clarion Wakefield moved from Florida to Kentucky, as she wrote on her Avalon Rising Telegram channel.
    Clarion Wakefield moved from Florida to Kentucky, as she wrote on her Avalon Rising Telegram channel.

    Happy with her new surroundings, "Clarion" eagerly shared photos of their new property.

    "Clarion Wakefield" shared several photos of her newly-acquired Kentucky property, one of which is pictured here.
    "Clarion Wakefield" shared several photos of her newly-acquired Kentucky property, one of which is pictured above.

    In the above post "Clarion Wakefield" mentioned that she "went to town and mailed White Nationalist calendars." One of her projects this year, along with another white nationalist who calls himself "Apollo," was the production of a white nationalist-themed 2022 calendar called "Our People Our Year." This calendar, selling for $25 each, featured monthly pieces that supposedly celebrate the achievements of "white culture." They noted on their website: "Unfortunately, due to hate speech laws, we cannot ship internationally. Remember what we’re fighting for. We know we won’t always have to live this way."

    Image of the "Our People, Our Year" white nationalist calendar from the sales website.
    Image of the "Our People, Our Year" white nationalist calendar from the sales website.
    A notice on the website for the sales of a white nationalist calendar produced by "Clarion Wakefield."
    A notice on the website for the sales of a white nationalist calendar produced by "Clarion Wakefield."

    "Clarion Wakefield," "Apollo" and "Branka Ryan" appeared on the white nationalist podcast "Full Haus," hosted by Matthew Q. Gebert (aka "Coach Finstock") to shill the calendar. In this show, Clarion and Apollo explain that they are reclaiming "white" holidays, such as April 20th (4/20), which is often jokingly used as a holiday for enjoyers of marijuana, but is also the birthday of Adolf Hitler. They explained that there are no "Jewish" holidays printed in this calendar and this calendar was produced entirely by "white people."

    In the February feature of the calendar, its authors marveled at Adolf HItler's "economic miracle."

    "Branka Ryan," between some creepy prying by Gebert into this 17-year old's relationship status and gushing personal comments about her looks, appeared on the show to promote a book she wrote and illustrated for the white nationalist small press Antelope Hill Publishing (we have previously reported on Antelope Hill writers Ben Welton and Jesse Ogden). Her book, The Twelve Dancing Princesses, is the first in Antelope Hill Publishing's line of books intended for children. In this podcast she specified that this book is intended for "white children."

    Apollo and Clarion were secretive about the payment methods for purchasing the calendars. They required customers to inquire through an email to which they would reply with further instructions. We learned that money order or cash payments were to be sent to a UPS store in Somerset, Kentucky. This refined what we knew of Clarion's location, but there were other clues that Clarion unwittingly provided that would pinpoint her exact location and even her real name.

    Connecting the dots

    "Clarion" was secretive about her true identity, but nevertheless inadvertently dropped several clues about her past. In this post on Avalon Rising she posted a photo of her spice rack. One of the spice jar lids was decoratively labeled with a portion of a map that read "Albuquerque," which indicated that she may have had a past in New Mexico.

    A post on Avalon Rising featuring "Clarion"'s spice rack.
    A post on Avalon Rising featuring "Clarion"'s spice rack. [archive]
    One of the lids (Allspice) was decorated with a portion of a New Mexico map, reading "Albuquerque."
    One of the lids (Allspice) was decorated with a portion of a New Mexico map, reading "Albuquerque."

    Despite being shy about posting photos and information about herself, "Clarion Wakefield" eagerly shared barely-obfuscated photos of her daughter "Branka." While "Branka"'s participation in the chat diminished as the chat grew, "Clarion" seemed intent on making her the poster child for white nationalist "trad" life, sharing nearly-identifiable images and posting updates on her various activities. One might call this a "Doxhausen by Proxy" situation. Due to the various clues that Clarion provided we were able to identify "Branka Ryan." Since we knew "Branka" was Clarion's oldest daughter, it was not long before we were able identify "Clarion Wakefield" and trace her back to her former life in Florida.

    One of several nearly-identifiable photos "Clarion Wakefield" posted on Avalon Rising of her daughter "Branka Ryan." While "Clarion" was careful to not post photos of herself, she seemed to care less about the possible exposure of her daughter..
    One of several nearly-identifiable photos "Clarion Wakefield" posted on Avalon Rising of her daughter "Branka Ryan." While "Clarion" was careful to not post photos of herself, she seemed to care less about the possible exposure of her daughter. [archive]
    A post from Amy Wainwright's account at the right-ring social media site Gab picturing her daughter's hair.
    A post from Amy Wainwright's account at the right-ring social media site Gab picturing her daughter's hair. "Clarion" seemed intent on turning her daughter into a poster-child for white nationalist life.

    Amy Rachel (Vanworth) Wainwright, born May 28, 1975, in a former life was a lawyer, earning her law degree from the University of New Mexico in 2002 after previously earning a Bachelor's degree in Sociology and minoring in Women's Studies. Her law career however did not last long for various reasons. After one short-lived marriage and subsequent divorce, she met and married Ross Holden Wainwright, who was a very active member of the Marine Engineers Beneficial Association (MEBA) since at least 2001 and worked for Waterman Steamship.

    Amy Wainwright (then Vanworth) at the University of New Mexico in 1997.
    Amy Wainwright (then Vanworth) at the University of New Mexico in 1997.
    Amy Wainwright (then Vanworth) earned her law degree in 2002 at the University of New Mexico.
    Amy Wainwright (then Vanworth) earned her law degree in 2002 at the University of New Mexico.

    Amy and Ross Wainwright lived in various places before they settled in Myakka City, Florida, where Amy Wainwright supported white nationalist activities with Identity Evropa, as mentioned above. It was also during this time that Amy Wainwright ran the "AltRight" Facebook group as she described in the Discord Leaks and mentioned above. We located her Facebook profile but found that despite it having existed for many years it was devoid of any personal photos. Also, it is interesting to note that the Facebook page Amy Wainwright currently uses actually once belonged to her husband Ross Wainwright. We know this because of early replies to posts addressing her husband's name and the fact that she never changed the profile's pronouns. We can only guess that her original profile may have been suspended and she took over her husband's Facebook page. The two appeared to be in the process of scrubbing their presences on the internet anyway, so the loss of one Facebook account was likely of little importance. Still, Amy Wainwright would not completely distance herself from her Florida friends.

    Amy Wainwright's Facebook page.
    Amy Wainwright's Facebook page.

    Many of Amy Wainwright's Facebook posts hinted at her white nationalism but were "normie" enough to not indicate how involved she was in the white nationalist movement. She was well aware that it would take a softer touch to move her socially-conservative friends further to the right into white nationalist spheres. In the post below she made a joke about making appearances to fit into mainstream society.

    Amy Wainwright jokes about how she is pretends to not be a white nationalist.
    Amy Wainwright jokes about how she is pretends to not be a white nationalist. This account formerly belonged to her husband, Ross Wainwright, hence the "his" pronoun.

    Many of her posts could not be seen as anything other than racist, however. In one post she wrote, "Anyone who tries to shame you for caring about your people is an immoral antiwhite," using the usual conflation white nationalists have with antiracism being "antiwhite." In another post Amy Wainwright used another common racist trope of "white victimhood," writing, "White people are the only race that modern social standards allow to be vilified…" This, of course, is objectively not true, but white nationalists frequently promote the idea of the victimizer being the victimized.

    Amy Wainwright conflates antiracism with being an "immoral antiwhite" on Facebook.
    Amy Wainwright conflates antiracism with being an "immoral antiwhite" on Facebook.
    Amy Wainright on Facebook promotes the idea that "white people" are the actual victims of racism. Some of her friends agree.
    Amy Wainright on Facebook promotes the idea that "white people" are the actual victims of racism. Some of her friends agree.

    Despite these little "winks and nods" that thinly veiled her full involvement in white nationalist activism, Amy Wainwright, either from carelessness or overconfidence, could not completely separate her true identity from her "Clarion Wakefield" persona. In one Facebook post she proudly posted a screen shot of a phone text message from her daughter. As it happens, she also posted the exact same screenshot in another "Clarion Wakefield" Telegram channel which has now gone private.

    Screenshot of a text message Amy Wainwright posted from on her Facebook page.
    Screenshot of a text message Amy Wainwright posted from on her Facebook page.
    A Telegram post on the "Clarion Wakefield" channel.
    The same screenshot posted by "Clarion Wakefield" on a Telegram channel. Note the "G" indicating the initial of her daughter's first name has been redacted.

    Furthermore, Amy Wainwright also chose to post an image on Avalon Rising that she uses (at the time of writing) as the banner image of her Facebook profile: a quote, "You will suffer. Do. It. Anyway."

    A image of a quote Amy Wainwright posted on Facebook and uses as her Facebook profile banner image.
    A image of a quote Amy Wainwright posted on Facebook and uses as her Facebook profile banner image.

    She also posted this same image on Avalon Rising.
    She also posted this same image on Avalon Rising. [archive]
    It appears that Amy and Ross Wainwright have spent a considerable effort removing personally identifying information from online sources. Photo sources for the couple are scarce, however it is interesting to note that while they took particular effort to maintain their own privacy they were less than willing to put in the same effort for their daughter "Branka" or their newly-acquired Kentucky property, as indicated by the many photos Amy Wainwright posted on Avalon Rising.

    Ross Wainwright installing new windows in their Kentucky cabin.
    Ross Wainwright installing new windows in their Kentucky cabin. [archive]
    Photo of the family in living room (Ross Wainwright's face redacted by Amy Wainwright). Amy Wainwright notes that the Confederate flag t-shirt her daughter is wearing was provided by the white nationalist group Identity Dixie.
    Photo of the family in living room (Ross Wainwright's face redacted by Amy Wainwright). Amy Wainwright notes that the Confederate flag t-shirt her daughter is wearing was provided by the white nationalist group Identity Dixie. New windows are in. [archive]
    Despite the fact that they (perhaps deliberately) chose to settle in a county from which it is difficult to obtain public property information, we were able to identify this property. Images posted on Avalon Rising match those of a property near Mount Vernon, Kentucky that was recently up for sale and was purchased around the same time that Amy Wainwright (as "Clarion Wakefield") announced their arrival in Kentucky. Satellite imagery of the area's topography confirmed that we had correctly identified the property.

    Online sale advert for "Clarion Wakefield"'s newly acquired Kentucky property.
    Online sale advert for "Clarion Wakefield"'s newly acquired Kentucky property.
    A photo of the front of her house "Clarion Wakefield" posted publicly in an ancillary Telegram channel "Beginner Homesteader."
    A photo of the front of her house "Clarion Wakefield" posted publicly in an ancillary Telegram channel "Beginner Homesteader." [archive]
    View of the living room from the online seller. Note that this is the same view as in the living room photo above, but this was before two windows were added to either side of the fireplace.
    View of the living room from the online seller. Note that this is the same view as in the living room photo above, but this was before two windows were added to either side of the fireplace.

    The video panorama posted on Avalon Rising on December 31, 2020 matches satellite imagery, confirming that we had correctly identified the property.

    Aerial imagery of the property (source: Bing Maps).
    Aerial imagery of the property (source: Bing Maps).

    Also, despite the fact that Amy Wainwright took conspicuous effort to remove images of herself online, we were able to locate photos from the yearbooks of Sandia High School in Albuquerque, New Mexico, from which she graduated in 1992.

    Amy Wainwright as "Amy Vanworth" (second from right) in a 1992 high school yearbook photo.
    Amy Wainwright as "Amy Vanworth" (second from right) in a 1992 high school yearbook photo.
    Amy Wainwright (then Vanworth) as a senior at Sandia High School in Albuquerque, New Mexico in 1992.
    Amy Wainwright (then Vanworth) as a senior at Sandia High School in Albuquerque, New Mexico in 1992.
    Amy Vanworth (now Wainwright) in 1992.
    Amy Wainwright (then Vanworth) in 1992 (other persons pictured are redacted).
    As a high school freshman in 1989.
    Amy Wainwright (then Vanworth) as a high school freshman in 1989.

    Likewise, photos of Ross Holden Wainwright are scarce, but photos posted by Amy Wainwright on her Telegram channels are likely that of her husband.

    Captioned: "Surveying the kingdom Homesteading and parenting are two life journeys that crystallize the truth that ' right brings responsibility'. Both glorious" From Amy Wainwright's "Beginner Homesteader" Telegram channel.
    Captioned: "Surveying the kingdom Homesteading and parenting are two life journeys that crystallize the truth that ' right brings responsibility'. Both glorious" From Amy Wainwright's "Beginner Homesteader" Telegram channel. [archive]
    Photo of Ross Wainwright from behind.
    Photo of Ross Wainwright from behind (enlarged 2x). [archive]
    Photo of daughter "Branka" wearing a shirt bearing the logo of the "White Art Collective" (WAC), a group of white nationalist writers, artists and musicians.
    Photo of daughter "Branka" wearing a shirt bearing the logo of the "White Art Collective" (WAC), a group of white nationalist writers, artists and musicians. [archive]

    Note the symbolism on his sweater, in common usage by white nationalists.
    Note the symbolism on his sweater, in common usage by white nationalists. From the Avalon Rising Discussion group.

    The Fall of "Avalon Rising"

    Amy Wainwright is now forty-six years of age. Although our mission is to combat racism and fascism wherever we find it, we would pay less attention to her if she simply lived out her live-action-role-playing racist frontier fantasies on her own, far from polite society. But this is not the case. Amy Wainwright as "Clarion Wakefield" organizes with other other white nationalist groups to advance their agenda. She and her fellow neo-Nazi women in Avalon Rising provide moral support to violent incarcerated racists through white nationalist groups like the Global Minority Initiative and promote fascist ideology through unabashed neo-Nazi outfits like Antelope Hill Publishing. Perhaps worst of all, she uses her own children as pawns in her war against a more tolerant society by filling their minds with warped ideas of an "anti-white conspiracy" under the pretense of "protecting the white race."

    It is fortunate, then, that Wainwright and her neo-Nazi ladies club were not as careful as they thought. Those that seek to spread hateful ideologies rarely are, and as long as they do we will be there to shine a light on them.


    Bonus Feature: The Ladies of Avalon Rising

    As mentioned earlier, despite the fact that the chat admins wrote that they did "not want to be the channel responsible for people being doxxed from," it's kinda what they were. Were we able to identify many of the participants of Avalon Rising, some of whom we detail below.

    "Allie Jay" (@Allie_Jay) a.k.a Alisia J. (Jezierny) Collett

    "Allie Jay" is one of the admin members of Avalon Rising. We have identified her as Alisia J. Collett (née Jezierny), born December 28, 1978, of Bedford, Pennsylvania, formerly of Raleigh, North Carolina. She goes by "@Collett_Alisia" on Twitter. Collett moved to Pennsylvania following the dissolution of her previous marriage and remarried to Daniel J. Strang who himself is no stranger to white nationalism. To our knowledge she retains the surname of her previous marriage "Collett."

    Alisia J. Collett of Bedford, PA is co-moderator of "Avalon Rising" using the alias "AllieJay."
    Alisia J. Collett of Bedford, PA is co-moderator of "Avalon Rising" using the alias "Allie Jay."
    "Allie Jay" introduced herself on "Avalon Rising."
    "Allie Jay" introduced herself on "Avalon Rising."

    As one of the administrators of the channel, Alisia Collett has the privilege of adding and removing members of the chat. She is also one of the more vocal participants of the chat and does not hold back from racist dialogue, as evident by her carefree use of racial slurs.

    " are the worst," wrote "AllieJay" in the Avalon Rising chat (slue redacted).
    "…blacks are the worst," wrote "Allie Jay" in the Avalon Rising channel discussion (slur redacted).
    Racist comment
    (Racial slur redacted)
    Alisia Collet, a.k.a. "Allie Jay," likes to use the "N"-word.
    Alisia Collett, a.k.a. "Allie Jay," likes to use the "N"-word.

    When not participating in racist discussion on Avalon Rising, Alisia Collett teaches women's self-defense courses for Centerpoint Safety and Training, a private self-defense and firearms school based in Everett, Pennsylvania. She explained in one post how this opens up opportunities to "white pill" other "normies" (ie, recruit people into white nationalist ideology):

    …Then, Saturday morning, I taught one of the women's self defense classes that I teach for a self defense training company. The owner of the company generally doesn't dive into race; its not that he is completely racially unaware (he's a former big city police detective, so he IS aware), but more that we live in a majority white area, and most sexual and physical assaults come from people the victim knows. But this time, he brought up that this is changing. He said that in the UK this year, sexual assaults by strangers have exceeded those by people whom the victims knows, and it's entirely because of the migrant crisis in Europe. He said that the majority of assaults are coming from Middle Eastern and African migrants, and that we can expect this to become a trend in America, as well, because of our own migrant crisis.

    This opened up the door for me to bring up the completely different cultural and moral norms of western society and people of the third world, and we can't expect that they will live by our standards, and they pose a threat to us and our communities.

    December 6, 2021 post from "Allie Jay."
    December 6, 2021 post from "Allie Jay."
    Alisia Collett (far right) pictured on Centerpoint Safety and Training's Facebook page.
    Alisia Collett (far right) pictured on Centerpoint Safety and Training's Facebook page.
    Alisia Collett, aka "Allie Jay", pictured on Centerpoint Safety and Training's Facebook page.
    Alisia Collett, aka "Allie Jay", pictured on Centerpoint Safety and Training's Facebook page.

    "Chosen Ginger" (@chosenginger), a.k.a. Allyson McKevitt

    Another notable participant in this chat is Allyson McKevitt, who goes by the alias "Chosen Ginger" and was identified by the SPLC as the wife of Michael McKevitt, a US Army veteran and co-host of a neo-Nazi podcaster (under the alias "Potato Smasher") with disgraced former US State Department employee Matthew Q. Gebert (a.k.a. "Coach Finstock"). Allyson McKevitt ran a homemade soap business called "Day of the Rope Soap," a reference to a common phrase in the white nationalist circles, referring to an event in the neo-Nazi novel The Turner Diaries where all "race traitors" are publicly hanged.

    Allyson McKevitt (a.k.a. "ChosenGinger) (L) with her husband Michael McKevitt (a.k.a. "Potato Smasher") (R)(Photo: SPLC)
    Allyson McKevitt (a.k.a. "ChosenGinger) (L) with her husband Michael McKevitt (a.k.a. "Potato Smasher") (R)(Photo: SPLC)
    Allyson McKevitt's current Twitter account (@ChosenGinger).
    Allyson McKevitt's current Twitter account (@ChosenGinger).

    "Kira Karamazova" (@kira_mazova), a.k.a. Kristen Hatten

    We were not surprised to find anti-choice activist and white nationalist Kristen Hatten in the member list of Avalon Rising. Hatten had made a name for herself protesting abortion rights but emerged as a white nationalist, as reported by the Huffington Post. These days it seems she goes by the alias "Kira Karamazova" and has changed her appearance, as indicated by her Telegram profile pictures.

    Kristen Hatten as "Kira Karamazova" on Telegram.
    Kristen Hatten as "Kira Karamazova" on Telegram.
    Kristen Hatten as she appeared in the Huffington Post. Kristen Walker Hatten has self-identified as an "ethnonationalist" since Donald Trump's election.
    Kristen Hatten as she appeared in the Huffington Post. Kristen Walker Hatten has self-identified as an "ethnonationalist" since Donald Trump's election.

    Michelle Widdowson (@MWTasmania)

    Michelle Widdowson (aka Michelle Caudlle or Michelle Caudle) is from Launceston, Tasmania and has a long history of racism and antisemitism. On Avalon Rising, Widdowson has used her international contacts to bring in new members to the group. Widdowson also maintains an account on the social media site VKontakte on which she incessantly posts racist, antisemitic, Islamophobic and anti-LGBTQ+ messages.

    Michelle Widdowson's profile photon on Telegram.
    Michelle Widdowson's profile photon on Facebook profilesTelegram.

    Just one example of the many racist posts Michelle Widdowson makes on her VK account.
    Just one example of the many racist posts Michelle Widdowson makes on her VK account. [archive]
    One of Michelle Widdowson's pro-Nazi posts on VK. [archive]

    Michelle Widdowson as "Michelle Caudlle" on one of her Facebook profiles.
    Michelle Widdowson as "Michelle Caudlle" on one of her Facebook profiles.

     "KrystalKatt" (@SilverMeadowWolf), a.k.a. Kristie Lynn Robinson (a.k.a.Kristie Rowland)

    "KrystalKatt"'s first post in the Avalon Rising discussion group.
    "KrystalKatt"'s first post in the Avalon Rising discussion group.

    Kristie Lynn Robinson (also known as Kristie Rowland) of Overton, Nevada, a 50-year-old grandmother, made a post on Facebook in 2017 with the statement: "No Place For Hate." Fast forward to December 2021, Kristie Robinson/Rowland is complaining about African-American representation in the Christmas holiday and re-posting Telegram messages from established white nationalist accounts.

    In 2017 Kristie Rowland (Robinson) posted on Facebook "No Place For Hate."
    In 2017 Kristie Rowland (Robinson) posted on Facebook "No Place For Hate."
    In December 2021, Kristie Robinson complains about African-American representations of Santa Claus, Joseph and Mary and promotes the neo-Nazi National Justice Party (NJP).
    In December 2021, Kristie Robinson complained about African-American representations of Santa Claus, Joseph and Mary and promoted the neo-Nazi National Justice Party (NJP).

    Writing as "KrystalKatt," she exposed her true identity herself by putting her name with a photo of herself in a Telegram messenger profile photo, as well as using a real photo of herself on her Gab account, which she also posted on her Facebook page. Kristie Lynn Robinson represents the dangerous slide from Trump-era extreme conservatism to full-on white nationalism. Her Facebook content during the time of Trump's presidency prominently consisted of Trump worship posts and QAnon conspiracy promotion. While she may be considered a victim of Trump-era hysteria, there is no doubt about her current positions on race relations or the LGBTQ+ community. In the Telegram post pictured below she responds to a post discussing homosexuality with a video of a noose.

    "Krystal Katt"s response to a discussion of homosexuality is a noose.
    "Krystal Katt"s response to a discussion of homosexuality is a noose.
    One of "KrystalKatt"'s Telegram messenger profile photos.
    One of "KrystalKatt"'s Telegram messenger profile photos.
    Kristie Robinson's Gab profile
    Kristie Robinson's Gab profile. Note her repost of a neo-Nazi/neo-Confederate account.
    Kristie Robinson/Rowland in a public Facebook photo.
    Kristie Robinson/Rowland in a public Facebook photo.

    :ᚠᚱᛖᛃᚫᛋᛏᛖᚫᚱ: (@freyjastear) a.k.a. Adrienne (de Backer) Dohrmann

    A relative newcomer to the Avalon Rising chat, Adrienne Dohrmann, who often uses the alias "Freyjastear," is no newcomer to white nationalism, having been involved in white nationalist movements for a number of years. A resident of New Bern, North Carolina, Dohrmann runs a freelance graphic design business from which she sells custom-made decals on Etsy, many featuring white nationalist symbolism.

    Adrienne Dohrmann's public LinkedIn profile.
    One of the decals sold by Dohrmann advertised on her Telegram channel. While the "valknut" is an ancient Norse symbol, it is often appropriated by white nationalists.
    One of the decals sold by Dohrmann advertised on her Telegram channel. While the "valknut" is an ancient Norse symbol, it is often appropriated by white nationalists.
    Other decals made by Dohrmann explicitly feature white nationalist symbolism.
    Other decals made by Dohrmann explicitly feature white nationalist symbolism.

    Adrienne Dohrmann is married to U.S. Marine sergeant Karl August Dohrmann who himself show sympathies to white nationalist movements. In one photo posted on Adrienne Dohrmann's public Facebook page he may be seen wearing a t-shirt featuring a "wolfsangel," another symbol that is commonly utilized by white nationalists and was a feature of several World War II Nazi military units.

    Adrienne Dohrmann with Karl Dohrmann on their wedding day in 2015.
    Adrienne Dohrmann with Karl Dohrmann on their wedding day in 2015.
    Adrienne Dohrmann and her husband Marine Sergeant Karl Dohrmann.
    Adrienne Dohrmann and her husband Marine Sergeant Karl Dohrmann.
    The white nationalist "wolfsangel" symbol is prominently displayed on Karl Dohrmann's shirt.
    The white nationalist "wolfsangel" symbol is prominently displayed on Karl Dohrmann's shirt.
    The "wolfsangel" symbol as used by the Nazi military unit 34th SS Volunteer Grenadier Division Landstorm Nederland in World War II.
    The "wolfsangel" symbol as used by the Nazi military unit  34th SS Volunteer Grenadier Division Landstorm Nederland in World War II. [watermarked to discourage use as propaganda]
    Another decal sold on her Etsy shop. "Only the inferior strive for equality."
    Another decal sold on her Etsy shop. "Only the inferior strive for equality."
    Adrienne Dohrmann wearing a t-shirt with the name of white nationalist cult weirdo and musician Paul Waggener.
    Adrienne Dohrmann wearing a t-shirt with the name of white nationalist "Wolves of Vinland" cult weirdo and musician  Paul Waggener.


    "卐 Bonnie🩸Lass ᛋᛋ ☀️♎️🌙♌️☝🏻♐️" @lost_tribe

    User "卐 Bonnie🩸Lass ᛋᛋ ☀️♎️🌙♌️☝🏻♐️" is a South Carolina mother who is now going through a divorce after twenty years of marriage. This can be a tough time for anyone, so considering this we'll give her a break and not explicitly post her name. Instead we'll let you see the various selfies this neo-Nazi momma loved to post. You can also find her on Gab as "lost_tribe."
    Collage of publicly visible profile pictures for South Carolina user "卐 Bonnie🩸Lass ᛋᛋ ☀️♎️🌙♌️☝🏻♐️" (@lost_tribe).
    Hitler love.
    Violent antisemitism.

    "Miche//e" @GlowieMichelle

    "Miche//e" is a mother of five girls who lives in Florida and has some interesting ideas on immigration, writing: "Whites are 40% of the country now, correct? We only need half of the blacks to go back. That's a large enough number to make a substantial change in Africa and america. With that many people leaving it will balance out the illegal immigrants. We can even allow some type of DACA / amnesty crap to pacify the left."

    Mother of five from Florida "Miche//e" is a member of the Avalon Rising chat.
    Mother of five from Florida "Miche//e" is a member of the Avalon Rising chat.
    "Miche//e" has some peculiar ideas on immigration.
    "Miche//e" has some peculiar ideas on immigration.

    A couple of "Miche//e"'s profile photos.

    A couple of "Miche//e"'s profile photos.
    A couple of "Miche//e"'s profile photos.

    These are just a few examples of the Avalon Rising members. For a group that did "not want to be the channel responsible for people being doxxed from," they did a rotten job of it. Which is fine by us.






    Patriot Front Neo-Nazi "Ryan-PA" Identified as Zachary Ross Stern of Bushkill, Pennsylvania

    The recent leaks of the neo-Nazi organization Patriot Front by Unicorn Riot has provided the public with a disturbing glimpse into the nation-wide network of a white nationalist group. This has also provided antifascist researchers with a valuable resource for identifying the members of this group. Our contribution to this research in this article is the Patriot Front member who used the alias "Ryan-PA." We have identified this individual as Zachary Ross Stern of Bushkill, Pennsylvania. Stern's story, however, has an strange twist. This is our report.


    Zachary Stern came to our attention when he was mentioned in an article about Patriot Front in the Huffington Post, "Inside Patriot Front: The Masked White Supremacists On A Nationwide Hate Crime Spree." Chris Mathias and Ali Winston wrote:

    Videos showing Patriot Front’s retreat included footage of a rental number on the side of one of the trucks. HuffPost has obtained a copy of that truck’s corresponding rental agreement on July 3. It shows that it was rented by a man named Zachary Stern, who listed an address in Bushkill, Pennsylvania, about a two-hour drive north in the Poconos, as his residence. Public records show Zachary Stern owning a house at that same address.

    Stern could not be reached for comment as to why he had rented a truck to transport white supremacists to and from a rally in Philadelphia, or whether he was a Patriot Front member himself. His father, who was also listed as an owner of the Bushkill property, declined to comment.

    Naturally, we thought this was peculiar behavior for someone to rent a truck for a neo-Nazi organization and refuse to comment about it. Looking into Stern's background, we found some interesting parallels with a Patriot Front member who used the code-name "Ryan-PA," and whose member number is "PF-2575." Rose City Antifa located a photo of this Pennsylvania member in their gallery of Patriot Front members. The photo of "Ryan-PA" located by Rose City Antifa bears a striking resemblance to photos we located of Zachary Stern on various social media accounts.

    Patriot Front member "Ryan-PA" (photo from Rose City Antifa).
    Patriot Front member "Ryan-PA" (photo from Rose City Antifa).
    A photo of Zachary Stern found on Instagram.
    A photo of Zachary Stern found on Instagram.

    While the resemblance between the individuals in the photos is remarkable, it is not enough to make a conclusive identification. For that we needed something more. Zachary Stern is a tattoo enthusiast and his arms are extensively covered with tattoos. Most imagery of "Ryan-PA" in the Patriot Front leaks found in photos and videos feature him with arms fully covered, making it impossible to confirm his identity by his arm tattoos. However, Zachary Stern also has a distinctive tattoo on the third finger of his left hand. A detailed examination of the imagery of the individual suspected to be Stern also reveal that this individual has an identical tattoo in an identical location.

    Zachary Stern's arms are extensively tattooed, as evident by this photo found on social media.
    Zachary Stern's arms are extensively tattooed, as evident by this photo found on social media.
    Zachary Stern also has a distinctive tattoo on the third finger of his left hand.
    Zachary Stern also has a distinctive tattoo on the third finger of his left hand.
    The Patriot Front member suspected to be Stern also has a distinctive tattoo on his finger as Stern.
    The Patriot Front member suspected to be Stern also has a distinctive tattoo on the third finger of the left hand.
    Collage of images from the Patriot Front leaks of "Ryan-PA."
    Collage of images from the Patriot Front leaks of "Ryan-PA."

    For further confirmation, leaked messages posted by "Ryan-PA" also mention an individual whom we have identified as the spouse of Zachary Stern. Considering these factors, this was enough to conclusively identify Patriot Front member "Ryan-PA" to be Zachary Ross Stern of Bushkill, Pennsylvania.

    "Ryan-PA" mentioned a name whom we have identified as the spouse of Zachary Stern. We have redacted this name here, but full details are available at the Unicorn Riot Patriot Front Leaks.
    "Ryan-PA" mentioned a name whom we have identified as the spouse of Zachary Stern. We have redacted this name here, but full details are available at the Unicorn Riot Patriot Front Leaks.

    A Disturbing Twist

    Zachary Ross Stern of Bushkill, Pennsylvania was born on March 16, 1993. He has a lengthy involvement in white nationalist circles, but what is disturbing is that this is despite having a Jewish background. We cannot explain the reasoning behind this, but we have encountered this before, as in the example of the neo-Nazi podcaster Diana "Pikachu" Brancoveanu, who later claimed that her years of posting on the internet as a Jewish person was "just a persona." In 2011 while residing in New jersey, Zachary Stern had a metal band called "Nuklearenpest" who claimed they were “anti-zionist,” but not a “racist/NS band" because "2/3 members are Jewish, 1/3 is Mexican.” However, the band also proclaimed: “VIOLENT RAW BLACK METAL, NUKLEARENPEST OPPOSES THE NATIONALIST POLITICAL REGIME OF THE ISRAELI ZIONISTS.” While we recognize that criticism of the Israeli government is not by itself antisemitic, antisemites and white nationalists often adhere to conspiracy theories about "Zionist occupied governments."

    Zachary Stern's now-defunct band "Nuklearenpest"'s entry in The Metal Archives.
    Zachary Stern's now-defunct band "Nuklearenpest"'s entry in The Metal Archives. [archive]
    Zachary Stern was also the person behind "Vanguard Productions," a small record distribution company named by the Southern Poverty Law Center in their list of hate music. Historical WHOIS records show that "Zach Stern" was the registrant of this record company's website domain name.

    WHOIS records show "Zach Stern" as the registrant of a white nationalist record company's website.
    WHOIS records show "Zach Stern" as the registrant of a white nationalist record company's website. [archive]
    A screenshot from an archived view of the Vanguard Productions website.
    A screenshot from an archived view of the Vanguard Productions website.

    Besides being a distributor of neo-Nazi music, his company also distributed white nationalist books by the American neo-Nazi leader George Lincoln Rockwell, esoteric Hitlerism guru Miguel Serrano, the fascist Francis Parker Yockey and the like, as well as apparel featuring white nationalist and neo-Nazi imagery.

    Some of the items sold through Vanguard Productions as viewed in archived posts of the website.
    Some of the items sold through Vanguard Productions as viewed in archived posts of the website.
    Some of the items sold through Vanguard Productions as viewed in archived posts of the website.
    Some of the items sold through Vanguard Productions as viewed in archived posts of the website.

    There is no doubt about Zachary Stern's position as an antisemite now that we know he is a member of the explicitly racist, antisemitic neo-Nazi organization Patriot Front. We find this particularly upsetting since his family, as seen on social media, seems active in fighting antisemitism.

    Research on Patriot Front is ongoing and there are no doubt many more identifications that will be made by antifascist and antiracist groups in the near future. Such identifications are necessary to keep our communities safe and free from hate.

    Zachary Ross Stern, Patriot Front member "Ryan-PA"

    Date of birth: March 16, 1993.

    Last known residence: Bushkill, Pennsylvania.


    Neo-Nazi Comic Illustrator "JinjerZilla": Joshua Thayer LeGoff of Cranston, Rhode Island

    A while back we exposed the white nationalist comic illustrator "Donald Kent" aka "American Zarathustra" to be Buffalo, New York area artist Donald Jackson. If one white nationalist comic illustrator wasn't enough, today we have another. This illustrator, who presents himself unapologetically as a Nazi, writes and illustrates racist cartoons on his website and has even published a collection of these cartoons before his title was kicked off of stores like Barnes and Noble. Disturbingly, he also wrote and illustrated a kids' book under his real name. Although his true identity has been floating around here and there, he hasn't yet gotten the attention that a neo-Nazi comic illustrator deserves. Let's change that. We present to you "JinjerZilla."

    Neo-Nazi Comics

    Header banner for "JinjerZilla"'s website.
    Header banner for "JinjerZilla"'s website.

    "JinjerZilla" first appeared with his racist "political" cartoons around 2017, describing himself as a "Cartoonist – Illustrator – Commentator – Patriot Artist." He wrote on his website:

    I love freedom and western civilization. I draw pictures about how awesome it is, and how much its enemies suck. Please use my artwork in the meme wars. The sole purpose for my work's existence is to preserve our cultue [sic], our nation and our civilization. If you can use my art to win, do it!

    His website at the time featured politically conservative illustrations that could be perceived as "edgy" but it was not long thereafter, however, when JinjerZilla took a more extreme approach and gravitated toward the growing "alt-right" movement, as he expressed in an illustration entitled "Libertarian to Alt-Right Pipeline."

    "Libertarian to Alt-Right Pipeline" by "Jinjerzilla"
    "Libertarian to Alt-Right Pipeline" by "Jinjerzilla" (watermarked to discourage use as propaganda).

    "JinjerZilla" began posting explicitly racist, antisemitic and anti-LGBTQ+ illustrations on his website. He started calling his work "propaganda for the dissident right." On the right-wing social media platforms Gab and he described himself as "the most censored artist on the dissident right." A brief look at his portfolio makes clear why, as in the example pictured below which expresses a blatantly racist and antisemitic message.

    Racist and antisemitic illustration by "JinjerZilla"
    Racist and antisemitic illustration by "JinjerZilla" (watermarked to discourage use as propaganda).

    Another illustration expressed a vulgar anti-trans message in addition to "JinjerZilla"'s usual staples of racism and antisemitism as it makes light of, and perhaps even encourages, suicide amongst transgender persons.

    Cartoon by "JinjerZilla" encouraging suicide among transgender persons
    Cartoon by "JinjerZilla" encouraging suicide among transgender persons (watermarked to discourage use as propaganda).

    "JinjerZilla"'s message is explicitly National-Socialist, as in "Nazi." In a book "Jinjerzilla" self-published (which was subsequently rejected from major online booksellers) he described himself as such as seen in his book's description:

    A complete compilation of JinjerZilla's political cartoons from 2017 through 2020. This book documents his evolution- from his early days as a cartoonist with Libertarian proclivities, to his arrival into dissident politics as a passionate and ardent National Socialist.

    So, yes. He's a Nazi.

    And while non-white people and LGBTQ+ persons are all targets in his "political cartoons," he frequently features derogatory caricatures of Jewish people, as in the one picture below in which he implicates Jews in the murder of US President John F. Kennedy, Jr.

    "JinjerZilla" implicates Jews in the assassination of JFK in an antisemitic cartoon.
    "JinjerZilla" implicates Jews in the assassination of JFK in an antisemitic cartoon. (watermarked to discourage use as propaganda).

    One of "Jinjerzilla"'s most cringe-inducing illustrations is also perhaps one of his most dangerous. In the illustration pictured below, "JinjerZilla" portrays Adolf Hitler saving a young man from committing suicide by gun. While this is a ridiculous and unintentionally ironic premise since we all know that Hitler himself committed suicide, it is also dangerous because it demonstrates one of the strategies white nationalists use to recruit: exploiting young people who are experiencing emotional distress.

    An illustration presenting white nationalism as salvational, however it unintentionally demonstrates how white nationalism exploits those in crisis for recruitment
    An illustration presenting white nationalism as salvational, however it unintentionally demonstrates how white nationalism exploits those in crisis for recruitment (watermarked to discourage us as propaganda).

    While there are plenty more examples of egregious racism, antisemitism and anti-LGBTQ+ artwork to be found in "JinjerZilla"'s portfolio we feel the examples we have presented are sufficient to represent his oeuvre and do not wish to give his illustrations any more of a platform than is necessary.

    The racist social media platform lets "JinjerZilla" express himself in more explicit terms, as in the post where he wrote "If you’re not a Nazi, you’re gay."

    Another post is a promotion for fascism with the claim that it is "not gay or Jewish."

    Recently, "Jinjerzilla" tried to cash in on the NFT bandwagon, but it soon failed. Apparently, being a Nazi is not a popular as "Jinjerzilla" thinks it is.

    "Jinjerzilla" thinks the message of white nationalism is popular. [archive]

    A Little Bit of Self-Promotion

    But artists often have to get a buzz about them going and do a little bit of self-promotion. This was also true for "Jinjerzilla." He got on 4chan's /pol/ forum and started posting. Unfortunately for him, he also posted his real name and email, too!

    The illustration he posted on /pol/ was also featured in "Jinjerzilla"'s portfolio on his old website which is still viewable at the Wayback Machine and pictured below.

    "Jinjerzilla" posted the same illustration (bottom right) on his online portfolio.
    "Jinjerzilla" posted the same illustration (bottom right) on his online portfolio. [archive]
    Of course, publishing his pseudonymous book under his actual name did nothing to hide his true identity either. "Jinjerzilla"'s true name was plainly displayed in the book's product description as indexed by Google Books, and pictured below.

    Google's catalogue of the JinjerZilla book with "Joshua Legoff" named as publisher.
    Google's catalogue of the JinjerZilla book with "Joshua Legoff" named as publisher. [archive]
    The name "Joshua" was also consistent with the "Joshua @JinjerZilla" Twitter name he had used in the past before switching to "JinjerZilla @JinjerZilla."

    "Joshua" or "JinjerZilla" wasn't very careful in his early days of Twitter. He even graced us with the presence of his mug in a couple of instances.



    We can't take credit for discovering "Jinjerzilla"'s true name. We are happy that smart people on Twitter had already figured out who "Jinjerzilla" really is and managed to get his book kicked off of Barnes & Noble. We have to give credit where credit is due! Thank you people of Twitter.

    [tweets identifying Joshua Legoff as "Jinjerzilla."
    Antiracist Twitter on case!
    The neo-Nazi comic illustrator who calls himself "Jinjerzilla" is in fact Joshua Thayer LeGoff of Cranston, Rhode Island, born June 6, 1986. According to his LinkedIn, he is a 2014 graduate of the New England Institute of Technology with a B.S. in Computer Software Engineering, even earning a place on the Dean's list. Before that he was Artistic Co-Director at LearningWorks, Inc., where they "try to help children with poor organizational skills," and was a freelance artist/writer at Venturous Publishing LLC where he wrote and drew The Adventures of Okii, an "all-ages comic about an overweight janitor who finds himself swept into a word of dinosaurs, samurai and nefarious villains." He also worked as a graphic designer and illustrator for AAA Southern New England before moving into software development for the company.

    Joshua Thayer LeGoff
    Joshua Thayer LeGoff
    Joshua LeGoff and his wife (redacted) in a public 2013 Facebook photo.
    Joshua LeGoff and wife (redacted) in a public 2013 Facebook photo.
    Joshua LeGoff with wife (redacted) in a public 2017 Facebook photo.
    Joshua LeGoff with wife (redacted) in a public 2017 Facebook photo.
    Joshua LeGoff with wife (redacted) in a public 2016 Facebook photo.
    Joshua LeGoff with wife (redacted) in a public 2016 Facebook photo.

    After college he worked in various software development positions before ending up as a senior programmer analyst for AIPSO, which is his last known place of employment.

    Disturbingly, LeGoff also self-published a children's book through Createspace titled Herman's Hiccup Hijinx, pictured below.

    [Google Books link]
    [Google Books link]


    White nationalists and Nazis do all sorts of things to spread their ideology. One of their methods is to invade creative spaces, billing their propaganda under the guise of "art" and citing "freedom of expression." We at the Anonymous Comrades Collective support freedom of expression and are happy to inform you, dear readers, of exactly who is expressing it! Joshua LeGoff can no longer hide his identity behind a goofy moniker. Although LeGoff's Jinjerzilla book has been kicked off of many internet book stores, his website is still up spreading "Propaganda for the Dissident Right." He calls himself "the most censored artist on the dissident right"; let's make his wish come true!

    A big thanks goes out to a special anonymous comrade (you know who you are!) for their contributions to this article!

    Joshua Thayer LeGoff

    White Nationalist Pastor "Super Lutheran": Blake Louis Kilbourne of Dickinson, North Dakota

    What do you do about a white nationalist pastor? One such who calls himself "Super Lutheran" has been hosting a podcast on the neo-Nazi podcast network "The Right Stuff" network called "The Godcast." It turns out he is an actual Lutheran pastor and describes himself as "particularly Lutheran" while he espouses racist and white nationalist ideology on social media and in his podcasts. We wanted to know who this guy is, so we found out. We present to you: "Super Lutheran"

    "Super Lutheran" and The Godcast Show

    Avatar used by "SuperLutheran."
    Avatar used by "SuperLutheran."

    If you are a white nationalist and happen to be particularly religious you may have found yourself listening to a podcast called "The Godcast" (not to be confused with other podcasts of the same name) which bills itself as "the premier Christian podcast of the Alt Right," and is hosted by two racist yahoos who call themselves "Myles Poland" and "SuperLutheran." This podcast, which is a part of Mike "Enoch" Peinovich's neo-Nazi media network "The Right Stuff," discusses religious topics with a consistently racist, antisemitic and homophobic bias. Broadcasting since before 2017, The Godcast has now produced 191 episodes, frequently featuring various white nationalist guests, like "Larry Ridgeway," who also hosts a show on The Right Stuff network and the white nationalist author and podcaster Jesse Ogden, aka "Borzoi," whom we exposed in an earlier report.

    White nationalist podcasterJesse Ogden, aka "Borzoi," appearing in an episode of The Godcast.
    White nationalist podcaster Jesse Ogden, aka "Borzoi," appearing in an episode of The Godcast.

    "SuperLutheran" also has a "Pro Unlimited" account on Soundcloud where he hosts his "Very Lutheran Project," a solo podcast which covers his usual themes of extreme Christian conservatism and right-wing ideology.

    "SuperLutheran"'s "Pro Unlimited" Soundcloud account page.
    "SuperLutheran"'s "Pro Unlimited" Soundcloud account page.

    A Member of Vanguard America

    "Super Lutheran" was not only very active in white nationalist podcast circles on the internet, but also participated in on-the-ground white nationalist activism. He was a member of the now-defunct neo-Nazi group Vanguard America, as expressed in this article "Super Lutheran" wrote for the right-wing website The American Sun:

    (Public) Militias Don’t Work.
    Vanguard America is dead. I would know, I was part of it. Atomwaffen is a federal honeypot. Some groups are good, but they do other things. AIM and IE actually work on their members while engaging in activism; that’s good. Sure. Remember that members of Patriot front have been arrested lately just for putting up posters. If your radical group is putting up flyers and actively recruiting, expect the screws to get tighter and tighter.
    Vanguard America's position was explicitly fascist and although they claimed on their website that "Members who wish to commit criminal acts are expelled, and those left are those who assuredly respect the law," it was Vanguard America that instigated a large part of the violence that occurred at the 2017 "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville. James Alex Fields, the individual who murdered antiracist activist Heather Heyer at the rally, was a member of this group.
    Before he took up the moniker "SuperLutheran," he used the name "@LutheranRight" on Twitter, where he attempted to recruit and spread engagement for the Washington state chapter of Vanguard America, also known as American Vanguard. In the archived tweet pictured below, he invited participants to fight training for the group. Two known neo-Nazis (@VanguardWA and @tradtablier) are also mentioned in the tweet. More information on these two individuals will feature later in this report.
    "SuperLutheran" as "LutheranRIght" recruited for a neo-Nazi group in this tweet.
    Another recruitment tweet by "SuperLutheran"/"LutheranRight" for Vanguard America.
    Another recruitment tweet by "SuperLutheran"/"LutheranRight" for Vanguard America. [archive]
    The "LutheranRight" Twitter account was representative of its author's main interests: extreme conservative religion and fascist ideology. In one tweet he wrote: "The most successful dictators of the 20th century were all believers in Christ, and most of them I know of were fantastic role models." In another: "You have nothing to lose and everything to gain by believing in Jesus. Especially if you are on the Right, and hate modern degeneracy."
    At the time of "SuperLutheran"’s membership, Vanguard America's website featured manifestos which detailed their expected role in an upcoming race war and their goal of an all-white ethnostate:

    Our America is to be a nation exclusively for the White American peoples who out of the barren hills, empty plains, and vast mountains forged the most powerful nation to ever have existed; it is logical that America must be once again built from the ground up to recapture the glory an Aryan nation deserves.

    We want to be at the forefront of the reawakening of White racial consciousness. In order to do this, we must be willing to fight. Our enemies are many, and persecution is certain, but we welcome this, because when times are tough, the weak fall away, and the true revolutionaries will remain. We are faced with a great task, and only the finest patriots will be able to win this war.

    Biblical passages such as these were sprinkled throughout their messaging:

    Blessed be the Lord my strength, which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight. -Psalm 144

    "SuperLutheran" appeared to have had significant influence over the religious content of the Vanguard America propaganda. He can be linked to a deleted twitter account going by "@ChaplainAV" and several blog posts on the Vanguard America website are credited to the "Vanguard America Chaplaincy." One 2017 post entitled “On Israel: the Church or the Jews?” deals with the relatively obscure theological concept of supersessionism and was clearly authored by someone with an advanced religious knowledge. In summation, the basic intent of the article is to provide a scholarly Christian rationale for antisemitism while promoting various Jewish conspiracy tropes. In this essay the author (likely "SuperLutheran") wrote: "Communism, the Holodomor, the Red Terror of Spain, the modern pornography industry and the corruption of the mass media – all have origins directly from, or owing heavily to, Jews.” Another article on the site entitled “Embracing the Curse” reads like a misogynistic sermon revealing the author’s roots in the “manosphere” with its conclusion that “feminism gave us the most bitter, unhappy, angry, and sorrowful women on the planet”.

    [Note: Although Vanguard America is "officially" defunct, it transformed into Patriot Front and continues to promote white nationalist, neo-Nazi ideology.]


    Like several people on whom we've previously reported, "Super Lutheran" also has a presence on the racist social media Fediverse instance on which he likes to post white nationalist sentiment, his racist/antisemitic religious spins and exercise tips.

    "My house is a White ethnostate." [archive]
    "SuperLutheran" makes commentary on a perceived "war on Christmas" by using an antisemitic, pro-Nazi meme,
    "SuperLutheran" makes commentary on a perceived "war on Christmas" by using an antisemitic, pro-Nazi meme. [archive]
    Another antisemitic poast on
    Another antisemitic poast on [archive]
    One of the common themes that "SuperLutheran" writes about are "Christian" justifications for the use of violence. On his timeline "SuperLutheran" advertised his private "white fight" Telegram messenger channel and featured an illustration of a boxing match in which a light-skinned man strikes a dark-skinned man. "SuperLutheran"'s justification for violence is particularly focused on racial violence.

    "SuperLutheran" wants to fight you IRL.
    "SuperLutheran" wants to fight you IRL. [archive]
    "SuperLutheran" does not limit his bigotry to racial matters. In another post he extends his bigotry and religious extremism to transgender people, describing them as people who have "mutilated" their bodies to "rebel against the way God created him." While he ponders on "How terrifying the prospect of resurrection must be for the transgender individual," "SuperLutheran" offers no compassion for any of the mental anguish he supposes.

    Anti-trans post by "SuperLutheran."
    Anti-trans post by "SuperLutheran." [archive]
    The "LutheranRight" Twitter account had a fixation with the Argentinian dictator Jorge Rafael Videla and used an image of Videla for its profile image. "SuperLutheran" also posted about Videla on his timeline, providing further support that the same person was behind both of these accounts. Again, in this this discussion thread, "SuperLutheran" uses a religious justification for political violence, writing, "Both dictators [Pinochet and Videla] being Catholic meant they'd be down to listen to a higher authority, and they ended up being friends after that. After this they worked on Operation Condor together, blackbagging communist terrorists. Best. Dictators. Ever."


    Screenshot of the "@LutheranRight" Twitter account as seen on The Wayback Machine.
    Screenshot of the "@LutheranRight" Twitter account as seen on The Wayback Machine.

    He also complains on about how his military service didn't do anything to protect racists, neo-Nazis and right-wingers, writing: 'The whole conceit of Veterans day is honoring people who "served," who "fought for your freedoms."…But it seems to me that the only freedoms I fought for are freedoms for people who hate me. Certainly wasn't for the first amendment rights of guys at the C-ville trial right now, getting a SLAPP suit for showing up to a protest.' By "guys at C-ville" he refers to the scores of neo-Nazis that attended the rally to commit violence.

    "Super Lutheran" didn't want to be identified on and expressed that he had some tattoos that someone might recognize, so he was careful with his photography.

    But he didn't really have to be careful with tattoos in his photographs, since it was something else that tipped us off. "Super Lutheran" used Gravatar, a service for providing globally unique avatars, allowing users to easily recognize each other across internet media platforms. Conveniently for us, "Super Lutheran" had also attached his real name to his Gravatar: Blake Kilbourne.

    "SuperLutheran"'s Gravatar page.
    "SuperLutheran"'s Gravatar page.
    View of "SuperLutheran"s Gravatar in JSON.
    View of "SuperLutheran"s Gravatar JSON output. [archive]

    A Lutheran Pastor: Blake Louis Kilbourne

    Blake Kilborne as he appears on his church's website.
    Blake Kilbourne as he appears on his church's website. [archive]
    Blake Louis Kilbourne is currently a pastor at Our Saviour's Lutheran Church in Dickinson, North Dakota. He was born on October 1, 1990 in San Diego County, California and, according to his LinkedIn page, attended Oceanside High School and then spent a year at the University of California, San Diego where he was a member of the College Republicans Campus Crusade. After that, he enlisted in the US Navy, serving from 2009 to 2014 as a Navigation Electronics Technician on the USS Ohio. He also had a heavy metal music project while he was in the navy at Grouton, Connecticut called "Eulogist," as indicated by his Myspace profile.

    Early photo of Blake Kilbourne on his LinkedIn page.
    Early photo of Blake Kilbourne on his LinkedIn page.
    A screenshot of Kilbourne's Myspace page.
    A screenshot of Kilbourne's Myspace page.

    Kilbourne ended up in Bremerton, Washington at the conclusion of his naval service and became a pastor at Emmanuel Lutheran Church in Bremerton. At some point, Kilbourne wound up in some trouble at the church and got fired from his job as pastor in July 2021, as he explained on

    Blake Kilbourne with his wife Sharon and child (redacted) as they appear in a church newsletter.
    Blake Kilbourne with his wife Sharon and child (redacted) as they appear in a church newsletter.

    Kilbourne was fired from his pastor job.
    Kilbourne was fired from his pastor job. [archive]
    Following this, he attained a position as pastor at at Our Saviour's Lutheran Church in Dickinson, North Dakota.

    Blake Kilbourne pictured with his wife Sharon (left) and kids (faces redacted), as seen on Sharon Kilbourne's Facebook page. The reason for Sharon Kilbourne's inclusion in this report is presented in the following section.
    Blake Kilbourne pictured with his wife Sharon (left) and kids (faces redacted), as seen on Sharon Kilbourne's Facebook page. The reason for Sharon Kilbourne's inclusion in this report is presented in the following section.

    Fashy Wife, Fashy Life

    We are normally careful about redacting information about uninvolved persons, but we found that Blake Kilbourne's wife, Sharon, is just as fascist as he, and she was not shy to admit it on her Twitter account, "S" @Fashy_Wife. In one tweet she even wrote wrote that she was "proud" when someone accuses her of being a Nazi. In another she exclaimed that "she couldn't be happier" that America was failing women, minorities, Muslims, immigrants and LGBTQ persons.

    Tweet from Sharon Kilbourne: Sharon Kilbourne is "proud" to be called a Nazi.
    Sharon Kilbourne is "proud" to be called a Nazi. [archive]
    In yet another tweet she wrote that she and her husband were watching the neo-Nazi documentary Adolf Hitler: The Greatest Story Never Told, followed by the hashtag "#heilyeah."

    Sharon Kilbourne frequently interacted on Twitter with known neo-Nazis Matthew James Carroll and his wife Rosalee Lorraine Carroll, also known as “Mr. and Mrs. Maci” in neo-Nazi circles. Matthew James Carroll used the Twitter handles "@TrueRebellionWA," "@VanguardWA," "@MJsee3parole," and "@matthew_maci," among others, and has been associated with the neo-Nazi groups Vanguard America and Atomwaffen Division. Rosalee Carroll used Twitter under the names "@tradtablier" and "@ladycascadia" among others. This neo-Nazi couple was originally exposed by Eugene Antifa.

    A full dossier on the Carrolls may be found at Eugene Antifa's website.
    A full dossier on the Carrolls may be found at Eugene Antifa's website. [link]
    Example of interaction between Sharon Kilbourne and Rosalee Carroll on Twitter.
    Example of interaction between Sharon Kilbourne and Rosalee Carroll on Twitter. [archive]
    Amusingly, Sharon Kilbourne posted a photo on Twitter of herself and a child with her "SuperLutheran" husband Blake lounging about in the background.

    Twitter post showing Sharon Kilbourne and her husband Blake, aka "SuperLutheran," in the background (child's face redacted).
    Twitter post showing Sharon Kilbourne and her husband Blake, aka "SuperLutheran," in the background (child's face redacted). "@Blake_L_K" was aTwitter handle in use by her husband at the time. [archive]
    We wonder how his wife feels about her husband's decidedly "manosphere-esque" take on romance, since he once wrote:

    I just published an essay on pornography addiction that advises husbands to practice the Disciplines and learn seduction. From personal testimony, the moment one starts picking up on PUA [pick up artist] techniques and stops pedestalizing [sic] his wife, the marriage bed becomes a lot more fruitful.

    Personally, I’m proud to have convinced my wife that she’s seeing romance when in fact I’m using Heartiste’s Skittles strategy. KFC Chicken wings, a couple of cheap drinks, crappy old horror movies, and loudly playing my bass the entire time leads straight to a good lay (and regular sex for weeks afterward).

    Sharon Kilbourne as in a public Facebook photo.
    Sharon Kilbourne in a public Facebook photo.

    Say "No" to Neo-Nazi Pastors!

    Blake Kilbourne and his wife Sharon have had a long history of religious extremism and racial hatred. Having been a member of the neo-Nazi group Vanguard America and now a pastor of a Lutheran church, Blake Kilbourne continues to espouse white nationalist ideology and extreme religious conservatism. His wife Sharon has been a happy accomplice in all of this, associating and collaborating with known, active neo-Nazis.

    Blake Kilbourne may currently be found in Dickinson, North Dakota as the pastor of Our Saviour Lutheran Church (they also have a Facebook page).



    Unite the Right's Head of Security Identified: Allison Richard "Jack" Peirce IV of Indianapolis, Indiana

    This week in federal court, twenty-four defendants are facing a lawsuit for organizing and participating in the deadly “Unite the Right” rally held in Charlottesville, Virginia in August of 2017. Sines v Kessler alleges a conspiracy on the part of the defendants to deprive the plaintiffs of their civil rights. Jason Kessler, the rally organizer for whom the suit is named, is joined by 23 co-defendants such as well-known neo-Nazi personalities Christopher Cantwell and Richard Spencer. The names of other persons involved in planning the deadly event have also come up in courtroom testimony. Some of those named have been exposed, but many of the these neo-Nazis, white nationalists and bigots still have not been identified, and have thus far escaped accountability.

    We would hate for any of them to miss out on the fun.

    In that spirit, we bring to you today a key member of the white nationalist gang Identity Evropa (which is now defunct, but rebranded as the "American Identity Movement") who has thus far flown under the radar despite being a highly visible member of the group, as well as being one of the key figures in organizing the Unite the Right rally. He called himself "Ajax" or "Jack Pierce." For fours years he has eluded public scrutiny for his part in this deadly event, but his time is up.


    "Ajax," fourth face from the left, holding flag pole.

    A 23-year old "Ajax" once said: "We understand identity groups broadly like BLM, and to a lesser extent Zionism, on the level that most liberals and conservatives never will be able to because we recognize what it’s like to be completely uprooted and be without an identity and feel alienated from society at large." This was the pseudo-intellectual excuse for Identity Evropa's white nationalist agenda "Ajax" told Buzzfeed news in 2016. In private chats, however, "Ajax" was far more blunt. Writing as "Jack 'Ajax' Richardson," he told another user in leaked Discord chats "I'm a bigot and proud."

    "Ajax" also appeared in a second Discord account ("Punished Ajax") which appeared after the Unite the Right rally. In both of these accounts "Ajax" freely expressed his racist and antisemitic attitudes, as well as his escapades in distributing propaganda for Identity Evropa.

    Antisemitic post writing as "Jack 'Ajax' Richardson."
    Antisemitic post on Discord, writing as "Jack 'Ajax' Richardson." [link]
    "Ajax" bragged on Discord that he had flyered Purdue University with Identity Evropa propaganda.
    "Punished Ajax" bragged on Discord that he had flyered Purdue University with Identity Evropa propaganda, which places him in the Indiana area. [link]
    He also revealed a number of personal details, like the fact that he was born after the 1980s…

    "I wasn't even thought of in the 80s"
    …and that he had several sisters, of which he had a rather low opinion of…

    …and that his father had been in the Marine Corps.

    "Ajax" also implied that he had military experience in several posts.

    In the second "Ajax" account which appeared after the Unite the Right rally, he used a new picture for his profile image, which was a crop from a larger image of himself holding a tiki torch during an event.

    "Punished Ajax" Discord profile image (enlarged 2x)
    Image from which the Discord profile pic was cropped (photo credit: Jalane Schmidt).

    This photo was taken on October 7, 2017 when "Ajax" and his gang of Identity Evropa thugs, along with Richard Spencer, returned to Charlottesville for a brief rally, eloquently detailed by Jalane Schmidt.

    Another photo of "Ajax" at the same event (cropped from original).
    Another photo of "Ajax" at the same event (cropped from original). [archive]
    There was now a face attached to the "Ajax" persona and we were able to place him in other events as well, such as the November 2016 conference of the National Policy Institute, a white supremacist lobbying group, with other Identity Evropa members.

    Tweet from Identity Evropa's Twitter account, "Ajax" at far right [archive].

    "Ajax" at center behind the banner.
    "Ajax" at center behind the banner, 19 November 2017, Alexandria, Virginia. [archive] [archive]
    "Ajax" could also be found at the June 2017 "Free Speech" rally alongside Richard Spencer and members of other white nationalist groups.

    "Ajax" at the far left of the photo holding an Identity Evropa flag.
    "Ajax" at the far left of the photo holding an Identity Evropa flag (photo: Southern Poverty Law Center)
    "Ajax" at the same event, second from right, holding a flag pole.
    "Ajax" at the same event, second from right, holding a flag pole.

    Unite the Right, Charlottesville, 2017

    "Ajax" was a key figure in the planning and organizing of the violent 2017 "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville, Virginia and conducted part of the planning in the leaked Discord chats, as in the message below where "Ajax" is coordinating transportation to the rally.

    The event turned into a violent affair and resulted in many injuries and the death of an antiracist activist, Heather Heyer, when she was struck by an automobile by the now-convicted murderer James Alex Fields. Organizers of the rally claimed that they did not intend for any violence to occur and that any violence that did occur was due to the actions of antiracist demonstrators, but this is a weak argument in light of the evidence of what actually happened.

    "Jack Pierce" behind Richard Spencer, Charlottesville, 12 Aug 2017.
    "Jack Pierce" behind Richard Spencer, Charlottesville, 12 Aug 2017.
    "Jack Pierce" behind Richard Spencer, Charlottesville, 12 Aug 2017.
    "Jack Pierce" behind Richard Spencer, Charlottesville, 12 Aug 2017.
    "Jack Pierce" behind Richard Spencer, Charlottesville, 12 Aug 2017.
    "Jack Pierce" behind Richard Spencer, Charlottesville, 12 Aug 2017.

    Following the rally, the city of Charlottesville commissioned an independent report covering the events that occurred  dubbed "The Heaphy Report."  In the report, "Jack Pierce" was named as "head of security" for Richard Spencer and Unite the Right groups. As security manager, "Jack Pierce" coordinated closely with Charlottesville Police Department in the planning of the event. The Heaphy report relates an interaction "Jack Pierce" had with his Charlottesville Police Department liaison, Detective Sergeant Anthony Newberry, thusly:

    Newberry called Pierce’s cell phone and told him, “There’s never going to be a better time
    than right now.” Pierce said he understood and responded that he would get everyone
    together and call Newberry back. A few minutes later, Pierce called back and told
    Newberry that the speakers had changed their minds about coming in separately because
    they wanted to “walk in with their audiences.” There would be no police escort from
    McIntire Park. Newberry told us that he had a hunch that Pierce had been tricked into
    working with him and that the rally organizers had never planned to be brought in through
    the back of the park. After the call ended, Newberry turned to his partner in the van and
    told him, “They do not plan on this going well.”

    However, Detective Newberry's actual sworn declaration on this interaction makes an important distinction (italics ours):

    Mr. Pierce called me back a short time later to tell me for the first time that the speakers no longer wanted to use the police escort. Within several minutes of this call, I saw 8-10 large vans each drop off twenty or so demonstrators, many of of whom had shields and other armament, on the back side of the Park, which was the area where I told Mr. Pierce the police escort would drop off the speakers. My immediate reaction was that we had been duped by Mr. Pierce and that the speakers had never intended to cooperate with the security plan they had agreed to. I recall turning to Detective Braden Kirby of the Charlottesville Police Department at the time and stating, "They [meaning Mr. Kessler and his security personnel] have no intention of this going well.

    In short, "Jack Pierce" was intentionally deceptive in order to facilitate a violent confrontation against antiracist demonstrators. Audio of the exchange between "Jack Pierce" and Detective Newberry is available for listening at the Internet Archive.

    "Jack Pierce," Charlottesville, 12 Aug 2017.
    "Jack Pierce," Charlottesville, 12 Aug 2017.

    That same statement by Detective Newberry indicated that the identity of "Jack Pierce" was believed by city officials to have been "Allison Pierce III." The name "Allison R. Peirce" had also been associated with the name "Jack Pierce," although pinning his name down conclusively had thus far been elusive.  There are a number of people named "Allison Peirce," even despite the unusual spelling of the last name, and none were found to be a match for "Ajax"/"Jack Pierce," either age-wise or visually. That is, until there was a match.

    Charlottesville Police had an idea about the identity of "Jack Pierce," but they were not quite there. [archive]
    Antifascists also were closing in on the real name of "Jack Price." [archive]
    It appears that some people are having a hard time locating "Jack Pierce." [archive]

    Where is "Jack Pierce?"

    "Ajax" aka "Jack Pierce" aka Allison Richard Peirce IV

    As it turned out, "Ajax" is actually a kind of "Allison R. Peirce." The fourth kind, to be precise. Allison Richard Peirce IV, born 13 July 1993, is an Indianapolis/Brownsburg, Indiana resident, which explains his heavy involvement with Indiana Identity Evropa affairs. The easily confused spelling of his surname as well as the fact he is the fourth generation to use that name likely increased the difficulty in identifying and locating him. Consistent with statements made in the Discord chats, his father is a USMC veteran and he does have several sisters, confirming that this person is indeed the "Ajax" we are seeking. He is also frequently known as "Jack," as indicated by Facebook posts by people in his personal circles. But as they say, a picture is worth a thousand words. In this photo found on Facebook, Allison Peirce IV is pictured in 2016 with his then-girlfriend now-wife, a Brownsburg area certified massage therapist. They married in 2018.

    Facebook photo of Allison R. Peirce IV with now-wife. They have been together since at least 2016.
    Facebook photo of Allison R. Peirce IV with wife before they were married. They have been together since at least 2016.
    Another Facebook photo of Allison R. Peirce IV and his then-girlfriend, now-wife.
    Another Facebook photo of Allison R. Peirce IV and his then-girlfriend, now-wife.
    A screenshot of Allison "Jack" Peirce IV's and company's page on a wedding registry site.
    A screenshot of Allison "Jack" Peirce IV's and company's page on a wedding registry site.

    It is our normal practice to redact information pertaining to uninvolved persons around the subject of our investigations. We are going to give Allison Peirce IV's spouse the benefit of the doubt, even though we find it highly improbable that she had no knowledge of her husband's activities considering how deeply involved he was in the "Unite the Right" rally and Identity Evropa operations.

    Facebook photo of Allison Peirce IV's weddings. "Circle game?" Or something else?
    Facebook photo of Allison Peirce IV's weddings. Note the bride's hand gesture. The "Circle game?" Or something else? Considering the circumstances, you be the judge.

    Allison Peirce IV's last employment that we are aware of was with Servicemaster DSI of Indianapolis where he works as a "restoration crew chief."

    Allison Peirce IV's LinkedIn page

    This is consistent with interests posted on his Pinterest page: Nazis and woodworking.

    Allison Peirce IV's Pinterest page.
    Allison Peirce IV's Pinterest page.

    Despite his implication of military experience in the Discord chats, we have found no indication that Allison R Peirce IV ever served in active duty status in any branch of the armed services.

    No One Gets A Pass

    At one point in the leaked Discord chats, Allison Peirce IV bristled when he read an article that credited another neo-Nazi group, the Traditionalist Worker Party (TWP), for organizing the Unite the Right rally. Clearly, the Unite the Right rally was a point of pride for Peirce. We are happy to bring him the attention and credit that he deserves.

    At one point in the leaked Discord chats, Allison Peirce IV bristled when he read an article that credited another neo-Nazi group, the Traditional Worker Part (TWP), for organizing the Unite the Right rally.
    While it has been four years since the "Unite the Right" rally happened, the significance of the event cannot be underestimated. To much of the populace who were not aware of the racism that exists beneath the genteel veneer of American life, it was, perhaps, a shock to the consciousness to see the marching crowd of white nationalists wielding torches on that night in Charlottesville. Allison Richard Peirce IV was one of the people that made it happen and for that he must be held accountable.


    Allison Richard "Jack" Peirce IV seen in a still image from a New York Times documentary.
    In the same documentary, Peirce shakes hands with Elliot Kline, aka "Eli Mosley."
    In the same documentary, Peirce shakes hands with white nationalist leader Elliot Kline, aka "Eli Mosley."

    Allison Richard "Jack" Peirce IV, January 2016.
    Allison Richard "Jack" Peirce IV, January 2016.
    Allison Richard "Jack" Peirce IV on his 22nd birthday, 2015.
    Allison Richard "Jack" Peirce IV on his 22nd birthday, 2015.
    Allison Richard "Jack" Peirce IV in 2013.
    Allison Richard "Jack" Peirce IV in 2013.
    Allison Richard "Jack" Peirce IV in 2013.
    Allison Richard "Jack" Peirce IV in 2013.
    Allison Richard "Jack" Peirce IV in 2015, joking around with friends.
    Allison Richard "Jack" Peirce IV in 2015, joking around with friends.


    Neo-Nazi Podcast Network "Radio Wehrwolf": Wisconsinites Dion Clark and Mark A. Davis II

    It's almost Halloween, when all the creatures of the night come out to play! Ghosts, vampires and werewolves–oh my! But in this edition we will be shining the light of the full moon on another kind of "werewolf." That is, the neo-Nazi boneheads behind Radio Wehrwolf! All tricks and no treats for these losers. Let's begin!

    Early in 2019 a number of web hosting companies shut down neo-Nazi websites using their services for violating their terms of service. As reported by Vice, the website of a long-running neo-Nazi podcast called Radio Wehrwolf was one of these sites, kicked off by their hosting company Bluehost. Only a matter of weeks later, Radio Wehrwolf announced that they had found a new host with, a domain registrar and hosting company known to be friendly to white supremacists.

    It is with no small amount of irony that in September of 2021 the domain registrar suffered a data breach and 180 gigabytes of sensitive data was leaked by the hacktivist collective Anonymous. This provided us an opportunity to find the faces behind Radio Wehrwolf.

    Radio Wehrwolf

    Radio Wehrwolf began in 2015 as a podcast and network of neo-Nazi podcasts hosted by someone calling himself "Dion Wehrwolf." Radio Wehrwolf quickly made a name for itself as being the edgiest and most extreme of the neo-Nazi content providers and has had a slew of well-known white nationalist personalities as guests, such as James Mason and Tom Metzger. Radio Wehrwolf also hosted other neo-Nazi podcasts on its website, including "The Wolf Pack" and "Southern AF." Perhaps one of the most notorious of these podcasts was "The Bowlcast," the podcast of the "Bowl Patrol," a gang of neo-Nazis who worshipped the now-incarcerated murderer Dylann Roof. We exposed the leader of the "Bowl Patrol" in our inaugural post as Sacramento pizza guy Andrew Richard Casarez, who used the alias "Vic Mackey," as well as several other key members in subsequent posts.
    Archived view of from the Wayback machine.
    Radio Wehrwolf heavily promoted "The Bowlcast" hosted by Andrew Richard Casarez of Sacramento, California (right) under the alias "Vic Mackey." Casarez often used an altered image (left) of fictional TV detective "Vic Mackey" from the TV show The Shield.
    Radio Wehrwolf heavily promoted "The Bowlcast" hosted by Andrew Richard Casarez of Sacramento, California (right) under the alias "Vic Mackey." Casarez often used an altered image (left) of fictional TV detective "Vic Mackey" from the TV show The Shield.

    Due to its copious and extreme content, Radio Wehrwolf became one of the most popular of the neo-Nazi podcast networks. However, in 2019, after having been deplatformed by their hosting company and reappearing thanks to, Radio Wehrwolf made a quiet exit from the podcast scene. As "Dion Wehrwolf" explained in an interview, this was due to trolling from fans of "Crying Nazi" Christopher Cantwell who were opposed to Radio Wehrwolf's hosting of Bowl Patrol podcasts, as these two groups of Nazi losers were involved in an internecine dispute. "Dion Wehrwolf" claimed he got tired of trying to keep the podcasts hosted and retreated from running the podcast, handing the reins over to the host of an affiliated podcast "The Wolf Pack" who went by the name "Mark Davis" or at times "Mark Thorson."

    "Dion Wehrwolf" responding to Christopher "Crying Nazi" Cantwell on
    "Dion Wehrwolf" responding to Christopher "Crying Nazi" Cantwell on [archive]
    Andrew "Vic Mackey" Casarez promoting Radio Wehrwolf on
    Andrew "Vic Mackey" Casarez promoting Radio Wehrwolf on [archive]
    "Mark Thorson" attempted to relaunch Radio Wehrwolf after "Dion Wehrwolf" quit, but it never took off.
    "Mark Thorson" attempted to relaunch Radio Wehrwolf under the domain "" after "Dion Wehrwolf" quit, but it never took off. [archive]
    "Dion Wehrwolf" also attempted to create an internet forum for neo-Nazis in the spirit of Iron March and Fascist Forge which he called "Ironvolk" (in fact, "Dion Wehrwolf" was also a member of the Iron March forum, as we found in the Iron March data breach). Basically a clone of the these other two forums, Ironvolk is no longer in existence but archived views may be looked at on the Wayback Machine.

    Archived view of from the Wayback Machine.
    Archived view of from the Wayback Machine.

    Despite several high-profile mentions of Radio Wehrwolf in news stories from major media outlets, it seemed that the identity of "Dion Wehrwolf" had thus far escaped mainstream exposure. When servers belonging to the domain registrar were breached by hacktivists and leaked to the public, however, this would change.

    Success from an Epik Fail

    In September 2021 the hacktivist collective Anonymous leaked information from the servers of, a domain name registrar that is very popular with extreme right wing customers due to their tolerance for websites that promote racism and bigotry. Even the CEO of, Rob Monster, has shown a chumminess with neo-Nazis in the past, despite claiming to not be a racist or neo-Nazi himself.

    A re-post by Rob Monster of an antisemitic account on
    A re-post by Rob Monster of an antisemitic account on
    Rob Monster
    Rob Monster in a totally-not-staged photo "speaking" in front of "city hall." (fair use)

    When Anonymous dumped this treasure trove of data, antifascist researchers and activists were provided with a broad set of customer information and we at the Anonymous Comrades Collective (not related to Anonymous) likewise took advantage of this gift. We found registrant information for several "Radio Wehrwolf" related domains (, and in the database, registered to two individuals: "Dion Clark" of Madison, Wisconsin and "Mark Davis II" of Fond du Lac and Osh Kosh, Wisconsin.

    A portion of the information found regarding Radio Wehrwolf domains in a data breach of (redacted).
    A portion of the information found regarding Radio Wehrwolf domains in a data breach of (redacted).

    We conducted our usual due diligence to ensure that these names were in fact true names, since we have found several instances of registrants using false names while registering domains with We checked the information found in the data set against public records and other online sources and after doing so, we found that these two individuals had long and disturbing histories with white supremacist movements.

    "Dion Wehrwolf" by Night, Dion Edmund Clark by Day

    The creator of the Radio Wehrwolf network is Dion Edmund Clark of Madison, Wisconsin, born May 26, 1975, who has been running Radio Wehrwolf and related projects since 2015. It seems to be somewhat of an open secret that Clark was "Dion Wehrwolf," since he advertised his podcast openly on his Facebook page and his Facebook vanity URL was "dion.wehrwolf."

    Dion Clark, aka "Dion Wehrwolf," as seen on his Facebook page.
    Dion Clark, aka "Dion Wehrwolf," as seen on his Facebook page.
    Dion Clark set the vanity URL of his Facebook page as "dion.wehrwolf."
    Dion Clark set the vanity URL of his Facebook page as "dion.wehrwolf." Also of note, Clark's profile image is the logo for the extreme right wing Satanist group "Order of Nine Angles," which has been associated with acts of terrorism and racial violence.
    Dion Clark as seen on his Facebook profile (redacted).
    Dion Clark as seen on his Facebook profile (redacted).

    Radio Wehrwolf began in 2015 on another neo-Nazi website Renegade Broadcasting. While "Dion Wehrwolf"'s true name had already been known by some in neo-Nazi circles, it had not been widely known to the general public. Judging by early archived views of the Renegade Broadcasting website, however, Dion Clark was not shy about posting a photo of his face in connection with his podcast.

    Dion Clark is visible in the center image (labeled "Dion") in this archived view of the Renegade Broadcasting website.
    Dion Clark is visible in the center image (labeled "Dion") in this archived view of the Renegade Broadcasting website.
    Dion Clark even advertised Radio Wehrwold on his own Facebook timeline.
    Dion Clark advertised the first Radio Wehrwolf on his own Facebook timeline.

    As "Dion Wehrwolf," Clark made a name for himself as being the host of one of the most extreme neo-Nazi podcasts. Besides having a wide breadth of white supremacist guests on his show, Clark also appeared as guest on many other neo-Nazi podcasts. If you can stomach it, a number of Radio Wehrwolf podcast episodes have been caught up by the Wayback Machine (content warning applies).

    Even though Radio Wehrwolf began in 2015, a look at Clark's Facebook timeline shows that he had a history of racist and white nationalist sentiment.

    Racist meme posted on Dion Clark's Facebook timeline.
    Racist meme posted on Dion Clark's Facebook timeline.
    Dion Clark shared racist and neo-Nazi content on his Facebook timeline long before he started Radio Wehrwolf.

    When he's not assuming the persona of "Dion Wehrwolf", Dion Clark enjoys the internet dating scene, as we have found several dating profiles belonging to Dion Clark spanning several years. We note that Clark's personal proclivities are somewhat niche. While it is not our intent to kink-shame, having a neo-Nazi who advocates violence against Jews and minorities is a legitimate concern.

    Dion Clark's personal ad on a BDSM site.
    Anyone up for a little neo-Nazi slap-and-tickle? [archive]
    Another dating profile by Dion Clark.
    Swingin' with the wehrwolf. [archive]


    It looks like Clark has largely left internet social media, aside from his Facebook page and a side-hobby of making really crappy industrial electronic music with a racist angle which he promotes on Youtube and Bitchute as "Terrorschism." Apparently, Dion Clark never outgrew his super-cringey '90s edge-lord phase.

    Dion Clark's Youtube page of crappy "industrial" music.
    Dion Clark's Youtube page of crappy "industrial" music.
    From Dion Clark's Bitchute "Terrorschism" page, where he presents his own version of the intro song for the Dylann Roof worshipping podcast "The Bowlcast."
    From Dion Clark's Bitchute "Terrorschism" page, where he presents his own version of the intro song for the Dylann Roof worshipping podcast "The Bowlcast."

    Dion Clark actually had been schilling "Terrorschism" for a while, as indicated by his presence on the neo-Nazi internet forum "Stormfront" since 2009, writing as "Deamon."
    The Dark Lord Dion Clark in a 2009 Facebook post.
    The Dark Lord Dion Clark in a 2009 Facebook post.

    If you are in the Madison, Wisconsin area and are sharp-eyed, you might catch Dion Clark zipping around on his mid-life-crisis cycle.


    Violent Neo-Nazi Scumbag Mark Allen Davis II

    The host of the podcast "The Wolf Pack" and the individual who attempted to carry on the Radio Wehrwolf brand is Mark Allen Davis II, born 1976, who registered the domain "" under his real name. Davis was also a co-host with "Dion Wehrwolf" on Radio Wehrwolf, but by the time he got that gig he had already achieved a disturbing history with racial violence. In 2003 Davis was in involved in a violent racially-motivated assault on a Hispanic man outside a Waukesha, Wisconsin bar, along with three other participants.

    Early photo of Mark A Davis II, courtesy South Side Chicago Anti-Racist Action, 2013
    Early photo of Mark A Davis II, courtesy South Side Chicago Anti-Racist Action, 2013 [archive].
    Davis was charged with "substantial battery using a dangerous weapon" and served more than three years in prison for this assault. As noted by South Side Chicago Antiracist Action, Mark Davis used to go by the online handle "madmark88" on the neo-Nazi internet forum Stormfront, which he had been participating in since 2001.

    Early photo of Mark A Davis II
    Early photo of Mark A Davis II [archive].
    Mark Allen Davis II (left) and Kasey Bieri (right), an accomplice in a violent racist assault.
    Mark Allen Davis II (left) and Kasey Bieri (right), an accomplice in a violent racist assault [archive].
    Davis has relocated several times, appearing in Creve Coeur, Illinois and Cranston, Rhode Island, operating in various neo-Nazi gangs where he may have also used the alias "Popeye Long." These days he sometimes uses the aliases "Mark Thorson," "Mark Odinson" and "Mark Wotanson," as well as simply "Mark Davis" at times while appearing on various neo-Nazi podcasts and live streams.

    A Google review left by Mark Davis, writing as "mark thorson."
    A Google review left by Mark Davis, writing as "Mark Thorson."
    Mark A. Davis II
    Mark A. Davis II
    A 2010 mugshot photo of Mark A Davis
    A 2010 mugshot photo of Mark A Davis II [archive].
    Mark Davis on a live stream with "Goiboi Esau" aka "Jason Augustus."
    Mark Davis on a white nationalist DLive live stream with "Goiboi Esau" aka "Jason Augustus."
    Mark Davis, wearing his favourite red tank top, on the neo-Nazi podcast The After Party, who are closely affiliated with the White Art Collective, as noted in a previous article on "Mama P."
    Mark Davis, wearing his favourite red tank top, on the neo-Nazi podcast The After Party, who are closely affiliated with the White Art Collective, as noted in a previous article on "Mama P."

    Davis is still very active in the neo-Nazi podcasting scene, hosting "The White Power Hour" as "Mad Mark" or "Mark Thorson" and features neo-Nazi/racist music and bands as well as interviews with white nationalist personalities.

    Mark Davis' current podcast "The White Power Hour."
    Mark Davis' current podcast "The White Power Hour."
    Mark Davis' current podcast "The White Power Hour."
    Mark Davis' current podcast "The White Power Hour."

    Davis is on Twitter currently using the name/handle "Mark Magnus Wotanson @MWotanson" in case anyone would like to let this dirtbag know he's not fooling anyone.

    Screenshot of Mark A Davis II's current Twitter profile as it appears at the time of writing.
    Screenshot of Mark A Davis II's current Twitter profile as it appears at the time of writing.

    Davis used Fond du Lac and Osh Kosh, Wisconsin addresses when registering domains with and we believe he is likely in that area.

    Tattoo, right arm: swastika, cross, skull
    Tattoo on right arm.
    Tattoo, left arm: "88," eagle, wreath.
    Tattoo, left arm.

    [Important note: There is another individual, a business owner, living in Fond du Lac named Mark Davis II (but different middle initial) and is somewhat similar in appearance to neo-Nazi Mark Davis. This person is uninvolved. Please do not get them confused.]


    While Radio Wehrwolf has been deplatformed and its hosts have moved on to other things, this doesn't negate its responsibility in spreading some of the most dangerous white nationalist propaganda of the internet. It is still highly regarded by many in neo-Nazi circles for its extreme stance and violent rhetoric. Now that Dion Edmund Clark has been outed as the creator of Radio Wehrwolf and Mark Allen Davis II as the long-time violent racist he is they can both be held to public scrutiny for their places in spreading hateful rhetoric.

    While it's easy to goof on these two neo-Nazi slimeballs for being the complete opposite of some imaginary "master race," we don't wish to minimise the danger of their rhetoric. Some may claim this is an issue of "free speech" or argue that these podcasts are "just words," but these words are what incite the mass murderers of tomorrow. These words matter and now you know who are behind them.




    Dion Edmund Clark, aka "Dion Wehrwolf"
    Dion Edmund Clark, aka "Dion Wehrwolf"
    Mark A Davis II, aka "Mark Thorson," "Mark Odinson," "Mark Wotanson," "Mad Mark," "MadMark88."
    Mark A Davis II, aka "Mark Thorson," "Mark Odinson," "Mark Wotanson," "Mad Mark," "MadMark88."


    White Nationalist Comic Illustrator "Donald Kent" aka "American Zarathustra" revealed as Donald Jackson of West Seneca, New York

    Last week we exposed Julie "Jewels" Green as "Mama P" of "The Mamas and the Pepes," a racist folk duo that is part of the White Art Collective, a group of artists and musicians who promote white supremacist themes. Today we shall explore the visual arts and expose an illustrator who is a prominent contributor to the White Art Collective (WAC).

    "Donald Kent"/"American Zarathustra"

    A Twitter user who goes by the screen name "Donald Kent" and the handle "@AmeriZara" caught our attention one day when we were puzzling over a piece of his art, which we found thematically confusing and technically amateurish.

    Crappy art -
    What a busy illustration. [archive]
    Twitter bio of "Donald Kent @AmeriZara"

    We examined the Twitter timeline of "Donald Kent," who uses an image of the actor Rutger Hauer from the film Bladerunner across social media, and noted that racism, antisemitism and fascism were consistent themes:

    Antisemitic post -
    Antisemitic post by "Donald Kent" [archive]
    Racist and antisemitic post by "Donald Kent"
    "Donald Kent" laments the appearance of non-whites in his town. [archive]
    If it walks like a Nazi and quacks like a Nazi…you know the rest. [archive]
    "Donald Kent" also seems to have some rather misogynistic views on women, as indicated by these Twitter posts:

    "Donald Kent" does not seem to have very much luck with women. [archive]
    And of course, "Donald Kent" does not neglect to voice his opinions on the LGBT+ community:

    We also learned that "Donald Kent" was associated with the White Art Collective and frequently conversed with other Twitter accounts in the WAC like the one of "The Mamas and the Pepes" run by Julie "Jewels" Green.

    "Donald Kent" also contributed artwork to "White People's Quarterly," the official magazine of White People's Press, also close associates of WAC (and yes, we realize how "on-the-nose" these names are).

    Cover of "White People's Quarterly" illustrated by "Donald Kent." [archive]
    When we looked at "Donald Kent"'s website that he had linked to on his Twitter bio, we learned that he also writes and illustrates his own web comic called "American Zarathustra," a neo-Fascist fever dream described thusly:

    It's the very near future, Hillary Clinton has won the Presidency and the New World Order has initiated it's final phase of Cultural Marxism to wipe out Western Civilization. American Zarathustra is on a mission to save America by destroying all the institutions that are destroying us. With his time traveling abilities he uses future technologies to save our future.

    The Dark State take in a feminist reporter who has a link to AZ. They train her to find and kill him, but not after they backwards engineer his technologies. Her hatred of AZ grows as she sees him destroying the "inclusive" world she identifies with.

    Meanwhile, traditional America becomes overrun by hostile invaders via it's corrupt leaders; a civil war ensues for the heart land. People with super powers must choose sides, either Progressive or Traditional, Liberal or Conservative. Ethnostates are being carved out of the remains of what was once America.

    To win this war and restore America, a band of super friends must find American Zarathustra to lead them. Hunted by the Dark State, barbarian hordes and the Progressive Liberation Army, time lines converge in a battle to save the West.

    Not exactly our cup of tea, but we can see how this may appeal to xenophobic fascists dissatisfied with current western liberalism. "American Zarathustra" is what white-nationalists fantasize about before they go to beddy-bye.

    The "hero" American Zarathustra kills "degenerates" in "Donald Kent"'s comic. [archive]
    We wondered, "Who is this 'Donald Kent' guy?" As it turned out, all we had to do was ask.


    Using the domain name lookup tool WHOIS we checked the public domain registration information for the website "" I know, no one checks that anymore because it's always private. But in this case we found that this domain's registrant had not opted to privacy-protect his information. He had publicly listed his name, address and phone number as contact for this website. Although this information is public information listed by the registrant and intended to be contact information, we have redacted some details that appear to be residential.

    WHOIS lookup of the domain ""

    The name and address listed in the WHOIS information was consistent with what we found in public records. Of course, this alone was not enough to establish that "Donald Jackson" was "Donald Kent." After all, the information may have been false. But it was a pretty good lead. After poking around further we found several other items that verified we had discovered the correct identity. For one, we found the name "Donald Jackson" on out-links posted on the White Art Collective Gab account as seen through The Wayback Machine archive site.

    An archived view of the White Art Collective's Gab account to points to a now-deleted page with "Donald Jackson" named. [archive]
    Secondly, we found several examples of the same artwork posted on the website also on websites about Buffalo-area illustrator Donald Jackson.

    This illustration, as well as others, posted on the website were also found posted on websites about Donald Jackson. [archive]
    This illustration was also pictured on Donald Jackson's own artist page. [archive]
    While the WHOIS domain information alone was probably enough to identify "Donald Kent" as Donald Jackson, we did our due diligence to confirm that we had correctly identified this person. We were somewhat dumbfounded that Donald Jackson was so careless with keeping his secret career as neo-Nazi illustrator and musician away from his public persona. Perhaps he intended on using his real name in the past but changed his mind. Whatever the case, his usage of the alias "Donald Kent" and the fact that he obscures his face on his YouTube videos seem to indicate that he would like his real name hidden from his white supremacist resume.

    Whatever the case, we're going to make it easy for him and just tell the world that "Donald Kent," aka "American Zarathustra" is really…

    Buffalo-area Comic Illustrator Donald Jackson

    Donald Jackson at Buffalo Comicon, 2016

    Donald P. Jackson is a long time West Seneca (Buffalo, New York area) illustrator who has has a long history with comic book art, beginning in 2002 when he started to teach himself comic book illustration, as he explains in an early website that is still up at the time of writing.

    In 2007, he was Editor in Chief and illustrator at "Elfin Comics," a publisher based in Bombay, India, and in 2010 was awarded a Research Fellowship Grant from SUNY Research Foundation at Buffalo State College to create a program using comics as "an educational method to promote cognitive development" through his "Cognitive Comics" website. It sounds like a worthy and admirable project. Where did he go wrong? How did he go from illustrator and art educator to white supremacist? Who knows.

    He was also a practitioner and instructor of Kung Fu, claiming to have studied the art since 1993 after experiencing a "home invasion." According to Jackson, his approach to teaching is "grounded in traditional Shaolin methods."

    These days, however, Jackson seems to just make fighting instruction videos for the neo-Nazi audience of his "American Zarathustra" website. In an archived version of a page on his website he once even had a kung fu page with his actual name, but this has been removed. Nevertheless, links to now-unlisted instructional videos found on the archived site are still viewable at the time of writing.

    Donald Jackson, aka "American Zarathustra" kung fu fighting on YouTube.
    Master of Kung Fu Donald Jackson practising some slick moves in his bedroom.
    Master of Kung Fu Donald Jackson practising some slick moves in his bedroom.

    Donald Jackson, Master of Kung Fu, has some opinions on the manly art of self-defense, as he explains writing as "Donald Kent" on Twitter:

    Tweet: "I've watched 100s of vids of Blacks assaulting Whites. I believe a whole martial art designed to defeat their street style of fighting could easily be developed. When the enemy's techniques are so textbook, it's easy to counter but needs development."
    Being a true renaissance man, Donald Jackson is also musically inclined, as he explains on his old website.

    He played with a local band, "Rogue Planet Rock," whose performances may still be seen on their Facebook page, although we were unable to verify if they are still around "rogue planet rocking."

    Rock out with your schlock out.

    One thing we know he is still doing is composing and performing white supremacist themed ditties of his own on his "American Zarathustra" YouTube channel as "Donald Kent" and with his face not visible.

    Donald Jackson rockin' out to some white supremacist jams of his own composition as "Donald Kent" on his YouTube channel.

    Donald Jackson's skill as a lyricist would be the envy of any racist high-schooler scribbling in his Trapper-Keeper. Here are the lyrics to Jackson's paean to white nationalism  "Become What You Are":

    This is the age of heroes, who will step up to the plate?
    No time for bickering, the hour's getting late.
    Sojourn into the fog, Obscuring our plight,
    Don't be afraid to stand up for what's right.
    Some of us know the enemy, others deny the clues,
    if you choose not to fight,you choose to loose [sic].

    The time for talk is over,
    We are the new Knights Templar,
    Reject the Modern World,
    Become who you are.

    Democracy is dead when they can always rig it.
    Call out the enemy and they'll call you a bigot.
    But their words have no power here, not here in our hearts.
    We've abandoned their world, made a new start.
    I don't care what you say, I don't care what you think.
    I've gone a little crazy Living too long on the brink.

    The time for talk is over,
    We are the new Knights Templar,
    Reject the Modern World,
    Become who you are.

    Activity in the White Art Collective

    Although Jackson seems to be perfectly capable of making a decent career as an illustrator and art educator, the last example of mainstream life we found was a 2019 interview of Jackson by the website Don't Forget a Trowel. His Twitter timeline conversations seem to indicate that he has a decided disdain for the mainstream political discourse of his old friends and family. In one example he writes:

    Thought about all the knives still in my back from old friends (and family). We've been through hell and have an unspoken friendship with people online, closer to Alt Righters than childhood friends.

    Donald Jackson [archive]
    But "Donald Kent, American Zarathustra" has been a busy man, contributing to the White Art Collective and collaborating with other white nationalist content creators, as well as creating his own content for his YouTube channel, where he live streams art commissions, performs his music and does video blogs and podcasts with other alt-right personalities.

    Screenshot of one of Donald Jackson's live streams. Note his promotion of the neo-Nazi Nation Justice Party.
    A graphic novel sold on Amazon illustrated by Donald Jackson as "Donald Kent" and written by Mark Brahmin, a contributor to the WAC and associate of neo-Nazi Richard Spencer.

    Thus Self-doxed Zarathustra

    Donald Jackson may have wanted to keep his real name and face out of white nationalist art circles, but he did a terrible job of it. Maybe deep down he wanted to be found out. Maybe it was a cry for help. Or maybe he really is just that dumb. Whatever the case, he'll have to find another pseudonym because we all know who "Donald Kent" is now.


    Meet "Mama P" of the Alt-Right Folk Duo "The Mamas and the Pepes": Julie "Jewels" Green of Wallingford, Pennsylvania

    Leave it to the alt-right to besmirch something as classic as the The Mamas and the Papas. In contrast to the acclaimed American folk band, "The Mamas and the Pepes" has been making racist music distributed by the "White Art Collective" since 2017, with titles such as "Anchor Baby," "Pride and Privilege" and "Fake American."

    Thanks to the recent breach of Nazi-friendly domain registrar by the hacktivist collective Anonymous, we were able to track down the identity of the front person and lead singer of "The Mamas and the Pepes" who calls herself "Mama P." Since the hack by Anonymous was in response to hosting an anti-choice website, what we discovered in our investigation was surprisingly topical.

    "The Mamas and the Pepes"

    Logo for the alt-right folk duo "The Mamas and the Pepes."
    Logo for the alt-right folk duo "The Mamas and the Pepes."

    "The Mamas and the Pepes," named as a spoof mash-up of the American band "The Mamas and the Papas" and the alt-right mascot "Pepe the Frog," has been creating music with racist, homophobic, transphobic, antisemitic, Islamophobic and fascist themes since 2017 . Fronted by "Mama P" with "The Handsome Horse" on guitar, the duo has produced such songs as "Hate Crime Hoax":

    They pay Blacks & Jews & Muslims the most
    So if you need your race hate sub-sid-ized
    Have yourself a HATE CRIME HOAX

    Accompanying artwork for The Mamas and the Pepes' song "Hate Crime Hoax."
    Accompanying artwork for The Mamas and the Pepes' song "Hate Crime Hoax."

    and "You Gotta Go Back":

    You gotta go back where you came from
    You don't like us
    You just like our stuff
    We gave some to you, but it's never enough.
    So let's coexist
    With you OVER THERE
    Over the wall, out of our hair

    The Mamas and the Pepe's encouraged snitching on undocumented immigrants to ICE on the web page for their song "You Gotta Go Back."
    The Mamas and the Pepe's encouraged snitching on undocumented immigrants to ICE on the web page for their song "You Gotta Go Back."

    In "Bad Optics" the lyrics reference the racist "great replacement" conspiracy theory:

    I took a trip back to my old hometown
    and lo and behold – the children are brown!
    I'm wonderin' where all the white people went
    This is the goal of the GREAT REPLACEMENT

    Accompanying artwork for the song "Bad Optics."
    Accompanying artwork for the song "Bad Optics."

    Neither members of the duo show their real faces publicly, with "Mama P" using a literal sock puppet for her online appearances on neo-Nazi podcasts.

    A "Mama and the Pepes" album cover. "Mama P" is represented by the sock puppet on the left.
    A "Mama and the Pepes" album cover. "Mama P" is represented by the sock puppet on the left.

    "The Mamas and the Pepes" are closely affiliated with the White Art Collective (WAC), a group of musicians and visual artists who promote white supremacist themes and other right-wing beliefs. "Mama P" conducts many interviews with other alt-right personalities (and even one of themselves) for their website and also hosts a music show on the WAC's DLive channel.

    One of the interviews "Mama P" conducted was with the Global Minority Initiative (GMI), a group that seeks to provide legal, financial and moral support for whom they call "political prisoners" (ie. neo-Nazis and other white supremacists who are incarcerated). She ends the interview with:

    So please, whatever your belief system, taking care of our guys matters. It matters to me, and it should matter to you, too.

    While there is much to criticize about the prison industry, by "our guys" "Mama P" means the white supremacists who are incarcerated for committing violence upon non-white persons and other minorities. "The Mamas and the Pepes" even did a promotional piece for the GMI in which you can hear their speaking voices:

    "The Mamas and the Pepes" also have a Gab account operated by "Mama P" on which they promote their material and post racist and LGBT-phobic messages, as well as anti-vaccination messages.
    Racist post on Gab by "Mama P."
    Racist post on Gab by "Mama P."
    Transphobic post on Gab by "Mama P."
    Transphobic post on Gab by "Mama P."
    Anti-vaccination post on Gab by "Mama P."
    Anti-vaccination post on Gab by "Mama P."

    They may not have known at the time but "The Mamas and the Pepes" was quickly attracting some unwanted attention by some nosy antifascists (us).

    An Epik Fail

    On September 13, 2021 the hacktivist collective Anonymous announced that they had breached the systems of, a domain name registrar known for catering to extreme right-wing customers, in response to their hosting of an anti-choice website and would allow access to this information. The info dump proved to be a treasure trove for researchers and provided what we needed to track down "Mama P."

    An "Epik Fail" for; An epic win for antifascists [archive].
    The official website for "The Mamas and the Pepes" was registered through and the registrant's information was present in this info dump, as shown below. (We have redacted some details, although this information is now publicly available):

    "Julie Green","+1.215694****","in****","59 S ********** Rd, Wallingford, PA 19086"

    Information for the registrant of "" was found in the breach.
    Information for the registrant of "" was found in the breach.

    A password used by "" and stored in plain text by was an appreciative nod to violent right-wing extremist "Based Stickman" Kyle Chapman.

    While this was a tremendous lead, by itself it was not enough, especially considering that some of the customer data in the Epik breach was deliberately falsified by customers who wished to avoid identification, so further scrutiny was necessary. A quick search of public records indicated that a "Julie S Green" was indeed a real person residing at the registered address, but we needed more proof to ensure that this was the person behind the account. A search of popular social media sites was not fruitful with such a common name. What we did have, however, was an email address: in****

    Upon researching this email we learned that it was also present in another information breach, that of the blogging website Livejournal. While this particular blog had been deleted, the username found in this data set was an important clue: "jewelsgreen."

    We located another now-deleted blog on an archive site belonging to a person calling herself "Jewels Green." One of the images displayed on a blog post was also an image used on the Google profile for the in****  email address, though its orientation had been rotated by 90 degrees.

    Public Google reviews made by the email address "" Note the profile image above [a baby's hand with an adult's hand].
    Public Google reviews made by the email address "in****" Note the profile image above.
    An image found on an archived blog by "Jewels Green" is also used on the Google account associated with the email address "" found in the Epik breach [a baby's hand with an adult's hand]
    An image found on an archived blog by "Jewels Green" is also used on the Google account associated with the email address "in****" found in the Epik breach (orientation rotated) [archive].
    While this was simply a stock photo, we found no other instances of this particular cropping elsewhere on the internet. We also found a website, The Burgenland Bunch, in which she is listed with a surname "Sem" and the in**** email address is linked. In this case, that email was publicly attached to "Julie Shana Sem" of New York, New York, born in Allentown, Pennsylvania. Altogether, these were very strong indicators that we had found the person we were looking for. Further research made this indisputable.

    Photo of "Jewels Green" found on an archived blog
    Photo of "Jewels Green" found on an archived blog [archive].
    "Jewels Green" was very active in anti-choice circles regarding abortion for a period of time between 2011 and 2017. She claimed to have had an abortion as a teen and to have worked at an abortion clinic, but came to regret her past. As such, there are numerous videos on the internet of her speaking appearances. We were able to compare her voice on these videos of her speaking appearances with the voice of "Mama P" found on the many examples of her speaking and singing. One of them may be found here, on her own YouTube channel.
    Julie "Jewels" Green, aka "Mama P" in a video on her YouTube channel.

    If that video happens to disappear, other examples exist:

    We have these videos archived locally in case they are removed.

    We compared Jewels Green's speaking voice with the speaking voice of "Mama P" on her various white-supremacist podcast appearances such as one called "The After Party," a short clip of which may be viewed and listened to below.

    We concluded that the voices were undeniably the same; Julie Shana Green, of Wallingford, Pennsylvania, aka "Jewels Green" was the person behind the voice and (literal) sock puppet of "Mama P" of "The Mamas and the Pepes."

    From Anti-Choice to White Supremacy

    With the knowledge that "Mama P" was in fact anti-choice activist "Jewels Green," much of the Twitter activity of "The Mamas and the Pepes" Twitter account (@MamasPepes) made clear sense, showing very specific knowledge of anti-choice talking points.

    Postfrom @MamasPepes Twitter: "Planned Parenthood performs >300,000 abortion’s per year (per their own annual reports) and since the 1990s their market share in the abortion business has increased to 30%"
    @MamasPepes Tweet: "Now find a picture of what the baby looks like after an abortion and ask the same question. #abortion"
    Tweet from @MamasPepes: " W T A F FDA Acquiring ‘Fresh’ Aborted Baby Parts to Make Mice With Human Immune Systems "

    (Further examples: [archive][archive][archive][archive][archive][archive][archive])

    At some point Julie "Jewels" Green went from conservative anti-choice activist to full on fascist, as demonstrated by this awful parody of a Partridge Family song:


    Julie Shana Green
    Julie Shana Green

    Julie Shana Green was born on August 26, 1971 and claimed to have been "a 17-year-old drug-using high school drop-out" who was forced into an abortion by her then-boyfriend. She then claimed to have "worked at an abortion clinic for five years (from age 18 to 23)" and claimed to have been a pro-choice activist during this time. She graduated from Kutztown University in 1995 (under her surname previous to her marriage to Green, "Sem") and then claimed that she quit working at the abortion clinic and became an anti-choice (so-called "pro-life)" activist.

    Around 2000 Green got married and converted from her Lutheran faith to Catholicism, the faith of her husband, a prominent Wilmington, Delaware lawyer.

    Julie Green (R) with her husband, a prominent Wilmington, Delaware lawyer.
    Julie Green (right) with her husband, a prominent Wilmington, Delaware lawyer.

    "Mama P"'s extremist brand of Catholicism is reflected in this archived tweet [archive].
    She was a copy-editor at under her real name of Julie Shana Green and later became a public speaker and editor for the same outfit under the name "Jewels Green."

    Julie Shana Green, aka "Jewels Green," in an anti-abortion rights promo.
    Julie Shana Green, aka "Jewels Green," in an anti-choice promo.

    Julie "Jewels" Green at a speaking appearance in 2013 [].
    Julie "Jewels" Green at a speaking appearance in 2013 [archive].
    Picture of Julie Green on Twitter
    Her anti-choice activism continued through around 2017, and during this time she made many public appearances at anti-choice demonstrations. After around 2017 "Jewels Green" seemed to disappear from the anti-choice activism scene.

    We can only speculate why such a notable anti-choice speaker who claimed to have converted from a pro-choice stance and who claimed to have had an abortion herself in the past left the scene so suddenly and thoroughly, but the slide from anti-choice into full-blown white nationalism is unsurprising. The crossover of racism and xenophobia into anti-choice circles is a well documented one. As Alex DiBranco, writing for The Nation, notes:

    In recent decades, the movement mainstream has been careful to protect its public image by distancing itself from overt white nationalists in its ranks. Last year, anti-abortion leader Kristen Hatten was ousted from her position as vice president of the anti-choice group New Wave Feminists after identifying as an “ethnonationalist” and sharing white supremacist alt-right content. In 2018, when neo-Nazis from the Traditionalist Worker Party (TWP) sought to join the local March for Life rally organized by Tennessee Right to Life, the anti-abortion organization rejected TWP’s involvement.

    The mention of Kristen Hatten is interesting since we found that Green (perhaps unsurprisingly) seemed to be a close associate of Hatten, as evident by their appearances together at anti-choice events.

    Julie "Jewels" Green (center) with Kristen Hatten (right).
    Julie "Jewels" Green (center) with Kristen Hatten (right) [archive].
    Tweet from Kristen Hatten "liked" but Jewels green as it appears on
    Tweet from Kristen Hatten "liked" by Jewels green as it appears on

    Green also associated with several other extreme right-wing Twitter accounts, such as Ashley Rae Goldenberg (aka "@Communism_Kills) who is known to associate with white supremacists and Robert Spencer, operator of the Islamophobic website "Jihad Watch," as evident by archived Twitter posts.

    Twitter: the Mamas & the Pepes@MamasPepes: "It's GREAT to be white."
    Twitter post by Julie Green operating the "@MamasPepes" Twitter account [archive].
    In 2017 the white-nationalist folk musicians "The Mamas and the Pepes" appeared, with presences on Gab and other right-wing-centric internet platforms. While having strong opinions about abortion is one thing, Green obviously feels that her racist, white nationalist views are more dangerous to her social standing since she has only appeared from behind a cheaply made sock puppet. She has expressed on various racist podcasts that she cannot show her face. Apparently, she would much rather express her racist views with poorly written jingles and cheap cotton socks.

    Julie "Jewels" Green
    Julie "Jewels" Green

    While we don't know what made Julie "Jewels" Green disappear from the anti-choice activism scene to become a white nationalist folk singer who hides behind a sock puppet, we do know that she can put those socks back on her feet because she can't hide behind them anymore.

    Julie Shana Green of Wallingford, Pennsylvania.
    Julie Shana Green of Wallingford, Pennsylvania.
    Julie "Jewels" Green, aka "Mama P" of "The Mamas and the Pepes."
    Julie "Jewels" Green, aka "Mama P" of "The Mamas and the Pepes."
    Julie "Jewels" Green, aka "Mama P" of "The Mamas and the Pepes."
    Julie "Jewels" Green, aka "Mama P" of "The Mamas and the Pepes."
    Julie "Jewels" Green at a Star Wars event.
    Julie "Jewels" Green at a Star Wars event. Interesting that she chose to side with intergalactic fascists, no?
    (Photo by Lawrence Lucier/Getty Images) [archive]

    A big shout-out goes to Anonymous, whom we are not affiliated with in any way, despite our name.  Thank you for your service!

    Neo-Nazi "Skinwalker Tapes" podcaster Matthew Marvin Distler of Cleves, Ohio

    Isn't it funny how neo-Nazis and right-wing losers all seem to be connected somehow? First, we exposed fascist author and school teacher Ben Welton, a.k.a. the "Spooky Nationalist," who was an avid user of the hate-speech friendly social media site Then we exposed long time neo-Nazi pseudo-intellectual Jesse Ogden, known as Borzoi Boskovic in neo-Nazi podcast circles, also an avid user of Then we exposed the creator of himself, Canadian Daniel Stevens, who likes to hide behind the alias "Anime Graf Mays" and an anime profile image. Crazy how this all works out.

    In this report we expose another user of, but this one also has connections to a neo-Nazi pedophile we mentioned in our exposé of the Romanian Jewish neo-Nazi Diana Brancoveanu, aka "Pikachu." While the neo-Nazi podcasting and social media world might know this neo-Nazi knucklehead as "Distolero," the city of Cleves, Ohio knows him as Matthew Marvin Distler. Let's begin.

    "I got kinda scared …"

    "Distolero" came to our attention when he responded to a message on by Dan "Graf" Stevens who was working hard to make himself feel better about being so utterly owned by antifascists when we exposed him. "Distolero" responded with:

    it's crazy they're allowed to just fuckin do that. I got kinda scared when they were taking down my old co-host and some people I knew

    Faygo El Juggalero :sonnenrad:@Distolero @graf @LouisConde it's crazy they're allowed to just fuckin do that. I got kinda scared when they were taking down my old co-host and some people I knew

    …which led us to wonder, which "old co-host" was he talking about?

    We assumed when he wrote "co-host" he was talking about a podcast. But when he's not hosting a neo-Nazi podcast, "Distolero" enjoys spending time belittling and dehumanizing Jews, non-whites, LGBTQ+ persons and other minorities across the internet.

    "Distolero" often uses an image of "Ricky" from the TV show Trailer Park Boys for his profile pic.
    "Distolero" often uses an image of "Ricky" from the TV show Trailer Park Boys for his profile pic, in this case on

    "f you think these fuckin sand people half the world over are a threat to America i think you're also a fuckin retard don't import them after destroying their country and you won't ever see one"
    "I think it's a good thing we're about to have a neoliberal female mutt president that's married to a Jew What says Weimart more than that?"
    ">watching Alien: Covenant >everyone who survived gets off the planet >everyone talking in the cabin >unidentified life form appears >2 crew members missing, black dude and white girl in the shower together >Xenomorph kills them"
    antisemitic post
    'I want software that filters out niggers from music videos"
    "People may say 'Matt why do you want America to be destroyed so bad?' I don't like fags, trannies, race mixing, jews, usury or racism against Whites' no wonder i want this to die"
    While is "Distolero"'s favorite social media platform, since Dan "Graf" Stevens encourages racism on his site, he has had a frequent presence on Twitter as well, using the handles "@Distolero_Verde," "@RightWingRicky2" and "@Distolero88," among others.

    Racist tweet from one of "Distolero"'s suspended Twitter accounts.
    Tweet from one of "Distolero"'s suspended Twitter accounts supporting Hitler.
    Another racist tweet from one of "Distolero"'s suspended Twitter accounts.
    Another racist tweet from one of "Distolero"'s suspended Twitter accounts.

    "Distolero" is also a fan of Jesse Ogden, a.k.a. "Borzoi," and we found him boosting posts by Ogden when we located his Facebook page.

    "Matteo El Distolero" boosts a post by Jesse "Borzoi" Ogden
    "Matteo El Distolero" boosts a post by Jesse "Borzoi" Ogden on Facebook.

    Clearly, the world of online, internet Nazis is a close-knit one. You kick over one rock and you're bound to find other rocks to kick over. In this case, "Distolero" was scared of something we had gotten close to earlier. Fortunately, we take copious notes.

    " … when they were taking down my old co-host and some people I knew"

    After examining our notes we realized "Distolero" was talking about the neo-Nazi knifemaker, podcaster and pedo-perv William Rehovsky, a registered Nebraska pedophile sex offender who goes by “@bigoldbladesmith” on Twitter and hosts the Exodus Americanus-affilated podcast The Skinwalker Tapes.

    Neo-Nazi pedophile William Rehovsky of Nebraska, aka “@bigolbladesmith” on Twitter.
    Neo-Nazi pedophile William Rehovsky of Nebraska, aka “@bigolbladesmith” on Twitter.

    "Distolero" was "Matt" on the Skinwalker Tapes podcast.
    "Distolero" was "Matt" on the Skinwalker Tapes podcast, as seen on the show description page on Spotify [archive].
    "Distolero" appeared as "Matt" in the show description of podcast platforms like Spotify. He has also made many guest appearances on other neo-Nazi podcasts under the name "Matt."

    "Distolero" made an appearance on "The Hate Bus" podcast as "Matt."
    "Distolero" made an appearance on this white nationalist podcast as "Matt."
    Matt also appeared on the Exodus Americanus podcast.
    Matt also appeared on David Aaron Mitchell's Exodus Americanus podcast.

    While fleshing out the details, Matt/"Distolero" very helpfully gave us a clue to his surname:

    i had the Distillers pop up in my music feed with the song "Drain the blood" (Their band name is extremely close to my actual surname stop fronting faggots) and now i realize how 90s punk bands are such beggy faggots

    i had the Distillers pop up in my music feed with the song "Drain the blood" (Their band name is extremely close to my actual surname stop fronting faggots) and now i realize how 90s punk bands are such beggy faggots
    "Their band name is extremely close to my actual surname." Good to know. [archive]
    Matt was generous with this clues. He even let us know that he was a long-time Ohioan:

    Tell me Ohio isn't involved in everything…If my ancestors didn't come here in the 1800s and make this our home i'd fucking leave

    Tell me Ohio isn't involved in everything...If my ancestors didn't come here in the 1800s and make this our home i'd fucking leave
    It took us a few seconds to find him on Facebook under one of his other aliases [pro-tip: aliases don't help when your real name is in the URL].

    "matt.distler.79" appears in the URL of "Matteo El Distolero"'s Facebook profile.
    "matt.distler.79" appears in the URL of "Matteo El Distolero"'s Facebook profile.

    Matthew Marvin Distler

    Matthew Marvin Distler, as he appears in a Facebook photo.
    Matthew Marvin Distler, as he appears in a Facebook photo.

    Matthew Marvin Distler, born May 5, 1989, is a Cleves, Ohio resident, according to public records. Examining a photo Distler had posted on his Instagram page confirmed that his residence according to public was fairly current.

    [tree, electric tower] Photo posted on Distler's Instagram page.
    Photo posted on Distler's Instagram page.
    [tree, electric tower, building]
    View from Google StreetView of Distler's home of record, according to public records. Note the tree and electric tower in the middle.

    A Facebook post indicating his date of birth. We verified this with public records.
    A Facebook post indicating his date of birth. We verified this with public records.

    Not coincidentally, Distler's residence on record is not far from the published address of the post office box the Skinwalker Tapes uses to accept donations in Miamitown, Ohio.

    We also located another Twitter account belonging to Distler. This one pointed to another Facebook page using the vanity URL "mattdstylee."

    An apparently abandoned Twitter account belonging to Matt Distler.
    An apparently abandoned Twitter account belonging to Matt Distler.
    Image of Matt Distler
    Matt Distler/mattdstylee

    While this Facebook page appears to have been removed, "mattdstylee" was a common screen name used by Distler, as indicated by this post he made on the forum [archive]:

    Screenshot of a post by Distler on
    Screenshot of a post by Distler on

    As you can see below, Matthew Marvin Distler has a very distinctive look.

    Matthew Marvin Distler has a very distinctive look.
    Matthew Marvin Distler has a very distinctive look, as we can see from his Facebook page.

    Photo of Matthew Marvin Distler [heavy set, bearded white male with brown hair and black rimmed eyeglasses]
    Matthew Marvin Distler
    Wonder what he looked like without the beard? We did too. That's why we located his old Myspace profile.

    Matthew Marvin Distler's Myspace profile as it currently looks.
    Matthew Marvin Distler's Myspace profile as it currently looks.
    Matthew Marvin Distler, way back when.
    Matthew Marvin Distler, way back when.

    We were left wondering how this fresh-faced, bespectacled youth turned out to be such a toxic neo-Nazi creep. Looking at Mama Distolero's Facebook page, we saw that the apple didn't fall far from the tree.

    Images posted by Distler's mother on her Facebook page supporting the Confederacy.
    Images posted by Distler's mother on her Facebook page supporting the Confederacy.


    All these neo-Nazi boneheads are connected by a few degrees of separation. We find those connections, join the dots, and chumps like Matthew Marvin Distler can no longer hide behind their aliases and online personas.

    By the way, did you know that Distler's neo-Nazi podcast The Skinwalker Tapes is available on Apple Podcasts and Spotify? If you don't like that, let them know!


    Up-nose view of beared Matthew Marvin Distler of Cleves, Ohio
    Matthew Marvin Distler, aka "Distolero," 32, of Cleves, Ohio.
    "Need a cute racist gf"
    Jul 8 🍺🇦🇶Matteo El Distolero :sonnenrad:🌲@Distolero @DwigtRortugal @HitlerGroyp_1488 oh my god 1 Jul"@Distolero @HitlerGroyp_1488 oh you're one of THOSE girls neato! " "1 1 Jul 8 Emma@HitlerGroyp_1488 @Distolero whats THOSE girls?? XD"
    A budding racist romance. [archive]

    Admin of "Anime Graf Mays" Revealed: Daniel Stevens of Ontario, Canada

    The subjects of our last two reports had a few things in common. Besides both being racist neo-fascists, both were also authors who had been published by the neo-Nazi small press Antelope Hill Publishing. And both were avid users of a new internet social network called that aims to be as racist as it can be and whose creator once bragged:

    in a month, got nearly 1.3 million unique visitors

    thats pretty based and a major w for racism worldwide
    [archive link]
    Following our reports, the creator and administrator of this website who commonly goes by the online name "Anime Graf Mays" or simply "Graf," seemed to be a tad upset about the exposure, particularly about the article in the Huffington Post following our exposure of Ben "Spooky Nationalist" Welton,  writing:

    we got our first HuffPost hitpiece
    reminder journos aren't human
    [archive link]
    While it is easy to threaten journalists and spew racism from behind the cover of a screen name, we are curious to know how well "Anime Graf Mays" does it once his true identity has been exposed.

    Neo-Nazis in the Fediverse

    The Fediverse is an ensemble of interconnected servers that are used for social networking, microblogging, blogging, or other purposes, but which, while independently hosted, can communicate with each other. One of the main Fediverse platforms is Mastodon, which was intended to be a self-hosted, open source alternative to Twitter with a solid stance against hate speech. As is often the case, Nazis came in and began to ruin it for the rest of us. In July 2019 the Nazi-friendly social network site Gab changed its software platform to a fork of Mastodon and became the largest Mastodon node.

    Since then the Fediverse has had its challenges dealing with hate speech. was created in January 2021 by Twitter user "Anime Graf Mays" who was dissatisfied with Twitter's policy on hate speech and has been supported by software developer and Fediverse advocate Alex Gleason, who wrote the Soapbox software used by Gleason himself is not a stranger to controversy, being expelled from Mastodon's main server,, for making transphobic statements.

    Alex Gleason, creator of the Soapbox software used by and supporter of
    Alex Gleason, creator of the Soapbox software used by and supporter of

    Gleason went so far as to state, " is horrible, but I like it."
    [archive link]
    Supporting free speech is one thing, but actually supporting a site that is littered with racial slurs and Nazi rhetoric is entirely another.

    Alex "not a Nazi" Gleason is comfortable reposting messages from avowed racists like "Anime Graf May" [archive link]
    It is clear that is intended to be as racist as it possibly can be, something that is a point of pride for the site's creator "Anime Graf Mays" (or simply "Graf"). In one post he referred to his site as "the most racist social media site on the planet."

    "the most racist social media site on the planet"
    "the most racist social media site on the planet" [archive link]
    Use of racial slurs is common and encouraged on, examples of which are pictured below.
    "Happy Birthday N_gger" "fuck the k_kes" [archive link]
    "If you say k_ke I'll say n_gger" [archive link]
    Even before our exposé on the fascist author and school teacher Ben Welton and the Huffington Post's follow-up, the users of already had it in for journalists, as demonstrated by this post featuring an image of the live-on-camera murder of Alison Parker and cameraman Adam Ward of Virginia station WDBJ-TV.
    Post on [archive link]
    And, of course, making racist and inflammatory statements is also sport for "Graf," who consistently uses an anime or video game character as his profile image across platforms.
    Graf often uses a video game character as his profile image. [archive link]
    In one post he featured a Nazi swastika emoji available for use on
    [archive link]
    In another he showed off a "1488" emoji ("1488" being neo-Nazi code for the "fourteen words" and "Heil Hitler").
    [archive link]
    In another post "Graf" joked in poor taste referring to the Auschwitz Nazi death camp.
    [archive link]
    In these next two posts pictured below, "Graf" mocked the murder of George Floyd.
    [archive link]
    [archive link]
    The slurs "n_gger" and "f_ggot" are frequently in "Graf"'s vocabulary.
    [archive link]
    As we look into "Graf"'s background we see that he has a long history of racist behavior that extended to the several Twitter accounts he operated before In the Twitter post below "Graf" explains:

    my father was a racist
    and his father before him
    and his father before him
    it's in my lineage…
    A post from one of "Graf"'s previous Twitter accounts [archive link]
    This probably explains some of "Graf"'s outlook as he stated on

    i'd like to point out that racism has existed for as long as man has and it's a defense mechanism against others and natural but being gay, trans or gender dysphoric only happened mainstream once all of the insane asylums were ordered to be closed
    [archive link]

    racism is cool and necessary
    letting another race tell you you're oppressing them is a trophy not a battle wound dont let them bring you down
    [archive link]

    "Anime Graf Mays"

    "Graf" likens the current state of to the early internet when people exercised their racism with relatively little repercussion. When Graf is not busy making racist, antisemitic, homophobic and transphobic statements, he likes to talk about himself and his life. After identifying a number of his previous Twitter accounts and examining his archived posts we found that he volunteered many clues to his personal identity.

    "passionate about racism"
    "passionate about racism"
    Several Twitter accounts operated by "Anime Graf Mays."
    Several Twitter accounts operated by "Anime Graf Mays."

    In previous Twitter profiles "Graf" consistently noted his location to be "Ontario, Canada," something we assessed to probable, judging by the time zone settings found in archived Twitter posts. In one profile he described himself as "passionate about racism."

    Understandably, "Graf" did not want his full name out there for all to see, as indicated by this tweet in which he stated that he was credited for an Associated Press photo.
    [archive link]
    But he was less concerned about his given name, noting in Twitter posts across several Twitter accounts that his first name was "Dan."

    "Anime Graf Mays" stated his name was "Dan" over several Twitter accounts.
    "Anime Graf Mays" stated his name was "Dan" in several instances [link] [link] [link] [link] [link]
    "Graf" also wrote comfortably on about aspects of his personal life. For example, in one post he noted that his brother and mother may have been aware that he had started a social network website.
    @graf on [archive link]
    Also on, "Graf" wrote about an ex-girlfriend who had just joined his website.
    @graf on [archive link]
    We found the profile of "Graf"'s ex-girlfriend and her other social media accounts, one of which was a Facebook profile with a post that indicated the date she started a relationship with a new boyfriend: Daniel Stevens.

    According to statements made by "Graf" in his previous Twitter posts, the first name fit. Photos and descriptions that "Graf" had posted of his own tattoos were consistent with the photo in the Facebook post.

    Photo from Daniel Stevens' (aka "Anime Graf Mays") Facebook profile.
    Photo from the Facebook profile of Daniel Stevens (aka "Anime Graf Mays") as he works on his personal vehicle, a Dodge Charger Pursuit.
    This image from an archived tweet shows a portion of a tattoo reflected in the sunglasses lens. [archive link]
    Tattoo comparison.
    Tattoo found in a reflection in the photo on the left matched tattoos found on the Facebook photo.

    We were able to locate social media accounts for relatives of Daniel Stevens that were consistent with the many statements made by "Graf" about his family on Twitter and that further confirmed our finding. In our previous article Jesse "Borzoi" Ogden made a comment, "The best advice I gave to someone on opsec is nothing is irontight especially if you know any women." But the fact of the matter is that "Anime Graf Mays," or rather Dan Stevens, has no one to blame for his exposure except for himself, and now he can he held accountable under his real name.
    Dance like nobody's watching; post like nobody is reading… [archive link]

    Say Hello to Daniel Stevens

    [Image of Daniel Stevens, aka "Anime Graf Mays"; bearded doofus-looking guy, sort of looks like a less-handsome Tom Green]
    Daniel Stevens, aka "Anime Graf Mays"
    Daniel "Dan" Stevens was born on April 4, 1986, as he frequently noted on both Twitter and
    The Chernobyl nuclear disaster occurred on April 26, 2986 [archive link]
    [archive link]

    Young Dan Stevens (on left) with older sister (on right, redacted).
    Young Dan Stevens (on left) with older sister (on right, redacted) in a Twitter post.

    While he previously worked as a "mechanical engineer" for Denso, his primary career is that of a software developer, having developed games and was even once a developer for the controversial website 4chan.
    [archive link]
    Daniel Stevens, circa 2017/2018. Note "Denso" logo on left shirt sleeve.
    Daniel Stevens, circa 2017/2018. Note "Denso" logo on left shirt sleeve.
    Stevens was a developer for 4chan. [archive link]
    His latest venture was developing software for satellites launched by Canada's Department of National Defence and Arianespace, a job he got from his brother.
    [archive link]
    [archive link]
    [archive link]
    Stevens doesn't seem very appreciative to his brother for getting him the gig, but he was quick to brag about the money he's made from it on Twitter, as well as the value of his cryptocurrencies.
    [archive link]
    Stevens claims to have quit this job, choosing instead to live off of his earnings.
    @graf on [archive link]
    Stevens is also the owner of a number of domain names, some of them (unsurprisingly) purchased from Rob Monster's Nazi-friendly domain registrar Epik. Some of these domains include:


    and a recently acquired domain that he seemed proud of

    [archive link]
    Stevens also stated that he was in the music production business and claimed to be mastering the audio for the new album from Toronto-based rock band Die Mannequin. We could not verify these claims, but if true Die Mannequin may wish to reconsider working with a antisemitic, homophobic, transphobic racist.
    While not viewable in the archived tweet, a shortened URL (  is still viewable in the page source that points to a YouTube video to a Die Mannequin song[archive link]
    Daniel Stevens claimed to be a dual-citizen, but lives in Canada. While we won't disclose his precise residence, Dan can tell you himself:
    [archive link]
    Hmm, could "K/W" mean "Kitchener/Waterloo?" [archive link]
    [archive link]

    "P" for; "F" for "Fail"

    Daniel Stevens is an experienced software developer and network administrator and no doubt knows his business. However, it is quite apparent that Stevens is not as smart, as careful or as capable as he thinks he is. For one, he lost Cloudflare protection for the domain for abusing their free tier.
    [archive link]
    This doesn't sound like the kind of thing a responsible website administrator would do. Additionally, Stevens proclaimed (incorrectly) that he had defeated the ability of archive websites to archive posts from his website.
    A link that, supposedly, doesn't work ==> [archive link]
    Obviously, this isn't the case, evident by the many posts we have archived in this article. File this under "F" for "Fail."

    In light of the new recent attention his self-proclaimed "most racist social media website on the planet" has received, Stevens posted:

    i and by extension this website have no political leaning, this is not a ‘dissident right’ platform, this is a platform for people to speak on without fear of political censorship. if anybody tells you this website is right-wing they are wrong, including any publication that in future refers to this website as right wing — they are the most false and should be drawn and quartered for perpetuating this lie.
    the reason all these websites appear as ‘right wing’ haunts is because they are the only voice silenced in any kind of media. you can thank the reporter who sent you here for that.
    [archive link]
    However, posts like this one:

    i dont have a position on the holocaust because we all know it didnt happen the way it is constantly portrayed in media and 'history' but i will not censor debate about it for or against. denying the existence of something lacking credible proof =/= nazism
    [archive link]
    make it clear where Stevens' political convictions lie. Furthermore, has attracted high-profile white supremacists like Matt Parrott of the now-defunct neo-Nazi Traditionalist Worker Party. profile of white nationalist Matt Parrott. [archive link]
    Frankly, it doesn't matter to us if the intent of is explicitly "political" or not.  It's a vehicle for racism and we're putting it on notice.

    So the next time someone thinks they can run "the most racist social media website on the planet" while hiding behind an anime profile pic and remain incognito, think again. Daniel "Anime Graf Mays" Stevens tried it and failed.

    White Nationalist Podcaster and Author "Borzoi Boskovic" Revealed: Meet Jesse Daniel Ogden

    In our last article we reported on Benjamin Welton, a white nationalist who was a prolific freelance writer, PhD candidate and private school teacher and who recently had a pseudonymously published book by the white nationalist small press Antelope Hill Publishing. The subject of our report today also had a book title published by Antelope Hill Publishing, but also has a much higher profile and longer history in white nationalist circles.

    Using the alias "Borzoi Boskovic," our subject today escaped exposure for years, building a strong following amongst neo-Nazis and white nationalists on internet social media as he produced widely-followed podcasts and authored scores of articles. But like many who attempt to maintain a secret neo-Nazi life, "Borzoi" overestimated his abilities and leaked information that would lead to his exposure. Perhaps he didn't even realize it, or perhaps he thought no one was watching, but we were.

    "Borzoi Boskovic"

    Profile image frequently used by "Borzoi Boskovic."
    Profile image frequently used by "Borzoi Boskovic."

    "Borzoi Boskovic"'s main claim to fame has been as a prolific white nationalist blogger and podcaster who since 2017 has hosted a number of shows as well as made guest appearances on countless others. Under the banner of Mike "Enoch" Peinovich's "The Right Stuff" media network, "Borzoi" hosted such shows as "The Third Rail" with exposed alt-right podcaster Norman Asa "Trey" Garrison III, aka "Spectre,"   "The People's Square" and "The Poz Button" with other well-known white nationalists like "Larry Ridgeway" and Joseph Jordan (aka "Eric Striker").

    "Borzoi," "Spectre" and others in the neo-Nazi podcast "The Third Rail"
    "Borzoi," "Spectre" and others in the neo-Nazi podcast "The Third Rail" [archive link]
    Norman Asa Garrison III, aka "Trey Garrison," aka "Spectre."
    Norman Asa Garrison III, aka "Trey Garrison," aka "Spectre."
    Joseph Jordan, aka "Eric Stryker."
    Joseph Jordan, aka "Eric Striker."

    In "Borzoi"'s long-running podcast "The Poz Button" he and "Spectre" Garrison basically review movies, TV shows and other forms of popular entertainment media from an extreme right-wing perspective. In the October 13, 2018 episode "Borzoi" and Garrison mention The Man in the High Castle, a science fiction TV show that posits a dystopian future in which the Nazis won World War II, only they note that this future is not "dystopian" to them; this is the future they want.

    Logo for "The Poz Button" podcast.
    Logo for "The Poz Button" podcast.

    Episode of "The People's Square." Robert Monster, CEO of Nazi-friendly domain name registrar Epik makes a guest appearance
    Episode of "The People's Square." Robert Monster, CEO of Nazi-friendly domain name registrar Epik makes a guest appearance [link]
    In addition to his podcasts, "Borzoi" has also maintained a troubled presence on Twitter, where he has had to run through scores of screen names to evade Twitter's policies on acceptable behavior.

    One of "Borzoi Boskovic"'s many Twitter accounts []
    One of "Borzoi Boskovic"'s many Twitter accounts [archive link]
    Strangely, "Borzoi" spent a great deal of time on Twitter masquerading as an Asian man named "Tedward Wang."
    "Borzoi"'s "John Chapman @TedwardWang" Twitter account. [archive link]
    He eventually explained it as a joke that he simply decided to run with, enjoying the speculation among his followers that he may have been Asian in real life:

    What caused it to blow up was when Media Matters posted a clip from Third Rail. The person who did it must have checked my Twitter at one point or found a cache of it from the brief period I called myself Ed Chang, and printed my name as Ed "Borzoi" Chang, like it was my name

    He concluded his explanation with:

    People believe what they want to believe and I'm not averse to helping that along and throwing disinformation out there, so who really knows.

    Disinformation would prove to be a common tactic in "Borzoi Boskovic"'s secret career as neo-Nazi podcaster, occasionally throwing out believable tidbits of information to throw off those speculating on his real identity. In one recent post on his personal blog, "Borzoi" explained how he was building an outdoor exercise area so he wouldn't have to go to a gym to get his workout in.  He posted a photo of a man resting next to a weight bench set up.
    [archive link]
    We found this exact same photo, however, posted on Instagram. After researching the original poster of the photo we concluded that this individual was not "Borzoi" and had nothing at all to do with "Borzoi." "Borzoi" has simply stolen this person's photo to use as his own.

    This was just one example of how "Borzoi Boskovic" attempted to use disinformation to hide his real identity and continue his online racism undisturbed. However, as often is the case, what began as paranoia would eventually turn into arrogance and over-confidence, and "Borzoi" would make catastrophic errors in attempting to hide his secret.

    "Borzoi"'s profile on the Nazi-friendly social network, as it appeared June 2, 2021.
    "Borzoi"'s profile on the Nazi-friendly social network, as it appeared June 2, 2021.

    Some of these errors took place on a new internet social network called "" that caters to neo-Nazis, white nationalists and other extreme-right wing users. "Borzoi" is a fan of because it allows and even encourages hate speech with no moderation. In one post he stated:
    'I already like Poast more than Gab or Telegram because on Gab you only get to interact with antisocial retards who say "JESUS WAS A KIKENIGGER" and threaten your life but on Poast you interact with antisocial retards who are funny and have good anime recommendations'[archive link]
    In another:
    '"Nazis get out. Let's see you spread your odious and putrid ideas now without the biggest social media platform at your fingertips. This is antifascist praxis. Can't wait to see you cry about being canceled and deplatformed–" *this goes on for another twenty minutes* Nazis on Poast: Haha, nigger nigger rape faggot nigger nigger rape'[archive link]
    "A lot of white people want to say n_gger; Give them permission" []
    "A lot of white people want to say n_gger; Give them permission" [archive link]
    '"Men will never be free until the last tranny strangles itself with the entrails of the penultimate tranny."'
    '"Men will never be free until the last tranny strangles itself with the entrails of the penultimate tranny."' [archive link]
    "Absolutely in awe of trannies, combining will to power and the Faustian spirit to attempt the impossible (transition) and then mastering stoicism (by committing suicide) Lmao just kidding your bones are male" [archive link]
    'We can say "nigger", "you will never be a woman", and "kill yourself" longer than you can remain emotionally solvent' [archive link]
    (Post truncated) [archive link]
    One comment that "Borzoi" made on that was particularly prescient was this one where he provided advice on keeping private:

    The best advice I gave to someone on opsec is nothing is irontight especially if you know any women but you'll know you're doing it right when your own friends are confused about what is and isn't true about you

    borzoiVerified Account@borzoi The best advice I gave to someone on opsec is nothing is irontight especially if you know any women but you'll know you're doing it right when your own friends are confused about what is and isn't true about you
    We think he means either "ironclad" or "air-tight," but we get the picture. [archive link]
    But "Borzoi Boskovic" is a married man and he loves talking about it. Furthermore, he doesn't seem to mind that his wife does also.

    "Claire Nightingale"

    "Borzoi" once told the story on Twitter in great detail on how he met his wife, whom he referred to using the pseudonym "Claire Nightingale." As touching as his story may have been, what interested us was that he encouraged her to write a piece for the extreme right wing blog "The American Sun":

    I ended up encouraging her to write to American Sun about her experiences as a nurse, so the three articles written under Claire Nightingale are her. It was an open secret among people who knew us, but no point in trying to hide it now.

    Twitter post by "Borzoi" (writing as "@TedwardWang") [archive link]

    Naturally, we went looking for this piece of writing. It turns out "Claire Nightingale" had written three pieces for "The American Sun." In addition to writing articles for this right wing blog, "Claire Nightingale" also appeared in white nationalist podcasts. In one of these podcasts, "Hyperpodcastism," she appeared with her husband "Borzoi" and neo-Nazi former paramedic (who regularly compared black patients to animals) and podcaster Alex McNabb.

    Neo-Nazi paramedic and podcaster Alex McNabb.
    Neo-Nazi former paramedic and podcaster Alex McNabb.

    "Claire Nightingale" was very aware of her husband's white nationalist activities and was (and is) a willing participant herself. In fact, "Borzoi" pointed out that she first reached out to him after reading his fear-mongering article "The Feasts of Shame" in which he (writing as "John Chapman") wrote:

    …A fitting tribute to the conquering liberal and ethnic tribes who see what the vanquished value as forfeit to them.

    They want your guns because you value them.

    They want your kids to be transgender because you value them.

    They want your families dying from drugs because you value them.

    They want your kids sexually available to others to flex on you.

    They want your daughters in pornography not for profit but so that they can be filmed as subjugated to a foreign tribe for the entire world to see.

    Fortunately for us, "Claire Nightingale," like her husband, enjoyed talking.

    We learned from her writings and appearances on various podcasts that she was an experienced registered nurse who had worked in intensive care, emergency room and surgical settings but most recently worked as a travel nurse. We learned that both of her parents were physicians and that she was from Tennessee. She had commonly used the screen name "cookingpots" across a variety of internet platforms and social media. We put together these disparate pieces of information to construct a profile, eventually leading us to a likely candidate for her true identity: Rachel Elizabeth Carter.

    Rachel Elizabeth Carter's profile.
    2012 photo of Rachel Elizabeth Carter found on father's Flickr profile. Note yellow sunglasses appear to be the same as picture on her profile.
    2012 photo of Rachel Elizabeth Carter found on father's Flickr photo stream.
    2011 photo of Rachel Elizabeth Carter found on a blog post.
    2011 photo of Rachel Elizabeth Carter found on a blog post.
    Screenshot of archived Twitter post picturing Rachel Carter (@PotsCooking) and family members.
    Screenshot of archived Twitter post picturing Rachel Carter (@PotsCooking) and family members.
    Facebook post by Rachel Carter (as "RE Allen").
    Facebook post by Rachel Carter (as "R.E. Allen").
    Rachel Carter, 2013.
    Rachel Carter, 2013.

    We verified that Rachel Elizabeth Carter had nursing credentials in several states. In some states she was licensed under a surname from a previous marriage, "Allen."

    Rachel Elizabeth Carter's nursing licenses in several states, some under a previous married name.
    Rachel Elizabeth Carter's nursing licenses in several states, some under a previous married name.

    A recent nursing license for the state of Michigan (again, under a previous married surname) was granted on May 18, 2020, a few months into forming a relationship with "Borzoi."

    Screenshot from the public Michigan nursing license verification portal.
    Screenshot from the public Michigan nursing license verification portal.
    Rachel Elizabeth Carter's Facebook post under her previous married surname "Allen."
    Rachel Elizabeth Carter's Facebook post under her previous married surname "Allen."

    One of the states in which Rachel Carter was licensed to be a nurse was New Hampshire. We were able to place Rachel Carter in New Hampshire when we found a libertarian podcast "Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock,"  in which she and her then-husband tell their story of moving to New Hampshire from California. We also found that she had marked herself as attending the 2016 PorcFest XIII on the website

    Rachel Carter's page on indicating her plans to attend Porcfest.
    Rachel Carter's page on indicating her plans to attend Porcfest.
    Rachel Carter (Allen, Ogden), 2015.
    Rachel Carter (Allen, Ogden), 2015.

    "PorcFest" is the Porcupine Freedom Festival, an annual event held by the Free State Project, a libertarian organization that advocates for the relocation of libertarians to New Hampshire in order to make the state a stronghold for their movement. While Rachel Carter had previously identified as a conservative libertarian, her views grew more extreme. Getting together with the (right-wing internet) famous "Borzoi Boskovic" was just another step toward right-wing extremism.

    We were confident that we had correctly identified "Borzoi"'s wife, but a major life event for both "Borzoi" and "Borzette" (a pet name "Borzoi" often uses for her) would verify our conclusion as well as lead us to the identity of "Borzoi Boskovic."

    Borzoi's Bundle of Joy

    Late in 2020 "Borzoi" had made a big announcement that he and his wife were expecting a new addition to the Boskovic family. The news was met with great enthusiasm among his neo-Nazi fan base. Even the Romanian neo-Nazi Diana "Pikachu" Brancoveanu (whom we reported on earlier) set up a GoFundMe campaign to raise money for the couple.

    GoFundMe campaign started by "Anneliese Briesen," aka Diana "Pikachu" Brancoveanu for Borzoi and his wife.
    GoFundMe campaign started by Diana "Pikachu" Brancoveanu (using the alias "Anneliese Briesen") for Borzoi and his wife.

    "Borzoi" wrote at length on the birth of their child on in a public post on While we won't go into the details of the post here, it is significant that he wrote the post on 15 April 2021. As it happens, we located a baby registry belonging to a "Rachel and Jesse Ogden." The projected arrival date was April 16, 2021.

    [archive link]
    Jesse Daniel Ogden, aka "Borzoi" (L), and his wife Rachel Elizabeth (R).
    Jesse Daniel Ogden, aka "Borzoi" (L), and his wife Rachel Elizabeth Ogden (R), 2020-2021.

    It looked like we had found our dog.

    Jesse Daniel Ogden

    In an interview on the now-defunct right-wing blog The Republic Standard, "Borzoi Boskovic" stated "My background is in literature. I'm a writer at heart." Indeed, we found an old blog belonging to Jesse Ogden in which he stated that he intended to major in college in English with a creative writing emphasis and to minor in religious studies.
    [archive link]

    Jesse Ogden graduated from Hiram College in Ohio with an English degree and even worked as an editorial assistant on the Hiram Poetry Review, as credited in the Spring 2007 issue.

    Jesse Daniel Ogden, circa 2011.
    Jesse Daniel Ogden, circa 2011.
    Jesse Daniel Ogden, circa 2011.
    Jesse Daniel Ogden, circa 2011.

    Judging by his blog, Ogden had both an interest in writing and a political awareness, although it seemed that his views at that time had not yet formed into the extreme right-wing fascist ideology of "Borzoi Boskovic." Even earlier, while in high school, Ogden was a frequent contributor to the anarcho-capitalist website

    Jesse Ogden in his senior yearbook photo, 2004.
    Jesse Ogden in his senior yearbook photo, 2004.


    Jesse Ogden, 2003-4.
    Jesse Ogden, 2003-4.


    Jesse Ogden, 2002-3, junior year at Churchill High School in Livonia.
    Jesse Ogden, 2002-3, junior year at Churchill High School in Livonia.


    Jesse Ogden in high school, 2003-4.
    Jesse Ogden in high school, 2003-4.
    Jesse Ogden, 2002.
    Jesse Ogden, 2004

    Ogden wrote of his dissatisfaction with modern society and government dependence early on, as evident in this 2003 article as he was beginning his senior year at Churchill High School in Livonia, Michigan:

    What happens when you think that things in society need to be radically updated, that our entire culture needs to be changed, that traditional families are outdated and oppressive and need to be changed, that we can build a hip Garden of Eden on earth with the help of government? You get the largely problematic society we have, and the troubled and, for lack of a better word, screwed-up youths and youth culture I have grown up with these seventeen years.

    After his graduation from Hiram College, Ogden spent some time teaching English in South Korea, as indicated by statements made by "Borzoi" and an online profile on the SignalHire website (now deleted). In one recent post on, Jesse "Borzoi" Ogden claimed that he had spent three years working in Korea.

    Ogden claims to have worked in Korea for a time.
    Ogden claims to have worked in Korea for a time. [archive link]
    Also, a post on the "question & answer" website CuriousCat seems to support that Ogden has some familiarity with the Korean language. When asked "Are you really Asian?" during the period when Ogden was masquerading as an Asian man "Borzoi"/Ogden responds "글쎄요," which basically means, "maybe, maybe not" or "not sure" in the Korean language.
    "Borzoi" seems to have a familiarity with the Korean language
    "Borzoi" seems to have a familiarity with the Korean language. [archive link]
    Counterintuitively, international experience did not give Ogden a global awareness and understanding for people of other ethnicities and cultures, just more fuel for ridicule.

    While his political formative years leaned heavily towards free-market libertarianism, Ogden's politics would eventually turn much more extreme and so would his writings. Ogden frequently wrote under the pseudonym "John Chapman" on his own Race Borz blog as well as other extreme right-wing websites like The American Sun.

    Jesse Daniel Ogden (R) in a 2016 Facebook post.
    Jesse Daniel "Borzoi" Ogden (R) in a 2016 Facebook post.
    Jesse Daniel Ogden, 2016.
    Jesse Daniel "Borzoi" Ogden, 2016.
    Jesse Daniel Ogden, 2016.
    Jesse Daniel "Borzoi" Ogden, 2016.
    Jesse Daniel "Borzoi" Ogden, 2016.
    Jesse Daniel "Borzoi" Ogden, 2016.

    As "John Chapman," Ogden wrote a long-winded foreword for a version of Hitler by Wyndham Lewis published by the neo-Nazi small press Antelope Hill Publishing. In it he wrote:

    Time Magazine has earned eternal enmity for once naming Adolf Hitler their Man of the Year. Their only error was in not naming him the Man of the Century.

    Recently, Ogden has been heavily promoting a book he authored for Antelope Hill Publishing, again under the "John Chapman" pseudonym, entitled Cultured Grugs: Dispatches From America in Collapse. It is described thusly:

    Cultured Grugs: Dispatches From America in Collapse is a selection of essays by John “Borzoi” Chapman written since 2018, including pieces published in The American Sun and on his blog, Race Borz, as well as several new essays. A prolific writer and podcaster, Chapman meticulously critiques the ills of the modern world in a fashion that is at once black-pilling and hopeful, sober and witty.

    [Notably, Antelope Hill Publishing also published a title by the subject of our last report, Benjamin Welton. It seems that Antelope Hill Publishing has had some bad luck of late keeping the pen names of their authors under wraps.]

    Screenshot of Antelope Hill Publishing's Twitter account promoting "John 'Borzoi' Chapmans"'s book Cultured Grugs.
    Screenshot of Antelope Hill Publishing's Twitter account promoting "John 'Borzoi' Chapmans"'s book Cultured Grugs.

    Despite having a secret identity as a white nationalist and ne0-Nazi, Jesse Ogden is very proud of his book. He is, in fact, so proud of it that he has multiple copies of it on his bookshelf. On "Borzoi" made a comment about an "ultra-liberal relative" asking about "all the Hitler books I wrote the foreword to on my shelf."
    [archive link]

    We found a post on Instagram made by a relative of Jesse Ogden in which the relative poses for a photo with the new addition to the family in front of a well-stocked book case. While we weren't able to confirm all the titles in the book case,  multiple copies of the book Cultured Grugs are plainly visible.

    Instagram post made by relative of Jesse Ogden [redacted]. Multiple copies of "Chapman"/Ogden's book Cultured Grugs are visible in the center of the photo.
    Instagram post made by relative of Jesse Ogden [redacted]. Multiple copies of "Chapman"/Ogden's book Cultured Grugs are visible in the center of the photo.
    Center of the above photo resized 300%.
    Center of the above photo resized 300%.

    Additionally, for the proverbial "icing on the cake," we found that Jesse Ogden had inadvertently identified himself on his own blog We found his name in the blog source code's HTML image metadata tags.

    Jesse Ogden had inadvertently left his name in image metadata on his blog, which can be found by viewing the page source.
    Jesse Ogden had inadvertently left his name in image metadata on his blog, which can be found by viewing the page source.

    In the event Ogden decides to delete his blog to cover his tracks, this will still be viewable in the Wayback Machine archives, which also preserves the source code of the page.
    The internet never forgets [link to Wayback Machine]

    Jesse "Borzoi" Ogden

    Between racist podcasts, disseminating disinformation and near-constant "shitposting" on, Telegram and other platforms, being a secret Nazi is a full time job for Jesse Ogden, but it doesn't pay the bills. Jesse Ogden's last work experience, according to the now-deleted SignalHire profile we found earlier, was for a company called Venture Logistics, which is headquartered in Indiana, but has offices in the Detroit area.

    Now-deleted profile for Jesse Ogden on SignalHire.

    Now-deleted profile for Jesse Ogden on SignalHire.
    We found the Facebook page for Venture Global Solutions, which describes itself as a 3PL division of Venture Logistics, based in Rochester Hills, Michigan, and saw a familiar face in some 2018 posts.
    Post from Venture Global Solutions' public Facebook page (redacted; Ogden outlined in red box)
    Post from Venture Global Solutions' public Facebook page (redacted; Ogden outlined in red box)
    Post from Venture Global Solutions' public Facebook page (redacted; Ogden outlined in red box)
    Post from Venture Global Solutions' public Facebook page (redacted; Ogden outlined in red box)
    Jesse Daniel Ogden.
    Jesse Daniel Ogden.
    Jesse Daniel Ogden.
    Jesse Daniel "Borzoi" Ogden.

    Current information suggests that he is no longer working for this company. Being a long-time Michigan resident, Jesse Ogden is likely still in Michigan (likely around the Indian Village area of Detroit), where Rachel Elizabeth Ogden (aka Carter, Allen) maintains an active nursing license in Michigan. We expect that our neo-Nazi lovebirds remain in the Detroit area due in no small part to the fact that they recently joined Detroit's Old St. Mary's church, as indicated by the April 4, 2021 church newsletter (which has been removed, but we have preserved it here).

    From the April 4, 2021 edition of Detroit's Old St. Mary church.
    From the April 4, 2021 edition of Detroit's Old St. Mary's church.

    In the Dog House for Borzoi

    Jesse Ogden has not found success as a writer under his own name. Under the pen name "John Chapman" and Antelope Hill Publishing's support, however, he is attempting to earn some literary legitimacy. It remains to be seen how far he takes it, now that "Borzoi Boskovic"'s identity is no longer a secret.
    [archive link]
    [archive link]
    But you never thought it would really happen, did you? [archive link]

    "The Spooky Nationalist": Freelance Writer Benjamin Miller Welton

    Some fascists, like neo-Nazi Perry Maholland Jr whom we reported on in our last article, openly spew their bile and are happy to associate their real names with their neo-Nazi activities. Most, however, realize that their ideology is repellent to the general public and detrimental to maintaining gainful employment and social relations. They hide behind aliases and false identities. The internet makes accomplishing this an almost trivial task. An alternate email address here, a secret Twitter account there– pretending to be someone else on the internet is easy to do. But eventually they slip up. Whether it's through carelessness, ignorance or hubris, sooner or later they always leave a thread hanging. And we will pull that thread.

    Today's report is about such a person: a racist, a fascist and a freelance writer who has (dis)graced the pages of some very well-known publications while at the same time being enrolled in a doctoral program at a prestigious university. Thus far, this person has successfully protected his everyday life from his hidden life, but today we will remove the mask of "The Spooky Nationalist."

    "Elias Kingston" about to get unmasked by some meddling kids.
    "Elias Kingston" about to get unmasked by some meddling kids.

    A "Spooky Nationalist"

    "The Spooky Nationalist" was a relatively minor Twitter account, recently created (August 2020) and having fewer than 200 followers at the time of writing. At first glance it differed little from the many other racist, right-wing accounts that are unfortunately far too common on Twitter. Using the image of the Scooby-Doo cartoon character "Elias Kingston" as his profile image, "The Spooky Nationalist" used typical alt-right jargon and carefully worded posts to evade Twitter policy violations on hate speech, often resorting to a twisted historical perspective for his belief that America belongs to people of white, European descent.

    Screenshot of "The Spooky Nationalist"'s Twitter account.
    Screenshot of "The Spooky Nationalist"'s Twitter account (@TheSpookyNatio1).

    In one tweet he wrote, "For America to return to greatness, we must re-embrace our 'romanitas.' This requires defunding critical race theory, RICO act for BLM/Antifa, destroying the legacy media, & privileging service over BS 'rights'"

    [archive link]
    "The Spooky Nationalist" also expected that the November 2020 "MAGA March" in which thousands of Trump supporters rallied in a violent mob in Washington, DC should have "white pilled" (ie. bring one over to the cause of white supremacy) more Americans.

    [archive link]
    In the tweet pictured below, "The Spooky Nationalist" recommended that marchers on Washington not wear uniforms to avoid identification.
    [archive link]
    "The Spooky Nationalist" is a proponent of "anti-white" conspiracy theories. In one tweet he wrote that "diabolical forces are at root," which he defined as being "Commie/socialist/bioleninist/anti-white."

    [archive link]
    Prior to the 2020 US presidential election "The Spooky Nationalist" made a "lineage"-based argument for then-current-president Donald Trump to re-assume his position, arguing that Trump is "is related to Icelandic, Norwegian, and Danish royalty" and "should follow his destiny and unite the Anglo-Germanic peoples."

    [archive link]
    Two months before a mob of right-wing extremists invaded the Capitol Building in Washington, D.C. on January 6th, 2021, "The Spooky Nationalist" was already dreaming of the moment. He tweeted that despite being "not full of hatred" he dreamed "of a March on Washington" and "learned hard anger this year."

    [archive link]
    In another alarming Twitter post "The Spooky Nationalist" advocated using live ammunition on rioters, writing:

    I do not say this to be provocative. I am merely being honest, and I think a growing number of Americans are with me when I say:


    [archive link]
    [archive link]
    By "Pinochet" and "'copter rides," of course, he is referring to Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet who murdered political opponents by dropping them from flying helicopters.

    Being a minor Twitter account and only one of the many white nationalist accounts that unfortunately exist on Twitter, "The Spooky Nationalist" likely would have flown under our radar except for the fact that "The Spooky Nationalist" was one out of only eighteen accounts that Antelope Hill Publishing follows on Twitter. Furthermore, out of the eighteen Twitter accounts that Antelope Hill Publishing follows, most of which are generic or public-figure accounts, "The Spooky Nationalist" was the second.

    "Held off from Tw*tter for a long time. Like my privacy. Believe in OPSEC. But now just want frens"
    "Held off from Tw*tter for a long time. Like my privacy. Believe in OPSEC. But now just want frens"
    Out of the eighteen generic and public-figure accounts that Antelope Hill Publishing follows, "The Spooky Nationalist" was the second.
    Out of the eighteen generic and public-figure accounts that Antelope Hill Publishing follows, "The Spooky Nationalist" was the second.

    Antelope Hill Publishing claims they are "Preserving and translating censored and lost works for the modern American reader," but in fact their intent is to publish original and translated works that promote fascist and nationalist ideology. Some of their titles include The Wehrmacht Fitness Manual, a Nazi-era German army exercise guide and a translation of Burning Souls, a memoir by Belgian Nazi collaborator Léon Joseph Degrelle. While Antelope Hill Publishing attempts to give the impression that they are preserving obscure literary works their main intent is to spread a broad spectrum of fascist propaganda.

    We examined the Twitter account of  "The Spooky Nationalist" more closely and learned that he fancied himself to be a bit of a writer. In various Twitter posts "The Spooky Nationalist" mentioned that he was writing a book entitled Esoteric Trumpism.

    "Already working on new book--Esoteric Trumpism" - Twitter post
    [archive link]
    Twitter was not the only social network platform we examined. "The Spooky Nationalist" also used another Twitter-like social media site called that caters to an extreme right-wing user base.

    "The Spooky Nationalist" on
    "The Spooky Nationalist" on

    This being the case, he was often more open with his speech. In one post he wrote: "Black culture is really just a bastardization of Scots-Irish customs and hoodoo idiocy."

    [archive link]
    In another post he made commentary on the shooting of Adam Toledo by Chicago police by writing: "So, just got back from training, seems like Chicago is quiet because the smoked yokel wasn’t a knicker," using the word "knicker" to replace the similar sounding racial slur "n_gger."

    [archive link]
    In another post he posed a question: "Do black r_tards commit more crime than white r_tards? What’s the interracial crime stats for darkies with downs?"

    [archive link]
    [archive link]
    "The Spooky Nationalist" also clearly has a problem with Asian Americans, stating that: "Asians in the U.S. are the least patriotic non-white group and have deep attachments to foreign nations."

    [archive link]
    On he was also more forthcoming about his literary life. In one post he listed the various pseudonyms he uses: "Elias Kingston," "Sinclair Jenkins," and "Jake Bowyer."

    "SpookyNationalist" lists the pen names he uses in a post on [link]
    "SpookyNationalist" lists the pen names he uses in a post on [archive link]
    "Spooky Nationalist" claimed to have written for the far-right anti-immigration hate website VDARE under the pen name "Jake Bowyer." We found that "Jake Bowyer" indeed wrote numerous articles for the website. "Jake Bowyer" had also written for other right-wing blogs like The Affirmative Right. Interestingly, when we researched the pen name "Jake Bowyer" we found that the URL for the "Jake Bowyer" Gravatar page displayed another name: Ben Welton.

    The URL says "jakebowyer"; the page says "Ben Welton"
    The URL says "jakebowyer"; the page says "Ben Welton" [archive link]
    Gravatar is a service for providing globally unique avatars, allowing users to easily recognize each other across internet media platforms. Or, in this case, allowing us to research another clue leading to the identity of "The Spooky Nationalist."

    Who is Ben Welton?

    While we struggled to comprehend this sloppiness regarding his covert pen name, we are not ones to look a gift horse in the mouth. Researching the name provided plentiful results. We found the byline "Ben Welton" or "Benjamin Welton" spread across a number of blogs, magazines and review sites, including:

    We found it in mainstream journalistic outlets as well, to include:

    Benjamin Welton's author page at the Daily Caller.
    Benjamin Welton's author page at the Daily Caller.

    We also found the byline on "fringe" platforms like:

    In a biographical profile found at The New York Journal of Books we learned:

    Benjamin Welton is a product of northern West Virginia’s identity complex. Born in the coal town of Fairmont but raised in the college town of Morgantown, he graduated from West Virginia University with a B.A. in History and English. He then went on to teach at the University of Vermont, where he also received a Master’s degree in English.

    Currently, Mr. Welton is pursuing a Ph.D in History at Boston University. He has been everything from a driving range gopher, a law librarian, a fast wood worker, a military policeman, a QA tester, and an office manager.

    Mr. Welton is also a freelance journalist, with numerous articles in The Atlantic, The Weekly Standard, VICE, Metal Injection, Listverse, and The Smart Set to his credit. He is the author of two ebooks: Hands Dabbled in Blood and Doomsters at the Drive-In.

    We found that statements made on the "Spooky Nationalist" Twitter account and elsewhere corroborated much of what was in the bio. "The Spooky Nationalist" claimed to be from West Virginia, as does Benjamin Welton.

    "The Spooky Nationalist" claimed to be from West Virginia, as did Benjamin Welton.
    "The Spooky Nationalist" claimed to be from West Virginia [archive link], as did Benjamin Welton.
    The "Spooky Nationalist" also claimed to have been in an English graduate school program, which is interesting because Benjamin Welton has a Master of Arts degree in English.
    "The Spooky Nationalist" claimed to have been in graduate school for English [archive link]. Benjamin Welton has a master's degree in English.
    The bio page from the New York Journal of Books above stated that Benjamin Welton had been a "military policeman." We found that Welton had been a Master-at-Arms (naval military police) in the US Navy Reserves, serving stateside at the Navy Operational Support Center in White River Junction, Vermont. "The Spooky Nationalist" stated in several instances on social media that he also had served in the US Navy.
    "The Spooky Nationalist" claims he served in the US Navy. So has Benjamin Welton (US Navy Reserves).
    "The Spooky Nationalist" claims he served in the US Navy [archive link]. So has Benjamin Welton (US Navy Reserves).
    Furthermore, "The Spooky Nationalist" claimed to have taught in college classrooms. Graduate students often teach classes while they pursue their own degrees. The biographical profile above noted that he taught at the University of Vermont, where he also received a Master’s degree in English.
    "The Spooky Nationalist" claims to have taught in college classrooms. Benjamin Welton has indeed taught in college classrooms.
    "The Spooky Nationalist" claims to have taught in college classrooms [archive link]. Benjamin Welton has indeed taught in college classrooms.
    Additionally, we found his public profile page on the Boston University website, which states that Benjamin Welton is a doctoral candidate in the history department where he is "researching the history of American police reform during the Progressive Era."

    Screenshot of Benjamin Welton's Boston University public profile page.
    Screenshot of Benjamin Welton's Boston University public profile page.

    Interestingly, we found a review of him on the website Docsity from 2012 while he was teaching at the University of Vermont. It seems even back then his views were controversial. The reviewer wrote:

    "A teacher with too many personal opinions and present them as facts. Full of himself and misogynistic. A very unpleasant person overall. His lectures are filled with irrelevant anecdotes. He can't help himself from spewing his: Proto-Fascist, Libertarian, Anti-Feminist and Neo-Conservative propaganda in front of the class. One of the weirdest teacher I ever had. I am convinced that the only positive comment found on this site was written by Ben Welton himself. Benjamin Welton is arrogant and his egocentrism makes him treat his students merely as objects (especially us girls) to enhance his pride. Karma's gonna get you Ben Welton.Great textbook. Narcissistic and misogynistic teacher. "

    In addition to teaching in college classrooms, we were alarmed to find that Benjamin Welton is also shaping young minds while teaching at Star Academy, a private school in Boston for gifted and talented children.

    Benjamin Welton's teacher profile at the Star Academy in Boston.
    Benjamin Welton's teacher profile at the Star Academy in Boston.

    A current public LinkedIn page for Benjamin Welton corroborated what we found about his educational and employment history. [Update: this profile has been deleted; more on this below] Although we can't know if Welton has kept his profile updated, it states that he is currently employed full-time by Star Academy and works part-time for Palladion Services as a security guard at the Broad Laboratory in Cambridge.

    Benjamin Welton's public LinkedIn profile.
    Benjamin Welton's public LinkedIn profile.
    Work experience on Benjamin Welton's public LinkedIn profile.
    Work experience on Benjamin Welton's public LinkedIn profile.
    Educational experience on Benjamin Welton's public LinkedIn profile.
    Educational experience on Benjamin Welton's public LinkedIn profile.

    Benjamin Miller Welton: Spooky? No. Nationalist? Yes.

    Benjamin Miller Welton, aka "The Spooky Nationalist"
    Benjamin Miller Welton, aka "The Spooky Nationalist"

    Welton derailed his own attempts to obfuscate his true identity by associating his real name with a pen name, but there are other instances in which Welton used his real name to promote extreme right-wing ideas. In 2015 Welton wrote a piece entitled "What, Exactly, is the 'Alternative Right?'" under his real name in which he portrayed the alt-right in a sympathetic light, ignoring the blatant racism, antisemitism and sexism that form its core values.

    While he was writing pieces under his own name, Welton continued to write under the name "Jake Bowyer" for VDARE, as well as prolifically writing for the white-supremacist website and magazine American Renaissance as "Sinclair Jenkins," noted earlier in this report to be one of Welton's various pen names. Welton's first article as "Sinclair Jenkins" for American Renaissance, the 2017 "From Wide-Eyed Liberal to Race Realist," is illuminating regarding Welton's extreme-right worldview, outlining a transition from "cuck-servatism" to "race realism" (in his terms). In it he mentions the Korean-American English professor that he also disparaged in a social media post cited earlier in this report.

    [archive link]
    In the article he described her as one of two professors in his program "who doubled as officers in the International Socialist Organization." Welton moved on to describe his recruitment into the Navy where the "blacks acted like petty dictators." He concluded the article with:

    I am not a fan of the Right’s habit of useless infighting and don’t care about labels such as “alt-right” and “neo-reactionary,” but I now support the un-cucked movement as the only legitimate counterrevolution. Thanks to American Renaissance videos (a personal favorite is “You Stole America from the Indians”), I now try to inject race realism into my working life. When I teach my students or write papers, I refuse to engage in cultural Marxism or in anti-white rhetoric. My research is similarly oriented towards supporting, not decrying the 1924 Immigration Act.

    Despite maintaining these various pen names to hide his distasteful points of view, Welton opted to use his real name when making an appearance on an April, 1 2021  "Terror House Radio" podcast/livestream with the racist and misogynist Matt Forney. "Terror House Radio" is the official podcast of Terror House Press, an independent publishing house run by Forney and neo-Nazi "comedian" Bryden Proctor.

    Matt Forney of Terror House Press.
    Matt Forney of Terror House Press.
    Bryden Proctor of Terror House Press.
    Bryden Proctor of Terror House Press.
    Ben Welton (R) on a Terror House Radio livestream, as it appeared on YouTube.
    Ben Welton (R) on a Terror House Radio livestream, as it appeared on YouTube.
    Another screenshot from the same Terror House Radio livestream, as it appeared on YouTube, with Ben Welton's name (bottom-left) more visible.
    Another screenshot from the same Terror House Radio livestream, as it appeared on YouTube, with Ben Welton's name (bottom-left) more visible.

    Evidently, he enjoyed bantering with Forney so much that he appeared on yet another episode of the show to promote a new title of his published by Terror House Press.

    Welton on Forney's show, May 12, 2021.
    Welton on Forney's show, May 12, 2021.

    Welton has published works with Terror House Press under his real name, but has also recently contributed to a Donald Trump-themed anthology entitled Ending Bigly under the pseudonym "Elias Kingston."

    [archive link]
    [archive link]
    Amusingly, Welton promoted his own work under his real name from his "Spooky Nationalist" Twitter account. In the tweet pictured below "The Spooky Nationalist" promoted a HistoryNet article written by Ben Welton, stating, "I know the writer."
    [archive link]
    [archive link]
    Writing as "The Spooky Nationalist," Welton promoted works in his real name in other instances on Twitter as well, referring to them as works of a "fren."
    "The Spooky Nationalist" promoting Ben Welton's book on Twitter [archive link].
    "The Spooky Nationalist" promoting Ben Welton's book on Twitter [archive link].
    And returning back to where Welton caught our eye, he also has a title recently released by Antelope Hill Publishing under Welton's American Renaissance pen name "Sinclair Jenkins" entitled Empire Eternal: In Defense of Imperialism.
    Announcement of book release on Antelope Hill Publishing's Twitter timeline.Announcement of book release on Antelope Hill Publishing's Twitter timeline.
    Announcement of book release on Antelope Hill Publishing's Twitter timeline.

    One Twitter user remarked, "The Jenkins book will definitely be one of the most, if not *the* most, controversial book you've put out so far."

    Twitter: "The Jenkins book will definitely be one of the most, if not *the* most, controversial book you've put out so far."
    Maybe so?

    We don't know about that, but at least now everyone knows who really wrote it. While we don't wish to give his book any publicity, we are happy to publicize that "Sinclair Jenkins" is in fact Benjamin Miller Welton.

    An Advocate of Violent Insurrection

    While being a racist author who condones and promotes fascism is quite bad enough, what is even more concerning are Welton's calls for organized violent action against what he perceives to be an increasingly leftist United States. We have noted already Welton's comments on Twitter following the 2020 United States presidential election in which Donald Trump was not re-elected to office. Posts on social media by Welton following the inauguration of Joe Biden as president seem to indicate an escalation in violent rhetoric.

    Welton had served in the US Navy Reserves previously, but has expressed a desire to broaden his military experience. On social media he had indicated that he was sincere in wanting to join the French Foreign Legion, which seems to us to be a bit of a preposterous notion.

    [archive link]
    [archive link]
    In another social media post, Welton claims to have made contact with private military companies (ie., mercenary groups) like Executive Outcomes "in order to help our global fight." This also seems to be a flight of fancy on his part.
    [archive link]
    [archive link]

    Nevertheless, other social media posts show that Welton has other violent ideas regarding armed insurrection closer to home. In one post he listed the tenets of what he termed "Spooky Nationalism." The items he listed are alarming:

    My basic Spooky rules:

    1. The occupied government of the US is married to the meme of anti-fascism, therefore will see any challenge to it as fascism. Don’t parrot the regime by labeling OUR ENEMIES as fascist.
    2. Anything that delegitimizes the state is good. Whether you believe it or not (and I do), the 2020 election was stolen and you should act accordingly.
    3. Being a white nationalist does not mean that all white men are your allies. Liberalism/Marxism/Enlightenment are mind parasites that mostly rot whites.
    4. Democracy is only possible with a central ethnic and polis. Mass democracy is mass oligarchy with a racial caste system.
    5. Give up on the Constitution. Until we are in power, it is a plaything of Bolshevik legalese
    6. No mercy for our enemies. Do not weep, for they are not human. Treat those who want to abolish “whiteness” with the same venom if not more. They deserve medieval punishments.
    7. Infighting is counter-productive.
    8. Retreating and creating white ethnostates is surrender. The Indo-European soul is called to conquer and reach greatness. Imperialism for our people is a great thing.
    9. There is no end until Rapture. This means the fight against our political enemies will never end.
    10. Remember: our loyalty is to a secret country—an occult empire that exists beyond borders but is bonded by blood, time, and vision.
    11. Strike everywhere and will all allies. Mock Q, but it is better to use the more disenchanted element that is boiling mad about the elite class.
    12. Master your body and impulses before you become a political soldier.
    13. Operating in the darkness is preferable, but a front-facing and visible presence is necessary to make dark work truly impactful.

    [archive link]
    [archive link]

    He posted a photo in another post in which is pictured a copy of the book On Resistance to Evil by Force by Ivan Alexandrovich Ilyin alongside an empty pistol holster, the symbolism of which is obvious.

    From "Spooky Nationalist" to "Spooked Nationalist"

    It is with some amusement that we found Benjamin Welton wondering: "Why don’t we have open source intelligence workers like the Left does? Just a thought. Maybe we should expose them"

    Why don't we have open source intelligence workers like the Left does? That's a good question, Ben.
    That's a good question, Ben.

    We don't have the answer to this question but are happy to have provided the inspiration for it.

    Recently Welton was contacted by members of the press regarding his covert activities promoting racism and violent insurrection. The "Spooky Nationalist" then became himself spooked. His social media accounts and blogs quickly disappeared from the internet as he attempted to cover his tracks.

    Welton's "Spooky Nationalist" Twitter account as it appeared on 20 May 2021.
    Welton's "Spooky Nationalist" Twitter account as it appeared on 20 May 2021.

    But considering his prodigious output, Welton will find it difficult to erase everything. Many of his archived tweets may be found on the Wayback Machine and other writings of his have been archived as demonstrated here, such as this essay written under his real name, "Hawthorne and Lovecraft: Two Who Rode the Tiger," and posted on the website "Affirmative Right" comparing Nathaniel Hawthorne and H.P. Lovecraft to fascist writer Julius Evola. If Benjamin Welton still has literary ambitions from now on he will have to do it under his own name.


    Benjamin Welton is no longer teaching kids at Star Academy. He has been fired.

    Further reporting on Benjamin Welton:

    "An Elementary School Teacher’s Secret Life As A White Nationalist Writer," Christopher Mathias, Huffington Post

    Benjamin Miller Welton

    From Morgantown, WV

    Last known location, Brighton area of Boston, MA

    Freelance writer. Known aliases:

    • The Spooky Nationalist
    • Elias Kingston
    • Sinclair Jenkins
    • Jake Bowyer

    Instructor at Star Academy Boston.

    Part-time security guard at Palladion Services in Boston.

    Doctoral candidate in the Boston University history program.

    Benjamin Miller Welton
    Benjamin Miller Welton
    Benjamin Miller Welton
    Benjamin Miller Welton
    Benjamin Miller Welton
    Benjamin Miller Welton
    Archived controversial statements: profile:

    I write as Elias Kingston (see:Ending Bigly)
    I write as Sinclair Jenkins (AmRen/book out soon from Antelope Hill)
    I write as Jake Bowyer (VDare)

    A future problem: Asians in the U.S. are the least patriotic non-white group and have deep attachments to foreign nations.

    I was once in an English grad school program. Illiteracy is strongest among that group. Ditto to the History grad program students.

    I used to be suicidal. A veritable incel. An ex stabbed me. Mom died. Life sucked until I found this mob.
    Now, in my 30s, I’m writing novels, non-fic books, and training for the Foreign Legion.
    We’re all going to reach glory, dudes

    This is an unnecessary disclaimer, but as a Navy vet, no self-respecting white man should join the US military. I think a prolonged “white strike” could teach this regime to be humble.

    “Imagine America without black culture”!
    No, imagine America without rednecks and hillbillies. Black culture is really just a bastardization of Scots-Irish customs and hoodoo idiocy.

    What a great time to remind everyone:
    No self-respecting white man should join the US military. Those still in need to cross several mental Rubicons and realize our brethren in Argentina and Brazil has some excellent ideas.

    I like it’s vitally important for our people to get military skills, but the US Army does not exist to win wars anymore. Therefore we need alt methods.
    Personally, being a mixture of Scots-Irish, Swiss German, and Norman, I am hardwired for sturm und drang. Others on here are too. And our mob needs ways to prepare for the physical conquest of future space (Murros’s base areas), plus maintain the spiritual war.

    Typical bugman day:
    shit, fart, coom, watch Gordon Ramsey YouTube, obsess over “POC food.”

    Do black retards commit more crime than white retards? What’s the interracial crime stats for darkies with downs?

    [this post references a true-crime case Welton wrote about previously under his own name]
    Gentlemen: I present to you a gay serial killer who was also a basketballer

    The one white pill I got in English grad school (I know I’m a fag) was watching a room full of dem-soc and white guilt liberals admit that all the pre-1960s detective novels were read were way more entertaining than the multi-culti crap. I still smile remembering the unattractive Korean liberal professor get angry that we are preferred Charlie Chan

    Women are awful

    1. My book, Empire Eternal, written under Sinclair Jenkins byline, will be coming out April 22nd from Antelope Hill
    2. 8-10 books coming out this year, including Spooky Nationalist Manifesto
    3. Sent early copy of new book to Imperium Press
    4. Made contact with Executive Outcomes and one PMC in South Africa
    5. Sent applications to armed forces of Singapore and Australia

    The Internet has never matched the aesthetics of that sheboon on Murray talking about chicken tetrazzini

    I did lots of things I regret from my Baudelaire phase (was never left-wing or degenerate, but more feral), but bedding that Mongolian was a high point. She was really into Ungern-Sternberg too

    It’s hard to care about knee-grow boglims in a shithole city when my ass is this chafed

    [photo of book _On Resistance to Evil by Force_ by Ivan Alexandrovich Ilyin and and empty pistol holster]

    I hereby trademark: cigar niggar

    So, just got back from training, seems like Chicago is quiet because the smoked yokel wasn’t a knicker

    On Gab:
    Blackpilled? Funny way of saying faggot.
    If you’re a white man, take heart in the fact your people conquered the world, fought incredible battles, and invented so much.
    Stop being blackpilled. Seek glory

    What is Spooky Nationalism?
    It is a belief in the mystical, the mysterious, and unknown. We accept God’s manifold creations and reject the crass materialism of Marxism, liberalism, and managerialism.
    Spooky Nationalists believe in working in darkness to fool the enemy. We also believe in working towards monarchy, hierarchy, and a new state in order achieve cozy, which is the ideal state of being.
    Cozy cannot exist in a democracy or left-wing state

    My Blog is called Deep America/Secret America because my loyalty is to Deep America (old stock Americans) and my citizenship is with a secret country that is oppressed and/or has yet to form. In this way I bear deeper allegiance to a Boer or an Anglo-Canadian than my neighbor.
    My forthcoming book is called “Esoteric Trumpism” because we need to take the energy and lessons of Trumpism and go much, much further. In many ways, the Trumpism of Trump himself is no longer reactionary, conservative, or, dare I say it, violent enough for what we need

    On Twitter:
    Held off from Tw*tter for a long time. Like my privacy. Believe in OPSEC. But now just want frens @onewalleee

    I want my frens @onewalleee
    @NotRealBabby @KaiserGroyper @standardorder
    to realize the potential of cozy mysteries. It's perfect for us. Should I write one for all the frens?

    Already working on new book—Esoteric Trumpism. 30 pages in

    I cannot emphasize this enough: DO NOT WEAR UNIFORMS.
    I understand the desire to go to DC and show the flag, but this is counterinsurgency warfare. Do not wear your gear, travel in armed packs, and be prepared to infiltrate the enemy using tricks.

    I’m a normal dude. I’m all about cozy and peace. I’m not full of hatred.
    I’ve learned hard anger this year. I’ve replenished my gear. I don’t give a fig about democracy or norms. I fall asleep to Art Bell and dreams of a March on Washington.
    Am I alone? Probably not

    President Donald Trump is related to Icelandic, Norwegian, and Danish royalty thanks to his maternal Norse-Gael ancestry

    No black pills. Remember that the Commie/socialist/bioleninist/anti-white maniac thinks like the diabolic. Diabolical forces are, at root, cowards incapable of love or real strength.

    If you are not white pilled after tonight, with 100K-plus in the belly of the beast pledging loyalty to Stadtholder Trump (and not the GOP) and a successful counter-offensive by yhe Proud Boys, then you are hopeless

    For America to return to greatness, we must re-embrace our "romanitas." This requires defunding critical race theory, RICO act for BLM/Antifa, destroying the legacy media, & privileging service over BS "rights"

    Neo-Nazi Profile: Perry Maholland Jr of Levittown, Pennsylvania

    In today's report we would like to present this concise profile on a Pennsylvanian neo-Nazi who runs a fledgling social media website that caters to neo-Nazis, fascists, antisemites and admirers of Adolf Hitler. Allow us to introduce:

    Perry Maholland Jr. of Levittown, Pennsylvania

    Perry Maholland Jr's adoration of Adolf Hitler and Nazis is hardly a secret. His social media posts make it obvious that he is not shy about showing his face and name along with his disturbing convictions. After all, his username on the right-wing social network site Gab is "@ihatejews":

    Perry Maholland Jr's Gab profile. His usename is "@ihatejews" and he states he is there to "name the Jew."
    Perry Maholland Jr's Gab profile. His username is "@ihatejews" and he states he is there to "name the Jew."

    Maholland also has a conspicuous presence on the the question/answer site Quora where the topics he covers are of a particular focus: antisemitic conspiracy theories.

    Perry Maholland Jr's profile on the Q&A site Quora.
    Perry Maholland Jr's profile on the Q&A site Quora.
    Maholland had a particular focus on antisemitic conspiracy theories on Quora.
    Maholland had a particular focus on antisemitic conspiracy theories on Quora.

    In fact, oddball antisemitic conspiracy theories seem to occupy a predominance of Maholland's life. Instances of his obsession are easily found across various social media websites.

    Antisemitic conspiracy theories are an obsessions with Maholland. Pictured above is a post from his profile on
    Antisemitic conspiracy theories are obsessions with Maholland. Pictured above is a post from his profile on

    Fuhrernet: a Place for Neo-Nazis

    While Perry Maholland used to be the leader of a fourth-rate heavy metal band called Spirus,  he now spends his days as a web developer, as indicated by his public LinkedIn profile.

    Perry Maholland Jr's LinkedIn profile.
    Perry Maholland Jr's LinkedIn profile.

    One of his current pet projects is a fledgling social network website that caters to neo-Nazis and admirers of Adolf Hitler called Fuhrernet, the logo of which bears a marked similarity to another well-known social network site.

    The "Fuhrernet" logo. Look familiar?
    The "Fuhrernet" logo. Look familiar?

    As it is now, Fuhrernet (one of the contributors to its development, by the way, is Jewish neo-Nazi Diana Brancoveanu, aka "Pikachu," whom we reported on earlier) is a barely functioning echo chamber where neo-Nazis post links to videos and memes consistently of an antisemitic and racist nature.

    Fuhrernet post featuring a photo of Hitler and Nazi soldiers.
    A post on Fuhrernet that is representative of the site's basic content.

    It does not appear, however, that Fuhrernet is actually catching on very well. Maholland's own profile page shows that he joined in 2017 and, four years later, only has around sixty friends and followers, a paltry sum considering he is the creator of the site.

    Maholland's own profile on Fuhrernet.
    Maholland's own profile on Fuhrernet.

    Because even Nazis can fall in love, one of Maholland's Fuhrernet "Friends" is a woman who calls herself "Vera Castiel" and whom we believe to be living in Germany. Vera appears to be his girlfriend and they are in Nazi-love.

    Maholland's girlfriend "Vera Castiel" has a Fuhrernet profile too.
    Maholland's girlfriend "Vera Castiel" has a Fuhrernet profile too.
    Valentine's Day e-card from Vera Castiel to Perry Maholland Jr. on Fuhrernet.
    Valentine's Day e-card from Vera Castiel to Perry Maholland Jr. on Fuhrernet, because even Nazis can fall in love.

    We are quite sure there are no surprises in their relationship! Honesty really is the best policy…

    Perry Maholland wants his foreskin back too!
    Perry Maholland wants his foreskin back too!

    Tschüss, for now…

    There will be more to come from us on Perry Maholland Jr and "Fuhrernet" in the future. Rest assured, he is on our radar and there will be more to follow!

    Dropping the Illusion: White Nationalists Brandon Keith Langham and wife Veronica Nicole Langham of Illusion Radio

    [Note: this post has been updated to correct errors in the previous version. We do our best to produce accurate reporting, but when we make errors we strive to be transparent. Corrections will be indicated in the post with strikethrough text and explained in italics within [square brackets]. A full explanation is provided at the end of the post —Anonymous Comrades Collective]

    In our last report, we exposed the neo-Nazi podcaster Diana Brancoveanu, aka Simona Thrussell, a Romanian of Jewish heritage who uses the alias "Pikachu." While she now has her own podcast on which to vomit racist and antisemitic garbage, her debut was on a long-running white nationalist podcast called "Illusion Radio," hosted by someone who calls himself "Doctor Illusion."

    It's time to drop the illusion and get to know the people behind the personas. Allow us to introduce Brandon Keith Langham and his equally racist co-host [supporter] wife Veronica Nicole Langham (née Cannon), a.k.a. "Lady Misogyny" [@ElitistMouse on Twitter] of Jacksonville, Florida.

    When it comes to illusions, "Doc Illusion" is no David Copperfield.
    When it comes to illusions, "Doc Illusion" is no David Copperfield.

    Illusion Radio

    Illusion Radio began as a regularly scheduled podcast in late 2015 and early episodes featured interviews with various "celebrities" of white nationalism like Robert Warren Ray, aka "Azzmador" and Douglass Mackey, aka "Ricky Vaughn." Apparently the quality of the podcast was not enough for Mike Peinovich, aka "Mike Enoch," of the neo-Nazi podcast "The Right Stuff" who chose not to affiliate with "Illusion Radio." It was later promoted by neo-Nazi Andrew Anglin of "The Daily Stormer" website.

    Illusion Radio promoted on The Daily Stormer website.
    Illusion Radio promoted on The Daily Stormer website.

    "Doctor Illusion" or "Doc Illusion" had an unbelievably dull radio personality but this didn't stop him from making friends or getting guests to appear on his show, like the aforementioned Jewish neo-Nazi Diana "Pikachu" Brancoveanu who substituted for "Doc Illusion" as host when he took a long hiatus from the show. Brancoveanu had dozens of episodes of her own podcast on the Radio Illusion website until recently when she removed them after we exposed her.

    And lest we be accused of throwing around the label "neo-Nazi" haphazardly, rest assured "Doctor Illusion" is most definitely a neo-Nazi. He openly expresses admiration of Hitler, as demonstrated on blog posts and social media.
    [archive link]
    "Doc Illusion" also spent a fair amount of time on Twitter, where he posted his racist tweets under the user names "@DocIllusion" and "@douchecc."

    Casting Aside the Illusion

    "Doctor Illusion" sounds like the name of a dumb comic book supervillain; but it gets dumber. One would think it would be wise to separate one's everyday identity from one's white nationalist persona, at least for the sake of maintaining regular employment. It seems "Doc Illusion" had a rather tenuous grasp of this concept. For example, "Doc Illusion" several times posted a photo of himself with his wife [co-host] right on his Twitter profile.

    "Doctor Illusion" pictured with "Lady Misogyny" on a Twitter profile.
    "Doctor Illusion" pictured with "Lady Misogyny" on a Twitter profile.
    "Doctor Illusion" pictured with "Lady Misogyny" on a Twitter profile.
    "Doctor Illusion" pictured with "Lady Misogyny".

    As mentioned at the beginning of this report, Mrs. "Doctor Illusion" was a frequent co-host on "Illusion Radio" and used the alias "Lady Misogyny." More on her later [also, please see update].

    "Doc Illusion" also enjoyed showing his face on his YouTube channel where he used the unfunny and unoriginal user name "SirOssisOfLiver" and posted videos of his rambling musings.

    Searching "Doc Illusion"'s YouTube user name through internet search engines made discovering his real name an inevitability.

    "Doctor Illusion"'s real name was easily found.
    "Doctor Illusion"'s real name was easily found.

    While he is "Doctor Illusion" on his white nationalist podcasts, he is really Brandon Keith Langham and claims to be an electrician and instrument tech at Westrock Company in Jacksonville, Florida, according to his public LinkedIn profile.

    Like a lot of right-wing yahoos, Langham likes to lie about military experience. In one thread on Twitter Langham, writing as "@DocIllusion" claimed to have been "Recon," alluding to the United States Marine Corps Force Reconnaissance detachments.

    Langham writing as "@DocIllusion" on Twitter claims to have been a "recon" marine
    Langham writing as "@DocIllusion" on Twitter claims to have been a "recon" marine [archive link].
    Looking into Langham's history, however, we have found no records indicating that he has ever served in any active-duty military service branch.

    In addition to pretending to be a marine on Twitter, Langham also attempted to assert his sexist view of "masculinity" by involving himself in the so-called "men's right movement," also known as the "manosphere." He is a long-time friend of Canadian "men's rights activist" (ie. misogynist), "race realist" (ie. racist), Gamergater and all-around creepy-guy video blogger Davis Aurini.

    Misogynistic white nationalist weirdo Davis Aurini.
    Misogynistic white nationalist weirdo Davis Aurini.
    Not an ad for a crappy straight-to-video buddy cop movie, but Brandon Langham (L) and Davis Aurini (R) posing with guns on Aurini's Twitter profile.
    Not an ad for a 1980s straight-to-video buddy cop movie, but Brandon Langham (L) and Davis Aurini (R) posing with guns and being "masculine" together on Aurini's Twitter profile.

    Their bond of friendship was forged in Twitter battle as Langham came to Aurini's defense when YouTube vlogger Shoe0nhead made Aurini feel bad online.

    "GG" = "Gamergate"
    "GG" = "Gamergate"

    When it comes to relations between the sexes it seems that Langham has always had a problematic history with women. At one point he was even arrested for 2nd degree rape, although he later states in a blog post that he was acquitted of this crime. He does admit to slapping the "hell out of" his accuser prior to his arrest, though.

    [archive link]
    [archive link]
    Langham has also made statements on blog posts that get close to (if not cross) the "creepy" threshold regarding the appropriate age for female sexuality like:

    …remember, when you call someone a pervert for having sexual thoughts about a girl under 18…find out how old your grandmother and great grandmother were when they started having children.

    He claims to have "started dating" his wife Veronica Nicole Langham (née Cannon) when "she had just turned 19" and he "was 25."

    When a paragraph begins "...I am not promoting sleeping with underage chicks...but..." alarms should be raised.
    When a paragraph begins "…I am not promoting sleeping with underage chicks…but…" alarms should be raised. [archive link]
    Veronica Langham is a frequent co-host [supporter] on "Illusion Radio" and uses the stage name "Lady Misogyny." [@ElitistMouse on Twitter]

    Public post on Twitter by "Lady Misogyny" [please see update]
    Public post on Twitter by "Lady Misogyny" [please see update]
    Public photo posted on Twitter by Veronica Langham (@elitistmouse) with her husband Brandon Langham.
    Public photo posted on Twitter by Veronica Langham (@ElitistMouse) with her husband Brandon Langham.

    Veronica has had run-ins of her own with the law, not that we really care about that.

    "Lady Misogyny" having a bad day.
    "Lady Misogyny" having a bad day.
    [archive link]
    What concerns us is her participation on a white nationalist podcast and her racist Twitter posts.

    Veronica Langham listed on "Illusion Radio" show notes using her current Twitter user name "@ElitistMouse."
    Veronica Langham listed on "Illusion Radio" show notes using her current Twitter user name "@ElitistMouse."
    "Lady Misogyny" listed on "Illusion Radio" show notes.
    "Lady Misogyny" listed as "wife" on "Illusion Radio" show notes. [please see update]
    Veronica Langham, aka "Lady Misogyny" and writing as "@ElitistMouse" on Twitter, promoting her husband's podcast.
    Veronica Langham, aka "Lady Misogyny" and writing as "@ElitistMouse" on Twitter, promoting her husband's podcast.
    Veronica Nicole Langham is a self-admitted racist.
    Veronica Nicole Langham is a self-admitted racist.
    Veronica Nicole Langham thinks Nazi death camp memes are funny.
    Veronica Nicole Langham thinks Nazi death camp memes are funny.

    Other posts made by Veronica Langham on Twitter seem to corroborate Brandon Langham's penchant for young women, even if they seem to fudge on the age narratives a bit. If you will recall, Brandon Langham claimed they started to date when she was nineteen. We guess they figure "age is just a number; why sweat the details?"
    [archive link]
    "We say a 15 year old is a child because our society has made them into children." --Brandon K. Langham
    "We say a 15 year old is a child because our society has made them into children."Brandon K. Langham

    "Doctor Illusion" and "Lady Misogyny" of Illusion Radio

    Neither Brandon nor Veronica can complain too much when they are exposed as white nationalist podcasters, especially when they have from early-on been happy to show their faces on public platforms. Here they are together in an early YouTube video episode of their podcast. [{Please see the update]

    Brandon Langham (R) and his wife Veronica Langham (L) in a video episode of their "Illusion" podcast.
    Brandon Langham (R) and his wife Veronica Langham [co-host "Lady Misogyny" aka "mistress"-see update] (L) in a video episode of their "Illusion" podcast [please see update]
    Brandon Langham claims to have been doxed before. We could not find evidence of this, but we are happy to make sure a second time sticks.

    Although Brandon Langham's previous Twitter accounts have been suspended for violating Twitter's terms-of-service regarding hate speech, he has resurfaced as "@Vamos26Pedroso," an account that appears to have been purchased from a previous user.

    Brandon Langham returning to Twitter with a freshly-purchased Twitter account.
    Brandon Langham returning to Twitter with a freshly-purchased Twitter account.

    As mentioned above, Brandon Keith Langham was last know to work at Westrock Company in Jacksonville, Florida as an electrician. It does not appear that Veronica Langham is employed at the time of writing.

    Brandon and Veronica Langham, white nationalists.
    Brandon and Veronica Langham, white nationalists.

    Important update: Say "hello" to Afton Olivia Hardin, aka "Lady Misogyny"

    In our original report we stated that Brandon "Doc Illusion" Langham's co-host "Lady Misogyny," aka "Mistress," was his legal wife Veronica Nicole Langham. This is incorrect. While Veronica Langham does indeed go by "@ElitistMouse" on Twitter and is indeed a racist and a white nationalist and does indeed heavily promote her husband's neo-Nazi podcast, she is not the former co-host of Illusion Radio "Lady Misogyny." That dubious honor belongs to Afton Olivia Hardin of College Station, Texas.

    After we posted the article, Brandon Langham reached out to us on Twitter to inform us that we were incorrect on a certain. Namely, he told us we had confused his wife Veronica Langham with someone else.


    We do regret this error and are appreciative that Brandon Langham was helpful enough to expose his fellow white nationalist and former co-host "Lady Misogyny," whom we now know to be Afton Hardin.

    Afton Hardin's Facebook page.
    Afton Hardin's Facebook page (she is center in the photo).

    In our defense, Brandon Langham claimed in his podcast show notes that "Lady Misogyny," aka "Mistress," was his wife, and the facial features of Afton Hardin and Veronica Hardin are not entirely dissimilar, especially considering a weight gain of twenty or thirty pounds, give or take.

    Here "Doc Illusion" claims that "Mistress" is his "wife."

    We should, however, have done more follow up on the noticeable tattoo present on Afton Hardin's chest, visible in the YouTube video mentioned earlier in the article. Photos of Veronica Langham posted publicly on Facebook and taken after this video was posted on YouTube show that Veronica Langham does not have this tattoo.

    Tattoo visible on Afton "Lady Misogyny" Hardin's chest.
    Tattoo visible on Afton "Lady Misogyny" Hardin's chest, circa 2013.
    Tattoo visible on Afton "Lady Misogyny" Hardin's chest.
    Public photo posted on Facebook by Veronica Langham, 2014. Note chest tattoo is absent.

    This tattoo is present on other public Facebook photos of Afton Hardin.

    Public Facebook photo of Afton Hardin. Note tattoo on chest.
    Public Facebook photo of Afton Hardin. Note tattoo on chest.
    Public Facebook photo of Afton Hardin. Note tattoo on chest (this photo appears to be reversed, however).
    Public Facebook photo of Afton Hardin. Note tattoo on chest (this photo appears to be reversed, however).
    Another photo of Afton Hardin with a portion of her chest tattoo visible.
    Another photo of Afton Hardin with a portion of her chest tattoo visible.
    Public Facebook post by Afton Hardin, aka "Lady Misogyny," aka "Mistress."
    Afton Olivia Hardin, aka "Lady Misogyny," aka "Mistress."
    Afton Olivia Hardin, aka "Lady Misogyny," aka "Mistress."
    Afton Olivia Hardin, aka "Lady Misogyny," aka "Mistress."
    Afton Olivia Hardin, aka "Lady Misogyny," aka "Mistress."
    Afton Hardin with Brandon Langham, circa 2018.
    Afton Hardin with Brandon Langham, circa 2018.

    Previous Twitter account of Afton Hardin as "@LadyMisogyny."
    Previous Twitter account of Afton Hardin as "@LadyMisogyny."

    Now that Afton Hardin has broken up with Brandon Langham it looks like she disagrees with his predilection for underage women, according to her Facebook posts.

    While the details of Brandon Langham's historical marital shenanigans are out of our purview, it is sufficient to say that it is somewhat complicated, as evident by Brandon Langham's own writings:

    Blog post by Brandon Langham regarding a disappointing Thanksgiving.
    Blog post by Brandon Langham regarding a particularly disappointing Thanksgiving.

    So there you have it: "Lady Misogyny" aka "Mistress" is, in fact, Afton Olivia Hardin of College Station, Texas. According to her public LinkedIn profile she is employed at Sanderson Farms as an "evisceration floor worker."

    Afton Hardin's public LinkedIn profile.
    Afton Hardin's public LinkedIn profile.

    We apologize for the mix-up.

    We do, however, have issue with Brandon Langham's claim that his racist wife Veronica is not upset by her exposure since she decided to set her Twitter account (@ElitistMouse) to "protected."

    Doesn't "give a shit?"
    We beg to differ.

    White nationalists Brandon and Veronica Langham.

    All information presented in this article has been sourced from publicly available material.

    The Strange Case of "Pikachu": Romanian Neo-Nazi Podcaster Diana Brancoveanu, aka Simona Thrussell

    The prevalence of neo-Nazi podcasts is something no one could have predicted. On the other hand, perhaps it should be no surprise that racists and white nationalists would embrace new forms of media to spread their hate. One of these such podcasts is "Red, White and Black Pill," hosted and produced by a neo-Nazi Romanian woman who goes by the pseudonym "Pikachu." Despite her innocent-sounding stage name, which is based on a character in a children's animated television show, "Pikachu" is a self-proclaimed Nazi, racist and antisemite and promotes the idea of violent conflict against non-white people.

    We find it ironic, however, that this neo-Nazi podcaster chose to name herself after a children's show based on the idea of catching cartoon creatures and whose catchphrase is "Gotta catch 'em all!" Allow us to introduce Diana Brancoveanu, aka Simona Thrussell, aka "Pikachu."

    A Peek at "Pikachu"

    "Pikachu" first came to our attention during the personal meltdown of racist podcaster David Aaron Mitchell, aka "Roscoe" of Exodus Americanus infamy, as he was going through a divorce from his wife, the equally racist and repugnant Jennifer Gilbert Mitchell, aka "Tabby Boom Boom." Various allies of "Roscoe" Mitchell set up a fundraiser to support him and their favorite podcast in this time of need. One of these supporters was fellow racist podcaster, William Rehovsky, a registered Nebraska pedophile sex offender who goes by "@bigoldbladesmith" on Twitter and hosts the Exodus Americanus affilated podcast "Skinwalker Tapes." Rehovsky recently posted on the behalf of a "PK" who was making a hiring call for an undisclosed project and posted an email address: "" It was not a great effort to put together "PK" and "identichu" to realize he was posting for "Pikachu," another neo-Nazi podcaster who is well-known in those circles.

    Neo-Nazi pedophile William Rehovsky of Nebraska, aka "@bigolbladesmith" on Twitter.
    Neo-Nazi pedophile William Rehovsky of Nebraska, aka "@bigolbladesmith" on Twitter.
    Neo-Nazi pedophile William Rehovsky posts on the behalf of "PK" on Twitter.
    Neo-Nazi pedophile William Rehovsky posts on the behalf of "PK" on Twitter.

    "Roscoe" Mitchell had several guest appearances on another neo-Nazi podcast called "Illusion Radio" hosted by "Doc Illusion." It was also on this show that "Pikachu" made her debut appearance, first as a guest, and then subsequently acting as substitute host at times before eventually moving on to establish her own podcast, "Red, White and Black Pill." "Pikachu" was well acquainted with "Roscoe" Mitchell and had him as a guest on her show numerous times.

    "Pikachu" is a frequent collaborator with neo-Nazi David Aaron Mitchell of Exodus Americanus.
    "Pikachu" is a frequent collaborator with neo-Nazi David Aaron Mitchell of Exodus Americanus.

    So who is this "Pikachu?" While she uses various other pseudonyms, "Pikachu" is the alias most commonly associated with her and her show. She is a Romanian in her forties currently living in the Netherlands and works in the tech industry. On her show she ruminates on the state of white nationalism and promotes the idea of a race war between whites and non-whites. She often lectures skewed and inaccurate history lessons that support her vision of white supremacy.

    As mentioned earlier, she appropriated her name "Pikachu" from the children's animated TV series of the same name and even uses an altered version of the cartoon character as her online avatar. However in her case the character is green and sports a particular symbol on its chest. Being Romanian, this "Pikachu" is alluding to Corneliu Codreanu and his notorious Iron Guard (also known as the "Green Shirts"), an ideologically fascist organization in Romania's early twentieth-century history.

    "Pikachu"'s profile avatar on Note the green coloration and the symbol on the character's chest, both alluding to the Iron Guard, an early 20th-century Romanian antisemitic fascist organization.
    "Pikachu"'s profile avatar on Note the green coloration and the symbol on the character's chest, both alluding to the Iron Guard, an early 20th-century Romanian antisemitic fascist organization.
    Romanian fascist Corneliu Codreanu, leader of the Legiunea Arhanghelului Mihail and its military branch, the Iron Guard.
    Romanian fascist Corneliu Codreanu, leader of the Legiunea Arhanghelului Mihail and its military branch, the Iron Guard.

    In 1927 Romanian politician Corneliu Codreanu formed the Legion of the Archangel Michael (Legiunea Arhanghelului Mihail), of which the Iron Guard was the paramilitary branch. This ultra-nationalistic organization was also intensely antisemitic and was notorious for several massacres. In one such massacre sixty Jewish victims were hung on meathooks and skinned alive. Their bodies were labeled "kosher," mocking the Jewish tradition of shehita. This is just one example of the brutality of the Iron Guard in Romania's history.

    In her podcast debut on "Illusion Radio" episode 76 ("The Wrath of Pikachu") "Pikachu" claims that she was "J pilled" (i.e. converted to antisemitism) at the age of eighteen by her maternal grandfather whom she claimed was a "war hero" and a member of Codreanu's legion. Elsewhere in this episode she described herself as an "autistic sociopath." After this episode, "Pikachu" appeared on the podcast as a substitute host for a long period as "Doc Illusion" went on hiatus, before eventually hosting her own separate, but affiliated, podcast "Red, White and Black Pill."

    Artwork for the podcast on the podcast's website.
    Artwork for the podcast on the podcast's website.
    Artwork for an episode of "Pikachu"'s podcast.
    Artwork for an episode of "Pikachu"'s podcast.

    "Pikachu"'s podcast content is a steady stream of racist, antisemitic commentary rambled in a heavily laden Romanian accent. She frequently comments on "Zionist globalism" and antisemitic conspiracy theories while urging "pro-whites" to get ready for a race war. Racial slurs like "n*gger" and "sh*tskin" frequently occur in her vocabulary. On once occasion when commenting on the tragic death of Vietnamese refugees in a container ship she remarked "good motherf*cking riddance."

    Occasionally "Pikachu" goes off on an autobiographical tangent. In one episode she claimed to be an "old army mule" and a "veteran of three wars" and claimed to have killed people numerous times in war. In another episode she claimed to have served in Afghanistan. These are claims we will explore later in this article.

    "Pikachu" also has a presence on the Telegram messaging platform where she announces new podcast episodes and makes some vile, racist commentary.

    Post on Telegram messenger by "PIkachu."
    Post on Telegram messenger by "Pikachu."
    Post on Telegram messenger by "Pikachu."
    Post on Telegram messenger by "Pikachu."
    Nazi dagger. Post on Telegram messenger by "Pikachu."
    Nazi dagger. Post on Telegram messenger by "Pikachu."

    "Pikachu" also has some strange ideas on Asian identity. While being an admirer of Imperial Japan, whose atrocities are equal to those of the Nazis and other fascist groups of the early twentieth-century, "Pikachu" calls Asians of other ethnic and national groups "scum."

    "Pikachu" calls non-Japanese Asians "scum," a echo of the sentiment of wartime Imperial Japan.
    "Pikachu" has strange notions of Asian identity.
    "Pikachu" has strange notions of Asian identity.

    A Complicated History

    In many ways, "Pikachu" made it easy to uncover her true identity. Show notes provided on the "Illusion Radio" website often provided links and contact information for "Pikachu." For example, in one case "Pikachu" posted a link in the show notes to one of her websites Mouseworks where she explained another nickname/alias "Soopermouse":

    Some 20 years ago, someone called me Soopermouse. I kept it. I’m a cheese eating superhero

    Now that we knew she had been using the alias "Soopermouse" for twenty years it was a simple matter to examine other instances of this username, which were plentiful, and line up all our facts. We discovered that "Pikachu" was in reality a Romanian woman currently living in the Netherlands named Diana Brancoveanu, professionally using the name Simona Thrussell, the surname adopted from a now-dissolved brief marriage with a British man. Looking deeper into her history on the internet, we developed a profile of her life and found some aspects that surprised us.

    Brancoveanu claims on her Facebook profile to be born on June 28, 1975, which is likely true as far as the year is concerned since she has stated this as fact across various media. According to her LinkedIn page she worked toward a Master's degree at the Academia de Studii Economice in Bucharest from 1993-2000. She wrote in one old blog post that she was part of Romania's KFOR (Kosovo Security Force) contingent for a year, likely following her college graduation. While that is likely true, it appears to be the sum of her military experience as far as we have found, despite what she has claimed. In the podcast mentioned above where "Pikachu" speaks about being a "veteran of three wars" she describes the smell of "burning carcasses" of civilian Serbs "burnt alive in their church Easter night 1999." As far as we are aware, though, Romania did not send KFOR a contingent until the summer of that year.  Also, we do not see any period in her timeline in which she could have possibly done military service in Afghanistan as she has claimed elsewhere. This is not the only strangeness coming from Brancovenu regarding the military, as we will later see.

    We next find in her circa 2004 on an amateurish heavy metal website of her own creation that featured interviews with metal musicians as well as other features. She called herself "Simona Thrussell," so it is likely this was post-marriage/divorce. During this time she appeared to be living in the United Kingdom, probably in Leicester.

    Diana Brancoveanu, aka Simona Thrussell, circa 2004.
    Diana Brancoveanu, aka Simona Thrussell, circa 2004.

    On that page she wrote that her location was "under the wings of the STEEL EAGLE." This was a motif that would follow her online life. Her Myspace username as well as her Gab username later in life were both "steelandfire."
    Screenshot of a now-suspended Twitter account "@SteelandFire"
    Screenshot of a now-suspended Twitter account "@SteelandFire"

    Around 2007 she ran a web hosting service called "Darken Hosting," but it was of such poor quality that it earned her a negative reputation across the web host business. One customer wrote of her on a forum:

    Simona Thrussel, [sic] the owner of Darkenhosting, is entirely without communication skills when it comes to solving problems. Very ill mannered, not very knowledgable [sic] and really doesn't give a hoot once she's got your money.

    Brancoveanu's professional LinkedIn profile (as "Simona Thrussell") begins in 2009 with a series of IT and web development jobs that continue to the current day.

    Diana Brancoveanu, aka Simona Thrussell, on LinkedIn.
    Diana Brancoveanu, aka Simona Thrussell, on LinkedIn.

    Knowing that Brancoveanu/Thrussell used the online identity "Soopermouse" opened many avenues of approach for us. Using this as a search key allowed us to examine her long history on the internet, including social media accounts and forgotten blogs.

    Brancoveanu/Thrussell on Pinterest.
    Brancoveanu/Thrussell on Pinterest.
    Photos from Brancoveanu's/Thrussell's Facebook profile.
    Photos from Brancoveanu's/Thrussell's Facebook profile.
    Photos from Brancoveanu's/Thrussell's Facebook profile.
    Photos from Brancoveanu's/Thrussell's Facebook profile.
    Photos from two Facebook profiles: "Diana Brancoveanu" and "Simona Diana Thrussell"
    Photos from two Facebook profiles: "Diana Brancoveanu" and "Simona Diana Thrussell"

    Brancoveanu/Thrussell also had a frequent presence on the question & answer website Quora. Although her account has been banned, some of her answers and questions are still visible and they provide a glimpse into her rather singularly minded world view.
    Diana Brancoveanu's answers to questions on Quora.
    Diana Brancoveanu's answers to questions on Quora.

    Brancoveanu/Thrussell also had scores of Twitter accounts, a sample of which are:

    • @goodluckmouse
    • @badluckmouse
    • @ludditecoder
    • @swordfarmer
    • @statestatus
    • @pkbusy

    There are many more. As each of her accounts got suspended for violating hate speech policies she would simply create more, as she gleefully noted on a Telegram messenger post.

    Brancoveanu/Thrussell/"Pikachu" kept returning to Twitter after being suspended.
    Brancoveanu/Thrussell/"Pikachu" kept returning to Twitter after being suspended.

    One of these early Twitter accounts stuck to her modus operandi of using the name "@soopermouse," a capture of which is available on the Internet Archive's Wayback Machine. Examination of the source code of the archived tweet revealed the numerical user ID to be 47901612.

    "soopermouse" Twitter account as it appears on the Wayback Machine.
    "soopermouse" Twitter account as it appears on the Wayback Machine, 2010.
    Source code of the web page shows "soopermouse"'s numerical Twitter ID to be 4790612.
    Source code of the web page shows "soopermouse"'s numerical Twitter ID to be 4790612.

    Strangely enough, much later, a Twitter profile calling itself "@FallenSolitaire" appeared. Describing itself as an "old army mule" (much like how "Pikachu" did as well in her podcast) in the bio section, and writing as a grizzled military veteran calling itseld "Sarge,"  "@FallenSolitaire" used this account to platform hateful, right-wing sentiment.

    "Old army mule."
    "Old army mule?"
    "@FallenSolitaire" on Twitter.
    "@FallenSolitaire" on Twitter.

    What is strange is that when we checked the numerical Twitter ID for "@FallenSolitaire" it turned out to be 47901612, the same ID as for the "@soopermouse" account. They were the same account; the screen name just changed. "@soopermouse" took a break from tweeting in 2011 and came back in 2017 as "@FallenSolitaire."

    The numerical Twitter ID for both "@soopermouse" and "@FallenSolitaire" were both 47901612; they were the same account.
    The numerical Twitter ID for both "@soopermouse" and "@FallenSolitaire" were both 47901612; they were the same account.

    Conveniently, the imaginary "Sarge" kicked the bucket. So that was the end of that.

    The imaginary "Sarge" "died."
    The imaginary "Sarge" "died."

    An imaginary military fantasy life is not the strangest thing we found from the internet history of Diana Brancoveanu/Simona Thrussell/"Pikachu," though. She was also a prolific blogger with numerous personal blogs across the internet, some deleted and some abandoned. In early blog posts, Brancoveanu appeared to portray a very different persona. She showed sympathy for left-leaning politics, was a feminist and appreciated multiculturalism. Most surprisingly, she is Jewish. She wrote on one now-deleted blog, archived in 2010:

    My friends call me mouse because I eat more cheese than Jerry.

    Some years ago, when I’d just moved to England,  I surprised the shit out of my friends. I managed to carry a huge backpack weighing about 100 pounds for about 2 miles. While limping on a badly sprained ankle. Thus the name – super mouse. Which turned into soopermouse.

    I’m a Romanian Jewish immigrant currently living in England [emphasis ours].  Currently because one day I will get bored and move somewhere else. I do all sorts of things, like travelling all over the world, playing WoW, taking apart PCs and putting them back together, reading too much and sleeping too little.

    I suffer from insomnia, which will probably kill me, and misanthropy which will probably make me kill someone.

    Politically, I am leftier than Dalai Lama.  Religiously speaking, I’m an Atheist Jew.

    I drink too much coffee and care about everything I perceive as unfair.  I live on an adrenalin high and crash worse than the Challenger.

    And yes, I do hate people. That includes you. Whoever the fuck you are.

    "About" section on one of Brancoveanu's deleted blogs [link].
    "About" section on one of Brancoveanu's deleted blogs [link].
    This was not the only instance where she indicated that she was Jewish. Brancoveanu frequently commented on other blogs in support of Israel and decrying antisemitism.

    Comment from "soopermouse" on a 2007 blog post.
    Comment from "soopermouse" on a 2007 blog post [archive link].

    Another comment made on a blog [archive link].
    Another comment made on a blog [archive link].
    We also found tweets such as this one while examining the history of the "@FallenSolitaire" Twitter account in a tweet she made before the change of her screen name:

    To say the least, we were shocked that the same person who said "Jews are the STD of civilization" and who claimed to be "J pilled at eighteen" by her Codreanu-following grandfather was, in fact, Jewish herself. We can only speculate on what kind of perverse twist caused her to hate her own heritage. Perhaps it satisfies some craving for notoriety. Perhaps she had such low self-esteem that she decided to join the people that hate her own heritage. We can only guess. One thing we know for sure is that her racist, antisemitic rhetoric and real-world right-wing activism are a threat to our communities everywhere.

    Current Activities

    Brancoveanu/Thrussell as "Pikachu" stated in one podcast that she had been "doxed by Antifa" and fired from her job, only to get a "better" one and severance pay. While we could not verify that she had in fact been doxed, she did change jobs around this time. Whatever the case, if that dox didn't stick, let's make sure this one gives her the notoriety she seems to desire.

    Diana Brancoveanu/Simona Thrussell is currently residing in the Netherlands, possibly Tilburg. She claims to be the CEO of NXDTech. She may also be associated with the website New Experience Design.

    She is currently using the handle "@PKSteadfast" on Twitter.

    Brancoveanu's/Thrussell's current Twitter account.
    Brancoveanu's/Thrussell's current Twitter account.

    She is also still very involved in the neo-Nazi podcast scene, collaborating with the likes of "Roscoe" Mitchell, the pedophile William Rehovsky and even Norman Asa Garrison III, aka "Spectre." When not podcasting she spends her time financially supporting her podcast associates like "Roscoe" and Romanian fascist causes.


    Brancoveanu used the alias "Annelies Briesen" to organize a fundraiser for David Aaron Mitchell ("Roscoe") of Exodus Americanus.
    Brancoveanu used the alias "Annelies Briesen" to organize a fundraiser for David Aaron Mitchell ("Roscoe") of Exodus Americanus.

    Brancoveanu supports Romanian fascist movements both financially and morale-wise.
    Brancoveanu supports Romanian fascist movements both financially and morale-wise.

    Diana Brancoveanu, aka Simona Thrussell, aka "Pikachu"

    Believed to be residing in Tilburg, Netherlands. Previously resided in Leicester, UK.

    Employment: Possibly contract IT work. Claims to be CEO of "NXDTech."

    All information presented in this article has been sourced from publicly available material.

    This article has been edited due to a complaint from Diana Brancoveanu/Simona Thrussell to our hosts.

    Meet the Mitchells of "Exodus Americanus"

    Roscoe P. Jones,” the pseudonymous host of Exodus Americanus, one of the longest-running white nationalist podcasts, for years espoused racism, antisemitism, homophobia, transphobia and white persecution conspiracy theories on his show. Since its premier, Exodus Americanus has developed a wide following among hate groups and white nationalist movements. "Roscoe" however did not accomplish this alone. A key contributor to the show is his wife, a regular who uses the aliases "TabbyBoomBoom," "Mary Protestant" and "MrsHateFacts," among others.

    While this neo-Nazi pair has been able to operate in relative anonymity, insulated from scrutiny in their day-to-day lives by their aliases, sooner or later they always slip up. It is now time to expose the identity of “Roscoe” and "TabbyBoomBoom." Welcome to our “Doxodus Americanus!”

    Exodus Americanus

    Screenshot of the "Exodus Americanus" podcast website.
    Screenshot of the "Exodus Americanus" podcast website.

    Beginning around 2015, Exodus Americanus, which has been classified as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center, has produced a steady stream of racist garbage. In an early statement on the Exodus Americanus website “Roscoe ‘Snakebite’ Jones” expounded with grandiose verbiage upon perceived white persecution and made a promise to take back what he felt was taken from white men. He proclaimed:

    We are here are as [white man’s] existential Exodus, away from the Americanus that has sought to deny [white men] the liberty, fraternity, and equality established by our forefathers and our ancestors. We aren’t here to ride the tiger, we aren’t here to enjoy the decline. We are here to help win the fight in the ideological war for the fate of civilization. The sun will rise again, even if we have to place it back in the heavens with our own hands.

    This is a message that resonated with many fans, like neo-Nazi physician Joseph Cihlar, whom we reported on earlier and was spotted wearing an "Exodus Americanus" t-shirt.

    Neo-Nazi physician Joseph Cihlar of Hixson, Tennessee, in a Facebook photo with family and wearing an "Exodus Americanus" T-shirt.
    Neo-Nazi physician Joseph Cihlar of Hixson, Tennessee, in a Facebook photo with family and wearing an "Exodus Americanus" t-shirt.

    Despite "Roscoe 'Snakebite' Jones"'s attempt at eloquence, the Exodus Americanus podcast is as crass as they come and, despite its longevity, differs little from the seemingly endless selection of racist neo-Nazi podcasts that exist today.

    "Roscoe" is also a prolific Twitter poster, often using an image of the "White Power Ranger" character from the children's television show Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers, perversely alluding to the "white power" part of the character's name.

    One of "Roscoe"'s many Twitter profiles.
    One of "Roscoe"'s many (now suspended) Twitter profiles.
    "Roscoe" posting as "@BigEvilJones."
    "Roscoe" posting as "@BigEvilJones."

    "Roscoe"'s wife, who often goes by the alias "Mary Protestant," "TabbyBoomBoom" and "MrsHateFacts" makes regular appearances on the Exodus Americanus podcast, her catchphrase being "I fucking love eugenics." Together "Roscoe" and "Mary Protestant" attended the white supremacist "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville in August of 2017. They planned for it in neo-Nazi Discord chat rooms, as evident by Unicorn Riot's Discord Leaks:

    Roscoe on Discord -
    "Mary Protestant" on Discord -
    "Mary Protestant" related the experience of attending the rally in a blog post where she states "We went to UNITE THE RIGHT, so we need to do just that" and concludes:

    We're ready for war. It's no longer prepare for war and pray for peace. It is now 100% prepare for war. It's coming and it's guaranteed. I just need a new helmet and canisters for my gas mask. I'll see you there, fam.

    Mary Protestant

    Wife, mother, fascist, scientist, and workout enthusiast.

    In the blog post she posted a photo of herself from behind.

    Screenshot from blog post by "Mary Protestant" featuring photo of her from behind.
    Screenshot from blog post by "Mary Protestant" featuring photo of her from behind.

    "Mary Protestant" is also a prolific Twitter user and has run through a number of Twitter handles, some of which include "@MaryProtestant," "@mrshatefacts," "@TabbyBoomBoom" and "@tabbybewmbewm."

    "Roscoe"'s wife again notes she attended the "Unite the Right" rally.
    "Roscoe"'s wife notes on Twitter she attended the "Unite the Right" rally.

    The screen names may be different, but they all spout the same racist bile. In this tweet, "@tabbybewmbewm" refers to someone she presumes is Jewish and LGBTQ as an "it."

    "@tabbybewmbewm" refers to someone she presumes is Jewish as an "it."
    "@tabbybewmbewm" refers to someone she presumes is Jewish as an "it."
    Accompanying image to the Twitter post above.
    Accompanying image to the Twitter post above.

    She has also described the Jewish people as a "genetic mistake" and a "waste of oxygen."

    Anti-Semitic post by "@tabbybewmbewm."
    Antisemitic post by "@tabbybewmbewm."

    "Mary Protestant" aka "mrshatefacts" aka "tabbybewmbewm" actively supports white nationalist movements and, as mentioned earlier, is also a regular on the Exodus Americanus podcast, which she promotes on social media.

    An Instagram account promoting Exodus Americanus, operated by "Roscoe"'s wife, this time using the alias "Mistress of Hate Facts."
    An Instagram account promoting Exodus Americanus, operated by "Roscoe"'s wife, this time using the alias "Mistress of Hate Facts."

    "Mary Protestant" once was interviewed on a podcast which gave us an opportunity to hear her racism, antisemitism and homophobia first hand. In this interview she tells listeners how she became "red-pilled," says that Jews are "not people" and calls her brother a "race traitor."

    In this second clip she refers to co-workers as "f*ggots"  and "n*ggers" and talks about her support of ethno-nationalism.

    While "Roscoe" and his wife made attempts to obfuscate their true identities, they were far from careful about it. Seemingly innocuous clues would soon lead to the discovery of their true identities.

    Meet the Mitchells

    Several clues led to the discovery of the true identities of "Roscoe P. Jones” and wife. Although "Roscoe" was reputed to live in Kentucky, Exodus Americanus requested donations be sent to a post office box in Floyd County, Indiana. At one point "Roscoe" posted a video of his street in a publicly viewable Instagram post and we noticed that a car parked on the curb had an Indiana license plate.

    Public video posted by "Roscoe" on Instagram led to clues to revealing his residence.
    Public video posted by "Roscoe" on Instagram led to clues to revealing his residence.

    The plate number was indistinct, but we were able to discern the first two numbers, which gave us the county where the car was registered: Dubois, just a couple of counties over from the county where the post office box is located, near the Kentucky border.

    Still shots of a publicly viewable Instagram video posted by "Roscoe."
    Still shots of a publicly viewable Instagram video posted by "Roscoe" on Wednesday, July 18, 2018.

    Given the date the video was made, approximate latitude, and the direction of sunlight/shadows in the video, we knew we were looking for a street running roughly northwest to southeast. We were able to further narrow the location by estimating the age of visible houses and infrastructure. At that point it was just a question of scanning the street grid until we found a block that matched the one we were looking for. Once we were able to identify the house that matched features in other public Instagram posts it was a simple matter to discover the name of the residents of this New Albany, Indiana home: Mr. David Aaron Mitchell and his wife, Mrs. Jennifer L. (Gilbert) Mitchell.

    Furthermore, "Roscoe"'s public Instagram profile provided other details that verified we were correct, not the least of which was the fact that he posted photos of himself on the "roscoe.wpr.jones" profile that were consistent with photos on David Aaron Mitchell's Facebook profile.

    "Roscoe"'s Instagram profile.
    "Roscoe"'s Instagram profile.
    David Aaron Mitchell, aka "Roscoe P. Jones."
    Public photo on the "roscoe.wpr.jones" Instagram profile.
    David Aaron Mitchell, aka "Roscoe P. Jones."
    Public photo on the "roscoe.wpr.jones" Instagram profile.
    David Aaron Mitchell, aka "Roscoe P. Jones."
    Public photo on the "roscoe.wpr.jones" Instagram account.
    David Aaron Mitchell's Facebook profile.
    David Aaron Mitchell's Facebook profile.

    Some photos posted on the "roscoe.wpr.jones" Instagram profile were the same photos posted on David Aaron Mitchell's Facebook profile.

    Facebook post by David Aaron Mitchell. This same photo was posted on "Roscoe"'s Instagram account.
    Facebook post by David Aaron Mitchell. This same photo was posted on "Roscoe"'s Instagram account.

    David Aaron Mitchell's long-running and very open Facebook displays his right-leaning political views, but also occasionally hints at darker views regarding his sympathies with fascism.

    Facebook post by David Aaron Mitchell hinting at Fascist leanings.
    Facebook post by David Aaron Mitchell hinting at fascist leanings.
    In this Facebook post Mitchell uses "echoes" [((( )))] anti-Semitic code meaning to indicate a Jewish person or people.
    In this Facebook post Mitchell uses "echoes" [((( )))] antisemitic code meaning to indicate a Jewish person or people.
    Tasteless joke on Facebook by David Aaron Mitchell and a friend.
    Tasteless joke on Facebook by David Aaron Mitchell and a friend
    David Aaron Mitchell poses with son. The boar logo on the child's shirt (circled in yellow) was undoubtedly selected because of its likeness to the Exodus Americanus logo.
    David Aaron Mitchell poses with son. The boar logo on the child's shirt (circled in yellow) was undoubtedly selected because of its likeness to the Exodus Americanus logo.

    David Aaron Mitchell's Facebook profile also very conveniently introduced us to the true identity of "Mary Protestant" aka "mrshatefacts," his wife Jennifer L. Mitchell (née Gilbert), who uses the name "Jenny Bamfin" on Facebook and Instagram.

    A Facebook post featuring husband and wife "Roscoe" and "Mary Protestant," aka David Aaron Mitchell and Jennifer L. GIlbert Mitchell.
    A Facebook post featuring husband and wife "Roscoe" and "Mary Protestant," aka David Aaron Mitchell and Jennifer L. GIlbert Mitchell.

    Jennifer Mitchell's Facebook profile, we found, was far less open than her husband's profile, but her Instagram profile provided us with many details about her life. Unsurprisingly, she saves the racism for other venues, where she can hide behind her various aliases.

    Jennifer (Gilbert) Mitchell's Instagram profile.
    Jennifer (Gilbert) Mitchell's Instagram profile.

    Perhaps she is concerned that being exposed a virulent racist, antisemite and white nationalist might affect her employment. Her Instagram profile states that she is a "biochemist" and she has noted on Twitter that she works in a lab.

    She may be disappointed to learn that we found her LinkedIn profile where she states that she works as a chemist at Idemitsu Lubricants America in New Albany, Indiana. [Note: please see the update at the end of this article]

    Jennifer Mitchell's LinkedIn Profile.
    Jennifer Mitchell's LinkedIn Profile.

    According to other Twitter posts she seemed to be prepared for possible exposure of her identity. We'll see how that works out for her.

    "@TabbyBoomBoom" seems to be prepared for a dox.
    "@TabbyBoomBoom" seems to be prepared for a dox.
    One of several selfies posted on Jennifer (Gilbert) MItchell's Instagram profile.
    One of several selfies posted on Jennifer (Gilbert) MItchell's Instagram profile.
    One of several selfies posted on Jennifer (Gilbert) MItchell's Instagram profile.
    One of several selfies posted on Jennifer (Gilbert) MItchell's Instagram profile.
    One of several selfies posted on Jennifer (Gilbert) MItchell's Instagram profile.
    One of several selfies posted on Jennifer (Gilbert) MItchell's Instagram profile.
    One of several selfies posted on Jennifer (Gilbert) MItchell's Instagram profile.
    One of several selfies posted on Jennifer (Gilbert) MItchell's Instagram profile.

    As for the both of them attending the "Unite the Right" rally, here they are together. "Roscoe" wore an Exodus Americanus T-shirt:

    David Aaron Mitchell (right, wearing an "Exodus Americanus" t-shirt), Jennifer Mitchell (left, wearing a black t-shirt) at the "Unite the Right" rally, Charlottesville, 2017.
    David Aaron Mitchell (right, wearing an "Exodus Americanus" t-shirt), Jennifer Mitchell (left, wearing a black t-shirt) at the "Unite the Right" rally, Charlottesville, 2017.
    David Aaron Mitchell (right, wearing an "Exodus Americanus" t-shirt), Jennifer Mitchell (left, wearing a black t-shirt) at the "Unite the Right" rally, Charlottesville, 2017.
    David Aaron Mitchell (right, wearing an "Exodus Americanus" t-shirt), Jennifer Mitchell (left, wearing a black t-shirt) at the "Unite the Right" rally, Charlottesville, 2017.
    David Aaron Mitchell (right, wearing an "Exodus Americanus" t-shirt), Jennifer Mitchell (left, wearing a black t-shirt) at the "Unite the Right" rally, Charlottesville, 2017.
    David Aaron Mitchell (right, wearing an "Exodus Americanus" t-shirt), Jennifer Mitchell (left, wearing a black t-shirt) at the "Unite the Right" rally, Charlottesville, 2017.

    Exodus Matrimonus?

    Recently there appears to be some upheaval in the Mitchell household as David Aaron Mitchell aka "Roscoe" has been sad-posting about it on Twitter and various fundraisers by supporters have been started to support "Roscoe" and his "kiddo." His racist spouse Jennifer aka "mrshatefacts" is conspicuously absent from these mentions.

    David Aaron Mitchell aka "Roscoe" being sad on Twitter.
    David Aaron Mitchell aka "Roscoe" being sad on Twitter.
    Screenshot of a GoFundMe campaign for supporting "Roscoe" during his time of need.
    Screenshot of a GoFundMe campaign for supporting "Roscoe" during his time of need.

    We can only speculate, but we suspect that there is some trouble between these two racist former-lovebirds and they may be going through a divorce. Together or apart, they'll always have their racism to remember (cue "The Way We Were").

    We wonder who gets the comic book collection in the divorce settlement.
    We wonder who gets the comic book collection in the divorce settlement.

    David Aaron Mitchell

    aka "Roscoe P.  Jones," "Roscoe SB Jones," "Roscoe"

    Host of the white nationalist podcast Exodus Americanus.

    Date of birth: 10/3/1983

    Last known location: New Albany, Indiana.

    David Aaron Mitchell aka "Roscoe" of Exodus Americanus
    David Aaron Mitchell aka "Roscoe" of Exodus Americanus

    Jennifer L. Mitchell (Gilbert)

    aka "Jennifer Gilbert," "Jenny Bamfin," "Mary Protestant," "mrshatefacts," "tabbybewmbewm"

    Wife (possibly ex-wife) of David Aaron Mitchell, white nationalist, contributor to Exodus Americanus.

    Last known location: New Albany, Indiana.

    Last known occupation: Chemist at Idemitsu Lubricants America, New Albany, IN.

    Jennifer (Gilbert) Mitchell aka "MrsHateFacts" doing science (?)
    Jennifer (Gilbert) Mitchell aka "MrsHateFacts" doing science (?)


    25 March 2021

    This past week we discovered that Jennifer Mitchell was working as a "beverage architect" at Flavorman in Louisville, Kentucky. In fact, we even found her in a local WDRB television news feature, which may be viewed here (link): [ Louisville beverage company creates 2020 drink dedicated to 'runaway dumpster fire of a year' ]

    Jennifer Mitchell in a WDRB TV news feature.
    Jennifer Mitchell in a WDRB TV news feature.
    Jennifer Mitchell as pictured on the Flavorman website
    Jennifer Mitchell as pictured on the Flavorman website.

    When the people at Flavorman learned of Jennifer Mitchell's involvement in white nationalist causes they were shocked and appalled. They have informed us that Jennifer Mitchell is no longer employed at Flavorman. We thank the good folks at Flavorman for their prompt and candid response to this issue.

    Neo-Nazi Navy Doc Joseph Cihlar Joins Beacon Health Alliance in Hixson, Tennessee

    Following the release of thousands of messages from neo-Nazi Discord chat rooms by Unicorn Riot, scores of white nationalists scrambled to cover up their dirty little secrets. One of those white nationalists went by the alias "DocCLAR." Even though DocCLAR was easily identified following the leak, this news did not receive the attention it deserved. Recently, however, we discovered that "DocCLAR," a former US Navy physician, had decided to drop anchor at his hometown of Hixson, Tennessee, where he has joined a medical practice. In light of this discovery, we feel it is high time to revisit this neo-Nazi Navy doc. Give a hearty "ahoy" to Doctor (Lieutenant Commander) Joseph Christopher Cihlar, D.O.


    Across the internet, Joseph Christopher Cihlar for years used the not-too-original alias of "DocCLAR." This included his activity on the chat platform Discord, where he was found in the Discord Leaks providing clues to his real identity, such as his location at the time (Jacksonville, North Carolina) and his plans to return to the Chattanooga, Tennessee area in the future.

    These chats also detailed planning and organizing for the August 2017 white supremacist "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville, Virginia. While Cihlar/"docclar" appears to not have attended the rally itself, he provided monetary support for others to attend.

    In an effort to provide more monetary support for white nationalists to attend the rally, Cihlar also participated in a scam designed to avoid violations of GoFundMe's terms of service by disguising their campaign as a "family reunion." (Link to archive [here]).

    In these Discord chats Cihlar additionally discussed ways to recruit more people into white nationalist movements, focusing on young men in the military and public safety sectors.

    Joseph Cihlar was also a prolific Twitter user. Usually posting under the handle "@DocCLAR," he tweeted a steady stream of racist, anti-Semitic, homophobic and transphobic content.


    "DocCLAR" retweets KKK leader David Duke.

    Cihlar also posted under other Twitter handles with the same Twitter account. We know this because the numerical Twitter ID 928061535762763776 was the same for the accounts "@MikeEnogsBlack, "@8HourJuice, "@8HrJuice" and "@DocCLAR."

    Cihlar posting as "@MikeEnogsBlack" [archive]
    Cihlar posting as "@MikeEnogsBlack" [archive]
    Cihlar posting as "@8HrJuice" [archive]
    Some of the tweets Cihlar posted were of a more personal nature that linked directly to his true identity.

    Great wife and kids, powerlifting physician with no debt. Yeah things pretty good over here thanks
    Here "DocCLAR" tells us his his name is "Joseph" [link]
    Another post referencing work at a hospital. [link]
    "I'm an active duty military doc." Archived tweet JSON [link]
    Great wife and kids, powerlifting physician with no debt. Yeah things pretty good over here thanks
    Joseph Cihlar, aka "DocCLAR," was generous in providing personal details. [link]
    In the above tweets, Cihlar as "DocCLAR" tells us he is married, has kids, is a power lifter and is an active duty military physician. Elsewhere on the internet he revealed other aspects of his life, such as his long-term plans. In this 2014 comment on a blog, "DocCLAR" explained that his military commitment would be fulfilled in "6 years." The comment is linked directly to the Twitter account "@DocCLAR."

    [link to blog] [archive link]
    The above blog post comment was linked to the Twitter account "@DocCLAR," confirmed by the HTML source of the blog post.

    Another comment on another blog post narrowed down his military branch to the Navy:

    [link] [archive]
    Cihlar also posted on Reddit as "DocCLAR," where he espoused anti-Semitic, racist and homophobic sentiment and just can't seem to help but point out that he is "a doctor."

    On other internet platforms Joseph Cihlar used his real name, such as on the music streaming service Mixcloud, where his choice of listening material is of a particular nature. Cihlar listed neo-Nazi streaming broadcasts on his profile, with such titles as "WKKK 1488 FM." "KKK," of course,  refers to the racist Ku Klux Klan and "1488" is a nod to the white nationalist "14 words" and "88" corresponding to the letters "HH," common neo-Nazi code for "Heil Hitler."

    Joseph Cihlar's Mixcloud page [link] [archive]
    When we look at these bits of infomation in toto we can see that "DocCLAR"'s identity was hardly a secret at all. Even his frequently used alias was a poorly disguised version of his real name.  Joseph Christopher Cihlar, D.O. is in fact an internal medicine physician who was serving in the US Navy at Camp Lejeune, North Carolina (near Jacksonville) until mid-2020.

    Joseph Christopher Cihlar, D.O. in 2017 (source: Facebook)

    We have verified Joseph Christopher Cihlar's naval service. He was named on the 2019 promotion list to Lieutenant Commander [archive] and a check with the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act website verified his dates of active duty service, which ended on July 31, 2020.

    Joseph Cihlar's selection for promotion to Lieutenant Commander.
    Joseph Cihlar's dates of active duty service.

    Dr. Joseph Cihlar (or "DocCLAR") explains on his Doximity page that he is "a board certified internist finishing naval commitment in August 2020 looking for outpatient or outpatient/inpatient positions in the Southeast Tennessee or north Alabama region starting September 2020."

    Everything above is enough to prove that "DocCLAR" is Joseph Christopher Cihlar, but for further verification, we have located these replies to "@DocCLAR"'s Twitter account that occur just before Cihlar's wedding:

    And this tweet in reply to his (then to-be) spouse's Twitter account:

    The above tweets correspond to Facebook posts by Cihlar's spouse:

    Facebook post by Cihlar's spouse, April 7, 2013.
    Source: Cihlar's spouse's Facebook page.

    There is no doubt, "DocCLAR" is Joseph Christopher Cihlar. Although Cihlar endeavored to keep his activities as a white nationalist hidden, he does not seem particularly shy about it in his personal life, as evident by this Facebook photo in which he wears a T-shirt advertising the white nationalist podcast "Exodus Americanus."

    Screenshot of spouse's Facebook photo album.
    "Exodus Americanus" is a long-running white nationalist podcast.

    As explained earlier, Joseph Cihlar had already been exposed after the Discord leaks hosted by Unicorn Riot were released. No doubt Cihlar was fearful that knowledge of his white nationalist activities would interfere with his professional life.

    He attempted to conduct damage control, which, instead, amounted to a tacit admission of guilt.

    Cihlar also once made an appearance on the neo-Nazi weightlifting podcast "Liftwaffe." After he was exposed as "DocCLAR," this single episode was effectively scrubbed from the internet, even while other episodes of this podcast may still be found.

    Cihlar must have naïvely felt that he had effectively scrubbed enough of his dirty little secret from the internet. He was wrong.

    Identity Dixie

    Espousing racist sentiment on the internet and appearing in neo-Nazi podcasts is bad enough; what is more troubling is Joseph Cihlar's involvement in active and organized white nationalist groups like Identity Dixie. Joseph Christopher Cihlar (as "Chris Cihlar") appeared in 2017 as a member of a private Facebook group called "The Smokehouse," the purpose of which was to vet new members of Identity Dixie.

    A membership list of the secret group was captured just weeks before the Charlottesville "Unite the Right" rally. Despite the suggestion of group administrators that members use false names, Joseph Cihlar disregarded this and instead used his middle and last names alongside a profile photo that featured himself and his daughter.

    Joseph Cihlar posting as "Chris Cihlar." Daughter's face redacted. [archive] [archive2]
    Group administrators suggested aliases. Cihlar did not use one. [archive]
    Joseph Cihlar's exposure as a member of the white nationalist organization Identity Dixie while an active duty US Navy physician who assisted in the planning an preparation of the "Unite the Right" rally failed to attract the attention it deserved. The US Navy either did not notice or chose to ignore the fact that one of their physicians was involved in the planning of a neo-Nazi rally. He was permitted to fulfill his naval obligation undisturbed and pursue his personal ambition of returning to his home area as a civilian physician.

    Joseph Christopher Cihlar, D.O.

    Just as he planned, neo-Nazi Navy doc Joseph "DocCLAR" Cihlar has returned to the Chattanooga area upon completion of his naval service and has taken a position at Beacon Health Alliance in Hixson, Tennessee.

    [link] [archive]
    [link] [archive]

    Ask yourself this: if you knew for a fact that your doctor hated people of color, Jews, Muslims, LGBTQ and anyone else not conforming to white supremacist ideals, would you feel safe entrusting your care to them? If you are a physician or a health care worker, how do you feel having a white nationalist counted among your ranks?

    Joseph Cihlar has for years escaped accountability for his part in the planning and execution of the 2017 "Unite the Right Rally" in Charlottesville. He may think he's been forgotten, but we have not forgotten him. Nor should you.

    Beacon Health Alliance professes inclusivity towards health care. Please give them the chance to demonstrate this by demanding them to dismiss Joseph Christopher Cihlar, D.O. from his position.

    Please contact Beacon Health Alliance and let them know that there is no place for neo-Nazi white nationalist health care practitioners. Beacon Adult Medicine is located at:

    Memorial North Park
    Physician Office Building 2051B
    2051 Hamill Rd. Suite #103
    Hixson, TN 37343

    phone:   423-756-8871
    fax:        423-475-8976

    Doxing the Doxer: Neo-Nazi Active Duty Army Soldier Vince Salvadalena Doxed Antifacists After Charlottesville

    Five days after neo-Nazi James Fields drove his car into a crowd of antifascist and civil rights marchers in Charlottesville, killing one and injuring nineteen, a neo-Nazi University of Nebraska student named Dan Kleves set up a Discord server called "Pony Power," the purpose of which was to gather information on antifascist activists and "dox" them, or expose their personal information. Unicorn Riot reported on the content of these web discussions when an anonymous informant provided leaked chats to them.

    Besides Kleves, several other participants of the "Pony Power" server have been identified, like Shandon Simpson, who posted as "Zolatanus" and is an Ohio National Guard soldier who identifies as a neo-Nazi, as reported by Unicorn Riot.

    One very active participant who posted as "Lupus_Dei-NC" appointed himself as the main assembler of their dox material and placed this information on paste sites for public viewing. Most of these pages on various paste sites have now been removed, but while they were live they contained the personal information for dozens of supposed antifascist activists. We are pleased to report that we have identified the person behind the "Lupus_Dei-NC" screen name, even though knowledge of his true identity is far from reassuring. We discovered this neo-Nazi with violent ideas and hatred toward Jews, racial minorities and LGBTQ persons is also an active duty soldier in the United States Army.


    The discovery of "Lupus_Dei-NC"'s identity actually began following the disclosure of the Iron March leak in November 2019, when a database belonging to the neo-fascist website was released, thereby exposing information for thousands of users of the forum. One of those users went by the screen name "Úlfhédnar" and claimed to be a US Army soldier stationed at Fort Bragg, North Carolina. In an introductory post, "Úlfhédnar" explained his political views. He wrote:

    Good morning all. I'm here to introduce myself and shed some light as to why I joined. I've gone through a few changes in political outlooks, but I've come to the conclusion that National Socialism is where I finally belong. I began as a nationalist, but began to see that just having pride in your country and your heritage wasn't enough, and economically was explanatory enough, so I became a fascist, and after awhile began to see that those around me didn't view the idea of race as importantly as I did, and that began my change into a NatSoc. I'm a US soldier, 20 years old, and I'm looking to find others who hold the same values and ideals I do; which is hard these days. I've been active in the Generation Identity movement, and other various European and N. American youth groups. Nice to meet you all, I'm sure I'll be here often and hope to get to know a few of you. Warm regards, Loup

    Introductory statement by "Úlfhédnar" on Iron March.

    In other posts he wrote about his experience in the military:

    US soldier here, if any of you guys considering military service have any questions just pm me; I'd be happy to tell you what I know. As for my experience personally; it's been great for me. I've improved myself physically a great amount, (being paid to workout? Hell yeah) and mentally and spiritually I've only become strengthened in my beliefs. The opportunities presented to you are vast, from learning skills such as self defense, survival, and marketable job skills, you'll really benefit from it. I plan on doing the air assault course here in the next few months as well. Lots of cool stuff you can't do as a civilian

    "Úlfhédnar" claims to be a US soldier.

    He further disclosed that he was located at Fort Bragg in Fayetteville, NC:

    In private messages he provided more information such as his military unit and even a personal phone number, the area code of which corresponds to the Snohomish County area of Washington state:

    In a private message to Iron March user "Odin," whom we now know is Atomwaffen Division leader Brandon Russell, now sentenced to five years in prison on federal charges for explosives, "Úlfhédnar" expressed a desire to join neo-Nazi groups:

    In other private messages "Úlfhédnar" indicated that he had been following extremist groups on the internet for a considerable time. In the message pictured below he sought membership to "MD Vinland," a North American offshoot of the European-based "Misanthropic Division":

    Like other users of the Iron March forum, "Úlfhédnar" never expected the database to be leaked and that his information would be exposed. Because of this leak we learned a major clue to "Úlfhédnar"'s identity: he provided his name in the email he used to register for the site, "" We soon discovered that he was not only "Úlfhédnar" but that he also operated under another name in other prominent leaks of neo-Nazi chats.


    The Iron March leak occurred in November 2019. Before that, however, Unicorn Riot released leaked neo-Nazi Discord chats, which featured material from 2017 on. In these leaked chats was a user who used the screen name "Lupus_Dei-NC" and who shared many of the same attributes of Iron March user "Úlfhédnar." The similarities were too close to be coincidences. Both were US soldiers stationed at Fort Bragg:

    Both claimed to be in a signal battalion. Recalling "Úlfhédnar"'s message on Iron March where he claimed to be in "50th Expeditionary," "Lupus_Dei-NC" states on Discord:

    Here he is referring to the 50th Expeditionary Signal Battalion (ESB) garrisoned at Fort Bragg. [LINK]
    "Lupus_Dei-NC" is a radio operator in a signal unit. [LINK]
    And like "Úlfhédnar," "Lupus_Dei-NC" claims to be from the Pacific Northwest region:

    "Cascadia" refers to the Pacific Northwest. [LINK]
    From this information we concluded that the Iron March user "Úlfhédnar" and the Discord user "Lupus_Dei-NC" were the same person. A later post on Discord by "Lupus_Dei-NC" gives us a clue to why he left Iron March:


    Vince Anthony Salvadalena

    When we researched the name "Vince Salvadalena" we encountered further instances that supported our conclusion that this is the name of the individual behind these two online personas. Public voter registration records point to a VINCE ANTHONY SALVADALENA born on September 18, 1995 with a residential address in SNOHOMISH, WASHINGTON, but with a mailing address of FAYETTEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA.

    Statements by "Lupus_Dei-NC" in the Discord leaks also support our conclusion that Vince Salvadalena is his real identity. At one point he posted a screenshot of group text message from his cell phone to the chat:

    (Redactions made by the poster of the message, "Lupus_Dei-NC") [LINK]
    This is consistent with what we know of Vince Salvadalena. He does indeed have a brother who was in the army at the time serving at Joint Base Lewis-McChord in Washington state and who was engaged to be married at the time. The names in the screenshot are visible enough through the poor redactions to make a clear connection.

    Facebook page of "K" from "Lupus_Dei-NC"'s screenshot above with his brother, her then-fiancée. Redactions ours.
    Engagement and marriage post from Facebook, corroborating statements in his Discord posts. Redactions ours.

    "Lupus_Dei-NC" also stated that he had many family members that were in law enforcement or were first-responders:

    We located a program to the 47th Annual Massachusetts Italian American Police Officers Association Awards Banquet (May 23rd, 2015) online and found Vince Salvadalena named as a son of a King County Washington sheriff deputy:

    A search through publicly available salary records found that as of 2019 there was indeed a M______ Salvadalena employed by King County as a police officer (deputy).

    Search results from a salary database. We have redacted the name as a matter of course, but the information is publicly available. [LINK]
    "Úlfhédnar" on the Iron March forum indicated that he was about to begin the army "Air Assault school," a ten-day course of instruction on helicopter cargo transportation, among other things. Statements made later on Discord by "Lupus_Dei-NC" show that he had completed this course.

    "AA" refers to the "Air Assault" school qualification. [LINK]
    Successful completion of a rappel from a 60' tower is a course requirement for Air Assault School [LINK]
    We found photos on the Facebook page of his unit indicating that he had in fact graduated from the course. [Although these are public posts we have obscured names and faces of uninvolved persons as a matter of course.]

    Vince Salvadalena outlined in red.
    Vince Salvadalena outlined in red.
    Vince Salvadalena outlined in red.
    Vince Anthony Salvadalena, aka "Úlfhédnar" aka "Lupus_Dei-NC."

    We are confident that we have correctly identified the individual known as  "Úlfhédnar" and "Lupus_Dei-NC."  As "Lupus_Dei-NC" on Discord, Salvadalena's racism and hatred was blatant and extreme.

    Meme shared on Discord by Salvadalena [LINK]

    Pony Power

    "Lupus_Dei-NC" was a key participant in the "Pony Power" Discord chat server set up by then University of Nebraska student and known neo-Nazi Dan Kleves, writing under the name "I Am Not A Gerbil." Others in the relatively small (50 users) invite-only chat server were well known neo-Nazis like Dillon Hopper (writing as "White-PowerStroke (Dillon)," founder of the now-defunct Vanguard America and "Timmy Matlock" (an alias; writing as "oxycolton"), a Daily Stormer contributor and friend of Andrew "Weev" Auerheimer.

    Dan Kleves (left); Dillon Hopper (center); "Timmy Matlock" (right)

    A mentioned earlier, the purpose of the chat server was to dox supposed "antifa" activists and Salvadalena/"Lupus_Dei-NC" took on the role of collecting the information and placing it on various paste sites for dissemination.

    [LINK] (screenshots credit: Unicorn Riot)
    Noteworthy is Salvadalena's chosen profile image, an altered photo of neo-Nazi murderer Anders Breivik wearing a skull mask.

    While Kleves was interested in doxing supposed "antifa" in his local Nebraska area, Salvadalena was also keen on identifying activists in his native Pacific Northwest region.

    Salvadalena used various paste sites, such as Pastebin, to share this information. Many of the pastes were quickly taken down by the site administrators as violations of their terms of service, but we were able to view one before it was removed and saw that Salvadalena and the others had collected personal information on dozens of persons.  One of these pastes, a screenshot of which is pictured below, featured 579 lines of information.

    While the intent appeared to be retaliation for the then-recent exposure of neo-Nazi participants of the Unite the Right Rally in Charlottesville by antifascist activists, Micah Lee of The Intercept points out in his article:

    "…there’s an important distinction between doxing by neo-Nazis and antifa. Neo-Nazis target nearly anyone who vocally disagrees with their political worldview — which essentially means anyone who isn’t a racist white person and is public about their views.

    "Antifa activists only target members of hate groups, a small but growing subset of American society that Trump refuses to condemn, responsible for mounting terrorist attacks against mosques, black churches, transgender women, and people of color."

    Dox lists such as these compiled by ne0-Nazis, fascists and racists serve only to endanger persons with whom they disagree and may not even be involved in any activism. This danger is amplified when those neo-Nazis are members of the military, as Unicorn Riot found when they reported on Shandon Simpson aka "Zoltanous," another participant in the "Pony Power" chat and a member of the Ohio Army National Guard who was deployed to Washington D.C. to assist the Trump administration’s repression of protests.

    Vince Anthony Salvadalena is one of those neo-Nazis serving in the US military who is not only a danger to our communities but also a danger to other soldiers in his unit, whom he clearly has no respect for.

    Vince Salvadalena's posts on the Iron March forum, the Discord Leaks and in the "Pony Power" server of the Discord Leaks may be browsed via the following links:

    Iron March Exposed

    Discord Leaks

    Discord Leaks: Pony Power

    Current Status

    Since the Discord Leaks and the Iron March forum leak, it appears that Salvadalena has been attempting to keep a low profile, with little to no social media activity. Considering his involvement with white nationalist movements and the fervor of his hate, we think it unlikely that his views have changed since the exposure of these platforms.

    At the time of writing Vince Anthony Salvadalena remains an active duty army soldier. He entered active service on September 8, 2015 and may be coming to the end of his enlistment in 2021. In our experience the US armed services have been slow to react to white supremacists within their ranks, so we don't expect that the Department of the Army will be much different. However, we strongly feel that Vince Salvadalena should be removed from service and barred from reenlistment in light of what we have found.

    Furthermore, as a soldier whose military occupational specialty is in communications equipment, Vince Salvadalena likely possesses a security clearance of SECRET or higher. If so, this clearance should be revoked in consideration of our findings.

    Vince Salvadalena claimed in the leaked chats to be a member of extremist groups, which is a violation of Army policies, specifically Army Regulation 600-20.

    We have noted above that Vince Salvadalena's father is a sheriff's deputy in King County Washington. Salvadalena has expressed that he would like to gain employment in law enforcement after his military service.

    Needless to say, Vince Salvadalena should not be employed in any law enforcement or public safety capacity.

    Please let the US Army know that they have a white nationalist extremist in their ranks and urge them to fix this issue. The US Army Inspector General's online complaint form may be found here.

    Other contacts:

    Official 50th Signal Battalion (Expeditionary) website

    50th Signal Battalion (Expeditionary)
    Fort Bragg, North Carolina 28310-5000

    Staff Duty number: 910-396-9027


    As of 19 April 2021, Vince Anthony Salvadalena is no longer in active duty service with the US Army. We do not have information regarding the characterization of his discharge. We believe he may have returned to the Snohomish, Washington area.

    Vince Anthony Salvadalena

    DOB: 18 Sep 1995

    Hometown: Snohomish, WA

    Last known location: Fayetteville (Fort Bragg), NC.

    Last known occupation: US Army, 50th ESB-E, Fort Bragg, NC

    NCSU Declines to Discipline "Proud Boy" Employee Chadwick Seagraves

    On November 17, 2020 we reported our discovery that North Carolina State University employee Chadwick Jason Seagraves was behind a massive dox of individuals whom he alleged were "antifa" or "anarchists" and members of the LGBTQ communities. Seagraves had collected personal information on dozens of individuals and distributed this collection of files on the message board 4chan, where it was subsequently downloaded and spread across the internet. We identified Seagraves by the metadata he had left in the files he distributed.

    Furthermore, we uncovered that Seagraves was the operator of a Twitter account named "roostersghost," where he promoted the neo-fascist extremist gang "The Proud Boys" and claimed to be its North Carolina chapter president. On this Twitter account, Seagraves also stalked and harassed alleged activists, to include minors and even a student at his own university.

    Screenshot of Seagraves' Twitter account "roostersghost," archived at

    Despite clear evidence that Seagraves is the perpetrator of these acts, NCSU announced on January 11 that they would not be bringing disciplinary actions against Seagraves. NC State spokesperson Mick Kulikowski stated:

    NC State has completed a thorough review of the anonymous and public allegations of misconduct accusing an employee of malicious online activities. This follows the same process we use for any allegation.

    The rigorous review did not substantiate any significant allegations.

    The fact that NCSU spent nearly two months conducting an "investigation" into the racist, homophobic and transphobic behavior of one of their employees whose involvement cannot be credibly denied is proof that NCSU administration is simply hoping for this issue to disappear.

    We have shown in our previous articles that metadata identifying Seagraves was attached to a majority of the files in the collection of dox material.

    Sample of the metadata found in the collection of dox material.

    Due to the fact that this metadata is tagged with a first, middle and last name, we find it likely that Seagraves was using a work computer while he was stalking online. An examination of the file creation timestamps supports this conclusion.

    We have also made a clear connection between this collection of dox material and the "roostersghost" Twitter account. Screenshots of this Twitter account was included in the collection of dox material. To wit, Seagraves had, in fact, made screen shots of his own Twitter account as he doxed activists and minors.

    Seagraves doxed a minor and documented the fact.

    Statements made on the "roostersghost" Twitter account by Seagraves himself provide verifiable connections between this account and his real identity.

    We have verified that Seagraves' spouse is eight years junior in age to him.
    Seagraves names his daughter here (we have redacted the name). This is verifiable.
    Seagraves provides here verifiable information of his daughter's age.

    It is significant that in public statements Seagraves does not deny that he is behind these actions or his association with the Proud Boys (although he denies current membership), but instead chooses to deflect to issues about "free speech" and "political expression."

    It is extremely difficult to deny association with the Proud Boys, however, when one is pictured with them, wearing a "Proud Boys" t-shirt.

    Seagraves, second from right, posing with known Proud Boys, including Hussein Hill (far left).
    Chadwick Seagraves wears a "Proud Boys" branded t-shirt alongside other Proud Boys.

    North Carolina State University's failure to act on an employee who has clear connections to an extremist neo-fascist gang and who has used university time and resources to stalk and harass activists and students is indicative of where the administration's priorities lie. We feel this is unacceptable.

    Take action!

    Please help take action by signing this petition at The Action Network to have Chadwick Jason Seagraves removed from his position.

    Petition to remove Seagraves at The Action Network

    Further NCSU contact information:

    Randy Woodson, Office of the Chancellor
    Campus Box 7001, A Holladay Hall
    Raleigh, NC, 27695-7001
    P: (919) 515-2191

    Twitter: @NCState

    Doxer Chadwick Seagraves Still on NCSU's Payroll: Here's A Glimpse of His Material

    On November 17, 2020 we exposed Chadwick Jason Seagraves, who works in the North Carolina State University IT department, as a member of the "Proud Boys," a known hate group, and as the individual who attempted to dox activists and LGBTQ persons whom he deemed to be "antifa" and "anarchists." At least one of the individuals he doxed and harassed was a student at the very university where he works. It has been nearly a month since we exposed Seagraves, yet NCSU has been reticent on the topic, claiming they are "investigating." All the while, Seagraves remains an employee of NCSU, presumably with access to the university's computer systems.

    In an effort to provide more information to the public on the scope of Seagraves' extracurricular activities we have decided to release a redacted set of metadata extracted from the zip file that Seagraves published.

    [LINK to redacted set of metadata] [We have removed this link.]

    We have removed personally identifying information from this set in order to preserve the privacy of Seagraves' victims. We have removed unused metadata tags as well in order to simplify the presentation. What remains is the directory tree of the compressed zip file and redacted file names, date/time stamps, file creator information when available and other assorted information for each of the 2,141 files. Clearly, a majority of the files have been tagged "Chadwick Jason Seagraves" as the creator. We hope that this release will make clearer Seagraves' impropriety and his danger to NCSU and the community.

    What does this tell us?

    For one, it tells us how motivated Seagraves was to dox perceived "anarchists,"  activists and LGBTQ persons. Although there is some duplication in the files Seagraves provided, there is clearly a lot of collected information and a majority of it can be attributed directly to Seagraves. His commitment to collecting this information is reflected in the timestamps of the files. It is evident he devoted a considerable amount of time and energy to this project.

    Also, it gives us a sense of when Seagraves put together this information. Many of the files XMP tagged "Chadwick Jason Seagraves" have a create date/time that seem to fall within workday hours, so one is left to wonder how Seagraves spent his time while in the employ of NCSU. It should be noted that while XMP standards do provide an option to specify time zone these are absent here, although it is reasonable to conclude that the time stamps correspond with what would likely be the time zone of Seagraves' local computer system clock, ie. Eastern Standard Time.

    The "FileAccessDate" column specifies the date and time when the file was last accessed. In this case, this is the date-time when our researcher extracted the metadata using Exiftool, with a UTC offset of -08:00 (Pacific Standard Time, the time zone of our researcher).

    The "FileModifyDate" column specifies the last time this file was modified. Note that Exiftool reports this in the time zone of the local computer system clock of the Exiftool user, which was again us, expressed with a -08:00 offset to reflect the time zone of our researcher. Note, however, all the files were modified before we accessed them; we modified none of the files.

    Interestingly, this helps provide a timeline of events. While most of the files appear to have been created around 2018-2019, a number of files (namely the pdfs) were modified on 10 Nov 2020, the last being at 23:11:48 UTC, or 18:11:48 EST (EST being -5:00 offset from UTC).

    This file was modified on 10 Nov 2020 at 16:32:28 EST (11 NOV 2020 21:32:28 UTC).

    Later that evening someone (whom we assume to be Seagraves) posted on 4chan fourteen times to announce his dox material between 04:00:19 UTC (23:00:19 EST) and 04:48:04 UTC (23:48:04 EST). We would be interested to hear Chadwick Seagraves explain how he spent this evening.

    11 Nov 04:00:19 UTC (10 Nov 23:00:19 EST), first message appears on 4chan /pol/.
    This same message, apparently "copied and pasted," appeared on 4chan fourteen times within an hour, between 23:00 EST and 23:48 EST on 10 Nov 2020 (time as pictured is in UTC).

    Examining the file and directory names, even while redacted, provides us a glimpse into Seagraves' focus. The Proud Boys hate group feature prominently in this collection. We believe this dox file may have been the result of an attempt at retribution for the exposure of some local area Proud Boys.

    Local interactions with Proud Boys were a focus in the collection.

    Also a focus of Seagraves was a peculiar attention to the supposed sexual orientations and activities of his subjects, as well as commentary on their bodies, examples of which follow:

    /[REDACTED] and lesbo gang Aug 2016.jpg

    /[REDACTED] with [REDACTED] tits out bottom 2017.jpg

    /[REDACTED] and lesbo gang Aug 2016.jpg

    /being gay with kids.jpg

    /weird antifa tranny [REDACTED] 2018.JPG

    Many of these files correspond to photos posted on social media selected by Seagraves seemingly for their "racy" content. He named this image of a female in a swimsuit top "[REDACTED] hot.JPG":

    Image file found in the collection of dox material (image blurred by this author).

    Whether "antifa," "anarchist" or not, Seagraves seemed very interested in the bodies of his subjects. This image, another innocent swimsuit photo, he simply named "tits.JPG":

    Image file found in the collection of dox material (image blurred by this author).

    This is consistent with the behavior of Seagraves' Twitter alter-ego "@roostersghost," as we found by this post that helped to identify him:

    Seagraves' identity was confirmed by mention of his age relative to his spouse, not by the "huge hooters" comment.


    In our previous article we reported on Seagraves' Twitter account "@roostersghost":

    We also reported in that article that we found screenshots of "@roostersghost" Twitter posts within the collection of images in the dox file.

    This image file named "[REDACTED] dox.JPG" was found in the collection.
    Soon after we exposed Seagraves as the operator of this Twitter account it is with some amusement that we discovered he had deleted his account, thereby further confirming our identification.

    As if we need another point to connect Seagraves, the dox material and the @roostersghost Twitter account, the author of the "Rose City Antifa Starter Pack.pdf" file signed the introductory statement "R.," which we presume to stand for "roostersghost."

    "R." = "roostersghost"


    Since the dox file contains a significant amount of personal information we will not release this file unaltered. However, if NCSU needs stronger convincing that Chadwick Seagraves is associated with a known hate group and has possibly abused his position at the university and the university computer systems, we might suggest NCSU seek and obtain this file from the internet and examine it themselves (SHA256Sum: a1a0d972f8e6bcbad63bb5225d1f477f58199eb42e3ed37b75d8ee04cf117f50)

    We believe we have provided sufficient evidence that Chadwick Jason Seagraves is the person behind the dox file as well as behind the "@roostersghost" Twitter account, and we believe that Seagraves has failed to sufficiently refute our claims. At the very least, Chadwick Seagraves should provide an explanation why his name appears on the metadata in these files at the times posted. NCSU's reluctance (refusal?) to promptly deal with this matter is unacceptable.

    Please reach out to North Carolina State University and let them know that having a racist, a homophobe, a transphobe, a "Proud Boy" and a harasser of students on the payroll is not a good look.

    Randy Woodson, Office of the Chancellor
    Campus Box 7001, A Holladay Hall
    Raleigh, NC, 27695-7001
    P: (919) 515-2191

    Twitter: @NCState

    Chadwick Seagraves working at a computer.

    Doxer Gets Doxed: "Proud Boy" Chadwick Jason Seagraves of NCSU

    On November 10, 2020 a Twitter user with the handle "@oto666yamaguchi" [1] and the screen name "Duncan Lemp"[2] claimed to have been "wardriving antifa rioters, letting them associate with mobile honeypots to access internet" so they could "look at their traffic." Included in the tweet was a network diagram that outlined what the poster purported was a Portland "antifa" network derived from the data culled from this alleged collection of wifi signals.

    Redacted tweet by "@Oto666Yamaguchi"

    Keen-eyed Twitter users familiar with the technological limitations of identifying individuals as described in the tweet, however, were quick to debunk this premise. The network diagram, at best, was merely representational of publicly available data from social media networks. Nevertheless, the diagram put the spotlight on names of real people in what was obviously an attempt to bring harm and negative attention to activists, protesters and politically active people who are not in agreement with the poster.

    Perhaps more alarming was the additional dox information posted by "@Oto666Yamaguchi" in the tweet. At some point this user posted links to a file download that contained extensive notes on alleged activists in the Portland, Oregon and Asheville, North Carolina areas.

    The link to the file download was quickly suspended by Mega file hosting. files linked by "Duncan Lemp@Oto666Yamaguchi"

    While this file of alleged dox material was quickly removed from hosting, it soon appeared at various other hosting services and torrents.

    Although the download was removed, the dox material was quickly distributed through platforms like Telegram messenger.

    Word spread as well among various right-leaning and right-wing internet forums, with commenters often calling for violence against the exposed individuals.

    Comments found on a firearms forum thread regarding "Oto666Yamaguchi" and dox information implying violence.
    Portion of a post on Gab referencing the dox material download.

    We obtained this material in order to examine its contents, assess its potential for harm and hopefully pick up a clue on the person or persons compiling this information. What we found proved to be very interesting indeed.

    What are in the files?

    The 402.7 MB compressed file entitled "A ROSE BY ANY OTHER NAME" unzips into several folders containing PDF files and image files that contain information on alleged "antifa" and "anarchist" activists in the Asheville, North Carolina and Portland, Oregon areas. The introductory document states:

    Research Conducted ~ Late 2018-19

    Research Disclaimer:

    Everything I am sharing here is purely as an investigative journalist interested in mapping the network of an idea, if you will. A completely unorganized, conglomeration of people who Joe Biden has assured the American people are not a threat and not an organization. So, I'm purely mapping the branches of the Idea tree. This information is shared with other citizen journalists and ​absolutely no harm should come to the subjects of this research​ from participating in lawful peaceful protests and free speech events.

    I was not able to complete all the mapping. There is a core group of Rose City Antifa that all came up together. Little baby anarchists and crust punks. They brought in kids – like [REDACTED], who was probably 12-13 at the time that many of the old pics I found in their Facebooks were posted. They made the mistake of posting a Publicly visible group photo. They all show up in the YT vids from Portland riots starting 2016 and beyond.

    They are surrounded by a much larger network of community activists, organizers, outreach folks, facilitators, etc. I was able to tag some of them as well. There is a huge image set that will have to go along with this. I’m not going to clean this up too much. There are lots of my personal notes here referencing their relationships and specific images. I’ll post the images to Mega as they are very important as well if you want to continue this research.

    Remember, all of this was gained from my mad OSINT skills and their inept use of social media. And Facebook had different settings back then. FB has closed most of the holes I used to use.

    I have tagged a lot of them as Antifa, Black Bloc, etc. Not all Antifa go out blocced up. Many are have support or admin roles. The ones I knew were into a specific thing, I’d tag them.

    Take this and run with it. Write good news articles. Give the credit that is due to these heroes of the revolution!

    Enjoy – R.

    Although the writer states that "no harm should come to the subjects of this research," it is hard to imagine that this information was presented for any other reason. Each PDF contains extensively researched images and links pulled from social media accounts like Facebook and Instagram, as well as information likely retrieved from internet "people search" sites with residential addresses and phone numbers. This basically amounts to a list of individuals to harm and harass.

    The contents of the dump are:

    • "Rose City Antifa Starter Pack.pdf" (72 pages)
    • "Asheville NC Auntie Fa – Master file part 1.pdf" (41 pages)
    • "Asheville NC Auntie Fa – Master file part 2.pdf" (44 pages)
    • "Codename Old School.pdf" (3 pages)
    • [REDACTED].pdf (2 pages)
    • [REDACTED].pdf (4 pages)

    Additionally, there are over a thousand images collected from various sources, mostly from social media networks. There is some duplication in the collection. A typical page contains a list of individuals with images and notes on that individual.

    Typical page found in the dump (images and info redacted)

    Although the research appears to be relatively unsophisticated social media creeping, the fact that someone is targeting these individuals is worrying. It is obvious that whoever collected this information spent considerable time and energy on this project. Also of note is the author's particular concentration on members of the LGBTQ community, who are often described with slurs and disparaging terms.

    Example of a page in which LGBTQ individuals are described in disparaging terms.
    The author of the document seemed to be peculiarly fixated on the supposed sexual activities of his subjects.

    This particular fixation on the LGBTQ community will play a role later in our investigation.

    Accompanying the PDF files are folders of images compiled by the creeper. We used an image metadata utility to pull the metadata from these files and examine them. For context, metadata is basically "information about information." For an analogy, if a letter you write is the data, the addressee written on the envelope in which you mail the letter is the metadata. Files on your computer commonly have metadata to assist or enhance functionality. When we extracted the metadata from the 2,141 files in the dump we found that 1,446 of them were XMP tagged with a creator name "Chadwick Jason Seagraves."

    Metadata extracted from the files in the dump pointed to a new lead.

    To put it in perspective, 67.5% percent of the total files in the dump, a significant portion, can be attributed to a device or software associated with this name. Therefore it is fair to say that this name was worth checking out. We at the Anonymous Comrades Collective, however, do not jump to conclusions. We proceeded to investigate this lead.

    Who is Chadwick Jason Seagraves?

    We located a "Chadwick Jason Seagraves" residing in Garner, North Carolina. He is an employee of North Carolina State University in Raleigh, North Carolina where he works in IT for the university's libraries.

    (L) Photo of Seagraves from (R) Public LinkedIn profile belonging to Seagraves

    But we can't assume that the name "Chadwick Jason Seagraves" is unique, or that this individual had anything to do with the doxes. And it is, of course, possible that someone may have used his computer or software. It was necessary for us to determine how his name fit into the scenario. While examining the contents of the collection, however, we came across something that opened up our investigation considerably.

    What we found was a screen shot image of a Twitter post that referenced other images included in this same collection. This tweet was a dox of minor by a Twitter user using the handle "@roostersghost" and the image metadata indicated that it was created at or just after the tweet was posted. According to the metadata, the creator of this file, like many of the others, is tagged "Chadwick Jason Seagraves."

    This image file was included in the collection of dox images. Sensitive portions redacted, Twitter poster highlighted in red.

    As mentioned, the images posted in this tweet are also included in collection of images in the dump.

    White redactions with black border by us. Red markup at top and black redaction at bottom right by the creator of the image. The original image was found in the collection as well as a post on Twitter by "@roostersghost"
    We can reasonably conclude that the compiler of the dox material and the owner of this Twitter account are likely the same person.
    Other posts also indicate a link between @roostersghost and the dox compiler, such as this one where @roostersghost replies to internet troll and conspiracy theorist Jack Posobiec that he has a "large amount of info on Portland Antifa [that] can be made available…"

    Looking through the Twitter timeline of  @roostersghost, who claims to be located in North Carolina according the bio, we see that he has some interesting things to say about people of color, social justice activists, and perceived leftists. For example, in this tweet @roostersghost refers to young African-American men as "joggers," a racist reference to the killing of Ahmaud Arbery:

    @roostersghost, much like the compiler of the dox information, also has a fixation on the LGBTQ community:
    @roostersghost's bigotry is not surprising since he admits to being a member of the extremist group "Proud Boys."
    What links @roostersghost to Chadwick Jason Seagraves, however, are the several examples of personal information posted by @roostersghost in his tweets. In this tweet (assuming he mis-typed "younger") @roostersghost indicates that his wife is eight years younger than he is.
    We have confirmed through public records this is the case for Chadwick Jason Seagraves. He was born in 1974. His spouse was born in 1982.
    In this post @roostersghost mentions he has a 2-year-old daughter:

    We have confirmed that Chadwick Jason Seagraves does indeed have a daughter that would have been two years of age at the time of this post. @roostersghost also posted the name of his daughter (which we have redacted) in this tweet:

    We have redacted the image in the post in an effort to avoid an obvious connection to a minor's given name. To put the post in context, @roostersghost is making commentary on the ethnicity of a fictional video game character that shares the name.

    We have confirmed this name by examining social media posts of persons in Chadwick Seagraves' personal circle.

    In consideration of the information we have examined we are reasonably confident with naming Chadwick Jason Seagraves of Garner, North Carolina as both Twitter user "@roostersghost" and the compiler of the dox materials disseminated by Twitter user "@Oto666Yamaguchi."

    Chadwick Jason Seagraves in a 2017 mugshot.
    Chadwick Jason Seagraves in 2014.
    Chadwick Jason Seagraves, 2020
    Chadwick Seagraves, 2014. Earring, right ear. Tattoo, right forearm.
    Favorite hat.

    This is Chadwick Jason Seagraves

    As we mentioned earlier in this report, Chadwick Seagraves is an employee of North Carolina State University, working at NCSU campus IT as a Technology Support Services Desktop Support Team Manager. Examining the time-date stamps in the metadata of images tagged with his name it appears that he spent much of his time at work creeping on people instead of attending to the IT needs of the NCSU library system.

    Funny, we were about to ask Chadwick that same question.

    Now that we are aware that Seagraves is also the owner of the "@roostersghost" Twitter handle another troubling fact comes to light. On at least one occasion it appears that Seagraves doxed a student at his own university.

    Seagraves doxed a student at NCSU, the same university where Seagraves works.

    Seagraves began work at NCSU libraries in 2009. Being an experienced library systems analyst one would expect that Seagraves would have a better understanding of digital metadata, so it is with much irony that he slipped up with his own metadata.

    Chadwick Seagraves in 2010, just after beginning employment at NCSU.
    I never metadata I didn’t like.

    Seagraves seems relatively quiet on social media regarding his affiliation with the Proud Boys hate group, possibly in consideration that it may affect his employment with a state university.

    Seagraves with family. Note "UHURU" on t-shirt, a phrase commonly appropriated by the Proud Boys.

    On Twitter, however, where he is (was) relatively anonymous, he is more vocal about his affiliation.

    In fact, we found an archived tweet from Dec 12, 2017 in which Seagraves' Twitter bio read "State President: NC Proud Boys Official."

    Archived raw tweet in JSON format

    And we managed to find Seagraves at a 2017 Proud Boys rally in Chapel Hill, North Carolina chatting up neo-Nazi attorney and attorney-for-neo-Nazis Augustus Sol Invictus.

    2017, Chapel Hill, NC; Proud Boys/FOAK rally; L: Augustus Invictus (red);R: Chadwick Seagraves (yellow), Invictus (red).
    Note earring, right ear, favorite hat.

    Considering all these facts, we feel that Chadwick Jason Seagraves of Garner, NC is a danger to our communities and a danger to the community of North Carolina State University, where he is employed. He has expressed violent racist, homophobic and transphobic views and is a member of the known hate group the Proud Boys. Furthermore, Chadwick Jason Seagraves compiled and disseminated extensively researched personally identifying information on persons for the purpose of harm or harassment.

    Please write, call or email North Carolina State University and NCSU Libraries to inform them that their library services team leader has been using work time to creep on people and dox university students. [CORRECTION/UPDATE: we have been informed that Chadwick Seagraves is no longer affiliated with NCSU Libraries but is instead employed by NCSU campus IT as a Technology Support Services Desktop Support Team Manager]

    Conclusions and further questions

    In this report we have provided reasonable evidence that Chadwick Jason Seagraves is the individual behind the collection of dox material disseminated by the Twitter user "@Oto666Yamaguchi." There were no sophisticated techniques in his research; only time on his hands and a monomania regarding alleged "leftists," persons of color and LGBTQ individuals.

    However, this still leaves the question about the identity of "@Oto666Yamaguchi" unanswered. We do not believe that Seagraves was the person behind this Twitter account, though he may have been working with this person. We expect that further information will come to light in the near future.


    Thanks go out to our friends @utah161 and a special anonymous comrade for their contributions.


    Unite the Right's "Swastika Pin" Identified as Zachary Hudson Fisher, aka Milwaukee DJ "Hdsn Acid"

    (Note: this post has been updated)

    The 2017 "Unite the Right" rally brought hundreds of violent neo-Nazis and other extreme-right elements converging on the city of Charlottesville with intent to do harm to counter-protestors who opposed their message of white supremacy, anti-semitism and hatred of LGBTQ communities. Many of these individuals have since been identified, forcing them to face public scrutiny for their actions, yet some seem to have slipped through the cracks. One of these individuals is a person whom we refer to as "Swastika Pin," due to the enamel Nazi pin he wore on his shirt at the rally.

    "Swastika Pin" was one of the more violent participants in the rally and he has eluded identification for three years, but now we have uncovered his identity. In this article we will provide the background of this individual's neo-Nazi activities as well has his true identity and current activities.

    "Swastika Pin"

    "Swastika Pin" was a very visible participant in the the "Unite the Right" rally and was prominent in the Vice News production "Race and Terror" where he could be seen marching with a crowd of neo-Nazis wielding torches and chanting "Jews will not replace us" on August 11, 2017.

    Still from the Vice News segment "Race and Terror." "Swastika Pin" in white shirt.
    "Swastika Pin" (in yellow border).

    Activist and data scientist Emily Gorcenski came face-to-face with his hatred as he shouted inches from her face and assaulted her and others. She captured the incident on video and posted it here. We have clipped a portion of her video for viewing here (note: video may be unsupported in mobile browsers):

    Alarmingly, there is evidence that "Swastika Pin" planned to commit acts of violence at the rally as indicated by these screen shots from organizer Jason Kessler's live stream:

    Screen shots of comments from "Unite the Right" organizer Jason Kessler's live stream, "Swastika Pin" writing as "Hudson Vandal."

    Another screenshot of a comment made by "Swastika Pin" (writing as "Hüdson La'Beauxl") on Facebook also indicates that he intended to commit violence upon Emily Gorcenski, this time implying that he would kill her.

    "Swastika Pin" was also prominent on the next day of the rally, August 12.

    "Swastika Pin" in yellow border.

    "Swastika Pin" bordered in yellow. Note "Mosin-Nagant" (Dallas JN Medina) in black on the right.

    "Swastika Pin" wasn't shy about his violence that day either, as evident by this interaction with neo-Nazi Christopher Cantwell:

    — Jack Smith IV (@JackSmithIV) August 13, 2017

    Emily Gorcenski had done significant research on this individual and found several clues to his identity that would prove to be critical later, such as the fact that "Swastika Pin" was likely a Florida resident and likely had ties to the city of Winter Haven.

    In fact, it was Emily Gorcenski who coined the moniker "Swastika Pin," but he has used a variety of aliases across the internet, such as "Hudson Vandal," "James Hudson Vandal" and variations of those names, as well as variations of "Kovalev." In the Discord leaks provided by Unicorn Riot he can be found using the handle "subhuman" as he chatted with fellow neo-Nazis. In one of his early posts "subhuman" points out that he appears in the Vice News segment.

    In the invite-only Bowl Patrol Discord chat fellow neo-Nazis, such as "Tactical Bowlcut" (Robert Kehne Moeller) and "Vic Mackey" (Andrew Richard Casarez), members of the "Bowl Patrol," even altered images of him, placing bowl-style haircut images on his head along with a headband that reads "kill Jews," a sign of his acceptance into the Bowl Patrol circle.

    Image posted on Discord by "Vic Mackey" (Andrew Casarez) altered with bowl cut and "kill Jews" headband placed on "Swastika Pin's" head. [link]
    The Bowl Patrol, as we have written about in earlier articles, is a loose organization of neo-Nazis who admire the racially motivated mass murderer Dylann Roof.

    Another altered photo, this one by "Tactical Bowlcut" (Robert Kehne Moeller). [link] Note the tattoos.
    Photo altered with bowl cuts by "Vic Mackey"/Andrew Casarez, posted on Discord [link]. "Swastika Pin," center; "Tactical Bowlcut"/Robert Kehne Moeller, seated; James Michael Gallagher, right.
    "Swastika Pin" also seemed rather good friends with a racist named James Michael Gallagher. Here are the two together in a photo taken by Moeller in a Charlottesville hotel room arranging bowl cuts.

    More on Gallagher may be found here.

    Gallagher and our "Swastika Pin."

    Discord user "Erika" (Erica Joy Alduino) posted a photo in which "Swastika Pin" participated in a demonstration with other well-known neo-Nazi figures. This took place in front of the Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Florida where a mass shooting had occurred nearly year prior.


    At some point "Swastika Pin" had visited neo-Nazi William Fears ("Antagonizer") in Austin, Texas.

    Will Fears in foreground. "Swastika Pin" in background performing a Nazi salute. [link]
    We know the two were fast friends from a post on William Fears' Instagram account that shows them posing together, along with other neo-Nazis in a fight gym.

    Instagram post from account belonging to William Fears (grey shirt). "Swastika Pin" in a bright blue shirt. Another known neo-Nazi, Joffre Cross, is in a black shirt.

    Much of "subhuman"'s discussion in the Discord leaks had to do with a white supremacist who wished to leave the movement and decided to go public. This person provided an "Ask Me Anything" post on Reddit and provided a link to a video in which members of his group had gathered and chanted "gas the k*kes." "subhuman" states that he was in this video and states as well that he started the chant.

    Examining the video, we can indeed find "Swastika Pin" or "subhuman" present.

    The distinctive profile of "Swastika Pin" is immediately identifiable.

    Cropped still from the Vice News segment "Race and Terror."
    Still from the Vice News segment "Race and Terror."
    Cropped photo from a Facebook post.

    Aside from private Nazi chat rooms, "Swastika Pin" also used aliases on conventional social media platforms to spread hateful memes and rhetoric. Here he is on Facebook as "Hüdson La'Beauxl" (presumably pronounced "bowl") posting anti-Semitic sentiment:

    On another Facebook account, "Swastika Pin" poses with neo-Nazi podcaster "Mike Enoch" (Mike Peinovich).

    In a Twitter post he mocked the victims of the Pulse nightclub shooting on the one-year anniversary of the event. He was also here two days earlier at the banner event mentioned earlier.

    In another post "Swastika Pin" does the "white power" hand signal while kneeling next to a "RAHOWA" bumper sticker. For those unaware, "RAHOWA" stands for "Racial Holy War."

    He also provided music for the right-wing podcast "Paranormies" as "Hudson Vandal."

    Could it be that "Swastika Pin" might have some musical talent or skills? We'll have our answer later in this article.

    Following the 2017 Charlottesville rally, "Swastika Pin" kept a low profile, perhaps fearful that he would be held accountable for his actions during the event. We found this Facebook profile in August of 2019. In this account, "Swastika Pin," now going by the alias "Hudsen Zuccsby," posted a photo of himself sporting a bowl-style haircut, an indication that he still was still a fan of the murderer Dylann Roof. This account was Facebook "friends" with an account used by James Michael Gallagher, indicating that they were still friends during this time.

    We could tell from his past behavior online that "Swastika Pin" was comfortable with using variations of familiar user names across his social media accounts. One social media account, however, proved to be especially fateful for this neo-Nazi-in-hiding. "Swastika Pin" had an Instagram account under the name "hudsonacid" (archive) on which he posted several images of himself and, aware of his user name preferences, we searched for variations of this user name, which led us to another Instagram account, one that would lead us to the eventual discovery of "Swastika Pin"'s true identity.

    Instagram account "hudsonacid"


    The Instagram account "hdsn_acid" (archive) was immediately recognizable as belonging to our target since he posted many images and videos of himself, many of which display his distinctive collection of tattoos. After locating his new Instagram account we located his new Facebook account (archive).

    Instagram post from "hdsn_acid" Note the tattoos on chest and middle finger.
    Facebook post from "HDSN ACID" Note torso tattoos on display.

    From the information on this account we learned that "Swastika Pin" had relocated from his native Florida to Milwaukee, Wisconsin and had become a music DJ and composer of electronic dance music. Calling himself "Hdsn Acid," our "Swastika Pin" had performed at a number of festivals and was garnering a following among EDM afficionados. In fact, some of his musical colleagues were persons of color and likely unaware of his violent racist past. It appeared that "Swastika Pin" was determined to appear to be anything other than the violent neo-Nazi that he was.

    Post on Facebook by a musical colleague.
    "Hdsn Acid" posing with fans on Instagram.

    In August "Hdsn Acid" celebrated the release of a single entitled "Can U Hear Me Now?" on the music platform Soundcloud, as well as commercial internet music markets like iTunes and Spotify. He also announced a new EP album entitled "Libra" due for release on October 2, 2020 in the bio portion of his current Instagram page.

    We now knew what "Swastika Pin" had been up to recently and we knew his location as well. What we did not know was his full legal name, but this was not far off.

    Having a look at Spotify's information on Hdsn Acid's single provided us with the songwriting credits for this song: "Zachary Fisher." Knowing he was likely from Florida we searched the state's public records and found our man: Zachary Hudson Fisher of Winter Haven, Florida.


    The violent neo-Nazi whom we have come to know as "Swastika Pin" was, in fact, Zachary Hudson Fisher, born October 2, 1989 from Winter Haven, Florida. We had postulated that "Swastika Pin" was astrologically a Libra, since he has a Libra tattoo on his stomach, and thought it possible that the release of his album, October 2, might be his birthday. Our findings confirmed that this analysis was correct. Furthermore, "Swastika Pin" followed his modus operandi of repurposing familiar names, in this case his middle name "Hudson."

    Looking back through his history on the internet we see that Fisher had experience in amateur music production and a few minor run-ins with the law.

    Fisher's mugshot and arrest details found on a mugshot website.
    Fisher's mugshot and arrest details found on a mugshot website.
    Zachary Hudson Fisher's profile on
    Zachary Hudson Fisher as "Fisher on the Beat" on
    Zachary Hudson Fisher's Myspace page.

    How Zachary Hudson Fisher initially got involved in white supremacist movements is beyond the scope of this article, but we feel that in light of the violence he demonstrated at the "Unite the Right" rally, his hateful online rhetoric and the fact that he seems to think that he has escaped the consequences of his past actions leads us to believe that he is still a danger to our communities.


    d.o.b. 10/2/1989

    From Winter Haven, FL; Currently in Milwaukee, WI

    Currently DJs under the name "Hdsn Acid"

    Many thanks to our friends @ Utah161 on Twitter and the many anonymous comrades who have contributed to this research either directly or indirectly.

    Update, 30 September 2020

    Fisher has issued public statements on his Facebook page regarding our findings which may be found here [archive] and here [archive]. While we at the Anonymous Comrades Collective believe that everyone is valuable and has the ability to change for the better, we find Fisher's statement to be insufficient given the level of violence he showed at the "Unite the Right" rally and considering how immersed he was in white supremacist movements.

    For one, Fisher seems to be expecting instant redemption despite not putting in the work to show that he has changed. Secondly, Fisher is shifting blame, citing his drug abuse and claiming that he was a "victim" of violence at the rally, a rally that at which he and other white supremacists intended to instigate violence. Thirdly, he and his defenders have made claims that aspects of our research had been fabricated. This is untrue. To be clear, the only alterations of any photos in this article were 1) markup to point out the subject of the photo in context and 2) cropping and/or redactions to protect privacy.

    Fisher cites some of the altered or "photoshopped" photos that include a "bowl cut" in them; these are altered photos and we believe we have sufficiently explained who did these and why in the article. He also claims the threats of violence are faked:

    This is untrue. They are unaltered screenshots of statements he made on publicly visible social media.

    Fisher's significant other of "5 years" has been vocal in defending him (although her statements are public we will not identify her here). She has brought forth suspicion that some of Fisher's social media accounts have been "faked."

    We are not aware of any fake Instagram or Soundcloud pages attributed to Fisher. All of the accounts cited in the article, to the best of our knowledge, belong to Zachary Hudson Fisher.

    Again, we hope that Fisher will one day have the self-awareness to enable true personal growth, but it is evident by the response to his exposure that he is not willing to take full responsibility for himself. There indeed have been individuals who have made tremendous efforts to escape hateful ideologies. Fisher's attempt to talk his way out of his past is an insult to those admirable individuals who have truly left the hate.

    Zachary Hudson Fisher (left) side-by-side with white supremacist leader Evan Mclaren (right) at the "Unite the Right" rally in 2017. Fisher's proximity to such high-profile individuals in white supremacist movements is indicative of how deeply he was immersed in hateful ideologies.
    Zachary Hudson Fisher posing with rifle.

    Dallas Medina, aka "Mosin-Nagant" of the Bowl Patrol

    Last October our original Anonymous Comrade put the spotlight on a Bowl Patrol associate who goes by the alias "Mosin-Nagant":

    "Mosin-Nagant" was actually exposed earlier by fellow Nazi Christopher "Crying Nazi" Cantwell as retaliation for alleged harassment against him by the Bowl Patrol. He revealed that "Mosin-Nagant" is actually Dallas JN Medina of Ravenna, Ohio. At the time, Medina did not seem to0 disturbed by this exposure, as expressed in one of his now-suspended Twitter accounts:

    In fact, in numerous public Telegram messenger chat posts he seemed more miffed that we didn't present a more current photo of him in our tweet.

    He will surely be interested to know that we have more current photos and news about him. But first, some background on Dallas "Mosin-Nagant" Medina.


    Using the alias "Mosin-Nagant," naming himself after an antiquated Russian bolt-action rifle, Dallas Medina was a frequent associate of the Bowl Patrol and appeared on several episodes of the "The Bowlcast," the Bowl Patrol's irregularly produced podcast.

    Promotion for "The Bowlcast" on Telegram messenger

    Medina also frequently associated with the Bowl Patrol in Telegram messenger chats where he exchanged violent, racist rhetoric and memes with other Bowl Patrol members such as Andrew "Vic Mackey" Casarez, whom we exposed earlier.

    An exchange in a public Telegram messenger chat; Dallas Medina writing under the pseudonym "Mahzin" and Andrew Casarez writing as "Vic Mackey."

    Medina also played an instrumental role in the feud between Cantwell and the Bowl Patrol. It was he, together with a person named "Cassie" who was Cantwell's call screener, who opened Cantwell's radio show to phone pranks from the Bowl Patrol.

    Telegram user "E.B." thanks "Mosin-Nagant" (as "Mahzin") and "Cassie" for their prank.

    But before Medina involved himself with the Bowl Patrol, he had served in the US Army at Fort Drum, New York. It seems, however, that his experience in the military was not to his liking, as indicated in this public Telegram messenger chat post:

    After his discharge in 2015 Medina was active in white supremacist movements, as he expresses in in leaked Discord chats collected by Unicorn Riot. …

    …and in public Telegram messenger chats.

    The "Ted" he refers to in the above screen shot is Missouri neo-Nazi Ted Von Nukem (name legally changed from Ted Landrum), who was exposed following his appearance at the Charlottesville "Unite the Right" rally in 2017.

    Ted Von Nukem (within yellow border) at Charlottesville rally, 2017.

    Dallas "Mosin-Nagant" Medina was also present at that rally, as he notes here in a Discord chat:

    Before the rally, Medina posted on the Daily Stormer website that he would be coming and what he would be wearing.

    Images from the event proved this to be true.

    Medina (within yellow border). Photograph (c) Rodney Dunning, posted under fair use.
    A group of racists participate in a torch lit march through the University of Virginia campus ahead of the Unite the Right Rally in Charlottesville, VA, U.S., August 11, 2017. Dallas Medina within yellow border. Ted Von Nukem in black on the right.

    Dallas Medina arguing with journalist about a "white genocide" conspiracy theory.

    We can also find Medina in the Vice News segment "Race and Terror" standing behind his then-hero Christopher Cantwell.

    Dallas Medina (bordered in yellow) supporting Christopher Cantwell in the Vice News production "Race and Terror."

    He seems to be proud of his participation in the event as we see here in an argument with fellow racist Louis Jeffery Giovingo, aka "Southern Dingo" on Telegram messenger where he calls himself a "veteran" of Charlottesville.

    "Hitler would be proud of me."

    More recently, Medina has been working as a line-clearance arborist, clearing trees and foliage from electrical lines in his native Ravenna, Ohio area of Portage County, as he explains in public Telegram messenger chats.

    He seems to enjoy his job.

    Despite the fact that Dallas Medina seems to enjoy his job, other statements he makes leads us to believe that he is a danger to our communities and the public should be aware of his presence.

    Statement by Dallas Medina on Telegram messenger.

    Medina also seems fixated on spreading violent and gory real-life execution and murder videos, which gives us a disturbing glimpse into his mentality.

    Post by Dallas Medina featuring violent, real-life execution videos.

    It could also be argued that he is a danger to himself and others around him. Here he demonstrates his irresponsibility regarding firearms as he points a loaded handgun at his groin.

    Post by Dallas Medina in a public chat on Telegram Messenger.

    On another occasion he posted a video of himself and another unknown person firing a pistol into a body armor panel in the basement of his residence.

    Overall, Medina indicates that he is disillusioned in white supremacist movements as a whole, but is still willing to engage in violence.


    Dallas JN Medina (d.o.b. 4/19/1992) of the Ravenna, Ohio area has a long history of violent racist rhetoric and, as evident by his participation in the racist 2017 Charlottesville rally, has demonstrated a propensity for physical violence. Although the activities of his long-time compatriots in the Bowl Patrol have been greatly disrupted by the exposure of their leader Andrew "Vic Mackey" Casarez, Dallas Medina's racism and violent fantasies continue. Therefore we feel he is still a danger to our communities.

    Dallas Medina, aka "Mosin-Nagant," March 2020.
    Dallas Medina, aka "Mosin-Nagant," February 2020.


    Special thanks to our friends @ utah161 on Twitter for their contributions to this report.

    David Fassler Identified as "Wignasty" of the Bowl Patrol

    Another Bowl Patrol regular is a white racist rapper who goes by the alias "Wignasty" and has frequently collaborated with the likes of Benjamin "Cheddar Mane" Lambert and Thomas "Hardmous" Gipson in racist musical compositions.

    "Wignasty's" tracks are primarily racist in nature, but occasionally also target others within their circle of racist associates, such as "Astrology Nazi" Amber Ciarolla aka "Morrigan Carrick" of Modesto, California in the Wignasty/Harmous joint "Openbite Mama," or in tracks against Christopher "Crying Nazi" Cantwell, with whom the Bowl Patrol have a running feud.

    "Astrology Nazi" Amber Ciarolla was the topic of Wignasty's song "Openbite Mama."

    In recent months "Wignasty" has found himself embroiled Nazi Telegram messenger drama as he was apparently doxed in retaliation for an unclear transgression. By the time we were aware of this his dox had been deleted from Telegram, but it doesn't matter since we figured out who he is anyway.


    During his time on Telegram, "Wignasty" had dropped numerous nuggets of personally identifying information in casual conversation, notably that he was located in the Eastern Standard Time zone portion of Kentucky. He also enjoyed showing pics of previous vehicles he had owned. In this conversation in a public Telegram chat "Wignasty" (posting under a slightly different name) posted photos he found going through an old hard drive of his.

    Post by "Wignasty" in a public Telegram chat.

    In these photos several feature his dog.

    Post by "Wignasty" in a public Telegram chat.


    Post by "Wignasty" in a public Telegram chat.


    Post by "Wignasty" in a public Telegram chat.


    Post by "Wignasty" in a public Telegram chat.

    We also learn that "Wignasty" is divorced:

    Post by "Wignasty" in a public Telegram chat.

    We at the Anonymous Comrades Collective have long memories, however, and recalled a prolific poster on the Discord leaks collected by Unicorn Riot who went by the name "fassel." "fassel" had generously provided his real name in one of the posts.

    This is corroborated by a now-defunct website that is still available for viewing on that exposed members of the Traditionalist Worker Party (TWP).

    He also enjoyed posting many photos of himself, …

    …some of which feature elements we have come to be familiar with.

    "fassel" posted a photo of his driver's license indicating that he was a resident of Kentucky:

    "fassel" also liked to post pics of his dog…

    …which bears a striking resemblance to the dog that "Wignasty" posted in the Telegram messenger chat.

    Above: photo posted on Discord by "fassel." Below: photo posted on Telegram by "Wignasty."

    and like "Wignasty," "fassel" had also been divorced.

    We can reasonably conclude that both "Wignasty" and "fassel" are David Fassler of Covington, Kentucky, by way of Cincinnati.

    Fassler was also fond of posting photos of his weapons on Discord which, in light of his violent racist ideology, is concerning.

    Fassler has recently expressed some disillusionment regarding racist movements, as expressed in this public Telegram chat with fellow Bowl Patrol participant "Mosin-Nagant," otherwise known as Dallas Medina of Ravenna, Ohio:

    Nevertheless, this despondency doesn't erase his existing racism or negate his active racism in the past. With consideration to the collection of weapons available to him and his violent racist ideology we feel that he is still a danger to our communities.


    Ronald Andrew Evans Identified as "Uncle Dad" aka "Joseph Goebbowls" of the Bowl Patrol

    "Uncle Dad" of the Bowl Patrol

    Another Bowl Patrol member whom we have not yet addressed goes by the alias "Uncle Dad" and has been a steady participant in the antics of the group for a long time. He is a fixture in Bowl Patrol Telegram messenger chats and has appeared in numerous episodes of the Bowl Patrol's intermittent podcast "The Bowlcast."

    A promotion for "The Bowlcast" on Telegram messenger.

    "Uncle Dad" is also a prolific poster of memes that celebrate racial violence and mass murderers.

    Meme posted by "Uncle Dad" on his Telegram channel.
    Meme posted by "Uncle Dad" on his Telegram channel.

    It is also concerning that "Uncle Dad" frequently encourages mass violence, an example of which is this statement he made in a public Telegram chat:

    "Uncle Dad" writing as "Crunkle Dabs" on Telegram messenger.

    Identifying "Uncle Dad"

    When we previously exposed Benjamin Lambert as "Cheddar Mane" and Thomas Gipson as "Hardmous" there was another name that caught our attention. A certain "Ronald Evans" had signed as one of the organizers of Lambert's limited liability company "Lambert Technology Solutions."

    "Ronald Evans" is also interesting because a "Ronnie Evans" had reacted to a post on the Facebook page of Andrew Casarez, whom we exposed to be Bowl Patrol de-facto leader "Vic Mackey." It was clear to us that this Ronald "Ronnie" Evans had some connection to the Bowl Patrol.

    That connection became clearer when examining the public Telegram chat belonging to "Uncle Dad." In this chat Lambert (writing as "Hombre Cheddar") indicated that he and "Uncle Dad" had an in-person friendship and related a story in which he and "Uncle Dad" harassed some people he claims were "antifa."

    Elsewhere in the chat Lambert even offers to buy a car for "Uncle Dad," indicating that their relationship is close enough that Lambert would make a rather large purchase for him.  At this point it was worthwhile considering that "Uncle Dad" may actually be "Ronald Evans" of Dayton, Ohio.

    Examining the Facebook page for "Ronnie Evans" that had interacted with Andrew "Vic Mackey" Casarez's Facebook page brought us additional information.

    From this it looks that Ronnie Evans was likely born in 1973 and it appeared that he was skilled at playing guitar:

    He also provided a link to his YouTube channel:

    His YouTube channel provided us with interesting information:

    It is worthwhile noting that in one video, the man (who appears to be the same person in the Facebook account) is wearing a T-shirt with a stylized image of the Pittsburgh synagogue shooter Robert Bowers and has a similarly styled T-shirt in the closet featuring the Poway synagogue shooter John Timothy Earnest.

    Several of the videos he posted were game-play videos of the video game "Pay Day 2,"

    a game which we knew from the Telegram chats "Uncle Dad" enjoys.

    "Uncle Dad" writing as "Crunkle Dabs the Bowldhisattva" on Telegram messenger

    However, what proved conclusively that "Uncle Dad" was the same person as the owner of the "Ronnie Evans" Facebook page and the "Tharizdun Jones" YouTube channel were a couple videos on the channel in which his voice may be heard. This voice is an unmistakable match for voice messages "Uncle Dad" posted in his Telegram chat.

    The voice of the narrator in this video matches voice messages in "Uncle Dad's" Telegram chat.

    In this video Evans narrates as he observes a wood chipper being used in his neighborhood. Wood chippers are frequent inside jokes within Bowl Patrol circles as they envision this to be their execution method for minorities and "race traitors," or non-racist white people.

    By this time we could say conclusively that "Uncle Dad" was, in fact, Ronald Andrew Evans of the Dayton, Ohio area and verified it by public records as well as connections to his family members, details of which we will not share to preserve their privacy.

    But that was not the end of the trail. It turns out that "Uncle Dad" also used the alias "Joseph Goebbowls" (an obvious nod to the Nazi leader Joseph Goebbels) on leaked Bowl Patrol Discord chats collected by Unicorn Riot.  On these chats "Joseph Goebbeowls" provided several bits of personally identifying information that corroborated information we had for both "Uncle Dad" and Ronald Evans. For example, in one Discord post "Joseph Goebbowls" claimed that his astrological sign was Scorpio.

    Ronald Evans' date of birth is October 31, which falls under the sign of Scorpio.

    Furthermore, "Joseph Goebbowls" posted an obscured photo of himself.

    We can see from one of the photos Evans posted on his Facebook page that a growth on his left hand matches a growth on the left hand of the person in this photo.

    To cap it all off, "Joseph Goebbowls" posted this image on Discord:

    This image was also used as Uncle Dad's Telegram profile image at one time.

    Ronald Andrew Evans

    Ronald Andrew Evans is a resident of the Dayton, Ohio area, born October 31, 1973. At the time of the Discord posts Evans, writing as "Joseph Goebbowls," claimed to have been working as a cook, but earlier in his life Evans had worked as an IT engineer, as reflected by his LinkedIn page:

    He blames his downward mobility on Jews:

    We think it might be because, among other things, he is a violent misogynist.

    In light of these considerations we feel that Ronald Andrew Evans is a danger to our communities and the public should be aware of his activities.

    Notice on False/Incorrect Doxes Being Distributed

    "Uncle Dad" has recently been the target of opposing racist circles on the Telegram messenger platform, who have attempted to dox him in part of their internecine conflict. Please be aware they are incorrect. They have irresponsibly exposed an uninvolved person through their carelessness and stupidity. Do not trust Nazi doxes. We have verified our information and have ensured it to be disclosed responsibly.

    Special thanks to our friends @ utah161 on Twitter for their contributions to this report.

    Andrew "Vic Mackey" Casarez at 2017 Berkeley Protests

    In July we exposed the identity of "Vic Mackey," leader of the neo-Nazi group "Bowl Patrol," as Andrew Richard Casarez, a 27 year old Pizza delivery driver and Orangevale, California resident. As a result of this exposure, the Sacramento County Sheriff's Department served a Gun Violence Restraining Order and removed a firearm from Casarez's possession, citing a potential for violence based upon Casarez's online behavior. It was also revealed that Casarez is currently under investigation for the vandalization of the Temple Or Rishon synagogue in Orangevale, California. While the activities of the Bowl Patrol consist primarily of online threats and harassment, it is evident that its members also participate in offline, physical-space activities that pose threats to our communities.

    In this report we will evaluate the post-exposure state of the Bowl Patrol, discuss the in-person activities of "Vic Mackey"/Andrew Casarez and conclude with a call for further information regarding these activities.

    Status of the Bowl Patrol

    Researchers at the Southern Poverty Law Center note that the unmasking of "Vic Mackey" may dramatically affect his influence within hate group circles, now that his true identity is under the scrutiny of law enforcement and the media. In the case of the Bowl Patrol, whose members favor extreme violence as opposed to more conventional strategies of white supremacist movements, part of their cohesiveness comes from their conflicts with other groups.

    We have previously noted the ongoing feud between the Bowl Patrol and Christopher "Crying Nazi" Cantwell and his followers. The antagonism between the two groups, as well as other white-nationalist groups, is an everyday occurrence on the Telegram messenger platform. While opposing racist groups have expressed pleasure at Casarez's exposure, noting in particular his Hispanic heritage, Bowl Patrol associates have expressed support for their exposed leader, as we see here in a Telegram messenger post from Benjamin "Cheddar Mane" Lambert, whom we have profiled in a previous article:

    Show of support by Benjamin "Cheddar Mane" Lambert, under a new nom de plume. Lambert is still very much active in Bowl Patrol circles. "P.O.M.B." in this case stands for "Proud Of My Bowl."
    Benjamin "Cheddar Mane" Lambert
    Benjamin "Cheddar Mane" Lambert of Winfield-St. Louis, Missouri

    This sentiment was forwarded throughout Telegram messenger channels by Bowl Patrol supporters, including failed Republican congressional candidate Paul Nehlen, who in recent years has expressed fervent support for the Bowl Patrol's particular brand of accelerationist racial violence and now runs a water filtration company in Wisconsin.

    Failed politician Paul Nehlen, posting as "Uncle Paul" on Telegram messenger, is a fervent supporter of the Bowl Patrol and frequently participates in their activities.

    The status of the Bowl Patrol's future is unclear, but since their potential for violence is not dependent upon group organization but rather a cohesion from shared internalized hate Bowl Patrol associates continue to be threats to our communities.

    In-person activities of Andrew "Vic Mackey" Casarez

    As "Vic Mackey," Andrew Casarez was primarily an instigator who endeavored to encourage others to do violence. His philosophy is perhaps best expressed in this quote in which he refers to Siege, a work by neo-Nazi James Mason that has become an accelerationist bible of sorts:

    Going "full Bowl" is coded language for committing an act of mass violence [Link]
    Nevertheless, Casarez did participate in numerous in-person activities. As we mentioned earlier, Casarez is currently under investigation for the  vandalization of the Temple Or Rishon synagogue in Orangevale, California, an act he bragged about on the messaging platform Discord, leaks of which are available for examination at Unicorn Riot. In this instance, security cameras captured footage of two masked individuals, one of which is allegedly Casarez, at the crime scene.

    Also as noted in our previous article, Casarez claimed to have attended the "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville, Virginia taking place in August 2017, reflected here in leaked Discord messages collected by Unicorn Riot:

    He claims to have missed the torch march, but we have further anecdotal belief that he was present at the rally at some point, reflected in this since-deleted comment on a YouTube video regarding the Bowl Patrol/Christopher Cantwell feud:

    Comment found on a YouTube video regarding "Vic Mackey."

    We are eager to locate photographs and/or accounts of Casarez at this event.

    Prior to the "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville, Casarez also claimed to have attended the Berkeley, California "Free Speech" rally, also known as the "Battle of Berkeley" as violence broke out between right-wing groups and antifascists. We have evidence of Casarez's attendance at this event. In an April 15, 2017 live-feed by Buzzfeed News still available for viewing Casarez can be seen throughout the broadcast wearing a black German army-style motorcycle helmet, goggles and black leather jacket. At various points in the broadcast Casarez's voice can be heard clear enough to make a positive vocal identification.

    Andrew Casarez seen in Berkeley, Apr 15, 2017

    Casarez’s presence at this event is further confirmed by his response (as “Vic Mackey”) to a post on a neo-Nazi website, as seen in this screen capture:

    Casarez was also identified in a right-wing propaganda video to which we will not link. In this video Casarez can be seen attempting to set fire to an antifascist flag at the event.

    Casarez (identified by red border) attempting to set fire to a flag.
    Casarez (identified by red border) in Berkeley.

    Casarez appeared to associate closely with three individuals throughout the rally whom we would like to identify.

    Individual #1 is a very tall blonde male. Andrew Casarez is 6 feet 4 inches tall. We estimate this person to be at least that height.

    Individual #2 was seen wearing a distinctive blue motorcycle helmet.

    Individual #3 wore a black bomber jacket and had a shaved head.


    While the exposure of Andrew Casarez as the identity of Bowl Patrol leader “Vic Mackey” was a blow to the morale of violent white supremacists, it is evident that this is not the end of the Bowl Patrol and that vigilance and action is necessary to quell their activities. It is also proof that antiracists and antifascists have the capability and motivation to identify such individuals.  But as long as there are those who produce, disseminate and consume racist propaganda the danger to our communities is ever present.

    We would like to identify the individuals associated with Andrew “Vic Mackey” Casarez pictured in this report as well as verify Casarez’s presence at the “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, Virginia August, 11-12 2017. If you have information to share please send it to accollective (at) riseup (dot) net or via Twitter direct message to @anonymouscommie.

    (Many thanks to our friends @ Utah161 on Twitter for their contribution to this article)

    "Cheddar Mane" and "Hardmous": St Louis area Bowl Patrol

    Content warning: racism, slurs, violent imagery

    The Dylann Roof worshipping cult “Bowl Patrol” has been reeling since the exposure of their leader and chief trollVic Mackey” last month as Andrew Richard Casarez, a 27 year old pizza delivery man from Orangevale, California. Major media outlets picked up the story, local law enforcement placed him under investigation for hate crimes and served a Gun Violence Restraining Order, removing a firearm from his possession.

    Andrew Casarez's exposure came on the heels of a series of recent exposures of key Bowl Patrol participants. We feel these individuals warrant further attention. In this article we’ll re-acquaint ourselves with two key Bowl Patrol players: the neo-Nazi murder enthusiast “Cheddar Mane” and his fellow greater-St.Louis area hate junkie “DJ Hardmous.”

    Benjamin Lambert, aka “Cheddar Mane"

    “Cheddar Mane” was a regular co-host on “The Bowlcast,” the Bowl Patrol’s irregularly produced podcast. Alongside “Vic Mackey” and others, “Cheddar Mane” espoused the typical agenda of the show: veneration of mass murderers, violence against non-whites, Jews, women and LGBTQ persons and the promotion of terror.

    A Bowlcast promotion on Telegram messenger.

    But “Cheddar Mane” didn’t limit his hate to obscure podcasts. On Twitter Cheddar Mane openly celebrated mass murder and racial violence, as in this post depicting Robert Bowers, Anders Breivik, Dylann Roof and Timothy McVeigh.

    Other posts are no less unsettling.

    “Cheddar Mane” was also a frequent poster on Gab, a social media site known for tolerating racism and hate speech.

    “Cheddar Mane” vs. Christopher Cantwell: two losers, no winners

    “Cheddar Mane’s” profile became uncomfortably high after a series of pranks by the Bowl Patrol on “Crying Nazi” Christopher Cantwell resulted in a feud between them, culminating with Cantwell threatening “Cheddar Mane” on Telegram messenger. Cantwell released personal information, including photos of “Cheddar Mane” and his family, and threatened to call child protective services based on “Cheddar Mane’s” alleged drug use. He also threatened to kill “Cheddar Mane” and rape his wife if he did not provide identifying information for “Vic Mackey.”

    Threats made by Christopher Cantwell to "Cheddar Mane"
    Exchanges between Christopher "Crying Nazi" Cantwell and "Cheddar Mane" on Telegram messenger.
    Cantwell bragged about his threats and extortion to his subscribers on Telegram messenger.
    "Cheddar Mane" with alleged strips of LSD on his tongue.

    These threats somehow came to the attention of federal authorities who arrested Cantwell for making interstate threats. Although “Cheddar Mane” was the “victim” in this case, to be sure, these are both horrible people who are placing uninvolved persons and minors at risk (and it is worth noting that we at the Anonymous Comrades Collective uncovered "Vic Mackey's" identity without having to threaten or coerce anyone). “Cheddar Mane,”  whose real name was not released in court documents, may have been granted a reprieve from Cantwell’s harassment, but instead of lying low he used this reprieve to continue promoting racial violence on Telegram and associating with the Bowl Patrol.

    "Cheddar Mane" Exposed

    “Cheddar Mane’s” true identity at this time was still undisclosed. However, in consideration of “Cheddar Mane’s” extreme promotion of racial violence and veneration of mass murderers, we as anti-racists believe him to be a danger to the community and the community should be aware of his presence.

    Fortunately for us, Cantwell was kind enough to post a partial address for “Cheddar Mane” in his threats. From there it was a relatively simple task to utilize public records to narrow down his location and discover his real name. A look at Lincoln County, Missouri property tax records revealed a Benjamin Michael Lambert residing on the very same street Cantwell listed.

    Further research provided us with enough information to confirm that we had correctly identified “Cheddar Mane.” A search on Instagram revealed a “cheddar_mane” account belonging to a “Benjamin Michael” with a photo that resembled the image of the person in Cantwell’s threats.

    Additionally we identified several limited liability companies that Benjamin Lambert had been involved with, one of which was named “Lambert Technical Solutions.”

    While conducting a simple Google search we found a curious image in the search results:

    Pictured is an image of the actor Danny Glover as “George Knox” in the Disney film Angels in the Outfield altered with a Dylann Roof bowl style haircut. “Coach George Knox” was a recurring gag portrayed by “Cheddar Mane” on “The Bowlcast.”

    Clearly, Benjamin Lambert was not too concerned that people would pick up on this. A Google account “George Knox” gave “Lambert Technical Solutions” a five-star rating on a Google Maps review.

    More examination of “Lambert Technical Solutions” revealed another interesting detail. Lambert had two business partners, one of which was Thomas Gipson of Chesterfield, Missouri, whom we will address shortly.

    By this time we were confident that we had positively identified “Cheddar Mane” as Benjamin Michael Lambert, of Winfield, Missouri, born Mar 13, 1983. With Lambert being an avid internet user, it was easy to locate more information about him online, including several business reviews on Google Maps.

    Benjamin Micheal Lambert's Google profile image.

    Note that "George Knox" above also gave the St. Louis Bread Co. a 1-star review.

    Benjamin Lambert also had a Facebook page under the not-too-clever moniker “Lenny Bambert.”

    (The banner image is a photo of  Marvin Heemeyer's heavily modified bulldozer used to terrorize Granby, Colorado in 2004. Heemeyer has become a meme in some extremist circles).

    We even found a session of “carpool karaoke” on Facebook with the Western St. Charles County Chamber of Commerce where Lambert may be heard belting out a Whitesnake song.

    At the time of writing, “Lambert Technical Solutions” is still listed with the Troy, MO Chamber of Commerce.

    Benjamin Lambert, pre-"Cheddar Mane" years

    While “Cheddar Mane” was Benjamin Lambert’s most notable alias, he was no stranger to racism. We found him in 2017 writing for a short-lived and failed Joe “Rambo” Biggs venture called Borderland Alternative Media, where he called Richard Spencer an "Alt-Right Patriot" and espoused conspiracy theories of “white genocide.”

    His bio says Ben Lambert “Abandoned his normie lifestyle to join the alt-right and fight in the culture war” and links to a deleted twitter "@benlambert314." His Facebook handle was "DeathtoSJWs”

    He also appeared in a 2017 YouTube show called Locker Room Talk using his real name.


    After we exposed Benjamin Lambert as “Cheddar Mane” it appeared that he had a bit of an identity crisis, claiming that “Cheddar Mane” was just a character he was playing and referring to himself in third person in this Twitter exchange with our friends @AntifascistF12 (formerly "@F12_Antifascist,"

    (Posts archived  here, here and here, by our friends @AntifascistF12)

    Furthermore, he doubled down on this improbable premise with this statement:

    Lambert’s insincerity in this statement is painfully obvious because while he deleted his Twitter account he continues his old tricks on Telegram messenger under a variety of handles.

    Lambert posts his own face on his Telegram messenger channel, seemingly not caring that he has been exposed.

    Mere days before we exposed Andrew Richard Casarez as "Vic Mackey" there was an announcement on "The Bowlcast" Telegram channel where "Vic Mackey" announces "Cheddar Mane's" return for an upcoming Bowlcast episode.

    Although it remains to be seen if Casarez's exposure will interrupt plans for the production of this episode, it is clear that Lambert is still very much involved with the Bowl Patrol.

    Benjamin Michael Lambert no longer seems to care that he has been exposed as a racist and promoter of mass murder and terrorism, however we feel that his wife, a registered nurse who works at a children's medical center, may feel differently about this. 

    Thomas Gipson, aka “Hardmous”

    As mentioned earlier, the filings for “Lambert Technology Solutions” listed a certain “Thomas Gipson” as an organizer. As it turns out, Thomas Gipson is a long-time friend of Benjamin Lambert since their days together at St. Dominic High School in O’Fallon, Missouri and they share many of the same interests, such as a love for racial violence, anti-LGBTQ violence, misogyny and mass murderers.

    They also enjoy music. Gipson has developed a small online following as an electronic musician and deejay calling himself “DJ Hardmous” or variations of that alias.

    "DJ Hardmous" is in fact 38 year old Thomas Philip Gipson of Chesterfield and the greater St. Louis area of Missouri.

    Previous exposure

    “Hardmous” was exposed before when, using the Twitter handle "@johngonzo88' he threatened an antifascist activist on Twitter and put together the pieces to determine his identity to be "Thomas Gipson." In this tweet Gipson as "@johngonzo88" altered images to make it appear that the target of his harassment had been beheaded and his target's pet dogs had been murdered.

    Although Idavox had identified Thomas Gipson to be "@johngonzo88"and "DJ Hardmous," several linked resources, such as images, were no longer available on the internet. We decided it was time to dig up some more dirt on Gipson. It turns out when it comes to racism he has a storied past.

    First off, there is no doubt that Thomas Philip Gipson is indeed "Hardmous." Being very active on the internet, Gipson has left many breadcrumbs for us to pick up.

    Tom Gipson together with his screen name "hardmous" posting on a music recording forum.
    "Tom" as "@h4rdm0us" on Gab.

    And he lists "Lambert Technical Solutions, LLC" on his LinkedIn page.

    DJ of Hate

    For a while Gipson had himself a little podcast called "Good Morning Auschwitz." You can likely guess the thematic focus of the podcast. Episode 4 featured an interview with rabid anti-Semite, racist and political failure Patrick Little.

    Gipson was a big supporter of Little and promoted the failed senatorial candidate on Gab. As we see here on this screenshot of a 4chan post, Gipson as "h4rdm0us" is noted as the "leader" of "Pat Little's hardcore supporters."

    Note that "DC BOWL GANG @PureWhiteEvil" was the Gab account for Jeffery Clark, who had known ties to Pittsburgh Tree of Life synagogue shooter Robert Bowers.

    Gab account for Jeffery Clark, who had known ties to Pittsburgh Tree of Life synagogue shooter Robert Bowers.

    If we are to judge someone by the company they keep, Gipson's associations are doing him no favors. Speaking of company, Gipson also collaborated with his good buddy Benjamin "Cheddar Mane" Lambert on several racist musical compositions.

    Furthermore Gipson as "hardmous" was an active poster on ne0-Nazi Discord servers, leaks of which have been collected by Unicorn Riot and are available for examination here.

    Meme posted by Gipson as "hardmous" on Discord.

    Thomas "Hardmous" Gipson may consider himself to be a DJ and musical artist but spreading hate is his objective.

    A Gab post by Gipson.
    A cartoon image of "Hardmous" promoting Siege, a racist anti-government text by James Mason.

    Unwanted attention for Thomas "Hardmous" Gipson

    We presented our findings on Twitter recently, but after we brought attention to Gipson on Twitter, he first responded by reporting the tweets that he apparently felt offended by, thereby rendering one of our anonymous comrades @anonymouscommie out of commission for a few hours.Following this, just like his buddy Lambert, he issued a statement on Twitter attempting a less-than-believable effort to disavow his previous behavior.But it will take more than a half-hearted tweet to erase his threats, racism and glorification of mass murderers like Dylann Roof, whom Gipson obviously admires as we see in these photos where he emulates Roof while posing with what appear to be actual firearms.


    If were are to prevent mass murders like the ones committed by Dylann Roof at the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church or by Robert Bowers at the Tree of Life Synagogue or by Brenton Tarrant at the Al Noor Mosque and Linwood Islamic Centre, we must be aware of those who venerate these murderers as heroes.

    Benjamin Michael Lambert under the alias "Cheddar Mane" and Thomas Philip Gipson under the alias "Hardmous" have for years promoted these murderers and have encouraged similar acts. We do not accept their poor attempts at distancing themselves from their past behavior now that they have been exposed. They continue to be threats to our communities.


    We originally exposed Benjamin Lambert as "Cheddar Mane" on Twitter (an archived copy can be found here) and further reading may be found on Angry White Men.

    Thomas "DJ Hardmous" Gipson was also covered earlier on Twitter (archived here).

    Leaked Discord messages by Hardmous courtesy of Unicorn Riot.

    We have updated this article changing "Weapon Violence Restraining Order" to its proper name "Gun Violence Restraining Order."

    "Vic Mackey" of the "Bowl Patrol" Identified as Andrew Casarez of Orangevale, California

    Content warning: racism, slurs, violent imagery

    On the morning of June 17, 2015, a young white man named Dylann Roof walked into the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, South Carolina and murdered nine African-American worshippers. It was a calculated act of racial violence. Roof was apprehended and convicted for the crimes, but there are those among a particularly repugnant circle of white supremacists who celebrate Roof and others who commit racial violence in order to spur on others to commit such acts. They called themselves the "Bowl Patrol," in homage to Roof's distinctive bowl cut hair style.

    The self-proclaimed leader of this group is a person who goes by the pseudonym​ "Vic Mackey."​ As "Vic Mackey" this person has networked and organized with other white supremacists and has produced an irregularly released podcast entitled "The Bowlcast," which is the Bowl Patrol's main medium for the distribution of their propaganda. While other members and associates of the Bowl Patrol have been exposed by antifascists and journalists, "Vic Mackey" has proven to be unusually elusive– until now. After months of extensive investigation, the identity of "Vic Mackey" will finally be revealed.

    Part I: The "Bowl Patrol"

    First, a brief overview of the "Bowl Patrol." The Bowl Patrol is a loosely organized group of neo-Nazi racists who promote the philosophy of “accelerationism.” That is, they advocate the use of violence to accelerate the collapse of society in order to achieve their white supremacist goals. Most of their work is conducted through propaganda using internet memes and podcasts. While they claim this is mere “shitposting,” or idle, crass humor, it has real world consequences. Journalists, researchers and other innocent people have suffered from their threats and harassment.

    A promotion for an episode of "The Bowlcast" on Telegram
    A promotion for an episode of "The Bowlcast" on Telegram


    Example of a Bowl Patrol meme
    Example of a Bowl Patrol meme


    Example of a Bowl Patrol meme
    Example of a Bowl Patrol meme


    Example of a Bowl Patrol meme
    Example of a Bowl Patrol meme

    More information on the Bowl Patrol may be found here:

    [Unicorn Riot: ‘Bowl Patrol’: Dylann Roof Fans Hope to Inspire More Mass Shootings]

    [First Vigil: The Bowl Gang]

    Additionally, “Vic Mackey” and the Bowl Patrol have extensive ties to other neo-Nazi groups, such as Atomwaffen Division.

    During the course of our investigation, we have identified several high-profile members of the Bowl Patrol, often with the inadvertent help of other neo-Nazis who are at odds with them. Last year the Bowl Patrol had a dispute with “Crying Nazi” ​ Christopher Cantwell​ that resulted in federal charges against Cantwell for making interstate threats against a member of the Bowl Patrol known as "Cheddar Mane" in an attempt to extort the identity of “Vic Mackey.”

    We have identified "Cheddar Mane" as Benjamin M Lambert, a resident of the St. Louis, Missouri area.

    Ben Lambert aka "Cheddar Mane"
    Ben Lambert aka "Cheddar Mane"
    Ben Lambert aka "Cheddar Mane"
    Ben Lambert aka "Cheddar Mane"

    [Angry White Men: Member Of Neo-Nazi ‘Bowl Patrol’ Outed As Head Of IT Consulting Company]

    Before we uncovered "Cheddar Mane's" identity, Cantwell did our work for us by exposing another Bowl Patrol member "Mosin-Nagant" as Dallas Medina of Ravenna, Ohio.

    Daniel Harper and Jack Graham have provided an excellent overview of this, which may be found on their podcast “I Don’t Speak German.”

    [I Don't Speak German, Episode 29, Siege Pill 2: Fascistic Boogaloo]

    We also identified a frequent associate of the Bowl Patrol who goes by the alias “Hardmous” or "DJ Hardmous" as St. Louis area resident​ Thomas Gipson​.

    Thomas Gipson aka "DJ Hardmous"
    Thomas Gipson aka "DJ Hardmous"
    Thomas Gipson aka "DJ Hardmous"
    Thomas Gipson aka "DJ Hardmous"
    Thomas Gipson aka "DJ Hardmous"
    Thomas Gipson aka "DJ Hardmous"
    Thomas Gipson aka "DJ Hardmous"
    Thomas Gipson aka "DJ Hardmous"

    [IdaVox: Twitter Threat Leads to Regular Caller to Chris Cantwell’s Podcast, aka This Guy]

    Other members and associates of the Bowl Patrol have also been identified. Journalist Nate Thayer identified ​ Cody Moreash​ of Tempe, Arizona, who went by the aliases “Frank Castbowl,” “Patrick Bowlman” and “Akashic Wrecker.”

    Cody Moreash aka "Akashic Wrecker"
    Cody Moreash aka "Akashic Wrecker"
    Cody Moreash aka "Akashic Wrecker"
    Cody Moreash aka "Akashic Wrecker"
    Cody Moreash aka "Akashic Wrecker"
    Cody Moreash aka "Akashic Wrecker"

    [Nate Thayer: White Supremacist Stolen Valor: A New Leader of Neo-Nazi Atomwaffen Division Terror Group Identified]

    “Tactical Bowlcut” has been identified as ​ Robert Kehne Moeller​ of Florida.

    Robert Kehne Moeller aka "Tactical Bowlcut"
    Robert Kehne Moeller aka "Tactical Bowlcut"
    Robert Kehne Moeller aka "Tactical Bowlcut"
    Robert Kehne Moeller aka "Tactical Bowlcut"
    Robert Kehne Moeller aka "Tactical Bowlcut"
    Robert Kehne Moeller aka "Tactical Bowlcut"

    The "Head Bowl In Charge"

    There are other members/associates that have been identified and others yet to be identified, but the big fish is the de-facto leader who hides behind the alias “Vic Mackey,” a reference to a character from the popular cop show The Shield, ​ noted for his corruption and racism. “Vic Mackey” refers to himself as the “HBIC” or “Head Bowl In Charge” and has earned a position of respect in some racist circles and notoriety in others.

    Profile image used for "Vic Mackey's" now suspended Twitter account.
    Profile image used for "Vic Mackey's" now suspended Twitter account.
    Obscured photo of "Vic Mackey" (r) posted on Discord with associate
    Obscured photo of "Vic Mackey" (r) posted on Discord with associate.

    “Vic Mackey” has led harassment campaigns against journalists, activists and researchers. In September of 2019 the Bowl Patrol’s online harassment activities got frighteningly personal when an innocent family was terrorized after the Bowl Patrol incorrectly attempted to dox an antifascist podcaster.

    "Vic Mackey" encouraging harassment of antifascist podcaster
    "Vic Mackey" encouraging harassment of antifascist podcaster.

    “Vic Mackey” and the Bowl Patrol were obviously very proud of this dubious “victory,” but the fact that they were so embarrassingly inept doesn’t make them any less dangerous.

    "Vic Mackey" boasts about his failed dox
    "Vic Mackey" boasts about his failed dox

    [The Daily Beast: This Podcaster Dug Into the World of Neo-Nazis. Now They’ve Put a Target on Him]

    [The Informant: The wrong house]

    If there is any doubt about "Vic Mackey's" views on racial violence, a look at a few of his posts on Telegram messenger makes them perfectly clear.

    A post by "Vic Mackey" made in a Telegram chat room.
    A post by "Vic Mackey" made in a Telegram chat room.

    It would be too much to catalogue every instance of racism, anti-Semitism and anti-LGBTQ sentiment that "Vic Mackey" expresses, but examples are plentiful.

    While “Vic Mackey” has long been considered “dox-proof,” over the course of over five thousand leaked chat room posts collected by Unicorn Riot [link] he inadvertently revealed numerous personal details about his location, family, employment, and education that would lead to his exposure.

    In casual conversation, “Vic Mackey” revealed that he lived in California, specifically northern California, and had attended university in Stockton. He claimed that he was paternally Hispanic and that his maternal side was German/Irish. He lamented his “mediterranean” appearance and wrote: “I'm only half Spanish half German/Irish but I look 125% Spaniard so that is even more of a bummer to me.” He gave specifics on his family, such as having a married sister living in San Francisco and a father that was both a “politically liberal” army veteran and had been a firefighter with specialized training. He even posted on Discord while he accompanied his mother at a local casino.

    When asked about his occupation on the leaked chats, "Vic Mackey" stated that he was a manager at a restaurant and complained about and wished death to his “boomer” boss. At the time of the post he had been working there for three-and-a-half years.

    Despite "Vic Mackey’s" paranoia, or perhaps because of it, he is supremely arrogant regarding his ability to maintain cover. This braggadocio will prove to be misguided.

    “Vic Mackey’s” hubris prompted him to expose his own criminal behavior as well as his hometown when he boasted implied involvement in the vandalization of a local synagogue. On November 4th, 2017, racist flyers were posted at the Temple Or Rishon in Orangevale, California, just outside of Sacramento (article here). The incident was declared a hate crime and became a major regional news story. "Vic Mackey" posted several links to local news coverage in the Bowl Patrol Discord chat room which featured the security camera footage. In a back-and-forth with Atomwaffen Division member Conor Climo (aka “Sir88") [more information on Conor Climo at this link] “Vic Mackey” posted a YouTube link to news coverage of the crime [link].


    The two male figures in the video were not clearly identifiable and "Vic Mackey" gloatingly posted his own screenshots featuring the signature Dylann Roof bowl haircut graphics.

    Altered security footage posted by "Vic Mackey"
    Altered security footage posted by "Vic Mackey."


    News footage of the incident.
    News footage of the incident.
    News footage of the incident.
    News footage of the incident.

    “Vic Mackey” also indicated in the leaked Discord chats that he attended the infamous 2017 “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville.


    And before that, the “Battle of Berkeley.”


    To be clear, “Vic Mackey’s” hate is not confined to online harassment. However, the reason he can threaten and harass without repercussion is that he acts pseudonymously. Take that pseudonym away, what power will he have?

    Part II: Identifying "Vic Mackey"

    In the over five-thousand leaked Discord posts, "Vic Mackey" provided a clue that seemed trivial initially, but eventually proved to be critical in identifying him. In one occasion he attempted to make friends online by providing a link to his Steam account.


    Steam is a popular online vendor of computer games and an online community where users can connect with other players. Steam users are able to change screen names at will, but in an effort to prevent cheating there are publicly accessible databases that maintain a history of screen name changes and other data. The custom URL “Vic Mackey” gave out doesn’t exist anymore, but we were able to trace that historical custom URL to a current Steam account.

    "Vic Mackey's" Steam profile
    "Vic Mackey's" current Steam profile.

    We were able to trace that account to a previously used account that was over nine years old.

    Previous screen names this account has used.
    Previous screen names this account has used.
    Previous name changes for the "THICC Mackey" account. Note the 1970 date is just a default UNIX timestamp.
    An earlier Steam account owned by "Vic Mackey"
    An earlier Steam account owned by "Vic Mackey."

    While these profiles have a visibility set to “private,” we also found historical information on these accounts prior to them becoming private, such as profile bios, status updates and friends. We knew that there was a high likelihood that these accounts belonged to the same owner due to the shared screen names and shared friends.

    Networks of friends were used to narrow the field.
    Friend networks were analyzed to connect to other networks for further analysis.

    Furthermore, by researching this network of Steam friends we were able to expand upon that and state with high confidence that the owner of these two Steam accounts was also the owner of the Facebook account below.

    fbid 100000799175303

    A Facebook account likely belonging the owner of the Steam accounts.
    A Facebook account likely belonging the owner of the Steam accounts as it appeared at the time of writing.

    Although his friends list is not publicly visible we got an idea of associated accounts by checking who "liked" certain posts.

    "Boris Kompot" was one of several who liked this post.
    "Boris Kompot" was one of several who liked this post.

    "Andrew Zippy Carter" also "liked" one of "Boris Kompot's" posts.

    "Andrew Zippy Carter" liked this post.

    Another post in "Boris Kompot's" timeline solidified the likelihood that "Andrew Zippy Carter" or "andrew.richard.75" is the Facebook account for "Vic Mackey." In this post is an anti-Semitic cartoon and "Andrew Richard" is named specifically, along with another, "Keen Molar."

    Note "Andrew Richard" is hyperlinked and "Andrew Zippy Carter" reacted with "Haha."

    "Keen Molar," of course, refers to Robert Kehne Moeller, mentioned earlier in the article. Moeller, writing under the pseudonym "Tactical Bowlcut," has extensive association with "Vic Mackey" on Discord servers and also produced a Bowl Patrol video in which "Vic Mackey" harassed residents of San Francisco under the guise of "citizen journalist."

    Posted on the Bowlcast Telegram channel.
    Posted on the Bowlcast Telegram channel.

    In one Facebook post we found, "Andrew Zippy Carter" posted to the page of the rock band Whirr, who at the time was dealing with criticism to transphobic comments they had made on their Twitter account. This was his attempt to troll in support of the comments they had made.

    One of the replies posted a selfie of "Andrew Zippy Carter" that is no longer on his profile page.

    Photo posted on Facebook. Photo is reversed; note the "Ray Ban" logo.

    For some reason the photo is reversed (note the "Ray Ban" logo at the top right of the sunglasses). This is the photo as it should appear.

    Photo as it should appear.
    Photo as it should appear.

    This will come into play later in the article.

    Suffice to say, we had a good amount of information to piece together, eventually leading to the true identity of “Vic Mackey.”

    Online, “Vic Mackey” enjoyed presenting himself as a veteran of white nationalist movements with bulletproof operational security. In this exchange on Unicorn Riot’s Discord leaks, “Vic Mackey” seemed to enjoy the reverence:


    However, “Vic Mackey” was careless with many personal details in the chats and we were able to construct a picture of his life with very specific personally identifying information through these details. The person we identified matched all these data points, and we found his facade of age and experience to be a sham. He was just twenty-four when he started posting in the “Vibrant Diversity” Discord Chat.

    Part III: Will the real "Vic Mackey" please stand up?

    Andrew Richard Casarez​ was born on January 9th, 1993 in Sacramento County and is a resident of Orangevale, California. This is consistent with statements made in the Discord chats, perhaps most damningly with a photo he posted taken in front of Monroe Tattoo Parlor in Orangevale.

    A Snapchat photo "Vic Mackey" posted on Discord
    A photo "Vic Mackey" posted on Discord


    “Vic Mackey” also claimed to have attended college in Stockton, CA and had a roommate his first semester whose family did their laundry. The implication is that he lived in a dormitory. The University of the Pacific is Stockton's only four-year university with dormitories.


    We found Andrew Casarez did indeed attend the University of the Pacific in Stockton, CA, in 2011, right about when he would have been eighteen years old. He was named as one of the participants of an event held at the university in a local news article.


    “Vic Mackey” also stated that his father was a firefighter,


    politically liberal,


    and an army veteran.


    “Vic Mackey” stated that he had a married sister living in San Francisco.


    “Vic Mackey” claimed to be paternally Hispanic.




    This is also reflected in a Telegram chat message from September 2, 2019 where he uses a slur to refer to his own name.

    All these statements have proven to be true for Andrew Casarez as well. His father is an army veteran and a retired Sacramento firefighter and his sole sibling is a married sister residing in San Francisco. His mother's maiden name is of Gaelic descent. His family is also politically opposite of everything "Vic Mackey" stands for. We are not publishing identifying details out of respect for his family, who are likely quite disappointed with Andrew, but this is all verifiable information.

    Furthermore, “Vic Mackey” claimed to have been working at a restaurant for the past three-and-a-half years at the time of the post.


    By combing social media accounts of family and associates, we determined that Andrew Casarez had likely worked at a pizzeria in ​Roseville, California​, which is now under different ownership.  The current ownership has reached out to us to inform us that he is not employed by them at this time. His current employment is not known

    Significantly, “Vic Mackey” had mentioned in the Discord leaks that he had also posted on the frat humor website “Total Frat Move” under variations of the name “Ned’s Older Brother” or “Ned.”


    While the persona of “Vic Mackey” thrived on neo-Nazi Discord servers, it was earlier, on “Total Frat Move” that “Vic Mackey” was born. Inspecting archived pages of the website, we found that “Ned-s Older Brother” had used images of the “Vic Mackey” character from the television show The Shield on his profile page. “Ned-s Older Brother” had been banned from the site for racist behavior several times, yet kept returning with variations of his previous screen names.

    Twitter account linked to "Ned's Older Brother " and "Vic Mackey"
    Twitter account linked to "Ned's Older Brother " and "Vic Mackey"
    Enlarged image of the @NedsOlderBroTFM twitter; note the use of the Vic Mackey TV character and misogynistic overtones
    Original image of the @NedsOlderBroTFM twitter profile image taken from the TV show The Shield; note the use of the Vic Mackey  character and misogynistic overtones

    A still shot from the television program was also later used as a meme by "Vic Mackey" and posted on Discord with a bowl haircut and text added to the image.

    Altered still shot from the TV show used as a meme on Discord.
    Altered still shot from the TV show used as a meme on Discord.

    At one point “Ned-s Older Brother” related a story about being charged with DUI. Unbeknownst to “Ned-s Older Brother,” this admission would play a significant factor in the future.

    It is no coincidence that Andrew Casarez was also charged with DUI.

    (VC 2315 is the California statute pertaining to operating a motor vehicle under the influence of alcohol [link] )

    There’s not much in the way of normal social media for Andrew Casarez/"Vic Mackey" himself. He had enough sense to reduce his footprint across the internet, although we were able to locate another unobscured photo from 2014.

    A likely photo of Andrew Casarez from 2014
    A likely photo of Andrew Casarez (middle) from 2014

    If we compare this with the photo mentioned earlier we can see that they are likely the same person.

    We contacted "Vic Mackey" through Telegram messenger to ask him about our findings. Unsurprisingly, he denied everything. He also denied things he had admitted to in the Discord leaks, such as attending the University of the Pacific in Stockton. While we could find no evidence that Andrew Casarez was an actual member of the Sigma Chi fraternity at the university, "Vic Mackey" implied membership in the Discord leaks.


    In our chat with him, however, he denies this.

    He also resorted to his ruse of attempting to seem older than he really is.

    "Vic Mackey"/Andrew Casarez seemed to be in full panic mode, attempting every trick in his meager repertoire.

    Soon after our initial contact with him on Telegram, the photo that we had found of him above was removed from the social media account on which it was posted. Also, the social media accounts of immediate family were newly set to "private," whereas before contact they were publicly visible.

    He also attempted to clean up his Facebook activity. In the post by Facebook user "Boris Kompot" mentioned earlier we found that "Andrew Richard" was un-linked from the post and the "like" removed.

    Edit history
    Edit history of this post shows the time and date it was edited.

    Note the timestamp of the edit: July 2 at 2:40 AM. We contacted him on July 1 at 1:11 PM.

    While we were already confident that we had positively identified "Vic Mackey," these things confirmed it. It was too late for him to cover his tracks.


    There is much about "Vic Mackey" and the "Bowl Patrol" that we haven't covered here for sake of brevity and there is much more about Andrew Richard Casarez​ of​ Orangevale, California, the twenty-seven year old pizzeria worker and online stochastic terrorist, that will be uncovered in the future. One thing is certain: if Andrew Casarez continues to spread his hate he won't have the "Vic Mackey" name to hide behind any longer.


    The kind folks at the pizzeria have reached out to us to inform us that while Andrew Casarez worked under the previous ownership he is not employed by the current ownership. We had mistakenly stated that he did. This article has been edited to reflect that. Sincere apologies to the pizzeria in question for any inconvenience caused.

    Update, 7/24/2020:

    More on Andrew Casarez aka "Vic Mackey"  by Sebastian Murdock and Christopher Mathias of The Huffington Post: Exclusive: Leader Of Dylann Roof-Worshipping Neo-Nazi Group Exposed Andrew Richard Casarez is a 27-year-old pizza delivery driver and the leading voice in a confederation of neo-Nazis, HuffPost has confirmed.

    Update, 7/28/2020:

    Andrew Casarez is under investigation by local law enforcement agencies.

    From The Jewish News of Northern California by Gabriel Greschler: Suspected neo-Nazi leader under investigation in Sacramento

    From CBS13 Sacramento: Alleged Leader Of Neo-Nazi Group Identified As Orangevale Resident Andrew Casarez

    School yearbook photo of Andrew Casarez, as shown on CBS13 Sacramento's news broadcast.

    From The Sacramento Bee by Sam Stanton: Orangevale man accused of leading online white supremacist group devoted to Dylann Roof